0 SOT tvxittti. Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning. January 8, 1881. Vol. xiv. So. 6. ffl yTTnl Baa GENERAL EASTERN SEWS. BT MAIL AND TKMWKAril. Shake VlH I'p. Chicago, Jan. 6. The TrHmiio's New York special, eoiiiiiientiii on the Morey matter, says: When Lonergun, the detective, decides to tell his story there will be x shaking- up such as has not been before heard of in connection with the affair. He has chosen lo re main silent until .layne sliould make some definite charge, and now that the insinuation has Ixmmi thrown out it is quite probable there will be an airing of the ques tion that may not be to the liking of some who have endeavored to fallen the guilt on outside parties. Advance on Orkt:ili:im:i. Si. Louis, Jan. G. George M. Jackson, one of the Ocklahania colony leaders, returned this morn ina'. H says that when he left there were 100 colonists till in camp, and a new plan had been adopted, to be put in force as socn as the weather mildest prac ticable. The idea of going en masse has been abandoned, and the colonists propose to break up in small squads and move u: by a score or more of routes. After they reach the public lands they anticipate no trouble. Colonists are beginning to strike in from different points and the military have been forced to split up, a detatchment having just gone to Arkansas city to intercept a party. Disagreeable "Women. San .lose Jdeicuij. disagreeable woman is like a vacuum; there is no place for her in nature. She is a parody upon herself. Jf there is a touch of beauty about her, she gives those she meets the sort of shock one would feel on taking what appears to be wine, and is in reality vine gar. Fortunately she very seldom is beautiful, in the true sense of the word. Nature does not lend it self to shams. It is pitilessly exacting. Sweetness of face must re-.uk from sweetness of disposition. The face is not a mask, but a mir ror. It reveals everything with terrible ingenuousness. Amiabili ty i not to be simulated to the observant eye. Vou cannot stamp the marks, the lines, the (lowing curves of the agreeable on your fate, unless you have the quality in'ywur bicast. For this reason the disagieeable woman is never really beautiful. Her features, at their best, remind you of etchings; the effects have been "bit in" by acids. The forms of the disagree able in women are infinite, but the effect of all is the same. In place of attraction there is repulsion; in place of love, pity if not scorn; in place of happiness, sour discon tent. The disagreeable woman is irksome to every created thing, in cluding herself. There is positive ly only one way to deal with her turn her into a joke. In that way she may be made tolerable, like the Frenchman's slippers useless, but just available as the basis of a rajrout. Fishing if made easj by an elec tric tiah hook which excited much at tention and curiosity at the Berlin ex position. It is attached t a boat, which can le directed noiselessly to ward any point of the water by means of a helix and wheel work. When reaching the desired location it an chors itself against wind and stream while the line and hook glide into the walfcr. The boat contains an electric battery and an induction coil, so ar ranged that the slighest bite completes the electric circuit. Immediately, with the rapiditj' of a flash, under the action of an electro-magnet, the line, hook and fish are raised into the air: a little bell rings to inform the fisher man of the capture, so that he can draw the boat ashore and" detach the fish. Letters from the People. Land for the Innlles. La Ckntkk, Clarke county, Dec. 2(th. 1 have seen a piece in the Vancouver Independent copied from Tiik AsToiciAX, headed "Xe hnlem Valley.' If settlers want to come and take up land, let them commence at the falls of Votings river, working up stream back of the Bald mountain to Green moun tain. light through to Lewis and Clarke river there is a level bottom .of land into