(Z) " glxc gnitu gstovlau. ASTORIA. OKEGON : 331URSDAY JAN. IS 1SS1 .C. IKELAXD Ililltor. Tlie Coal Trade. The purchase of the Seattle and "Walla-walla railroad, the New castle coal mine, the four large sail -vessels and one steamer, and the tmildinjrof. throe otlnr tamers, re quiring in the aggregate the ex penditure of nearly two million dollars, must mean, says the Seat tle Intelligencer, the doing of an cnonnus coal trade at this point. The steamers can easily make a round trip every twenty days, and as they carry 3,000 tons each, will aggregate six trips and 1S,000 tons per month. The lour vessels can cany the monthly average up to 22,000 tons, and report further has it their number is to be increased by three or four more purchases. Jn 1S80 more coal was ship ped from Seattle than in any year previous, and yet the whole .number of tons was. but loS,4J)7. The steamers that are hereafter to carry the bulk of our coal are not on the coast, but they will be bo fore the end of tke current year. The trade of 1SS1 will, therefore, be somewhat restricted, compaied with the grand idea evidently in the minds of the new purchasers. The exports of the year will prob ably be under rather than over 200,000 tons, but even to put it at that figure, a gain of OTer 00,000 tons in a year is an event upon which our people are to be con gratulated, yir. Villard and his associates evidently mean to carry on the most extensive coal mining opeartions on the Pacific slope, and that they hare the capital and the best field for doing this, there is no reasonable room for doubt. The Intelligencer says: The coal underlying King county cannot be. estimated, but it is known that there is enough to spare a million or two tons a year for several centuries. From this on its mining will be on an ever iucreasinjr scale. In the leported Oregon wagon road fraud the papers have been transmitted to congress. In pre senting the reprt Secretary Schurz says that in view of all the facts presented, and of the magnitude of the grant and the manifest want of most ordinary good faith on the part of the grantee in securing and presenting the evidence for its ap propriation, both the agent and commissioner of the general land office recommend the resumption of lands, so far, at Icsist, as have not been patented, or provisions for such other measures of compli ance with the terms of the granting- act as shall assure the good faith of the beneficiary before authorizing-further patenting of the granted lands. Schurz, in conclu sion, submits the matter for the ac tion of congress, and says until that is determined upon he will suspend further proceedings. A not uncommon failure in practical working of well-meant jlans for the benefit of the poor las overtaken the artisans' dwel ling act passed by the English parliament five years ago. The act authorized commissioners to pull- down tenements positively unfit for inhabitants, paying the owners their value. The theory was that landlords would thus be summarily prevented from con tinuing to rent rotten houses. But the practical result has been that the certainty of finding sale has acted as an inducement to laud lords to let their houses fall into decaT, neglecting any repairs or care. Moreover, of the acres laid bare under this act, not wearly all has been built up, and thus the poor, deprived of their shelter by a well-meaning government, be cause it was so bad a shelter, ure left with none at all. Cannerymen would gam much by leaving us their orders for incidental printing now.to be done leisurely dur ing the winter months saving time and money, and avoiding the risks of a spring rush of vrork. A new law in Massachusetts taxing