f?) P glic nilB st0rian. ASTORLA, OREGON: FRIDAY FEU. 4, 18S1 ISSUED EVSP.Y MORNING. Morulas' Excenedi. I. C. Ireland, Editor sumI Proprietor. Aatori0.n linU'liifi, iW .tretst. Terms of Subscription ; served by Carrier, per iTeek-.............23 Cents Seat by mail. fewr mwiths....... .....$ Ou Seat by mail, aae year...... ........ S "0 Free af l'uisc t :-b-criber.. r".Advwttfeujsot inserted by the yeHr t tbe rate of SI per square fdr month. Transient adverti'inc by the day tr week. fifty teat ier arelr each mfetrtiwn. The crkl) .isftirlan a mam mi rth vH'et. exactly double the size or the Daily. It is jttsl tin- ) in ner for the fireside. eoiiUiniit'.j in audi tion to all tin euneiit news, choice ini ceilauv. agricultural matter, market re port, ete. It i tarnished tc tingle sub scribers at 42 ix) per year in advance. ' T3TX limited miiiiocr ol Mtintl mlver-tieiweiit-. in-erted at established rates. THEClTy. The Daua a-tokian ml Je : iiu mad nt 75 cm i twmlh. 1n J iUhiu limn er trhu cH4(a)ii-hiicataa( .frw tin titti m hrrt Tub .Woman uJUhc thna. Daiia or Wekkly txltioH tutiHU ?"-"&( i. tctth out additional orjitAte. Addrerte wav lie er.nnacd a often an dwlred. Ltare order at the counting ror.m. The river ib full of drift wood. The weather moderated somewhat yesterday. The liritiah bark Aglaia came down yefcterday in tow .f the Alice. The steamer Westpoit arrived down yesterday with sixty tons f miscellaneous cargo. Alts. S. Arndt was a pasbenger by the outgoing steamer Oregon yester day en a visit to California. The ship Columbia, Fernald mnf ter, cleared from Isew York for this port January lihh. The British bark Stnuhearn, wheat laden from this port, arrived at Liverpool January .51 st. Rev. A. T. Perkins, Messrs. J. W. Hume, Carl Adler and A. L. Fox returned by the Columbia yesterday. The river is fast rising again, and fears are entertained that a repetition of the recent flood will be the result. The cargo of the French bark Prudent, bound for Falmouth, consists of 19,003 centals wheat, valued at $28,427. A curtain in the old Umnu house building took tire night before last, but was subdued without further damage. Messrs. Meade, Merrill and Mc Gregor are placing the machinery in position in their new saw mill at upper Astoria, and will be ready to commence active operations in a few weeks. The steamer Quickstep arrived down from Columbia city 3'esterday with a raft of 150 piles fer Joseph Hume's cannery. The work will now be pushed with all possible dispatch. Capt. Dodge, of the wrecking steamer George Harley, has sent to San Francisco for an experienced sub marine diver and will commence work on the ill-fated Lupata as soon as ar rangement', are completed. The cargo of the British bark Otter, Clark master, now ready for sea, consists of 4,955 barrels of flour valued at $26,300; 2,003 cases of sal mon, $13,100; and 4,399 centals of wheat valued at $0,500. Total value of cargo $45,900. The steamship Columbia made her appearance at the dock at half-past four yesterday afternoon. She arrived tif the bar Wednesday morning at four o'clock, but was unable to cross the bar on account of the heavy gales. We are reliably informed that the bodies of the men who came ashore on Clatsop beach from the ill fated Lupata, are still on the beach and mi buried. It seems to us that this is a gross neglect on the part of the proper authorities. Won't some one who has a christian heart take the matter in hand and see that the bodies are de cently interred Bernhardt Larsen, a Swede, aged about 20 years, who was employed as fireman on the Mary Taylor, has been missing since the 10th ult. The report that he was drowned was first circulat ed, but without foundation. It has since been ascertained that he was un willingly taken on board a ship bound for England. He was said to be a steady young man and a good work man. He had no relatives in