0) IU &0t0ffttl -4 Vol. XIV. Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Mornirig, February 19, 1881. ffo. 42. GENERAL EASTERN SEWS. BY MAIL ASO TM-HGAIX. KlwcUnrte (tailed. )i:nvkk, Feb. 17. The www blockade of the Kansas Pacific and Santa 1'V roads lias ended and de javcd trains are all through. SnaM Miirui al Chieaxo Chkaoo, (jwiditig-ht) Feb. lt. lace eight o'clock this evening nearly five iuche of snow lias fallen and it is -till ceming: at the rate of an inch in two hours. Chinese HirKlintloH ( 'iiit'Ado, Fkb. I?. Three oeles lals, desirous of becoming bona fide American citixtis, yesterday applied to .John Stephens, clerk of 4U' Criminal court, for naturaliza tion papers. Moy Hong Kee, one of the trio, had only been in the country a few montlts, and made application for and was given hi first papers. How il is rrijiiM-l to I nite Hie .Hrt!i. crn Pari lie ami O. K. A . '.. Nicvr York, Feb. 17. The Post s-ays: It is reported that the chief organizer of the Oregon Naviga tion system recently gave notice to his following, who under his lead have in the last two years made fortunes, that ho wanted a fund of S,000,000 to be used for a purpose which lie would disclose later; that in response to this notice he received offers of 1G, 000,000, but alloted only' 88,000. 000. Moreover, that his receipts or certificates of acceptance of subscriptions have since sold at forty per cent, premium. We say that this is reported. It was told by a reputable banker and part of the tale read like a chapter from a leaf of John Law. We now hear, but not on the same authority, that the purpose for which this money was wanted is to be used in securing control of the Northern Pacific railroad, the scheme being to practically bring " j of i about a union of tin interests that company and the Oregon -,T . .. -..r , , ". i Navigation. N e have been unable ... .... to confirm this, but U it is true it affords an explanation for the large rise in Northern Pacific common stocks and the advance to-day in preferred shares. 'r - - Nevada Banditti. eada Siale .bmnial. Febrnarv 4. "When the Lander count v an .-::. i....:...i .!...,-,:,! LIIU11LIUS icuru ii juu titvm; iiaiii 'if the Ccntial Pacific Uailroad s'jkimpaiiy, at 5aul mounUin, euiiesxiwy, urxMi c.v:uiriuii is sued tijion a juilginent for $3L00 for delinquent taxes, quite a sen sation was kicked up. and tin railroad boys threatened a little jiot; but they finally concluded that it was not best to buck agaiust j the officers of the county and state. Some of tlie jiasseiigei's on tlio rtvnrlsiml fmm the PMfst. v1iifli , , . ...... . was also seized, for awhile believed that they had leen captured by banditti, and were friglrtened out of their wits, and it was some lime before they were made to realize the true state of affairs. One eastern clergyman, wlo whs coming to this coast for the first time in his life, and who had probably j heard of the desperate characters who compose the population of this state, actually offered the ringleader of the supposed desper adoes 500, all the money he had, if he would spare his life and let him proceed to California, wliere he said he had a widowed sister lying in a dying condition, from whom he had received a dispatch to hasten to her bedside. He had no time to lose, for she might be dead before lie could reach her. To his consternation the bandit refused to take his money, and pushed him aside. Cireuu t'oiiri luuik-.. County Court IManks. Jttstiee Court Blanks, Shipping Blanks. MiswllanMHi Blank, J)ee4s. Mortgages, etc.. for Sale at Thk Astoriax oflioe. A PERUVIAN HERO. Daring Act of a Lieutenant in the Harbor of Callao. The Lima correspondent of the Cologne Gazette gives an account of a. lxt action which took place a few days ago off the harbor of Callao, and which proves the spirit ofdaiing display throughout the wr by the officers and wen of the Peruvian navy has not been des troyed by