3 glxs ailB stcrcfcm. ASTORIA, OREGON-. SATURDAY JAN. S, 16S1 SSUED EVERY XOBNING. ('Monday Exceptcdi. li C. Ireland, Editor aud Proprietor. V Astonan linildiwj. Case Strwt. Terms of Subscription : served by Carrier, per week !J5 Cents Sent by mail, four months..... ....... 5 W -ent by mail, one" year ....... s K Free of Pestaco ta.nuberibers. SST Adverttfemoms in-orted by the year at the rate of SI ) ier square ter mwi.h. Transient Hdvertiinc. by th day w week, fifty cents per square for eeb iBMRiM. Tlie Weekly AMoriuu Is a mammoth -sheet, exactly .(miliie the size of the Daily. It is just the tm perfortlie fireside, eonUininj in addi tion to ail the eunent news choice niis cellanv, agricultural matter, market re ports, etc. It i turni.shed to niiifile sub scribers at 52 o() per year in advance. Z-i?. limited nuiiiocr oi miihij aover ti"ements inserted at established rates. THECIT. Tub Daily astokian mil c ait hy mail at 75 cent a iiumUt.fretoJ jtoxtagt. limn er who eontomplatcahheHcefmm the cHu can have Tub astokian follow them, Dailv or Wkkklv txlttionx to any iit-oticc with out additional ftree. Adarct-en maj tnatiytd n often ax nostra!. Lwive orrtfirf. ot Itic countinu rom. Steamer day. Columbia sails, State of California arrives. The Lady Hicks was taken to Bakers bay yesterday by the Astoria. The Annie Gee arrived at San Francisco on the Gth from Shoalwatur bay. The Dovenby started for Portland at neon yesterday in tow of the E. N. Cooke. The Oregon reached San Fran cisco on the Gth, foity-nine hours from Portland. The installation of otiicers, elect and appointed, by Saints John Chap ter No. 14, i:.a.m., was deferred two weeks. Tie regular monthly meeting of the Young Men's Christian association is postponed until next Fridaj evening, 14th inst. The Dovenby will carry away a full cargo of salmon and flour, now waiting for her. She will be loaded by Sibson, Church & Co. In the Circuit-court yesterday the trial of the Chinese thieves occupied nearly all attention. The jury on one batch found the defendants guilty. The United States steamer Shu brick went up river yesterday to plant another buoy. She will proceed to Portland before returning to Astoria. It is a fortunate thing for Shaks peare that he established a solid reputation before the newspaper critics of America had a chance to cut him up. There were 135 couples present at the Odd Fellows complimentary ball at Liberty hail Thursday night. It would indeed be impossible to find a more joyful party together than this was. Merrill, Meade, and McGregor have purchased the boilers, snw-iuill machinery, etc, formerly at work in Booth & Co's. establishment, at upper Astoria. Booth & Co., will replace the boilers by putting in one very -large one. Circuit-court adjourned sine die last evening. The old ex-convict Chi nese received ten years sentence, the other two convicted recoived four years each. Judge Stott and members of the Portland bar, return to Portland to-day. The Sea-side Packing company is the name, of another cannery es tablishment at Astoria, incorporated by Messrs. Win. Kyle, A. G. Spex arth, and J. H. De Force. They will erect works just below the city limits on the site of the old oil works. We have been invited to prescribe a sure remedy to secure unalloyed happiness during the entire year. To our verdant mind there is nothing bet ter than to pay up your subscription to The Astoriak, if you are in arrears, or, to subscribe for it, if you have not already done so. See? Follow our advice, and if you meet with any great misfortune through the year we shall be surprised. Suit was instituted this week in the United States Circuit-court, hy M. 0. Lownsdde, one of the owners and Z. J. Hatch, the lessee of PaciGc dock, against the Willamet bridge company, to enjoin them from pro ' ceeding further with the construction of the bridge at Portland, on the ground that it is a serious obstruction to navigation the draw being by far too small. The bridge was begun without governmental consent and the piers it is claimed are erected without regard to