' "" ""' LH to ga.Uij Qsitiximi. ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY IZ FEB. 24. 1SSI COMMERCEAKD TRADE. Pimmc.itil. Sttvar, i par. &mmadmwm a San Fntnoito M Ha" (Mr wccWmw Saw Yrk Wfci-r mr: 2001 Tai VMM-. !M -graphic Uwofare Near Yrk 1 tr . friaui. PORT OF ASTORIA. RBAUY POB 3d. 4A1UCA. Cnr Br h. mw gwirtw F-h H omm m. vaa, mm. ywhbw. srwii. ( fUrtev. tx P F M Diw. Kr Mi. ricMir UmiiMir. Fob II WMwm. Met. M toM. ltrw. S F F M AferiMM. Mr karfc. 7 Mm. O r. tawi mhm. rbit (Mur. Br Ir. tNM Ulariu Ijwbct I K I ll'MliiftA bk. Mh torn rahwMk Feb M Akmm. Br bk. Tfetoa. Saw, loiiil Fb JbriIt4rfar.brU1IIUt.aaii. Lii'iHol. J 3C Oaaraar. m. S. F. Jaa S3 H-tbwy lUv. Br bk t torn. 4m ARRIVAL fltOM SKA. ?SMMHMria.-M.tHiMN. IMmm m S I' firb MeUoctoaa. t&- IMS unm Maauaa Fb t (MmhW S24 IM Bat" S F. Feb IT fCart Bead Mm . tm INMTTntaa. F Frb M $3il. kr bk. XU ik. WiMiaaae Sira Mck S F Feb 7 Aiebar. Ur .. " mm. Www. ndmmAtm 34 Kate ataa AawkiMMMh. taaa. I, lirape IlMtMH-..lMiS rtarbw. Mr b. 4R tMs SiMin. Ma lHaM Jaa S Sfctttrtci. (J In lxtM auaic - tennrw. re I-2t From Anit'riau I'orl-. Orient. VriC 3(2 taw. WttltatM. S F "defecaca. Ui Out. N CUti St. Tm le. -vli 2: tan. McAlkf ! 1 Oam. t4t It) taw. Trwwhrulw- '..lul X.'i.Ti X, .Vtiri Meam. ah. WW inn. trtl. J. Y Dec U GerUm.aii. ItHbHlolphw. .Ia IZ Hnpro,i XMrVrl..llHH(. KM- ltvtrt. t. IMh Kt. MrtlfcHt X Y Jn II CnlumbMs, hi iVmald. Xe Yri. Jim W. fWrtr WNHtmr, Aw bk. te4iS. tbH4tiMi IVoiii I'iriK lorls. Aamr Ot-mtid. Ur xh.) tm .Me:Min.UMiir. Otc . ,4K. Km. bit. l4Nfi. K"Biwn. (i4W- hrs.Ort I' ArjK. pr bV HUImk Itio ik.iHWfM. Cfnnrti A r W Mi. ms. AU4h- libw CbU' of fr. r HV. NCI im. Ymihk. .MuWiiiHnw. Wan CrM. Wr bk. i" 5. .Iot-. IiriiM. Ora(9 l!tHT. hr M. tWil Oas -Ic4yn4. br M. M lm. YaV(4hmwi. Klbol. br A. U took. i.r)iam. IrfvwtHM). Xw JtmMjr (JbHn. Ur W. 73 toi. llarrtK CurtMflT ;io ch4. Wr iU MtttHM Itwbrw. YwfciibWMi n-rn.brWk. hi I Uhk rt. )llsc(e I resale. IvrbL MKt Js. AIMfi. Iwn-jmwf Ahc 1. VM ilMH1lltl JtMi Vw(m Odeltu. br bV M6 loot ltrfil via Hunobibj .Ih- ly Si. JltrttUfnt I'abtaoa. br IjV 7 tMK. WH Itn0 it. Xfr 3M Swim W M, tM MMi (.Hfivntai. itwr Karm- oastb- . W SafHirLilhiiv. M-r4i. llUbw. AMmhwJMM Soolttsi fjirj. br M.. VAwlhiHW.Ost 11 Tkitkn ( 'MrMr. br h liW ta. baaiHH VtrAtt. VkHiV. Ions, 1'nee. LtWi4. bopt I ra Vjolona , br bV. M tn. 0i, OlowM. Zip. br bk I.hfitjuwI vi Yiutena .Ian 3 THE MARKETS. Asforut MarfcfW. I'i,or. Superfine $5 (K); Extra SS.7); Cm Meal f cwt. S 50; 13uckwhoat Y cv1 55 00. Butikk Choice roll, top rricos, 3 cU. S7c wnleaIc: choice llllanwok t"c. CHKn.sr.-Clut&i dairy Uisc Eoos. I "VSpSu ct? H. dot. ChickoDS, S4 0(t. Fhbsii Mkats. Choico cuts. Lamb. 10c: Boof 810 . l'ork 10 ; .Muttan 8fel0. By the carcase c MfUTe?. Breakfast bacon lHir per ; Jidofc 13S&14c: haws 131; hwilders 3Q13c ; smakod boof l.'rglOHc: corned beof SlOgls tl bbl.: coined iKirk ltc tt BKAXf. ?