all life insurance policies one-half of one per cent, per an num is said to be actually driving the life insurauce business out of the state. Several companies are about to test the constitutionality of the law. An incident of the recent tight ness of the New York money market which gave rise to a good deal of comment was the appeal to the treasury. It is not certain that the story, as told, is true; but sinse it easily might be true its lesson is the same. The story is that certain parties having posses sion or control of most of the sixes of 1SS0. due on the 31st ultimo, were withholding them to produce artificial stringency, and refused to accejrt even par and accrued inter est to that date. The price de manded was lOo, and the treasury was asked to pay it, and relieve the market, responsible parties en gaging to make up the $ per cent, difference between this price and his offers. He refused, but finally took 3,000,000 at 10$ The sig nificent point in the incident is the peculiarly close connection it shows between the treasury and Wall street. That Secretary Sherman should be guided in his purchase of bonds more or hss by a desiic to keep the money market in good condition is perfectly legiti mate; that is. while the interests of the treasury must be his first con sideration, he should choose be tween two courses equally bene ficial to the treasury the one which is most beneficial to other interests, including Wall street. But the financial speculators urge that beyond this, the demand that the treasury should regu late the inonoy market is highly dangerous; that it is but one step from this demand to the posi tion taken by Secretary Boutwell, that the treasury should stand ready to inflate or contract cur rency, according to the stringency or easiness of the market. When the crops are moved, there is al ways a temporary stringency; therefore the volume of money should at such times be increased by putting out anew withdrawn greenbacks, he thought. The uses that could be made of any such regulative powers in the hands of an unscrupulous man are obvious. The treasury would become simply the most powerful of the Wall street speculators. The great danger that assail our finances are all in the line of making it specu lative, and any tendency to use it in connection with speculation, even to enter it in the lists as a legitimate corrective to speculation, are to be looked on with suspicion. DIKD. In roitlaii(I,.)au. l'Jtli. Kmiiia. daught er of .laeob Xicderaiior. of this city. The remains will bebiought to Astoria for burial to-da, (ThurMlav).Ian. i:;tli. 1881. NEW TO-DAY. Co-partnership Dissolution. TW-OTR.E IS HF.RF.BY f.lVEX THAT tin J3I co-uurtuerdiip heretofore cxMh& lie tweoii Hobb & Fuitoii in the pnieticuvVau is this day disunited lv iiiHtua) -ontn Roim&FriFo Astoria. Jan. 11. lhSl, ( T IV. ICO It B. tf ATTORNEY AT LA ASTORIA --- - JKKGON Office iver Warren & Eaton's tfnai ket, oniMsite the Occident llottfi. ri W. FULTOX. ATTORNEY AT L ASTORIA Olfiee over l'.ijn & Allen's vto w. u mYauk, TjS'K ' A- ,JKW Astoria. - Fortland. RKOWX JL 3IrlABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS. Astoria officeAt E. (. llolnen's.nctlon store, rortlaiul ottlce 24 15 street. 13-tf f. t CENTRAL 31ARICET. (JeHeral assortment of taWeVnjifYoiistHiiUy oh liand. sHck as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, KfSfiS. IHJTTKR, CIICI-25E. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POULTKY AXO GAME Iu the season. CICSARiS.AXD TOBACCO. Best or WIXES A3"D LIQUORS. All cheap fer CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. "V. C:ise!!i store. J. HOUGERS. aw, birtox NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -SELECT- NECK TIE PARTY To be siven l the Young Ladies of Astoria. LIBERTY HALL, Friday Evening. Jan. 1 4, 1 881. COMMITTOR OK AKKAMIKMKNTS : MissiL Dims. Ik II. HettlMH", MKsMuuVMallbfH-s Mrs. It. it. Miss Emm Kofcimtf. -Mr-. K. MatllMW. INVITATION COMMITTOR. Ml5 .Mottte.MaUHews. Ifc.s Annie Itk4i. COMMITTOR OX MI'MC. Ml- M. DavR Mfc I-rtMi Palm. .Mi- 1mIhsU ItfaMt. KHTKtTIrtN COMMITTKK. Mr. V. Wright. Miss AmJu UM. Mi LoMU Kabre, li MuNfa' MhI(Ihw. Mr. E. Mtftliews. Mr. C. II?ri. XMM1TTKR ON HAM.. Miv, MmUV Matthews. Mi: AwmW- InVMt. AIMIUttk. Gentlemen - Ijdle .... Si vi - I"ne N. It.- N person Hill be admitted without nh imitation. 1Vk-t rati 1m- olialitcd at the hall. TRBNCIIARR & UPSHUR DEALERS IN SHIP 6HANDLBRY PROVISIONS, mow, STEEL, GOAL, Builders General HARDWARE, asT-A.iXjS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. AGENCY OF THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenaraus Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OREGON Wilson & Fishef DKAI.KKS IN LUBRICATING OII, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PRO VISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED. GRASS SEED. WMeh Hill In ectHtd for country pro dareorMjMat loWt prices. Corner Clieiianm. and Ilainifton Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. IB. "SAT. BLOOD, (SHM-evMr to Klood & I-e.i CLATSKANIK, - - - OKKGOX In hoh iireiHireil tu receive orders for FLOATS, BUOYS, Copper Handles, Mallets, Etc. I nave Itecii engaged in making floats, etc.. for tlie oast five years. and mv work litis al ways given satisfaction. I a'ni prepared to fill alj orders promptly, and on short notice at the lowest prices, always underselling other faetories according to iputlitvof goods Orders left with ti: i:ci i Aim & rrciiui:. Agents. Astoria, Ornddressed to the miileisigneil. will re ceive prompt attention. it. V. l'.l.OOI). Chitskanle, Oregon. MRSIcKEAN & Co;. Dealers in Embroideries, Laces, White Goods, Ruchings, Quilled Ribbon, Etc. --i-o Saxony, Yarn, Wool, Zephyrs, Etc., Of which they mow liae theiaot complete aNMirtHiettt in theeiij. Alojut received a nice lot of Slipper Inttc-riin,Snfii I'illows.Ktc. To all of which they in1te the attention of tlie iHiiti-siti AMortaaiM vicinity. Corner of tv atHl .leRersoM stnets. A toria. OretHi. GERMANIA BEER HALL -A.V1- BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chrxamus Strkkt. A.ST6RU. TfieIlest of Layer Z (Jts. a Glass Orders for the ia Brewery Jz5JbJETft Ijclt at thLs place will be proniptly.attend ed to. ENo cheap San Fran Cisco Beer soldi at this place- WM. BOCK. Proprietor. .MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted? """ 1 AAA rOTOCDS BAGS OF all kinds. JL J JJJ clean anil ilry. at the Umbrella hop. Main street, by J. JOPLIN. A Piano JOR SALE OK RENT. - Apply to MRS. C. II. PARKER. 7-Int at the l'xrkcr House. For Sale. ONE HALF INTEKEST IN THE SCOW. Thr-e Sisters.- H ton-. nearlv ne. h HI fiHiinl in vaiN, rfc-on?. etc. Appt m lnwrtl to F. E. DODGE. House and Lot for Sale. DESIRABLE KESIDIJSCK PROPERTY ihih ; ami Hill MMa r nl Imsiiiws 1 icrt. For mrtk'iiiaet aiWt at THE ArfrOKlXN OFFICE. Notice from Dr. Kinney. MY FRIENDS AND PATIENTS AT As tnA Hill kllltll t'VUsf JHf frHH )H7H'-IK".H- IHMlH-)IH' for tHO Otoliths. Al'G.C. KINNEY. M. D. .Won. .Ian. 5. issl Cedar Floats. a muz cndersignkd will be pre . part-d ii funib-h to irder. in lots to Mtit, and kept coitstaHllv i4t hand. VRDAlt FLOATS, .lJ.U'LS, 11AXDLK., etc.. U sab at lowest jtrtt. AirvN, or can uixtti PETEltSON & AXDEltsOX. Oak Point. W. T. Ii4 Guitar, Banjo and Violin. CHAS. E. BARNES. LATE OF Portland, would like a ft-w jHiils o either of the alMixe uitniHnts. Titmih Hve doliarN jkt ItKHHH. ThuJ.