The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 29, 1879, Image 3

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jpxs gaihj stexum
.June 29. 1879
Oloml.iy Exceptedi.
-A-xtormit, Buihliiuj, ioxs street.
Terms of Subscription :
berved by Carrier, per week .25 Cents
Sent by mail, xour months.....-.. ............;:" 00
Sent by mail, cne year -.. 9 00
Froo of t'ostase to subscribers.
" Advertisements msertod by the year at
the rate of Si " per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or wook,
fifty cents per suuaro for each insertion.
THE Datlv A.STOitiA.v will he xent hy
mailatTucctU a month, free of postage. Rcaa
n? vchtt amtcnwUilc absence from the city can
have Tub Astoikax follow them, Daiia
or Weekly eAitloiuf to any pont-ojlicc with
out cuiditional 'jepemc. Adnrc&sc may lie
cnanged an ofU n ax ncxircd. Leave orders at
Vie. counting room.
Brief Announcement.
False-faces :uid lots of them,
the Sky-high-fiyer Duf unity's on
4th, at Adler's.
Board of Foremen.
A meeting of the Board of Foremen,
A. F. D-, will be held at the hall of Alert
Hook and Ladder Company at 7 o'clock
Monday evening, June :w. 1879.
By order of C. J. Trexchard,
Chief Engineer.
The ship McNear cleared yester
day. Fish
came in very slack last
The Melancthon
is loading at
The schooner Honora has sailed
or Tillamook.
The State of California went to
sea yesterday afternoon,
Mr. W. S. White, of the Busi
ness College, Portland, is at the Occi
dent. The State of California took only
1200 cases of the Astoria shipments of
salmon yesterday.
Mr.G . W. Hume was able to travel
and started for San Francisco by the
State of California yesterday.
One solitaryipugilist James Hogan
called to pay his respects (and a fine)
in thyjiri j'esterduj-. He
Mr. Geo. W. Hume is confined
to his room by a severe attack of ery
eopilas; which, starting at a small spot
has spread nearly over the entire face.
The Oregon Steam Navigation
Co. having refused to extend the
courtesy of half rates to Astoria to at
tend the Sky-high-flyers Dufunny cele
bration on the 4th, the Gros Mogul
has telegraphed to Jay Gould about it
That'll fetch things O. EL, you bet.
The New Northwest informs us
that T. E. L. Logan, is free, the grand
Jury having failed to find a true bill
against him for attempting to abduct
Alice McDonald, His lovely mustache
ss again a bright attraction on our
streets:, and his divine singing will
shame into silence the young men
who murderously whistle the Pages'
On the last trip of the steamship
Organ she carried away 400 tons of
wool, valued at 200,000. Comment
ing upon this, says the Vancouver
Independent, a Portland paper, while
growling that it will be finally sent
east jis California production robbing
Oregon of its credit, forgets to state
that one-third of the wool was from
Washington territory.
The Scientific American describes
a newly invented device for applying
perforated sheet music to pianos and
organs. An exchange thinks that this
piece of mechanism will entirely do
away with the necessity of teacing
young ladies piano playing in the or
dinary way. All that is required is
to insert the perforated music under
the hammers, work the pedals and
the music rolls from the strings. A
dog can be trained to work the pedals
xind thus dispense with the teacher.
Mr. H. L. Pittock, the Commo
dore of the Oregonian. made us a
social visit yesterday. To Mr. Pit
tock's management, more than to any
thing else, must be attributed the
success of that establishment; always
years in advance of the country. We
remember well our first connection
with it in 18G2, before the era of tele
graphs and railroads, when we used
to wait for the stage coach to bring us
disDatches from Yreka. Times have
changed materially since then in Ore-
gon, one me uregour.iu sua heups ujj
its lick, while Mr. Pittock is as close-
lv allied to business as in former days.
We are pleased to meet him m As -
Business Demoralized.