the Nelmlem, known as the big bottom. But very few white men ever traveled that route. You eau go to Saddle mountain, in six miles that way, instead of go ing tlie old military road. 1 here is. some splendid land this side of the six mile canyon of Lewis and Clarice river: room for a dozen families. Then cross the ridsje. j alHiut four miles further, alonir the trail at the other side of the ridge, you will come across better land than there is in the Nehulem, or in Oregon in fact. In a few years there must be a railroad there. Some company must see it soon. Abtorians are too slow in their movements, they are waiting for somebody to strike the precious metals in there or the coal they want. I tell you it is there. Along that route of the Astoria and Win nemueca railroad there is gold, silver and copper, plenty of it; also coal, chalk, limestone and lead. There is not so much snow there as in Clarke county. 1 found plenty of snow two months ago at mount St. Helen and mount Rainier. lt was like crossing the Alps in an open boat. t. oV. The new rules for covering short age in imported cargoes entered at the custom huusc require that, m addition to the aflidavit of the captain of the vessel, there shall be preduced: 1. A declaration from the foreign shipper, attested before a United States consul, certifying that the missing goods or articles were not shipped, and that the value thereof had been refunded to the consignee in the United States. 2. A similar attested certiGcate from the agent of the transportation com pany setting forth the non-shipment, and that the freight charged therefor on the bill of lading had been credited or refunded. "How to oo"k a salmon" is thus told by Mr. Friemersdorf, of Cardiff, Wales, win made a tour of this vicin ity last winter, wrote a long letter, upon his return home, to a paper pub lished at Ayr, England, in which he vividly describes his impressions of the conntry in geuend. He says: "November 18. Bought a silver sal mon, weighing 1! lbs., fiom an old j IiuliHii, forlOd. I never tasted a. finer. It was cooked in the following) way, which I would highly reeoni mend. After the iish hd been elean- edit whs sliced iu pieces 11 meuoB thick, and after having been seasoned with pepper ami salt and a little lemon juice each piece was folded in a sheet of note iiper, which had been previously buttered, and tied up and placed on a griddle and done ovor a wooden lire till brown. I never tasted anything more delicious." The light-house board reports that little needs t be done to complete the system of coast lights. Glairy of the light-houses need "to be rebuilt. The recommendation m made that fifty thousand dollars should be appro priated for experimenting as to the merits of the electric light as compared with other illuminations. The total of the appropriations asked for is about two and a half millions. In this connection it may be well to state that foreign vessels frequenting our ports are not subject to light dues, as American vessels ;ire iu the ports of the United Kingdom and other lead ing European countries. In view of the disadvantages under which Ameri can ships are obliged to contend in competition with the flags of other nationp, it would be no more than right to exact light dues from foreign tonnage entering our ports. Frank Fahnr has removed in to Dr. Kinsey's building" on Water street. On the road to the steamer .. .-.... i. , ;": uLr last, it will now be handy to drop m and 'et a cup of coffee. J Buy The Weekly Astobi.v" in post-paid wrapper for ten cents, and send it to some friend in the east. It .'. lmt. U.n,. , I..... is better than a letter. HorM1 Education. Ill something we have written says the editor of the Farmer, "we have an indistinct recollection of having made reference to a general riisjMfcsition Among hoys in their teens, as well as boys of maturer years, to enlighten and folwss the world with their pro found knowledge of the horse and his history. Our books and newspapers! r n r it i- i r i- ...