scWWfPPI 0) Astoria, Oregon. Thursday Morning. February 33 1881 No. 28, Vol. xiv. he w&tovittn. GENERAL EASTERN NEWS. ItV MAI!. AM TKI.MBKAI'H. sli-aiu-liSp Ashore. . j Nkw Yoick, Feb. 1 .During x, 1 , . r t , on' been establish wl at Cologne on n Hosaitnu. front Lowlon, came . , w. iiOSHinia, irn , o t ijMsntl hng.& Ulder (Ls aus. ashore on Ocean beach. 1 he crew . , , , c . i luces attention will not only be and four passengers refuse to be , . , ,, j imid to the l.hme fisheries, but to landed. The mate. .Mm Pepper,,! . , , , .. i , was subsequently nrougm nsituiu bv the crew, xnd reports twenty three nersous on loard. Tile steu- ner is fifteen mouths old; owned jv Steele, Young & Co., of Ixnidon; j valued at $100,0(10; inslired in Ki.glxnd. She will probably be wrecked. PACIFIC COA.ST NEWS. HV MAI I- AMI "IKI.fcUKXI'H Ur.-illi ol" .IhIiii 1. HmJiicIIc. Sv Fkaxcwo, Feb. It Aj IJenicia dispatch reports, that John "V. Dwinelle, a prominent lawyer of this city, was drowned at Port Costa last Friday. Fionf all in formation obtainable it appears that Mr. Dwinelle was last 'seen walking near the edge of the vhaif by the captuin of the ferry .steamer Solano, whu a moment afterwards missed him from the position he had been in, but did not see him fall and did not know at the time who he was. De ceased had been mayor of Oak land, was a regent of the state university and drew the charter for that institution while u member of the legislature. . .. l.i -.... .1 ..,...! I.i flu. 1 :ll till. I Foin Towxskni.. Feb. l.-The schooner Reporter, Capt. ISot-l-, went a&hore during a snow storm at o a. M. to-day, on point Wilson. ti. .ivw.t- in ,lr -relief! and made four Attempts to get the vessel off, but without success. On the fifth attempt however she slid off into deep water and was towed by the cutter to safe anchor age in Port Townsend bav. A Gentleman. There is, probably, no word in the english language more univer sally misapplied among Americans, than the term gentleman. A mis taken sense of politeness employs 11 WJ UIJSIliUHie II IIMIIlllll .iniiiini ol the masculine gender, and the error is seldom, if ever correct ed or even discovered bv the person of whose ehiirxeUM- it is glaring tniversity, and f whose! nt!iiiiiir IT IS in reaillV IJUlXsac.rt. The uue gentleman is never rude or boistereus: neer coarse or vul gar; he never indulged in boast ful arrogance or egotistical self ( onceit; his language ami manner, sue never patronizingly conde scending towards sin inferior, nor d'-s he affect undue humility in tltc presence of those whose station in life is higher than his own. Above sill, his depot tment'is mark ed by a tender regaird for the feel ings and reputation of others, eer does he (however great the temptsition), wound the former, or lend even a momentary sanction to be smirching the other. Central Hotel. The Central hotel, hour the steam ship dock is now open for the recep tion of quests, where die well known caterer, Mr. Anton Deloh will sdways he found ready to wait on his patrons. He has had the above naiuud house thoroughly refitted by 3Icssi. Pike and Stockton, our well known strriitx. Call and seejiim. se? he has the finest brands of liquors and cigars to he had in the city. - An excellent vsiriety of valentines, entirely new, at Adlers book store. -For the best IJeer in Astoria. caM for the Cohunbht ltreicery Jfcei', acknowledged to fie -superior to all others. -Lawyers briefs primed in fine st'e, at The Astokiax