C'J yrJUJyJll'Jlly V Vol. xiv. Astoria, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 16, L881. sTo. 63. GEXKRAL EASTERN SEWS. IIY MAIL ANI TKLHCKAMI. Mississippi Kher Me.-iincr I.urticii. St. Louis,Marjch 13. The steam er Jas. Howard, belonging to tlie New Orleans anchor line took fire at quarter past l) to-night while yiii- at the Ftiigate wharf-boat at the loot of Market street, and whs reduced to a wreck in about 1ml f an hour. Loss on tlie boat S?5,(H)0. Tlir Kuril I Meamcr A 4'oinchlcucr I'jirlrlicil St. Loim, March Hth. -The. -steamer Howard which burned last niirht, was the largest on the west ern waters, being 3,000 tons bur den. She was ten years old but in thorough condition and very raluable. The passengers all es caped from the upper deck by beinir let down with lopes. The captain's conduct was highly com mended and his coolness alone saved every life. The Grand Duke Alexis of Kus sia.went from Cairo to New Or leans on the Howard in 1873, and it is considered a coincidence that her destruction and the assossiua-. tion of the duke's father should occur on the same da v. THE BEAU EMPEKOII. -Tin t'onrls or I'.urope in Wonrniim Alexander III. SurreriN ;is Aulu- cnil r the Russians. St. pKTKiyi:ii:;,March 14. The "bells of the city are tolling, and there are everywhere to be seen manifestations of mourning on ac count of the assassination of the czar. Arrangements for the funeral of the murdered emperor will be made on the most extensive scale benefitting the high rank of the dead ruler. It is the prevailing opinion here that the new czar of Russia will find serious obstacles confronting him at the outset of his reign. Rumors of nihilist's nlots are rife, and fears of out breaks and further assassinations are entertained. Tlie tssnHsiii. St. Pktkii:urg, Match 14. Russiakoff, who threw the first bomb, has been a student two years at a military academy. The second bomb thrower has been ar rested. He is also a vounir man. .iccrclarj Klnin OfHritiH.t rtiuil ol'llie Mieccsslnn. - "Washington, March 14. The 'olio win lirr limitll is. tiKr rt't'i''l-itl I "' ' ni. 1 niniiMiiAiit i'l 4i l oil j-t. J J O,, !.,... .... A1 1. 14 P. ' I'lame, Washingten: Oznrowitoh as-f cemls the throne js Alexander III .signed t 1'"(sti:k When the Great Lion Tamer Met His Match. A story is told of Van Amburg, (t .. .--.. I!,n 4U. ...... nm.r .!..... ! iin "iiiii nun ivtiii'i. nuk vu:au. On one occasion, while in a bar room, lie was asked how he iot his wonderful poer over animals, lie said: "It is by hoviiip them that 1 am not the least afraid of them, and by keeping my eye steadily on theirs. J'll give you an example of the power of my eye."' Pointing to n loutish fel low who was. sitting near by, he .said: "You see that fellow? I Ic's a regular clown. J'll make him come across the room to me, and 1 won'usay a word to hitn.v Sit ting down, he fixed his keen, steady eye on the man. Presently the fellow straightened . himself gradually, got up and came slowly aeross to the lion tamer. When he got close enough he drew back bis arm and struck Van Am burgh a tremendous blow under the chin, knocking him clear over the chair, with the remark: ""oull stare me like that again, won't you?" Logs are in good demand in Seat tle at from $4 50 and $5 50 per 1000 feet, according to the qualify, and iriles are selling at from 3i to 4l cents per foot, and are in good demand for home use and shipment to Snn Fran cisco. Loggers should not grunible at these figures. A STRIKING EXPERIENCE. An Apparently Authentic Case of Premonition. From 11m Sakttt Ma..) O-usHlc. Here is a true story which con tains some interesting features: Last Friday morning the 9:30 train was on its way from Salem to 13o$to at full speed. A man oc cupied a left-hand seat near the center of the car, next to the window. He was, of course, on that side of tlie car tlmt would be nearest to any train that might pass on the. other track. As he sat there, this speculation, without any particular cause, entered his head: "Suppose a freight train sltould pass, and a piece of lumber should break away from its moor ings, and so far project as to come tearing along the side of the pas senger train. How many pas sengers between the center and rear end ol the car would have presence of mind sufficient to jump out of the way