The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 18, 1879, Image 3

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gl,c jSaaitj stxreimx.
Monday hxcaplod.
. C. IELAX : : riTKILISIS 11.
A.itoruiii Bnudhij, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
served by Currier, per woek .25 Gants
Sent by mail. four months . S3 'X)
Sunt by mail, cno yoar 'J 00
Free of l'onaso t sub.-cribors.
."-a" Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of ii "i) per square per month.
TranwontadvertiHii?. by the day or weak,
6?Wv corns per square for ouch insertion.
Tun Daily astmuia.v will he fent hi)
mail at meant a month, free of 'pottage, lioaa-rjr.s-
mho contemplate alienee from the cilif can
have Tin? AstokiA.v follow them. Daily
or Wickkly nations to cikj post-ojhee with
out additional "Xpcnsc. jldarcc matf he
cnaimcd an often as c.t&ir&i. JJkivc oracrs at
the- cmuitlnu romn.
Steamer day
Elder sails for San Francisco to
day. Steamship Oregon due from San
Francisco to-da.
A new island is forming north of
the lower end of Sand-island.
The best strawberries are sold in
tins market all the v. ay from 7i to 121
cents per pound.
-. .
"Notwithstanding dull times sub
stantial and elegant improvements are
observed in various parts of the city.
Mr S. V. Childs leaves the city
to-day for a trip through eastern
Washington, northern Idaho and,
The Pacific Mail Steamship com
pany have reduced the price of freight
two dollars per ton between San Fran
cisco and Victoria.
Lewiston, Idaho, is now in direct
telegraphic communication with As
toria, and the rest of the world. Bro.
Leland, here is our Ts5.
Three columns of sheriff sales on
execution in the Olympia papers, tell
of prospective changes in real estate
in Thurston and Lewis counties.
-Parmer Gray called upon us yes
terday to sa' that "all nature smiles"
m u
mine rejfion, now,
dant in the streams.
We understand that the Magnet
will soon make a Friday and Saturday
trip up to Klaskanine cleek. That
will be a splendid summer arrange
ment. A light is needed very much on
the corner of Olney and Chenamus
street. A wagon came very near run
ning into the bay at that corner, a few
lihdits a'o.
Since the middle of December
hist, twenty-live fishing vessels belong
ing to Gloucester, Mass., have been
lost, together with 222 lives. This is
a terrible record.
Wool is coming into market at a
lively rate from the Columbia and
Wallamet regions. Prices have an
upward tendency, the dealers paying
from 21 to 27r cents per lb. this week.
Mr. J. W. Fisher leaves for Wjisco
comity to-day. We trust that Jim
may recuperate muchly, and return
fattened from contact with the de
lightful and embracing climate of the
bunch grass regions.
The Clatsop dyke is now finished
and Messrs. Warren & McGuire, ma
well feel a pride in their success. Mr.
McGuire has purchased the beau
tiful place of Mr. Pease at Skipanon,
and is now well settled in his new
The Portland papers are publish
ing calls for bids to make public im
provements in that city, and the calls
contain the following significant pro pre pro
vieo: 'E.ich bid must be accompanied
by a written guarantee that in case
the contract is awarded to such bidder,
he will not employ any Chinese labor
m the work."
Our worthy and esteemed friend
L. A. Loomis, President of the Ilwaco
Steam navigation company, paid As
toria a business visit returning yester
day to his lovely and picturesque
home in Pacific county. Mr. Loomis
is now carrying nis neaci at an angiu,
in consequence of wearing oue
1 'Job's comforters" on his neck.
Bob Ingersoll says he can't come
to Oregon this summer. We are
sorry, Bob. lffyon'd only do so the
Webiooter's would boost you along
lively they like to support genius
from aboad. By the way: it is profit
able for Bob not to let us have any
hell. His recently-erected Peoria man
sion cost him 35,000, and now he is
shooting off his jaw to raise enough to
buy furniture for it.
Fourth of July 35cctinsr
Astokia, June Kith 1S79.
