0) Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday ilorniu;; February 1, 1881. No. 26. Vol. xiv. gj w y fflie US ift t lm afitttriira. GENERAL EASTEKX NEWS. . J r.T&IAU. AND TKI.HCKAI'H. Kuthrr Northern r.vj.lorcr Thinks 11.. , .irnnut'ltr Sale, i Xiw Yokk, Jan. 28. A r-' ',... . , , ! porter of tin Tribune mtervn-wed J Captain llowmte respecting the ' pronosed relief to be sent to the; 1 Jeannette. lie said: niiiyoj)iii - ;.. -Knr.n ; iifnr1 Tnr unvir'tv fur' JWI1 11111 J lV 11V' - .. -, - - - i thf safety of the vessel. We know that she was properly fitted out -with everything, including sleds and dogs, and if she has been caught in an ice floe and crushed those on board would undoubtedly have, had time to go over the ice to th" mainland and thence to Siberia and M. retersburir, whence we' shoul4. heai'bv teh-graph of their i .arrival, l ou cannot, can tins ease , and the one of the two whalers that were lwht parallel. The whal ers only had an ordinary wlialiii". outfit, while on the JVannette they had everything, including perhaps what may be the most nwosary for polar navigation, pluck and brains. 1 know Del.ong very well and of course if 1 had any fears for his safety I should feel ex tremelv anxious. . i Wlalrr ' ' OurAoo, .Ian. ,S. Lwo cases of winter cholera terminated fatal- j lv to day. Samuel Stiliwll aged . , , . I sixtv and his lHughter Abbio j FiCach asred thuav-seven, of Xo. ,n ,, " ,,,, - - , 43 Bryant avenue. 1 hw sickness lasted but a week. rvrrr Wralhi-r in .N'rw Knslaml. t t .l' ti . .1.. l nosToN. .Jan. 4. i ue weaineri . " ,- ' . j curing puiictuauti. throughout New hnglaud is m- infos8ir liiell thought that par- tenselv cold and a snow blockade j ents were not so universally to blame delays trains. !;,i 8,1,,i; thought. The child often t misrepresented, either purposely or PACIFIC COAST XEWN. r. MAIL AND TKLKOKArM Drnlli of John II. Ii-ln. Xoktu Sn Juan, .Ian. 2S. I .lohti Ii. Dickson, ex-sheriff of Ne-j vad.i county, died hen this raorn inp; at T o'clock, aged (J'J years. trrUIrnt lo the chncr SrTrnljIx Pour Townskni), Jan. 51). Ad yices from Neali liay rejioit that on the merning: of the 24th inst., the schocner Seventy-Six dragged her anchors and was washed ashore, and hut for the strenuou efforts j of th people of the iile-caving station and the valuable Assistance i ... I of Csii.t. ('has. Y iloifrh ,v. Indian1 1 " -n :ifrit. On' wmilil liavi been hiAwn ' - vtr.ii.riit mion the lir-v Uculdersi - r n shon-. Iniptv il tanks w fix' lashed on each ide to float' her at hi' i tide, alter vhi-h the steani i r (Jiliah towetl lnr li'. 'Mmiiil U-jI.pr tin n Itiit Vii'roei I Otb W ount ISAl'.t i. lirwlti-t 11 1 jlllf fLIIC. V.li ' iii-. , i . 1i. . --1 - .' xV" oi smuKe, :ntie ai nigm. sparks of Tire are discernible. The ' himself. He did not call classes with ., , ,. i.ta bell: cjillo! the class and brought erupuc.li is saui iu ne a une ' from M:itiqui and bpier butnas which looms to the height of IV llOv) feet. riM... !.... I. Ol.