office. Frank Faber luis removed in to Dr. Kinsey's bmldin; on Water street On the road to the stoamor dock from down town, bofore break fast, it will now he handy to drop in and ,get a cup of coffee. Scientific Scraps. The French academy of sciences hits raised neat '.m enough money to pay for the ISeequercl statue. I A Khetiisli lialierv society wis lfnillVW(TV III uouuiai. M. Meroxdier gives tle name radiophony to the new jxith oft r?arch njiened up by Professor Graham Uel! through his discovery of sending and receiving articulate Sftccch ami oilier sounds on a lxitm of light. An inventor thinks he has solved ' tin; problem of propelling boats in ! canals and rivers bv means of ejecting water from the Ihjii Fnlike his predecessors, he makes ue not or a large pipe, but of a great number of tubes with very small outlets. AhloMtr he had examined over l)0 hearts of children and grown up people. Dr. Lungier discovered blood vessels in the heait valves in only one case, that of si woman of (f, in whom they were evident ly the result of a pathological process. A new method of obtaining rmin in photo-engraving hafa been introduced by Major Watcrhouse. He presses sand or glas paper into gelatine reliefs, and as the shadows contain a thicker laver of tlw trlMtiiio. :md us. therefore, the ? id or glass is more strongly forced in. a very perceptible gntin ,:- louuce(i. Satisfactory progress is nraking on the Ailberff tunnel. I hose in charge of the work of burrowing intend that on and from the 7th of February next there will be re moved from both ends nine feet day after day. a feat which might well be hooted at as impossible by men unacquainted two or three decades ago with the practical ap plications of model n science. Any way, a thoroughfare of vast im portancc in politics and science is j expected to be opened somewhere jj js Death of Blanqni, the Communist Louis Augustc Blatiqui, the Communist. w!ose dentil was xn- ajnmtneed loeeiitly. was the most restless agitator that France was I eei xinieii nun. iic rcu i the age of 7". the half centurv of his maturity having been mainly spent in confinement or exile. lie was twice condemned to death, and each tinn his sentence was commuted to imprisonment. He wa x prominent figure m every insurrection, and was twice wound ed at the barricades. During the Ciiiumune be was a prisoner in the hands of the Yersnillistspind could have been exchanged for tin Arch bisiioj) of Paris, w!k was sitbse qucntly xssussinated in prison. In LS'iO he was editor of a red repub lican journal in Paris, which led to his imprisonment. While still a prisoner Bordeaux returned him to the chamber of deputies, but the chamber refusal to ratify theelec- tion. boon afterwards he was ru leased, which caused great rejoic ing in the south of France, and since then his life has been spent in seclusion. He was a clear and vigorous writer, and his Kternity in the Stars is highly respected by astronomers. A young lady of Jacksonville concluded to celebrate her birthday by a party in tin country recently, and with a number of friends repaired to the residence of a friend through the heavy nun. The party would no doubt have, lieuii a success had not the family they intended visiting .already retired for Hie night. Warrantee deeds at Tub As tokian office. iciicniitA. Rarbara 4 in her innvh green All f. kMMT llll llr N4IM . ifcrtTM. She Hear- the Imat of her vwli huh-Mih. sat beats the hum im i he iM-taut tow. Awd 4Hn4liMM-tbtilnMM'tf