il) A -c gltc Sail?) gisiarfcnu ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY IAN. 'J. 1881 . C. IKELAM Editor. The Patrons of llic Astorian. The editor of The Amokian trill be a passenger by outgoing steamship State of California, for "the east. lie will be absent from lioine about sixty days. In the meantime the paper will be con ducted and managed by Messrs. F. "W. Balte and F. C Xorris, to whom all bills muet be presented i"or collection; from whom all or ders nust be given: and to wliom payments 6in aocoimt or otherwise must b made. Mr. Unites will occupy the chair editorial, and Mr. Norris s will have charge of tliojfr . ,jt rt i,;, an,i cargo passing! X-s. Any assistance render-j orer buiM a raH. finance ca to mem oy xnenas 01 and Thk Aktoman will be.dulv appreciated. I). C. 1 1: bland. The tallest trees in the world! are in Australia. A fallen tree in fJinn land ih.isiuimI 4;!.) fed from the root to the highest point of the branches. Another, standing, in the Diindenong district in ic- 7 , .. - torn, is estimated to be 4f feet : ' from the ground to the top. I Some idea of the great pi ogress i being made m vine culture in Cali fornia may be formed from the fact that Los Angeles count' alone, with 3,GS3 acres of land in rines, raised last season. 5),000, 000 pounds of grapes, making 2,500,000 gallons of wine and o00 of brandy. Carefully compiled statistics show that during the past year there have been constructed o,S:j9 miles of new railroads in this country. The roads have been built at an estimated cost of $30, 000 per mile, making over 175. 000,000, and most of this money has been expended upon lines west of the Mississippi river. The' have a severe liquor law in Mississippi. ICuch saloon keeper, or retail dealer in liquors, is re quired to give a bond of 2,000 and is liable in that sum if he sells iiay liquor between twelve o'clock en Saturday night and twelve o'clock Sunday night, or on any election day, or sells to any minor or intoxicated person, or permits, on his premises, any gaming, card plaj'ing or any game of chance, even for amusement. The prose cuting: witness receives one-half of the penalty, whether he be a public officer or a private citizen. Mail advices from New York report that there is a continued scarcity of available vessels' at that and the neighboring ports, and the freight market is consequently firm, albeit the demand, as usual at this period of the year, is by no means active. The number of seeking square rigged vessels in that port is a mere bagetelle to what it was at the corresponding period last year. But there is a large fleet heading in that direc tion, and the chances arc. that they will have much more tonnage than needed between now and the re sumption of navigation. Captain Hooper, of the revenue -cutter Thomas Corwin, who. it will be remembered, made an un successful effort last year to dis cover the whereabouts of the.lean nette, expects shortly to be again dispatched to the icv north on a second expedition. Captain Hoop er has recommended at Washing ton the necessity of starting early in the season, so sis to be at Behring straits in time to enter the Arctic ocean ami derive any advantages tlutt may be taken c open water, lie will follow the course which he thinks the .lean- nette has taken and go as far north, and if permitted, winter there. The officers and crew of the Corwin are .nil resolute men and experienced seamen. She will be fully equipped for her northern voyage, and will probably sail about the 1st of May. The Trans-Isthmian Projects. The past two weeks hare been a period of increasing interest in the three tmns-isthinian schemes every one of which has now pass-' ed from the region ol talk to that: of action. The DeLesseps com-1 pany was the first to act, by put- , ting its stock on the market and securing its ofiicers; the Nicaragua ' company then secured its officers' and put in a bill for incorporation; and Capt. Eads has recently turned from Mexico, having oh- tained