cv ?-i nilij gtstoriftix. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY IAN. 0, 1SS1 COMMERGIAND TRADE. Financial. Silver. Ht par. Cm exchange on San l'raaei per cart prenuum. Cum eaenans mi Mew York haying r: Mttinc tiol pareent. Lwl Tenoera mur. TdworaiiWe tnuMfer wb Saw Yrfc 1 ir em-rtiiM. PORT OF ASTORIA. KKAitr rOBSKA. WmAm i CM aea KaMea & F. Jan -ILnar Htckm. Rr MlM Urn, hvana. QimmMM, Wa s MiwiB Heed. (MTfc MM . Brian. acwM wn. Bee 31 Ulua4a.anip.UMaa Katcf). Masr-wal IHrS hAtUCa. ,aa. Br bk 75 MM. Wwwrn. Lwenwl Jaa 7 W-tn a. fl cen Pteaunaa. Ik t Jam I. Mtamc. Kr h.7 tM Umis. Jnerat a Jm I J4niac.ach.n2 MM. te I'. 4n 1 Jmns. tfWuO mm. giwwwi. Pit JIM M. MINHH. QUfMUHO Jtaanliaiwr.aa t2M mm. Har. Qaratn Dm 9 4 Kit I 'A Ls KfiWJT SIM. &!SeofCaMnMa.a.ttMieM. ieMje) fra t. K Uimiln Br hk. Pnr J.eMde, XfeW Jaa UattConna. tr. fi UMt. Catrcll fetha 4an t flwhaw. Rr - ta atermtfr. fat Otaca Jan X OtMr. Kr Vk. Ma Utarfc li Joa S A. Br M. 7S4twhw. f KraBM.Jaa2. (MM. bra;. 312 iv illiaaM. fe r 4aa 3 KMOnritr Itr M. M Mr. ( b I' r4 J SlMriineii. u r, I,MdH-lMa- r. K.voa. craitie Jf)3i T-iini it- Br tk low. aa tVra Wee H .Verrli K-t kt taw MorrnMii nf h Jtthrca Ka. Br I 7 . XWMafle. Dee 17 iar ef V- Vertti. Kr nark. K In, tlawKM. 0ancr. m ai-nMrl I'oini WranriJh. Oct K. I'USSKLa A 7. X ) TrawlH . en. 2J . IcAlt. I". Jaa Oanana. Mi. iW Mh. N ,iif Ger -a PkttanVtHiM. Jn i2 JlllWrtt. Ne 1MTK IomIiuk .MttwM. sbir ?te Ywrk. Dec I IVoni l'ort'i:r t'rt. AsnOiwaM. !h-$4t C-li Dm M Areker. iir nk.7 mh. .Mereter. ttnrfwme. Oct .lit trtunn, IW- hari. Mk. Cowwur. Mwmi4M. Ow Adofi. S'. bi tS tw. Kwnmiii'a. lue arp.Uet ts Ooaati f Aj-r Kr hV. W Ma (.a'ww fet r CXan irat. IkM Mh tfe. .). ArtA. Oarrp IIete. bV ISaKUad. Aaa JS. ISliK'. Ur bk hukAmi: IrertMM(. Ka4erH4Hrt.w.Wl 3 jmn. HmJ Oet It (TteafrtM Kr M. Imh4 eeal freta XewoMtJc -N S W So lASCM- Iifdair. Itr bk M tM. Mm mi. Urerpaot Ak . v4 Healn4 ami V mun Prarfent. Ir l'!. i K Jan a Itperale. itr Wk. IerM(. fH K. honUMh Hum. Hrbk. Y4.inm. Oet It Atflio. Kr kV. 3 two I'nee. I JTerjl. bept 1 -m flm4ala Wm.ratttYiiAN bk Portland. KKinatHi Jul Sllh 1U iUw THE MARKETS. Asioria .tlsirkrts. TfcH?K. Superfine $" : Extra SS &i ; Corn Mval e cwL S3 'jH: liaekvrboat cvl $ w. BtrrTKS Choice rll, top irieE. 3SJ cU. S7c whelefale: ckbice 'llilatuook c CiiKKsK.-ClatMp dairy llaitNx Bs. AV&ti cts dwu Chickens, S4 W. 1'br.mi ilKAT-. Cboko cut. Lamb. 10c; Hoof ttfulO ; Perk 10 ; Mutton t&lV. l)y the oarea'e we. Mrat.-. llroakfa-t bacon 13mplS por U.; m1o 134llc; hrtiHf: l.ltc; s4touhler MjilSc : yiuoked beef 15r lc: eomed beef Sfftli Y bbt.; corned iork loc f Ik liiuvs. :Htt et. Onikd Fitt'ir-.. Uiuekborriosaae; Pruaos HON m. In framos .tWc : in slaes WJe. Lark. In tins and caddie? l'ifal-K: V tt. Micj. 1'hf.tK IJran 53 W : couHtrj-, J2 den: hoii Sis Pa. Hay WpU2 .'A: tea. Oats. Aerordine to eHaHty. prices range dfotc ?." et r buebei. Vi'c-w.K.