this country, but was stopping with Mr. Peter "Nickoisen, a m jchinist in the employ of Messrs. Arndt $- Ferchen, who will forward information to the proper authorities at the vessels' des tination. He had been previously em ployed by Arndt A: Ferchen. Had Been There Himself. One of our citizens was going home at a hue hur recently, when he was suddenly confronted by a footpad, who, with pistol p. tinted at his head, demanded his money. The citizen assured the follow that he had no money, that he had "lteon to a fair." IWore he onld .say more the rascal dropped his pistol, put it in his pocket, and presently took mthis wallet, and crushing something into the citizen's hand, id. in grief-broken accents, as he turned on iiis heel, "been to a fair Poor follow! take that I wish it was metre." He was soon lost in the night, rpon approaching a street lamp, the citizen found that the nii-oreiint had given him a ten-dollar hill. Verily, Hie tttwjh f nature makes the whole world kin. Y. M. C. A- The regular monthly meeting h" the Young Mens Christain Association will be held at their hull this (Friday) evuiting at 7:30 o'clock. The British bark Scottish Hero, from this port to Queonstown, was siHtkon December 31st in latitude 4 X. longitude 20. The Pacific Censer, published at Vancouver, says "It is neither for sale or loan,"' although the subscription nce is $1 50 a year. Albany has an altitude of 157 feet above mean tide at Astoria and is situated in latitude 44 degrees 58 min utes; longitude 123 di'iirecs IS min utes. Seattle's city debt is being ttx ungittelted at the rate of about 700 a mouth. Its warrants have immensely appreeiated during the last twit, three and four years. Several interior papers come to us printed on the half sheet, in conse quence of being nimble tu obtain their patent outside from Portland on ac count of the flood. I hie of the Albany girls who had been receiving attention from :i young disciple of Blackstoue says that if there is anything in the world that she likes it is the strong arm of the law. --The new river steamer, now being built at Poi tland, by Capt V. 13. Scntt, is 'progressing rapidly. The vessel is designed to run either on the Astoria, or Cascade route, and is being buit with the view of uiakiug her the swiftest boat on the river. Efforts are being made by the agents f the Central Pacific railroad company to obtain the controlling interest m the Olympia and Tenino railroad and to extend the line to the Seatco coal mines, iu which they are largely interested. If accomplished this will give some life to Olympia. Quite a number of newspaper referred to the flood of 1802, com paring it with the one which visited the valley recently. Old residents state that there was no flood in 1802, but that it was in Dcecmber, 1801, the highest water here being on the 3d of the month. The Columbian bays truthfully tliat congress should appropriate half a million dollars to improve the mouth of the Columbia river. The Columbia is the chute to feed the world, and the soouer the t'uited States wakes up to that idea the better it will be for humanity in general. The grand concert and carnival masque ball to be given by the differ ent lodges of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Portland and East Portland, at New Market theater Wednesday evening next, promises to be the social event of the year. A floor extending to the dress circle will be built over the parquet, on a level with the stage, and will give dancing room forty by one hundred and fifty feet. The Tacoma Ledger says: "On or about the 15th inst., Indian Harry, who had been employed at Hanson, Ackersoii fc Co's mill, fell into the open fireplace of his cabin, while in toxicated or in a spasm, and. was fatally burned. He was not discov ered until a week afterwards, when he wjls found as he had fallen, still alive but unable to move. His