on receiving the warning. of the first collision at the front end of the car?" It was not a thought inspired by fear or nervousness, but simply one of those speculations that will enter a man's mind h a moment of idle ness, when he is gliding along in com tort on a railroad train. The thought passed away, and the man took up his newspaper and began to read with a mind at ease. Not more than five minutes elapsed, and possibly not three, when a thump and a crash were heard which challenged the atten tion of every person in the car, and justified the stopping of the train for a moment to see what had happened. It was found that something from a passing freight train had struck the passenger car at exactly the point where the man was sitting who had been indulging in this speculation about that kind of accident. The window where he was sitting was smashed in, a hole was stove in the side of the car so that outside daylight could come in, the iron work which supports the seat at the side of the car was vt elicited from its place and broken, and a piece of wood perhaps two feet in length, five feet m breadth, and half an inch thick or more, from the passing train, was hurled into tlni ear either throuirh the window tr i it Ii.ru'ii mid fll .it ill.. ii.kiiV --,.. ........ i.n. -- i- feet. In fact, tliere wa a wreek ri-ht at the point where the man wj shliii"-. and hit- wmt was id with splinter and broken ooverei glass. Hut, notwithstanding all this, he did not experience even a . . . , , rlftfll. silwl r imr.l.-N' 5.ic tlw. , ...... .JV, Vj..,. ,,iu w, wlmle thing done that he is not even conscious of experiencing any more of a shock than any other passenger in the train, or, in fact, xny shock whatever beyond the noise of the crash It was really a mavelous escape, and very strange iu view of the passing thought that had entered the per son's mind a few moments previ ously. The man alluded to was the writer of this paragraph, who was at first inclined to laugh and joke about the affair with the other pas senger, but who, on more deliber ate thought, was inclined to think the circumstances were sufficiently remarkable to justify this little narrative, not by way of fostering superstitious tendencies, which need no special cultivation in the human mind, but to furnish one more or those striking coinciden ces of thought and event that are often so curious, and to show how wonderful may be an escape from death. -Never ?,'o .shoiptn; without con sultinjitheadvertLsiuj; colutansof The Astouian. They will tell you where tlie best bargains are to W. had, and ikst what merchants are alive and douiir 'jiisinesN. A Wonderful Record of Change. Henwlt. in the Tro Tit-. Tlie changes which Peter Coop-1 er has witnessed include llic entire series of tlie national presidents. What a majestic army of national dignitaiies! lie was lorn when Washington was in his first term, the jresidential office being the old city Iwdl in Wall street. He was six ymrs old when Washing ton retired at the close of tlie sec ond term, ami lie was eight when the old hero died. He was thir teen when Burr killed Hamilton, and is said to be the only person who can remember the latter, lie was seventeen when Fulton made his first trip up the Hudson in the Clermont. Tltc Kric canal was one of tlie projects discussed when he reached manhood, thouirli the war with Great Britain delayed it ten vears. His first vote was cast for Madison, and he has been a regular voter ever since a period of sixty-eight years. He was thirty-five when the first railroa.1 in America was projected, and he built the first locomotive of Ameri can manufacture. His whole life has been identified with public im provement, and he has been a leader in the advance of the age, having witnessed a grander march of progress than any other man in the entire annals of the human race. Probably the most wonder ful of all these improvements is the telegraph, which will always be one of the marvels of science. The next is the progress of jour nalism. How tlie Acquaintance Began. .Mrs. Bartlctt the mother or the young' man who has just married the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, first became acquainted with the Baroness on the occasion of her son Kllis entering: Christ Church college, Oxfoid, by reason of an incident not considered of any moment at tin time. Ellis was to recite a select piece of English literature, but his mother, Mrs. Bnttlett, Insisted on making the selection for her sou herself, and chose an extract from Longfellow's "Hiawatha." The recitation turned out to he a marked success, and ' HitroitcSs IJlinlett-L'oUttS was so pleased with it tlmt slie nsked mii 1 itiU'odtictioti to the bov's mother. .Mr. ljrtltleit. of 1 IllIaiicltiillM. r . . 