&i Vis. Dkikii I'itriT. JMiHkberris3c: l'rnie Honkv.- Ih fraMtt: :wc : ih jcIhp" Jc Lari. In tif hb4 emMie 12 l-"c T . Ihj. Fkkh. Bma ? 0 : oMMMtry. SSt tan; 5kw ?!- ; liny ia boWj .Vn i?tai. Uats. Aertliii t ttHility. nricei: rie fraal 4Hm ete ? Iwaket. VnBiirAtuP. l'iuoe i9l et. T" : OiHawlAVvK1. S:m IraM'io Iarltt. IKY Mill. AM TBSJClJKAI'll.l Wmbat 1 47 1(4 " - ci'tHnl fr Oats 9l 1'1 ? ?U. Wimic OrrsoM. Valley 27- tt. V Hunt- Ufa HtltHl l4e; lifiJil. Wi Jc: saJtwl vulfiifcr 12- Famii.y l'itti'iiox Khi-om, l.ll.t;4 cfc: clear Orefpni k. KHIinc; Iihim-. 12'4'hi:'tv. 11ai:m: Coast feed Mii$l C. fl: 31rfwiiisX73C. jrf t-tl. II AY Wheat kl-". Oat. SilS, l)iule..5i5Siri F Ion. Vk;ktaim.kn Potatoes 7.sr. c4 mt 1(K): ()iiion. rl. m$Hk' per HK: Vel Jow, .51:.?1 ."Mi iter nx. :; I'iilifornia. 7(47f T Iw: Ore gon, o-t'-lue V ilix. Ki.ovis-I5e.-4 fsimilr extra. ?4 7."; .Su perfine, i TAHfi ; IJakers extra. S.1 V2 : OrxoiieNtra.JM 7."fS" (H; Walla-walla e -Ira, S4 ."t4 7.". Fkitit. l)riel apple-. S!i els. for quarters. -.Heed; 1'Ihhis pitted. l-'HHe; Penelies lll'J'e. peeled ljSfJh BlTTTKK AND ClIKKK Etni failCJ Butler, 4U et. t : Fresh roll, good to choice. 4rm47't ets: 1'iekled. 40 rt. 11.. Sbki Flax. i1fvt?ck' t H: Canar, K1 e; Alfalfa, sialic; Timothv. Ugft 30e t lb. Ba;s Theie is a jjood business in a jobbing wa at (a!V.,e for standard grain. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables oi United States Coast Survey. High Water. j Low Water. Date. a. m. p. m. I a. m. p. a. 17 2 :ti. 2 44 12 a 00 if. 2 57 . x :ei a sa a mi lli 3 2 4 3M 10 37 10 W 20 4 - ' 1J 11 23 10 S2 21 U Of 42 II 2! 11 51 22 r, 07 7 :a 1 a 7 lb let i oi 2 4 24 t- 33 10 281 "- -I I OS 2R 4 11 :W 3 41 fi 11 2f. 10 oS .1 0" C 11 Never go shopping without con sulting the advertising columns of Tub Astokian. Tliev will tell you where the best bargains "are to be had, and just what merchant are alive and doing business. Warranty deeds, quit claim dee,ds and mortgages, for sale at this oflice. Columbia River Exports. DKCKMUKK. 13 T Qnifcnrt'icn . jyer Ringleader. From Portland 19.es ctl wheat StfUW) - Astoria ,05fi " " 21.XK) Tidal- -a,7lr. From Pmltaud lti2"7 W. r. AiHoria 3 ' $ro.uo sryj.473J TaK.... W.Htt lj5 T4al valw eMtiso ?7.17 1ST Qma4Mnm. iter Atimm M. S(mtt. FratN INwtbMMt Sel tte wtMi B5JM - A4wia '2t& " " - T4aK njm sswws K6 7 Qttfrtnthtwm. prr IjMm . Fim llnrttaad JBT el. fml SI.Mrt 7V V"-""-1" rrfnr. FnNR rontatHl 21 JM etls 1kM SXVt 3 7Vi Urerp-fil. per Jjank. FmM rVwtlatMt IUKSUMm Mtr .-V - A44H1 l " " - 2t TutaH H.7B J ?7 T ljmrrMtim, per Okmmdm. From PunbUMl -Ajm ells Imm ?, - Asi.hw ra.iw - - Mj-a T4aK U.C5 3 TW Qaw nni, fMT WaJniirT. .r. Ktom rW1bu4islftfc .filjStl Xk-Tilmfrmin,prr Kdtmm Ket4. Vnm i& 3S,7 eft. wknal .8.7 - Astoria T.Hfc - " ll.