face, one of his ayes, .shoulders, arms and linnds were horribly sctrched, and the flesh had fallen away in places. One of his hands wa drawn up like the claw of an eagle and the tendons of the other hand wei-e oxposed, the flesh having been burned fl'. H was taken to a cabin near the mill and Dr. Wing was called, but found him injured beyond the reach if remedy. He died on Wednesday evening." -Persons desiring to subscribe for the daily Oregoiiian will find it to thoir advantage to call at the City Book store, as we furnish it for less money than other agents. Salmon bellies, at retail, at War- ... V l? .- t 1 Clean Newspapers. Parents can not be too particular in the kind of newspaper literature they introduce to their families. Newspapers that abound in coarse and indecent allusions, indicative of the natural coarseness and indecency of their editors, are not the kind of papers tkat.children should have daily accftss to. So father wants a paper in his hoiise that he cannot trust in this respect one that he is obliged to read in advance to see if it will do to sub mit it to his children. He has a right to insist that his family paper shall at least be clean, even though it be want ing in honesty or ability. A liberal exercise of this sacred right would soon crowd out of circulation all nasty newspapers, and compel their vulgar and low-minded editors to seek em ployment more cogenml with their di&trdered tastes. Cl. Geo. L. Gillespie desires to notify inariiturs that in accordance with a late "Notice to Mariners,' published by the light-house board, Washington, D. C, the iightit point Adams, at the mouth of the Columbia river, was, on the night of the 1st, changed froia a flashing red and white to a fixed red light. Mariners will do well tt bear this in mind. The cantata of Queen Esther was produced at Albany on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings hist, about fifty persons taking imrt iu its rendition, all home- talent, it is said that performance ever given in that city created such great excite ment among the citizens, or elicted such general praise as the cantata of Queen Esther. The proceeds are for the Young People's Christian assoc: atioii and will fiHt up 3TtO. Central Hotel. The Central hotel, near the steam ship dock is now open for the recep tion itf guests, where the well known caterer, Mr. Anton Beloh will always be found ready to wait on his patrons, lie has had the above named house thoroughly related by Messrs. Pike and Stockton, our well known artists. Call and see him. as he h:is the finest brands of liquors and cigars to be had in the city. I'iano Tuning. Mr.,A. L. Francis, dealer in pianos and organs and professional tuner and repairer, will be iu the city a few days. Thofce winning to buy on the best profitable terms will do well to give him a call. He will recommend nothing but first class instruments. Urders may be left at the post-oliice r -Mrs. Munsons. Somctltluj; Xrw unit Choice. Have you already tasted the delici ous snioKeu sardines, excellently adapted for luncheon or supper If not, try them at once. Ask your grocer for them; they are put up ex pressly for family use. Ladle Attention. A beautiful assortment of coral, jet, and steel jewelry, now all the fashion, will be u)teiied at Adlers iu a few days. Also a large stock of other new goods. Mullet, ;afTanil Copper Handle. Canneryinens work will be done in good style by Henry Gallon, Astoria, Oregon. If yon will give him your orders now he can be doing the work in dull times, making it advantageous to all pa-ties. To Let. Several furnished or unfurnished rooms at Mrs. Muuson's lodging house. Also, a few persons can have board if required, either ladies or gentlmen. ,T. Y. JIuiiHoii Is getting impatient waiting for some of those promises to pay balanc es due on account of steamer Magnet. He don't want to make costs, but is