b) Selling Out! Selling Out!! -ASTORIA JusfeK.1879. r n i Selling Cut!! H 8 UP S E . AT THE Geing: to Gkurcli. Written for The Astokiak. Some go to hear the preacher talk, Or they, perhaps, enjoy the walk, While others go to criticise, And well they use both ears and eyes. Jleluctaiitl j I must confess, Some go to show a jay new dress, Or it may be a hat or tie They deem attractive to the eye. Some go ostensibly to sing, And" ilka lad his lass " doth bring. Of flirting sly, within the choir, What loving swain doth ever tire? -Some go because their neighbors do, And scarce ate seated in a pew Before they twist and turn about To see what friends are in or out. Some go to while away 'tho-hours; It well assists their drowsy powers; .Then, when the benediction's said, They, glad, rush home to lounge or bed. Some go there decked in Sunday clotlies, Because they hope to meet theirbcaux, And while the Christians bow to pray, They cast love glances o'er the way; When church is out the gallant gents Do form outside a picket fence. And each one drop's from out lns.place As his Dulcinea shows her face; Then off they saunter, arm in arm, Each doing all lie can to charm, And o'er the town thev blissful roam, Till each reluctant reaches home. A few go there on God's one day To siug His praise and grateful pray; These feel, with hearts overflown of love, A rich foretaste of Heaven above. Some go but I have said enough. And what I've said you may deem rough ; But, while you go to church to-day, Kenieniber what I've tried to say. Warning for tho Girls. Written for Thk Astokiax. Behold this ruin ! Once 1 was A maiden blithe and free. Till on an evil day i gave Consent a wife to be. Behold this ruin! Once this face Was round and smooth and fair. Upon this brow, no woes liaeHeft Their marks of pain and care. Behold this ruin ! 'Once these hands Were skilled in many an art. And ne'er of menial labor then Had e'er such weary part Behold this ruin ! Once this heart Be-eehoed but sweet strains And ne'er had knowli the anguish of Keen, rending, bitter pains. behold this ruin ! Once these feet Could go where e'er they would But now they are loo way-worn weak T' accomplish what they should. " iJelioiFthte ruin! Ghi&i6WaTr4 Stay happy, blithe and free. Or else some day you may become A wedded wreck like me. a- W. PARKER, DEALER IS 'GllOCESXSS AXI JLJLO VISIONS. WHITE LEAD. PAINTS and COAL OILS, 2t.'ooms, Brushes and Wooilcn-wnrc. Tobacco, Cigars and Stationary, ticzai's Furnishing Goods, Etc. .Near the Corner ffl:iiu ami Coneomly Sis., Astoria W3I. UIILiEX-HAltT. Czcident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon. ASTORIA - OREGON. 35ot, Cold, Shower, .Steam and Sulphur BATHS. JgySpeeial attention given to ladies' and children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladies. JWAGfiUS C. CROSBY- DEALER IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, l&glneers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Sopped Brass, and Zinc. Arndt & Ferchen. T" MSQ& ula ut ami in 8 &?$$ and -Ji?y8& Machine Shop?r-g&$$ iv -r. i'"ri'Lj t- JZJmfflttMXL&l In the city. rT ''3'-5.'i3K.,J'K5rj -fe: All kinds of '-L- JKxiSixiN Cannery and Uteannbout "WorkpromptlvattiMido to. -OIBSON, HAMILTON & hGGINS o T Ship Chandlers. Prevision and-GeEeral;! mmission MerclM. N Cor. Concomly arid Benton strd-otsJ icwffiiA. - - - - OliE( f-utj j. v. "i For TowagstorOliartfr. y WE MAKE NO EMPTY BOASTS, BUT MEAN STRICTLY BUSINESS ! ! OUR EXTENSIVE AlsD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, STAPLE. GOODS, FANCY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING, BOOT, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ETC., Must be closed out in three month from date. We therefore offer all goods at STRICTLY SET COST rRICES-,Jand l.ope.voi,jAHl In-prove ycur clxnct aiid?cciue fiist-clnts gcoCs-st "" SCHLUSSEL & KANT. MISCELLANEOUS TO IET. OFFICE ROOMS, up stairs, over "Warren & Mc(Juire's Astoria Market. Good rooms, rates. well ventilated, and at moderate 4W-11 NOTICE. All persons Indebted to us will please take notice that unless their ac counts are paid or satisfactorily arranged be fore the 1st of July, 1S79. they will be placed in the hands of attornevs for collection. In future we shall give but 30 days credit, unless by specisd arrangement. WARUEN JfcMcGUIRE. Astoria. June II, 1879. 33-tf IOR SALE. I have received another con ? signmeut of Twenty Tons of Salt, which I will sell cheap for cash, in lots to suit. E. C. 1I0LDEN, 85-tf Commission Agent. TKTOTICE. 