ru "Vol. IX. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, June 29, 1879. 2Jo. 5.2. (Sasp $ (t JJrJJvJrJWillr - ... , - . TIN MINES. '- Grand IMseovery A magnificent Tin 3tine Almost Within Sih-i , or the City -FVon the Albany ncjjts(cr. j A few days ago a party of pros-. 'pectors from Brownsville unearthed what is believed by many to be a , bonafide tin mine. The ledge j crops out on Wiley creek, a tribu- tary of the Santiam, about three' miles above the toll-gate on the Cascade mountain wagon road, i and is about twenlv miles from this city. The ledge is one hun dred feet wide where it crops out and has been traced for several miles, we believe. Messrs. John Scott, A. C. Haus man, A. H. MrNab, G. A. Dyson, -John Morriscn, J. B. Moss and Jo seph Harrison are the original dis coverers and locators. A mininjr 'strict has been organized and a recorder elected, and a number have taken up extensions on the tiu ledge. The rock is very rich in a white mjtal that not only resembles tin, j but in everv test to which it has ! ;foen subjected, auswers the. pur pose as well as the imported Eng lish block tin. Government has a large standing reward for the discoveior of a veritable tin mine, $100.0' G we be hove, and the indi cations seem to be that our Browns ville friends will get away with it. As the discrtfcry is of recent date, no work lokiiig to the de velopment jf the l'Jtr,i .has been made, and the test so for have j been made from the lop rock, or croppings, and, as abov remarked, these tests -were oi' the most sails- factory character, indicaiiii that its parent's displeasure, and shed the rock was extremely ri&h hi din tears of sorrow for its faults, metals. I Never has one person forgotten Rock taken from the siir It c his pure, right-educating mother, top of the roc has been rem bi-M n tlhe Hlue mountains of our dim &S5aXi-J Jtf li3v$rVr$tei!boocl, totfarQ' wlrtShwSrevsr factory rply has b.ii rtcv -i It w.iuld be ahnoi 'n gool ji , thins: for all com rurd f r this O I ledge to prove a tin mint, as it j would be the bicrsret -f:.w...:i UlJillJl Jill scheme yet found on the Pacilic slope; but we are much entitled to large finds as any people, and could put it to as good use. Crystals of the oxide of tin have been found in Massachusetts, "N ew Hampshire, New York, New Jer- ;fv. Virrinin fJnlifnrriw. and Afis- souri, ami those of California and; Missouri seemed promising, 3et so far we believe none have proved sufficiently profitable to be worked. The most celebrated tin mines are those of Cornwall, England, which have been worked for centuries. There are, also, tin mines at Banca, Mexice: and one or more in Australia. It will be seen, that tin mines are not as plentiful as the various other metals, and such a discovery in Oregon would prove of more intrinsic value than the . discovery of any other character or kind of mines. We shall await the report of the assay of the rock with no little interest. -An American writing from Spain urges the shipment of labor saving implements there. Spanish farmers plough with the end of a piece of wood about five inches thick, as was done in the middle ages, sowing and reaping machines are unknown, and grain is not threshed. Oxen tread it out, audi .... -j, li. il is wiuuuweu uy ttohiuii, wjiu loss it into the air to scatter the cliaif. The Illinois legislature, after having been importuned to do so for many years, inis at length de termined to honor the memory of Stephen A. Douglass, one of the illustrious sonsf the prairie state in monumental marble. Afouda tion fortius monument has longdis-Jrg-ured a pleasant locality in the southern part of Chicago, and sufficient funds for its proper completion have now befi ap propriated. w