the many disastrous- re verses that hare suffered. A small steam launch, armed with a nine- pounder gun and a mitrailleuse, was employed in guard duty in Uh harbor of Callao, wlien about 2 o'clock iu llie morning a Chilian launch was observed approaching from tin north end of the island of San Loreno. The Peruvian boat at once steamed to meet its- adver sary, and firing four rounds at it, caused it to turn and make its way back again behind the island. Shortly afterward, however the Chilian launch reappeared, accom panied tlits time by a larger and armored boat with twe funnels. Undismayed by the superiority of its adversary, the Peruvian launch hastened to the encounter, the j officer commanding determining ! to endeavor to destroy the armor ed Chilian vessel with a torpedo containing 100 pounds of powder with which his boar was provided. 1 tunning up under the bows of the Chilian boat, the officer sought to explode his torpedo by setting fire to its fuse with a lamp, but failing to accomplish this, drew his revol ver and fired into the charge of thr torjedo. So violent was the explosion that the Peruvian boat was itself immediately destroyed, but the bow of the Chilian vessel was also driven in, and the latter sank almost immediately. The six men forming the crew of the Peruvian launch were drowned, but the lieutenant was picked up by the second Chilian boat, which also took off tlie crew of her escort. I Since then attempts have been ' made bv the Chilians to raise their , , . . 4, , ... ' sunken vessel, but as the latter j Hl.h u mler lp unb of onc of the j foris of the harbor, the effort has J hitherto been unsuccessful, j ' Tae Fate of the City of Boston. Dr. Clare W. Heainer. of No. ' j,. i. , -v.- .i . . ' i i ' foutMl a memorandum in his Itotisc few -days ago which he thinks wm cxPm" ine 1Mlc ,M l,,c sie5""- skpitof Barton which was lost in ISTt). hihI of which uo trace wa ever found to tell bow she was destroyed. J u 1 m 0," he said, "1 lived at Pamrapo, Sattersville, New .lerscv. One ilav, several motttlt after tlie steamer City of Ijinston wfc. missing, a servant in my ltou.-e brought U me a small liottk whicli bad been washed on the shore. It was about four inch- es long, aboiit an inch in diameter, I . . . . . ... ami hud been used probably for hair oil. In it was a a paper which looked as if it had been torn from a memorandum book. It was soaked, with these words in pencil jon the paper- Steamship Citv of Boston burn ed .1 1 une 29. 1 S70. A. I! akuick. 'There whs anotiier word which 1 could not read very well, but it looked like Treque. The bottom was apparently a French one. and on one side was blown or cast the words. Hygieniquc Soeiete rue de Itivoli. Paris. 1 put the bottle in a closet and made a memorandum of the fHCls, which carried iu my jKHrket. I thought the whole mat ter was probably a hoax, and that the City of J5ostou would be lieard of some time. A few months after ward 1 could not find the bottlr, and 1 had mislaid the memorandum of tlie facts. A few days ago I found my memorandum," which 1 had not seen for nearly nine years, and as nothing lias been heard fiom the City of Boston since, this may possibly explain how it was destroved.' BALLET DANCERS. Wliat Their Muscles are Made of How They Stand on Their Toes. New York San. In spite of her seeming scauti uess of clothing, a ballet dancer does net suffer from cold. Under her silk or cotton hosiery every ballet dancer, without exception, wears jwickling., Tlie pddcd tights are lieelles?. A strap of the stocki net of which they were woven ex tends under the hollow of the foot. The webbing is finely ribbed around the ankle, and not padded bolow the swell of tlie calf, or wliere the calf ought to swell. The jwidding is of fine lamb's wool fleece knitted, with the fleece thrown up like plush on the under side into the web, which is of cot ton, strong and not .too elastic. There is no