most valuable concessions from the Mexican government. Victoria ougui. in an conscience He has not only permission to," lionesty to finit the bills hor build his ship railway across the;'-'- She is rich enough to do so Tehuantepec, but a grant of 1,000,- j 000 acres of land on the Pacific for harbor and terminus, a strip half a i . i ' mile wide, and a mile wme lor; stations acro-s the isthmus, noweri to collect a toll of io a ton on i a,l toWmidi line on which ! ordinarv rates shail be cliargetl. In return, Mexican ship of war, munitions, mails, etc are to be i carried free of charge. The road must be begun in two years, and completed in ten, dating from May The mlenmce of Amcri.;No. 1 Turpentine in Barrels.. f ' . ... . ., . ' can feehii" is still heavily against n... inv. : Dnnu i , a , ,. , Brown Japan, in Barrels. the Del-esseps scheme, and lead- r t j . , ;, na ,. fm.wl No 1 Hnah injRnrrolc i ij i v uiiiwiiiivv .? .. f n..r ...-...- ....... .I...... .i v,u,. ...vro j,.., wi..,;- ing that its financial success is) ' , genuine. In the discussion beforej CoachVamisKeS. in Cases. the house committee on the 11th j ' - instant, with reirard to the Pana- j - . . . . ma canal and the MollHMoctril.ejSI,1,,(, AllllllllUlto Paint. the Nicaragua minister, Captain j Will IKOX axii wood wokk. Mads and his counsel, and the edi- j JAMES LAIDLAW & CO.. tor of the North American Review. io N" Front street. Portland. were among those who appeared i . in opposition to the canal. .Mr. i fU A TT7 ItA f f C! I American, read a private letterl from France statimr that the; French press had been subsidized $40,000 in favor of DiI.ess;ps scheme. tieneral Grant's four-column article m the Chicago Tribune of January 11th. was merely a recapi tulation of the subject. The im portant part of the article is the i summary of the practical advan tages of the two routes. The General calls attention once more to the admitted fact that the pre ponderating opinion of engineers is in favor of the facilities of the Nicaragua route, and that its sur veys have been much more ex haustive and reliable; the more healthful climate f the Nicaragua route, the steadier water supply, and the cost estimated at $41,000, 000, and therefore very sure not to go aboTC 4100,000,000, are con trasted with ihc sudden floods, the impassible and malarial swamps of the Panama route, the calms of Panama bay, and the engineering difficulties that will brine the cost of this caual to some $400,000,000. It is. of course, needless to say here, in parenthesis, that the friends of the DeLesseps scheme deny that the climate is more un healthy in Panama than Nicaragua, that the engineering difficulties are greater or the cost more threat ening. The article in question consists lamely of a summary of the need and advantage of a canal, estima ting the cost of the Nicaragua one at $75,000,000. its business at 1,000,000 tons, its expenses at $1,500,000, and its earnings, there fore, (at $2 50 a ton) at $S,500,000. Th- Pacific coast of North and South America is credited with the most of this 4.000,000 tons, the Asiatic trade being thrown in unestimated. As to the ship;rilroad scheme, no decided rivalry seems to have been roused between this and the canal scheme. Captain Eads, nevertlieless, though joining with Uk friHdsof the Nicaragua!! route to oppose tin Panama, urges the advantage of his road over eitlier. 1 1 makes the distance from New Orleans to San Francisco, he says, one-thrd (1.200 miles) sliort er than by way of Neiragua; and his position in general appears to be that Panama is bad, Nicaragua better, but Theuantepec best. Nevertheless, his plan remains, among the three, farthest in the background of public interest. Gladstone, the British premier, has done a bold but commendable tin nsr, in refusing us jrive the sanction of his cabinet to an ap- propriation by parliament of 3200,-. 