direction or velocity of current. GRAND JURY REPORT. A Pl'IT FOK Tim COU.M'Y JAIL IV A IIOUaV The Sheriff Censured for Dereliction of Duty-"Over the Left" The Couutj OOTcIals Coitituriidrit Tor KruuomicAcl As Iltry Sbuul4 Be." The City Jail "Well Managed, and a Good Institution "As it Is." A lloruiucut fbr Ibi IVoiilr (o Klilore Which Ihrj Will." To-uV Honorable, tlie .liMige of the OidiitHMMirt of the State of Ore-ow. lor the County of Clats-op: The raml jury einpNiitieilcrf, charge! mid sworn, nt and for this term of the snid coutt would res pectfully report. That we have transacted and disposed of the criminal business submitted for our consideration with all the dispatch in our power. We have visited and examined the public prisons of tlw county and find the city jail of Astoria well kept, and in all respects, adapted to the purjxses for which it was intended. And while we believe the sheriff of the county litis been honest and ii.defutirible in the performance of his official duties and has done the best in his power with the means at his command, we regret to be compelled to follow the example of our predecessors for years last past, in condemning the course of the County-court and commissioners in their almost en tire failure to furnish n county jail either suitable or safe for the con finement of persons convicted of and charged with crime. We feel that the miserable ex cuse known as the county jail is not only a disgrace to the law abiding people of the county, but that by the facilities it furnishes for the escape of prisoners it gives to the criminal class of the country an almost perfect immunity from merited punishment for crime. In fact it seems to us that the said count' authorities in failing to take some proper action upon the reports and earnest recommen dations of so many grand juries as have urged such measures to be taken in respect to a county jail, while larger amounts of money have been expended on other so called improvement, much lessira peritivelv demanded, have been, and are now, nianifestiiir a total disregard of, and defiance to the oft, and unmistakably expressed desire and opinion of the law abiding people of the coulity. We have visited the offices per taining to the courts of justice in the county, and so far as we are able to ascertain, find them well kept and the laws faithfully ob served and administered. We think the manner in which the records of of the county are kept bv the county clerk worthy of special favorable mention, but be lieve that some safer mode should be devised for tlie protection of the public, records. The safe now used for that purpose being as we think entirely too small for the increasing business of the county. We find the books of the county treasurer correctly and intelligent ly kept. Having now disposed of the business before us, we respect fully ask to be discharged. John Houon", Foreman. Astoria January Cth, 1881. Beaver Lodge-room No. 35, I.O.O.F., was hadsomely decorated for the installation. The room is one of the largest in the city, but upon the occasion of the installation, Thursday evening, there was not even standing room for more. The impressive and eloquent ceremony was intensely in teresting to all. Following is a com plete list of the officers installed: St. Clair Uenner N G W.H. Barker V G T.S..Jewett US L. Wilson P S John Halm -. Treasurer Win. Bock... .C G. Reed C.E. Green Wm. llobon I). Gamble .1. Young J as. A. Davidson... C. Gilbert RS Nt! ...I.L.S.N.G. R.S.S. Warden. L.S.S. R.S.V.G. .....L.