HkMmImU'. Or Ik" tick-lark imirmHr the HHI-wbeH wakes : Km! itl nii step at the garden jnilr A iise " Jm- makes and a l)trnn sto hteaks ; Aid swllv saying : "He wwifi aH. theH?" she tehs and I tints l her sewing aealM. sumHter win, eaii e lrtMe m Hmm To a Hrttfy iMtMHH that k mows no calm? Smmmmt iuh! wt-r. early jmhI late. Dot little narnam sn . iwtk For the.onc 1n rf tU the jamttit gle That n' -r m rf 4iiitf r t4ark. I HtttMvW. if Jw Imi( the truth -nM kum That K kt fnm - mmm Umd. a.kH MMlK rhat iHYhttcrV IhhI hath Ixm hm lakl h- , Wlnrir tin- xra f Hm pniitie ntb m hKtswtmM it Ih en HitHhm himI tUntr WiwM iHfUi4 Imih ami lar wailhttfuVrr Oli.HiiHl-. w4 wituK. will yi wver tHI What hM; jmjh im nir hiW. lfHr a. l-a Iwr l . M lwrknit ainl . AihI Ilnpi-r uA Hmh.hmi1 aU-U xuA Hail. Ik Its imagtMMt liimMlMTf h ill ,. ! kaow. A mk-,' fir hr Ml the yanlott stc A MeMgt will Inralbt in th MHkHt ear.. Her watU Rjcmm a Mft ar fil. Ami Uh Live ami tniM t Hm-m wsr- retr Will iHittK tlM-ir ivHnl in a WK mtloti. TlMHich Han-hiii? ami Hiliii -. mv ixir 1K. TlH'ieaw ansH-. in heavi-n that 11 tlifir e wimls. bStw lihll : Mill IM n-MM. Tm kaif lcmnm, KarltAnt kmm. Prince GortschakofF. 'Among many celebrities in linden-Baden,' says n corresjKmd- ent. "that I see promenading nearly every hour in the day, perhaps there is none more noted or that has a more world-wide reputation than Prince Gorb-chakolV, who was so lonir the Imperial Chancellor of l.'nccl'i .nwl rvKk iVii jti;itiv vi'.nrsl controlled a greater influence on Iv.iropean politics than any other man living, lie also is passing into the sere and vellow leaf, lie is upward of t0, a ad his silvery locks and steps give evi dence that he is nearly rcady for the great harvester of nil. ( ld age has unfitted him for futther use or influence in the I'ussian cabinet, and he is like an old war horse thut has been discarded from active duty after years ol hard work in his country's service. lie spends the summer months in linden-Baden, and the winters in southern France or Italy, having ignored Russia as a place of resi- ,lft, .lonsavsUiatliismimli has become weak and childish, and that he coiislantlv mourns over the1 ingratitude of his countrv in not! reinstating him in pmvcrusiu days s,,ne liy-"T ; Makmg a Forest into Paper. Yu may perhaps read items j mini a part of 20,01 Hi aeres of tun-; her land lrtm rentisvlvauia belorej long. This extent of timiier m ; Somerset euutv will soon I m eon-1 verted intw pa-r. A largo gang' uf worhnieii has been sent to tlK-j . . i tract to bojrtn improvements., "IMh.ii. will a i.nvlixl ii ilumtv.i fifty feet in length, twelve feet in width and eight feet high. The shuutv tmee comnleted, work will . . " , , i .-, i; he he-run oy a Iarje store building, ,. i ii- i i i thirtv dwellinir houses and un enor-1 - .. '- , ,- ,1 uious digester for the cooking mid i steamiturof wood in the manufae-! -. ' , , i l-ii- i nut ui jtn, .im. n "iii,i- ...n...ii to be used in the imtiiufucttire ot paper sacks and wrapping paper.! All these preparations are perlimi nary to reducing these if r,000 acres of forest to news, book and fine writing papers All 3'eiwjjfi want hay of the best J j KiiiiJtiud it at drays wharf. Coiue and see those beautiful J chromos, already framed, at lit teen cents each Five hundred different objects will In opened on I he arrival of "the Columbia, at Autura om. store. Marvel not that I say unto von, ve i. .:..,.. wi.'.c. ... iiiiim lnlJ i iiu I'luuvi. uiiu.