liable to do so. Look ov fopniew novelties a larjje st ods when Adler re tun A fine lot of blank louks. station ery, and other jjoods used incanneries. at San Francisco prices. at Adlers book store, direct from the manufac turers. Math tubs, water closets, sinks and hot water apparatus, furnished hotels and private residences, at lowest rates and shortest notice, by Alanus C. Crosby, at the little tin shop "round the corner." For a variety" of valentines, com ical and sentimental, cull at Stevens & Sons. , Frush smelt at Warren A: Eatous. P. Wilhelm, Doss saloon, opposite the Clarendon hotl, Portland, Oregon. If yon warn a good big oy.ster stew iu styk, call around to Tom Smiths, next door to I. H. Fox, Alain street Ast ria, Oregon. Ojhjii at all hours. nx .school books very low. Since the Chinese started to brew 'cheap San Francisco beer" there is little or no demand for that article any more. Call for the Columbia brewery beer, if you want something good. A nice lot of wutorn oysters at Rosooes, arrived yesterday by steamer Columbia, '--all around, ion willlind them first class. Mrfk A AdlcrV-lH AROUND THE CITY. A full assortment of couuter and grocers scales can be found at M. C. Crosby's, at bottom prices. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has ju-t received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boot--, -.hoe.-, etc. For a fir-t-clft- oyster stew, fry, pan-nm-t or fancy ront. go to Hoooe's, on Main street! opposite N. Loeb's. Families supplied by the hundred or the -ack.oiKMied or in the -hell. Mr. J. Stewart. -tone and marb'e cutter of Atoria will guarantee -uti-faction to all ordering uork of him. and will do a In-tter job for le money than any out-ide workman. His worlc in the cemetery here -hoiild ltesuniciciit rccom inclination. Hetoreoii let your eon tracts for work of thi- kind it "would be well to call iiiHin Mr. Stewart. Tin IMate, iis Tin. Kt. Geo. W. Hume keeps constantly on hand, and to arrive a full line of fish ermeiis and cannery supplies, at prices which defy coiiiautHiu. Parties wish ing groceries and those intending to run mess houses should inspect goods and obtain large discount from regular price. S. phon !"tuil.v Lamp. Hon. I. W. Case, of Astoria, in placing the new Syphon atudy lamp on the market, would call the atten tiutiou of the trade to some of its merits. Its illuminating qualities are not equalled by any study lamp in use. It gives a steady, brilliant light; is free from unpleasant odor;does not drip either when burning or not burning; easily lighted and trimmed, and is without exception, the most conveni ent lamp to fill ever made. Directions accompanying each lamp. Call upon Mr. Case and buy one. He -elis them at remarkable low rates. AMl'SKJJK.TS. Mini.'- Vaimktik-. Geo. Hill, proprietor. Fred t;ere. man ager. The entertainment will conclude with -Dr. Fow ler or Me-meri-m." ami the "new wedding partj" b Xieker-on and Maley. The evening- amu-e-iik'hL to commence with the ever popu lar first part. Xieker-on ami Stalev as the funny men. Gere interlocutor. Mis Morrison in new balad-. Moriee iu vo cal gems. Mr. Bichanl Bruce with his driiin solo. Maley with hi- champion jig. Gere with hi-Cermanexeeiitricities. ami a very pathetic balad by a erv pa thetic individual, who-e name atitctic aly i- N icker-on. Nine people on the first part, and an exhibition equal to any on the coa-t. Mr. Hill invitc-critici-m. Come and -ee for yoitr-elf. New orchc-tral -eh-etion- and new music on the grand stand under '.he leadership of Mr. George Lambert at ttZV) v. m. The entertainment will begin at 72V) i v. Entrance on Benton -treet. Private Smixc- on t'henamu-. When you want a dish of nice Eastern Oysters done up a la mode, or a good steak, or a fragrant cup of coffee, oil! at Frank Fabres on the roadway, and he wiil accommodate 3'ou. ( )pen at all hours. During the absence of