Happy Thoughts. Snrmws firr lilrp l.linnrlnr-o.lniir;? i ,i-f.,.w., i,,. ui- kii- 1111 Llll, VUOldtlVsU VtlMJ 1VJUIV UlUVynj over our heads luirdlv gray. Tlic Infinite has sowed his name in the heavens in burning stars, but in the earth He has sown His name in tender flowers, Genius loves toil, impediment and poverty; for from these it gains its strength, throws off the shadows, and lifts its proud head to immortality, Gentleness which belongs to vir- tue is to be carefully distinguished from the mean spirit of .cowards anil the fawning assent of syco phants. ' No man is ever good for any thing until he has found two things first, something to love, and sec ond, something to reverence. Nothing is more amiable than true modesty, and nothing is more contemptible than the false. The one guards virtue, the other be trays it. Mental pleasures never cleg: unlike those of the bod, they are increased bv rendition, approved by reflection and strengthened by enjoyment. Overburden not thy memory, to make so .faithful a servant thy slave. Have as much reason as a camel, to rise when thou 'hast thy Mil load. The worthiest people are the most injured by slander, as we usually find that to be the best fruit which the birds have been pecking at. A full-blown rose "besprinkled"'5 with the purest dew is not so beau- Itiful as a child blushing: beneath Um iiui look, stand the motliers who marked out to us from thence our life. MISCELLANEOUS. IRISH FLAX THREADS -AND S&llHOIl Set TwlllO. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead tines. BARBOUR BROTHERS, 311 rarkct Street, San FranrtHfo HENRY DOYLE & Co.. ai-eis. WILLIAM EDGAR. Corner M.ain and Chenamus Street8, AST01UA OREGON- DRALKC IS CIGARS 'AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM and other English Cutlory. ' FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine BleershaTim Pipes, etp. A fine htock of IVatrhes .Tcivelr.v. 3Enzzlc nutl Breech liOailixi Shot- Hum. . Kevolv rers. Pistois. JNirlor Jiilles, and Axuiiimtztion. wrii-i-iAii ray. PRACTICAL BOOT AOT SHOE .HAJVIilV, Main- Stkkkt, ir- Perfect fits warranted. Give promptly filled. Astokia, Our.dox. guaranteed. All work me a trial. All orders TTn- BECK, Manufacturer f Boots and Shoes. AH kinds of repairing netly and WSuTja nronintlv attended to M MAIN ST.. ASTORIA. OREGON. K V.f. FERGUSO.V. Contractor and Builder, All kind of Carpenters and ,Toiners Work piomptly and neatly eveeuteil. PLANS, SPEVIFICA TIONS. end BILLS OF MATEJlLiL . Furnished an slwirt notice at reduced rate. I Suoi 05eXt &&37' cast of lipfceupal church. Barbour s JlfcL tSh. BANK1NG AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSURANCE. i. w. case;. BROKER, BANKER, AN I) INSURANCE AGENT. - - - OREGON. ASTORIA, Y. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the Unitcu States and Europe.. OFFICE HOURS-From S o'clock a.u. until 4 o'clock i. m. Hie Mitel Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. noucirroy.... ....President Chap. B. Story .. .. Secretary Gko. L. Story. Agent for Oregon Capital paid up in U, S. gold coin 300 000 W) Assets, Jan. l, 1879 ... 5Q4,9T1 39 Income, 1S7S ....?. 358.450 00 Premiume since organization 2,-187.144 71 Losses paid " 1,331,033 44 Losses paid by Oregon branch in six years .. 162.3(3 29 I. "W. C l.SE, Agent, Clienamus-strcet, Astoria, Oregon. $6730QQ,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL -ASD LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COyOEANIES. Tf mimitii I, .iTt.aKwr'- nr fet A. VAX DUSKS. Agent. cortEKEieciAX. r5ox ASSURANCE COMPANY oir XjsonxrsDCDisr- Capital St2,500,000. 3LVTT II. SIIJSON, Agent, Astoria. Oregon. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAT.IFOK3IA. ORGANIZED IN 18G3. Total Losses I'aicl Since Organization. S3,630j435 S- E. C. IIOLDEX, Agent. Astoria Oregon WHOLESALE TRADE. 1. W, MUEflK Comer of Water -.and Olney Streets, Astoria, Oregon. w. "Wholesale f Dealer -rx SEOCERES-SsfROnSIOl. rAent for the Ooldcn City Chemical AVorks. K, W. Pavne & Son's S.cum JCngtnes. Fay's Wood Work'iug 3Iaehineiy. r2rFisher:nens and Cannery Supplies a specially. Cotton Seine Twine aiid rv et I Jnes sold at Sun Francisco prices. 3"Onrs. Cordage. Blocks. Oakum, etc Star of the Columbia. 13) lire test Konwt-iie, Turpetuhie and Varnish. Sail cloth made expressly for light bunts. w ST001 m r RPENTER AND ,JfllER, AND GEXyitAL JU3BER TTUGH ST001 -CARPENTER AJvJOKlA OltKH)2. t- - - ffS"Hon?cs bwiit to ordoil and .atifnctin cwaninUiod. Shop cn. SiiuwMihur-itrcet ext uoor tu-llie EiriOttiI church, j AUCTION SALES. ip C. HOLDEK, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Ileal EMate AgcHtnml Conveyancer. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN7 and AUCTIONEER. Kent and Accounts Collected, and re turns promptly made. Regular sales day, SATURDAYS nt Ji I M. N. I). Parties having real estate, lurni ture or any other goolls to llispose of eithei at auction or private sale-should notify me soon as convenient before the dav of sale. No storage charged on goods soli' at Auc tion. t C. HOLIN. td Auctioneer HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. DARKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON, II. B. PARKER. Proprietor. THIS IIOTEI, is the largest, most comfort able anil best kept hotel in the city. Is supplied with the best of spring water, hot and culil bath, barbershop, ami a first-class saloon with hot of liquors and cigars, and a Jine billiard table. Free coach to the house ; charges reasonable, SI 2T to $250 per dav, ac cording to Toom occupied A. J. MEGLKR. C. S. WKIGHT. OCCIDENT HOTEL. MEGLEIt & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. TITE PKOriflETOUS ARE 'HAPPY TO announce that the above' hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding -greatly to the comfort of itsgucsts-niuTisnow the best hotel north of San Francisco. C. VT. KNOWLHS. AL ZIEBER. CIAREXDOS HOTEL, PORTLAND. - - - - OREGON. ZIEBER & KNOWLES, Proprietors. OSTFree coach to and from the honse5?n M IIS. S. 3T. AltRIGOXF, PKOrRIETOR OK TJsc Pioneer "Kvstanraijt, 3IAXX Strkkt, - Astoria. Okkgon. 11ns ertjmiY on VnU a fall wnnlv of . FItfiSJI OYSTERS, "Which will be served in any style desired. Strawberries and Cream and Ice Cream in season. Meals, ?. cent; at nil Hours. -Private Boardings 3IRS. HOUSEMAN, - - rnorniETOK. Will aceonnnodate hoarders. AVITII'Oll WITHOUT 1100MS. Next door to Metropolitan Hall, Astoria, Oregon. TTAL1AX K ESTA UK AXT. Just opened, newly furnished and first clats. S. DAMICO & CO., - morns. Comer Lafayette and Second sts., Astoria. Meals served in Italian, French and Anieri c;ui stvles to order. , The table will be supplied stall times with :thebest the market aJunxR niluSIl OYSTERS In even style at all hours. Come and sntify yourself. Private rooms for ladies. Meals at all hours. The best wines and cigars always on hand. mVRl'I3T HOUSE, D. L. TURPIX - rnorisiETOit MAIN STREET. Between Squemoccihe and Jefferson, Astoria, Okkgox. Board and lodgin? per week... Hoard per day Single Meal $fi fK) 1 CO 25 Tne tahle will he supplied at all times with the best the market atlords. 'TO'AL.IjA TXAXaTmA, KESTAUKAN'T, TIIEO. BKOKMSEi:. - - Pr.OMHETOit. Fresh oysters, and other deli- ? aicies of the reason, sensed meS every style. 