& V.G. A serious accident occurred to Capt. A. J. Belmont, watchman on the Ocklahama, Thursday evening. The Orogonian says: "The Ockla hama was swinging round to the steamer California, near St. Helen, to tow her off the sand bank. When Mr. B. ran out on the guard to lower a fonder. A strong current was carry ing the Ocklahama against the steam ship, and Belmont seeing danger of being crushed ran forward to get out of the way, but he was too late. He was caught between the vessels and crushed across the loin. The boat re- J turned to Portland with the wounded man at 1 o'clock this morning. He was conveyed to St. Vincent's about two. The injuries are very serious J and may prove fatal. Disaster at Sea. The Astokian of January Gth, call ed attention to pieces of wreck, hard bread, charts, etc, washed up on the beach below tlie Grimes hoMse. Frag ments of the charts wore left at this office by Mr. Grimes, showing that they had not been long in the water. That day Capt. A. D. Wass kit for Clatsop beach to make an investga tion, and forwarded to Cupt. Flavel a small piece of the wreck, accompanied by the following note, which was re ceived yesterday merning: Ci-atsoi. Jan. is. issi. Cact. (iHo. Ki.aki.: Sir: I have f.Mind several pieces of the wreck, and articles from her, such as buckets, barrel head, etc , all bran ded Lupat. A portion of the upper deck about twelve feot .square, with two iron beams broken oh" at the ends, sill of house fast to it. Small pieces still coming ablwire. I think the wreck- is sunk not far off. lours Kespctiuliy, A. D. v-. The Lupnta has been twice to this port. She was an iron ship of 1035 tons, British, built in 1S75 at Harriuj, ton, England, and commanded Ly Capt. Irven. Jn this connection it is proper to remark that the press had no information of her expected arri val; and there may be forty oilier res sels en route of which we are equally bletsfully ignorant. It may be right, and it may be that it would be inter ference in business to publish these thing', but with all the boasts of honesty on the part of some, and talk of dishonesty on the part of others, c tncerned in the commerce of Oregon; to us it seems shameful that the peo p'e are not permitted to know more about the number of vessels expected from foreign ports, chartered, or seek ing cargoes upon arrival here. Capt. Wass is still at Clatsop, and Mr. Cher ry, agent of British Vice-Consul Laidlaw has gone there to pursue investigations with respect to the disaster. The whole truth may pos sibly never le known but ever' fact and incident bearing upon the casu alty, which CJin be reached by the press will be noted in these columns as we obtain the information. Latest. We loarn that private dis patches report the Cupt. of the Glen fruen arrived at Victoria. Putting this and that together a collision may have occurred at sea between the Lu pata and Glenfruen, but where? when how? Are the questions to be answered. The Gleiffruen arrived off the bar December 5th, the same day that the Star of the North, Balmore and Largs wore towed in. The tug Culumbia offered to tow the Glenfruen in, but the captain said he wanted a pilot and would not take a tug. A heavy blow commenced the same night and continued several days. Tugs have been on the lookout for her, but she has not been seen since. Her foretopgallant and gibboom was gone; otherwise apparently not disabled. The Glenfruen was a wooden vessel. Knignts of Pythias Installation. Following is a list of the officers installed by Astor lodge No. C, K. of r. last Wednesdav even?!::. I. O. Bozarth, L. I)., Installing Olliccr. F.lLKIberson P.C. Win. 11. Wood CO. lay Tuttle..... V.C. N. Jones P. J.O. Bozarth K.of R.andS. .I.E. Thomas M.ofT. I. Bergman 31. of E. L.G. Haavan .M.atA. P.Mattson I.G. D. Kelman O.G. Auction Sale To-Day, . . . IF-! . . . t Tins afternoon fat li oclock.vavmv auction rooms J I rail hold my regular sale of seconuinujurmturef aim a variety of sundrffisTrod nutmjrans sto mention in detail t. J. fcloLiEK. ' Auctioneer. S-v Arrived at Ia.st. hat foail of drv fir wood is be found- at Grays wood yard i in your orders early so that get some ot tne wood yon nnv waiting for. Lloyd's Register reports that ten Dutch vessels, aggregating a carrying capacity oi about 20,000 tons, sailed from Shields, England, several weeks ago, bound for Java, and from, there to the Columbia river. The Oregon city Enterprise says: At last we are glad to be able to say that Mrs. W. L. Holmes and Miss Frankie are improving in health very fast and that Mr. E. Holmes is able to bo out. For many weeks they all have been hovering