Cl gTic ai1i3 gcstxa'Uux. J ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY FEB. 24. 1SS1 ,C. IKELAM ...Editor. Dissatisfaction Among Englisn Far mers. As the world grows older, peo ple are beginning to discover that ithej pay high taxes for govern jnent luxuries that could easily be dispensed with. In England, a .movement is on foot among the farmers to have the church tithes abated or entirely removed. The farmers are also more or less ex cited on the land question. They declare that they have been little better off than the Irish tenants J the last few years. They are saving nothing, but running into debt, as the number of bank ruptcies among them reveals. An association has been formed to centralize the opposition, the mem bership of which promises to be large. If England would dis tribute one-tenth of the money Snong her industrous poor that she is expending in useless, if not criminal, wars, she might greatly ameliorate the condition of her fteople. This is a view a portion of her own press takes of the saatter. Panning Under the Sea. Everywhere upon the coast of eastern Xew England may be found, ten feet below the water mark, the lichen known as carra geen the Irish moss of commerce. It may be torn from the sunken rocks anywhere, and yet the little seaport of Scituate is almost the only place in the country where it is gathered and cured. This vil lage is the great centre of the business in the ceuntry, and the entire Union draws its supplies from these beaches. Long rakes are used in tilling this marine farm, and -it does not take long to 511 the many dories that await the lichen, torn from its salty roi'k ted. The husbands and fathers gather the moss from the sea and the wives and daughters prepare it for the market. Soak it in water and it will melt away to jelly Soil it in milk and a delicious -white and creamy blanc mange is the result. The annual product is from J 0,000 to 15,000 barrels, and it brings $50,000 into the town, -which sum is shared by 350 fami lies. Its consumption in the man ufacture of lager beer is very large, and the entire beer of the country draws its supplies from Scituate beaches, as the impor tation from Ireland has almost ceased. It is not generally known that the moss, as an article of food, is called "sea-moss farina." Everybody knows how often, when tarveling by rail, one gets grit, or even sparks of iron, into one's eyes. Few small things cause more exquisite pain, and few seem less capable of remedy. "With the train going rapidly along, it is really dangerous to trust your inflamed eye to the operating hand kerchief of your sympathizing friends. Are you, then, to submit to the pain till you arrive at your destination? Certainly not. One drop of pure glycerine, allowed to fall into your eye, will, in nine cases out of ten, afford instant re lief. A momentary smart, a rush of water to the eye. and then, not only does the intruding particle get washed out, but the lacerated feeling gradually subsides. One of the most convenient articles to be used in a sick-room 5s a sand-bag. Get some clean, line sand, dry it thoroughly in a kettle on the stove, make a bag about eight inches square of flan nel, fill it with the dry sand, sew the opening carefully together, and cover the bag with cotton or linen cloth. This will prevent the sand from sifting out, and will also en able you to heat the bag quickly by placing it in the oven, or even on the top of the stove. After once using this you will never again attempt to warm the feet or hands of a sick person with a bot tle of hot water or a brick. m The sand holds the heat a long time. Oysters Seven Peet Iiong. For many years New York has held the palm for its oysters. The term "saddle rock" has become synonymous with extreme excel lence and size; but those oysters are dwarfed by a recent discovery made by some scientific gentlemen in the west, but this new bed will not be available to our metropoli tan epicures, as the animals have long since been devoured, perhaps by the Adam of the New World, and only the sheila remain, but of such proportions are they that the primeval man, if he were there, would have net only required a fork, but a well-braced pitchfork to remove the animal from its shell. Imagine an oyster shell seven feet in length and three or four in width, inclosing a plump, smiling, luscious morsel that would tip the scales at perhaps 150 pounds, and you have an idea of the appear ance of that ancient mollusk. Kansas is the state containing that wonderful bed, and the dis coverers found the shells piled in broken heaps, half buried in the chalky soil, and scattered around sis if some giant race, disturbed by nature in the midst of a royal feast, had fled, leaving only the remains as monuments to tell the tale. The locality, in reality an ancient burying ground for the monsters of past ages, is perhaps better known sis the mauvaisc terres, or Bad Lands, a country too wonder ful to be adequately described here. A Mania for Murdering. A man with a mania for murder ing may be well set down as an undesirable member of society. At least that is what eighteen of Por ter Stockton's neighbors thought in New Mexico. Porter Stockton had been ail his life an eccentric character. At the early ami ten der are of twelve years he slew his first man by shooting the top of his head off. As the lad waxed strong, he