(I) gpte l;uli) stovxtra. ASTORIA. OREGON: TKIDAY MARCH 4. 1881 C.:. IRKL4M .... ftllfor. Thp General Outlook. It is becoming viiletit that rail road building in the Pacific uorth--tvest will bf on a jrrander ?-ale during the present year tlmu ever conieuiplnted even by the most ijpeanguine. The powerful compa nies that are now engaged in building trunk lines throughout the country are casting their eyes upon the goodly laud in which we live, and a number of them have signified their intention ta tap eastern Oregon and "Washington with their lines. It is a fact that is gradually dawning upon the minds of railroad magnates, not only iu the east, but in California, that the star of empire is moving .this way. and that the road reach ing here first is quite likely to - secure the lion's :hare of a trad which is rapidly becoming of vast importance. The gold and silver of New Mexico ami Arizona, and the treasures of old Mexico, have attracted much attention, but the -surer wealth that lies in immense grain fields, in dense forests, and in mines of coal and iron and cop per is ours, and this knowledge i bringing us the long hoped for communication with the outside world. Several roads are to be con structed during 1SS in eastern Oregon, opening up sections of rich agricultural ami miueral land . to settlement and furnishing em ployment to thousands of men. Prominent among them is the Ore gon Railway and Navigation com pany's line, which is to be extend ed from Blue mountain to Baker oity at once. The road from The Dalles to Portland will be built as soon as it can be done, Trhile the gap between this cit and "Walla-walla is now being rapidly closed. The supposed con trol of the Northern Pacific bv the Oregon Railway and Navigation company, will make it probable that a road from this city, crossing the Columbia at Cascade locks and continuing to Kalania, will be built, instead of the expensive road across the Cascades from Ains worth to the sound. A branch is also contemplated from The Dallea into "Wasco county to open up several grain growing sections. The Union Paeiiic road from the main line at Granger to Baker city; the Nevada and Oregon, from Reno to The Dalles; and the contempla ted road from Winnemueca to The Dalles connecting us with the Cen tral and Southern Pacific systems, will all doubtless make more or less headway luring the year. How much will be done cannot be foreseen, but it is certain th.it the roads that are actual enter prises, and not built on paper merely, will give us outlets enough to satisfy all. "With the construction and com pletion of these lines it is easily to be seen that our city will derive much benefit. In all of them our city is an objective point. Our position at the gateway of this im mense region is one that must of necessity make of us a large city. Railroad men know this, and there fore make thist a terminal point. They are accustomed to look at a place in the light of future possi bilities and do not allow the pre sent prosperity of a town to blind them to its real value as a com mercial or shipping point in the future. There are cities in the northwest that have been the points of supply in the past "which must be surpassed by others whose merits have not been considered of much value hereto fore; places that have grown populous to a certain degree be cause they met the demand for time, but whose glory will be eclipsed by others more favorably situated for meeting the demands of the northwest. '1 he growth of this vast region during the next 4n vears will change the relative position of more than one Pacific cir.3 and from the indications ob servable The Dalles need feel no alarm at the prospect ahead. It is cerrtiin that these projected roads would not have chosen it as one of the termini of their lines unless they expected to secure here advantages not to be obtained elsewhere. The changes of the next decade will be astonishing to every one The commerce of the Column? rivei will be exteusive enough to keep a large fleet of river vessel employed constantly between As toria and The Dalles. The costly policy of attempting to make a seaport of an inland town will be abandoned ami grain go direct to the ocean vessels at Atoria. "We learn that Sv) per ton can be aved by a shipment of wheat direct from Walla-walla to