-xrvtui uuglectuth to pa the printer, hath not eternal life abiding in him. Who; hath u.rr..w hIh. liHth tvm. wlmlinili sorrow, win. liatli woe, wlioiiatli iiiglitmare. lliey who forget to the ui render unto the printer his just duo?. If a man live many years and pnycth not for Tiik AsToKiix, behold he shall not die in peace till he hath re stored to the printer that which he hath withhehl. Tiik Astorian job prwssas will stokiax job presses will j with vour m inter suiinlies' oads, billheads, ctrtls, ' fit von out of letter-head: envelopes, eta, etc, at astonishingly I low rates, and in axtpiisitu style. Call I. and sec sampled of work done for othcri S AMUSKMKSTS. UlI.I.'s Vauikties. (iiH. Hill. pnrietir. r'redtJertf.inan xeer. The eiitertaiuitietit will ctrttcltMie wkh l)r. Kowlcr or 3Ieiicri-iM." ami the -new wethliim iMtrijr" by NiekerMMi ami Mai . The evenm!- xntne MMMit". tM-iinitieiHe with tlie eer mjn lar first iart. NH-ker-iHi m Sia.- a, the ftutiix iihmi. Cere interlocutor. Mis Mirrixm in mw lalaK. Morice in vo cal '!.. Mr. l:i-:arl Hntoe with Iti ilritni oo. lale with ht i-Ii:iiii),h)i jif. CereMith lii-CeriiMiievrentrH'iiies. ami a very mthetie lKlal h a ver a-llietii-'. :!iklual. mIiom' naim pathetie aly i- Niekerxtii. Nine iM-oile on tin tir-l jwrt. ami an exhihftinii t-, to any mi the coa-i. Mr. Hill invite-erftiei-Mi. (im ami w for ymirself. Xew oreiHrstral MrlertKHi- ami lie mn-k on the raml -taml under mk leailer.-hit of Mr. Course ImbiTt at U' l. M. The eiitertaiiuiteiit will lieiii at 7SW v. M. Entrance on Benton -treet. 1'rixate Ixtxe. on Cheiiauiii-. Have WK-tarV liaison of wihl cln-rry always at hand. It curt- eiHtyhs. cokla. liroiHhiti. whoonhtti c-ineh. ernnp. in llmH3(M. couMtmitfinii. ami all throat ami hum complaints ."iO cent- ami 5-1 a bot tle. Shipping Receipt Books fr sale at his oth've. For m variety of valentines, com ical and H-ntuiieutai, call at Stevens A: Sort. MISCELLANEOUS. WELCH LULL WATEI5"! WORKS runnel Hitf sncixt; watki: 1 to j.itriHi- Custom Solicited, I'ijH-aiHlscm-ral water Htare ctm- laiitly eti haml. riiiiHlHiit: at rca Mii:lilf rates. oim-t- hi VwM- Ijv'IiII. o. K. & X. Tos wharf. .Is. W.WKU'H.Aki-iU. AMena. t ir"4Hi. PIKE & STOCKTON. HCOTTS23, SIGN AM -CARRIAGE PAINTERS,- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A M'KCII.T. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. e-iJSho n-t iliMr to AMoriMii OMee, in Sinister"- iiuililiitjr. CEXTUAI MAKKET. riieralaSMirtiiiriitf tai- -i MiMaHtij on band. eh as ii i l 'j. i Tii LrSllllKMl T 1'UIIS JUKI .JC11V Bacon, Hams, Shourders, Lard. l'AUiS. ni'TTKK. C'HKIISi:. prMh prujs and Vegetables. III tin- -easoli. CKi.i:s AI) TOBACCO. ' " '1MS AAI) I.IQroitN. AiieiH-pM rs. ru :.i .n n4n- llli-lMl. OpNrlt- I. W.( ..x Mttrt . .i kik.ei;s. Washington Harket .lc" Street, - - Astoria fi"rfnr 11EKC3IAX D llEliltY I KsPilCTFl'LLY OA 1.1. THE ATIKN. lti.. 0f the intblic u. the fet that tht ahuve Market Kill alKa5 b4Hihed rua a FULLVAKIKTYBFTOUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Whick wil! be sold at lowe.