The steamship State of California
was loaded with wool at Portland and
could not take 5,000 cases of salmon
waiting for her at Astoria, much to
t he chagrin of Astoria shippers. Busi
ness men of Astoria were also greatly
put out because she put out from the
port so early. Even the express com
pan3T were not prepared for so sudden
departure. Inasmuch as Astoria is
no longer a " secondary consideration"
with the steamship companies, it
seems to us that when circumstances
such as these arise, the very least the
Portland agents could do would be to
notify this public when the steamers
will proceed direct to sea. If they
would telegraph to The Astoriax, we
should cheerfully publish the fact, and
pay for the dispatch.
P. S. Since the above was placed
in type the matter has been further
aggravated. After giving notice that
if express, etc. , was not on board be
fore 10 o'clock A. sr. it would be left
behind, as she would certainly leave
at that hour, the steamer changed its
mind, and concluded to take the sal
mon and stay until 3 r. at., but Wells,
Fargo & Co.'s agent, nor any business
man of the city, were so notified, hence
the Astoria business by this steamer
was wholly and totally demoralized.
City Finances,
The city of Astoria to-day ofifera its
bonds on the market. At first glance
one might suppose that the city was
" swamped " financially because of
this. But what man of business is
there among us who sometime does
not want to borrow money ? The
finances of the city of Astoria, as
shown in brief last Tear, stand thus :
Receipts from all sources, ex
clusive of taxes. $9,184 00
Expenses 10,200 00
Deficit Sl,0fl 00
The taxable property of the city is
now $916,783. Who can say but this
is a fair showing? A two-mill tax
would pay everything ; but we must
buy an engine, etc., and these go into
the collaterals.
Board of Delegates.
Police Court Booms, 1
Astoria, June 27, 1879. J
The board met at the usual hour 8
o'clock p. M.
The meeting was called to order by
James W. Welch, president.
The roll was called, and P. Wilhelm,
L. W. Poole. Jas. W. Welch, J. W. Gear
hart, L. D. Coffman, N. Clinton and Ed.
D. Curtis were present. Absent A. W.
Berry, L. M. Severn and E. R. II awes.
The minutes of the preceding meeting,
May 2Gth, were read and approved.
"The secretary reported that he had
purchased the material for a department
flaf?,nml hod tuietf th'- sft"s over to
Mi. Poole. "'
Mr. Poole report. 1 the flag manufacr
tured and produced the same for inspec
tion. The flag was accepted and a vote
of thanks given Mr. Poole for making it
Moved, that the flag be used for no
purpose but calling the board of dele
gates together. Carried.
On motion, Mr. Clinton was instructed
to procure new halyards and rope for
the tower, and to hang the flag.
On motion, the secretary was in
structed to make out and present a bill
for S45 00. three months' dues of the de
partment from the city, and present the
bill to the council.
On motion the rules were suspended
and Mr. Wilhelm's fine for absence on
May 26th, remitted.
Messrs. Gearhart and Clinton gave
legal excuses for all previous absences.
Mr. Severn's resolution was taken
from the table, read and ;Vlopted.
On motion, the board adjourned. '
Ed. D. Curtis, .Sec'y A. F. D.
Foreign Exports.
Since our last report the following
cargoes have cleared foreign from As As
eoria: To Liverpool j per ifcXear:
"Wheat from rortland $17,E00
Flour " " 31,SG0
Wheat from Astoria 14.955
Salmon " 24,0$3
Total value ?S3 ,SUS
To Liverpool, per bark S. D. Allen:
1,808 bbls flour. 8,206
17,500 cases salmon 78,749
Total value $88,955
To Liverpool, per ship Garibaldi:
From Portland...25,4S6 ctls wheat $41,000
" Astoria 2,992 " " 4.9SS
" " 11.805 cs. salmon 59.5SS
Total ..105,526
Church. Notices.
Morning service as usual at 11 a.
l, and Sabbath school immediately
after, at Presbyterian hall.
Service will be held in Grace
(Episcopal) church at the. usual hours
to-day: also at the Chapel in upper As
toria, Bishop Morris presiding.
Bev. J. T. Wolfe will preach m
the Congregational church Sunday
morning on 4The Immortality of the
Soul, and a Future State,' and in the
evening on "The Practical Test."
Snblmth School Concert.