-xhis JH.T Wlfk. OnliTS left at Adl'-rS 15Mk Murv. Sheriffs Notice. milE STATE. COUNTY. AND STATE JL rs-liool TAXES FOR 1880 An wm diK- and ran Ih jmM at Um xUfriffs oNk-i Hitltout ftni iIian;. A.M.TWOMRLY. Sliftin" and Tax Colkctor. .Woria. Nov. 6th. lum. tl Scow. Stove, Etc., for Sale. illlllR. I .MHiltMli.M'.ll. AJIMINISTKA ! JL tor of tl' iiati' of .lolm CroM-r, tW- itsiil. otftTs for sail a stoall x-nvr, tocHlier hiiii ;ow. coKiiix ntfiisiK. ami iHTMHial I'ttitM. Hh Mtitt na Im-miii on the IkiiiK loirtlo rtIdiM- of Kir. IL-il'i :iIhivi Wt.t. Jixtli MiiH-t. For imrtkiiiars aindv at the Krcultriil hotel C. S. W R K ; I IT. AdininKtnilor. Atoiia. Ans. 'JO. l&o. il&Htf Boats Picked Up. ADRIFT IX THE COLUMBIA RIVKK near Holhlay's wharf, on .laiiuar MU. tKsl.asiHitli white skin", ttifo-t Ioih;. iwihIciI lislit lead color. AlMi.adrift in tlu'Citliiniliia meriiearGravs w harf. .Ian. ll.lSI.a skill alHtut Is. feet long, with two ours in it. paint ed white on the (HitsHleaiid red on the in- shle. uie owner or owners are hereoj lHtti tied that tlie can have tlie above- priert li oiH!? for this niHcrtisciiM-iit .out a ri-j'- siHialAe amount for lime and trtHible in tak- iu: ctire of tlie iroicrtv on aoelvint: to d&w-lw S.tHlAY. Astoria. Notice to Tax Payers of Pacific County, Washington Territory. m.VXKS FOUTHE YE.VK IhsiAKK NOW JL delimnient. and the roll is in my liands forcollivtioit. rerMins kihwmg themselves delinquent fr seh tae can save nots to iiieiaim and Kty thHr taxi's at the follow ing places to-wit j At Knappton. January IH. IHSI : At Ilvvaco. .lanuary It: At South Fiend on the 25th: AtlVnodwardxI.nntliiisoii theOth: At OyterviIIc. Jan. 31. IKS I. By so doing no mileage will be cltarued for collection. .UHl.N I5KOW.N. Sheriff nml Tax collector or 1'acific Co., W.T. OSTKKVILLK..Ian. 8, tsl. For Freight or Charter. Tlie steamer ;f.oiu;k haklky I'jO tons. J. W.DODGE. - - Mastf.k Now in the iort of Astoria. I ready for irclgnt or cnaner. Aiity to uie raptain on lioanl or of A. VAX DCSEX & Co.. 7-dtf Agents. Astoria. WEDDING GIFTS ! An elegant assortment of FOLDING CHAIRS AND CAPE MAY PATENT ROCKERS. Suitable fori Ladies and Gentlemen, And very appropriate for WEDDING OR OTHER GIFTS At the Furniture and Carpet Store or CHA.HEILBOHN. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY STOCK Z N ELEGANT LOT OF CLOTHING sriTABLE FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE. AI--0.-- A Great Variety of Articles Suitable for Presents, at .NT. LOEB'S. Mr. Iiel has made arrniieemeiits to pay the highest cash prices fr all kind of furs pelts, hides etc. N. I.OEB, "Main Street. Astoria. THIS PAPER may U found on fiie at Geo. P. R-jnxL. & Cos Xcvrjpapvr Ailvcrtlslng Bureau IM Spruce Street i.whf re auvi-r tlUngcontractirnay be made for U tn NEWYORK. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY -s IS SUPERIOR TO 3I0ST, AND IS KXl'Et.I.EO BY NONE ON THIS COAST. JOHN 1IAHN, - - PROPKIETOK, m CHENAHUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. eg-Orders left at the CEUilANIA KEEK HALL will be promptly attended to.-t THE DAILY AND WEEKLY s i o "DEspectp:d and coimexded by all for its Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability. THE PAPER FOR THE COMMERCIAL MAX, FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR THE MERCHANT, FOR EVERY PERSON. TKKJISt 15 (rOVTAHK K1!RB TO A DAILY. ONE COPY ONE YEAR $9 00 DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 3 00- "WEEKLY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE 2 00 "WEEKLY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 1 0f ctrl'ostMinsters are autlion7ed to act as asents for Thk Astoihan THE