-. 1'otatoos 1 ot. f ; Jnif ."5c '. an Fr;m:j.eo JIarKtl. JKV M1L JLVT ?5.I.WSMAPH. Whkai ?1 47'ij!l ri etHital for -t -hiH?-r- Oat ?1 151 1 i". V rU. Wool Orx-jtm. Yalk- 27i:5 el. ? Jb. Ea-U-m OrrHt. l2tt. Hans llv -altwl iue; light. k WK-: -wilttM rail. Miri3. Famii. Pkovision- rktrN. 1.1ft 1.1 ete: eh-at Ori 4leN. lLte: liam-. tfi:i.L (W4 feel JM-l tt. el; Hrewi!:T-sotiC t' ctl. II A Y Wheat. .-a:rfil5. Oat. .ft$15, liHrh-x . -IHrt -15 ton. Vk.ltali:s I'ttH,.75fa55 ( jhh 109; Oiiioh-. Jeit, Wi7tKr jnjr KJ; el-VW."-Hef?l"50lMrltM. irt; California. : 47e y lor.; Oi oit. .tw Kk IP WtK. Flock Hot fxinilj extra. $4 75; Sa ItorAne. ?:$ 5U4; Uaker-extra. $5 VIM'. Oregon extra, -4 75G tw; Walla-walla extra. 4 50to$4 75. Farir Dried apple-. !! cts. for quarter-, lieAJil: Plums jitUjd. I.ntl4c: ,eehe lltrt,ll! V- lHell1f30. Bctti.k ani Chkk-k Extra fancy .Butter, -to ctft, T ft; Fresh roll, good .to choice. 4547 ct-; Pickled. 40 cL-. ' iP lb Sbeii- Flax, 2fgi.!c 1 ; Canary, SKf$4e; Alfalfa, ille: Timotliy, 'J 10c 1 fi.. . Bag- There is a j?wi in a joblnns waj at Ki'k' f" -tandnrd srain. TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA Front tables of United SLltas Coast Survey. Hiph Wat'or. Low Water. Date k. m. A.M. P.M. r. 5 25 5 Sl 11 41 11 35 7 5 (10 ft 401 0 41 K C 4t 7 48 0 23 1 44 3 7 41 8 54 1 20 2 4U 10 K 37 10 021 2 21 3 51 31 II 20 11 07 3 22 4 KJ 12. 19 J8 11 M 4 16 5 .2 n II 03 . I 5 W G 38 4 0 41 11 45 5 59 7 10 35 1 19 0 2t) . C 47 . . 7 ol By a recent postal decision men can actually make money by getting their bills and statements of accounts printed. Statements of accouuts and bills of sale when made out on paper having printed headings, can be sent by mail for one cent, if the envelope is left unsealed; whereas, if it is made out on imprinted paper, it will cost ihree cents. Thus by patronizing Th e Astorian two cents can be saved on evory bill or statement that is sent out through the maiL Chamber of Commerce of Astoria. Regular meeting every 1st and 3d Monday. ol each month, at 7 r. m., m me nan ot tne Yonug Men's Christ Ihii Association. J. Q. A. BOWLBY. President Knights ot Pythias, & A -tor Lodso, No. o; K. of P. mect(!3Lri evert Wednesday evening at 7jteSS557 Ykk. ia the hall r the A. O. I . " gS' 0raer Chennnw b4 Benton street?. 20; By order C C Astoria Ldfire iS'o. 40, 1. 0. G, T. Kagaiar Mnotias every luelav Kvoninr ,;, o'efctek, at Good TewplarV Hall, Cbe naa Street. Atria, er C. L. Parker'? Store X embers of the Order, in seed tand ac. are invited t" attend. Decree meettnc lt Monday each taenia. By order W. C.T. Tempi LKbje. No. 7. A. F. A. M. Kexeiar Omtannh'atiou ir-r untlVV third Tanrtlaya ia each month, at 7'; N i 'eteek. r. ., at the Hal! in Attma M eabi'i f the Orner. ia awd tana;n.r a'e hunted to attend. Br urde: of the w . M. Beaver Lodnre o. 35. L O. O. F. m, ever, ThanOay erealaa. $ M 7 .rk. in the tM Fel- v lowV Hall. ear. of Ca and Che- , name treet-. Aamria. Meaihrof the Order are iavttcd u attend. Br order. X. U. 3em Side Lod No. 12, A. O. U. W. Tb 4th1 !mHincif I hi- hnife abaT la on )"rid.j v itins f uf T nVfiML alunutr 11m HMUlllfs A ( n j rtu.iv " rnim: wi -m-it m- ...