On Sunday evening at half-past seven
the Sunday School children connected
with the Presbyterian church, will hold
i their regular quarterly re Aw and coii
cert. The service v
i and praise, and
ally invited to attei
'Keep your
health jjitist be gooj
; is Pfundersurc
ASioria uruggibij
A. Queer FIhIi.
In a letter to the Salem Statesman
Hon. John Mm to, of Marion
county calls the attention of The
Astoriax to a queer fish caught j
in a uascacie mountain stream
recently by Mr. Shrum. Mr.
Minto says this fish was twenty
two inches long, with a general
appearance, on a hasty glance, of
being a trout, but upon a critical
inspection proved a fish that might
be described as a cross between
the cat fish of the Mississippi
waters and a trout; head large,
mouth to correspond, body round
ish and tapering from the gills to
the tail, color very dark on the
back and gradually lightening to a
whitish yellow underneath, the
whole body splashed with irregu
lar sized orange colored spots.
Perhaps it was the habits of the
fish, as described to me by many
of the young men in camp and
which was confirmed by the oldest
of them who have had opportu
nity to observe them, that gave him
(to me) the most repulsive look
which I ever noticed in a fish of
the trout kind. To these habits
I invite the attention of all lovers
of that kind of food fishes, the
salmon; and those in Oregon who
have interested themselves in keep
ing up the supply of salmon in the
waters of the state. The egg
eater is the name applied to the
fish by the anglers here. They
are frequently caught from two
feet to thirty inches long. They
wait upon and diligently watch
the female salmon and salmon
trout, and devour the spawn. The
male salmon chase them, and
fight them, but wolfish in their
nature, they are persistent in their
quest of prey. At other times
than the spawning season they are
sluggish in their habits, take slowly
but certainly such baits as a piece
of raw meat, and never (according
to my informants), rise to a fly or
nt-lior ciirfnnr fifinrl IMV. Til. TTpn-
ness, who is well acquainted "wiM
the fish and its habits here and lufS
trapped and fished on many of the
head branches of the upper Colum
bia, tells me he has always found
the egg-eater in streams frequent
ed by salmon, but has never no
ticed them in waters where the
salmon was not or could not be.
If my information is correct, its
destruction, as a species', as soon
and complete as possible, would
certainly be one means of conserv
ing the rjublic interest in the
wrealth of salmon the waters of
state are capable of yielding.
Dr. Mlnllc's Xrphrctlcum A Compound
Extract or Buchu.
Dr. Mintie's Nephreticum works won
ders. In all cases of Dropsy, Bright's
Disease. Kidney, Bladder and Urinary
Complaints, or ltetention of Urine, these
troubles are entirely cured by the Ne-
Slireticum. Female Weakness, Gravel,
iabetes, pain in the back, side and loin
are cured, when all other medicines
have failed.
See what the druggists of Portland
and San Francisco say about Dr. Min
tie's Nephreticum and English Dande
lion Pills.
"We have sold a large amount of Dr.
Mintie's medicines; the English Dan
delion Pills; also the Nephreticum. and
in all cases they are highly spoken of
and give entire satisfaction.
John A.Chi!ds, druggist, Second street,
C. II. Woodward & Co., druggists, cor
ner First and Alder streets, Portland.
Abrams & Carroll, wholesale drug
gists, 3 and 5 Front street, San Francis
co, say:
"We regard Nephreticum as the best
kidney and bladder remedy before the
For all derangements of the liver, use
Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Pills.
For Billiousness and Dyspepsia, use Dr.
Mintie's Dandelion Pills. For Fever
and Ague, use Dr. Mintie's English
Dandelion Pills.
Every family should keep the Eng
lish Dandelion Pills on hand.
Dr. Mintie's remedies will not "cure
all complaints, but if taken according
to directions, give immediate relief and
perfect a cure in all troubles for which
thev are recommended. For sale by
It. i. Caufield. druggist, Astoria. Oregon.