Mr. Carl Adler from the city, MrOhas. Moffett will have the enure mCnagemeiit ot his business, and he ivMi commence at once by reducing prisus of everything suitable to dull umel Everybody can be assured uKheingjrfeated well, and furthermore will tytd out by care ful exaniinaKn of yo7ds and prices that Adlers store ilAhe place to do your buying. Yoijcan always find what you ask for in large variety. Mr. John Rftgera, of the Central Market, has made arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc., in their season. Max. Wagner's San Francisco National brewery beer can't be beat. The new improved Franconia range, kept by Magnus C. Crosby, stands at the top of the market. Gray's wood yard is now fitted up on the wharf foot of Benton street, and prepared to deliver wood to any part of the city sawed to any length, and full measure. McConnick's almanacs for 1881. At the City Hook Store. Charles Stevens A:Son,oppo3itethe Bell-tower. John lttnjers has just received at the Central market a large invoice of coal oil, assorteds brand, and for sale at reduced rates. He also keeps a jjeneral assortment of groceries, liq uors, tobacco, cigars, fruits and vege tables of best quality, which he offers at small profit for cash. Magnus C. Crosby has a first-class workman, and is prepared to do all kinds of jobbing in tin, sheet iron and copper, plumbing and steam fittimr. Full satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For the Ceuuine J. H. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors, and San Francis beer call at the Uem opposite the bell tower, and see Campbell. Call early and make your selec tions of valentines at tile City Book Store. Republican City. Neb. March 31, 18S0. I tried yiMir Kendall's Spavin Cure and it had the desired effect. It eu red the spavin which other treat ments foiled M do. I did not ue quite oii, bottle of your iinimeitt. After the sjmviii was removed I irve the horse and his mate over oX) miies. from Linn comity. Iowa, to liarlin county, Nebraska, with a load of 2,UO) pounds, and made the trip in four weeks. Please send me ycntr Trentia on the IJorse. Price "J5 cenu. Yours truly, .lames Yeliemc. oave itiiey i oiiin v.ur sehool l)ooK3 at -VueVC Fruah leaf lard at Warren and Eaton's. If your horse hits a uuavin use Ken dall's Spavin Cure. See their adver- tl- .slilellt. kjrr IXL STORE ! ! NE WINTER GOODS ! ! AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TDIES. Clothing for Men. Youths and Boys. Overcoats and Ulsters. Boots and Shoes, Hats. Furnishing Goods, and Fancy Goods. lanlies and Iflisse t'uriernenr. Hosier)'. Dress Goods. Ca-simeres Waterproofs, Flannels. Canton Flannels. Linen Damask. rVapIiins. Dojlies. Crashes. Ton els. Feft Nliirfs. Trunks. Valises. ZVotious. ami an P!)logiiiit Stock of Zephyrs and Fancy Yarn, In f;n-i the lan;e-t autl ImM -lock in town ami at the lowot jHiro. i.(!all oil ihc before piuvIiuiH? if j-4hi wi-h to a e inoiiev. - C. If. COOPER, I X I. More. Main Street, near P;trker Hou-eT Astoriu. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF S FURNITURE 35 BEDDING," AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in cery branch. ASTORIA MEYER M. ETAVIXK EVEKY FACILITY FOK UK tide, lam now repared to furni the OK LAGER BEER, at :i ckxts ii:k (;allo. Families and keepers of public house MEYEK. Proprietor M. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IS SI FElilOK TO MOSI. AI IS KMKI.I.I.D 1S" NONE ON THIS rOAST JOHN HAHN, - - PROPRIETOR, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. EC-Orders left at the tIEJiMAMA 15EKIC IIAl.L will be promptly attended to.-ffn MISCELLANEOUS. (M.KINKNWKUKK. HlKAM KltOUN. h.VTAi:i.lllKD !