-.lr f. I 1..., J reached us. It is devoted to the an - n luncenients of books in press and brief notices f important new works. It is published at intervals by A. S. Ramus & Co., and mailed without charge to all book-Kcllors who may request it. Central Hotel. The Central hotel, near the steam ship dock Ls uow ien for the recep tion of guests, where the woli known caterer, Mr. Anton Beloh will always be found ready to wait on his patrons. He has had the above named house thoroughly refitted b' Messrs. Pike aiid Stockton, our well known artists. ! Call and see him. as he has the finest hrcfnls of liquors and cigars to be had in the city. Wool. Ilidex and I'm-. f F Winers and others will find it grent- Y to their advantage to call on the undersigned before selling their wool, hides and furs, as he is now prepared to either buy or sell on ciuimwsion au.. Jung in the above line that may be oti-red, paying uie niguesi casu pnee. Freights and charges adxjance. .1. II. I). lrIW. . ,. . - For a variety of VMieiittius, com- ical and suntuneiitait.on!l atSttvens & j,0iis. ' Proceedings of the Teacners Insti- tute. Tri:iAY.Jiiii.2J. 11. FTKUn7 SBnSIoN. Opened with music Essay, by Miss Anna M. Parish, subject, 'Milking the Most of Ones rj The subject of methods of socurimj imntiittlityf-hicliwe3ilb0eiiiin?We tt rejHsli during the morning; session, ttKiSff discussed at some length. Piuf. lWell remarked: A book of punctuality was x great drawback. Irrejnilnntv bad a tendency to undcr- mine the w.rk of the school. Tlioi e ' was more lrreguiaruy, ns general i tbiiiij in the eountiy tlian in the city. He-me some amusing- instances of his exiMjrieiice in visiting; schools. Had mjcii schools where the last pupil j did nt yet m till nearly time for re cess. That he called irregularity. The teacher lacked in government. In cities thev have more svstem, more i wvs of iireventiii" irregularity. The systvm, though criticised by many, is t n ill tiuiL-ite tln ..iril if I'ail-tillltff the pride of the state, Children are not always to blame for being tardy. Often the fault is with the parents, and the t-Jiild is punished and has to siilfer for the negligence of the jKiient. Much can be done by appealing to the child, make them, if possible, like the school, cultivate the feeling of self respect and respect for others. The lack of punctuality has a tendency to injure us in every branch of life. Teachers should always be punctual. Rewards of merit were good for smaller children. Have smile interest ing exercises first thing in the itiorn- ing. Sometimes a few moments de- Vtltod tl, rou.linj; iU have a good ef- fcct Some little experiment in chem- istry or natunil philosphy is liistruc- teacher nd pupil, such e.ver- cihes aie good m city or ctumtrv achuwls. Miss Gilliam remarked tha't the younger children were generally imuctunl. She thought that the pnr- ;ltg Wltn. geMtfniHj. t Wame for Uirdi- lwMm le j-ceps ti(im m at recess u3 a pieventive. Other teachers made! miiiarks and 'cavtt thrtir i.lrms tor se"l otnerwise. it wjw generanj wen to confer with the parents and have an understanding. Method of conducting a recitation. Rental ks by Mr. l.roner. Recitation in arithmetic. In mental arithmetic you want to know just what you are going to teach. Give the child his lesson and let him know what you expect of him. We separate mental from written arithmetic. We do not require as strict analysis in the lattcr-as in the former. In mental, ue do not have practical illustrations enough. He made children do as much of the work as possible, also had them make examples. Music. i..f.,.. i ii j.. .i. n)un hf. 5lbjwjt tf comlnctillt; a re. eiuitiou. There are two sjtecial ob iv": ",,u ' " awwruun how mud lllUCll the iokmI kiNiws .