w gfto JJauu slovUm. ASTORIA. OKEGON: TEIDAY JAN. 14. 1SS1 .C. IKEI.A.Ml Editor. Important to Immigrants. Last week, while xt Blalock's station, a, Mountaineer reorter took occasion to call on Mr. GriHin, superintendent of the- celebrated Blalock farm for the purpose of ascertaining certain facts in rela tion to Wasco county, and the in ducements for immigrants to settle. Mr. Griflin is an old settler, a man as well posted as any in the coun ty. Upon learning the object of the interview, the gentleman gave all the information In his power, as he wished to encourage im migration, and he knew of O" - - - - j no better locality to build up a ionic than in Wasco county. The Blalock farm consists of some fortj thousand acres, and there is a goodly portion fenced. Last jear they put in a small piece of doubtful laud to wheat, and the result was most flattering. This year they have five hundred acres In wheat, and Mr. Griffin feels con fident that he will show as good or better wheat than is raised in the Walla-walla country. It must be borne in mind that this is all high or table land. lYou see that blulT there,"" said he, pointing to an elevated plateau, "well that is as good wheat producing soil as you will find in the state. You would hardly think so, but. it is. There are thousands of acres of splendid farming land yet to be settled in this county. The worst drawback, heretofore, has been tne lack of means of trans portation. Now the railroad is through, and 1 wager that in less than three yeai-s this land will all be settled, and these stations along the road, like Grant's, John Day, the Des Chutes, and Bla lock's where there is nothing but a side track, will be prominent grain shipping points. 1 often re ceive letters from parties in the east asking information regarding this section, and the inducements to come here and settle, and T en courage them all to come, and as quickly as possible. This country is a good stock range, but the time has come when some provis ion must be made for feedi ug stock' in the winter. Timothy and alfalfa do splendid, and 1 would not be surprised to see great ship ments of hay from this section." The gentleman stated that he is going to erect a fine hotel at Bla locks station immediately, and he liad delayed only on account of the non-arrival of his lumber. Be sides this, the reporter learned that the railroad company intended erecting a fine depot and ware bouse there. While waiting for the train the reporter made the acquaintance of Mr. Pierson, a gentleman who has located a farm to the east of the Blalock place, and he fully substantiated Mr. Griffins views in relation to the in ducements for settlers to locate in this county. He has experimented to his entire satisfaction, and said he would not exchange for a large number of acres in the Walla--tralla country. This gentleman, like Mr. Griffin, heartily encour ages immigration, and thinks there is no more suitable location in the state. Of late we have been in receipt of numerous letters from 1ie east, asking for information in regard to immigrating to Oregon, particularly Wasco county. Wc desire to give only the most au thentic information on this subject, hence our interview with Mr. Griffin, a gentleman of well known integrity, besides being thorough ly posted in matters of this kind. The Palouse Gazette has a letter from Mr. J. L. Hallett, superinten--dent of construction for the Ore Railway and Navigation company saying that they are working about seven hundred and fifty Chinamen and four hundred white men, and expect to cross Snake river this month. The advance force is now within six miles of Grange city. He says the ground is frozen but -they are bound for Colfax this xiriater. Fall Salmon. Certain salmon quoted in the Mayors Message as having been shipped by the Aberdeen Packing company was not shipped, but were put up by an individual member of the coinpan-, at the companys works at Ilwaco. Wc gladly make the correctien: KniTOit Astekian: Jan. 13. 