- ...i are full of this kind of literature, ana it varies in style from the production of the child at school, commencing with: Thj horse has four lt-s and a tail: schi his the glory of his nofetrils is terrible, He siiielleth the buttle afar oiF, the thunder of the captains xnd the' shouting. Between those two ex- treiuus of the child at his first school ! composition, xnd the professional literature, we have every grade of pre tention, and each professing to have mastered the whole subject. As we approach the clo&e of this nineteenth century, we begin to look for some thing better in this department of knowledge from thooe who assume to instruct " And it is to he found I. ... , ... .1 . ! ivenualls l realise on tlie horse, sent . by niRil to any person for twenty-live cents, postage paid. Apph to The Astokian ollicc, or address D. C. Ire land, Astoria, Oregon. Syphon Study Lamp. Hon. I. W. Case, of Astoria, in placing the new Syphon study lamp on the market, would call the atten tiutiou of the trade to some of its merits. Its lUummatim qualities are not equnlled by any study lamp m use. I ti ' i i mi- i-i. i itnt, a biemiy, uniiiuiit niii; ib tree xroiii nnpiea-sniu oaor;uocs not imp either when burning or not burning;) easily lighted and trimmed, and is ; ...:i. .. fv .a:. .. i, ,.. ,.....: without exception, the most coueni- entiampio un ever maue. uirections accompanying each lamp. Call upon j Mr. Case and buy one. lie sells them at remarkable low rates. i . 3Iallet. ;afT and Copper iiiuulleH. Canuerymens work will be done in i good style by Henry ballon, Astoria, Oregon. If you will give him 3'our orders now- he can be doing the work in dull times, making it advantageous to all parties. Central Hotel. TlnCnlrnl liAtnl. mtnr Mu fcfnnm- up to the elooiteiit tribute of the ' will do a better job for les money than dar when he quote from Jeb: That " 0TJKY.7.IY "AS -l'1? m l,K neck is clothed with thunder and ........lajW iofr vim l..t nmr p..m. ship dock is now open for the recep- j assets, aljequal to cash, amount -to tion of guests, where the well known SS,o52,S77 11. caterer, Mr. Anton Beloh will always Julm 1o " lia3 :nsl reCcived at be found ready to wait on lnJpatrons. the Central market a large invoice of He has had the above named house , coal oUj :issortcds brand, and for sale thormighly rehtted by Messrs. Pike at reduced nites. He also keeps a and Stockton, our well known artists. nwTa assortment of groceries, Ym Call and see linn, as he has the. finest , MOWt tobacco, cigars, fruits and vege- oramis ot liquors ami cigars to oe nau in iim iil'. Salmon Set Twine. Geo. W. Hume 1ms just received a I lur" sliiiimiiiit: ot IluAttnir iyw Sill- huh net kw which he is soiling' at .San Francisco prices. Also CotUnt, tViW om JiiHitfii re, iu quantities " :""' . ""y,..giulsc.,.mi IMK1KS ill JI1IUI7. A nice lot of oastum oysters at j Columbia. (Jail umiml. Vou will find J them lirat clu. Fr tT " hrt-, ,. lor ' Astr:. i ,, 7 . . r ----, j can ior tne (.;hkiwhi ismeeiy utct acknowledged to be sirporior to all others. $ If vou want a ood bitr ovster stew in style, cull around "to Tom ' r Valuable and lraetical In Suiiths. next dKr to P. H. Fox, 3Iain i formation, and Containing an street Astoria, Oregon. Open at all' IXOKX OF OISKASKS. lours. j -viiic-l gies- the syijiptonis. caase ami the s!n.. !.. Plunixco ctnrf.wl 1.. hrnw 1 iUr Treatment of each ; a table siving all 7bll,2" "mose rtod to brew u. rtlt.ilnli .inigstiMd fortbe Horse.with "cheap San r rancisco beer there is the ordinary dise. effects and antidote when little or no demand for that article nj?g tll$ any more. Gill for the Columbia j for telliiis the age of the Horse : C. engniv brewerybeor, if you want something " showing the Iiniwrtant iwliiN in the tttuul structure of the lmise. also illustrating posi- During the absence of Mr. Carl Adler from the city, Mr. Chas. Moifett will have the entire management of his