-w Tulal.. a.NT5 i.7 4AKrKV. Pram r4tlaia4 3zVBtCrttewlirt C Vram rWllaiiMl 3Bai rtte wfcrart -. 12 T UrrrmM, par $tor 4 tkr K'-Hh. l"ria)i Jutland ll M Btatr " Urrpi, per HmH rjf l'MIM lVUllMMi lvW M imrfnitt , -A.t'. ..M-.l-fl l! 2 J.'m t FrHta A Jtiria 43a TlliMl VJ 1'HHKfAltV. J- ?V I iter i irf. prQtter. Vnm pHrtbHtd lja bMMr- iwKbimli( - jMlft. MtlWUll ... T4l .... 2--T1 Fimti. f-r tfArmt. FnitM iVHbMd lt.' tK KtHtrt 1 r lAtrffi. per Ajim". h'nm l'tHmA xfiM M ..... T1 tfarwfejax. -r jlaairam. i"imm rrtiMM xi 42t m WlH I'wm lrtbWMl 17.12S ft-. A4rtj l(ij7B-N'mimiti TH4 T fjrrrp!. irr I)rin. rtm rrilaM4 llM"nlfcH,Mflrt s. bMs Ibnir lrfcl Rr s HlltMMM Tt -7V QHMt4irn. prr 'trm4cr. Vnmt I'4mHm)4 13.5X2 ctls wkciU i2.,l'C 1 ..1 ..': SW.CM inri OtMimber of Ccroruerce of Astoria, l!;tiUrinHlnu evt'rv Wainl l AlfH.la of i-jm-Ii w.-HtMi. nl 74 t. 34.. Ih Ihv lixl! of tli- .1. i,f. A. 1JOWI.KY. Pn-idc ill Knijrhts or Prthias. r'. fi -v A-r mhIcc. No- 6. K. ex 1. nect lerety WixlH-lHy evening at W "k. in 0e ball f the A. O. I". A . UttriHtr OMenMuiH. ami iR-ntwn Mreeu Ity iiraW C C Astoria LiOdge No. 40. L O. G. T. KecMlar MotiK crery lHerlay Erenins at 7. o'clock. atiod Tewidar'a Hall, Uip immmh blreot. Astoria, ever C h. 1'arkerV siure .Heberi of theUrrter, insoouftand nr.ara invited to attend. Desree meetine Ut Mondu)' aaek Month. By order V. C.T. Tomple Liode. No. 7. A. F. A. M. Kla.r CVinmunicti,HS first and'VY tbini'fHilMyf in each wntk. nt7'r V o'etaek. y. v.. at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the Order, is xl tandinir, arc inritad to attend. Br erue: of tno . .M. Beaver LiOdcre No. 35, LO. Meet ovory Tharlay evenins at 7 o'clock, in the Odu Fcl lax-' lliail.iv.r. f Oa and Che' nawM streets Astoria. .Mewbersof the Order are invited to attend. Hy order. Jv.( Sea Side Lodge No. 12 A. O. D. W. THi -J.iuil iiMH'iiittftot ths bnlw-Miall Ih' nh nl unlay - hImj: of ewn ek at I la 1m hi r of ; itiiwck ilariits tm- mMiiis n mi v!r. )iTciMlHr..laaiur wl lMniar. Ilalf-a 7itiHit'; .Mnn. Am. x-Homiiht mhI (HiiIhi', ami at i. -M. rtiiniif; m:i, Iiin-, .lul xl Aieiit. .1. W.tiKAKFIAKT. lUHler. Common CounciL Kexnlar waetinc- recoail nd fourth Tho day 4Vemn At each month, nt 7'i o'clk Mr" twxn- denirint; to have matter 4khi bv the Ctmnil. ntanyrecalar metinp mm iTCi-ent the mk t the Auditor ami Cterk un or befir the Friday eveninp iri"r U tb Th4m n which the Council bill- it ranUr mvettnai-. 