1SSL The undersigned would be pleased to have you cor rect the statement in ttie mayors messa that the Aberdeen Pack- , I - A 4.f..ll - ' mg company shipped fall sal-: inon, ' and salmon under the "Hera" brand, as tliev tlul neitner, ; nor did they put up any "fall sal mon.1' Yours. Aiikkih:ex Packing Co. We are pleased to observe the j 1 disposition to discourage the put-1 ting up of fall salmon. The fish may, or may not be equal to other va-; rietios but at all events were I . , . . , . I much ol it dealt in tne miiuence ; exerted upon other brands would j be baneful. to ronun 1. Uriel. T! rxili anil Men 'J. He iint-4. a subject 'Aithoiff hitliuu .J. 3. Mnte f-t-Jmi i! m: Mop I7.C- It llN MltMtf 1 reader lo lii-otn lrtMin?. 4. hsclieH'.'iiVJWV. VttmtSr at Into vHir wMi-ftJike x -ii:ii.:w cold water. f. If vim haw written -a -e:wit-' you think iKtiiiealtirly fiinv .lw. . wn tliroMsn i(. A -i:ki i-a.v. k- the wiit in Hie Htinily. it. CoiMleii-. Mk- -am !.st -i really liavian uh-. anl U'' r' ! ' in UieslnHleM )ovii! tT:. V -x i. t thouultto in tlMirM:m":o"i' 7. AVlien your artH-l.' i- -i-m..-.I. strike owt inc-uiitlif iU.-wlJwtwrs. L It is reasonable t Mitftij. nr one who taA the A-jtikia 4s ' caue he like it. ' If he like-, it hei iuten'litl in .! SI1CCOS. .t. If intitvMl in it JiiWi" he : help it. 4. Every suberiler Iw v " m-ie frieinl. l iS -ImHk ftr i j.t his reMiet but for no uSIht. .. If iery JiliM-iibtT um lafcin; it will renew "hi 4ibjfYSHinfi al -..! one hhih Miorronr eitrulati wiil 'h doubb'tl. o. WitJi a bHl4e eimilaliou tin' jijip-r eaulM'vaMlj iirtfrovL 7. With ati improved pafT nre can ', more omI. 5. 'JitcrcfHrr U x farmtr mlrUu-r.' to ti( whether v Hhtlt r htU h: ' iorJ urtl Umu nl irfM'nL KEW A D V KRTISKM IC.VTS. Wnt a iier Wjiwt a . Waw a ttiMii M'ant lo hire mai.. Waat t biro a? ma Vt'atH todi-i-Mf frH Want ! imn4a-e Goal. AVant t buy or -dl kAi.. Want to lMrmw ir lan MeMy. Want to Iwy rell ritv rtriy Vant to lt-e r let h e- .r los. M'ant to buy oi vll wh t Hr kiml, W ant t efaarter a f t-mbvt pLifr. Want to fail a craft of any kiiwl anywhere. Want to recover any lot or ooph pnirty. ADVERTISE IX THE ASTOKIAX, Advcrtiin? wure jieriBHrmnt ciftomers, Advorti'inj; retain yr !t cMtMuur?. Ad'erti-iHK make- a bHinea cce, Adverli-inj: i evidencts vf efidice. Adve-ni-iiiK bel the tmrn awl city Adverti'inc direct.- .eodo arirbt. Ad verti-inK U the road to wealth, Adverti-inK evidence eHerg', Aaverti"ini; brinsa reward. AdvertHnsde-'orves much Advcrti-in? pin much, Advcrti-'ine i a profit, Advrtiin? t? i4ook, Advorti-ttiK i biz, Advortiitrrys, Ad'urti-e hoit, Hr tiitil for a QHartorw A yoar. DDIUTIUO better -Meats. Itnl Mends, r nln I liU Monthly Sinteo-nilM-nUiis, Onlers. Iteeeipls. Ni--. Kail 1VHs. In; na tions, Wbl.iCjiCard--. CalHne 'ant-. Itn-i-ne.ss Card-, Slot i anl-. Stni; Cftirt":,:'. Pamphlets. llrieK CatabKni . I'tirawiMe. Iostr. ami cen- kind A l.".i-r P. - PKIXTINi;. neat I v .md ..e' . - ted, and at rea-o.d.' r.o- ! . u.,- full supph if tin lali-i ' -and the best i.ier-. r. RRIMTJV etc.attheASTntiMri-ii. i UI.. i J -J ARNDT & FERCHEX, ASTOKIA. - OUEGOX. The Only 3Iiicliine Shop And the best )W9 IJIACKSM1TU SHOP In the city. All kinds of - '- ' -i- ENGINI CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A special! made of repairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP, XEAK KIXXEY'S AS TORIA FISHEKY CENTRAL 31 ARRET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits ami Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS. Bl'TTER. CHEESE. Freh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POIXTRY . GAME