-w , vMitjr. i ptvninirr. auiun mitvi i -rt3. Illl-IKt Tdnrim: MarHt. April. SHhT i aiHt Ort.ler. an u.i at " i JitiM'.JiiH aixt Atitni-4. J V. ;K V KH VKT. Kcnler. Common Coonctt. Kecaiar Meetina1 e!d and fenrth Tnn Ay rMna of each month, at '-t 'cleK ' tr rer.n nWirins to hat e matter? acted ttftafcy theConneil. atan resalar meetina Mia. ihwmI the m i the Anditor and Oteri. on or before the Friday ereninr irior to the Tae-d- on whieh the Cunneil holds il recaUr meeting. i' II. CAKUWH.U AadHor and Uert. -j I Who i Jlr.. IVin-low ? - Ilii- tiH4iiii i- fnHMiill a-k-l.' - villi -nntn "-a mat im i- a iwi Ih lriianKitf ihirtt -ar ha-mi-' a fiarf !liHa ainl hmw. iriiM-i-, !i MiHrhiMnii. t "; t.Tif" all 4tMlia tin rHH-litiilnniaiM waul- t-T thi iui...'n.n- a. awl. a a nMih m Hun ir.Mi. aiMi )nuticMikiHitAiii'4.' d4aiiH-l ut a IifHiiiK hiiI a- iiHr- Si4Iuhs M ni. fM 'hiWivn teething. II )MTai H M maKt ?n ins " mi health, aiHl i- iMorfovei. -lire to reinitiate thlHel. lit ejiiMsiH-iH-e ol uu ar ticle. Mr-. Wjnm i- beeoiiuiiJi worhl- renowned a- a iH'iiefaetor of her race: ehiMnii do kiok ii' andhh- her:e--i iNfiaih i- thi- tiM-ea-e in thi- ciij.j Va-t qiiantitie-of tin .NHdhiiis; .stniji are i.n. .-old and hmm! lieie. j lbiiik Mr.. AYiiivluu ha immortalized Ifernaine 1 thi- iuvalualtJc article, and Ht- -iwerelx helee tlroii-and& of ehil dreii Iiae oeeu ih1 from an arl ra' 1 it- timely ti-e. and that niil IbMiN i4 itiilHirn will hare it- helielit.-. ainl nnite in calling her lde ed. No mei'iiki: ha- di-eharseil fier duty lo ner -MHtTimr little urn, in our opinion, until : -he ha- given it the Ijencfit of Mr. Win j lV Nxdliiiig S rup. Tr it. mother Tin itvow. I.adte- ViMtor.New York eitv. Mld hv all druggi-t-. 25 cent- a la 4th. ' Co v c it s. - Brown's Bronchial Twite" are iim.i1 with adantage' lo aihia:e t'oi .u.-. .soith Tiiimiat.i lloVK-LM atMl P.i:o HIAL Akki.(-i tio-. Fr thutv j ears the-e Troche-j hae Ihi-ii in it-e. with aninialh uierea ing far. T1h- are mrt. new and un-, tried, hut. having Iwen teted h wide and con-taut n-e for ncarlx an entire generation, tln-y have attained well merilcd rank aitMtut; the few -taplc rcmedic- of t he age. I -- ! A Coi'GU. lLi. Cataimcii. or re, Throat nmiivj immediate attention, a- lM'gleet iuenlime iv-ult- in -ome in citi'Mhle Lung Di-eaM.. "Brown's Bron dhuti Troches" will almo-t iivariih gie plief. liniLition- are offereil for -ale. main of which are injiiriou-. TIm gtMiiiiiie Brown 's Bronchial Trovhcs" "ire bold out in Intro.. Tiik