-il.i.nt th,. Iiksioi. .SSOll -p.. .l. , .1 ..T.. .,.... .7, "1 j ucic 11 a nhi iiwu 111 uic hk) ii wh i is cMilrd otir. l.uve soihl-exuiiinln.s .f .- , . . .. i , wa-vs cii.imcmi a ivciiauoii titat were md. the iR'nt wnv.- 1mi soum v- ! tuMj;e.- irf gol itHtthotU Soiuu chil- ' en c-msideied itau honor to Ih' called i llMl i l .VJ'IHIII llllUCillt IHOII, inilUia ........ .. .....!;.. .s.4i:...-i. .. .... ,.i were o-Mitfiitetl to sit down by a diHi-j cult nrwMcHt and o to sleuii, if al-! I iiwi-n. Hart never St-en a Mihool vet ! where the children were ail angels. Mr. Wioton said hte had uiMle :i! ' niiioiM of ri-Miiiriii" ivirv nnnil iti the cla- to answer tin question to them toiward.by motion of hand. Mr. Powell said the tendency was '" Buer ors throughout svuinathyj I to heln the liunil recite. Thev werei i apt to talk too much. I Mubic. j 1 he subject of tractions. By Miss . l. L. Allen, of the Episcopal parish school. Exercises on black-board bj djl!,;s-. Principles and methods of -rtorniiij; iiacious iimsiraicu. ?dr. Powell said he was pleased with the manner in which the subject was handled. Asked the class to show the j method of getting the comniom de nominator, and explain. rrocess rests np..n the principle that multiply - ing the dumouinator and iiumeratoi by the same number dous not alter the value. Music Question by Prof. Powell. What do you think of the spelling reform? You have all read and heard some thing about rofrtrm in spelling. , The extreme view v to eliminate silent letters and spell according to the sounds. I It is ditlicult to learn to spell ac- coniing to the present method. ' Ob jection raised that where two ivordK were spelled the same, how can one tell the meaning? The work know, no. for instance. tlCf f2lt!?.tik otitil tin. tt-j.tl Si.,.,' , had tli, aiffvrent ureanings, but I h:i( nt dlfficIlty in .listiuiniishing - .hich Wl(1 WM illlendeiL I prf ,, he uab in fa,r f re. le ., ,, . j lonu in spelling. There is no reason j why we should spell philosophy with f ph. in the w..rd "miu," o -stands for llww voiuds w and u. The connection of words enable us to understand their j . I meaning. The objection is that the j present system is iHterwveti into the l:ui"UH"e tliat it would require a j complete revolution in tile lanuae. : rrot. row ell audresseu some re-. marks particularly to the teachers. They should improve themselves in i every possible way, by rending educa tional journals, by attending institutes etc., must think ami study like peo ple in other professions, in order to attain success in any coiiaHlerable ue- sree. We hould have an educational . journal in this state, and every teach-1 '" ". " do - j . . , . , . , .;. ., upeiieu wiin music ny i ming .uens j Western band Itecitatiou l.v Miss IMmttitier. i.. : i - t -i. : .uusic iiy me eiim. E&aty by Miss M. E. Ylripj4e, 'Earths Uattle Fitdds ami their Hc- roes. Music bv the band. Addrcss'by lnf. L. .1. IWnll. Music by choir. Recitation, "Shamus O'JJrien," F. D. Winton. ii IvPiatrt of committee on resolution.. ! Mr. .Superintendent: Your com- j mittee. in zonsideraticn of the kind feeling manifested toward this insti tute, and interest shown for its