became more and more vicious. Once occupying the same room with a slumbering Mexican who chanced to snore, Stockton stopped the unmusical drama by shooting the unconscious performer. The man, it he may be called ;i man, in his desire to shoot, fre quently killed a wrong person. Once he did to death his barber for not giving him a smooth shave. Finally, the eighteen neighbors above mentioned, being under continual apprehension of Porter Stockton's pistol, and feeling that self-preserration was the first law of nature determined to shoot him, especially as he was perpetually breathing out threats against all the living in those regions. An expedition was rapidly organized and mored upon the murder': ranch. He made a good defense, and the wife of his bosom helped him, for she was skilled in the use of the rifle. Eighteen bullets finished him, while she was badly wounded. Here is the case for the study of the philosopher. Hen was a man in whose character the brutal elements certainly predomi nated from the beginning. What was to be done with him? The eighteen vindicators answered that question legally. The killing of killer Stockton was a crime, but how much of a crime? MARRIED. In this city, February 22, by the Rev. A. T. Perkins. Mr. Chas. Wallinanu and Mrs. Evangeline Banhclzor Rothe. NEW TO-DAY. 7 Lasf Call. mo TAX PAYER K SCHOOL District JL No.l You erchv notified h:ii tlio of March. All upftd taxes on that dav will he returned trf thl Count Clerk asdelin iii'iir. and ctrfts tfill accrue. ia jisi win remain ui my iuukk until the Ttli y orrter oimitwhmrd of Directors. JG-td .I.e. H CSTLER. Cleric. Annual School Meeting Notice. A N ANNUAL MEETING K THE lead ii. voters of H-hool DistnuC No. I will he held at the school house my Main street, in AMona, liaison com evening. March 7. 1 for the iunose of imin one Director fir iiiree ears ana one i u-rK Tor one vear. Also to lev a tax o support a school for the I'HMfliie ear in sid district, ami alsn n tx to iw Interest mil imiideiital excuses of Mid ilbtriet. arm to tnuwict such other bnsl Httssasma irfleri eiiiHl)efore the meet ing. By order of the Beard of Directors. . .Jit;. HUSTLER. Clerk. Astoria. Fob. 23, lfcfci.j 4c-td School Taxes. ALT. TAXES WE SCHOOL DISTRICT No. IK. Oat sou county, (the new district) must he paid lwfore Fehrnan ' avoid expense. A. . SI'KXAimi, -H-td Herk District No. 18. BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING ANJMNSURAME. z. vr. CASE. BROKER, BANKER INSURANCE AGEHT. - - - OREGON ASTORIA, OFFICE HOURS: FROJi S O'CLOCK A. 31. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Home Mninal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, .1. F. IIOl'ttHTON FreMdet ......Secretary Agent tor 0-"SH ClI S. II. TOKV GtXJ. L. STOKV Capital phl Cuiii Mil in I". S. zM .... ;....$ ooo i) I W SK. Agent. CnfHMittito street. Aslorift. Oregon. 867,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOvnOS AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LuNDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Keresentinc a capital of 7.000.000. A. VAX DUSEN. Asent. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A.J. SIEGI.KB. !. S. WKIGHT OCCIDENT HOTKL. MEOLER & WRIGHT. Proprietor. Astoria, Oregon. 11HK I'ROI'RIETORS ARE HAPPY TO . announce that the above hotel lias been rej&inted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of ItsgueMs and is now the best hotel north of San Francisco. C. W. KNOWLKS. AL. ZIF.KKK. CLARKXDOX HOTEL. PORTLAND. - - - - OREGON ZIEBER & KNOWLES, Proprietors. Free eoaoh to and from the Houm. carTiiK Daily Astohia.v is on file at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. .MAIN STREET. - -Mr. S. X. Arrlsoni. - ASTORIA Proprietors miiETRAVELINc; ITBL1C WILL KIND JL the Pioneer fiivt oiav. m all reMvot.and a share of their iwtronage is retect fully soooiuti. K""R"rd and lodging by the-day or week. Post-office Restaurant. MAIN STREET. - - STORlA.. .IOSEPI1 MATTHEWS. PROPR. millS IS A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT JL kept the European plan. Freh oys ters in every t!e Main Mrvet. between Otctuutius arid rxineinoeqhe. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO announce to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prepared to fumfch for thm, in Aim ohtvi style, and eery Mle, OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE, TEA, ETC. AT TITE Ladies7 and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Hexv give me a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor The New York Oyster Saloon Will erve to their customers from this nte a.s follows : TEA, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE. Eastern () hteis Always on Hand. And will be kept as a first class Oyster Sa loon, in first class style. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. PIKE & STOCKTON. ECQXJSE, SX&XC -AM)- - CARRIACE PAINTERS - PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A SPKCI LTV. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. e"Shop next door to Astorian OtAee.m Shnster'sbulldiii. First Class Saloon. CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opjtosite the Orejron Hall way and Navigation CoS wharf. New Bagatelle Table,, tThe Chinese musto. Tin iit)kvL brands of foreign and riotnestfc WIXES. Ii I qUO KS AXD CIKAItS esKet Chlcaco Keer.Tm Wilson & Fishef IKAI.KK IN LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS "AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will he exchanged for coautrv pro duce or sokl at lowest prices. "Corner Cbenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. 