0) PjwIjj 111 tttfOlk . ; Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, January 13, 1881. So. 10. " Vol. xiv. GEXEKALXEWS. m MAIL AN TKI.lt JH A I'M. liini Unnn. Poirn.A.vi), Jan. 12. A severe wind prostrated the telegraph -wires south of Grave creek, Dowsr las county yesterday, la conse quence our usual telep-raph report failed to come lust night. The Event of the Season. Arrive.! at I.aM. PACIFIC COAST XKWJ. UV M VII. am tkm:kik .-successor lo It in: Knllnrd Ippolnled Oi.ympia. Jmi 11. Gov. Newfell to-day commissioned Hon. El wood Evans prosecuting nrturitcy to fill the vacancy made by the death of Hon. Irving ISallard. . Circular No. 1. . The following circular has been is sued by the Oregon Railway and Navi gation eoui-wiiy, oflice of genenii freight and passenger agent, date of Portland, Oregon, .Ian. lo, 1S81: Circular No. 1. On and after date all communications relative to the transportation of freight and 'Misscii gers should be addressed to the under signed. All existing rates of fare and freight are hereby confirmed and will remain in force until otherwise or dered. Claims for overcharge and loss or dauiaje to freight, together with reports pertaining thereto, will in future be sent to this office. John- Muik, ("cneral Fi eight and Pas senger Agent. Appieved: dent. Always Ahead. A Small IIuc to Knit. Stable ah oht. Oik-Im. " j 'jhnt j,, ,f dry fir wotMi IH)H-1 Atokia, Jan. 10. Th public j be found t Grays wood yard. Send installation of the ofiicer of Beaver hi yr orders early so that yoi will lodge, No. 3o, i.o.o.r., in this city 'gat whims f the wwod you have been last Thursday evening will be re- waiting fj metnbered a.- one of tlie most im-, pressive and at the same time the j most etijovable entertainments ever! Foster has juat received an electric riven here, The service, of the i cigar lighter. Call in and soe it. order were conducted by Hon. I. W. Cae, M. W. tjraml master, as sisted by E. C. llolden acting grand warden, A. J. MegW acting trmml if-(YMdiiii' sofTt'larv. A. M. lVombly acting grand permanent ' secretary, J. II. J). Gray acting grand treasurer, and Dr. Jay Tat tle acting: gram I marshal. The officers installed were: St. Clair IJ.Miner, X. G.; W. II. Barker. V. G.; T. S. Jiwett, recording secre tary: Lotus llson, permanent i Vurtnt0r. ,-,, u-n fi...i ,... secretary; John Ilahn, treasurer.:-.. to their advantage to call oil the The entire ceremony wis perform-j undersigned lajfore selling their wool, hides and furs, as he 13 now prcmreci to either lmy or sell on commission anything in the above line that may le oil'ered,' jwtying the highest cash price. Freights and charges advance. .Ml. D.Gk.yy. Apply at this ottice. Alse: accommodations foi ne cow. Doll-. China, wax, and iudietrttctible ware, at the City Iok Store, at the lowest x&sible prices. Call and secure one for the; inn, be sold. 'Wool. Hide, anil For-. AROUND THE CITY. A full assortment of counter and grocers scale, van be found at 31. C. Crosby. at bottom price-. P. .1. ( ioodman. on Main street, has just reeei vel tin latest and most fali tottahk style of gent and ladies book., -.Hoes. etc. For a firt-cla oyster stew, fry, pit-rmtor fanc roast, sio to Koscoes, on Main street, opposite X. Loch's. Families supplied by tlie hit ml nil or the sack. ojKnel or in the shell. Mr..f. Stewart, stone and marble cnttcr of A-Horia will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him. and will do a better jot for Ies money than any outside workman. Hi work in the cemetery liere lould W-iuIieientrecoin uicitdation. Before on let jour con tracts for work of tin- kind it 'would la well to eall upon Mr. fetewart. IIore K'lucalion. HANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AHDJNSURAHCE BROKER, BANKER -AM)- INSURANCE ACEHT. AST0I1IA, ... OREGON. OFFICE HOURS: FROM S OX'LOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Hk Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, BUSINESS CARDS. PHYSICIAN AND Sl'KGHON. - Graduate UimerMty of Virginia. 1S6S. 