-t rates, wholesale , anu reinii. ci'ccihi aucnuun Kien lsuiijlj shius. H. K. tt vaars. T. U . Eito.n Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTE. . ASTORIA. - - - OKEi.tiN. WAKKKX A. K.VTO.V. Proprietor-. (Sctr it i W'arrtM J: MtGttif Wholesale ami Retail Dealers is j presh and Cured Meats A full line of FAMILY OKOCEK1ES. FLOUR. FEED . CANNED FRUIT. VEOE- J ' TABLhs. ETC. ; e Kmter. Ejrjrs. Cheese, etc. constantly j on hand. ! a ships applied at the Iowcm rates. Hose For Sale. T'11' I'NDKRSIONEU CO.MMITI KE ON J w , H..,.r ;in. allUl.irit.,, ,X u,,. Common Couneil to mH Irti feel of n.bber ami l."iii feel of leather lime. lNaloiiiiK to the fin- deiwrtnieni. Auv jhtmhi wiiiimr to PiirehiiM will eall on I fie eoHiuiilt'i. chas.s. vi:it;irr. .IOHN HAHN. , A. .1. STl Krl. CoiHMtittee iiii Fin and AVater. Wanted. -i -r if POUN Ds KACS OF all kimU. 1.0)JJ the Umbrella -""" '"'" Mrt- !, J- JO''" A Piano l0Aimi!'wil: KIuTs MRs.C. II. PARKER. ;-lm at the Parker House. . i&gmk SsSBteviwici IiAXlvlG AND INSURANCE. "banking andinsurance. x. w, case, BROKER, BANKER M INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, ... OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM S O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. 31. Hue fflitgal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, t. F. IlnunitTON. , I'KAi. K. STKY tlKO. Ij. &TOK .............. PresHlent Srcn-larj .A'-jent for 0ua CaHtal mM up in U. S. yuM vh $ X)o 0)0 (HI I IV. CASi:. Agent. ClH-namiL street. Vtoria. Oregon. 67,000,000- CAPITAL." LIVERPOOL AND LOMrON AND GLOBE NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Kepresentins a capital of 07,000.000. A. VAX DUSEN. Asent. J HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A. .. MKCI.KK. C 3. WKIOUT OCCIDEAT HOTKL. MEGLEi: & WKIGUT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. milE TKOFKIETOKS AKE IlAPl'Y TO X annoHHce that the above hotel hn- liet-n reiwinttvlaad refunibhed.ailtlinz greatly to th comfort f lt saet anil i now the best laitel north of San Francisco. O. W. KOWLK.s. AU ZI Kl:KU Cr.A15i:NI)OA IIOT1IL. POkTLAXIi. - - - OKEGON ZIEBER & KN0YLES, Proprietors. Free couch to and from the house. eTiiK I)ILV A-STOKIAN Ls on file at the ClaretMlon Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. -- - ASTOKIA .11 rs. S. X. Arrlsoni. Proitrietor 1uietkavei.ini; PtP.I.IC WILL FIX!) . the Pioneer titst ehws in all respects, and a share of their patronage U rtspectftill villrlteil. CfImrd and Iodsintcby theday or week. Post-office Restaurant. MAIN STUr.ET. " " - ASTOKIA. .IOSEPI1 MATTHEWs. PKOPK. fJlHIS ISA FIKST CLASS- KI-STArKANT JL Ket on the Liuopeau Han. Freh os-tt-rs in -xer tle Main treet. helueeii I iieiiaauis ami siihiiio.1k-. ROSCOE'S FIRSf CLASS n,-.f,,. '..i.,u, f inii.1 uaii'un. Nx.' MAIN STKEirr. ASTOKIA. rami: inoeksionkh is pleaseu to JL aiiiHHiiM'c to iiR Ladies and Gentlemen of this City Tlwt lie i imiw ireparel to fiinibh for them, hi Hist ekt. t lc. ami eery -tlt-. OYSTE: -. HOT .COFFEE, TEA. ETC. vr tio Ladies -and Gent's Oyster Saloon. MAIN STREET. 11e:iM- uii- me a rail. KOSCOE OIXON, Proprietor The New York Oyster Saloon Will M-ne t their I ii-tonier. ifrnui tliN .I--' ,i fni i w . TEA. COFFEE. CHOCOLATE. Kastern Oyster. Always on Hand. AihI will In kept a-a lir-t ehe-(Hster Sa hHHi. in Mist rl:i stjle. OAXIEL i:RAXT. Manager. I", k. .i ri;iN .i. a. jioxti:omki:v. JPIOINTEEZ STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTORIA. - OREOOX. DE3. a.