success by so many in all directions, would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolutions- 1. Reselved: That we extend our thanks to the Presbyterian church for the free use of their building s kindly tendered us and when mr evening sessions have been held. 2. Reselved: That we extend our thanks to the Young Mon Christian association for the free use of their hall for our dav sessions. J l). Reselved: That we extend our thanks to Miss Nellie I'lavel forsojFresh and Cured Meats kindly piesidiu"; at the onjan. . . . ., 1Ino f 4. Rcs lved: That our thanks are extended to the Yo.u," Men's Western baud far the excellent music furnish-1 ed at our eveniii'' se&sions. 5. Reselved: That we extend ouri thanks to all who so kindly attended, and assisted in the exercises. G. Reselved: That we extend our thanks to the Oregon Railway and Navigation comuHiiy, for uraiiting half fare rates oer their routes of travel to those atte tiding the institute. 7. Reselved: That a copy of these resolutions be furnished Tub astoriak for publication. Miss M. E. Whiimm.k, Mis Maj:v Katox, f. ('. r.nowKi:, I'oinniittee. J Ou motion resolutions were unani mously adopteil. Closing remarks by Prof. Powell. It was moved and seconded that the proceedings of this institute also the address be published in The AstokiaN. Carried . Institute closed with music by Yntiiii! Mens Western baud. At the close of the afternoon scs-; . , ., ,. . , ri . . 1 1 sum to-day thq subject of hducational . Jonrnals was discnetl and the neces- sitvol i having one in this Mate was! .idmitted by all. and most of the. teachers, ami severnl who ans not t.....,..J ,.v,.rr.,..1 ,1 ,Uv,., l readv t subscribe in ease one wore' ..i..t.i..i ...1....1 .1.1 1... i.i hiuhmicu hiiwii wwnm uc auy .inn nroiiui'lv coiutitcteil so as to lulhll the . --.. . . ... u.e re,uireuieni.. Toliowimr is :i list of the iimiiio nil .teacheis who attended and took jwirt t in the j.r..ced!!ii of th; instiiute: m.o. ii - 4 i......:.. a i.. x..iiti. I'luiiiiiirr, Mis-. Li bine l!mwi. Mi Anna M. rarriTMis- Nellie Oiliiniu. .ia3 . IJ. iiijiii-, .t.r .ivatit. .lis nioiia nuiiSKKer, .hiss u. u Allen, Mim Mary Eaton, Mr. C. C. Unwer. Mr. Chm D.w OHicei-s -I'rof. L. .1. Powell, chair- lnnn, S. T. McKeaii, secretary. Executive cotnuiittee - Mivs Parriah, Miss Whipple. Miw ltronn, Mr. Hrower, Mr. McKuaii. Muic coiuii:i:tee Mifrs Urown. .'.Miss Pliuniueraiid Miss(iillium. Committee on rusolutious Mis Whipple. Miss Eaton and Mr. ttrower. AMUSKMKSTS. iiii.i.h AiturriK; (leo. 1 1 ill. proprietor. Fnil t!ere, man- .iirer. I he entertainment Mll conclude I ith-I)r.FovlcrorMe-merisnirandl the -new wedding partj bj Nickerson j and Slale.x. The evening"; aiiiiL-e- ments loeoiiiineiiee with the ever iMijui-l lar hrsl jart. .N ieKersn and olalex as the fiiniu men. Oere interlocutor. Miss Morrison in new hnlaiR Morice in vo cal gem. Mr. Richard liruce xvith his j.,,7, .sh,. .st:,It.y wi'th his ehamnion jig. (lere with his (JeniiRnevcentricities. and a very iinthclic balad by a very pa luetic inuiviuuai. w hum name paiueiie aly is Xickerson. Xine people on the first part, and an exhibition equal to any on the coied. Mr. Hill invites criticism. Come and .