'hysieian t Iay Vk-w hrttai, Ciiltimora ('U.lSfl-n. Ofh( k- Iii Page & AlleaS lwHlln: stairs. Astoria. up AY3'-" IJAKKi:. .11.1). Okhh k Next ktr to Cajit. ICoeets resf lfia-e, fas. Street. Gvru k Hoi ic FrotM-s a. m. t It A.3t atHi fnmi 2 i. m. to 4 i. M. PENTIST, ASTOKIA. - OREGON. ItiNHits in AlIenN building ap stairs, corner of Cass ami Siiemoviilie trtts. ed witlmut the use of rituals and were more than ordinarily im pressive. The hall was beautiful decorated with evergreens, flairs, emblems of the order and mottoes, tlie graceful work of Mrs. 1. V. (."nse, Mrs. S. C. Benner, Miss Nettie Wilson, Miss Springer, Miss Fannie Taylor, Mia. E. R. Hawes. and Mrs. J. F. Ferchen. Excellent vocal music was furnished by a choir consisting of Miss Esther Hol- Syphpn ?tuty Lamp. Hon. I. W. Case, of Astoria, in placing the new Syphon stndv lamp j on the market, would call the atten- tuitioit of the trade to some of its merits. Its ilhuniuatiii' qualities are den and Katie Flavei, Mrs. Y. H. J not equalled by any study lamp m use. Barker, Mrs. W. W. Parker, and j It tves a steady, briliiant light; is T. F. Oakks. Vice Pic-i- Report reaches us that the Ore gouian Railway company, limited, Wm. Reid manager, has purchnsud the railways of the Oregon and Cali fornia company, from Portland to i Roseburg, and Corvallis. Thus the triangular fight begins to close. On Christmas day Mibs Laura Hoxter, of Forest Grove, was pre sented with a $2000 interest m her fathers mercantile business at that place, the gift rendered her junior member in the firm of W. D. Hoxter fc Daughter. Miss Hoxter is a grad uate of Pacific University of the class of 1877. After completing the clas sical course there, she went to Port land and took a course in commercial college, suice which time she has been her fathor's confidential clerk and book keoper. The knowledge thus acquired in the business, amply fits her for the new partnership, and the firm is, so far as we know, the only one of like status in Oregon Her success shows that with careful and thorough training, a young woman may succeed in financial life as well as a young man. All ladies intending to attend the necktie jmrty at Liberty hall Friday ecening, are requested by the oon. lmttec U bring neck-tie. The priee ot snlserijtioH to Tin: Wkkkia" Astouiax Ims been reduced to-?i per annum when paid in advance. If not paid in advance the old price of S.t will be charged. Circuit Court Blank... Comity Court Blanks. Justice Court Blank-. Shipping Blanks, 3IisccIlaicoti! Blank., Deeds, Mortgages, etc., for Sale at Tin. A.torian oflice. Upsets; V II Kjirlrop anil K. S Merrill. Miss Nellie Flavei presi ded at the orjran. The hall was densely packed with an intelligent and attractive audience, who were deeply interested in the exercises. Installation services over, the re mainder of the evening was spent in dancing, more than lo0 couples participating. AMCSEXKSTS. free from unpleasant odor -does not drip either when burning or not burning: In something written we have an indistinct recollection of having made reference to a general disposition among boys in their teens, as well as boys of umturer years, to enlighten and bless the world with their pro found knowledge of the horse and his history. Our books and newspapers are full of this kind of literature, and it varies in style from the production of the child at school, commencing with: The horse lias four legs and a tail; up to the eloquent tribute of the scholar when he quotes from Jeb: That his neck is clothed with thunder and the glory of his nostrils is terrible. He smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains and the ; shoutm .1. K. IIot:iiTON ClIAS. K.STOKA (.: KO. I. STOKV .............. Presid eat .. Secretary .A;e!it for ("on Caitilal paid up in V. S. gold coin S 300 000 1)0 1 W. CASH. Agent, Clteimniiis street, Astoria. Oregon. S67,600,00p"cAPiTAi7 LIVERPOOL AND LOOON AND GLOBE, V027H BRITISH 1ZW dERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CxVLlFORNlA Between these two ex-lE INSURANCE COMPANIES. T A. luTrlVrOSII. MERCHANT TAILOR, Occident lIotl IktUding, ASTORIA - - - OREGON", I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clieiiainiis Street. - ASTOKIA. OREGON trenies of the child at his first school I composition, and the professional literature, we have every grade of pre tention, and each professing to have mastered the whole subject. As we Keprcscntin? a capital of i7.00u,0O0. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Uii.i.'- Vauiktik.. Ceo. Hill, pioprietor. Fred Gere, iimu-j ager. To-night. fir.t appearance of Miss J Matlie Morion, balladist, late of Sau j Francisco. A new firt part with Nick-1 ersonand Markey as the funny mokes, j Gere, interlocutor. A new plaj entitled j The Control hotel, -The Victim- l;vNickern, Markey j sll) duck is 1OW tiid Gere. A brilliant olio of ireius. Mr. Nicker-son in his etheopian eccentrici ties. MissMurwin in ballads, Mr.Markey easily lighted and trimmed, and is J approach the close of this nineteenth without exception, the most coiiveni-i century, we begin to look for some ent lamp to fill ever made. Directions . thing better in this department of accompanying each lamp. Call upon , knowledge from those who assume to Mr. Case and buv one. He sells them ! instruct ' Audit is to be found in at remarkable low rates. ! Kendalls Treatise on the horse, sent J .-: -. zrzzz-z ' by mail to any person for twenty-five Mallet. liutT anil Copper llmulle. t cents, postage paid. Apply to The ! Astorian office, or address D. C. Ire- Caimerymens work will be done in land, Astoria. Oregon. good style by Henry Gallon, Astoria, j - Oregon. If you will give him your Handsome wedding presents at orders now he can be doing the work tllu fjitv B.iok store, in dull time-, making it advantageous' - to all im-ties. ' ' " "cnrhart has some A No. 1 : . jz 'apphss, :uid a general assortment of i' dried fruits. Mr. Wm. Loeb is agent at Asto- 1 ria for the Germania Life Insurance A.J. meolki:. OCUIIC.T C.S. WKIGHT IIOTIIL. Central Hotel. ship tion caterer, near the steam- pen for the recep- m Irishisms. Mr. (Sere the bad Dutch-j be found ready to wait on his patrons. man. .mines Aioncc in unuaiis, mt.ijcj.ii lof guests, where the well known company of New ork. rii:s is one i ....... Tv.i-.i. ,ii i.-...'ot the soundest companies doing bust Found ready to wait on his patrons. . ncss -n the United States. Its total H 1.-e 1.-.1 .!, ,1....... ,.,.,....A 1.E. : .isseis, an ei 11.11 10 uhh, nuiuiuit iu in -(ngs, Mr. Ostrander in his violin . .. .,i,i.. lfif.'i i. Ai..a.. p;l- SS,.r52,877 11. ! n.7.1 Mr iMpimni i!r... wiiit hie ' thoroughly refitted by Messrs. like ' drum solo ami not to he forgotten Vr. ! and Stockton, our well known artists. J A nice lot of eastern ovsters at ... - . r. r" . ... . . .... .- .. .-. Uall and see nun. :uj lie lias tlie nnest . Koscoes, arnvetl yestenlay by steamer brands of liquors and cigars to be had! Columbia. Call around. You will find in the city. ' them first class. MEtiLEK & WRIGUT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. nmiE PKOPKIKTOKS ARE HAPPY TO JL announce tlmt the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of itsgucstsanil is now the beat Iwtel north of San FrancLsco. A VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC. Cheuaiiitts Street, near Occident Hotel; ASTOKIA. OKEGOX. Agent AVells, Fargo & Co. C. II. BAIIV it CO.. Trax- m--AI.HU IX DoorM. "WindoiVM. Jtlinds. MoniM. Ijumber, Etc. i5B"llilN of niater'als and estimates made without charge. steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Gen evUeand Astofstreets. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN' STKIIET. - -31 rs. S. X. Arrlsoni. - ASTOKIA Proprietor THETKAVELIXG PUBLIC WILL FIX!) tlK Pioneer first class in all resiects.and a share of their patronage b respectfully solicited. Jlourd and lodging by the day or week. Post-office Restaurant. Chas. Barnes iu his excellent guitar solo. New orchestral electios and new music on the grand stand under the leadership of Mr. George Lambert at (.' i. m. The entertaitinieut will begin at 7W i. m. Entrance on Benton stieet. Private boxes 011 Chenumus. A wonderful discovery, Kendall's Spavin Cure. Read Advertisement. Salmon A" ft Twine All ve who want hav of the best kind. No. 1, find it at Grays wharf. Geo. W. H nine has just received aj large shipment ot IiirlHtr 1W. .