The second meeting was held at the
j Oourt-house ol the fourth of Jul'
celebration committees.
The meeting was called to order and
object stated bv C. H. Stockton,
I president in chair, 13. S. Worsley,
Minutes of last meeting read and
Committee on finances reported the
collection of $123 up to date.
Moved that the committee have
fur: her time to canvass the city. Car
ried. Moved that the secretary he in
structed to communicate with the dif
ferent steamboat companies for thtj
purpose of getting the fares reduced
to half rates and tickets good for three
days. Carried.
Report of Committee on programme
was road and ordered placed on file.
Moved that the piesident appoint a
committee of five as a committee of
arrangements for the day. Carried.
Committee was appointed as fol fel fol
eows: P. McGrath, L. D. Cofiman,
Dr. Aug. C. Kinney, B. S. Worsley
and C. II. Stockton.
Moved that Mr. Carl Adler act as
treasurer of the committee funds, and
that Mr. Worsley act :is the secretary
of the committee for the celebration.
Moved that the proceedings of this
meeting be published in The Daily
Astokiax. Carried.
Moved that we do now adjourn.
B. S. Worsley,
A Double Postal Card.
The new device which has been
adopted by the government, known
as the "double postal card," is con
siderable of an advance in postal
convenience, and promises to become
popular with those who have
an extensive business correspondence.
According to description, it will be the
same size as the card now in use,
worth just double as much, with a
stamp on each upper' corner. The
stamp on the upper right hand corner
will be canceled when the card is sent
for the first time, and the other one
when it is returned. When it first
goes, the writer puts his communica
tion on the back and the address of his
correspondent on the face. The re
ceiver answers on the same card,
erases his name and writes that of the
person who sent it to him. The origi
nal sender must be careful not to use '
all of the space on the card. The ad
vantages are economy and conveni
ence, and then too, as evidence in le
gal proceedings there is sometimes an
advantage in having a communication
and its answer together, on the same
card of paper.
Hon. J. X. Tyner, assistant
Postmaster-general will arrive by the
It is supposed that a bogus half
dollar factory is in full hlast in Asto
ria. Look out for spurious coin.
Now lhal the summer season is
advancing a pace upon us. let us take
a drink of that cooling, healthful bever
age, New England root beer.
The Astoria Fire Department
have respectfully declined an invita
tion to participate in the fourth of
July celebration at East Portland.
If a person wishes to sec the evi
dences of prosperity about Astoria, hit
him take a stroll through the city and
witness the number of new buildings
in course of construction, by Messrs.
II. B. Parker, Capt. Flavel, Kinney,
Wright, Ferchcn, and others too nu
merous to mention. There is as
healthy demand for lumber and build
ing materials in the city as at any
former time for years past.
It appears that the widely-published
Mother ShiptonV poetic
prophecies, supposed to have been
written in 144$, beginning:
'Carriages without horses shall go.
Ainl accidents fill the world with woe.
Around the world thought shall lly
In the twinkling of an eye,"
Were simply a clever literary forgeiy,
and were composed by a person still in
the flesh. Consequently, the supersti
tiously inclined may ce:ise their worry
ing over the final "prophecy," that
"The world to an end shall come.
In eighteen hundred and eighty-one."
In the affidavit required of set-
tiers claiming lands under the ad
ditional homestead act, he has to
swear to the follewing: "And that I
did not serve for a period of ninety
days in either the military or naval
service of the United Suites during
the war of the rebellion." At first
glance this would look as though the
j confederate congress had struck an
other blow at union soldiers, but such
is not the case. The Olympia Cour
ner explains that service of more than
ninety davs in the army or navy en
titled a man to take one hundred and
sixty acres of land within railroad
limits where others could only take
eighty acres, and as the new act only
gives additional lands to those re
stricted to eighty acres, soldiers and
sailors gain no additional advantages
j as tney wen; not resprjeteu m unit
1 amount,
pVritton for The ASTonug
:Tis Sabbath eve, the sun has setg
And twilight shades growrqiceper.
denser ,
The odor of sweet mignonette
Is wafted from the living censer:
The tuneful birds have gone toest,
Bocked b the branches gentle- motion,
A pleasant breeze from out the jvest
Brings whispers from the grand old
The little brook glides swiftly-Jy
With scarce a ripple on it's bosqin,
And tinv stars like those on high
Glisten 6n everv leaf and blossom.