-e for yourself. Xew orchestral selections and new music on the grand aland under the leadership of Mr. (Jeorge Lambert at ii) v. si. The entertainment will begin at 7ai p. m. Entrance on Jiciitou street. Private .notes on Chetiamiis. Have WiMar a balsam of wild cherry alway at hand. It cures coughs-, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in llucuzn, consumption, ami all throat and lung complaints. .0ceut and SI a bot tle. All ye who want hay of the best kind, Xo. 1, find it at Grays wharf. Frank FaWr bus removed in to Dr. Kin&ey's "building ou Water street. Oil the rnd to the steamer dock from down town, before break last, it will now be handy to drop in and get a cup of coffee. MISCELLANEOUS. WELCH HILL 'Wj&.'X'ISLJEi WORKS 1 I- ainbh pure nI'KINi; WATKIt fo jatnH. Custom Solicited, l'UKatMltMrai w atcr Hxtwres nw- jxt stantlv oh hmim! rlHiHlrttu: at rea sonable rates. Offlec hi WV4- iKurlul. Mns ar O. K. J . Co s Hltarf. JA.-v W.WKFA'H. Apt-nt. AHtria. Ore?.. PIK '-. & STOCKTON. ECO"wSE, sz&isr AXli 't -CARfJACE PAINTERS, WALL COLOHUP r:f han ,.Vb anu wall LULUHhW -A M'HCJU.T. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. tWShop t; dMr to Aitoriau onkre.m ShaterNlHii awz. I). K. u ikk v T. X. Keren Astciria Market ! 0I!1'0 TK orciDENT H0TE1 , ASTOKIA. .... OKKf.oN. WAItHKN -A. r.ATO.V. Proprietors. (Suttr- rw Warm C MtGvirt Wholes- !e and Retail Dealers in ,....,,.. .,,...... ,.,,.,.. ...... tAMI" WhKIts. ,UIB. FEhI "Al. 'VNNED rKCIT. EGE- TABLES. ETC. Cif'Ulter Kirpi, Chee;e- etc- constantly oaJ,i!?.i- i . " a-oips- i.phed at the loww rates. I j ""ivpma v' it."C"t tttt i l7J ' '' '"" ,,:iw' AXli . IOTTLE liEER DEFOT.l Cks m.-s Strut. A3tou. I The licit f Lager ." Ctn. a Glass ( Tilers for the I n i i . n t . - : rwtpwtc J'.t'nfina MppuranT; uuiuuiuiuu uutuiuum uiunuijj IB3EIE3l. U at ihL,,laW w,H be promptly attend- 37 itocaeap ran riancico ucersoki at. iiun piai U'M nnric lTn.,n-n.. llfM'l'lll tK' rr'fTPPWIlT V -T1--Sul Blacksmith and lQphinicstQ oia''"""tii& a-iiu. 1!U.LI11I11S13 Capt. l:t.rV iI -.land. .Worn. Ore-Hi All wurkincHr Hne.heHorlizbt.donewiui I .-. i-... t l Maine. M.lduiiefc. . Tr. Mnrcroot.no.-nn. Txr ik Tt& "-"""-""S.s'"" gk and Farm Work . 'ljtEuJPm. j rj 111. t TJiXit' "" . . ?srr i57ctr- - . . - m. a specialty. - i e-.M": wor w.irr oitr.i a-il at tvanwWe , "" ! -. t mVakk. -i j Vj33 a. hk.w.n j. 3. l'..rtU&aul j . ..nn.. KKOIVX V. nielAUi:. STEVEDORES AND KIGUKKS. .VIorht oMce At K. C. l!len- Auction More Portland oflkv -'l It-treet. ut-tl E.K. HA.WES. CUES AM US STREET. ASTORIA, K NOW PKEPAKKIl TO IH ALL KINDS OF PLUMBING AND PIPE WORK. liatlt Tubs, Closet i, TCtc. Sheet , , . ... , Iron and Tin Work. i rj T "' L V ) . Ii. XJ VXXl.X Wiiolcsale and retail dealer in. ALT. KIKDS OF FKU1), I Haw flntc. StMW Wnnil. Ftr. I Ji I General storage anil Wliariage ou reason able terms. FiHit of Kenton street. Astoria. Oregon. Hose For Sale. milE INDEKSIGNED COMMITTEE ON JL fire and water are antbomed by the Common Council to sell 13 feet of rubber and ICO feet of leather hose, belonging to t Sic fire department. Any jvrson wishing to purchase will call on the roimnittee. CIIAS.S. VKIGI1T. JOHN HAIIN. A. .1. STUKE. C"otniiiitt-e ou Fire and Water. Wanted. . "1 sl APIA ltUXI KAUSiiFallkinds Xt)UVJv clean and dry. at the Umbrella shop. .Main street, by J. .IOPLIN. A Piano nun SALE OP. KENT. -Iin at th Parker House, BLANK BOOKS PRINTED