There have been more cures of semi
nal weakness, nervous debility and par
alysis made by the wonderful English
Remedy, Sir Astley Cooper's Vital Res
torative, than bv all other remedies com
bined. Why will you suffer? Send to
A. E. Mintie, M.D.. No. 11 Kearny street,
San Francisco. Price, 3 per bottle;
four times the quantity, $10. Try a
bottle. --
In searching the premises of the
late Mr. Burke, at Clatsop, a few
days ago. United States bonds to the
amount of $3,000, with the coupons
for liJbO, were found sewed, into agar
ment wrn hv 'Am dnnrrhtrtr.
Fruit jars and glassware cheap, at
Martin Ford will pay the highest
rates for old cooper, brass, white metal.
or old rope and canvas. Apply to E. C.
Strolling on the Oregon Steam
Navigation Company's wharf to-day we
saw some of the most beautiful fish kits
we ever beheld, thev were marked for
Astoria Packing company, and upon
inquiry we learned that they were turn
ed out by Zan Bros, of Portland, who,
we learn from some of our principal mer
chants, are manufacturing wooden-ware,
such as tubs, pails, wash-boards, butter
moulds and floats, which are specimens ,
of hwuitv. imri tin ofFsnrinr nf hoina in-l
Circuit Court Blanks, County
Court Blanks. Justice Court Blanks,
Shipping Blanks, Miscellaneous Blanks,
Deeds, Mortgages, etc-, for Sale at Tile
Astoriax office.
Fourth of July is coming and Ad
lers is prepared to supplj all orders for
flags and fireworks.
-Booms to let, by the dav, week, or
month, at Mrs. W.ll. Twilight's.
It is strange how Cody can give
such a nice dish of Strawberries and
cream for 12K cents.
....Adler has received a fine lot of
baby carriages, which will be sold at
bottom prices.
Moved, seconded, and carried, that
Carl Adler's Variety Store is the cheap
est store in the city.
Mr. J. Cody, on the roadway, is in
daily receipt of choice fresh fruits from
San Francisco and interior gardens, di
rect. Call and test them and buy some.
Go to May's Yankee Notion store
for your fourth of July display.
Fishermen can get a square meal
at any time, at Pike's restaurant, Unity,
for fish. References : Fishermen who
have eaten there.
Now that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Runey is well supplied with all kinds of
uuiHiing materials w men neis preparea
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
When you re looking for a place
to amuse yourself drop in at Max Wag
ner's, Great Eastern saloon, and listen
to the organ and take a glass of his fine
San Francisco beer.
Getvour baskets filled for a little
money at Bailey's.
Now is the time for cleaning up
our houses, and ornamenting them.
For this purpose you can find nothing
that will add to the appearance of your
parlors so much as a pair of those beau
tiful chromos at the City Book store.
sold for nearly one-half the usual cost of
such pictures. Call and see for your
selves. Fresh California fruit can be had
at C. A. May's on the arrival of every
P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
steam fitting line: also, bath tubs, and
water backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on shorten notice.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter ofAstoria will iguarantee satis
faction to all ordering ork of him, and
will do a better iob for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should besuflicientrecom
mendation. Before you let your eon-
tracts lor worK oi tins Kinu it wouiu ue
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
Dressmaking in first-class style at
the Bee Hive.
Mrs. Steers is disposing of her
circulating Library, which consists of
over three hundred volumes, at one dol
lar a book. Call and see for yourself at
the Little Bee Hive Store, next to De
ments drug store.
Closing out sale of summer mil
linery at the Bee Hive. All new goods,
carefully selected this spring, I pre
fer selling all summer goods at very
low figures, than to keep them over an
other season. Call and examine goods
and prices. M. II. Steeiis.
Refresh yourself at the Soda
fountain of Schmeers confectionery.
Notions, candies and fruits of the
the best quality, at C. A. Mays.
Persons wishing to prepare for
fishing on the Sound, or for small fish
will find a quantity of suitable twine at
J. H. D.Gray's. It is just the thing for
trout and herring nets.
Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and
jeweler of long experience, has perma
nently established liimself in business
in Caufield's drug store, Chenamus
street, Astoria. Watches and Jewelry
cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En
graving a specialty. All work guaran
teed. Give him a trial and he your own
judge of his workmanship. He will
soon add to his stock a well selected In
voice of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and
plated ware, which he will he able to
sell at very low prices.
