CO & Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning,. June 26, 1879. 2sTo. 49. Vol. ix. wri-f .r f f itrtftw ill 1& r w'&P JW sSr W 'W)&& & W& , TELEGRAPHIC. EASTER N STATES. Tho Great Nortlxora Pa-ciSc Railroad. Prevaiecx'ing or Urn J?aefie. Washington, June 21. The secretary of war having been in formed that Bolivia has decreed an origin was wholly speculative. SttH Fmnchico Bulletin. "With all the misfortunes which have overtaken the Northern Pa cific railroad since its inception, it sains a little everv year. Its Jt BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSURANCE. x, w, a&s, AXD issue of letters of marque with an- . had an immense land grant wlucli j nj3J5(CD RA W(ER thority to privsitws to seize Chil- i covered a great deal of poor land, j ".umLll, lhuil.i , i:in property in neutral vessels,, 1 he termini on lake superior ana .,! .if rrtifc tC 'uivii . have i Piirit-sonnd ware merft miner departed for the United States, j towns, prospectively important, collectors of customs are requested i hut of little consequence just now. to see that section 5200 of the re-! The com pit 113 has a little shirt of vised statutes Ikj vigilantly en- 000 miles completed, viz: Duluth forced against " vessels that an-! to J3ismarck, 4-1U miles, and lrom pear to be destined to violate the neutrality laws of the United States. 3Ior&oza. Stoelt A.Itjio;:jj. Salt Lake City, June 24. By a private dispatch from Geo. Q. Cannon to John Taylor it is learned that the United States marshal of ; Nebraska has been ordered to return the polygamous Reynolds' to Utah. This trifling with a church convict disgusts the Gentiles, who think that the government is endeavoring to spoil all the good that has already been accomplished by the conviction and encourage Mormons in the belief that they are still above law. .Reynolds will probably be confined in the Utah penitentiary until he is finally pardoned by a too lenient president, whose leniency will only be con strued into cowardice by the Mor mons. FOREJGni NEWS. CtagKistg Use Press. Berlin, June 24. Bismarck has forbidden the circulation in the empire of the Stormbeli, a Russian revolutionary organ, pub lished in Geneva. Kalama, on the Columbia river, to Taeoma, on Puget-sound, lo-i miles; total. 5So miles. Then the company has a lease for 90 years of loG miles from Brainard to St. Paul, so that it is now operating more than seven hundred miles of railroad. That is certainly a sub stantial beginning, a far more tangible one than the Texas Pacific railroad ever made under Scott. The Northern Pacific has also about two hundred miles of road under contract, on the Pacific side. Early in the next season this com pany will have a thousand miles of its own road completed and in ope ration. The location of this road is too remote from California to have much effect on business here. But its steady progress is an inter esting fact. The discovery of im portant mines in Dakota, the great wheat region of the North west, and the steady stream of im migration in that direction, are all powerful stimulants to the con struction of this road. ASTOKIA, 1 INSURANCE AGERT. - - - OREGON- HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. pARKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON, H. B. PARKER. Proprietor. THIS HOTEL is tlic largest, most comfort able and best Kent hotel in the city. Is supplied with the best of snnnjr water, hot 'ihand coltl baths. bnrlwrshop. and a flrst-elass tlksnloon with best of liouors and cigars, and a fine billiard table. Free coach to the house : charges reaeonaMe. SI 25 to 2 50 per day, ac cording to room occupied MISCELLANEOUS. J. EL D. GKAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. OYSTERS, by the SA Civ, Kay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. fieneral storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Exchange liouglit and sold ongall parts of Urn United States and Europe., w OFFICE IIOURS-From J)'clock a. M. until 4 o'clock i m. j,. .T. F. JIOUOHTON'... Ciias. E. Sxonv.... Gko. L. Stouv Mitral Insurance Co., w i a- rr? oai tencMrr ve- wuirwnin, A.J. 3IEGLKR. C. S. WIJIG11T. OCCIDENT IIOTSK. MEGLER & WRlGUT, Troptiotors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of its guests and is now the best hotel north of San Francisco. c w. al. zikkki:. CXAISjEXDOIV hotel. PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON. ZIEBER & KNOWLES, Proprietors. oarFrec coach to and from the house- President JSHHSe.crctarv .AgonWfor Oregon Capital paid cohi up in U. S. col -WSISOO 000 00 Assets, Jan. 1, 1S79 M5!H.9rl o Income, S .. JHI353.450 00 Premiume since onpmizationJPE,4S7.4l4 7A leases paid " Ml,Ii;o33 44 Josws paid bv Oregop branch lm six years 4M1G2AC3 29 X. IV. CASlAgent, ChenamiLs street, AstorjaOregon. KS. S. X. AltRIGOXI, rnerRiKTOi: of The Pioneer Kcsmnrant. 