p; pus jQaxttj straimx. - THURSDAY ...JUNK 10, 1879 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. Monday Excepted.. O. C. IRELAND : : IM'RI.ISIIKIU Aztoruih BuxhihuK Cass Street. Terms of Subscription : herved by Carrier, per xveek -.2"i Cent. Sent by mail, four months ? ( Sent hy mail, tnc year.... -.. ' 0o free of Costasro to Mibscribcrs. 357" Advertisements inserted by theyenr in J the rate of Si .( i?r square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square for each insertion. THE CITY. The Daily astoi:ia.v will be xait Uu mailat 75 cents a month, free of portage. Renti ers who contemplate absence from the citu can have Tnrc Astokian- follow them. Daily or W'EtciciA' tulitions to any flot-tijfice with out additional expense. A duresse Jinj he enanyed awftet: ax ucsircd. Leave orders at tlie- counlijuj room. Firrmvii's .oficc. Alert Hook and Ladder Company So. 1 will meet in their hall in full uniform lor parade, this Thursday, at 1:30 i m., $harp. Bv order of F. J. Taylor, Foreman. Flremrii's Xotlcc. Astoria Engine Company Xo. 1 will meet at their engine, room in full uni form at 1:30 v. m., sharp, to-day (June 1'Jth, 187!)), lor parade. A full attendance is requested. By order of John V. Welch, Foreman. Ferd A. Fisher. Secretary. The Oregon, left 1G0 tons of her cargo at Astoria. The old steamer Idaho has been turned out to grass in Mission bay. Finest cabinets $3 00 per half dozen; $5 00 per dozen, at Shusters. Air. Abraham, of Oakland, has Tjust returned home from i visit to Mr. John Hobson of this city. The Elder .yesterday carried" away 3940 cases of salmon. 100 beef hides, 4 bdls. calf skins and 4 bdls. pelts from Astoria. Stated convocation of Saints John chapter No. 14, R. a. m. this evening, at half past seven, o'clock. "Visiting sojourners in good standing are cor dially invited. The next cteamer to leave here for San Francisco will be the Oregon, on the 23d. The nexl to leave San rFrancTsco for Astoria will be the State of California, on the 21st. The cargo of the Stillman B. Allen, cleared yesterday, consists of 1868 bbls flour, from Portland, valu ed at $8,20G,and 17.500 cases of salmon from Astoria, valued at 78,749. The North Bend, five and one half days from Columbia river; Tarn O'Shanter eight days from Seattle, and Trustee four da3Ts from Shoal water bay, arrived at San Francisco on the 14th. Yesterday morning Mr. Thomas Logan showed us a flounder that weighed seven pounds. It measured seventeen inches across and was twenty-five inches in length. It was caught in a net. The Chinese who had their bag gage attached by Sheriff Norden, in Portland, for refusing to pay poll tax, are about to bring suit for damages to the amount of $100,000. The bag gage is worth about S25 altogether. The sheriff will see that the poll tax is paid. We understand that Mr. Jerome has tendered his resignation as keep er at the buoy depot, and Mr. A. E. Withers has been selected to fill the vacanc3r. Mr. Jerome is about to en gage in the more active pursuits of life, on his own account. Mr. Withers is a good selection as his successor. The Walla Walla Watchman tells of an old German friend who recently buried his wife, and was telling a -sympathizing neighbor of her sad de cease. His friend inquired if the late lamented was resigned to her fate. "Resigned!" exclaimed the honest Teuton, "Mine Gott, she had to re sign! She couldn't help it!" Build the harbor of refuge at Port Orford, says the Coos bay Argus, and what good will it do? All the masters of vessels say that it is only a little bite in the beach, and if they ure caught in a storm and should steer for that harbor and miss it by ten rods they would be driven on the reef at Cape Blanco. There would be no help for it. An Heir Apparent. A correspondent at Riverside, Co lumbia county, says that John Wal lace, of that place, a settler and man of family who has been there some six years, is a step-son of the late John Burke of Clatsop. Mr. Wallace will probably meet with no difficulty in establishing his claim to the property ias he as the next of kin to Mr. Burke. JBusinos Alons the VJinrves. j The Garibaldi has about completed loading at the Fanner's wharf for Europe. The Stillman B. Allen has complet ed cargo at Geo. V. Humes wharf, for Europe. The Hertfordshire, McNear, and other vessels in the stream, are nearly ready for sei. The Easter Hill will come in to the dock to-morrow to discharge ballast and load for Europe. The Lch Fergus has finished bal itst, and is f.