gfie glinlxs stoviatu ASTORIA. OREGON: "WEDNESDAY FEB. 2, 1881 . C. iniXA.NI tall tor. 'What Causes Lynching. The papers 5ji the eat are all Tery much worked up over the first lynching: that ever took place in Pennsylvania. They arc loud in their demands that tiie farmers who did the lynching hould be punished. Snyder, the man lynch cd, brutally killed two respectable people as they slept, and left three helpless children orphans. He acknowledged the crime. There are other circumstances connected -irith the deed that make it one of the most atrocious tragedies on record. Of course lynching is wronir, but it is the trickeries of law that make lynching common. A recent Nebraska paper says in referring t discharge's of murder ers on technicalities: "It is not a little singular that all these de cisions are made practically to favor the vicious and the criminal. There is not one, we venture to say, among all the decisions of our Supreme-court, that has rendered justice more certain or more decis ive. These technicalities are. al ways found to favor the side of injustice always tend to override equity are always found to shield acknowledged criminals from the just punishment of criminality.1' This kind of thing will doubtless make lynching more frequent out in Nebraska. Ohio claims to be a more law-abiding state than either Pennsylvania or Nebraska. Cin cinnati is the Paris of Ohio. In the year just closed twenty per sons were murdered in Cincinnati. Have any of the murderers been hung? Not one. Aie any of the murderers in the penitentiary? Just one; and he is a poor negro who had mo money to get the quibbles of law turned in his de iense. Most of the others got free on ley-al technicalities. There are many people who think that if these twenty had been lynched so ciety would not. have been much the worse. Progress in New Zealand. New Zealand is making great progress in "the cultivation of its soil and in the introduction of for eign plants. The government of the colony has arranged for the shipment this month of a number of Japanese fruit trees, apple, -orange and plum, and other trees And shrubs. The temperature of New Zealand is considered to be so much like that of Japan that it is hoped these fruit trees will easily become acclimatized and thrive well. There is some pros pect, too, of making New Zealand a. wine-growing country. Some French vine-growers have decided to plant a piece of land to the Jiorth of Auckland as vineyard. It is also proposed to introduce the tea plant in the same district. Some time ago the coloiry intro duced a large number of English sparrows and linnets, and made special provisions for their protec tion. Both sparrows and linnets iave got on so well in New Zea land and multiplied so rapidly that the protection which has hitherto heen extended to them has now keen removed. Abolishing the Pistol. St. Louis Globe Democrat. The legislature of Illinois will, at its approaching session, be ask ed to pass a law making it an of fense to sell, give, hire or loan a pistol or other deadly weapon to anr minor. The enforcement of such law would greatly reduce the lists of crimes and accidents. A general disarmament of Young America is one of the needs of the time. The small boy must be put upon a peace footing. The population of the United States, on the first day of June last, was 50,152,550. I f the ratio of in crease from 1S70 to 1SS0 has been maintained since June, the popu lation of the union, on the iirst day of January, 1SS1, was 51,005, 150. It is safe to set it down in waound figures at 51,000,000. The Census. The following statement shows the population of certain states and ! : '. . territories according to the United J States census of 18S0. This state- J .. .