AND IMJUSH TO ANY SrE, aad ruled to any order, at The Atiki See. Jmmt i :mr k"UTr--A miif?7 t-- "-"- -j "-- BAXKLSG AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND!HSURANGE. X. W CASE. BROKER, BANKER AND INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. OFFICE I10URV. FROM S O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Hie Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. Y. NoirmiTON CHA-". K. Stoiiv.... ro. 1 Stouv Pritlent Seen'tiiry ..Agent lor 0-o,nn Jaiit.il mld up in U. S. ?olI I coin S .W OuO W)' I XV 'AIi. Agent. , Cliennmus street. Astoria. Oregon. - i SG7,000,000 CAPITAL. - I LIVERPOOL AND LONTTON AND r.nitTt GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART - nnMvpoPMT w nVi ,.,.. I rilYSICIAX AND SL'KGEON. COAIMERCIAL Oi CAL1FORMA Graduate University of Virginia. 1858 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. r.hl"sician to Kay View hospital, Kaltimore City, lSfiO-TO. Representing a capital of S67.00O.0OO. Ofkick In Page & Allen's building, vtp A. VAX DUSEN. Astcnt. : HOTEI AND RESTAURANTS. .. J. 3IKC.I.KI:. C S. VTRIOHT OCCIDK.VT IIOTIa.. ME0LER & WRIGHT. Prep: ietors. Antnrin. flrennn- " milE rKOrKIETOILS ARE HAPl'Y TO -- annmince that the above hotel has been irpuinted and refunL-heI. adding greatly to the comfort of its guets and is now the bert hotel north of San Francisco. : ; ; fi. W. KSOWLK. AL.ZIKr.KK. CLIBEXDOX HOTEL, PORTLAND. - - - - OREGON ZIEBER & KNOWLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. rL3-Tii x. IV t it .v K wnrnff tvic fin fiti nt thi Clarendon Hotel readin'r room. ! -- pioneer Kestaurant Hotel. MAIN Sn:EKT. -: - - ASTOKIA s x ArrIon K rroprietor. I nnHETKAVELINC PL'P.LIC WILL FIXD ' B ... ... .... . . . i. . .... .. . I -- iuerioni.TnrstwaA-iiiaiirepecis.ana solicited. ' eBrC,,anl an(1 lotlKby thedar or week. ; . . rOSI-OlnCe neSldUrani. I MMNSTKFET - - VSTOKI . ! " " " ' JOSEPH .MATTHEWS. PKOPK. rsHHS IS A FIItST-l'LASS KESTAl"KXT : -- keiK on Hit-Kuniivan plaii. Ireshoy-.- iter, m t-.en M!e '.Main Mroet. ln-twcen f 'titfettiic itil .iM.ituufilki. . ! . RQSCOE'S FIRST CLASS . , RnxPflPv K I RT PI A nuyuuuu i niu i uunuu Oyster Saloon. Vl ..,... .r ... i' I 'l jrjiHE imei:s;xei i pi.kaei to X aiMitMv to tin. ' I rlinc. nnr) fAnllflmAn f ntty rlitf' , uauico anu uciiiicioco ui uiu vuj That lie w ih.h ijwreil to fnnuh for theia, in r-4ela style. Hd every stle. OYSTEKS. HOT COFFEE TE.V. ETC.! vr tiik Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon. main stkf.et. Please "ixe me a call. K0-COE DIXON. Proprietor The New York Oyster Saloon Will serve to their fru.-toiiien Jfrom thi d a to.io ws TEA. COFFEE. CHOCOLATE. Ea.strm -Mter Always on Hand. Ami will uckeniaa first clas- Oyster Sa Iimhi. in lirst cla tyle. DANIEL UKANT. Slanaser. C. 1- .1 VCKIN.x. .1. A. MONTUOM KKV. STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges. Etc. ASTOKIA. - OKECON. 3E3. a.- ?TJI3ST3Sr- ilcabT in FAMILY (-KOCEKIKS. jA.lir'.III.I. FEED A3fl HAY. Civsh paid for coimtrj prodiice. Small protlts on cjlsii sales. Astona. Oregon, cor ner of Main and Squeinocohe stjvets. IV A It IS lKCIiAKKI WITHOUT Kl'IlTIIKIt A'OTICK And no tenns ot jn'ace until everj- imn in Astoria has a new suit of clothes 3IADK Y .1IF.AXY. Iok at the prlee : Pant to order from - - - SS Co P;mts. Genuine French Casiniere - VJ CO Suits fron - -- -- -:5oo Tlie flnost line of . samples on the coast to seleet from. P..I.AIEANY, Merehant Tailor. Parker House", Astona. BUSINESS CARDS. " I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus Street. - ASTOUIA. OUEGOK ri XV. JFUI.TOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOKIA - - - OKEtJOIf o Otl'tee over Page & AlleuV .