Tit boat. "Brown's- Bronvhinl rwhes" act diieetlj on the organ-of lheoiee. TlH'yhau'au extnioidinary effivl in all di-order- of tla ThrtHtt and Ir.wi. ri-toring a Iwalthj tone wln-n lelaxed, either from eohl or oer-eei fhm of tin voice, and pttMlitee a eleai aitd di-tiwt cmmciat mi. SpaiJtcrs owl SiMitcrs And tlie Troches u-efitl. Colutnrjia River Esports. Kh AIM It LT1 I -TATl.MEM. .Ian. 10 earcK Feh. ."i.li0 4JJ5JK17 j ; i.Tlili nPl.UKI March s iil .-- May 1 .law - Jaly 1 Aagni 1 t. 2 Oeu s Xm. ', ".tl.-RC' 4l.i,ill Ls."7J -tKUHl: Dec 1 MVrtal ( Ji,lM ism S4-tl0,ft!6 lNCKMKKK. 1 1 fetmihm, per Smttti I lie ft. Vmrn Cortland !, rtK whMt 15.70a 7 Qt4rm. per I A m: From rtrtlaml 21J etK wheat a7jai " A-ttHhi s " liii T4l- .!KA!l S49,Va Fritm r..rtlaKt ItijKVt eU- wheat .400 A-liTht HJKA 21. (W Total- JKt.71 13 To Lircrittui, per CWWer.. From l'ortlanit 1277 W4- HMir..... Astoria ft " Sa.ko Total- ISAOi FnHM .V-toria sIlH e snhMHi . Total value earo .4:7fi,t70 13 To (jcctn4own, per Adam Jf. SlmpOH. Fnnii l'ortlnml 2S,)t all- wheat S25.000 " Astoria 22,252 " " , Total- 40,0.7 5:&?r'C 10 To QHCCiptfotDH, per Lalla liwtUh. From Portland 23.P27 ctls wheat $51,500 10 To QuccntiiioH.pcr Irvine From Portland 21.341 ell- wheat srois 'St To Liverpool, per Larg. From Portland U.ti2iuhl flour $3S,S80 ' Astoria IRS " " 621 Totals 11.700 SW.001 7 Tc QuernttevH, perCimndot. From Portland 21.09.1 ctl- vhent .B,5 Astoria 23.176 " 34.W3 Total- 44,875 23--To Qiiccnhtnum,pcr Baluiorc. From Portland 25.113 ctl-1 heart 31 To Qutenttaicn,pcrdinn Reed. From Portland 32.4C7 otls wheat " Astoria l.Vfi- " SC8.4&3 -SILCIl ..48,700 ... 11, "00 Totals. 3075 $50,700 JAMLVKV. S To QuetMtomi, per Lady llitl. From rdrtlnnd 22,016 cUs wheat $8200 -"Warranty deeds, quit claim dceIs and mortgages, for sale at this oflice. JW,t7T XfiW 0075 1B.095 .MISCELLANEOUS. NIM'i. tju'titr anil Strrnlli K-uiri w ii.-n Hrfil r" iu It ltill-i K -yslniMina ' iwl J a ! Iliims iMt(ir mitH - n - r l.i ihiiim .lin lli- !ir:llll - liitn -m iiui iizfA f-Ht i nun in" iii.w i a'im i mrfct rsniii. Iii lir awl tin twel. a ilMlrdfrainrt-aii-iil K rertlnVd U IW ariUm nt the BlilfT. uxtilal .lr-HJeHn rola-e4i h Ibnl .k-miwrnvitit tlhafear. Yw .il h all dratrsisto and drakf ertrail . A n- sati naen xvin -nntf rrlnc 1'iviirpitif ailU WIVY lPSCS 01 :il)UIl(laUt, JicaulituI 3Lnir must use vnvy TrimiiiTPnY. HMito JilOiV. fe JlA I liAlliUA. 1 JUS oli-caiit. cheai) article alvrays ..,n.c lha 11-iir ernT fropU'' and fast, keeis it from fallins oal, arrests and cares gray ui'ss, remoYCS dandrufr and itchinrr. makes the Hair tfrntirr rrivinr' if. n-firHllf 0"g, gllIL, lb a ';1" tendency and kpeinng it in any desired position. Beau- vjri i.n.ililiv lTnlr i flip mirn tllUl, I1P.UI11J Jtair IS 1110 bliro result of usins Kathairou. always Curos arxd novor disap points. Tho worll's j;- oxt "Pxhx