-ii i- .. . -ii ment is still subject to possible I corrections bv reason of the dis ; coven of omissions or duplica tions of names in the list of inhabi tants returned: AlHlmiux isimi Arkansas . jo;1 ' ('4rtiHC4'tk'Ht . .. ou.?s nrlHwan 1W.5I FtoririH Wrtj GcoiyiH............- - 1 cir,s8 Intra 1.ft!l,JB Kansas Wf.SK KeHtHckV . l.T4sVN INtiNHHM M9.W Maine mrjms MssjM'hM'Its J.T'-a.O"" Missouri NplH-Hk ITfiAXl Ne MilH .. Jt2" New IlMMpshire ...-........ "MT.TI Neiv Jersey - I.l.", New York. r..o2Ml North CamliuM t; tutor Oregon ...................-.... .... 174.1C7 Rhode Isfeitd -. -TiWes South Carolina -...... lt..7(; Ti'MnesM-e ...... l'-M? Ylirwla I.'ilih) WlsttuistH 1.315.3; ItlttHo .. . 37,41 i null usn Wyoming -MJks Vermont StiH West Virginia .;$ District i Columbia . ITT . Montana . . .".1T Washington .. 7.-..120 The Eartli's Population. Belnn and Wagner, in the last edition of their book on the popu lation of the earth, estimate the entire population of the inhabited globe at l,4.")C,O00,0OO persons. Europe, without counting Iceland and Nova Zembla, is believed to have 315,929,000 inhabitants on an area of 1 16,349.9 (iermau square miles, or at the rate of 1,191 per sons to the German square mile; Asia is put down as having S34, 707,000 inhabitants, on S99,47S square miles that is, 1,031 per sons to the square mile; Africa, as having 205,0?9,0i0 inhabitants, on 543,1 7S square miles, or 37S per sons to the square mile; America, as having 94,495,500 on G9 1,138.5 square miles, or 137 to the square mile; Australasia, as having 4,031, 000, on 102,009 square miles that is 24: persons to the square mile; the Arctic regions are assumed to have S2.000 inhabitants on S2,091 square miles, or about one person to every square mile. The sum total, as observed, is 1,455,923,500 persons, on 2,4 0,903.4 square miles, or at the rate of 589 persons on the German square mile. The German empire comprises 9,S15.0 square miles, Avith a population in 1S7S of 44,210,94S persons. Derivatisn of the Word Blizzard. The derivation of the word ''bliz zard" is not generally known. We will elucidate: When one of those superior creatures who inhabit Bos ton enters his .'esthetic home on a cold night he removes his cultured muffler from his refined throat and remarks: "The atmospheric ex uberance ih antagonistic to the preservation of caloric in the physi ological structure," which, trans lated, means, "it blows hard." When a dejjeuerate Chicago man returns home at 3 a. m. from a chicken fight, after having ob served the fall of the mercury and several other things in liquid form, he explains the state of the atmos phere to the angry partner of his joys as follews: "M'dearsh, bl'sh ':ird blard," after which he encounters a blizzard froi his in dignant spouse. Nevr Year's Cards. The practice of making New Year's calls dates from a time immemorial at least from time colonial when every body knew his neighbor. The prac tice of using New Year's cards is of comparatively modern date. They were first used in New Ycrk in 18G8-9. Then the designs were not very elabo rate, hnt the idea tk and soon after became almost ttnivursal. Now a great deal of artistic skill is lavished on the cards and they can be purchased from ten cents a dozen tip to $50 for a single card. The latter price is paid for choice liaud-paintcd cards, and are not exteifcively used by the poorer class of society. Some cauls are deco rated or not as the case may be by the portrait of the oilier. The photo calling cards are very handy to recog nize the owner by in case he cnlls too often on the wine when it is red. t"AII citizens of Oregon who deirc to inform their friends in the -state of the condition and proqresoftliis -state, can have no more complete and compre hensive volume of facts to semi them than by subscribing for this