'cjther the consignees nor the JL undersigned -Master of the British bark EASTER UlLL. will be responsible fur any debts contracted by any of the crew of said vessel. J). EVANS. Astoria.-June loth, 1S79. -tf N T0T10E. Neither the consignees nor the JL undersigned, master of the British bark Lock Fergus, will be held responsible for any debts contracted by any -of the crew of said Vessel. JSA.MUU.L, JA.i. Astoria, .! une 9, 1S79. 35-tf Notice to Contractors. SEALED PROPOSALS for- the construc tion of a store building, on the comer of Chenninus and Hamilton streets, will be re ceived bv the undersigned at the office of Warren '& McGuire until 7 o'clock r. ii.. Julv 1st, prox. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. i3r"Plans and specifications maybe seen at said office. 40-1 f T. K. "WARREX. Xotice to Debtors ami Creditors. mHE UNDERSIGNED is preparing to A leave Astoria for a while, in consequence of continued ill-he all accounts for ors Persons to whom present their bills forthwith, and all persons indebted to him are requested to make nroinnt payment of the same. PETER RU "& Astoria. June 23th. 1879. LOST. On the night of June 24th, be tween Tongue-point and Astoria, about 180 fathoms, 40 mesh net. Xo. 40, 12 Barboure twine. Some corks branded R J : same let ters soldered on the buoy. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at Fishermen's Packing company, or any in--fsravAwen -leading t the recovery of said not will be thankfcflly received and paid for, bv ROBERT JOHNSON, "51-tf F. r. C. LOST. On the evening of June 19th, oir Scarborough hill, about oO fnthoms new net, -10 meshes dcej. corks branded F P Co ; also, on the evemng'of June LOih about 210 fathoms net, 110 fathoms old. -10 meshes deep and 100 fathoms new, 4G meshes deep, brand ed on corks F P Co and on buoy. The pieces of net picked up by the owners had the ap pearance of being cut. Any information leading to the recovery of said nets will be suitably rewarded by the FlSHEKilENS PACKING CO. 46-tf i Otto Peterson. BOOK BOOK BOOK COOK RINDING BINDING BINDING BINDING AT THE AT THE AT THE AT THE ASTORIAN OFFICE. ASTORIAN OK KICK. ASTORIAN OFFICE. ASTORIAN OFFICE. t3Persons in want of magazine binding, pamphlets, or old boot s rebound, should send in their orders now, to The Astoriax ofliee. yjox noss, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. SbOp onCass street, Astoria, Oregon. csg- Paper hanging and Kalsomiming a specinltv. uef"All work guanuiteed to give satisfac tion. 1EOKGE HOSS' Billiard Room Tlie only Billiard Itoom in the citj whtnt no liquors are. sold. NEW TAP.LE JUST PUT UP. GEOlttrfc has a cosy place and keeps on hand tne Lest brand of Cigars. Also. soda, canu nuts. etc. opposite Altona Cbop Ilouic. GEO. KOhS. PnmrielOr. "Wilson & Fisher DEALKIIS IX LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber -Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL PEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duee or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets a k'Pi n t i i m r- roy. ami. and wishes :o set lie fc I i A VJ u igamst him before goinr ,;ML, YY f J 1W. he Is indebted wiP niasj J MISCELLANEOUS. SALEM FLOUK. TO OUIX CUSTOHEEISS. In Asking lor Salem Flour See That You del it I Salem Fouring "Mills, Bakers, "With Centennial Medal printed on every sack. xoxe other casxuixs. SALEM FLOURING MILLS- CO. Sti-im djtw Mes. II. A. Derby. Has just retufnedfrom San Francisco with the finest selected slock of MILLINERY GOODS, Ever offered In Astoria. Embracing every novelty in the line. Dp, Warner's Health COKSET Cm only be purchased In Astoria at Mrs. Derby's, Main street, between Squemoqhe and Jefferson, Astoria, Ore gon. TAIL -DEALER IN KHEBil MERCHAffllSE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTOKIA OREGON. Kid Gloves of Every Kind. fc 3 BUTTN KIDS. JOIANS, PEERLESS, And other best grades. "Would invite special attention to this stock. Mrs! Homestead Troperty ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL FftOM the city, we are instructed to sell Pirc Acre Block o. 22, also : Tiro Acre Ulock To. 2."?, On the south side of -Astoria Peninsular, fronting on Youngs bay. These lots will be sold cheap for wish. Title is perfect. d7lf0T particulars inquire at this olllee for thirty days. D. C. IRELAND. SPECIAL NOTICE. Owimi'to a reduction on Refined Sugar in "Sun Francisco, I take pleasure to state that I will give Half Pound More Sugar FOZI-OXE DUIXAlt, Tharl heretofore, to stricily cash customers. Other oocls;at Bed Itoclc Prices. Iarse Invoices Just Opened. AND Fresh Fruits a Specialty. E. S. LAItSEX. B1 OWN & IcCABE, i . r- -T" r- .y si a s- J JJl L'UKTlilt R2U MlUlitbAL.K A2D KE- At i ASTORIA BREWERY. M. MEYER - - - - - - - - Proprietor, HAVING EVERY FICILITV FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A FJHSTPLAS Ar ticle, I am now prepared to furnish the ptfblic with the finest quality, for cash. OK LAGKEIi BEES, AT 30 CEATS PEIt GAZXOX. E-Familics and koopcrs of public houses M. MEYBK, Proprfeto-. BUSINESS CARDS. T AI. SEVERN. M. 1). JL" 1IKYSICIAX AND SURGEON. Examining' Surgeon of Pensions. Kinsey's Ihiiiding, on the Roadway t ASTOItlA. OltEGOX. yy:.