Hcliovor for Man. and Boast. Cheap, quick and rcliahlo. PITCIIEirs CASTORIA i. not Xnrcotic. C'ltiiilrcn grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTOULV. Itre-tilalesihc Joyc1, cures "Wind Colic, allays, and "c Mroys "Worms. atV,?f'WSJ?Tl''iS5S3SE TrrT.T TIP. TVT"r-VT'.T?I C A - TARRH Cure, n. Constitutional rtimuoto lur uus umnio miua- j dy, by Ahsorption. Tlio most Important iscovcry sirtco Vac cination. Other remedies; may relievo Catarrh, this cures a any stago "beforo Consumption bots in. ARNDT & FERCilEX, ASTOItlA. - OltKC.ON. Tlie Only 3Iaehme Shop a u.i t iu li.i AsL2ami $ K nL.VCKSMITU SHOP Inthent. All kinds of T, 3T2 ss? ENGINEiCANNEEY, STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made or reiiairing CANNERY DIES, MACHINE SHOP. NEAP. KINNEY'S AS TORIA FISHERY Merrill & McGregor, Blacksmiths and Machinists, Capt. Roger's old stand, Astoria, Oregon. AH work in our line, heavy or l&ht.done with neatneu and dispatch. Horseshoeing-, Wagon and Farm Work a Specialty. f"All work warranted and at reasonable rates. H V CELEBRATED f A J ffsSjk ST03rACH r ysaaB mm cMia!i kj ti. ArTANI. gK;j EY ;-.fS j&iMttVSto&Sf, K - BURLAP S,t COTTOHROPE' fwi 7 5J, "W-rFT ISpffll-ioS pacific coast i j n 'LEES03ST & CO., BOSTON", & ) HILLS AT VJ. Xh. JJUUUVAX U ww.j wwwiWAi, u JOHNSTONE, SCOT'D. . .3I3T3 rOH I PINLATSO". E0U3TI3LD & CO.. SCOELAX & graftok, mass. MISCELLANEOUS. A. V. ALLEN. C. II. PAtJK. Faa'e & Allen (SlftX'BSw-Olte TO E. S. L.VBSBN.) Whotesnh? and reilt itmluis lb" Groceries, Provision sg Crockery. Glass and Plated Ware, TR01MCAI AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Lipors.TokcofCip's Tlie larjrrM and ratHt cowidele stock of good- in their line to be fonnd in tlie city. Comer of Cass ami SqacHtncithe Si recti, ASTOICIA. OKEC.ON. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chcnauius Streeu, ASTOICIA OKECON. DKaLKR IX CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other Knsll'b Cutlery. STATIONERY! FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stiM-k of IVatehe and .lewclry. Iiizr.Ie ami ISrceeh Loadinr Shot -uns and It!fli, ISevolver.. Pintoln. and Aminiiuition. 3IAICIXK ;iasi. U-0 UNK -ortinent of fine SIT.rT f Ll and KYK .I r-l- XT. 'J TT. T?! TVf Tl 1T T ASTOKIA. OKEOON. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT HIEDICINES, ETC. JSr-Pre-cription- varefHily cowiKmndeil at all hours. J3-Hoiiieopathlc TinctHre and Pellet.-, ami lliimpiirey'.s pcclBcs :uo Kepi. First Class Saloon. .1. .I.RILEY. - - PROPRIETOR, On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail- wa and Nafcjation Cis wharf. New Bagatelle Table, (Tlie Chinese mn-t go.) Tlie choicest brands of foreign and domestic, iiiquons axi cigars. CH-BcMt Chiraso Rccr.