'Jpygjlg ' Opposite the Tele?niph office, biuemoqhe stret, Astoria. Oregon. ttiTMEALS AT ALL HOURS-sn. ItEGOX iiorsi:. ?dani street, near Ilustler's "Wharf. ASTORIA, - OBEGON. Uis. Maky t3A3irEi.ii, Proprietor. Board and 'lodging by day or wcekv ORTOS HOl'SK, CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, POltTIVND. OREGON. IM'OUTOX, - - - - Proprietor. (Funnel ly of the Portland Hotel.) THIS HOUSE IS A J'-IBE-PROOF BRICK, inrt finished and newly furnibhed, with the fe?t of spring beds. 1 xkms I'er w eek From Sn to Sf forhoard and Indging. Per day Si CO. Single meals. 3." .'fids. Lodging L5 to rA) eenK gg. I .Pri ,. EfiT'Free oach to and from the House. Private Beardine: House. IHS.QUINN - ikopi:ieiok. -o AVHI accommodate day boarders or aeconi- ; nifKiitte amv with ooaru ami lotijrimr. I Urices reasonable. In ' Iiiinals' buib'toc. Jefferson street, apiwsittsAVoKb, Fargo &. Cos , Hxpru ulfice. MISCELLANEOUS. J. EL D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. OYSTERS, by the SACK, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. D. K. Warren-. C. A. McGuirkI Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamusand Cassstreets, ASTORIA, OREGON. 'WARREN & McGUIRE, Proprietor' (Successors to IJobstm Jb Warren. "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all Klnda v Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line oftFnmilr Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. 3 Butter, Eggs, Cheose, etc constantly nhand. iKS" Ships supplied at the lowest rates. Washington "Market,, Main KtreeU - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN & BEERY T) ESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN j t:on of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! "Which will be sold at lowest rates, wheJesal 8 and retail. Special attention given to soppier ng shius. ECLIPSE MARKET. VKcst-EIjrlith Street, near the O. S. N. Co! IVJiai-C JOHN W. EI.H.:;r:::i-. PROPK1ETOU AGEXEKAL ASSORTMENT OF FA3II ly Groceries, and the various kinds of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished in beiJ of style at the market, or delivered to any part of the city. Ordersgiven t-the messen gers, or left at the market, w ill be promptly filled. My endeavor will be, by prompt attention ami i:ur dealing, to piease my "parous. ous. yi e take?U ttV -ft. tftftftftftkj WX VUtft'ft , lilN ?EyA II Iritiilc iif inniifrt viriH exchango for goods, and dejij r OBT-utvA i CENTRAL MARKET. G nend assortment of tal le stock-constantly j ou nauu. sucu as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS. I51TTKK, CHEESE, Jresli fruits ai Tenetate. FISH. rori.TIST ATST) GAMlu In the season. CIGARS A3.D TOBACCO. Best or WISES ASI UlUORS. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. V. Case's store. J. RODGERS. . SFJECIAEi NOTICE. TIaving just received a new stock, censistirj: of a splendid assortment of II:x. Cnps, Boals and Shoes, . Groceries, Canned Fruits, etc. also : Waiolies. "Jerrelrj and CittleiT Besides a choice lot of TOIIACCO. VltiAHS AXD PIPES. Wines and 'Liquors, Statloxxery-and I'anoy Articles. Wliieh we are effering at tlie lowest living -prices. Very respectfully. ;7AAIES McGEE. At McGee's new building on the roadway. It is no .Usc'of Talking, . J. K. "WIRT'S is the cheapest place to buy F Et LT O IV VF. ETA IJ LS, As he has direct from San Francisco by every Steamer, all kinds of vegetables, such as h m the market. Apples. Peas, Celery. Caulifower, Asparasns, Parsnips. Ilccts, Car- rots. Potatoes, Oranges, And from Clatsop every day EGGS. BUTTER, CHEESE, AND HONEY. Also : keep the best of CIGAT1S. TOBACCOS, AND LIQUOBS. Call and examine before purchasing elac- purchasing el J. K. WIRT. wnere. Is All lis Bltiii .AM-! I HAVE Jl'ST EEIL'BNED FROM- THE EAST A3D VILLj SELL 'MY GOOI'S -AS AS ANY I1T5E IN THE CITY And am not going to sa ni.j aout it ijwvqV""Hn A SquacsDeaJ Guaranteea I At the cd rp (