-j. ". olivek, 1102IEOPATKIST, Office. In Slmster's Daguerrean build ing. Kn trance econd door above that of the Daily A-toicia Cas street. Itcsidence on Jefferson street, corner of 31am. &J ' Sueeessfirily treats all Ciironie Diseasit AND DISEASES OF "WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Cancer cured by a new and painless'metbod. Office Chenamus street, comer of Jlaln street, Astoria. K. J. O'JSKISST. CURES RILLIOUS AT) tXTERMITTEXT FEVERS With from one to three doses of his harm less medicine. Alo, Private diseases successfully treated. Of ioh O'Brien's hotel, Astoria. Oregon. otto bi:fi'ek. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. HAS RKMOVKD TO Main street, Parker's building, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. CALEDONIA SALOON, 'Corner of Front and A streets. PORTLAND - - - - OREGO tFL:ite butcher in the Central Market. THE ASTORIA Dushartn & Leblane, Proprietors. "VooI Cut Iy Stcaus and Fur nished to Order. Hard wood per cord, sawed and de livered Sr P0 Eir wM)d. sawd and delivered 4 50 Hemlock wood, sawed and delivered.. 4'00 Orders left at the Yard will be promptly filled B- B. 3F3RAKHXIN UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. SqucunJCiha street, next door to Astoria building, Astoria, Oregon. B33"A11 work done in a skillful manner on short notico and at rcast-nabl pricua. Undertaker'3 furaishin" gootb always on hand. Astoria Liquor Store, A. DAlELSOr - - - PROPRIETOR. Keeps constantly on hand the finest as sortment ol Wines, Liquors and Cigars, AT WHOLESALE A'D RETAIL. Onll and see for y nisclf. on the roadway, ; rear me iireon oie.thi navigation loiu T..ias doek. iKR HALL t- irBEER DEPOT. FT ASTOKIA. rt o c-ill r5 leave (tiger 3 cent t gfas?. ! OF BOTTLED BEES, AT $1 50 IjE3& IXVZ3ZS. promptly and regularly supplied. ASTOKIA. OREGON. AirSElMENTS. GRAN OPENING OF- Hill's lew Variety Mrs, Containing six NEW AND ELEGANT BOXES, SITTING ROOMS, ETC. The Decorations of the Xew Theatre wero executed by 51 r. F. Holt. NEW AXD ELABORATE SCENERY. PaiiJted 'by "Mr. "Win. "wist. Architect aud Guilder Jlrv'io. On dnd :ifter this fflfts. First Cfass Entertainment, Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot be equalled on this toast. Our Per formance Commences with our First Fart of fSflale and Female GRAND OLIO, Consisting of Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats, Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers, Pantomimists and Jugglers. HOUSE CROWDED HIGHTLY To see our Refined and Unequalled enter tainment. New Acts. New Song's and com plete change of Programme twice a week . UFA. KJIX, Proprietor. Entrance to Roxes ami Circle on Cben:t inns Street. Performance to commence at eight o'clock precise. THERE WILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL ON "WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 2, lvS70. E. S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths and machinists Capt. ROGERS' OLD STAND Near Express Office. ASTORIA, - OREGON. All work in our lino, heaw or Hsht, done with neatness and dis yatch. HorseshGeing, Wag- r. on anflFarm F' WORK A SPECIALTY. HAVING SECURED THE SERVICES OF Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ky an oxporiencwi Farrier of 25 years in the business, and well kno'vn toAi-toriahoremon.weareprcpared so doshoolny in it manner to euro lamenotsorpru vent it in hor?es entrusted to our euro. rt5All work warranted and at reasonable rate?. 10. II. 5Z&YS & CO., DEALER IX Doors'. Windows, Blinds. Tran soms, TiUutbor, lEiv. Steam Mill, Near Weston Hotel, Cor. Genevive and Astor streets. THE ASTORIA-BREWERY RUDOLPH BARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, TROrRIETORS. Corner of Olney and "Water streets, ASTORIA, OKEGON. Besuquality of LAGJiJi BKK115 cts. pergla.vt Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars aJwayi on hxnd. iiiirTlie patronag'1 of the public is respect fully solicited. ( Jnlers for uiger or Ruttlud Ree.r in any quantity promptly filled. eTlie best lunch the season wG -afford s y i! i i '&.. Proprietors. Muruishud duv z&L ithiht 7c..i?.