In the season. CIGAItS AXD TOBACCO. Best of 1TIXES AXD LIQUORS. All cheap fer CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. yfiyzi. ' gyaplu. fi.iit't !.! ill -:r I mmh fimvZ NEW ADVERTISEMENT?. -SKLECT NECK TIE PARTY Tole;tIcii b the Yeuns: Ladies of Astoria. i w LiHKirrv HA LI, ! Friday Evening. Jan. 14, 1881 . M.MITTKn OK AHKANttKMRNTS : ltv M. I) is. Mrs. II. IleHHnc. MiM;k.Miitfcews. Mr.B. men. Kouwui. Mr. K. MimOn. INVITATION COMMITTKK. m hmmmittkkonmumi-. , m. Davis. Mt l-emta KnUre. Mr-s I-obelU Ittek. KWKITIo CCIMMITTKK. i 11.U. 17 tt'laLt .MKsAMRlc Mrktft. Mj ij-mia Faint-. Mi: Monk .Matthews. Mri- " Mr. L lmtr. .1VMITTKK OX 1IA1.I- Mt Motile )fttww. Mi ammIt ihHok. ahmi.iox. Lftjf'c . " . " . ' . " . . x. is. X rm wM be wiintued without an iHVitMltOH. TVfcis etui be obtained at tbeiaJi. rilMGiURII & UPSHUR : 1 lllJil tllilH.l vv VL "nun DEALEKS IX SHIP CHANDLERY PROVISIONS, IROX, STEEL. I A IHJIFT IX THE COLUM15IA KIYEK ,i s t -r I "- ,,t",r Ibdhhn's wharf, on .lanuarv Mh. ( I J. ft I j 1'. : ll white skiff. 12 feet lonj:- palnteil ss.j.j3 ,Jft ,e.ul MJor Also.ailrifthitlieColMinWa nvemearttiays wharf..Iaii. 1I.I.-81. a skiff alHHit IS feet Ion?, with two wrs in it. paint ed white on the oiit-ldcand red on the In Rltilrfopc ? Hnppsl sble. The owner or owners sare hereby noti DUIIUCid t ucilCiai tied that they ean have the above jiniperty by paving for this aderti-cnient. and a rea- U- T1T -r.".-, sounble amount for time and trouble in tak A K I 1 ' J K Iv. twr cstre of the projert on anHitrto AlU II xillH;, (&w-lv S.iiKA Y.Astoria. Pnr Prpinhf nr Prhnripp , ' j ' "P T XrFS O I LS. ETC. ' XV-J-tkj VXAJk3, -LiAV.. I ArtEXCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. nhpnamiic StrPPt Ttfpar 01nr onenamus streei, wear umey, ASTOKIA. OKEtlOX WlLSON & FlSHEF VKAI.KIlS IX :BC-A-:3E2-:D W -A.3E1.E2. LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PUVTs iXIimis r A1A i& Aim; UlLS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, .MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for coiiHtry pro dHceor.oldat lowest prices. Corner ClieiiHinu ami Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. IB- ST. BLOOD,! Sneeesr lo UUmmI & I.ee. CI.ATSKAXII-:. - - - OKKGON Is now ireparcd to riceive orders for FLOATS, BUOYS, Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I have been eitUcd in making float-, etc.. for the past five yenrs.and my work has al ways rivmi satisfaction. I am prepared to nil nil orders promptly, and on short notice at the lowest prices, always underselling other factories according to quality of poods Orders left with TKKNCHAKI) & tTSHUK. Agents. Astoria. Or addressed to the imdetsipicd. will re ceive prompt atlcnlhrti. 11. W. l'.I.OOI). (1ut.kanie. Oregon. jmS-McKEAN & CoT. Dealers in Embroideries, Laces, White Goods, Ruchings, Quilled Ribbon, Etc. -- VI.SO-- Saxony, Yarn, Wool, Zephyrs, Etc., OfwhH-hUifj now have the rum eomtdele avMHlinent In tlie city. Alvjst rece ed a nke lot if Slipper Pattern (.. So fii PilloWM.Etc. Tosllirf Hbich ilie iimte thentteutioit of the huliesof Astoria and vkinlt. Comer ttf iass mimI .lelferstw streets, As tonu. Ore? on. GERMANIA BEER HALL -A.NU- BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chksawcs Stkekt. Astoki.. ThtIicst of Layer 5 Cts. a Glass Onlers for the Celebrated ColiiMa Brewery Ieft at this place will be promptly.attend ed to. t3r-No cheap San Francisco Beer soldi at this pixels yTil. BOCK. Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted. 1 AAA roUNDS KAGS OF all kinds, l'JVAA clean and dry. at the Umbrella shop. Main street, by .1. JOPLIN. A Piano "CV)R SALE OK KENT. A' Apply to MILS. C. II.PAKKEK, -lin at the rjtrkiTJIou.se, For Sale. ONE HALF INTEKEST IX THE SCOW. "Three Shters" H ton, m-srly new, HfU flHIIMl III Miib. riill. CtC. Apply board to F. E. DODGE. House and Lot for Sale. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY now : ami will mkhi beyond bnsinvs !r:Iert. For particulars ;ipiU at THE ASTOKIAN OFFICE. Notice from Dr. Kinney. MY FRIENDS AND PATIENTS AT As toria will kindlx -cue tne from ihhc I tienor ntedieinc for two month. AUG. C. KINNEY. M.D. ' .Worm. .Ian. s. ivm j Cedar Floats. ;rrmi: i'ndersicned will ije prk- JL par.-l to furnish to onler. in lots to sm. attil ki-itt itHiotantlv mi liaml. CRD A It FUJATS. MAL'll ILiyDLES, etc.. for salt- at lowe-t price. Addtess. or call niton I'ETEIftOX & AXDEKSOX, i 14 Oak Point. W.T. I Guitar, Banio and Violin. c'sW'Vgrwi-ssajs :,iHveiiistrnnieiit!.. Tenns-Hedollai ortlantl. f tlie irs iHr 1 month. TwolesMMK iter week. Orders left at Aitier .s ihmik um. 1 Sheriffs Notice. !milE STATE, COUNTY. AXD STATE I JL School TAXES FOR 1880 Are now flue and can le paid at the sheriffs oHn-e without e.tni eluirze. A. M.TWOMBI.Y, Sheriff and Tax Collector. .Wtirin. Xot.Cth. 1nm. tf i Scov. Stove, Etc., for Sale. 1 milE l XDEILSIt:XEI. AD.MIXISTKA i JL tor of the estate ot .lohn lnpMr, de ' ceased, offers for -ale a small m-mm, tiellK-r j with tove. cooking nteii-ils. nail m'psonal , effects. The seow ma be seen on the bank , near the residence of .Ir. Kain. :iIkc WiM s sixth street. For particulars appl at the i Occident hotel C S. WKK.'HT, I Administrator. Astona. An;. 'JO, 1R0. d&wtt Boats Picked Up. Tlie st;iiner . tZ-i F.OItUr. IIAKI.BV. J&aeasL 1".0 tons. N' '" the inirt of Astori:u Is ready for fn.,,,,.,.,, Apnlv to the Captain on board or of A. VAX IH'SEX & Co.. 7-dtf Apeuts. Astoria. , Notice to Tax Payers of Pacific ' County, Washington Territory. rrAxESFORTiiEYE.M:issoARExow JL ile!ui(uentt and the roll is in my hands for collection. Persons knowing themselves ! dellmpient for-uch t:iesran save costs to ,., ,e :m,i ,i:,y thpir taxesat tiu-foiiow- . In places to-wit ; i ' At Knappton. January 1H, ISH1 : At Ilwaco. Jannaiy 21st : j At South Bend on the 23tl.- iAt1VoedvardsLnndinronthe2rth: Lt oysterville. .Ian. 31, 1881. j Bv so domino mileage will be eharced for collection. .IOHX P.KOWX. sl.rlff :III T:lx nettor or lacific Co., V.T. I Awfcni'ii t f f.ir C 1CC1 ; ' '. 11 111 ! WEDDING GIFTS ! An elegant assortment of FOLDING CHAIRS AND GAPE MAY PATENT ROCKERS. suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen, And very appropriate for WEDDING OR OTHER GIFTS At the Furniture and Carpet Store of CHAS. HEILBORN. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY stecb: 2 AN ELECANT LOT OF CLOTHING sriTAP.LK FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE. A Great Variety of Articles Suitable for Presents, at Mr. Loeb has mnde .:rntnsements to pay the highest cnh prices for all kinds of furs, pelts. Tildes, etc. 1 LOEB, Main Street. Astoria. THIS PAPER mar be found on file at Geo. P. Pjwnx .t Co's Newrpaper Advcrtklc; slcj Bur Bureau CIO Spruce Strcct,whcre adver tlilngconlxactsmay be made for lt la NEWYORK. THE DAILY AND WEEKLY "DESPECTED AND COMMENDED Impartiality, Ability, THE PAPER FOR THE FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MERCHANT, TEK3INS by m A 1 3.. IrOSTAlIK IKKh Tt AM. SUlSS?KII:Hnrf. DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YE All S9 00 DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 3 00 WEEKLY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE 2 00 "WEEKLY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 1 00 ay Postmasters are authorized to act as agents for Tiik Astokiax " THE ASTORliif "" STEAM PRINTING TIOUE HAS THE FASTEST AXD BEST PRESSES, A ND T YPE OF THE LA TEST STYLES. iTtr We purchase I'ajier. Cards, ink. and other material of the mnnnfftctiirers AT LOWEST l.IVISG ISATILS. And can therefore atTord to use, as we always do. the bc-t articles, while charging Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and letter Heads. TnE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THK WORKSHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN ' NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IBKM rm c IS Sri'EKIOK TO MOSI. AND IS EXCKI.LKI) p.y none ox this coast. JOHN HAHN, - - PKOPKIETOK, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. frSrOnlcrs left at the CEKMANIA HEEIC HALL will be promptly attended to.