1 ne acquMinwuice mi ik;uii nteuei J tuto chw friendship, ami from that j I l"m W' !' Ahineiul Bartlett,' wiKun tlie oaroiiess has just married, became prime favorite, and when he grew to manhood, a close friend, being the almoner of the Baroness on many inijwrtaut occasions, but never her secretary or in her paid employment in any way. Charles Brown while out coon hunting with a pttrty of friends a week ago in Alder grove, Hum boldt county, noticed a hollow tree and imagined that some of his same mitrht have struggled iu " a there, lie volunteered to explore the tree, and two of his compan ions hung on to his heels. Mr. Brown soon struck a furry surface and heard a noise as of young cubs uck?ng so he hollowed to his friends and they yanked him out in quick time. They next lashed a stick across the hole and thrust in their cleaning rods, the end of one tangling iu the fur of a cub, and enabling them to drag it out. As soon as it felt the cold air it howled, and then Mrs. Bear came tearing out in a terrible rage. The hunters took to the trees, firinjr 3 O guns and pistols as they retreated with such haste that one gentle - 1ua.11 iiJi. tuc ivic ui uiz cut iiiicu with powder. They killed the hear, however, and secured the cubs. A Fireman's Heroism. i At the buruins of the Western Electric Manufacturing company's building recently in New Yo.k, the coolness, nerve and heroism displayed by Luke Cavanagh, a member of the department, was the subject of general cemment: Cavanagh during the excitement ascertained that a man had been seen at an open window overlook ing the narrow alley below making frantic efforts to get out, but he had withdrawn several times, ap parently dismayed at the meagre prospect of escape, the narrow cor nice at the base of the window scarcely affording a resting plaue for his feet, while a misstep would result m a fearful fall of between sixty and seventy feet. Taking in the situation at a glance, Cavan agh ascended to the roof of the ad joining building, placed the ladder across to a window opposite, over which he quickly passed. He then planted the lower end on the nar row cornice and slowly raised the other end until it touched the win dow above, at which the imper illed superintendent stood, and securely held it until he came down. Then the ladder v.ti thrown across to the other build ing, anil bath safely walked across ami I the cheers of the great crowd below, who had been excited spec tators of the darinir rescue. IsSfWhat nleaMirc it i to IMiy one debts! In the fir.-l place.it remove that iinciiiiie which a person feels front dependence and obligation. It afford pleasure to the creditor, and tlierefore jiraiifie our Maria! affection. It pro niotolhnt future confidence which is.so imereMinto an honet mind. It opett a prospect of Ihmii." reatlilj supplied with wlmt yon want on future occasions. It leaves a consciousness of our virtue; and it i a measure we know to be right, both iu point of justice and mjiuiiI econ omy. Finally, it is the main support of simnle reputation, Pay us. that we mux j nay:iiws. MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale. l(( ACRES OF LAND IN CIATSDP UvW 1'4hih:. I routine on the CVrfumhui ner. mot of xddlaiKl coiiihim.iI of No. j tinilKThuid. sihiw will make eeltenl fMrm. ih1 a little i MitaWe for t first i-la- Unf. miH-h. Fur lerniN and etc.. iHouitv of If. A. .M. TWOJIItIA". S80 Reward. Tw,kn rv Jiwiw wii.i. ibk i-aid offtwrtfliiiwHR'n Unmitcl in CihmImh river ; . itn iimt iTtinrij i i-ih-h 'h hit ikih I h- IlnMikRHu oil enii-la la.t. while fnH Pillar nn-fc in RwoklMd. m- I hm- twent -iMie yi-Mt 4 :se. mimI l;ui 4m ' hi- iktm at im- time a wi f J-wmi I Mven il4lar in -ilver. The x-nmtl :t ieniy-iinve.-ai.iHd ami had .