-. . Mm-uui Man is Meniful to his iea.' ii.oh net itritte which he is selling at, oxiY ." Cl'XTS. ?hii rraucvco prices. Alsi Ckioh ti yo ever iieanl a buwtit :'ist advertising ilid n pa '-.dvei'tisemonts are the q'i'"t s-olt .-wi who never iutrmle, but win iu- lail t4 make themselves know a aid are seen and reiiieiiiltered depit the will of the reader wla couhl no foiget tiiem if he would. -Who wants tx know about the great Stftt where the o-ports ecjual in value .ifcSTS per liead of tlie entin p.uhi tior. -end $1 00 to D. C. In'bind for TllK AJoRiAK, the only Oiegou paper, pub ( IuIm-U wholly in me mierei 01 un-cou tmwiml jfcHitta r, in quantities 650.000 ALREADY SOLD ! ! A l rcit tst on ti e T),'.cr.a Altt ( u.til ttiuitt. tn vivwiuo v, tlb & llt.. .' 1 order, by Mrs. Denny Curran, Cass lt MUU street, near the Congregational church, Atlu,r u -jiin, aj 'ikmi.s ,.,.. in Mr. TlMHiias Usui's house, Astoria. , AiVeT te se,,tn5 sctitMl IHM'Ks CI Frank Falnsr has removed in-i t. , i-of.. r . to Dr. Kineev's bniidi. on Water Fr VSPl rt the SRS,H at street. ()..tkrMl to the ateamer l U :UTe" 'W ' dock from down town, before break-! Fw the bew Beer in Astoria, Iat, it will now lie handy to drop iu aill for the Caimfbiu vrrw 7fer, . and get a cup of coffee. . ackiHwledged to lie superha to all j others. 1 - If ym want a good big oy.ster' stew in style, call around to Tom Smiths, next door to l H. Fox, Main - -When vor only and lehvel son cHiiee home scarred up as the result of a juvenile fight, apply Kindnll's Spavin Cure and the pain will cease and the intellect will be greatly strengthened ami m all probability he will soon be in the White house. Read the advertisement. Magnus C. Crosby has a first-class workman, and is prepared to do all kinds of jobbing iu tin, sheet iron and copper, plumbing and steam fitting. Full satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. The reading room of the Astoria Young Mens Christian Association is now kept warm and lighted evenings and the latest newspapers and periodi cals on file, free to everyone who wish to come and read. MAIN STKEET. - - ASTOKIA.. .IOSEPH MATTHEWS. PKOPK. mills 1RAFIKSTCLASS KESTAUKAXT JL kept 011 the European plan. Froli oys ters in eery MIe Main street, between Chcmunus and Sqiteiiicrulie. c. w. kovus. cr.Aisi:xnox I'OI&TLANJJ. - - AUZIKUKJt. HOTEL. - - OKEGOX WILLIAM FRY, PRACTICAL COOT AXI SHOE MAKEK. Ciiexami's Stkkkt. opposite Adler's Book .store, - Astoria, Oregon. S3" Perfect fits guaranteed. All worlr warranted. Give me a trial. All orders. promptly hlied. JmK WM. L'lILEXHART. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTOKIA - OKEGOX. Hot, Cold, shovirr, Sleani and Sulphur BATHS. JSSpecial attention given to ladies' and hildren's hair cutting. Prhate Entrance for Indies. D. TAY TL'TTLE. 31. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Okfick Out the White I liaise Store. Kkmdkxck Xet diKir to Mrs. Munsoa'ar boarding hoiLse. Clienanius street, Astoria, Oregon And hi Ilist.e-es. h deeds at Tub As- rTo discriminate between wliat is news and what is advertising in an item is often a difficult task for a puls lisher. Newspapers, to be on the safe side, must charge when the item brings mouevto others. Such is but justice, and in compliance with the laws of hus snsss, and without this discrimination a newspaper will fail, financially. tfA, wealthy Pittsburg merchant Is reported as having said: "1 always feel happy when 1 am advertising, for then 1 know, that waking or sleeping. I have a strong,though silent orator work ing for ine;onewho never tires, nevei sleeps, never makes mistakes and whe is certain to enter the households