000 to pay the debts of that royal scapegrace, the Prince of Wales, j Hi- even had the eourage to tell j Queen Victoria that she ought not j to a?k the country to pay oil the Jebts of her spendthrift son. lf, as the fri,'mls "f the hltter re-jlhtf dtJlU uf lhe l,ri,,w were h - curred b y the prince acting as the j representative of his mother, then without any trouble. j x-t?- m r . - ' i t- 1 i VKMfPO I YD f J U I H' l .itlMMlul) i.ill J.Il ;Iil) . : mHK imikinksed offeus fh: Ahh-h, "! " m direct from j English Lustre Black Varnish, IN BAKKFLS.j Turpentine Aspheltm Varnish, i.aim:ui' Benzine Aspheltum Varnish. IN P.AT.HEUs - nui i v uuuiii iirwui ( wiwi UJUUo no'mon in Dnnrftlc IAN ELEGANT LOT OF CLOTHING SPIT.VBI.E FOK THK SPUING TRADE. ALSO A Great Variety of Articles at Bed Rock Prices, at Air. Loeb lias made arrangements to pav the highest, cash price for all Minis of f urs. pells hides, etc. X. LOEB, Main Street. Astoria. TRENCIIMD & UPSHUR DEAJJEKS IX SHIP 6UANQLEBY PROVISIONS, STEEL. GOAL, Builders ? General HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. AORNCY OF THK imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenaraus Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OKKi;ON A Piano IOK SALE OR IlKXT. : AH4rU) MItS. C. II. 1'AKKMK. Mm lit Uh Parker Houm' Wanted. 1 ? CCf TOUXDS RACSOFallkmiN, 1'J.VUO lht UiiiuivIIk shop. Main street, ly .I.JOl'LIN. BLANK BOOKS PRINTED AD BOU.N'D TO ANY SI.E. and ruled to any erdtr, at Thk Astobux office. AIISCELLANEOU8. G. W. HUME Wholesale and Retail Dealer -- fTP X TIj O OTXl-vJOJiJL vJLlL O, PROVISION'S, LUMBER. KTC, ETC., ETC., TIN PLATE IJLOCK TIX, PIG LEAD, SEAMING COPPERS, SOLDERING COPPER SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, NET LINES. MANILLA HOPE, SAIL CLOTH, ANCHORS, OARS, FLOATS, MAUI.S, HANDLES, MURIATIC ACID, LACQUER, VARNISH, TCRPENTIN K. RENZIN E, COAL OIL, GUM ROOTS, RICE. ETC., ETC., IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. antokia, - - oiti:;o.. MRS. DERBY is SELLING HER ENTIRE STOCK UF MILLINERY GOODS A.T COST. 1 j j Dr. Warner's Health ,1 CORSET J f &n . ttrtii oiuy uv imrt.-uiiM.'u in ' a. A-toria at .URS. DERBY'S. Mu-onii- Unit Kuildfng. iK-rof Main and Snuemi eor- ' MrerU. Squemoqlie Barboiu's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barbourTrothers, 311 3Iarket Street. San FranrUco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Maimers. Chas. Stevens & Sou, CITY BOOK STOKF. BROWN'S BUILDING losltr tlie BEI.I. TOWER, In room lattly occupied by S'hmeer's Confectionery. Larpst ai Best AssorlEDt Of novelties In the- stationary line umuiIK found hi a llrst-elass book store, coailstlng of HOOKS. F1XK STATIONERY, GOLD l'KX OOODS. AL15UJIS. CHROMOS. FKAIES. STEREOSCOrES. DIARIES. AH of wbiclt will be sold at prices nhlch DEFY COMPETITION. 1. S. TIip latest Etibteru and California periodicjds eoiistantlv on hand. CIIAS.STEVEXS & SOX. WILLIAM EDGAR, Comer Main and Chenainu? Streets, ASTORIA OREGO.N. UKALKK I CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLfA and other Enslfch Cutler STATIONERT! FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A Cue stock of Watclir and .JVwelr.v. JIukzIi- and Hreecli I.nadiu:? .Sliot iuii? and Itllle-.. irovulvci-j.. 1'i-tnU. and liiimnnitioit. 3IAltI.K Ij.YSSKS. I.M A KINK AssiHlmeiit of fine NrECTAll.ES al EYE CIUSSIS. SHIPPING TAGS rp!E U1L?T OUALITY. WILL BE S'uJ) X by the hundred, or by the box. printed or plain, to suit customer, at Z The AhTOKUx office. V 5Tx? .'. PEBSONAXi. Y'e predict the time will come when, all our friendsr subscriber-;,, and every reasonable person will purchase their Household Furniture of CHARLES HELLBOBN, Main Street, Astoria, opposite Masonic hall building. He sells a very superior article of Carpets, Elegant Furniture, Folding Chairs, Cape May Patent Rockers, Handsome Chamber Sets, Parlor Suits, Hugs, Picture Frames, Brackets, in fact everything you can ask for. He treats you liberally, gives you wh;w you buy, and never loses a customer. W Always remember HEILUORX'S Furniture Emporium, Main Street, opposite Masonic Hall. THE DA1LT 1 A S T 0 AVI'OKIA. T EXPECTED AXD COMilKNDED BY ALL FOK IT "" Impartiality, Ability, Faj.rne.s8 and Reliability. THE PAPER FOR THF. COMJiEKCIAL ilAX. FOK THE FARMER, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOK THE MERCHANT, FOR EVERY PERSON. XJ:K3XN: BY .11.111.. ' I'u-T.c:K fKKK Tl AM. .