-ist receiving cargo at Hustler's wharf for Europe. The steamships arriving and de parting tivury iifth clay in the San Francisco trade makes the Oregon Steam Navigation company's wharf a livery place. Considerable activity prevails along the city front at Astoria, which may be taken as the beginning of an active season. At the docks of the several transportation companies an unusual amount of business of every descrip tion is noted, employing in the hand ling and carriage a larger number of laborers and stevedores than ever be fore. Anniversary oflV'o. 2. This being the anniversary of tlie organization of Rescue Engine Com pany No. 2, Astoria Fire Department, with true hospitality the boys of that company have invited all the other companies of the city to join them in a social reunion and parade. There is no doubt but that the day will be a memorable one, as arrangements have been made for making it very agree able to all invited quests. Highway Itoblicry. About 4 o'clock yesterday morn ing. A daring attempt w:is made at highway robbery in one of the most public streets of Astoria by two desper ate characters named Jo. Murphy and D. J. O'Brien. The victim Gust. Lmdahl, resisted the attempt and brought officer lliley and Ginder to the spot, when O'Brien was pursued in one direction and Murphy in another. Mr. lliley caught his man O'Brien on the corner of Squemoqhe and Lafayette street and oliicer Steen captured Murphy yesterday. It was a bold attempt, and will make a sure case in the conviction. The Coming Engine. "When the new steam fire engine was ordered for the company No. 1, it was done by the telegraph, and every thing indicated dispatch. We fully expected that the engine would arrive here within six weeks at the farthest. Now we hear that it may be three months before the engine can reach here. This will not do; and urgent request will be made to countermand the order unless the engine can be assured at a reasonably early date. An engine is needed for service in this community iu the summer. During the fail and winter mouths Jupiter Pluvius supplies our wants, and the engines are then more for ornament than use. The Recent Festival. Editor Astokian : It is not my province, as a general thing, to puff sociables and festivals, but in this instance I gladly diverge from my usual way. It was a bril liant :issemblage that gathered at Met ropolitan hall Saturday evening to partake in the festivities. The hall has seldom, if ever, presented such an attractive appearance. The doors were thrown open at an early hour, and the house soon filled. The centre table was very pretty, with its decora tion of flags and evergreens; upon it was displayed the work of the Young Ladies' society, organized last winter, and by the patronage it received, they feel well repaid for their endeavors. The proceeds were donated towards the pastors salary. Our people should not criticise too closely, but appreciate substantially the efforts of the girls. The other tables were bright and fra grant with flowers and vines, espe cially the floral stand, which elicited much admiration. Later in the even ing many sought the little artistic well, with its patriotic canopy, and quench ed their thirst with the cooling draughts. The guess pole, erected by Capt. Thatcher, was an interesting feature for the display of our natural talent, but Prof. Curtis rather proved the Yankee, and carried the quilt home in triumph. Mr. H. Thompson was very accurate in his judgment of Miss Dolly's age, 2G exactly. Beware, young ladies, how you put on the Bon Ton when he is around. A geuerous response was made by the la dies of Astoria to the appeal for help in furnishing the tables, and their skill and taste were mani fest in the superb arra'ngements, also a beautiful supply of flowers was freely given, two beautiful boquets were sent from Fort Canby by Miss Wizb3T. We hope so enjoyable an oc casion will prove a financial snecoss to the church. Mark. Boat sponges, wholesale and retail at Dements drug store, Astoria, Five thousand just received. Common Council Proceedings. -3r. Council met in 'regular session June 17th, Mavor W. W. Parker presiding. Pritmndmitii nvPAPnt GraViHahn. Mc Guire, Runey and Shively. Absent j AlcLann. . Qfiicers Present R. R. Card well, au ditor and clerk and W. J. Barry, chief of police. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. i PETITIONS. From Rescue Engine company No. 2, asking the council to pay certain bills was read, and on motion referred to committee on fire and water.; From G, W. Parkef and C: L. Cherry in regard to the improvement of West 8th street was read, and on motion re ferred to committee on streets and pub lic ways. REMONSTRANCE. From property owners on Astor street against the proposed improvement on said street was read and on motion re ferred to committee on streets and pub lic way. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Report of committee on fire and water, on the matter of contracting for steam fire engine for Astoria Engine company No. 1, was read and on motion adopted. Report of committee on health and police, on the matter of building a sewer along Spruce street, was read and on motion referred to committee on streets and public ways. Report of the committee on ways and means, asking for further time to com plete the assessment roll for 1871), was read and further time granted. ORDINANCES. An ordinance making appropriation out of the cemetery fund of S25, was read the first and second time, and on motion referred to committee on ways and means. V An ordinance making appropriation out of the general fund for pay of asses sor, was read the first and second time and on motion referred to committee on ways and means. An ordinance authorizing the issuing of bonds to meet the outstanding