froii which, if at all, my trade must come." .2-&Wc desire it to be distineti uiiuvTatood that those who send us ad vertisements f 10111 abroad, must send Uk- cash with the advertisements.if they would have them appear. We have numbers of advertisements sent us from strangers saving, Please insert and send bill." This we cannot do ; the cash mnt accompany the copy and the order Warrantee to in ax office. During the absence of Mr. Carl Adler from th eitv. Mr. CIim. AToffett will have the entire management of hooks at Adlers, street Astoria. Oregon. Open at all . $J fcJ 'DULL, M.I). hours. ' - -- ' Full of Valuable ami Practical In- -Since the Ckineae started to brew . ftirilialiln. anl containing a "che.-tp Sau r rancisco beer there is ..,....,- little or 110 demand for that article ,M,,A h '--. any more. Call for the Columbia ' jyiJ$ P lJ' ywitaa-; raiiM-mh! the . J . .- . - I!ist rreatiiM'iit of each . a taWe giving all brewery beor, if you want something the principal tlni-Mil lor the Horse, with (Md. the onlmary !. effects, ami antidote when - - - a pi-Mtu : a taWe with an ciignuiii. of tlie Fresh leaf lard at Warren and ' J''V: u,:t1h u hffirniit aws with ruks v ' for telling the aeof the IIih-jc: (Geiigna- Jaton s. . I ittS showing the iiiiNrtaiit imhiUs in the ,..,r ,.,, ,,.WM, i,MnV it Tut.- stniclun of the hnise. also illH-strating xsi- (.et jour legal blanks at liif. thiis :Lsiiinel bvskk iiorM- in diff.-reiit dN AsTORIAX office. A full line of over leases. A aluaMr fOllelhHi of rrrelpts. two hundred Styles. 1 nmuy o which wmild co-t a Imrse-owiH-r - - j three to live dollars eacli -1'. WilhelimBoss saloon ,, opposite! EVERY FARMER SHOULD OWN the Clarendon hotel, Portland, Oregon. . THI5 RfinVf Choice California hams and bacon Thousands who haxeHi-nit eiHitmeiid It. .it 12 cmts nor noniid. at Geo. V ' -nd inanj giHMl horviHea ha e exPHIed it in Hume's. ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Proprietors. Free coach to anil from the house. esrTiiK lu. storia. Lson file at the ClareiidiMi Hotel reading mom. HO TE LZ UR R H EIWPPALZ , OKI'TSCII KS (.'ASTHAl'N. HKNK KOTHE, - - MANAGER. ic Fnit street. Ik'Iwccii Main ami SuHihhi. POKTLAXI). OKEGOX. Ibmnl and I-odeiog. ht week .rf W lSird and IjHltnu:. per da .. . .. 1 w IhKtul I witlHMit tedintr) per week 1 00 Meals r eeiits ; LiHtgtiu; '., to . cents. KeiiM-NilH-r Heiirv Kothe when wm go to PortiaiHl. f ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Ovhter Saloon, MAIX STKEET. ASTOKIA. THE iXDHKSICXKti IS PI.E.VSE1" TO :uiiHHtiHe to the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City That he is now prewired to fnniLsh for them, in Hn chi style, and e eo' st j Ie, OYSTEKS, HOT COFFEE, TEA. ETC. vr TllK Ladies" and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIX STREET. Ph-sise give nie a dL KOSCOK D1XOX, Proprietor J G. FAlltFOWL & SON, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS kJJ& Portland and Astoria, Oregon. Refer by pcrml?ion to R05jers.Meyer3.kC0,, Allen i Loww.Coroitt&Macleay, I'ortland. Oregon. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KIXJJS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storma and Wharfage on renson .ote terms. Ftmt or Kentim street. A.storiar OrgiMi. ;. ix;ai.i,s. astokia. - - - okegox. Will contract for work in lib line ami fur nish the giavs. Small jo!h dime to order. Cass street, next door to the corner of Jeffer son street, Astoria. Oregon. J. C. OKCIIAKO. i the hisnest terms, even statmtr that they Iif jer it ii ukis wiiivti ciisi c uv n oi'j w. Save money by buyingyour school Do tint inrow ami) your money m the pur cliae ot costly bonks on the Horse, which are so full of Izttin phrases and tcchniral tennsas to be uumtelligilde to the average reader but. BUY KENr ALL'S TREATISE, his business, and he will cwmmeuce at j When vou want a dish of nice once by reducing prices of everything Eastern Ovsters done ui a la mode, or suitable to dull times. Everybody a r00d steak or a fraTant cud of ! A O0O,c ot ,w WZP. paper