Astoria. Tin completion of the locks at the Cascades will enable fleets of barges to load the grain, flour and other products of this upper coun try and take them to the mouth of the river, where elevators will transfer them to ships from every part of the world. The Area of Texas. Texas,, with an area of more that 574,000 square miles, has & great variety of soils, but until recently but little ha been known of the country between the Braxo- and Rio Grande ami north of the thirty-first parallel of latitude. Formerly it embraced the huutiiiir grounds of the Apaches and Corn arches. The wild horse, the buffa lo, antelope, bear, deer and turkey feasted ami fattened upon the rich grasses, and were found in vast numbers. When the fort Yuma stage line was started, and forts were located and occupied, adventurous stockmen established ranches. Then the superiority of this vast area whs manifested a a grass-producing and cattle-grazing district. The grasses were vastk better and the water more abun dant and lasting than in most of the other parts of the states. When in 1.S77 -it became known that the Pacific Railway company were arranging to push their road to a speedv completion enterpris ing grangers began their encroach ments upon the stock ranches. They found the land most shrhtlv to the eye. The wheat, corn, cot ton, oats, rye, barley, millet and vegetables yielded far better crops than they had anticipated, anJ in 1379, when draught had caused the great grain and cotton fields of south and central Texas to wither and dwindle away, they, with poor tillage raised fair crop; the rain fell iu season, the grass grew, and the country that had been deemed worthless as arable land soon became known as the best in the state. This knowledge has extended, the section is rapid ly filling up, and this year's crop far exceeds that of 1S79. The Grain Crop of Xansaa The land commissioner of the Kansas division of the Union Pa cific railroad has just received interesting reports on the con dition of the winter grain crop along the line of the Kansas di vision. The reports embrace the period between December 35th and December 50th. They indi cate unusualh fine crops for the coming year. The early sown wheat in Russell county is in ex cellent condition, and in Collycr county the prospect for a good crop has not been better since the country was opened up. Ottawa county has not had so good an outlook for a heavy crop in ten years, and a good growth is looked for on 3,000 acres of Ottawa county. A great deal of wheat was sown late in Gove county, but the ground was ia good condition when winter set in. Ellis county farmers are more hopeful of a good crop than they have been for five 3ears past. Graham county also sends an encouraging report. J3T There is not now any better news paper, nor one more consistently de moted to tlw? building up of the country UianTuK Astokiax. At the price of Two Dollars per year it is the cheapest, as. well a-, the best. With your aid and encouragement we shall be able to mate further improvements to enhance its eld of usefulness. NEW TO-DAY. Sealed Proposals. SH.VI.Kl) PKOPOSA1.S WILL HE RE reived :ii tlw vlioimf t. H. Bain iCo.. un III l2"rteck.M..lwn.Hi Friday. March 4th. ! Ik; J. ur nit' rrrriioH h a iwo-wrj milium;:. riMHsMtM MH-HhcalkHi will lwnniMntl the wwdershJHed. 3H-I.I. I'. H. ISA IN.. CO. Sealed Proposals. SEALED I'ltyroSALS WILL HE RK wiwil !i W liiHlcr4ened at his linker. wfriMTol Main and Sou-mwihc streets, un til Thutsd:uCAIatvlkit. lM. at -2 nchick V. lHihIiur vntwjf OlMf ami I'.mrt streets. M.. lr lorrMiMrwCluHMrf a twln mime nfiratHHK iwa he "-I'M at my tiKht tirtjei an or all lHif red. til. LOl IS KIHCHinihh. Last Call. mo TAX PAYERS OF SCHOOL District X N. 1 Yom art herel notified that the Ta!r-f ml! remain in m liaiHlsiiHtll tin-Till tf M-treh. All mtHtM tavs ihi that day will Im returned i tin- Cuutitv Clerk asdclhi quern, ami c-1-hHI aeenie. H mle r rf tin- llaril of Directors. j-l.l .1. O. HI STLER. CWk. Noiice. 4 LI. PARTIKSAREHEREP.Y NOTIFIED j. imM i.teretltt aM parties unlerins in the IK.MK) the steamer ijiiickstiii. unless ac-i-4MiMMitl i an order Iron the imder?feHetl. AllWNHHtto'dltfMettMrl fJIMVWl'P lHt lie nimI ! :. W. IIhhh. iw to :h. as mi iHIht lrtH an aitftoirircd to ndleet -siid Mils. 4T-1 -IOSEP1I HUME For Sale. Al ACKEs OF LAND IN CI-VTSOI V)vV CtHiiit. Inmtiiwc ihi the Columbia rif, most of aiillatHl ontitHiscd of No. I UhiImt taml. mhim' will make excellent farm-. and a Mule In MiHal4e for n MM else- fro? raifh. For term- ami ele.. imiuire of If. V. M. TWOJtlSLY. Annual School Meeting Notice. 