-tore. C:tvs street T XV. KOltB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOUIA ... - OREGON" Office over "Warren & EatimV Astoria Mar ket, opposite the Occident Hotel. A. VAN DUSEN. Clifiiaiaiw Street, near Occident Hotel, ASTOKIA. OKEOON. Asent "Wells. Fargo & Co. ir3i. . r.AKKit. .ii. i. ' .. . , ....... Okkick Ne.t tloor to-i'apt. Hirers rejil- Okfick Houi:-Fruiu o .m. to 1 A.M and from a l. 31. to 4 e. m. p,,Uum JL DENTIST, i ASTOKIA, - OJJfiGON. IfoonLS in Aliens building up stairs, corner of Cavt and Siieniocihe streets. IT" - I. 31. I. JI'.XMXGS. H"r.. Asiona. TAY TlTTTIiK. M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Okkick Over the White Home Store. Kksidknck Net door to Mrs. Munsoa's boarding house. Ciieiianiu street, Astort, Oregon. ,T.C OKCUAHII. I DENTIST Dental Rooms . oum. , shustxu's i Photograph Building. "T A. cI.TOKH. " MERCHANT TAYLOR, Occident Hotel BuIIdnig. ' ASTORIA - - - OREGOK" Q n. BAIft & CO. PXAl.VK IS" Doorx. WiudniVH. Blinds. Trax- I . ... 1HO1 Ii,,,n.,,'P;.f'tr- . tl.etc evlveam! Astor streets. . 1 . ,. .-. , . . . ' Jt ...... ; stXtti.ltiXSUX.T .ASTOKIA. - - - OKE0. Will contract forHiirk .inhUUne ami fur- nish the Rla.s. Small jobs done to order I Cai street. neMdmir to the corner of Jeffer- s,,n street. Astoria, Oregon. - TTTTT-t pc-vt J . fV11'r u V-L i orcicnnoco Aun omncoo STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS Pai...! n.i a ..: AA .... . . "' Keter p; :i.eriabMOBto-Kpwn.iIeyera4C0. Allen Jc beTis.L'oroittiIacIeay, t-ortianu. wroson. 3I 1THLKX,,AKT- Occident Hotel Hair On Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASHUCIA - OKECON. nj, tii. mimut, ; .Hieiimmidjiulplinr IJATIIS. K.'-.s,H'Cial att Jitton -Hen to ladles' aa r hthlreti's hair cutting. i nate fcntranee tor ladies. j yiI,MAM I'KY I pkaitical -J3s boot Aixn siiei: MAKF.K. CiiKXAMfs STKKyr. opix-slte Adler's Itoek store, - Astokia, Okkuon. S Perfect rlfc guaranteed. All work warranted. Gie me a trial. All ordHB promptlj' tilled. First Class Saloon, .1. J. lHI.EY. - - PK0PKIET0K, On the Koudway. opposite the Oregon Rail way and Navigation Co's wharf. New Bagatelle Table, (The Chines- must go.) The choicest brands of foreign and domestic Wl.KS,L.iqUOKSA.I CIGAKJ r-IJent Cbieaso lieer."Sa J. T. BORCHERS, COCO.MLY STKEET. ASTOKIA. .Mnnnfacturer and Packer of CAVIAR, SMOKED SALMON. Cash paJd for fresh JSLACK STUKGEON SPAWN. Sniok'd Sturgeon, and smoked Salmon pat up in tins to snip to any pan ot uie won. .vi.su. tiuuk nail isamuiu egsj put up in and warranted to keen anvlemrtli of timr. Deiwt at Jrogers Central .Market, corner el Cassand Cheiuunus streets, Astoria. Music Lessons. T. F. CULLEN and C E. BARNESr TEACHEKS OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, Would like a few pupils on either of the above instruments. rernts Klglu lesions for live dollars. EEfOrders left at Stetens & Sons bootu. storejwill be promptly attended to- x-- -sssm