m "gftc JBailij stoutun. ASTORI A. OREGON: SUNDAY M ARCH 13, 1861 . C. IRCLAM . ftlitor. j Editorial Correspondence. "Washington, Feb. 2C The dav for despisinir small things should quickly pass with us of the Pacific coast. To illustrator Pass ing up The Avenue (Pa.) this fore noon an Astorian was suddenly left without his hat a gust of 'wind took it. As his weight might "be considerable of an obstacle to iwspeed, and chancing to spy a colored boy near whose mouth was watering for an opportunity to earn a nickle (five cents) by giving yur boots a shine, he started "John" after the hat which was speedily recovered, brushed, and returned to the owner. Putting ins hand into his pocket he drew forth a quarter, the smallest piece of coin he chanced to possess, and handed it to the boy, remarking, as he pursued his waj", that he had paid just 400 per cent, more for the service than it was worth simply because he had a habit of spending all his "nickles" for street fares and newspapers. Hereafter he will not be caught without a nickle in his pocket. The weather to-day is more moderate, but still is too cold for Vmnfnrt on the shadv sides of streets. Our morning hour was spent at the market taking a note of how the 200,000 more or less Washingtonians get their feed. The picture is a novel one, but as we described it last year pass on to the museum building in course of preparation for the inaugural ball, then to Smithsonian institute, then by way of the Botanical gardens back to the capitol. For fcome reason we had quite forgot ten that an old-time acquaintance in Oregon, Mr. Davenport, has charsrc of the heating engines of the house in the basement of the i-outh wing, but this morning we chanced to come in that way and ran across our friend accidentally the meeting was mutually agree able, and we at once accepted the invitation of Mr. D. to visit the engines, the air ducts, etc., etc., which no person should ever think of leaving Washington without seeing. It would be impossible for us to describe it, but it carries onward the idea that the day is not far distant when premises of every kind in cities, from kitchens -to places of business, will be warm ed and utilized by hot air and steam from grand central reser voirs, like gas and water are now served. The day is not far distant! indeed it is now here in more than one instance as is shown by the works here, as well as those of other parts of the country. Among the "curiosities' shown by this visit Mr. Davenport illustrated to us how it is that the capitol can be lighted in stantly, so to speak; by the elec trie spark. Substituting or fragile frm for the delicate platinum -wire which passes the slot in the million gas burners, bade us step Tipon a glass platform, taking in one baud a small implement con nected with a friction meter under the engine belts. He then turned the gas on at a burner within con convenient reach, and pointing we touched it with the fore fiinger of our right hand when it was lighted as if touched by a friction match. Verily the Golden Age had but lit tle t compare with the Age of Gold in which we are living, light ing gas with the tipsof our fingers! heating whole acres of buildings with artifical air heat; cooking for thousands by steam, etc. d. c. i. In a late number of "Old Letters from the Editor" Don Piatt re marks: I could fill ray letter with illustrations to prove that honor able men can commit assassination, as Mark Antony said over the feody of Cresar, but wliy waste time and ink to demonstrate what all thoughtful men can see so clearly. All wicked men can be respectable it they are only square or the goose of politics. If this disease was to break out m our! penitentiaries the convicts would J immediately have tlieir striped gar ments covered with the glow of j eminent respectability. When I im dead and buried let it be en- j graved upon my tomb J Jtenealhth.t.Mie Plw-, t; tlAfc hrmi) Of one who diel resumed ! In heart and mind. i IJut not rieelable. Mils lunch at.xiid rociies xbHel hint: Kuw did love and ninny hso(1 hint. ' He died Well -MUisfted. Fw