between life and death, and no one knew what an hour might bring forth. The news of their recovery will be hailed with joy by their numerous friends. We hope that no patent lias been taken out on the following "idea" communicated to the Oregonian. It is a big thing: "I suggest the follow ing idea for a plan of removing the bars in the Columbia river, viz: Con duct the head waters of the Cowlitz river or any other stream with suffi cient head through pipes to points where bars form, and such places .lay series of perforated pipo in course of channel desired." ." N A ! yfcend fan will if vA been Court Proceedings. Cl ItCUIT COURT. STOTT. J. Page & Allen vs. Edward Black. Continued. Brown & Allen vs. Edward Black. Continued. A. J. Welch vs. J. W. Welch et al. Continued. E. S. Fancy vs. C. W. Henline et al. Judgment for plaintiff. Bergman A: Berry vs. scow Indus try. Judgment for defendant. Cornelia Wherry vs. Samuel A. Wherry. Decree of divorce. State of Oregon vs. Win, Chase, arraigned, plea notgtuU. State of Oregon vs. Chu Chu, Ah Chow et al. Plea not guilty. Ah Chow arraigned. Same vs. Same. Same order. Grand jury discharged. Order issued for eight additional jurors. State vs. Chu Chu, Ah Yee. Trial by jury. Verdict., guilty as to Chu Chu; not guilty as to Ah Yee. State vs. Frank Kelly. Plead guilty. Sentence one year in penitentiary. James Taylor vs. P. E.- Ferehen. Referred to Daniel H. Welch to take and report the testimony. Harriett E. Goddard, et. al. vs. W. W. Parker. Decree for plaintiff. State of Oregon vs. Lnm King. Cause dismissed on motion of district attorney. State of Oregon vs. Kie Gee. Same order. C. Johanien vs. T. P. Power?, et. al. Decree for defendants. B. IMiuart vs. T. P. Powers, et. al. Same order. Suite of Oregon vs. Ah Yee. Cause on trial. R. K. Cole vs. G. W. Fonnor. Motion to strike out part of answer overruled. The Week of Prayer, following themes for services Th during the week of prayer have been suggested by the Evangelical alliance and adopted by the Protestant churches of Astoria. A union prayer meeting will he had each evening, to which all are invited. Saturday, 8 Prayer for the Chris tian missions and the conversion of the world to Christ. Sunday, l) Theme: On the inins. tratiou of the Holy spirit. Whoop 'era Up On taxes for School District No. 1, says the clerk. Capt. Hustler will he glad to accommodate you with re ceipt", gentlemen. Do not be back ward in coming forward. Always Ahead. Foster has just received an electric cigar lighter. Call in and see it. A Small Iloune to Kent. Apply at this office. Alse: accommodations for one cow. Doll. Stable China, wax, arid iudistrtictible ware, at the City Book Store, at fhe lowest possible prices. Calrand iccure one for the must be sold. Wool. Hides and Furn. Farmers and others will find it great ly to their advantage to call on the undersigned before selling their wool, hides and furs, as he is now prepared to cither buy or sell on commission anything in the above line that may be ottered, paying the highest cash price. Freights and charges advance. .1. II. D.UIIAY. Mrs. Derby finds that she will be compelled soon to put unpaid bills of long standing, overdue her, into hands of an attorney for collection. She is m need of money and respectfully in vites all to call and settle their ac counts as soon as possible. Magnus C. Crosby has a first-class workman, and is prepared to do all kinds of jobbing in tin, sheet iron and copper, plumbing and steam fitting. Full satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Choice California hams and bacon at 12 cents per pound, at Geo. W. Hume's. Fresh Eaton's. sausage at Warren & Dresses cut, fit and made to order, by Mrs. Denny Curran, Cass street, near the Congregational church, in Mr. Thomas Logan's house, Astoria. All yo who -want hay of the best kind, No. 1, find it at Grays wharf. The new improved Franconia range, kept by Magnus C. Crosby, standa at the top of the market. Tlie reading room of the Astoria Young Mens Christian Association is now kept warm and lighted evenings and