- CXJI3NT3Sr. dealer in F.iHii.Y acoci:i:iRs. 3r.iii'.3iir.i. n:i:i aad hay. CUsli iaid for count r produce. Small proHLs on isisii a!es. .Vstorja. Oregon, cor ner of Main and Siueuioeihe streei.s. WAlt IS DECLAREI1 WITHOUT Fl'KTIIKK XOTICK And no tenii of jH.ace until even- man in Astoria lists a newMiit of clotliex .1IAIK BY 3IKAXY. IjHik at the price-: lants to order from - - - sS co Pant'.Oeiiuiue French Cns-lmere - li 6o Salts from - -- -- -'.Goo The fine-t Mih of srnpk oil the coat to select from. P. .1 . M EAXY, Merchant Tailor. Inrker Hoiim. Astoria. BUSINESS CARDS. Q. A. BOWLIJY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chennimfe Street. - ASTOKIA. OREGON p XV. FUI.TOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOKIA - - - OHKOOK" liftke over !'; & Allen tvre. Phnn street r vr. itoitit. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOKIA .... OKEGON OBk-e er Warren & Elttt'. A.-twria Mar ket. nHNiif the Oeealeiit Ihttel. in V. HOLI)K. NOTARY TUBLIC, AnTIOXKEi:. COMMISSION AXD Iff SUKAXCK At: EXT. A. VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC. CheictiHits Street, near (KelikaMt Hotel, ASTOKIA. OKEGON. Agent "Wells. Fargo & Co. rai. i. uakkh. 3i. i. Okkick Next lMr to Capt. Kwitis rcii-. tie lice. Ca Street. Okfick Hoi i:- Fniia i a. si. to It a.m. ;uhI from u t. si. t 4 e. i. Xjl P. HICKS. PENTIST, ASTOKIA. - - onEGorr. Ifooins in Allen's building up tairs. corner of Csuvsaiul SieiiM)cqhe street-. "TR. .11. I). JEM.CS. PHYSICIAN AND S17KGK0N. Gnultinte University of Virginia. 186S. Phy.sichm to Iiy View hospital. UaUimore Cit , l$tX)-T0. Ofkh-k In Page & AllruS bnildin?, un stairs. Astoria. JAY TITTLE, 31. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Okkick Over the AVIute House Store. Rkmukxck Xet door to Mrs. Munsonra boanliUKlioue. Clieuauius street, Astoria, Oregon T C. OKC'IIAKI). DENTIST. Dental Itooms Slll'sTElfs PltotomDh Kuilding. T A. 3icIXTOSH. 31ERCHANT TAILOR, Occident Hotl J'.uildmg. ASTOKIA - - - OREGOIT Q II. JBAIA' it CO.. oeai?:i: i Doors. "Windows. Blinds, Traa souls. Lumber. Kte. All kind-, of Oak Lumber. Ulass. Bout Ma terial, etc. Steam Mill near Wston hotel. Cor. Gd evieand Astorstreets. C ;. ix-ai,i. AS I OKI A. - - OREOOX. I Will eontruet for work in In-line and fur I mh the glass. Small job- done t onler ' Cas-.treet. next door to the comer of .Teffei I sou -treet. Asioria. Oreou. "j G. FAlltFOWL & SOX, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS S&& I orthind and Atoria, Oregon. Kefer by ieriHi-HH to Roser. Meyers A Co, Allen A Lewn.CoiOitt.V.Macfeay. I'urtlnnd.-Oreun. uni. miijKXiiakt. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon AslORIA - ORECOX. Hot, Cold, liitrr. Meaiti and iililiur I5ATIIS. S3Sieeial attention given to ladies' and hililren's hair eiittinsr. Private Kiitr.uiee for Lad it- AyiLT.IA3I FRY. PRACTICAL root aad snei: MAKER. CUKNA3U-S STithKr. opiKojte Adler's Boot store. - Antoi:i.. Oki-uox. SSr-lVrfeet tits guarantee u All work warranted. (live me a tiuil. All order promptly lilted. J. T. B0RCHERS, CON COM LY bTREET. ASTOKIA. Maiuifctiuer and Packer of CAVIAR, SMOKED SALMON. ( ash paid for fresh T.LACK STURGEON SPAVN. smoked Sturgeon, and .smoked Salmon put up In tins to -hip to an part of the world. Also, trout bait i: salmon eggs) put up in cans and warranted to keep am length of time. leot at Rogers Central Market, coruerot Caand CheuamiLs streets. .Vstoria. Music Lessons. T. F. CULLEN and C E. BARNESr 1 TEACHERS OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, Would like a few pupils on either i.f tUe above instruments. Terms Eight lessons for thedolluis. frOrders left atsteens & Son- boofc store1ll lie pniuitl attended to. OPILES. The undersigned Is preimreilto furnisk a large number of Spiles and spurs at bis place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C.G.CAPLES. Columbia City, BiSKew Jbk