business, and he will cummence at once by reducing prices of everything suitable to dull limes. Everybody can be assured of being treated well, and furthermore will find out by care ful examination of gowds and prices that Adlers store is the place to do your buying. You can always find what you ask for in large variety. Fresh leaf lard at Warren and Eaton's. Cannerymen would gain much by leaving us their orders for incidental printing now.to be done leisurely dur ing the winter months saving time and money, and avoiding the risks of a spring rush of work. Adler is selling school books very low. , P. Wilhehn. Boss saloon, opposite , i.ii siaiciiuon uuiei, i oru.tnu, wrt-on. , Yt lien von want a dish of nice Eastern Oysters done up a la mode, or a srood steak, or a fmsrant cud ofi j coffee, call at Frank Fabres on the I roadway, and he will accommodate, ! A i.iii I you. Open at all honrs. AROUND THE CITY. -A full assortment of counter and uroeers scales, can lie found at 31. C. Crosby's, at bottom prices. P. .1. Goodman, on Main street. lias just received the latot and moat fash ionable Ntylc of sent ami ladies boot.-, -.loe. etc. For a first-cla oyster stew, fry, p3ii-roat or fancx ro-t,so tolioseoes, " 'T1 V r i i0,T! i . i m I-awilK'wSMpplHtlnv tit hundred or the ,i- oll,wVnr in ilio sludl Mr. J. Stewart. ouc and marble cutter of Astoria will mmntutce satis faction to all ordering work of luui.aiHl tracts for work of thi kind it "would 1k well to call upon Mr. Stewart - - - AMUSKJttiSTS. Hill's Vai:iktib. Geo. Hill, pro prietor. Fred Here, manager. The com pany at present consists of the following talented artist.. Cemedians: Mr. Chas. Nickoron. one of the oldest minstrel peformers in America: Mr. .lohn llal let. one of the favorites of the Pacific coast ; Mr. A. .1. Markey. the celebrated Irish delineater: Mr. Fred Gere, in dutchiin: Mr. Dean and Mr. Moricc iK.in.nli.). fr (Unnnliii- ,-intt nlol.t lilt Itllltl , .' . V II Itllltl! . IIWHII .UUil) .Hill lllll lllflll. Jll. V 11111 H" Ulll lll. IIUII1- : . aml E iiat Mmnimi: Mr. Geo. Lam bert, lender of brass, band: Mr. Richard llruee. narc drummer and vocalist. This evening the eer Hpulnr first part with Mr. Xiekersoii and hi tamborine, Mr. Ilallet and his bones, Mr. Cere in terlocutor. The first part to conclude with 'All the World a Mage, and Men and Women merely Actors." Entire change of programme this evenius. A new olio of iecialtie. eonsistmir of solids ami ilanei. Irish. dutcli and ne.iiro itcentrieities. and the ClirMinas play1 entitled. rk fur All." bv Niekerxm, Markey ami Gere. ANo a neuni.tkctcli. "The Demon of the ikkLs." by Ilallet. lekeixm and Gere. Also Mr. Charles i;rne in mi appropriate guitar solo. jir. Kiehard Bruce in a Miare drum solo. A Merry Christinas and a Happy New , Year to all. The performance to open ! with our ever impulnr minstrel tirst t Nrw orPIPitral sou.ctious and I cw mXbv ou tu. gRIIM stailli under: the leadership of Mr. Georpe Lambert at G p. M. The entertainment will b !,t,I v- ' h,,tnV'ce on, Uvnimt street. Private boxes on Chcnamus. -Handsom' wedding-presents at the Citj' Uookfetore. J. W. Gearhart has some A No. 1 apples, and a general assortment of dried fruits. Mr. Wm. Loeb is agent at Asto ria for the Germania Life Insurance company of New York. This is one of the soundest companies doing busi- ness m lue United states. Its total tables uf best flUn;t.f which he offers I at small profit for cash. A Men-iful Man Is Merciful to Ids Ki-Mst.' O.M.Y 'Mi C'KXTS. 650.000 ALREADY SOLD ! ! Atmitlscon tlie xvs AimI Ills I1hc;im. 15 I B.J. A j&A BA LL, M.I). lions assumed by sick horses in dilTereui dl eases. A valuable collection uf receipts, many o which would cost a horse-owner three to live dollars each. EVERY FARMER SHOULD OWN THIS BOOK. Thousands who have seen it commend it. and many good horsemen have extolled it iu tin? higuest terms, even stating that thev prefer it to books which cost U) to lu u). llonot throw away your