ASTOBIAN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AiVD BEST PRESSES, AFD TYPE OF THE LATEST STYLES. eir We purchase Paper, Cards. Ink, .mil other materials of the inaimlartnrers AT LOWEST LIVIX; RATES. And can therefore atfonl to nsr, as we alvvavs do. the heM article's, while ci:arm Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE. WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES "WHICH CAN NOT RUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. MISCELLANEOUS. C. HOLDEN, E. No tar q Public for the State of Oreqon. Krai Estalc A'riit nud oHvejauccr. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN1 and AUCTIONEER. KenH and Accounts CoIIcclrd. and re turns promptly made. Regular sales day, SATURDAYS at 10:30 A. 31. N. B. Parties having real estate, lunu tureor any other goods to dispose of eithei at auction or private sale should notify me s-iMin as convenient before the ilav of sale. No storage charged on goods .sok' at Auc tion. B. C.HOLbEN. td Auctioneer G. HANSEN, CASS STKRET, - - ASTOIIIA. Has just openeu a line tok of WATCHES ! JEWELRY ! DIAMONDS ! SILVER WARE, ETC., Tlie finest in the market. Mr. Hansen does not wbh to he understood as having articles in his stock ' too numerous to mention." hut he has A Fine Selected Stock, and Vill Guarantee Every Article to be as Represented. Price arc Xothfnzivhen the equal ity ofthc-JtJoodH Is Considered. t5Sl fuliv understnml my business and uuiuot bo swindled in buying, and liainjr made personal selection of ever- article 1 hn e for Kile, have no hesitation in guarautee ine It to be :is represented. Call and iusiiect this stuck. L HANSEN. Cass Street, Astoria. For Sale. Oregon and California Railroad &0Gk Ferryboat "No. 1." jBXIXKS: it Cj Hndei-s. '2Z Inches Diameter li 5 Inch Streke: Tubular Hollers. 1C Feet lion;.-, .: Inches Diameter, with 1 Tubes. '2 JJ-4 Inches Diameter, and 2.1 Tubes :$ 3-4 Inches Di ameter in Kach: .Tfud Dru.SO Inches Diameter uy 14 Feet lons; Steam Drum Connecting the Itoil- crs; Easine loO Horse Power. Address : J. BRANDT. General SupL 0. & C. K. Co. Tortland, Oregon, Dec. 14, 18S0. 9t-lm a i l-i Y MAIL. IX SLMUTKIItHIIS.) .MISCELLANEOUS. D. K. vr arru. T. W. Eto Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDENT JIOTEV. ASTORIA. ... - Oltiftt-; IVAKKEX JL EATOX,PropritU, (Sueeesiun to Warren X- McGuire Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats A full line of FAMILY GKOCEKIES, FLOUR. FEET HAY, CANNED FKDIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. eJ" Butter, Eggs. Cheese, etc. constantly on band. &- Ships supplied at the lowest rates. PIKE & STOCKTON, -j KCOXJSE, SIC5-IC AND j -CARRIAGE PAINTERS,- PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A M'HCIALTA. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, 3Shnp next door to Astorinu Office, in Sinister': building. E. K. HAAVES, CIIEXAMUS STREET, ASTORIA, IS NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF PLUMBING AND PIPE WORK. Bath Tubs, Closets, Ete. Sheet Iron and Tin Work, ASTORIA. OREGON, S BRICK Jlti. rH&, LAYER PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL I3 XjS rC jE2 LE3 JEl. Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at my Warehouse, foot of Benton Street, promptly attended to. LIME, SAND. BRICK. PI.ASTKR. IVTII, Cement, and all materials in my line, furnished to order. &2"SpecIal attention pld to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work warranted good or no pay. ea-AsrentSan Juan and NewTaconiu Lime. OPILES. Tlie unden.ipied is prepared to furnish a large number of Spiles and Spars at hia place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C.G.CAPLES. Columbia City, fnUI' aiwl'Jai 7