padding around the knee, ami none around the hips. The thighs are well padded. Few men or women liave small, well proportioned knee joints, and even when they have sufficient flesh, it is not so distributed as to produce perfect symmetry of form. These padded goods are therefore gener ally made to order. This is neces sary, for no two persons have the same proportionate length of thigh and leg. Again, many have good calves and the rest of the leg vcrv poor or thiu. Others have thighs and not calves; others have both thighs and calves with sufficient flesh thereon, but it is not in- the right places. How is all this rem edied? Why, in the directest and shortest manner possible. The lady or gentleman who orders a pair of padded tights is waited on by a salesman or saleswoman who understands his or her business. To the customer a pair ol unpadded tights of perfect shape is first given to put on. Then he is measured, first around the waist, then around the hips, then around the calf, and then around the ankle. Next along tlie uisuie oi tne leg. j lie measurer then carefully notes and jots down for the manufacturers guidance the deficiencies in the person's figure. I u about a week "the garment ordered is finished. If there is too much padding at any point it can be seen at a glance and clinned off. Padded shirts or iKxlios for both men ami women are also measured for wltcn order ed in a similar manner. When the entire tights extended to tin? waist are not neothd. calf-padded tights extending only a little over the knee can be ordered. These are worn with trunks. The fact that tlie (fatnaiid iu New York for theatrical goods of this kind Is sufficient to warrant the erection of a factory iu Brook ly, and tlie importation of the ma chinery and the weavers, knitters and emlroiders from Europe to carry it on, is proof of the exten sive use of the articles, fn fact, they are not worn by theatrical people alone. Numbers of men and women wlio daily promenade the streets-, who drive in the park, and are seen at the balls, theatres, receptions and the opera, wear padded hosiery, with fine silk hos iery over it. From a distance, too from tlie far west, from the east and south padded hosiery is or dered in immense quantities. The circus ring owes no small jiart of its attractions to the wearing of these padded goods. Wltocver has seen a boat-race or athletic games, and observed tlie most Bern-hardt-Iike spareneso of nmiiy of the best athletes, and the want of pro Hrtiouwle development iu others as compared with the forms and limbs of tlie gymnasts and the athletes, the equestrians and the trapeze performers of the ring, must be convinced of the truth of our assertion. In faor. the train ing necessarv to make a Bonfanti or Rosa of the Uizorelli brothers must reduce the human form di vine in the same wav that training a race-horse docs. The racer is beautiful only because our eyes are wonted to a conventional taste which associates his spnrcness with his fieetness. .When it conies to grace, that is quite a uitterent thing. Another allusion is that of tlie ballet-dancers standing on the tip of hei toes. She can always easily perform that feat with a lit tle practice in a pair of padded Italian ballet-dancer's slippers. The sole is of a single thickness of buff leather. It is shorter than the foot by the length of the toes. The toe is supplemented however, by a stiff leather or cork padding, hollowed out. into which the great; toe fits, and is thus supported underneath as well as above, so that there is little or no strain ex cept on the tendons of the instep and ankle at the moment when the dancer comes diagonally down the stage to the footlights, with her arms extended, her lips parted in a smile, and walking on the tips of her big toes. The ballet-slippers all come from Italy. They have no heels, and the uppers are of rose-pink satin of the best quality, winch decs not crack or crumple when drawn over the rounded, hard-padded box toes. MISCELLANEOUS. WAlt IS IIKCIjAIIKI) WITIIOl'T FntTIIKK XOT1CK Viitl ihi torm f kwc until err man in Atoria has iiew Milt of clothes 3IAIK BY .TiKAXY. Liok at the prices . rant to order from - - SS 00 r.iiitN.