in debtedness of the city and providing for the time and manner of paying the same, was read the third time and passed. An ordinance providing- for the time and manner of improving West-Gth street, was read the third time and passed. An ordinance declaring the probable cost of improving West-Gth street, was read the third time and passed. The mayor returned, not approved, an ordinance making an appropriation out of the general fund, to pay the ex pense of litigation, which ordinance was passed over the mayors veto. Following is the mayor's veto message: To the Honorable Common Council of the City of Astoria Gentlemen: I have examined and fully considered the bill for an ordi nance entitled 'An ordinance making an appropriation outof the general fund for the expense of litigation," which was read third time and passed your body on the third inst. This bill purports to appropriate two hundred dollars out of the general fund of the city treasury for the "purpose of paying tlie expense of any litigation that the city may have contracted for, payable to Robb & Fulton."' Upon a thorough examination of the records of the city, on file and deposited in the office of the auditor and clerk of the city, 1 cannot find that the city is liable tor any such expense as named in the bill, to Robb & Fulton, or to anv one else except to the regularly appointed city officers, the City Attorney, Chief of Police, Police Judge and other officers of the city. Appropriations have heretofore been made for the salaries and emoluments of those officers. Therefore there does not appear to be any necessity for, or propriety in, making this appropriation; or justice in paying the two hundred dollars to Robb & Fulton, who as far as I can find, have performed no services for the city, and have no legal claim against the city. There is on file in the auditor's 'and clerk's office what purports to be a con tract between J. II. D.Gray andC.A. McGuire, a committee, and Robb & Ful ton, by which it appears that said Gray and McGuire committee for the city of Astoria, did that day, January 11, 1879, employ said ltobb tejvuiton to uetenua nnrnn',c..;f u-lu.rn?,, T T KMi-nlv oh til j are plaintiffs and the city of Astoria de- j.iriuirui,(iJiu uit'cu uipii uieiiiuiiu Hun dred and fifty dollars, certain, one half the 1st day of May 1879 and the remain- 1ir wliitu flw enif ic liiinllv f1ptiniiMWfl and a certain contingent fee in the event thesuitisdetermiuedinfavorof thecity;! and Robb and Fulton agree to employ an attorney to assist them (in the defense of the suit, ,t ,s presumed, though that ib nois.uueii.iior uouiey vy uie w iiiiact uiiir'iiiii in f r !-- niTicru- (!! ifi I'liiiniiii -r " J miii .wx tj initvuif an attorney to assist tlicia). Uut and plov manner, for the city of Astoria. Tw o and a half months after the date and signing of that contract, to wit: On the 24th of March the common council ?n me common council yd passed an ordniance, tn"i k.; ilTToi, -23' if as then constitute Xo. 321. const itiitin A. McGuire and John Ilahn special agents on the part of the city, to make a written contract with Robb and Fulton to undertake and conduct the defense j of the said suit of J. 31 Shively et al vs. the city of Astoria, at an expense for one hundred irther cmithS inner contm- their fees not exceeding one J and fifty dollars, and a further gent fee. etc There is no reference or allusion in I f liik rwtl i nost r ttti-k miitfiiof ff rmnnrt ; ... "iuiiimiv.u w llli; tuui..-w w.. ... j 11, 187U, which had been mademore than two months before the passage ot the ordinance. In the contract Gray and McGuire are called a coinmitiee. and in the ordi nance Gray. McGuire and flaLn are called special agents. The ordinance does not in any man - ner purport to legalize the contract made, over two months before the. passage or l me ordinance. sage. llcnce from the naners on file in the Auditor's office, the so-called contract and the ordinance, there does not appear (nlaimtfliinirilii.i I?rUV nnrl Vlilt-nn from the city of Astoria, not even one hundred and fifty dollars, much less two hundred dollars. If the bill under consideration shall! be passed, I understand it .is the inten - tion of some of the councilmen to have it does not appear that said Gray McGuire had anv authority for em- ing said Robb and Fulton in that i I presume no one. will claim that the i noma, thence to Seattle by the ordinance legalizes the contract made Coast Steamshin Xavigation Co.'s on the 11th of January, before its pas- A irrand receDtion at Yesler's the other fifty dollars paid also to Robb and Fulton for pretended services in be half of the city in the so-called impeach ment trial of the Mayor in January lSilj.a proceeding so thoroughly scan- dalous and unwarranted both in law and from the facts in the case, and so plainly unauthorized by the laws and constitution of Oregon and the charter of the city, that it is not believed an other law firm in Oregon, besides the one named in this bill, would have counselled or countenanced the proceed ing; but from the success of some of them heretofore, with a former city council, in getting the Olney