3Iain Stiikkt, - ASTOlUA. OlJKOOS. Has constantly on hand -a full supply of F XI 12 SH O Y'S T E 3t S, Which will "be served in any style desired. Strawberries and Cream and Ice Cream in season. D.K.Warren. C A. McGuirb Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenanms and Cassstreeta, ASTORIA. OREGON. 'WARREN & jtfcGTJIRB, Proprietor" (Successors to II oh ton tfc Warrc. Wbolesalo and Retail Dealers in all Kinds -o Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. iS Butter, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantly nhnnd. 05F" Ships supplied at the lowest rates. pGr Sond your subscription for the AsroitiAX another year. Help us, that Ave may continue to help you. g67,000,000 CAPITAL. AUCTION SALES. "Tiic Koyal"lcad. London . J u ne 22. Queen Victoria, accompanied by Princess Beatrice and Prince Leopold, A-isited the Empress Eugenic at Uhiselhurst to-day. The Queen had an hours interview with Eugenie.- It is officially announc ed that the German court will go into mourning one week for the late prince imperial. FACIFIC COAST NEWS. Another Horrible Outrage Wear 1V5ee:&(!ami Cirorni:t. WiieatLxVND, Cal., June 23. The to-un to-day was thrown into an excitement by a report that a brutal outrage had been commit ted by a tramp on a woman named Mrs. McCullen. "When found she was in a dying condition. The scene of the affair is located on the Sacramento wagon rDad, about ten miles distant. Mrs. McCullen was a Canadian woman, aged about thirty years. The particu lars are as follews: A tramp came to the house, and finding that she was alone asked her for something to eat. While she was preparing it for him, he made an assault upon her person. She inade a desperate resistance, but without success, after which he made his escape. She was in a delicate condition, and the excite ment that she underwent, and the brutal treatment she received, had a terrible effect upon her. "When found it was thought she was in a dying condition. On Friday last she gave birth to a dead child. On Saturday she died. .Mr. McCullen is engaged in the drover business, and was absent in the mountains when the out rane was committed. E. C. KOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Real Estate Ajjent and Conveyancer. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGENT and AUCTIONEER. Euttis nnil Accounts Collected, and re turns promptly made. Regular sales day. SATURDAYS at 1Z P. M. N. R. 1'arties having real estate, lurnt tureorany other goods to dispose of either at auction" or private sale should notify me soon as convenient before the dav of sale. No storage charged on goods soli at Auc tion. E. C.IIO Lb JN. td Auctioneer. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, A NORTH BRITISH AtfD -JdTERCAN-TILE OF LONDON A&?D EDINBURGH. OLD -CONNECTICUT OWl HART FORD, ANDSI JIcnN. 2.1 cents; at all Hours. Private Board in g- 3IRS. HOUSEMAN, - - Fiioi'iniTTOit. Will accommodate boarders, "WITH OR WITHOUT ROOMS. Next door to Metropolitan Hall, Astoria, Oregon. KESTAUKAXT- Washington "Market,. Main Xirect, - - Astoria Oregon, JSERGJIAX tC BEBRY p ESPECTFITLLY CALL THE ATTE XVtion of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! "Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale, and retail. Special attention given to supply njr snip?- ECLIPSE MARKET. TTAXIAX Just opened, newly furnished and first class. S. DAMICO & CO., - Piionis. Comer Lafayette and Second sts., Astoria. Meals served in Italian, French and Ameri can styles to order. The table will le supplied at all times with the best the market affords. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Reprosentins a capital 01 67TO0,O(O. -f Come and satisfy yourself. Trlvate rooms. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. CittXSimiClAJL UXIOIV ASSURANCE COMPANY Capita! S 12,500,000. MATT II. SIBSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BINDING BINDING BINDING .BINDING AT THE AT TI1K AT THK AT THE ASTORIAN OFFICE. ASTOR1AN OF KICK. ASTORIAN OFFICE. ASTOKIAN OFFICE. rKfl-Persons in want of magazine binding, pamphlets, or old books rebound, should send in their orders now, to Thk Astomax office. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAJLIFOISIftlA. ORGANIZED IN 18G3. Total Losses raid Since Organization. $3,630,435 95. E. C. HOLDEN, Agent. Astoria Oregon Fit EMU OYSTISISS In every style at all hours. for ladles. Meals at all hours. wines and cigars always on hand. The best ATest-EIjrhtli Street, near the O. , S. X. Vo's lYiinrf. JOHN AV. W Ef.CH ritOFRIETOK A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMI ly (Jnieeries, and the various kinds of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished in best of style at the market, or delivered to any part of the city. Orders given to the messeu cers..or left at the market, will be promptly filled. My endeavor will be. by prompt attention and fair deaiing, to please my patrons. S3sTAll kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods, and delivered to patrons 2 liCC. fc-T IMU 1IIQ U-V1MU. t fc murcpiar mouse, D. L.THRFIN - Fropjiiktor. M:AIN STREET. Between Squemocqhe and Jefferson, Astoria. Oregon. Board and lodging per week.. Board per day Single Meal S 00 1 00 , 'Si Tne table will be supplied at all times -v.'ith the best the market allot ds. WHOLESALE TRADE. w, nuasis Oorner of Water anil -Olnej' Streets, Astoria, Oregon.?. "rerAIiXiA VALLA RESTAURANT, TIIEO. BROEMSER, - - ITtorKiicroit. T Fresh oysters, and other deli- G cacies of the se;ison, served inSj;&-K every style. gffy Opposite the Telegraph office, fcxiuemoqhe street, Astoria, Oregon. C9-MEAI.S AT ALL HOURS-sn. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, . Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard,, EGOS, Bl'TTER, CHEESE, Mi Mte and TeptaMes.. FIS5I, rOHXTRY 1IVI GAIIE : In the season. CIGA31S A3VD TOBACCO. Best or TCraras ,tsi eiquoks. , All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. iio?:sk. AREGOX Mam street, near Hustler's "Yliarf, ASTORIA, --- - OREGON. Mrs. Mary Campbkli Proprietor. Board and lodging by day or week. The imports of colonial avooI into England, have doubled duriiio- tlie last tiiteen 'ears, ana now a mount to about 400,000,000. pounds. Half of this is re-exported to the continent. The home olip of this once staple commodity of England on which the Lord Chancellor is supposed to be seat ed is now ofgreat secondary iin-ftjortance. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS AND Salmon Met Twine. CottGn Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines. BARBOUR BROTHERS, ."511 3IarlvCt Street, San Francisco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. :M"mrors. Malite Homesteafl Property ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL FROM the city, we are instructed to sell Fire Aczc ISiocI-c No. 22, ALSO: Five Acre ISIocIi 5o. 2."3, On the south side of Astoria Feninsislar, fronting on Youngs bay. These lots will be uld cheap for cnsii. Title is perfect, Cr-Kor particulars inquire at this office lor.thirXj .dtjys. D. C.JRELAND. ?' Wholesale Dealer 1 AND CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND. OREGON. P. KOKTOrV. - - - - "Proprietor. (Formerly of the Fortland Hotel.) o THIS HOUSE IS A FIRK-rROOF BRICK, just fimslicd and newly Turnished, with the best of spring bods. Teiuis Per week From $5 to ?n for board and lodging. Per daySi :00. Singlcineals 25 cents. Lodging 25 to no cents. nSFree coach to and from the House. SPJEtSTAr. NOTICE. Havini Aaent for the Golden City Chemical Works. B. W. Pavne & Xon's Si cam Engines. Fay's Wood Working Machinery. CyFSshennen's ami Cannery Supplies a speriaitv. Cotton Seine Twine and Net Lines sold at San Francisco prices. .CSOars, Cordage. Blocks. Oakum, etc. Star of the Columbia. IV) fire test Kerosene. Turpentine and Varnish, jfail cloth made expressly for iiglit boats. Private Boarding House, MRS.QUINN - - PROPRIETOR. "Will accommodate day bonrders or accom modate anv with board and lodging. Prices reasonable. In Ingalls' tnuMlng. Jefferson street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's Exijress ofllce. OTUGH STOOl', "" CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND QEXERAL JOBBER ASTORIA, OREGON. ff3"Uoues built to order, and satisfaction .cuaranteed. Shop on Squemocqha sucet utxt ilunit.tliA.F!ii?!n:d church, i 1A7ILLIAH EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamos Streot?, ASTOHIA OREGON. DKAI.KH IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other Fnpli?h Cutlery. FAIR CHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Bleershaum Fipes, etc. A fine stock of 1VatclMs and tfowclo. and Irccli Tiondinjr ljthUii5. Revolvers. Pistols. Ijrlor ICiiles. ad Aimxxcuiition. just reeeived a new stock, consisting of a splendid assortment 01 IIut. Caps, Soots and SIioch Groceries, Canned Fruits, etc. ALSO: Waielies, Jewelry and Cutlcrj9v Besides a clioice lot of TOBACCO, CIAltS ASD TIPEH. Wines and Liquors, Stationery and Faney Articles, Which we are ottering at the lowest living -prices. Very respectfully. JAMES McGEE. At McGee's new building on the roadway. It is no Use of TnlkiiigJt J. K. WIRT'S is the cheapest place to buy.- JFltUlST OH VJEGKTAJ1JLES. As he has direct from San Francisco by every steamer, all kinds of vegetables, such as is in the market. Apj)!es, Peas, Celery. -CanlafoWcr, .. Aspai'acrus, Parsnips, Ueets, Car-. rots. Potatoes. Oranjres, And fromClatsop evei-y day EGGS, JJUTTERrCHEESE. AND HONEY, Also : keep the best of CIGARS. TOBACCOS, AND LIQUOR8. Call and examine before run-p-sbM-else-, where. XL 3f. WIRT. J. ST32WAEST, Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORrA. - - - - - OUEGOh. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to uroinntly and to order 1 fialisfaetJou.Kuarcait4;ed. Is All lis Mww AW 1 1 HAVE JUST KETURNFJQ FROM THE EAST- AND. WILI-,, SELL MY GOODS- AS- AS .ANT HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to, say anything about i A Square 'Deal iGuaranteed At tlie corner of Mam and'Squemoqhc sts. ASTORIA, - OREGON. r MMbMv Lfff WJEJBJL ' ' "