journal, and having us mail it weekly to their friends. Ve mail it as directed. For SS 00 in advance, we mail three conies of Tint Weekly Astokian one year. Hontf RdHcatioB. In something written we have anj indistinct recollection of having made reference to a general disposition among boys in their teens, as well as ' boys of maturcr years, to enlighten I ana bless the world with their pro-, fmmd knowl8dge of the hone an his J history. Our books and newsnaners i are full of this kind of literature, and j it varies in style From the production of the child at school, commencing j with; The horse hits four leys and ji . tail; up to the eloquent tribute of tlie I scholar when he quotes from Jeb: That hat his neck is clothed with thunder and I the glory of his nostrils is terrible. I He smeileth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains and the shouting. Between these two ex tremes of the child at his first school coiuNsitioii. and 'the professional literature, we have every jrradeof pre tention, and ench professing to have mastered the whole subject. As we approach the close of this nineteenth century, we botn"n to look for some thing better in this department of knowledge front those who assume to instruct " And it is to be found in Kendalls Treatise on the horse, sent by mnil to any person for twenty-five cents, jKstae paid. Apply to The Astokian office, or address D. C. Ire land, Astoria. Oregon. XEVTU-lfcY. J. I Pt unoppers Notice. IHKRElt Cl E NOTICE THAT MK. I tHdis s H" longer in ir.yeiiiploj. anil tlmnie Knot aiithitned to rollect an WIN or lnirauvK-t an" uilier business fur me or hu myttaii)v. ir-3i E.C. NoticeXtO Subscribersto" IIOI.DEX. Morning Iregoman. lI.'Oll .M) AITEK THIS HATE Mil JL EusriK'X-TliOrii will ih'lner and eullect for the Ornpni iiMlus -it. Ml WIN hie must im MpieiL 27-sw WllP l to. Win or to the nuiler- E. ('. IIOI.DEX. AReWt l"r the Oregoiiinti. Tenders Wanted. milE c'OI.lli:i CANNING CO. imllrs A tenorrx for the eunst ruction if fifteen tJoatiu-iij nicK t lH-trlienJ at Atna tr FNheitilM. l'thns and specifications ean he Men on apjthinirion to I. Cherry. irr of Messr. TreiirtJanI . Cn-Wirs-. Astoria, or at rVieni(i Cahnerj. am) scaled tenders vwll he iireieKn' either plaee. The OiutKtny reserve tfnv rlhl to re jeet an orall hids. x :S-:td JAMES I..VHM.AW, President. 380 Reward. mWEXTY IXH.1.AKS WILL ItE I'AID JL fur the rceoenteaeh nf the limltes of four Chiiuoncirdfimiitjl itrColumbia river near Itrookfieldvii Vrnewlay last, while goiBR from yrtlaB nek Ao'4JnMikfield. One was twentvritue AearyoaKe.atiu had on his iiersoum tlP til- achock of $iiand sH' Joli si'ifii Uotiars The second w:is twenty-three , ol(V uid had a piilo! aud seven dtHlarsluslIxefyTIle third was twentj- four tarsi1y aud lad thtee twenty dollars pold iJeees. :Hu iHece. tweut -live cent iieee. ami a liver S. at eW. The fourth was twenty-eight mrsOHlXnd had SIX. in gold. The above rewanWwHI heoald bv the utidctsisnei. i.rx ciirxo : co.. OrCHIN I.t'Nt;. l'oitland. Origin. Astoria, Oregnii. il.diwltu' E. R. liAAVTSS. I)eder Tu Cannery Supplies of all Kinds. Arcnl for the celebrated MEDALLION RANGE, HICH CLOSETS, LOW CLOSETS, PLAIN CLOSETS, IRON PIPES ES AN.D FIT ALL KINDS. 'lTHNGS OF Brass Goods, Hose, Etc., WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, Etc. -ALL WORK YARRANTED-6. TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT. "LffiHTFURMa MONTHLY Journal devot ed to the Nkw Uki.k;io. ?1 no er auuuui. Send 3 cent stamp forsanutle ertIis. Aililrevs A. S. WlNi 1 1 ESTEK, Manager. P.O. IJ I'.MT. Shii Fnmelco. Cal. in V. IIOLOK.V. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION AND IN- srilANCE AOENT. Hose For Sale. rilHK rNDEKSIGNEI) COMMITTEE ON JL Hre ml nter re MHllturUed by the Chmmoh Coaitril to sell jig frft of rubK'r aMd Kv feet rf k-silher hse, lM-ioitn to the fire tk'twrtMeHi. Any ihtmhi nishln? to HtrehMsi will r-jll HI tfh eollllliittee. ciias.s. wiaciiT. .IOIIN IIAHN, A. .1. STCJSE. ( onimitte mi Fire and Water. Wanted. 1 K f( f FOUNDS RAG.SOFallkiuiK JL O tfJJ dean and dry, at the Umbrella shop. Main street, by J. JOFLIN. A Piano T30R SALE OR RENT. I T-im ut the I'arker House. Wood Choppers Wanted 4 tone uniiKlvK Vni twexty-five JL. cvntiNTnl.(Vitil ut :.T-U VIIOVAjb"ISHEi:"S Store. V .MISCELLANEOUS. , vvt "WHT 'W li miH' ' VM laT W JO. J JCH. JC Wholesale and Retail Dealer . . - 1-r- -p-s. -t--t j - (tK( )( IHi n HS! - 1 - 1' J-J-t-J- - O, D D t V 0 1 fl XV I II I) I? I) i nv i luiuiuj. uv.MUUii ETC.. ETC., ETC., TIN PLATE BLOCK T1X, PIG LEAD, SEAMING COPPERS, SOLDERING COPPERS, SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LINES, MANILLA ROPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, OA1LS, FLOATS, MAU1.S, HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VARNISH, TURPENTINE. BENZINE, COAL OIL, GUM BOOTS, RICE, ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. ASTORIA. - - ORECOX. MRS. DERBY SELLING HER ENTIRE STOCK MILLINERY GOODS AT COST. Dr. Warner's Health CORSET fc; Ctii mly be iHirchased in ANteria at .11 KS. DKKBY'S. 'P'Ci I Mawh-HalUJnttdin- eor yC I iter of Main and Stuemoihe t ' r streets. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine! Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, ail sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barbourTrothers, oil Market Street. Kan J-'rnnelsco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. Chas. Stevens & Son CITY BOOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the BELL. XOWEJR, In room lately occupied by SchtneerS Confectionery, Largest ana Best Assortment Of novelties in the stationary line usually found in a first-class book store, consisting of BOOKS. FINE .STATIONERY, (JOLD PEN (500DS, ALRl'MS. CHKOMOS. FRAMES. STEKEOSCOI'ES. DIARIES. All of which will be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. 1. S. The latest Eastern and California periodicals constantly on hand. C11AS. STEVENS & SON- WILLIAM EDGAR, Carner Main aad Chenamu! Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. XlKALEE I.t CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LU and other Enrfbh Cutlery. STATIONERY X FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of lVatelte and .lewelo. lluzrAe and XIreceli I.eadins: Shot Guns and Kffles, KevolverM. IMntolM, and Anininnition. marine: 2 LASSES. ALSO A FIXE Assortment of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. SHIPPING TAGS TIIE BEST QUALITY, WILL BE SOLD by the hundred, or by the box, printed or plain, to suit customer?, at The Astorms office. A"5s L V ..A MISCELLANEOUS. TREKCniRD & UPSHUR DEALERS IN SHIP CHANDLER PKOA7lS10NS, IBOjY, 0 STEEL. COAL, Builders Genera! HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. a:i:ncy of the Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenaraus Street, Near Olney, . ASTORIA. ORE;ON AKNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. Tlie Only Msicliine Shop And the best Sigfy. KLACKSM1TII SsH ' shopJHB I ii t he ett . .IFaBirfl All kinds .f &xB& ENGINE, CANNERY, AMI STEAMBOAT W0SE Troinptly attended to. A specialty made of rejiairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP. NEAR KINNEY'S AS TORIA FISHERY WELOHHJLL Tuft.TE3Ft WORKS Furnish pure SPRING WATER to patrons. Custom Solicited, water nMiires con stantly on hand. . Pluuibiuir at rea ouable rates. Oflice on Avesl- Eighth street ucar O. R. & N. Co's wharf. .IAS. W. WELCH. Agent. Astoria, Oregon. PIKE & STOCKTON, -j HOUSE, SIQJC AND -CARRIAGE PAINTERS- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A M'KCIALTY. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. a&Shop next door to Astorian Ofliee, in Shnster's buildiit;. J. H. D. GRAY, AVhoIesale and retail dealer in. ALL KIXDS OF FEED. Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms, toot of Benton street. Astoria, Oregon. VARNISHES iKD JAPANS THE CNDERSIUNED OFFERS FOR sale on hand and to arrive direct from New York English Lustre Black Varnish, IN BARRELS. Turpentine Aspheitum Varnish, IN BARRELS. Benzine Aspheitum Varnish. IN BARRELS. No. 1 Turpentine, in Barrels. Brovn Japan, in Barrels.. No. 1 Coach, in Barrels, White Damar. in Barrels, Coach Varnishes, in Cases. -ALSO- Silicic Aliimiiiatc Paint, FOR IRON AND WOOD WORK. JAMES LAIDLAW &. CO., 16 X From Street, Portland. ifwi,iii cwm mm mmmm mSl) MISCELLANEOUS. G. HANSEN, CASS STREET, - . - ASTOKIA. lias jtibriiieBcu a line stock f WATCH r! DIAMONDS I AVAPT? T?TP y y. ., Ai.J.., Aist st in the market. Mr. Hansendoes not wish tlu uinirstn.1 a having arteles in hl stoek 4 too numerous to incut inri."Aiut he has A Fine SeIected Stock, and Will Guarantee Every Article to s be as Represented. Price- are Xotliiiisr'u lien the (Qual ity or the ;ods Js, Considered. t2T"I fullj understand my biiMuess, and cannot lie .swindled in btivin, and having made personal electhm of every article I lin e for sale, ha e a hesitation in guanuitee ins: it to he :u rcpresfiited. Call and Inspect this stock. (;. HANSEN. Cass Street, Astoria. PETER RUNEY, ASTOKI . OREGON. BRICK LAYER PI-MN AMI ORNA5IENTAI4 3P LAS rn 3E5 JELJS jR. Orders left at tlie Occident Hotel, or at uiv Warehouse. ftot of Renton Street, promptly attended to. T IME. SAND, P.RICK. PLASTKlt. LATH, f- (Vineiit. and all materials in mv line, funiblieil to order. tJSpeclal atleittkrfi paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work warranted good or no pa j'. ertf-A'ieiitSan.IiiMU and New Tacoma Lime. Wilson & Fishef DEALEUs IX LUBRICATING OII, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, .MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenaraus anil Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. CENTRAL MARKET. Oeneral assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS, BUTTEK, CnEESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISII. POILTRY ,1XI GAME In the season. CIGARS ASD TOBACCO. Best or inras .isn rjqroiis. All cheap fer CASH. Goods .sold on com mission. 0i)Msite I. W. Case's, store. J. RODGERS. Washington Market, Main. Street. - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN C BERHY " RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that the aboye .Market will always be supplied with & FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH ANDCURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supplj ne shiss. D. K. . ARRCT. T. W. Eato.i Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTE1 , ASTORIA. --- - OREGON. TVARRKX & EATOX.ProprIetor. (Succeston to Warren - McGuire Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats A fall line of FA JULY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED HAY, CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. " Butter, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. etf Ships supplied a t the lowest rates. GEKMAXIA BEER HALL -AND- BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CEK.N-AMUS 3TREUT. ASTORt.U The Best of Layer Z Cts. a Glass Orders for the ia Brewery Ieft at this place will be iiromptiy attend ed to. B?No cheap Shu Francisco Heersold at tlas place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. OPILES. The undersigned Ls prepared to furnish a large: number of Spiles and Spars at his place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C. G. CAPLES, Columbia City. J" S! JEWEL V sn.vm Tin A 4t aijB'tntjj