$. Leinenweber & Co., ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMERS MB CURRIERS, Manufacturer-) ami Importers ot 4 LI. KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholeile Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. MANrFACTrilKKS OF BOOTS and SHOES BlHliest cash price paid fwr Tallow. ides and MAGNUS C. CROSBY. DKALKlt IX Stoves, Tinware, and House furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron Copper. Brass, and Zinc. w. i mVauk. Astoria. A. KKOTCf Portland. UltOAVX A 3Io.'ABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS. Astoria oftkv At E. C. Holdeu's Auction store. Portland uftlve '.M II .street. 13-tJ THE ASTORIA Photograph Gallery CARll SIK PHOTOGRAPH H. ff 50 Per Dozen. CABIXKTSIZE PIIOTOGRAP1IN S4 OO Pr I) or. en. rSpeial rates for families. DRESS MAKING. issst?- MKS. F. W. 1I.I.S!.E , - .MAIN ST Iihhl .,,.,7, to.,u rt.a,t.r f tlll ,i:iJ'H.r. Kstage pre- lo MaM,nie IrailUiu. next door to 3lr-.Drri- , !d b Us, on receipt of L- now pri'imred t do j 25 033TXTTS. FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKING1 H''itiit Unices may be made in enrreiiey, s XNI) j er or stamps. scimI all orders to PLAIN SEWING OF ALL KINDS. ; lK ' ! J worfj.ro,, I-i4lies.f Astwriaare resiectfiilj slM-itet . fr asluutMif tlH'irjmtronaui-. u-ih for lnittneks rattenis. 3I(rrill & 3IcGrpgoi. Blacksmiths and Kachinists, Capt. Maker's eM stand, Astoria. Oregon. . AN wwk in wr line, heavy tr lh,'b:,e with neatneii ami liitieJi. Horseshoeing, Wagon and Farm Work a Specialty. cjTAIi worK warranted jmhI zi tat-omnlAc wte. BREWERY. Proprietor. M AN UFA CTU15E OF A FlHSTCLAsS All. public with the finest nunlitj". for cah. OK BOTTLED BEER, AT 81 50 Ii:R DOZra. promptly and repularly supplied ASTOUIA. OKKCON B MISCELLANEOUS. "A Slt'Miiil Man is Merciful to liK Kcur, OXLY 25 i'KXTK. 650.000 ALREADY SOLD A treiU'lUlie I I &0 IPS And his Diseases. lj B.J. KILYDALLM.U. Full of Valuable and Praetieal In formation, and Containing an IXDKX OF IHNKASKS. Which ;:ives the symptoms, cause and the Uest Treatment of each ; a table giinr all the principal dniKS used for the Horse, with the ordinary dnce.eifcels. and antidote when a poison; a tahle with an cnr.ivinor the IlorM'V teeth at ditrerent acs. with nilo for telling the use of the Herse: iricugrav-iiie,s- ,liowinj; tlic important MiuLs in the structure of the horse, also lllnstratim posi tions assumed by sick horses in different dis eases. A valuable collection of receipt, manj o which would cost a horse-owner three to live dollars each EVERY FARMER SHOULD OWN THIS BOOK. Thousands who have .seen it commend it. ami many Reed horcincu have extolled it Iu mi; inquest terms, even .statin? that thev prefer it to books which ost 5 00 to f;Q w. uo not uirow away your iiiouev in the pur chase of costly books on the llune. which are mi full of Latin phrases ami technical terms as to be unintelligible to the aveniee reader but, BUY KENDALL'S TREATISE. A book of loo paxes, iu paper eoers, givim; ou more practiral infonnation than is con tained in home larse volumes at far higher cost. Havinxexauiined this book thoroughlv we arc satisfied no HOKSE-OWNEK Would hesitate a moment about iuestiu;25 cen'.s In its purclrase. if he did but know the value or its contents. KecejcniJiii: the de sirability of having such praeticar informa tion as our farming friends daily need iu their business, provided at reasonable cost instead or being obliged to pa the enormous profits demanded b the I'ublLsliers of most Agricultural Books, we have secured Several Hundred Copies Of tins aluahlc little Treatise on the Horse. I. W. CASE, LMPORTEIt AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DKALEU IN GfflEBAL MERCHANDISE Corner Clienaimis and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON, Cedar Floats. rruiK rxDEusicxED will be ie- JL pared to ruruisli to order, in lots to .suit. and kept eoiistitiitly on hand. CRDAIt FLOATS. MAUIA, f.l.YJLBX. ete.. for s;de at lowest prices. Address, or call upon I'ETEKSON & ANUEKSON, 1X4 Oakroint,"T.rr. ltil ill 1' ilrfr. .?W llr