the latest newspapers and periodi cals on file, free to everyone who wish to come and read. McCormick's almanacs for 18S1. At the City Book Store. Charles Stevens feSon,opposite the Bell-tower. Mr. John Rogers, of the Central Market, has made arrangements to keep all the finest frosh fish, etc., in their season. Max. Wagner's Snn Francisco National brewery beer can't be beat. Bath tubs, water closets, sinks aud hot water apparatus, furnished hotels and private residences, at lowest rates and shortest notice, by Magnus C. Crosby, at the little tin shop "round the corner." Gray's wood yard is now fitted up on the wharf foot of Benton street, and prepared to deliver wood to any part qf the city sawed to any length, and full measure. IXL STORE ! 1 KEW WINTER GOODS ! ! AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TDIES. Clothing for Men. Youths and Boys, Overcoats and Ulsters.. Boots and Shoes, Hats. Furnishing Goods, and Fancy Goods. I-adics and Itli.sscs I'mleriiear. Hosiery. Dress Goods, Ca.ssi meres Waterproofs, Flannels. Canton Flannels, r.inen Damaslc, rVapIiins. Doylies. Crashes. Towels. Felt Skirts, Trunks. Valises. A'ofions, and an Elegant Stock of Zepliyivs and Fancy Yarn, Ih fact the largest ami let -tR,k in town ami at the lowest prices. J2S""Cutt hi we In-fore jnin-IiasiH- if h wi4t toae mono). C. II. COOPER, I X I. Store. Main Street, near Parker Hotfcw, Astoria. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE 35 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CTRTAIN TOLES Complete in every onuieli. ASTORIA MEYER - - - M. TTAVLVG EVERY FACILITY FOK HE tide, I am now prepared to furni the LAGKEE BEER, AT a CF.XTS PER (.'ALLO t3J"""Families and keepers of public houses M. MEYER. Proprietor MISCELLANEOUS. C. LRlXKNWKr.KK. HIKAM r.UOWN. ESTABLISH Kl 1855. Leiiienweber & Co., ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AD CME1EES, Manufacturers and Importers of 1 LL KINDS OF Xj3E3-ia.T:o:E3n. AND FINDINGS "Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES naliighest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. DKALF.i: IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead. Iron Copper. Brass, and Zinc. Washington TSXarket, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERG3IAX c0 BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to tho fact that the above Market will always be supplied with n FULL VARIETY BEST QUALIFY FRESH ANDCURED MEATS! Which will be fold at lowest rates, wholesale andrctaiL Special attention siren to supplj ne shiod. I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER. IN GENERAL MEBCHADISE' Corner Cnenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - OREGON, THE ASTORIA Photograph. Gallery CAItl) SIZE rilOTOURAPHS, S2 SO Per Dozen. CABINET SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS S4 OO Pr Dozen. pgr-Speelal rates for families. DRESS MAKING. MRS. F. W. ILLSLEY, - MAIN STREET, la MaseDic buildinc. next door to Mra.Dirby'a Is now prepared to do FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKING AM PLAIN SEWING OF ALL KINDS. Indies of Astoria are respectfully solicited for a share of their patronage. eiTAsency for Ruttricks Patterns. T. s. JEWETT. B. S. KIMBALL. Draying & Trucking. ASTORIA TRUCK &. DRAY CO. Squemocqhe sU between Cass and Main, Contracts fur untying made and satisfaction guaranteed Orders loft at the Occident Uc- tel or recwr yi oy man promptly uuod. JEW ETT Jk KIMR A T.T. BREWERY. - - - - - Proprietor. MANUFACTURE OF A tflifST CLASS AR- public with the finest uunlity. fur cush. F BOTTLED BEER, AT SI 30 PKK DOZO. promptly and regularly supplied, ASTORIA. OREGON. MISCELLANEOUS. The 3IoHt SnoecMsful Hentody ever dbiinered.as it is crrtaiii in iLs effects and does not blister. Read proof below from JIEV. P. X. GJiAXGJSR, Presiding FJd-r of the St. Alba s District. St. Aluans, Vt.. Jan. 20. 