1 1, it. CAUDV Kl.l.. Auditor and ClerK THE ASTORIA Photograph Gallery taitn size i'iioto;aphs. .ii SO Per I)n.cn. c'AUi.virrsiKK iiuto;isapiis ?4 t0 I't Doy.t'ii. rrH'ial Mli- for faimlii-. DRESS MAKING. VK F. Il.l.sl.MY. - MAIN Ti:i.F.r. In MasMC limWinc. next dfl Mrs-OrrlM,' l ikih iiti-mn-i( to do FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKING AMI PLAIN SEWING OF ALL KINDS. I.j4dn-,il Astoria an- n"sfwrlfiiH nlH-it(-l for a -dian of llH'ir patnuiaKf. rAs'w for r.iiltm-k PatU-ni. MAGNUS C. CROSBY- DK.AI.KK IN Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Coods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, lion Copper, Brass and Zinc. GEKMAXIA BEER HALL -AND- BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CER.VAXI03 StKCET. ASTOEtt, The lirst of Lager i Cfs. a (.ifatts Orders for tin ia Brewerv tt hiii li. I ft m tins plaet' will he. irmnntl attend cd in. JST-Xo chean Saw l'iitctseo Iteer -old at this iiUeet W.M. BOCK.rririetor. f jC1 J fw-r,ntfj .O.F. iTISCELLANEOUS. Gentle Women Who want glossy, luxuriant and twit.v tresses of abundant, beautiful Hair must nso LY0FS KATIIAIR0N. This elegant, cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast, keeps it from falling oai, arrests and cures gray iifiw, removes dandruff and itching, makes the Hair stronsr. giviKg ifc i curling lemlt'itcy and keeping it i.i any dsirel position. Beau tiftil, ltenlthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathaircu. TTER No Time ShouJiI In I.o.t. If tli,- T !ii.i l.'i iii-i!'.i-K:inaffift--l. In :i.: it tin -iir r-iiKil HiMr-lli r Motii -; BUI-. Di'waM i if thv rsattt nanifil .-1 -t.i is '.it mrf MThat. ih' a l-:.-iy t'i-r. n I -'.ir- -in IHjbi. liuTt-iiii.ii'.Hii'.rJ. 'K.i ,i! ;. wr. r.irh rliMi- utatir trtJii-i. k ! "i-.i, I,--. bniiK 'ri- iIIn kh - tnUir It 'f It" W'l! I. sO IMi tun a iimi l:s i-r ..-.i'i' .-ad hhij; Known im-i'ic-'iic hi 'i 'i ,i'l l)ni:l and I ak-r v"er" Children astoria. Mothers liko and Physicians recommend it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. C33XTAUK LIXI3IEXTS ; the World's jrreat Pain-Re-ncviiig1 remedies. They lieal, .soothe and enre Burns, "Wounds, "Weak 3aek and Ithemnallm upon Ulan, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness, cjo:i BcatN Cheap, quick ami reliable. i" ' i ii i mm ' SPTJRT5 of diigustlnj; I3.ucu., snuffics, Craokllns Pains iu tlio Head, Pctid Broatii, Eeancist and any Catarrhal Complaint, caa "bo exterminated Ly VciDo Meyer's Catarrh Cure, a Consti tutional Antidote, by Absorp tion The most Important Dis covery since Vaccination, tBMaMMCiaaatWVTng ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD F03 THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND GHEST, including: CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: "It docs not dry up a cough, and leaxc tlic cam 1-cbtnd, as ii the case with most preparations, but I.