-UHH'KIUKIli.. 1 DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR .y (H) DAILY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS ...'." 3 OO "WEEKLY, ONE COPY ONE YEArTn ADVANCE go WEEKLY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS i oo- Otf-Potnuwters are au4lionzed to act as asents for Tiik Ahroui.x " THE ASTORIA." STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AX J) BEST PRESSES. A XI) TYPE OF THE LATEST STYLES- bc We pureliaNe liier. Card. Ink, am! oilier materials ol lhe manufacturers AX LOWEST I.1VIA; 11ATKS. And i-aii therefore atlord to use. a e alwaj do. tl.e In mmi Ueles. n ,i)r t-iir:u Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE. WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN- NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY LAS v i w - . IS SUTKMOK TO .MOST, AND IS KXCKI.I.hD 11Y NONE ON 'nilS COAST. JOHN HAHrV, - - EROPKIETOK, CHENAHUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. tfB-Orders left at the GEItMANlA KEEK HALL will he promptl) attended to.-Vn - MISCELLANEOUS. Tp C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oreqon. Krai Ktale Agra! and Coej3ecr. Agent for tlie FIi:KMKN"S FI'ND 1NSU1C- AXC'E COMPANY ofS:ui Francie.i COMMISSION AGEN1 and AUCTIONEER Krnls ami AreitHUl rnllreletl. am! rr. Iuth prouiftllj utuilr. Kesular .sales lay, SATl'RIIAYK nt 10:30 A. M. N. B. Parties liatiut; re:U estate, lnriu tureorany other xoods to db-iiOM' of eillie: si auction or private sale .should uotli y me s'kju as convenient before tlie dav of Ale. No.slonige eliarged on oods sUt at A ue tlou. K. C.HOLbEX. td Auctioneer . CENTRAL aI ARRET. General assortment of table stoek ennstanll) on tuuid. .such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, KC5C2K. IirTTtill. CIIIlESK. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, :,,u,,Ha,'e Aot,,,Mfir",,t,M tl,etual" FISH. FOI7I.TKY .I20 AMe! ",3 ' f lh" Considered. In tlie season. i f'l:iir; A'I Tim frf wiT"! full uudeiMund my business, and ..if JUliAilu. eannot be m nulled in buin, and havii!- made personal selection of every article 1 Bst ol WINKS' AI T.lll"OUS. ; IiRefora!e, Iiae no hesitation in guarantee I iik: it to be a represented. Call and inspect All cheap fr CASH. Goods .sold on com- ! t,,is st,Mk- ,. V:Ly?L , iHLs-.iu. OPiosite I. W. CaseS More. I Casi Mrert. Astoria. .1. i:oix;ei:.s. . Wilson & Fislief OKAl.KKs. IX j LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, j PAINTS AND OILS. ; Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. ', PROVISIONS, .MILL FEED. i GARDEN SEEP, GRASS SEED. ' Whleli will In' exehaned for eoHHtry pr luce or mM at lowi.t priee. Comer C)ieuinti nml Jl-tmiltoit Streets ASTORI V. OREGON. Q PILES. . The undersigned Ls prepared to furnish a Iariw number f Spiles and Spurs at hi? plaeeou short notice, at reasonabiu rates. Apply to C. G. CAPLES, C'olmnbui City. AND WEEKLY R I J l-J- m UBEUOX MISCELLANEOUS. G. HANSEN, i I CASS hTKECT. - - ASTOK1A, llu.jst niniica a UueiiMk of I WATCHES ! JEWELRY ! ! DIAMONDS I j SILVER WARE, ETC., ' 'Iliehuet in the market, i ! Mr. lluiiM-n does notibli to be umlerstoud ;is having articles In h$ stock too uiuueroiw I to mention." but he has U Fina Selected Stock, and Will i j Guarantee Every Article t be as Represented. PETER RTTKTErST, v.vroitiA. oi:i:iiON. BRICK jtSlTteu LAYER ljw:1, - PLAIN VI OKN VMhNTAL JE Ija. S T 3E3 tt. JE1 JEi. v Orders left al tlw 0-kI lit Htel. ir .it n v VreHoise. fKit i Kenton Mreet. prompt.) attemled to. 7 IMK. SAND, ICICICK, Pl-VSTRII, LATH, " Cement. aHtl M mnterfab In my line, fHroishetl loonier. irsecinl atteutioM piid to PnrtMtce work and lMiKa. Citetn wofk warranted good -or no pay. eSTAsent Sum J win and NewTacoma Lime.