Magnus C. Crosby is sole agent for
the Medallion Range in the Astoria
market, which is unquestionably the
best range on the Pacific slope. Call
and examine.
The boss knight of the shining
Sheffield blade and a first-class hair
cutter, can be found at the Parker
House. Prices, 25 cents each for hair
cutting, shaving, dyeing, shampooing,
and bath.
A full assortment of counter and
grocers scales can be. fouud at M. C.
Crosby's, at bottom prices.
lee cream, and fresh fruits of all
kinds at Schmeers, opposite the bell
tower. Also tresh oysters, in every
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Book store.
There is no use talking Max Wag
ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the
only man to please his customers well.
Ill" Ketpj llll HUfM Oilll ciuuciaru uxrrL
i" the city, itsnarkles like champaigne.
Of the celebration and the first exhibition of
the ancient an highly privileged order of
Sky-High-Flyer Dufunny's
(Sometimes called Astoria.)
ox THE
In the year of our Lord, 1879'.. " '
A salute of 13 bunches of fire-crackers
by a son of a gunner from Fort Stevens.
N. B. Don't get alarmed at the noise.
At 7 o'clock, breakfast in the style of
the Kentucky Treat.
At 10 o'clock, grand rivelle by 50 ket
tle drums, made expresslv for this occa
sion from second-hand coal oil cans, led
by U. Hitemhard, Drum Major.
At 12 o'clock-, dinner, on same style as
breakfast, with or without wine, (blue
or red ribbon).
At i o'clock, forming of the grand pro
cession in full uniform, with or without
Right wing will form in front of the"
city jail door.
Left wing will form on the bell tower.
Rear guard will run back as hard as
they can run, and form a line from
Tongue point to Smith's point.
All details of the procession will be
given to each member before they march.
Music by a string brass band, express
ly imported for this occasion from Soap
Creek, Oregon. Prof. I. Keeppoortime,
1. Overture, "Hear Me KnawMa.
the Windjammer,
March, "Molly go on
Ilartigan and Harry.
Guard." By
3. Ballad, "When the Salmon Price will
Raise." By an Unknown Author.
4. Symphony, "Mystic Harbor of Ref
uge." By A. Storyan.
March, " Phsuitom
Winnie Mucca.
The start will be from WeterPilhelnTs
saloon down Skimmaggyway street to
the house of Queen Annis Engine, dear
to the hearts of all that knew her.
From thence down Stilliyomlt street,
to Cantcomeitonme street.
From there march up the Fast Avenue
to Mean street and the Observatory Ho
tel. IT. B. No treating here, as the crowd
professes temperance on the improved
Up this street to Cantnameit Avenue.
From here file right up to Cume's
N. B . On this stretch put on all your
dog, boys, as the girls are looking at you.
From thence gallop up to the corner'
of Allnight and Skimmaggyway steeets
where is to be found the fine lager and
the big Dutch organ, but don't dally
round here, boys, as we must continue
up this street to the county jail, to see
Arriving at the county jail a spirited
oration on Confinement, in Irons, or the
!New Constitution of California, by Ken-
nis Dearney, will be pathetically ren
dered, the whole to conclude with sing
mg oy tne audience on "liie unirrese
Miist Go," amid a general scatter and
At 4 o'clock an extraordinary sail con-
test of fishing boats on Lover Lane, and
a slow foot race on the Columbia river
by our swift legs1 will take place. Prizes
consisting of a Roasted Sturgeon, a Hat
from the wrec" of the Great Republic,
Three Lots on ?and Islami, presented by
the Governor vf the island, and a Land
Claim in AlasXa.
The prizes will be oa exhibition at
Holden's aucsion rooms.
Bril!l?t fireworks bFrof. Ponpcm-
off, cimlstiiw- of iTring $2 cigar boxes
granrtlfifluniinating Mount Hood, the-
gendudpp oi the first shipment of sal-y
inon f,tie upper regions in & Walloon
and fllivb display of shooting stars. ha!r
uiuu, ujj - ucns ami me ougs.
A grand
ill will be gi in irh
o. 2 engiin
house in full dress.
ting of a sbve Dine hat. rm cr
-. - -"-j tr
th dS