- jhi.1 ami MrvettdnllniiiiHiT. fin-tliinln3itHt nt - : fHirear. nkl and tuid inrtf l-ut iMhir wW iert-. a lei-flve eenl ii-. ami a . Hirrwwm. iih- umnn inn-iism j jtrlaiHl lM4l il.v. in 1. Th' aine rewards will 1m-iai.M tl. hihU-r-h;m-l. Ai West cm- lkmp c.i.." Asoria. orVjf! Itwlm I'roiHi:ii Tor J-'reIi Heel. .11 11 1 ton. anil Flour. Sal'MsUttd-OlKcp. Department of tb CotamliM. Vkseeswr ttjirttks. W.T. Merck 1. Hl. OKALKH PROPOSALS in trinhVate. suli f) jeel to the iisiwl coihIUhhis. Kill Ik- re tfhed at this office ami a lh- oftVo. irf the Artittp AsMsiaut CiHumissjinesof Sibsiieiie at the foH--HiiiK iihiih-U imss. itulii 12 o'clock uiMiu iii Tiuitriv ibril lfh lat &! .. t.aul. I time ami -dace tWy w ill In? ofn-ncil in in-s- eneeiH ibkici-s. jr niniisiimt; aim deliver ih rtesii reei ami .miiuou, itiirinc tin e-.ir iatiHimm,i: .liny 1. iSsl ami cmUne .lime l. ISSi. IWMse P.nrrac'v.s. I.T. : Kurt Caiil-v. W. T. : rortC-eiird'AlcHe. I. T. ; Fun Coliilh-. W. T. : Cam-. Ilowanl. 1. T. : Fort Klamath. Orecon; Fort Lanwrai. I. T. : C.-iihiiSihiVhix W. T: Fi1 ToHiiseml. . T. : VamtHiver I'm racks. W.T. : Kort Walla Walla. W.T. Also for tin deliver, of the frtl(Miiis 1 amounts of KIoui : I .$? lFliJm-la, ;:''" 1 Cnnby. W. r.. lo ihmiihIs : tort ( onr lAlenr. I 1" l:,W ihhiimIs : Fort Colvill- ur V.T..Xi.4.i7 jiounds ; Fort Klamath. OrcHt. a".vy (mhiihIs, Fori tapwai. I. T.. ., MlUtlUs; (..imp SMi5caile. . T 47.ot V!!1r,e,XtlrCII-li- t-TTJ -V:1 IM,ull,,ls : Vancouver I'arracks. w . T.. ll..ti iHumU.i mi Ti ion vi ana vtaua. ". 1.. 4I.; imhukI. Sainjiles of the Flmir proposed U lie fur nLshed mint be submitted with the pnwo saN. The Flour to be tested by Imki. t be fore acceptance. I'miMisals for'ijiKintitirs of Flour less than the whole reijmreil will In received. The (.ovennueut leserves. the ri:ht to reject any or:dl pmiHi-ac. Blank tmipos-iK and limited circulars stat ing the kind of Berf. Mutton and Flour re nuiredat each post, and svinr full iiitnic tions an to the manner of bidding, ctiudi tions to be observed by bidders, and trms of contract and avinent. will be furnished on application to this office, or to tin Acting As sistant Connnlssaries of Sulisistence ai the various posts named. Envelopes containing pm-Nisais slmuhl be marked "Proposals for . at . and addressed to the nndersizned. or to the respective Actintr iVitant Coinnilssanes of Subsistence. SAM'LT.crSHINt;. 37-dst Captain and C. S.. lT. S. A. THE ASTORIA 1 PkotOOTapll Gallery (JARI SUK PHOTOGRAPHS, Si 30 Per Dozen. OAisixirrsizK i'Hoto;kafhs 4 OO rr Dozen. Slecial rates for families. BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AHDJHSURAHGL X, W CASE, BROKER, BANKER -AMI- INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, ... OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM S O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 JO'CLOCK P. M. Hone fflntnal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. .1. K. IlOUItllTON ClIA.-. It. STOKV (SIX). L. STOKV ,.........Presulent . Secretary ..Agent fur O'wj-on Capital mUl up in U. S, cola ............M........ old ....$.100 000 00 I IV. CASK. Agent. Chem.mii- tre?t. Astoria. Oregon. 867,000,000 CAPITAL." LIVERPOOL AND LOTrON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC.7.000,000. A. VAX DUSEN. Agent. HOTEI AND RESTAURANTS. A. .1. MKGl.F.l:. V. S. WKIGIIT OCCIIJKST IIOTKI.. MEGLEK & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Aniorict, Oregon. rilllE I'ICOI'KIETOKS ARK HAPI'Y TO X announce that the alcove hotel has been reHiittetland refumtiluMl. adding greatlv to the itmifort of ItsgnotsandLs now the test iHHel north of San Francisco. C. AV. KNOWLKS. CLAREXDOX PORTLAND. - - AU7.IKi:Klt. IIOTKI.. - - OREGON ZIEBER 4 KN0YLES, Proprietors. Five cmicli to and from the house. frirTitK Daily Atoi:ian i on fde at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. .MAIN STREET. - - - ASTORIA .llr. S. X. Arrizoni. Proprietor rilHETRAVEIJNG Vl'lJIdC WILL FIND i the Pioneer Brst class in all resiects.and a slian of their pHtroiiHCc b resjiectfully Syifcmrd and hddnf:hy the day or week. The New York Oyster Saloon Will serve to their en-.tniuers from this ale as follows : TEA. COFFEE. CHOCOLATE. KuMern Oytter Always 011 Hand. Ami ill iH-kejK as a llrst class ojster Sa hHMi. iu Urst iia style. DANIEL GR VNT. Manager. Fiiir Wind Coffee Saloon ANk- r- tr - t tt - yt C SC O S3 Sk O. XJ S 3S, WATF.R STRUCT. ASTORIA Next doorto Or. Knise.s. t'oflee. Ta and Chocolate. CaKe. IO Cent... Chops CooUed to Order with Fine Wine-. I.iqiiorM and fi-jar-s Of the best brands, Having jiiM oiH-ned the above iMablisb - ment Heeordiafly invite our friends anil thel miMie wnerallv to tle ns a trial. V.