-S MISCELLANEOUS. E. C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oreaon. Krai Estate A?cut hu1 i'ouvrjanrcr. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUH- ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN1 and AUCTIONEER. Kent :ih1 Accounts Collected, ami re tarns proaipllr made. Regular sales day, SATURDAYS nt 10:30 A. M. N. B. Parties having real estate, turni tureor any other poods to dispose of elthei at auction or private sale should notify me soon as convenient before the day of sale. No storage charged on goods soli' at Auc tion. E. C.HOLbEN. td Auctioneer G. HANSEN, CASS STREET, - - ASTORIA. Ha just openen a fine stock of WATCHES ! JEWELRY ! DIAMONDS ! SILVER WARE, ETC., The finest in the market. Mr. Hansen does not wish to be understood as having articles In his stock ' too numerous to mentiou." but he has A Fine Selected Stock, and Will Guarantee Every Article to be as Represented. PrireM are Xothinc when the iual tty of the;i;ood;is Couxldered. STI fullv understand my business, and cannot be swindled in buying, and having made personal selection of every article 1 lui e for sale, have nohesitation in guarantee ing it to be as represented. Call and inspect this stock. J. HANSEN. Cass Street, Astoria. For Sale. Oregon and California Railroad r..,.nn niin 1 ii S cuyuuai iiu. i. KXIXKS: ' Cylinders. JJ5 Inches Diameter by :i3 Inch Streke: : Tubnlar IIoiIer. Hi Feet Lout?. 5.1 Incites Diameter, with 21 Tubes. '2 3-4 Inches Diameter, and . Tubes XI 3-4 Inches Di ameter in Kach: 31ml Dram. SO Inches Diameter by 14 Feet beng: Steam Dras Connectins the Sell ers; Engine ISO Horse Tower. Address : J. BRANDT. General Supt. 0. & C. K. Co. Fortland, Oregon, Dec. H, 1SS0. , 91-lm BY ALL FOR ITS Famiess and Reliability. COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PERSON. OTS S-4)4&iJ&i ' MISCELLANEOUS. I). K. WiRBM. T. W. ElTO Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEl . ASTOKIA. ---- 0RUK WAKUKK X EATON, Proprlt tfrC. (Suectuurt to Warren & McGulre Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats A full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEEX HAY, CANNED FKUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. ew Butter, Egg. Cheeae, ete. constantly on hand. 9 Ships supplied at tb e lowest rates. PIKE & STOCKTON. HOUSE, SXGrXC S-l - CARR1ACE PAINTERS PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING X HrKCIALTl. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. aaShop next door to Astorian Office, in Slinster's buildiug. E. R HAWES, CHEN AM US STREET, ASTOlilA, IS NOW PUEPAKED TO DO ALL KINDS OF PLUMBING . AND PIPE WORK. Bath Tubs, Closet j, Etc. Sheet Iron and Tin Work. ASTOKIA, OKEGON. fefc BRICK LAYER PI-IN AND OKNATdENTAL I LAS O? 5 JEL3E1 JEL Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at ray Warehouse, foot of Benton Street, promptly attended to. T IME, SAND, EKICK, PI-VSTEi:, LATH, U Cement, uud all materiaLs in my line. furnished to onler. inrSpecIal attention paid to Funmce work and Kanges. Cistern work warranted good or no pay. iWAyent San Juan and New Tacoma Lime. OPILES. Tlie undersigued Is prepared to furnish a large number of Spiles and Spars at his place on short notice, at reawnable rates. , Apply to CG.CAPLESr Columbia City. Jlujyiinrcrr m i JS,