-J'i GER3IAN1A BEEK HALL AKD BOTTLE BEER DEFOT. CKK5AUC3 STRR7r. A STORM. The Best of Lager o Cls. a Glass Orders for the Celetoateu Cotal Brew Left at thU place will be promptly attend ed to. ... , Sr-No cheap San Francisco this place 1 WM. BOCK. Proprietor. I 0 . rraf&Wi$YTA -. AWBWBMa&te?Bm liiWiii BHRMBinB jaSJWHiAaflBHWIH? ha&Ti-' vacai ,ai m m 1 m aoa.iT7i VtS'B3iSi;mBfMn I HW II rTr-. i9ih IfllEPy - j -"eNcilftcV -;lliIIEtMMr-v, egSaSs -- 2off?"fe55K j&&z'sk -"ott?. : j IYjuJC. "MCE SALBOlSf f Willed AI1SCELLANE0US j Comer of Water and Olney Streets. Astoria. Oregon Wholesale and Retail Dealer GROCERIES AND- PROVISIONS Tin Plate. Block Tin and Pig Lead. IN vM NTIIIES TO SUIT. .Salmon NET TWINE. GIDI BOOTHS. Asent for the San Francisco Chemical Works. And the San Jose Fruit Packing Co, j- A SPECIALTY CTT() Si:i.K TWIXE XX1 TilTT JAyKS Sold at an Fraiieinco I'riees. L0.irs and Cordage. Star of tlie Cohimbia. 1j0 fire test Kero sene. Turpentine, Iienzine and Vamkh. Sail clotli made expressly for small boats. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. barbour'brothers, .III llnrLet Street. San Franeisro HENRY DOYLE & Co..InJtp'rs. New lYii nerv uuuub. Mr Dtrtiv is now. rfceivoi" a line assort- Air-. Ptmj is mm aunwr . ihil As.n meiit of i:3IBKOIIKItir.SVXI KALI. MILLINERY GOODS Selecled hyherdimshterin San Fnincbco expn-vslx for this market. Her pnres are rea-soiiable. Call and exam ine her new stock and stIe-. Dr. Warner's Health CORSET Cn only be purrhascd in Astoria at MRS. DERBY'S. Ma-onic Hall Ruildinsr. cor ner of Main and Sqiiemoqhe streets. Chas. Stevens & Son CITY BOOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the In room lately occupied by Schmeer's Confectionery, Lariiest ail Best Assortment , Of novelties in the stationary line usually found in a first-class book store, consisting of BOOKS, FINE STATIONERY, GOLD PEN C.00D3, ALBUMS. CIIKOMOS. FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES, IJIAKIES. All of which will be sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. V. S. The latest Eastern and California periodicals constantly on hand. CHAS. STEVENS & SON. S. A. NEVILLE SPORTINCASUITS,, v.'-'c? MISCELLANEOUS. Oregon Railway & Navigation roniiw.w. For San Francisco. Carrying the 1 tilled -l:ie- Halt- and Well-, Farso A o.s I.xprc-s. rh Oregon Kailway ami Navigatbm Company ytj win tifenateit KVfcRVf t ivk ikiv iih ine anivL- i"-'ii, .we ot their Hew Al Iron -team-hip-, iz : COLUMBIA, OREGON, GEO. "W. ELDER. AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA. -ll.if. i-: .Inn. :i. . I. IS. 5:i. 2S: Fel). i, 7. Leaving Portland at 3 A. m. TIJ.Uorr.II TICKirrs -obi to ail the prin cipal I'Hie- m tlie I nitcil Mates and Cuiaihu For iKirticiiiars for l'a age ami Freight apph to ;eo. IV. W FILIIKIC, Is't O. It. A V Co. Comer D ami Fiont -t., I'orthind, Oregon, .1. llrC'K 1KE A Co.. Ak'1- V. C. .. Co 60. 