inonev in the pur chase of costly Itooks on the Horse, which are so full of Idin phrases and technical terms as to be unintelligible to the average reader but, BUT KENDALL'S TREATISE. A book of loo page, iu ianer covers, giving you more practical information than Is con tained in .some large volumes at far higher cost. Having examined tills book thorough! v we are satWied no HORSE-OWNER Would hesitate a moment almut investing 25 cents in Its purchase, if he did but know the value or its contents. Recognizing the de sirability of having such practical informa tion as our fanning friends dally need iu their business, provided at reasonable cost Instead of being obliged to pav the enormous profits demanded by the rublLshers of most Agricultural Rooks, we have secured Several Hundred Copies . or lls vama,,,e mtle Treatise on the Horse. i single copies of which we shall be pleased to ' mail to any reader of tldsaper, postage prc- raia b us-,,n TO'i" r S3 OjE33STu?S IJemlttances'may be made In currency, vcrorstH,"Ih- i"0'? . v D. t IRKLAAl), sll- Astoria. Oregon. y-n. , utj53S:;& ' i IS Mrfr 8 13 XytnT mttjt&m i i BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING ANDJNSUBANCt X. W CASE, BROKER, BAHKER AND INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, --- OREGON. OFFICE HOURS: FROM S O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Home Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, .1. K. HOL'OIITOV chas. i:. stokv t;:o. L. Stokv President .... ... . Secretary ...Agent for 0i;on Capita! paid up in U. S. poll I coin $ JOO 000 00 I W. CASE. Agent. Clteii&mus street, Astoria. Oregon. 867,000,000 "CAPITAL LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE. N'OSTK 2RITISH 11D MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA .FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. . . , ,,... Representing a capital of C-.O00.O00. A. VAX DUSEX. Agent. HOTELS AND PvESTAURANTS. - . " a. j. mkolki:. r.s. WISIOHT niTni-vr n otu,,UJ " MEGLEIt & WRIGHT. HOTEL. Proprietors. Ifttoria, Oregon. milE PKOPUIKTOItS ARK HAPPY TO X aiiuounce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding preatly to the comfort of its quests and is now the best hotel north of San Francisco. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STKEKT. - - ASTOKIA 3Irs. S. X. Arrlsonl. Proprietor THETKAVELINC; PUBLIC WILL FIND the Pioneer first class in all respects.and a share of their patronage is resjectfully solicited. Z3f Hoard and lodging by the day or week. Post-office Restaurant. MAIN STREET, - - ASTOKIA.. " .lOSEI'H MATTHEWS. PKOPK. miHS ISAFIKSTCISS KESTAUItANT JL kept on the European plan. Fresh oys ters iu eery style. Main street, between CIiemuniLs and Sqitcuiocidie. c. w. KNOWI.ES. CLAICIttTOOX PORTLAND. - - AU7.IKr.KR. HOTEL, - - OREGON ZIEBER KN0WLES, Proprietors. i-ree ciwcii m ami irom me noue. iH5Tiik I) ii.v Astoihan N on file at tlie Clarendon Hotel reading rwin. .J., --"-. Jl ,.-.." H 0TE LZUR RHEINPFALZ, henry larriiE. - - manager. K KnHit street, itctweeii Maui and SaliiKUi. iviiiti .vii oiii!i.v ItiKirdaiiu UmIujiut. ikt week -s5 f0 Iioaiii atMl iigiiif.iKria 1 W I I m'HH'itiuvr nt'iir ituiiir miuii u :; in I oniaiHI. IMMIH turn ifnipm ..., a wi temrdt without lodging) ht week IWlHau DatS StraU Wnnti Ffr M.-aisa.-.eeia; iJHtgutgi'ito.ioceiiLs. i nay, Uttia, OlfdW, TiUUU, ClU ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASSig; Ovstoi- Snloim. MAIN STREET. ASTORIA. fjiiiK. i .Mii-.uniii.r.ii i riiwatu " jl. annwuiice 10 me Ladies and Gentlemen of this City Tliat he is now prewired to furnish for them, iu first class style, and cery style, OYSTERS. HOT COFFEE. TEA, ETC. VT TIIK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MAIN STREET. Please give me a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor The New York Oyster Saloon Will serve to their customers from this ate as follow-: TEA, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE. KaMern OyHterx Alway.s on Haud, And