3nSCELLANEOrS G-.W, HTJITCE Wholesale and Retail Dealer GROCERIES, PROVISION. LUMBER. ETC., ETC., ETC., TIN PLATE BLOCK TIN, PIG LEAD, SEAMING COPPERS, SOLDERING COPPERS, SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LINES, MANILLA ROPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, OARS, FLOATS, MAULS, HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VARNISH, TURPENTINE, BENZINE. COAL OIL, GUM BOOTS, RICE. ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTORIA. - - OREGON. MRS. DERBY 15 HER ENTIRE SELLING STOCK M LLINERY GOODS jRJl? COST. &!& Dr. Warner's Health CORSET i Can only he purchased u AMona at M IIS. DERBY'S. ffify MaMHik- Hall Building. t VY-1 zfi I ,ler ' Main and Squem vi-t J fi reet. Squeinoqli :.cor- Barbour's IRISH FLAX THRE1BS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barbourTrothers, 511 Market Htreet. San FraaelHco HENRY DOYLE ic Co.. Managers. Chas. Stevens & Son CITY BOOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the BELXi TOWER, In room lately occupied by Schu eer's Confectionery, Largest ai Best Assortment Of uovelties in the stationary line usually found in a first-class book store, consisting of BOOKS. FINE STATIONERY. GOLD PEN GOODS, ALBUMS. CHKOMOS. FBAMES. STEKEOSCOrES. DIARIES. All of which v.111 be sold at prices v.hicn DEFY COMPETITION. 1. S. The latest Eastern and California periodicals constantlv ouluuuL CHAS. STEVENS & SON WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main acd CLeE2rcu Street, ASTOKU OREGON. I-H.Lt a CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other Enclish Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Efeershaum Pipes, etc. A fine tock of WatcheM and Jewelry. 3Inzz!e auil Breech X.oadins Shot Cuiik and ftifies, Kevolver;-. Ii-toli. and Ammnnition. 3IAKIXE CLASSES tiO A KINK Assortment of fine SPECTAt LES and EYE GLASSES. SHIPPING TAGS THE BEST ODALTTV. WILL BE bOLD by the hnndred. or by the bos, printed tr plais, to sait castomer". zi Tue AiTea"AS cEce. w .x i uf5K5i 1 THE DAILY AND WEEKLY T3 ESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL FOR ITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability. THE PAPER FOR THE FOR THE FARMER, FOR'THE MERCHANT, . TERMS: (POSTAUK KItKK TO ALL SUllSCKIUKKA) DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR $9 00 DAILY'. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 3 00 "WEEKLY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE 2 00 WEEKLY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 1 00 eeTostiuasters are authorized to act :is atcents for Tjik Astokiax ' THE ASTORIAlf """ STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AND BEST PRESSES, AND TYPE OF THE LATES1 STYLES. W We iHirehae Paper, Cards Ink. and other materials of the manufacturers AT LOWEST LXVlSi: KATES. And eau therefore afford to ue, asealwasdo. the best articles, while eliarging 03NTXj"3r 3MCOXE53EtL.O?353 PRICES. Cards,EnveIopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN- NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. E2. R. HA WES, E. R. HA WES, TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, 3riSCELLA2JEOUS. TBBNGH1RD & UPSHUR DEALERS IN SHIP CBANBLESlf PKOVISIONS, IRON, STEEL. GOAL, Builders! General! HARDWARE, PAENTTS. OILS, ETC. AGENCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed.'S BL OP jm nu - o nr- m UUCUOlUUS JUCCl, IVCOi UlliCJ'j ASTORIA. OREGON AhTOKIA, OREGON,! BRICK LAYER 1'lVIN AND ORNA3IENTAL Ordtjrs U'ft at the Occident Hotel, or at inv Warehouse, foot of Benton Street, promptl)' attended to. T.I3IE. SAND. BRICK. PLASTElt. LATH, L-' Cement, and all luateriaN in my line, fumWhed to order. ea-Sec!aI attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cisteni w ork warnuited good or no pay. tfirAsent San Juan and XewTacomaLiuie. COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PERSON. BY MA IT,. Dealer in Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. AkmU for the eelehmtetl ilEDALLIOA1 UME, llixh Clohrtx, low Closets, and Plain Kanses. IRON PIPES AND FITHNGS OP ALL KINDS. Brass Goods, Hose, Etc., Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Etc. ALL WORK WARRANTED - - ASTORL. OREGOV MISCELLANEOUS. VARNISHES MB JiPAiS THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale on hand and to arrhe direct: iroso. 2vew ork English Lustre Black Varnish, IN BARRELS. Turpentine Aspheltum Varnish, IN BARRELS. Benzine Aspheltum Varnish, IN BARRELS. No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels, Brown Japan, in Barrels, No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar, in Barrels, Coach Varnishes, in Cases. A10 Silicic Aluuiiiiate Paint, FOR IRON AND WOOD WORK. JAMES LAIDLAW & CO., 1 2W'reiit Street, Portland. AENDT & EEECHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. Tlie Only Machine Shop And the best! &iHtkct BICKSJIITH JJ, A Inthecity. 3g All kinds of Jii3w-i 3m K'V.C ENGINE, CANNERY, AM) STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, ilACIIINE SHOP, NEAR KINNEY'S AS TORIA FISHERY J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL KIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria, Oregon.