-vkc h, cleanse, the lun;t and albjrt irritation, 1 jus remoxTU? the cause-of cnmplitat." DO JOT ItE DECEIVED by articles bear r Maular nase. lie sure you set DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, rkh the Mnatare of " L RUTTS " on the wrapper. 50 Ontri and SI.OO a Bottle. Praaated b- SETH W. FX)YLE & SONS, Boi x,MaK. SeW Vydusgiu aa J dealers ceacriil S7k STOWA CTT M p II W $$ mm m TOP. FiteHer'g a K. 3RYANT. VV.. -j m2tfi&iitk&&'g . BURLAPS;tjC h: rnTrrtVl onorS!; 1 bgfer g "ZaTi J-R. MISCELLANEOUS. A. V. AtlEN. a II. PAGE. Pas's & Allen (M.Ct ESHIfc, TO B. S. L.VKSKC.) Wbrtesiit. Mid rvtail deiUet? in Groceries Provisions, Or oakery. Glass and Piated Ware. TKOI'ICAI AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. ToetlHT with Wines, Lipors, Total Cigars The teree-t ad most coajnaytc tick of vwi ia ikvir Mih- :o lie taunt ia tbf city. CVraer f Ch.s sunt Srk-Hce Sutets. ASTORIA. OKHGOX. W 3E, HEMENT, ASTOISIA. OKEC.ON. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles. PATErATT BrEDICHvTES, ETC. IrsTiitlHs t-arefwllv t-tiiWHiiMlt-( at all lHHtr. r3r-HiiroKithic TinHMiv "d IVIkts. aial Htimidin-y"- SjweltU llk-tT. :b. ttv blood, iih l KImmI A. Iji-" ' ll.VrsKANUL - - - OKKCdN. Is imiu r-i-;in-' : n-rfivt- iii1t fr FLOATS, BUOYS. Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I hate -n ttt-ajfd in making Ifcmt. ri... iirtb,'iat Bvt yrs and mv w.rk lia al a rir-n saiKfariMNi. I am iminil in till all irdis. mtii4l . and mi s.rt iHitin at tlH lor ihtw. almay-. umlT-IItus hiIht frirH amtilii t inalit of m!s. nfrslrft with TKEXCIIVKD A ITSItrK. A'i)-. A-4iria. t )r aiMrescd t th iindi'tsitM-d. will n .-ivf imaupt .itti-iili.ui. I. . ltl.iMi. t'latsk-Oi'f. 'HviHl. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OltEGON. rSUIl.- IXSTITITION. I'XOKi: I AKK OF X. thf H'r H ("barit. I- mw rly for l!.i- rvrMloa of itat. Private ntoHts fur :1m- amitiimdiinti of .mv iUsirinj: tliriw. Patkiit-adnrtttwl at all boui-s.tlay ornrtclit. No idtv-Maii has exdMsivi rlulit. ovfrv unth-ni Is fn-i to and list tin- rtifc of nii!o iiie an ihiHan th-y nrWi'r. I'nitctl State llnrim Svamea h!h ii HosdtiU Dw.an oatl thi! to Freffjm anil aliMalaiHv at thfc. Hi idtal dHriiie .kkm.N. IVnwIt.- H,t lr -taitHI fa- rnlttil Stait Marimat tla? Cs- tOMt IIHtM SlVTKKs OF ClIAKtTY. r. K. .IACKIN- J. A. MONTiiMKK'i. PIONEER STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges. Etc. ASTOKIA. OKKCOX. r. I.M(AIIK. A-torla. j. a. ltitomr Portland. KltOIV.V A -HrCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS. Astoria oMre At K. C. Hohlen's Auction tore. PorttortMl nUhro 21 P. street. 13-tI 3. W155C53asi??s. ''IA- .W.7 flHaibsrna - HRISBnlBI IlitfIlMKffl If5 SFORTINGSULTS. P U11I0B fWI LEESON S CO.. BOSTON. - MIFCELLAXEOr?. &'JJ&Wthtl i'q S?riVVWES2 Tin 31 nt SiittMiui JCemt'ily evf r ..