bequest away from the city of Astoria, it is pre sumed they felt competent for, and equal to any emergency. But the lion. Circuit "court of the state of Oregon cue short their career in that direction, notwithstanding the decision oi .juage ueauy. it sucn ne nas ever made, that one person could hold the iu crative offices of State Senator and Citv Attorney of the city of Astoria at the same time. If it was by the advice of this law firm, and for their volunteered services in the trial, as is believed by many people knowing of the circumstances, that the common council was induced to take the action it did in that af fair, then instead of being paid fifty dollars for their services to the city, they should be made to pay more than ten times the amount to the city, for the scandal and disgrace brought upon the fair name of the city by their advice and action in the matter. But furthermore and independent of all the foregoing considerations, the city charter, which is the rule, and limit of the city government, guiding and controling the. legal actions of all city officers, the common council, all com mittees and special agents of the city. provides Section n. as follews: "The City Attorney must attend to all actions, suits or proceedings in which the city is legally interested, and attend to the prosecution of all persons charged with the violation of a city ordinance,' &c. The city has such an officer, duly ap pointed and qualified, ready, willing, prepared and competent, to undertake, conduct, prosecute or defend all actions, suits or proceedings in which the city has been, is, or may be legally interest ed during his term of office. lie has asked no assistance, no assis tance nas been ottered to mm, or em- ploved for him. For these reasons 1 re turn the proposed ordinance without my approval. W . W . Parker, Mayor. Astoria, June 12, 1871). Communication from W. J. Barrv. chief of police, calling the attention of the council to tlie. actions ot olhcers Sherry and Coffin bury in creating dis sensions and conspiring against other members of the force, was read and on motion referred to committee on health and police. Charges preferred against Chief Barrv and Officer Riley were laid over until Friday next for investigation. Councilman C. A. McGuire tendered his resignation as a member of the board which was not accepted, and leave of absence for six months was granted to him. Warrants were ordered in payment of claims against the city as follews: R.R.Spedden S 5 50 B.S.Worsley 156 00 Geo. W. Hume "..?..' G6 17 C. .1. Trenchard .Ti 1G F. Ferreli. estate flO 00 Max "Wagner. Wm. Devine, Peter Xox and Frank Xeil, witness fees SI 70 each. Dr. Hintic's Xcphrctlcum A Compound Exlrarl or Iluehu. Dr. Mintie's Xephreticum works won ders. In all cases of Dropsy, Bright's Disease. Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Complaints, or Retention of Urine, these, troubles are entirely cured by the Xe phreticum. Female Weakness. Gravel, Diabetes, pain in the back, side and loin are cured, when all other medicines have failed. See. what the druggists of Portland and San Francisco say about Dr. Min tie's Xephreticum and English Dande lion Pills. 'We have sold a large amount of Dr. Mintie's medicines; the English Dan delion Pills; also the Xephreticum. and in all cases they are highly spoken of and give entire satisfaction.' I """"mw.lUUwi.Lunuoui, j x c. iJVw. oodward & Co., druggists, cor ner First and Alder streets, Portland. Abranis & Carroll, wholesale drug gists, 3 and 3 Front street, San Francis- C0;4aJ fPrar(i Xenhreticuni as the best Vili; n. , ....i.ijj ' 1 Vnr ln ,!,-,. nf tim liver use ; , y uilliousness and Dvsnensia. use Dr. i . . .. -. . . MintieV Dandelion Pills. For Fever and Ague, use Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Pills. Every family should keep the Eng lish Dandelion Pills on hand. Dr. Mintie's remedies will not "cure all complaints," but if taken according to directions, give immediate relief and j perfect a cure in all troubles for which j hev arp rePommended. For sale by R.F.Caufield, druggist, Astoria. Oregon. There have been more cures of semi nal weakness, nervous debility and par- I ! alvsis made by the wonderful English J i Remedy. Sir Astlev Cooper's Vital Ites- torative, than by all other remedies com- ' ! Why will you suffer? Send to E M- . f yJ) X() u Kearny street ban Francisco, four times the lJnce, ' per quantity, $10. bottle; Try a lHu, wu""- Excursion to Plight Sound. A great excursion from Portland to Seattle, W. T. and back, will come off June 24. Astorians and all others in 1 this vicinity who wish to join this party, will meet them at Kaklama at 11 o clock of that dav. and take the .Norm em Pacific railroad train for ew Ta- ra?ihc boats. hall will greet the party in the evening, mis is one of the most favorable opportunities of visiting Puget Sound ever offered to j our people. From Seattle parties can -..(.!