1 N ANNFAl. MEETING OF THE IittjI V. iers of School DiMnet No. l will lie heW at ihovlHHd Ihmivoh Mam Mrvet. in Astoria. Clatsoi eiHiiity. Oivsnii. mi Monday eveiilw?. March T. 11. :ii 1 o'clock r. t., for tbejHiriMisi'of Hct-iiej one Director fir tluce iiirs and one Clerk for one jenr. AImi to h a tax to Mijiport a M-hool for tie eHuiitf; v ear in Miiil district, and nNo a tax to i fnteret ami incidenlal eiien.s of akl ti:ri't. and to tnih.sact siidi o;her husi nesxasiMa. pnoK'rly Ih'fore theiHeet mr. Uy ortler of the ISoard of Directors. J.O. HCSTLEK. Clerk. .Worm. Feb. 'St. lSl. -W-ld S80 Reward. mWKNTY IH)LIMS WILL HE 1'AID JL fort In recovery ofendiofthe bodies nf four Chinamen drowned in Columbia river wear HnMiklleld ihi Wednevla last, while An frmn Fillar nnk to Bnxikfield. One was twenty -one years" of age. and had on Lis- ersoM at tin time a check ofSi-Ojaud seni ikllars in sjer. Hie st-ind was tweiuy -three years old ami had a pistol and seven dollars in silver. The thinl va twenty four years old and had three twenty dollar ?4d iHeces. a twenty-fi(-eent jilen'. and a silver watclL Tlie fmirth was twenty-eight y ears tM ami hudsisr.in gold. The atoi K-wanls will be tmhl bv tin- imderstened. CHIN LUN;. At West Coast Fai-kms Co.. Astoria. Ongo. addtwim WAR IS JKCL.A!CK1 WITHOUT PntTIIKIt -VTICK y j nd ihi terms of mace until tyLf&l every man ih Astoria has a new .suit of clothes 3IAIK BY JIKA.VV. lok M Ih" prices : I'ants to order fnmi I'auls.t'euuiite French Caviiwre Suits fne - s tt) lil iOO Tlie Hiist hue of samides on the co.isr to vleet fnnn. P. .1. MEANY, iTehant Tailor, l'arker Hmise. Astona. First Class Saloon. CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, Oh thp KoHtlway, opjHKite the Otegon Rail way and Navigation Co's wharf. New Bagatelle Table, tThe Chinese must go.i The choicest brands of foreign and domestic 1VIXKS. MqUOHS AXD CICARS e-IJe.t Cbie&so Bwr.so HOTELS AXD RESTATJRAT:. a.j. .mk;lkj:. r. s. whioiit OCClIi:.T HOTEL. MEiJLER & WP.WIU, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE VltOPKIETOKS AKE IlAPPY TO SHIUUItU- I tint Ihw -ilinv. hnti.1 li-w liunn reintedand refurnished, adding greatly to the ctHRfort of itsgHetand is now the best ii'nex itiHiH in san rrancisco. O. W. KNOWI.KS. AL. WKBKK. CURKaDOX HOTF.L. PORTLAND, - - - - OP.EGON ZIEBER & KNOWLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the houe. u-Thb Daily Atoi:ian is on file at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA Hrs. S. X. Arrlconl. Proprietor THETRAYELINt: PL'ULIC WILL FIND the Pioneer first class in all respects, ami a share (if tllclr ltiilrruinti. Ic n.tu.otfnlltr volicited. SISMnl and lodging by the day or week. The New York Oyster Saloon Will serve to their customers from this ate as follows : TEA. COFFEE. CHOCOLATE. Eanteru Oyntern Always on Hand. And will lie kept as a first class Ovster Sa loon, in Srst class style. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. kQ MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. THE CNDEILSIONED IS PLEASED TO aammm-e to tin Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he ij now prepared to furnish for them. in nrs eHisssiyie.aim every style. OYSTEKS. HOT COFFEE. TEA. ETC. r tiik Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Pleas.- -te m a calL ROCOE'DIXON, Proprietor BLANK JOOKi PRINTED AKD BOUND TO AN i ali.r L du ralec to any order, it Ihk Asioeiaj office. Ti ii- lt MISCELLANEOUS G. W. HTJWIE Wholesale and Retail Dealer GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, LUMBER. ETC., ETC.. ETC., TIN PLATE ULOCK TIN, PIG LEAD, .SEAMING COPPERS, SOLDEP.ING COPPEKS, SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET L1XK3, MANILLA HOPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, OAJtS, FLOATS, MAUI , HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VARNISH, TURPENTINE. BENZINE. COAL OIL, GUM BOOTS, RICE. ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTORIA, - - OREUX. MRS. DERBY Is SELLING HER ENTIRE STOCK OK MILLINERY GOODS A.T COST. Dr. Warner's Health CORSET .MRS. DERBY'S. (yTi J 3Iasmile Hull IJ 'Wvl frf Main anil V- . streets. Hililiiijj.eor- NliiemiHln Barboius IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barbourTrothers, .111 Market Street. San FraueInro HENRY DOYLE &. Co.. .Managers. Chas. Stevens & Son CITY BOOK STORK. BROWN'S BUILDING opjiosite the BELL TOWER, In room lately occupied by hnieers Confectionery. Largest ai Best Assortment Of not cities in the stationary line usuall) found in a first-class book More. consisting ol BOOKS. FIXK STATIONERY. GOLD PEN" r.OOllS, ALKU.MS. CHKOMOS. FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES. DIARIES. All of which will be Mild at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. P. S. Tlie lateM Eastern and California periodicals constantly on liand. CHAS. STEVENS Jfc SON. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chensmus Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DKAl.rp. in CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCRS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLAI and other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc A fine stock of Vatrlie and .lewelry. 31iirzlr aurf Itreeeli Ijoailiiiff .Shot GmiM and Itlllex. ire vol vers. Pistol. and Ammunition. XAKI.VK ;lasses ALSO A KINK Vsvinuieut of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. fit -iL T CrtJi only he purchased i ?&En easfc THE DAILY AND WEEKLY A I I10HIJ R ESPEGTED AND COMMENDED Impartiality, Ability, THE PAPER FOR THE COMMERCIAL 31AN, FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR THE MERCHANT, FOR EVERY PERSON. TKR3IS: BY ?I.VII.. IrOsiTAUK KKKK TO All. SUllx-KIltKICs.l DAILY. ONE COPY ONE YEAR cq qq DALLY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS- !.!......!. "3 00 WEEKLY, ONE COPY ONE YEArTn ADVANCE 00 WEEKLY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 1 00 r Postmasters are ntttlionzed to act as airents forTHK Am-oriax THE ASTORIAN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AXD BEST PRESSES, AXD TYPE OF TJJF LATES1 STYLES. !" We imnliasi)P.iiier. Canl, Ink. and other iiiatenaN of the manufacturers AT I.OWKST I.IVI.; RATKS. And "an therefore anord to use. as we :th;is do. the t.est artiele. while ciiargiU'i OKTLY 3VtOXE!H.a.I7E! PRICES. i ... Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. E, R, H N 1Sl K.m H TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, MISCELLANEOUS. TRIKCH1M & PSDURiVARiMSIIESMDJiPMS DEALEKS IN SHIP etlANBLEXY PROVISIONS, mow, STJJjEH, COAL, Builders f General HARDlfAEE, KrAXXiS, PADfTS. OILS, ETC. AtlKXCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, Near Olney, ASTOKIA. OKEOOX sTOIMA. OKECOX, BRICK LAYER PLAIN AND OUXAMEXTAL 3E LAS O? 3E3 H.ES 3Et Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at mv Uaiehoiw. foot or Henloii Strret. imjmntly attended to. T 1MB. SAXI. BRICK. PISTEK, LATH, " Cement, and all material in inr line, ftmiLslied toonler. CSneelnI :ittenfinn tmlil tn Vnm-w. .i.- and ItaiiKts. Cistern w ork warranted xood or no pay. iTAsent San.Tnati and XewTaeoina Lime. rrnr -? BY ALL FOR ITS Fiuruess and Reliability. AWES, Dealer in Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. Vent for the eelehrated MEDALLION RAXGE, Irish Closets. Low Iohtr.s. ana Plain ItniijjeM. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS. Brass Goods, Hose, Etc., Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Etc. all work warranted A, vlT E S, ASTORIA. OREGON. MISCELLANEOUS. milK UNllEKSlrtXEI) UPKKRK vim i JL sale on hand and to arrie direct frow English Lustre Black Varnish, IX BAKUELS. Turpentine Aspheltum Varnish, ix hai:i:ki-s Benzine Aspheltum Varnish, IX BAKKELS No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, Coach Varnishes, in Cases. Silicic Alum mate Paint, FOK 1HOX AXD WOOl! WORK. JAMES LAIDLAW & CO., 16 X Front Street, Portland. jAKNDT & FEECBEN, ASTOUIA. - 01tE(iUX. The Only Machine Shop And the IiestJ BICKSMITII SHOP In the city. All kinds of S? ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP. XEAti KINNEY'S AS TORIA FISHERY 1 J. H. D. GRAY, , Wholesale ami retail dealer in. ' ALL KIXDS OF fJSED, ! Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood. Etc. 1 General storaire and AVbartase on reason I able termi. Foot of Benton street. Astor)a J Orejjon. - C IfiSB