62 and CI North Front St.. Portland. Oan Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go. pjs Fntil further notice the Ilwaco L--LL. Sfnam Navigation Co's steamer GENERxVL CANBY, firillTCOMB MASTER Will leave Astoria on lloiuho-, TiicmIios. and ntnritajH, At" A.M., Frlriaj- at r, u 1. 31., and 1 1. 31. Fori Mrteii-, Fori t'anlij, and llac Conncctins with L. A. Loomts'itases for Oya- tervlile and Olympia. on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens ... 50cts " Canli and Ilwaco...... . 1 00 erllwaeo freight. lj the ton, in iot of one ton or oicr. S2 no per ton. isrrFor Ticket5. Towaco or Chartor apply cither at tho otBoe of too Company, Gmy'a wharf, fuot of Benton street, or to the Captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY, A sent. Oresron & California R.R Co nuiuu,' iiiilr sfcS,f,r--i,-V r. On an after Oct. II, lSO, train? will run a? follow-, D AIL 1" Except Sundays', Fiststnr i ivisiox. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. MII TR-Pt LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:W A. M.Reeburs 7:Wj P. M Rosobur?.. -5:80 A.M.lPortland 4rrP M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland l:H P. M.ILobanon 0.20 P. M Lebanon. 4:15 A. iM.l'ortland.10:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. PorthimL... .:l A. M.Jnnction :iK P. M Junction- .. 5:15 A. M.I Portland- -.5:25 P. 31 TheOreson ami California Railroad Ferry make? efinm-ction with all KeguiarTrains on Entride I ivi-ion. a E5.THPE WVsHV. S I'roni I ortliuid to Corallis. MII. TRUN LEAVE. ARRIVE. r Vertlawl ... s.r A. M.Crralli- . :i P. M CorvallL sj A. M. Portland 3:i? P. M ri,1.0nMK,.M!B, koskrurq with the Mas of the Oregon and California ' Stage Company. ltor'ncketi'fr?aIetalItheiirincipalpoints in California and tha ha.t. at the Company s Oflice. Corner Fund Front Sts., Portland, Ogn. Storase will be charged on freight remain np atCompunr-' WarahU'ieover21 hoars. Freisht will not be received for shipment after 5 o'cloufc P. il. on Ea-tlcle Divi-ion, and o'ckok P. M.on WcM-'ide Onuion. J. DKANDI, Jr., Gon'ISup'L E.P.P.0GEHS. , , Gen'l Freisht and Pa.venser Agent Astoria and Ivnappton. Regular Mail and PaK-enger . pti--i Steamer ROSKTTA. B. I). ORCITT-. MASTER WH-Will Ieae Knappton Tor A-toria and return dail. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter wiiich enables her to carrvwood or freight of an kind. 5"For charter, freight or paa?eat liv ing rates apply on board, er at I. . Case a store. From' Astoria to Ivnappton and. all Points on thi Bay. The fine, fa?t steamer QUICKSTEP. JOHN . P.ROw MAK? I nil'k l-orvnliir tniK rrom Astoria lo Knappton. And return. tSrW'Wl eharter for freteht or passage to any point on the ba or rier. 1ST Towing of rafts logs, lighters and barges a speciult . t3TFor freight or issage apply on board. LETTER HEAD PAPER, PRINTED OR PLAIN, OF THE BEST quality at The Astoria office. tL sffit&L rtSKSeaSiJJSSSir,s;,3S igy'jHC!3v