18S0, Dn. B. J. Kkniiai.i. & t'., (Seats : In re ply to our letter I will .sa that my experi ence with KeiulallV Spavin Cure has been very s itLtfactnry indeed. Three or four years ago I procured a bottli of your agent, and with it, cured a horMMif lan.vess rattseil by a spavin. I.at season my horse became very lame audi turned him out for a few weeks when he became better, but when I put him on thenmd he grew worse, when I discovered that a riiig-bone was forming, I procured a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Oire aud with less than a bottle cured .so that he is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. Respectfully yours. J. N. (Skaxoek Perseverance Will Tell I STor.niTON, Mas..Mareh lfi. 1880. !..I.KKMiAM..t Co.. (lents: In justice tu you and myself. I think I ought to let you know that I have removed two koxk spa vins with " Kendall's upavui Cure." one very large-ou: ihni'1 know how loitgthc spavin had been there. I have owned the horse eight months. It took me four montlis to take the large one oil. and two for I he .small one. I have iniI lo bottles. ThehoiM is entirely well, not at all Mi IT. and no bunch to be seen 7 W KENDALrst or felt. ThisKa wonderful medieine. It is a new thing here, but If it does for all what it ha done for me its suV will be very great. ICespectniil jours. C'llAS. K. I'AKKKK. Kendall's Spavin (Jure. Rkim ni.tr a.n l'rr. Neb.. Meh 31. ISSO. l)i:.ll..r. Kkmiaii. & Co.. Sirs: I tried your Kendall's Smiu Cure and It loot the desired enYct. It eared the spavin which other treatment failed to do. 1 did Hot nse mit one bottle of your liniment. After the spHinwas remotcd I drove the horse and his mate ovr."0o miles, from Mini County, Iowa, to llarlui County. Nebraska, with a loud of about '2,W pounds, aud made the trip iu four weeks. Please send me your Treatise on the Horse ; Price 125061115. Respectfully yours. Jamks Yrllknic. Statement Made Under Oath. To Wuosi it may Conceicn. In the year 1S73 1 treated will Kendall's Spavin Cure, a bone spavin of set end montlis growth, nearly hall as large as a hen's egg, and completely stopHd the lameness aud removed tne en largeiuent. I have worked the horse ever since very hard, and he uever has been lame nor could I ever see any difference in the size of the hock joints since I treated hfm with Kendall's Sjiuviii Cure R. A. Gaines. Enosburg Falls. Vt.. Feb. SI. 1879 Sworn ami sulscribed to before me this 25th dav or Feb.. A. I). ISTD. John a. J en n e. Justice of the Fence. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE OX IIOIAX FLESH. Patten's Mills, Washington Co.. N.Y., February 2!. lift?. IJ. J. Kendall, M. D.: Dear Sir : The particular case on which I used your "Spavin Cure" was a malignant ankle spmln of six teen montlis standing. I had tried many things but in vain. Your "Simvm Cure" put the foot to the ground again, amr.forthe first time since hurt, in a natural )Msition. For a familj liniment it excels anything we ever used. Yours truly. Rev. M. P. Bell. Pastor M. E. Church. Patten's Mills. N. Y KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is sure in its effects, mild In its action as it does not blister, uim! vet it Is penetrating ami powerful to reach an deep seated pain or to remove an v 1hhi growth or any other enlargement, if used for seernl days, such as spavins, splints, emits, callous, sprains, swellings, anj lamcuessMiid all enlargements of tin joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment Is used for until or beast. It is how known to he the best liniment for man ever used, act ing mild and jet certain in its effects. It is used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated circular, which we think gives Msitive proof of its virtues. No remedy has etcr met with such unquali fied suci-ess. to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price 51 per bottle, or six bottles for 55. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can get It for you, or it will he sent to any address on re ceipt of price hy the proprietors. DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO.. Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. CRANE & BRIGHAM, Agents, t San FrancLsco, California. HODGE, DAVIS & CO., Agents j Portland, Oregon.