-.it'i'.;i it i i rtain hi i' etfii-ts anil d.a-s ntrf id-MiT. A. ii t m-HIi lit for llllliiall tii-.li. I.V;i! priiif l!u From a Prominent Physician. Vashiiistoiii'.le.(ihio..IiiiM- IT. 1K0. I)K. It .1. Kk.Ml.M.l.iS. Co.. ;i-tit-. Ui-ai-:iki Ma.r .olviiiM-iiivii; sit Turf. Fn-ln and K:inw. "f KiihI.iII- Sj Hi .( "iirr. aiol x ins .. ,i!iiil.!i-aiMlH Hor.- .vhit-h liad Im-imi JaiiH frMn sjiavin idiiiti--n months. I m-m to iu ff a ImHU ! i-xjms. wlik-h in i wi-i'ks ninoriI all laii"in- ami i-alarr iiMnt and a larja' dint trtnit ;iiMllt,r Ihk-. .lid lrnth hors' art :o-d:i - mhiihI a -nt. Tin- o:;t" Ndtk- w. unrtli to im- oih- hiindn-d itdlar. Ki-siMt-lfiilK jour. II. A. r.KKTOI.KTT. 31. 1). KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE HarrislniRj. I"a.. Xo . is. iso. Iik. 1.. .1. Kkmiall&Cm.. 1 lent-: I lian aer Mih titan that litis liadtilwH.e sikuiii fur a iens: turn. I triril e-r thhijr man -Hikl devi-f in inn-it init all in anrand wa atuHit to sivi it iii nli-Mi a frii-ml of miiM' iu tin-. rti i-:uhi- to iim- and reiinn hfiHlrd K-itdn!l -S;i:n Cure wlifcli I tried with rratil tvulis. tvii.nvinv th.it Imm- clear ami eli-aii and llnti I e 'S ivnt- to vmi for me of j our HliiMmtiil Hotm- MimiKs :im! I I!. ink then is no ln'ttt-r luxik ormu-il on tlie iMre and I:N dlM-a-M-s. I liae taken sreat iiiti-ri--i 111 tt and liae -imi- sold Is coirfe t -rjih. tim uet:Iilotaii- v.jII tr ainl do v.iiatiMii I i-an b p-ltiiei tin 111 forotlKT. Yours tnd. . AV.MII.I.EK. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ox jir.-siAX ki.knii. Itaker-fltld. Vt.. He.r;. l.si:. It. .1. Kk.Mi.M.I. A. t ii. Crilt- : I hMi to :mhi mv ti ;iiihhi iii favor of iHirhialiMldi imiwirt. -Ki-mlall-. i-'maiii t im.' In the -IKiiitf ' ts'j I )iind mi tin ire and -jiraiiH-d my nht lmdi at Ik knee joint. I a vry l::iw and .:t turn'-, -ntfereil the iihM ei-m-i:ttili jKtiu. I uiH"i- a J;uida;e on it foroi-r,i ear. and trii-d iot efry ihni iu ni n-H-h. Im i-miki ami mi'hiii that Mimhl rive me tenti:ui-nt nhf. Wlten I overnorked. it himiM mhi me ery ihih-Ii. In AHil 1ST- I iKtran to think I -IhhiIi1 Ik a enjijiJe for life : lait hj mjc -nM- oP'Ken ilaMsSitin Cnre" tlMinslit I would try it. I n-eil ihk- third of a ld!ie. ami eiM-neiMed ndfef at oiiee. The miii teft me and has not tnMildiil iin- !in-e. 1 feel erj ur.ttefnl to ihi ami wiriild neomriieiHiKemlall-Sia-ti ('are' to all who suffer with ".nraiii-or rheu matism. Yours tnilx, Mtt-. .1. ItoiTFi.t., Kendall's Spavin Cure I- oiire initsettect-". ni:hl in its action as it doe- wit Idt-ter. -and et it K H-netnttiii ittd iMiwertnl to reaeh an deep setited imtn r to remove any 1ioii growth or an other iilan:eim-iil. if 11-ed for several days, sin-h a- sa-tn". sidiiits, eiirb-. ealkuis. )mius, -H!m. an lamem"ssainlallenkin:einents of Ok- joiiitsorlimh-.or rheumatism 111 man and for au iHinHi-rorvlik-h