between, and bv lhice :is he Crucified. Later advices from Honolulu re- j ,ti 11 -j ! port that the smallpox epidemic it? abating. Since it began 1,000 1 persons have been quarnintined in J their houses. Creditors of ex-President of Mexico Santa Anna have secured $30,000 worth of diamonds to set tle their claims. .EW TO-DAY. MAG2TU8 0. CROSBY. Dealer im HARDfABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Plumbers anil Steam Iters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON, TIH AHDCOPPER- Gannery an! FistermBfls Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, Tit.', COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but Art class workmen cinirioya?. A larpe assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand Special Auction Sale! Stock in Trade, Tools, and House hold Furniture of A. W. CONE, ESQ. SatMaj, Harp, at 11 II I am instructed to sell, on account of de parture, at the Hoot and Shoe Store of Mr. A. W. Cone, all his slmemaking tools and im plements, consisting In part of 1 KncIlNh Combined Arm Seirinz Machine: 1 Sole lieather Holler Crlrapinc jlHChlne: r.atK, Pes Jacks, and an Exten Hive kit or Small Tools. Also balance f stock of X'ew Roots and Shoes. Shoe Leatli- er. Trim mins. Threads, etc 1 Pine Show Case; Lamps. Stove Fixture!, ana one Salamander Fire-proof Safe. Alse: One Cottage Bed-room Set complete, good as new : Lounge. Center Table. Pantry Cup board, Bedsteads. Spring Beds. Chairs. Wash-stands. Tables, Stove, Crockery, etc Also Mr. Cone's well known Velocipede. Terms Cauh. Sale positive. E. C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. A GIRL FOK GENERAL HOUSEWOKK ; eiUier German or Scandinavian. Applv at Pioneer Hotel and Restaurant of 5C-d2w cMRS.ARRIGONI. Proposals for Fresh Beef, Xutton, and Flovr. SulistcnceOEcr. Department of the Columbia, Vancouver Birracke. W.T. March 1. Itnl. SEALED PROPOSALS, in triilicate. sub ject to the usual conditions, will be re cehed at this office and at the offices of the Acting Assistant Commissaries of Subsistence at the following named inists, until 12 o'clock noon, on Tuesday. April iah, 18S1. at which time and place tuey win oe opened in iret ence of bidders, for furnishing and delivery ot Fresh ueei anu iunon, uunng tne year commencing July l, ll and ending .Tune 30. 1K82. Boise Barracks. I. T. : Fort Canbv. W. T. ; FortCoeurd'Alene.I. T.: Fort Co ville. W. T.: Canip iiow:trd. I. T.: Fort Klamath. Oregon ; Fort Lapwai. I.T. ; CampSokaue, W. r. : Fort Towneud. W. T.; Vancouver Barracks. W. T. ; Fort Walla Walla. W. T. Also for the delivery of the following amounts ui rioui : Boise Barracks, I. T.. 2953 peunds: Fort Canby. W. T.. O40 peunds: Fort Coeur d'Aleue, I T.. 4699 pounds ; Fort Colville, W.T.. 59.437 peunds: Fort Klamath. Oreeou. 'A,Wi pounds; Fort lapwai. 1, T., 'J0X3 peunds: Camp Spokane. W. T.. 47JW0 . l. Samules of the Flour nroDoed to ln fur. wished must be submitted with the propo sals. The Flour to be tested by bakint; be fore acceptance. Iropoals for quantities of Flour less than the whole required will be received. The Government resen-es the rifrhtto reject :uiy or all proposals. lihuik tiroposals and printed circulars 4ut ir Uie kind of Ret f. Mutton and Flour re ouiredat each post, and gvnnzfull instruc tions as to the manner of bidding, condi tions to be observed by bidders, andtenns of contract and payment, will be furnished on application to this office or to the Acting As sistant Commissaries of Subsistence at the various posts named. Envelopes containing proposals should le marked "Proposals for . at ," and addressed to the undersigned, or to the respective Acting Assistant Commissaries of Subsistence. SAM'LT.CUSIUNG. 57-dtt Captain and C.S., U.S. A. BANKLNG ANB IlsURANOE BANKING AND IHSURANGE. X- W. CASE, DpnifCD RAHKFR- ' NKUKANUt AUtN . ASTORIA, - - - OREGON 5 ..,...,. OFFICE HOI lib: FROM S O'CLOCK A. 31. UM'IL. -1 O'CLOCK P. .M. Hue Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. j. p. Houghton. ClIAA K. STOKV... gko. L. Stokv.. . President ... Secretary Asent lor 0-;on OHlttNl pUfct MJ IB U. S. ?W win 3 AX) WO IX) I. W. CASK. Aeent, CfeeHhtMtK Uh?i, Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OK HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Kepresentin? capital of SC7.0OO.00O. A. VAN DUSEN. Ascent. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A.J.MKT51.KB. C.S. WKIHHT OCCIDENT HOTEL. MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS AKK IlArPY TO xHiHiiince that the above hotel has been repainted ami refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of itsjmest-sandisnow the best hotel north of San r"rancico. C. W. KNOWLES. At- ZIKltKK. CLAREXDO. HOTEL. PORTLAND. - - - - OREGON ZIEBER & KNOWLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. cTiik Daily Aj-tokian Is on file at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. Mrs. S. X. Arrisoiii. - ASTOKIA Proprietor milE TRAVELING PUBLIC WILL KIND JL the Pioiirer first class in all resH-cts.and a share of their patronage is resjectfully Mllfcitftl. t 2-Board and lodging by the day or week. The New York Oyster Saloon Will verve to their customers from this ate as follows : TEA. COFFEE, CHOCOLATE. Kasteru Ojsters Always on Hand. And will he kept asu firt class O.Wer Sa loon, in riM ciass m le. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. Fair Wind Cofiee Saloon AND CBCOL HOUSE. WATER STREET, ASTOKIA. Next door to Dr. Kinsey".. Coffee. Tea and Chocolate, with Cake. lO Cents. Chops Cooked to Order. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Of the best brands. Having just opened the above establish ment we cordially invite our friends and the public generally to give us a trial. bc-li FOARD & EVANSON. ROSCOPS FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO announce to Ute Ladies7 and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepared to furnish for them. in niM class siyie, ana every Myie, OYSTERS, HOT; .COFFEE. TEA, ETC. AT THE Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Pleae cive me a calL EOSCOE DIXON, Proprietor, TIN PLATE, BLOCK TIN For sale ex Warehouse at Astoria or Portland by 55-ti BALIOUR, GCTHKIP, & Co.. Portland, O&cgon. C. H. STOCKTON. Biolysis, sign XSD -CARRIAGE PAINTER- PAPER HANGING AND VALL COLORING A SPECIALTY. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SSSho next door to Astorian Office, in Shustcr'sbuildiiii $80 Reward. TWENTY DOLLARS WILL BE PAID for the recovery of each of the bodies of four Chinamen drowned in Columbia river near Brookfield oti Wednevlav last, while goiitg from Pillar rock to Brookfield. One was twenty-one years of :ige.and had ou his person at the time a check of S"J and seven dollars in siler. The second was twenty-three years old and had a pistol and seven dollars in silver. The third was twenty four ears old aud bad three twenty dollar Sild pieces, a twenty-five cent piece, and a silver watch. The fourth was twenty-eight yean, old and had 5155 in gold. The above rewards will be paid by the undersigned. CHIN LUNG, At "West Coast Packing Co., Astoria, Oregon. 52.dwlm BLANK JOPKS PRINTED AND BOUND TO AN i SIZ, nd ruled to any order, at Tax Astobms cSeo. MISCELLANEOUS G. W. HUME Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN GROCERIES, JlSIftMfl T.iraTURR i UU 111 1U2 11 ETC., ETC., ETC., TIN PLATE BLOCK TIN, PIG LEAD, SEAMING COPPERS, SOLDERING COPPERS, SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LINES, MANILLA ROPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, OARS, FLOATS, MAUIJ, HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VARNISH, TURPENTINE. BENZINE, COAL OIL, GUM BOOTS, RICE, ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTOKIA. - - OREGON. MRS. DERBY DKA1.KK IN MILLINERY GOODS :Sa Dr. Warner's Health 5 CORSET IC'JLcCaU only be punrliased in ;mw$ ..i; ":... "M f M-iiMil.. Tl'ill Itnililimr mr. ' ner of Main and Squeru'oqhe .streets. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines. Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barboubTrothers, 51 1 Market Street. Saa Franclaee HENRY QOYLE& Co.. Managers. Chas. Stevens & Son, CITY BOOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the 33EX. TOWER, In room lately occupied by Schmeer's Confectionery, . Largest ai M kmMi Of novelties in the stationary line usually found in a first-class book store, consisting of BOOKS. FINE STATIONERY, CUKOMOS. FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES, DIARIES. All of which will be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. . S. The latest Eastern and California periodicals constantly on hand. CHAS.STEVENS&SON. WILLIAM EDGAE, Corner Main and Chenamns Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DEALE& H CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCRS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LU and other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of "Watches and .Jewelry. Muxele aad Iireeeh Loading; Shot Guuh and Rlflen. RevolverH. Plhtols, and AiaranHitiGH MARIXE CLASSES. ALSO A FJTS Assoraneat of fine SPECTAC LEFJand BYE GLASSES. 4 THE DAILY AND WEEKLY ASTORIA, , 7jMfflL OREGON. T) ESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL FOR ITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability. THE PAPER FOR THE. COMMERCIAL 31 AN, FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MERCHANT, TERMS: BY 3IAIL. (IMSTAGE KBKK TO AU. dUBSCKlBKK.) DA1L.Y, OXE COPY ONE YEAR SO 00 DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS ,. 3 00 "WEEKLY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE 2 00 "WEEKLY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS :. 1 00 aPostinasters are authorized to act as agents for The Astoriax STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AJSTJ) BEST PRESSES, AND TYPE OF THE LATES1 STYLES. ?- We purcliaejPaperf Cards, Ink, and other materials of the manufacturers AT LOWEST UVIIfCS KATKS, Aud can therefore afford to iise. as e always do. the best articles, while charging OXLT 3tOXE.3Etr3?E3 PH.IOES. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES "WHICH CAN- NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. E. R. HAWES, IITH8SiSs3I!iitt E. .R. PI TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, MISCELLANEOUS. TRENCHARR & UPSHUR DEALEKS IN Sliif CHANDLEMf PROVISIONS, mow, STEEL. COAL, Builders! General HARDWARE, paints, oils, etc. AGENCY OF THE! Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamns Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OREGON ASTORIA. OREGON, BRICK LAYER PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL DP Xa-S T 353 JELtt XL Orders left at tlie Occident Hotel, or at my Warehouse, foot of Benton Street, promptly attended to. T IME, SAND, BRICK. PLASTER, LATH, x-i Cement, and all materials in my line, furnished to order. Special attention paid to Furnaee work and Ranges. Cistern work Tarranted good vi uv pa 49"Aent San jHanaad New Taeoma Lime. ) i j Kcprfir FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PERSON. Dealer in Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. Agent for the celebrated 1 MEDALLION RANGE, Uish CloKets. Low ClosetH. and Plain itniiKeH. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS. Brass Goods, Hose, Etc., Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Etc. ALL WORK WARRANTED A VST ES, ASTORIA. OREGON, MISCELLANEOUS. VARNISHES MDJAPMS THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale on hand and to arrive direct from New York English Lustre Black Varnish! IN BARRELS. Turpentine Aspheitum Varnish, IN BARRELS' Benzine Aspheitum Varnish, IN BARRELS' No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, Coach Varnishes, in Cases. AUHJ jSiicic Aiuniiliate pailt) FOR IRON AND WOOD WORK. JAMES LALDLAW & CO., IS X Freat Mtreet, Pertlaxd. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Only Machine Shop Andthebestl BLACKSMITH SHOP In the city. All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXB STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP, NEAR KINNEY'S AS TORIA FISHERY J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL EIKDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfaee on rwiir.- able terms, loot of Benton street. Astoriai Oregon