- n..n. nlnou nn tlin Km mil Thf j excursion is under the auspices of the i M. E. church, and superintended by!, c Rev. Isaac Dillon. Tickets from Ka-,dor- fact lama to Seattle and return, only ." r0. ' Children under twelve, half price, . Tickets good till July loth. AROUND THE CITY It is strange how Cody can give such a nice dish of Strawberries and cream for 124 cents. Adler has received a fine lot of baby carriages, which will be sold at bottom prices. Moved, seconded, and carried, that Carl Adler's Yariety Store Is the cheap est store in the city. Mr. J. Cody, on the roadway, is in daily receipt of choice fresh fruits from San Francisco and interior gardens, di rect. Call and test them and buy some. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and most fash- Uonable style of gent and ladies boots, shoes, etc. M. C. Crosbv is nrenared to do all kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and steam fitting line; also, bath tubs, and steam mung line; aiso, oatn tuus, ana hyater backs for stoves and ranges fur- nished on shortest notice. The proprietor of the Chicago house,whom everybody knows as a popu lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in spleHded style. It is all newly painted and furnished, and is one of the most attractive places on Main street. Call around; every luxury of the season at me vjnieago nouse. Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him, and will do a better job for less money than any outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should be sufficient recom mendation. Before you let your eon tracts for work of this kind it would be well to call upon Mr. Stewart. Fishermen can get a square meal at any time, at Pike's restaurant, Unity, for fish. References : Fishermen wlio have eaten there. Ice Cream Candy, a Ja Paris, at Adler'sper Elder; also, a large assort ment of other choice candies. Xow that building is reviving in Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter Runey is well supplied with all kinds of building materials which he is prepared to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates. When you are looking for a place to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag ner's, Great Eastern saloon, and listen to the. organ and take a glass of his fine San Francisco beer. Get your baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. Xow is the time for cleaning up" our houses, and ornamenting them. For this purpose you can find nothing that will add to the appearance of your parlors so much as a pair of those beau tiful chromos at the City Book store, sold for nearly one-half the usual cost of such pictures" Call and see for your selves. Fresh California fruit can be had at C. A. May's on the arrival of every steamer. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. Rooms to let, by the day, week, or month, at Mrs. W. U. Twilight's. Oysters served in every style at the Walla Walla Restaurant. Refresh yourself at the Soda fountain of Schmeers confectionery. Xotions. candies and fruits of the the best quality, at C. A. Mays. Persons wishing to prepare for fishing on the Sound, or for small fish will find a quantity of suitable twine at J. II. D.Gray's. It is just the thing tor trout and herring nets. Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and jeweler of long experience, has perma nently established himself in business in Caufield's drug store, Chenamus street, Astoria. Watches and Jewelry cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En graving a specialty. All work guaran teed. Give him a trial and he your own judge of his workmanship. He will soon add to his stock a well selected in voice of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and plated ware, which he will be able to sell at very low prices. Magnus C. Crosby is sole agent for the Medallion Range" in ilie Astoria market, which best range on and examine. The boss Sheffield blade is unquestionably the the Pacific slope. Call knight of the shining and a first-class hair found at the Parker cutter, can he House. Prices, 25 cents each for hair cutting, shaving, dyeing, shampooing, and bath. A full assortment of counter and grocers scales can be found at M. C' Crosby's, at bottom prices. lee cream, and fresh fruits of all kinds at Schmeers, opposite the hell tower. Also tresh oysters, in every style. A new lot of full bound blank, and receipt books, specially for use in can neries, at the City Book store. There is no use talking Max Wag ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the only man to please his customers well. He keeps the finest San Francisco beer in the city, it sparkles like champaigne. IIiOTt SALE. I have received another con : signment of Twenty Tons of Salt, which I will sell cheap for cash, in lots to suit. E. C. riOIDEX, ivtf Commission Agent. TiriKXIAIlI FKY, PRACTICAL BOOT A5ri SHOE MAKER, Matx Stiskkt, - Astoria, Oregon. Z3 Perfect fits guaranteed. All work warranted. (?ive ii:u a trial. All orders promptly filled. -Ypi. J5KCX, Manufacturer of Boots .and Shoes. All kinds of repairing neatly and promptly attended to MAIN ST., - ASTORfA. OREGON. GEORGE MACLEAX, BLACKSMITH. Water Street Roadway, Near Hume's Cannery, Astoria, Oregon. Horseshoeing of Blacksmith and all kinds ing done to or- ion t'Jaranteed All, SHIP AXD ENGINE WORK A SPECIALTY. JKfT. Ol! jj 0