a liniment is itseit for man orhea-t. It I- now- knov.ii to l- tin 1h'"i linumMit for nuiu ever tiseil, act ing tniM ami et ei-rtain 111 1;- eKeets. It is neil full -tn-itth with iorfeet safety at all M-aMHis of t lie ear. Semi adtlress fur tliiM r.Heii einmlar. whkrh we think sfvi-s isi! i e mii f itsirtiH"s. No rem;-l lia-e-r met uh sin-h imiitali U,I srf, s,, 4 iHir klnwh-ii-je. fur tn.t as well a-man I'rler fl rr lamb-. ir s, lHmk-s for SS. A I.I. OKI OCIST.s. have it or ran set it for jim. or H will -ettf in any ailre4s im re eeiiH o rin" h ll.e irttnet'irs. DK. It .1. K i:DAI.l. CO.. Eti'-siHinrli Tails. Yermmit. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. J'roiii A-fri:: 1 luiapploii and :tl! 3i:ui :: lh- liny . The Itotr . fa-t -uramer iPlnjlLWd n- .rn iwss F.lt.TrKXKlt. - - MASTKlt ' Will Makf n ular irii- From Astoria to Ivunjiplon. Ami return. ! 1 1 Ta?ill charter for freight r inissttce to an mdnt on tin buy or river. " ! J3"Tiwiiic of raft- !n. lighters and Imryi-s a'sHtiait. IFor frright or imsae apfdy 'a boanl. Nanaimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying: I. S. Ulail r- THE STEAMSHIP hfe iPVT" CALIFORNIA , JAMES CARROLL Commander Will leave .McCraker.'? Wharf, foot of I str. for the above pens. At 3 o'clock A. M. For Freizht or Passage aitply to En. C lll'UHES. Purser. vp:lch hill WATER "W03EtK:Si Furnish iun .'"PRIN'C. WATER to (nit nuis. Custom Solicited, Pi no-ami general water fixtures eim- tantly on lmiul. Plunibiuer at rea 'sonable mies. (Jftice on west- Eiehth street near (). R. ii X. Co'-t wharf. .IAS "W.AVELCH. Agent, jA-toria, Oregon. h, rvcaKis "Yr-? ii JJLM mm c'-- m . 1 iiirintt----L-'-"- S. A. MrrvTTT.-s-, ,-., a .7.vy;-?T. -1-! r-Te -l' HILLS AT NS70NE, SCOrD. GRAFT0,.,ASS. TRAXSPOltTATlOX LIES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IIMXV. OCEA.V 5IVIS!OX. For San Francisco. UTKAMitHir IJ-T!S EVERY FIVE iHais O at :i A. M.. its follows : I'oln nihia. Oreson. Mate California if.r...-.co.) Feb 12 Feb 7 Feb IT " 2! Meh 4 Well h - ItHMareh it ,l!Anil 29 AHll sj IS AiH-il 1.1 .Si play .1 28 May -I Ifc'Mav .13 Kisht b. resenedto ehaner lenmers or saiiitK davs. mRfJl'ciI TICKETS Mhl to all the priu clnal eiilfs iu the I mted Mate- ami Caanda. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Riuers. FEItl.TAKY l. issi. I.eti e Fort laml for jJaile-. VaI ta Walla Umatilla and nn riv er tflini-t Mou Th. Y. Thu. Fri. Sat. iAM (A AMIS AMI A Mb AM Astaria. Ka- im4. iaei ma SnmtolKAM SAM 8 AM BAM RAM PAM ie rta. .Vetv Wiststr Cat hiamet. H5A.M lta Vww.l h kamiij- u ItranL- iw-M. . . U er nrt. 1 1 (tfl. K a W nita. aAMJ ( S AMI A.M BAM AM . .. BAM RAM WMJ DnttfMt . - AMI. Mfc-W Al-i Imhv. I r-Vfclli-.. uml wHnis. KaM CKNKKAl. OKFII'KS : Corner Front and D Streets, Portand. .1. MiCKA-KKX & Co.. Agents Stale of California. A. I.. ftlAXWKLU Tieket agent O. K. vt X. Co. .It H I.N Ml" IK. t ieneral Freight ami I'ltK-enger agent. T. F. OAKE3. A'iee rre-ftlent and Manager. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympta. ilwaco Steam Navigation Gi. prTs nt'" farther notico the Ilwaco L-w - Steam Xavition Co '5 steamer GENERAL CANBY, U'lHTCOMB MASTER Will leave Astoria oa .llumlnjs, Tue-das, anil Miturilay), AtOA.M.. Friday.- at 6 1-4 A. SI., and I r. 31. 1'nrl Melons, Fort Canlij. anil Ilviac Connecting with L. A. Loninis'suiees for Oys terville and Olympju. oa Tuesday's and Sat urdny'5. Fare to Fort Stevens................. 50ct3 ' " Canlix ami Ilwaeo i CO Jirrilw:n-o freight, by Dm ton. in hts of me ton or over, -i w kt ton. rrFar Ticket?. loTraze or Charter applr either at the otiee of tke Cuaimny, ;fny's wharf, fot of Itenton streat. ir t the Captain m boanl. J. H.D.fSKAY. Asent, Oregon tS: California R.R Co 1 Hi an after et. 1 1, i-mi, train will ran :5 M- ibw-?, I'All.Y Exeept Sundays), KVSTSIliE nivt-io.v. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURC. MvlL TKvix LEAVE. ARRIVE. Fartlaml 7:M A. .M.Koerx 7:tJ P. M K-ehr; --: A. M.I Portland. 4r25P M A-BANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland l:i P. 3L Lebanon . P. M LefcntoH. 4:I-' A. M.PorthHd...lO:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. AP.RIVE. Pwtland .:15 A. M.IJunct'ren :00 P. M .ItMWtiaa- ...5:H A. M.tPortlaad 5rJ5P.M The Oreson and CalifornU Kailraad Ferry makes connection with all Ke?ulnr Trains on tat-ide L-ivyniB. WK.-TSHIK mvi-nv.v. I'roin I'ortlnml to Corvnllln. MVIL TRVl.N LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portlaml .... :,i A. M.ICorraliis ....?: P. M Corvalli. :: A. M.JPortlaml v2 P. M CIse connections are made at R05EBURQ .. ;n ,h"tu- of the Oreson and California stase Comimny. . mrTu-ketsferraie to all theirineital points in California and the East, at the Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn, Storage will be charged oa freight remain n? at Cotaimnys Warehouse over 21 hours. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on East-ide Division. ami B o'clifcfe P. M.on v wfide Hivision. - J. BRAXDi. Jr.. lien-l su-.'t E.P.RCK1ERS. t (Jea'l Freichtand Paenger Agent. Astoria anil Kxiappton. , Regular Mail and P.isseiiger ! Steamer 1SOSKTTA. 5aiB I II. D. 0RCUTT MASTER ! BirWill leave Knnpinoii for Astoria and return daiiv I CARRYIXtJ THE U. S. 3IAIL. Also have a lighter which enables her to carry wood or freight ot any kiwi. fSS- For charter, freight r pasiaze. at liv ing rates apply on board, or at I. U. Case's j store. Wanted. 1 X AAA POCXD.s. KAGSJOF all kinds, ! jLrjJJVJyj clean aim dr. at the Umbrella ' shop. Main street, by J. JOPLIN. i TwF''1l''ifc0r""l"Ki"