coyer, giving citi 1p inrr1 .f Wm.r rwnTd waII 5r 11 I t? 1 .'1 p., J you more practlail mfoniiatioii than It eon- can be assured ot being treated well, coffee, call at Frank Fabres on the! mined in some large volumes at far higher aud furthermore will nnd out by care-j roadwav, and he will accommodate J l"ut. Having examined this book thoroughly ful examination of goods and prices you. Open at all hours. J we are satisfied no that Adlers store is the place to do your buying. You can alwaj's find what you ask for in large variety. Gray's wood yard is now fitted up on the wharf foot of Benton street, and prepared to deliver wood to any part of the city sawed to any length, and full measure. John Rogers has just received at the Central market a large invoice of coal oil, assorteds brand, and for sale at reduced rates. He also keeps a genoral assortment of groceries, liq uors, tobacco, cigars, fruits and vege tables of best quality, which he offers at small profit for cash. HORSE-OWER you. Opt Mr. John Rogers, of the Central j Market, has made arrangements to j Would hesitate a moment about investing as keep all the linest fresh fish, etc, in I cents in Us purchase, if he did but know the thmr n-uin value of its contents. Kecngiiiaiig the de- - 2. 1 sirauuuj 01 navmg such praciieai inionua- Max. WagnervySnii iNatioual brewery KeXiNcan ' 1 Rr.Hi mi Tcri.r closer cml- ! Agricultural Books, we have secured and hot water apparatus, furnished! Several Hundred Copies hotels and private residences, at lowest i Of this valuable little TreatiM- on the Horse. ,, -,i elirtest initio be IVTvniiw ' single copies or which we shall be pleased to rates aim siiortest notice, oy aiagnus ,lulfUoa;n rea,ierof this paper, postage pre- C. Crosby, at the little tin shop "round paid bv us, on receipt of the corner j J25 OSHSTTS. Tlie new improved Franconia ! JilI"a "?n V! ,ni1,eJ",c"rrencv'',, The New York Oyster Saloon Will serve to their customers from this ate as follows : TEA, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE. Ran tern Oysters A I way h on Hand, And will Ik kept as a first class Oyster Sa loon, in first class style. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. X" I mm ;is uiir i.vtiiiiu 1111-uu.s n.m mru 111 r rancisco their businiv, proidcd at reasonable cost t be beat. ; instead of bcingoiiuged to jmv the ein)rmuiLS nruiiisui'jii umru iiy me 1 uinisiicrs u iihpi range, kept by 31agnus C. Crosby, stands at the top of the market I. C. IKELAXD. Astoria. Oregoa. id. 5u. cTJinsrisr. dealer in FA3I1LY UKOC'URinS. Xlir.3IirX FEED AI HAY. Casli paid for coimtry proiluce. Small profits on ca-.li sxdes. Astoria, Oregon, cor ner of M:Un and Squcmocuhe stneLs. 1VAK IS DIICLAKED WITHOUT FUKTIIKK XOT1CK And no terms of peace until every man in Astoria has a new suit o clothes MA OK IY JIKAA'Y. IK)k at the prices : Iants to onler from - - 5S CO Pants, Geiiuine French Cassliuere - 12 CO Suits from - - - - - - 25 CO The finst line ot samples on the coast to select from. P. J. MEAXY, Merchant Tailor. Parker House. Astoria, DENTIST. Dental Itnuin llt'STfcIS' Phitigraph lUuIdmg jT'S!aH!tj-',.jc5 ?syfe?T?ifsw C. K. .lACKIXs .1. a. 3IONT003IKUV. STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges. Etc. ASTOKIA, - OKEGOX. First Class Saloon. .1. ,T. KILEY. - - rKOPKIETORV On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail" way and Navigation Go's wliurf. New Bagatelle Table, (The Chinese must go.) Tlie choicest brands of foreign and domestic VI.ES. IiiqUOKS AXD CIGARS. WBet Chicazo Beer.-So. J. T. B0RCHERS, CONC03LLY STKEET. ASTOKIA. Manufacturer and Packer of CAVIAR, SMOKED SALMON. Cash paid for fresh BLACK STURGEON SPAWN. Smoked Sturgeon, and "rooked Salmon put up In tins to ship to any part of the world. Abo. trout halt f salmon eggs) put up in cans and warranted to keep anv length of time. Depot at Kogers Central Market, comer of Cais aud Cheuamus streets, Astoria. BLANK BOOKS PRTNTED AND BOUND TO ANY SIZE, L and ruled to any order, at The Astosus oSce.