will le kept as a first class Oyster Sa loon, in first class stj le. DANIEL GRANT. Manager. IE2. -A.. TJIZKTKr. dealer in FAMILY fiKOCERIKS. xaitjs, 3iir.r. fkki xxn hay. Cash pidd for country prtMluce. Small profits on cjlsU sales. Astoria, Oregon, cor ner of Main and Sqiiemncahe stnvts. AVAK IS IKC'IiAEI WITHOUT FURTHER XOTICE And no terms of peace until every man in Astoria has a newsult of clothes NADU JttY MEAXY. IjM)k at the prices : Pants to order from - - S 00 Pants. Cenulne Fnnch Casslmere - 12. J50 Suits from - -- -- -25 00 Tlie finest line of samples on thr coast to select from. ' r.J.JIEANY. Mf reliant Tailor, Parker HoiLse, Astoria, BUSINESS CARDS. THl IMIICKS, PENTIST, ASTOItIA, - OKEGOK. Itoonis in Allen's Irtiikliag up stairs, corner? of ChssjuuI Siiemoen.lte street. T A. MelXTOSSII. MERCHANT TAILOR, OccRleat IItel RuildiHg. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. i. w. noitit. c. av. FULTOir 1IOBB it FITLTO:. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASTOKIA. ---- 01IEGOK" Ofttee In D. K. "Warren's lHiihling, p stair nppoiite the Occident Hotel. Q. A. BOWLRY. ATTORNEY AT LA"W. CheiiHiniis Street. - ASTOKIA. OKEGON TT)K. 31. tK ,TEXXIXS. PHYSICIAN AND Sl'KGEOX. Graduate University of Virginia. 183. Physician to Kav View hospital, Itultimoro Citv.isni-TO. tilliee in the Astokian Imihlins:. lately oc cupied by the Wt stern Unfair Telegraph ct)iii(Hiny, Astoria. A VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC. Corner Cass and Jefferson Streets, ASTOKIA, OKEGON. Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. q ii. isAiar & co.. DKAI.KK IN Iooi-. AVindoAVs. itlinds. Tran snms, Luinber. Ete. isa-Kills of tnateral and estimates raada without charge. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Gen e vive and At or streets. WM. niliKXIIAItT. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTOKIA - OREGON. Hot. Cold, Shower, Slcain and Sulphur BATHS. ES'-'Speoial attention given to ladies' and hildren's hair cutting. Private Entrance for I-adies. TAY TIJTTIiE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofkice Over the White House Store. KESinKM'K Net door to Mrs. Munson's boanling house, Ciienainas street, Astoria, Oregon OPILES. The undersigned Is prepared to furnish a large number of Spiles and Spars at bis p'acemi short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C. (5. CAPLES, Columbia City. 1 G.FAlliFOWL & Sc5n STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS IO Portland and Astoria, Oregon. Refer by iermi-sion to KoKers.Meyera&Co.. Allen & Lewis. Corbitt iMacleay. Portland. Oregon. yiLLiAii ruv PRACTICAL Jbs hoot xxn shoe 3IAKER, I nnvvun's Kti-i-t nn,Uwitu i.nn store. - Astokia. Oiikcon. ;3r- lyrfcet fit;, guaranteed. AH work J Joranied. Give ihu a trial. AH orders I nnmuiy i;ed A "J J. H. D. GrKAY, i ., , , Wliolesjile ami retail dealer in. ILL KIXDh OF FEED, Oeneral storage and AVharfage on reason aide terms, root of Kenton street. Astoria Oregon. ;. l.vi-Aiii.s. CS-X-AZIER, ASTORIA. --- - OREGON, Wiltcontnu't for work iu Ids line and fur nish the glass, small jobs done to order. Cass street, next iliMirfn tli.fnnit-nf .Ioffr son. sireet. Astoria, Oregon. T V. OltCIIAKD, DENTIST, Dental Itoonis SlIlsTKUV riiotoraph Ruilding. J. T. B0RCHERS, CONCOMLY STREET. ASTOKIA, Manufacturer and Packer of CAVIAR, SMOKED SALMON. Cash paid for fresh BLACK STURGEON SPAWN. Smoked Sturgeon, and smoked Salmon put up in tilts to snip to any part of the world. Also, troat bait (salmon egs) put up in cans and warranted to keep anv length of time. Depot at I'ojiers Central Market, comer of Cass and Chenamus streets. Astoria. fs. irSrtts. Wilson & Fishef DEALERS IX tt a :elxV.a.:o.:ez. LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepare Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for couutry pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets- ASTORIA, OREGON. 1 SAmtmtmktmikLmMt iiif iiiahiifii ' 'iniMf Jnii jf-ifiKt & ' t