-U FOARD & FA: ANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Ovhti-i tSaloou. ....v..-, B,w,Uui.. milK CNDKRSIONKD IS IM.MXSKD TO i. announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of this City That he is mm- pnared to furnish for them. in MiM class style, ami every style. OYSTKRS. HIT CilFFKK. TEA. CTC. T TlIK Ladies" and Gent's Oyster Saloon, " Svi' : rail. n i-ikiyh.- MAIN STRUCT. RO.SCOE DIXON. l'mprietor C. H. STOCKTON.. HOUSE, SX&Xf -AND PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A Sl'KCIALTr. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -urshoo next door to Astorian Office, in Shnster s nnildin-;. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For sale ex Warehou-ieat Astoria or Portland by BAl-FOUR. i UTII UIE .'o.. CC-tf Portland, Oacgou. BUSINESS CARDS. J.Q-A- BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ChelMmits Street. - ASTORIA. OKEGOBT ri w FiriiTox. " 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - - - OKKGOX OIHee over Page & Allen's More, Ca.ss street T AV. KO IS It. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOKIA .... OKEGON OHiee over Warren & Eato' Astoria liar kct. opposite the Occident Hotel. T V. llOIiOKX. NOTARY PUBLIC, AfCTlOXKEi:, COJIMISSIOX AND IN SUKAXCE AGENT. A VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC, t'henamas Street, near Occident Hotel, ASTORIA. OREGON. Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. p I HICKS. DENTIST, ASTORIA, --- - OKEGON. Rooms in Allen's buililiiij: up stairs, corn of Cavs and Suemoeqhe streets. TK. 31. I. JEXXIXCJS. I'HYSICIAX AND SURGEOX. Gnuluate University of Virginia. ISS3, Physician to Hay View hospital, Baltimore City, lSt-To. Okkick In P:ige & Allen's huildins;, vp stairs. Astoria. TAY TUTTLE, M. I. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Okkick Over the White House Store. Kksidknck Next door to Mrs. Munsoas hoarding hotLe. Chenatnas street, Astori Oregon. T C OKCHAKD ' DENTIST. Dental Itooms. SIICsTKt: PhotOaat)h Ihiihlin T A. McIXTOSH. MERCHANT TAILOR, Occident Hotel Building, ASTORIA --- OREGON o.H- BAITS ik CO.. DKAI.EK IN Doors. WintWnvs. BlindM. Trar Moms. Lumber. Etc. All kintls or Oak Lumber, Glass, lioat 31a terial. etc. Steam Mill nexr Veton hotel. Cor. Gn eviveahd Astor streets. 1 G.FAIUFOWL& SON! 9J STEVEDORES ANO RIGGERS Portland and Astoria, Oregon. Refer by permission to Itogerj.3Ieyer3 JtCc, Allen &. Leris,CorbittJkMacleay, Portland. Oregon. VT3I. 1HLEXHAKT. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon vVSTORlA - OREGON. II11I. Cold, liover. C- i suiPur fm I RATIIS. jtJev -&? j .IP'f?51! """ Bven tolaille-'aai hiMreii'sInurcMttiiis. j 1 limn i.iiw.uii 1- mi iMiiiies. WH.1.IA91 nn. 1 PRACTICAL j HOOT AIVJD SIIOK I MAKER. Ciikxami's Stukkt. omi.siu- Adler's Book J store. - Astokia, Oukcox. I ST Perfect tits j-uaranteed All work arnnneii. t.tve me a trial. All orders, nrouutIy tllied. 1 music Lessons. T.F.CULLEH and C.E.BARNES - 9 TKACIIKRS OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANTO. W(llM kl. ,fcV IMI)ll50l, t.lther of the above iutruinents. Terms-F.k-ht lesoius for live dollars. ! a?-Orders left at Stevens & &ms boot tore will be --roiiitly attended to J. T. B0RCHERS, ICONCO-MLY TICEKT. ASTUxOA. Maiiuf..cturer and Packer of I CAVIAR, SMOKED SALMON. Cash paid for fresh BLACK STUliiJEOX SPAWN. Smoked Sturgeon, and .smoked Salmon pat. up in tins to ship to any part of tbe world. Also, trout bait (salmon ej;gj.) put up in cans ami warranted to keep any length or time. Depot at Rogers Central Market," corner Cavs and Chenamus streets. Astoria. To-Xight. To-XigMm GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, TH IS EVENING. dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES. VAILS, UIItL FEED ATil) HAY Cash paid for country produce. Snail, protlts on cash sales. Astona, Oregon, cor ner of Main and Sqnemocuhe streets. C" Jfe, O PILES. The undersnmed is prepared to fornlsb a law niunber of iUes and Spars at hi place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C.O.CAPLKS. Colnuibia Citr