(eiiiiftHFnaiieiiC,aNJiMev - 1 50 Snif. from -ilco The fuifM line of vauuiJes n the eoat to select rniin. 1.I.MEANY. Merchant Taihir. I'.irker HoMr. AMma. Wilson & Fishef IIKAI.KKS IX OEL'-LDEtjD W -9ljEL:EI. LUintTCATING 0115, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. . PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will le etrltanged for -mutr itro ilueeMr-oldat hmH rk". Corner Chenxniu- and Hamilton Mre--;s i ASTOKI V. Oi:K(UN. Chas. Stevens & Son, CITY HOOK STORK. BROWN'S BUILDING oiMitf the BELiL, TQWER, In rotiin latelv neetinied by lS-hiiieer". rnnfectKHHr'. Larpst anJ Best Assortirt Of uoveitks in the. .stationary line innaily found in a titst-eiass book store. etist!4li: of P.OOKS. FINE STATIONERY. GOLD PEN GOODS. ALI'.FMS. CHROMOS. FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES. JIIARIKS. All o( Hhieli wilt be sohl at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. P. S. Tlie latest Eastern and California -iH-nodtealNCoiLstantH onliand. C'HAS.STKYENS x SON . WILLIAM EDGAR, Comer Main and Caenamu' Streets, ASTORIA ORHGON. IIKALRC 15 CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other Encli.-h Cutlwrr. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine neershaum Pipes, etc. A fine MiK-k of Yt'ntelie- anil .ffwelry. JZuxxIc and 5treprh r.o'niHn; Stiot (.iiii- ami Kllle-. Jtevolver-. Pl.xtnlx. and Ammunition. MAKI.YK GIiANSKS. ALSO A KINK A.4rUiienl of fun ?PK(TA( LKS ana EYE (tl-VSSES. 3 & BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING ANDJNSURANCE. X, W. CASE, BROKER, BANKER. M INSURANCE ACEHT. ASTOKIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE IleniS: FROM S O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK T. M. Hie ' Mutual Iisrace Co, OF CALIFORNIA, J. K. nol'OHTON ("HAs. K. STrRV tiKO. L. bTORV lrT?tuVj .SenUu-y .Agent for 0-n Cftlti'al lM up in l S. gcltt coin $ o am ti I. IV CWSS:. Agent. Clu'iunia street. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL? LIVERPOOL A2?D LOHOX AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE of London and EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Kepra-eatins a capital of 07.000.000. A. VAX DUSEN. Agent. j HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A.J.MK:i.Kl:. C.S. W1CIGIIX OCCIDENT nOTL. MEOLBR & WRIGHT. PrepricUrs. Astoria, Oregon. riniE ri:oi'RiETORS are iiAPrv to JL announee that the above hotel lws been reiHintel and relumished.addiR: greatly to the eomfort f itsgnols and is now tlie best lMttcI iHHlh of San I'mncltco. t'.W. KNOWLKs". crAni:xnox PORTLAND. - - AtwZIBHEI. HOTEL. - - OREGON ZIEBER & KN0YLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. e"TiiK Duly Atoicia.n l on file at the Clarendon H4tl reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. - ASTORIA Jlrs. JS. X. Arrlsoni. I'roiirietor. rrmETRAVKUKGPuT:LIC WILL FIND jl Hie PhHiecr nnt rias in all reapeets.suid a stare of tln-ir iatriHuise is reie;tful!v xdk'ited. JSfiT'Ixinl ainl !odgimly theda) or week. Post-office Restaurant. MAIN STREET. - - ASTORIA.. JOSEPH MATTHEWS. PROP!.. miilS IS VFIi:sTCLAS.s RESTAFJ.'ANT JL keK on Ihe Enrne:ui jdaii. Fresli ov-.-ter. m eerv- stle Main street. In-tHcen Chenainiis and SiniiHilie. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oystrr Saloon, jy MAIN STKKKT. AsTORfA. mi!L t NDkKSlCN'KD IS PLEKl TO J. aiiMotiiH-v l" Um- Ladies" and Gentlemen of this City That be is now itrrpared to furnish for IIm-m, in tlrst ela style, ami even style, OYSTKKS. HT COFFEE. TEA. 1CTC. vr THK Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. Ile.s Sl e nit? a rail. ROSl'OE DIXON. Proonetor The New York Oyster Saloon ill sene to their eiistomers from thi aTe' as (oIIoh : TEA. COFFEE. CHOCOLATE. Kaxtcru Oytir Alva on Hand. Aim! will Ik-k.p! as a tirst elass Oystt-r Sa ItMHi. in first ela-vs stI DANIEL ORANT. MaiKii;er. PIKE & STOCKTON. -CARRIAGE PAINTERS,- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A ! IAI.Ti. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. OB".Imii next door o Asturian (iftiee.in Shnster's iHiinliiit. First Class Saloon. , CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadn;n.osiH tin- Oregon Rail way and .tvii?ation rs nliarf. A'eir Bagatelle Table. Tlie Chinese inibt go.) The rlMtieest brands of fon-ipi and domuatie WIXES. MJ.UO.S AX! CIGARS. i"IIc.t Cllieaso Kccr.-'S1(x BUSINESS CARDS. Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNKYAT LAW. Chenamu-s Street. - ASTORIA. OREGOH fi IV. FUIiTOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - - - OKKGOK1 0 omee mr I'age & Allen a sie. t'aas street T W. ICOliB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - - - - OREGON" Ofllce orer "Warren Jfc KmN Atrt Mar kel. opfMtMte the Oecklen: I Met. R'- HOI.DBX. NOTARY PUBLIC, AfCTIONKKK. COMMISSION AXI IIN- SIKANCE AGENT. vandusen7 A. NOTARY PUBLIC. t . CneHaioMS Street, near OtMJ4it Ilotui, ASTORIA. OREGON. Asent AVelK. Frj?o & Co. PENTI5T, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Rooms in AllenV iHiihliug h states, cornt of Carand Sqemorqhe street. TK. JI. I. JE.M.Y(.S, I'HYSICIAN AND SL'RGEON. Graduate University of Virginia. 15S8; I'hj.sician to Ray View hosoital. Ilultimors City. 1SW-TU. OKKKK-In Page & Allen's iHiihlittg, up stairs. Astoria. TAY TL'TTril-. JI. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OrriCK-Over tla AVhite Hmie Store. Rkmokxck Next door to Mrs. Munsoaa iKwrding lauise, Chcnamits street, Astoria Oregon. O. OltCHAItl). DENTIST. Iental Itoomx. slllTKl:f. Photograph IUnldin: T A. .HeJXTOSlI. MERCHANT TAILOK, tOccWent Hotel lUiKditt;, ASTORIA --- OREGON C. II. BAIf it CO. DK.M.KK IX Ooois, Windows. Itlindx, TraK. soniN. I.tiruber. Kte. All kinds of Oak Lumber. Clas, Roat Ma terial, ele. Steam Mill near Weston Iiotel. Cor. Geo ovive and Astor streets. j G. FAIKFOWL & SON, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS Portland and Astoria, Oregon Refer by ienniion to RoserOIeyers&Co, Alien iz Lewis. Crbitt &Maeleay. Portland. Oregon. 73l. rilliKXIIAIIT. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTORIA - OREGON. t Hoi, Cold, Mum rr. I " -! Hfffitt nlul Wftlvtfi,, V7 j BATHS. -sa 2fcSwelaI aU-mit.ii jjifii to ladies' and t hiMren's luiir euttnijr. Private EntnuH-e lor Uidie yn.r.iA.ii fis'i. PRAtTUAL WS isoot axi himr. MAKER. Chfxajiis Stkri-t. opsite Adler's Book store. - AroKi . Okkuox. SPerfert fils sniaranteed. All worlc wamuite.l. One me a trial. AH orders J. T. B0RCHERS, CONCOaILY STREET. ASTORIA, Matuif.it Hirer and Packer of CAVIAR, SMOKED SALMON. Cah ia!d (or fresh BLACK STURGEON SPA"VV2T. smoked Summon, ami smtvked Salnnm mt np in tins to .ship to an part oi the world. Also, trout bait (sa!iutn ejs jnit up in cans and warranted t krt-j. am lemon of time Hejiot at lexers Central fdarket. eornerot (.'ass ami CIienaniiLsstrtel- Astoria. Pflusic Lessons. T. F. CULLEN and C E.BARNES TEAi HEI's OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, WihiM like a fen piiidison either of Hie aiNire iii--tniiiiintv lenw Kteht les-oiis ior ne dollars'. SS'-lH'ders left at Stevens & Sons slre will tie iiromiHly attended to. hook 3S. 3u- TJI3ST3?T. . dealer Hi FAMILY CiKOCJKIEIIvS. XAir-.3in.i. fi:i:d axi hay Gash paid for tountry rolnee. Small profits on easii sales. Astoria. Onm, cocr ner of Main and Squei)Cihe streets. sp ILES. The MMterstsued s prearedto fHralsh a Lane Number irf Sidles ami Spars at his Idaueon hort notjee. at reasottal4e rates. A pply to C. (i. OAPLES, ColuiMlm VitY.- THEItE WILL HE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL OX TrllS -SATUKDAY EVEKEfG. ?tTS "W, ,mu (1