Lulled by the whispers in the air,
Natures great soul seemeth reposing,
A holy calm is everywhere.
The day of rest is sweetly (
Jean iBroadic.
Court Proceedings.
W. A. Holland, assault and. battery:
fined Sn and costs. Paid.
Charles Hall drunk; fined 2. Sent
below for two das.
PHcrGcorac fighting; fined So. Paid.
John Williams, fighting; $10 deposit
Excursion to lii:et Sonml.
A sreat excursion from Portland to
Seattle. V. T. and back, will come oft
June 2-1. Astorians and all others in
this vicinitv who wish to join this party,
will meet them at Kaklama at 11
o'clock of that da v. and take the North
ern Pacific railroad train for New Ta
ooinn, thence to Seattle by the Pa?ific
Coast Steamship Navigation boats.
A grand reception at Yesler's hall will
greet the parly in the evening. -This is
one of the most favorable opportunities
of visiting Pujret Sound ever offered to
our people. From Seattle parties can
visit every place on the Sound. The
excursion Is uiRr the auspices of the
M. E. church, and superintended by
Rev. Isaac Dillon. Tickets from Ka
huna to Seattle and return, only 5 50.
Children under twelve, half price.
Tickets good till July loth.
Dr. Mlntie's Nrplirvf Iruni A Compound
Extract or Iliichu.
Dr. Mintic's Nephreticum works won
ders. In all cases of Dropsy, Brights
Disease. Kidney. Bladder and Urinary
Complaints, or Retention of Urine, these
troubles are entirely cured by the Ni
phretieum. Female "Weakness, Gravel,
Diabetes, pain in the back, side and loin
are cured, when all other medicines
have failed.
See what the druggists of Portland
and San Francisco say about Dr. Min
tie's Nephreticum and English Dande
lion Pills.
"We have sold a large amount of Dr.
Mintie's medicines; the. English Dan
delion Pills; also the Nephreticum. and
in all cases they arc highly spoken of
and give entire satisfaction."
John A.Childs, druggist, Second street,
C. II. Woodward &Co., druggists, cor
ner First and Alder streets. Portland.
Abrams & Carroll, wholesale drug
gists. 3 and 5 Front street, San Francis
co, say:
"We regard Nephreticum as the best
kidney and bladder remedy before the
For all derangements of the liver, use
Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Pills.
For Billiousness and Dyspepsia, use Dr.
Mintie's Dandelion Pills. For Fever
and Ague, use Dr. Aliutie's English
Dandelion Pills.
Every family should keep the Eng
lish Dandelion Pills on hand.
Dr. Mimic's remedies will not "cure
all complaints,' but if taken according
to directions, give immediate relief and
perfect a cure in all troubles for which
they are recommended. For sale by
It. F. Caufield. druggist, Astoria, Oregon.
There have been more cures of semi
nal weakness, nervous debility and par
alysis made by the wonderful English
Remedy, Sir Astley Cooper's Vital Bes
torative, than by ail other remedies com
bined. Why will you suffer? Send to
A. E. Mintic. M.D.. No. 11 Kearny street.
San Francisco. Price. 3 per bottle;
four times the quantity, 10. Try a
The YJ'ecIsly Aslorian.
One of the best papers published on
the Pacific coast, is mailed to subscri
bers every Friday, postage paid to an
part of the United States, at the follow
ing rates, in advance:
One Year $.' 00
Pour Months.: 100
Single Copy 10
9f A limited number of small adver
tisements will be inserted at the usual
Apply at thr office, or address
D. C. li'.KLAXP, Publisher.
"Fishermen can get a square meal
at any time, at Pike's restaurant, Unity,
for fish. Keferences: Fishermen who
have eaten there.
Finest cabinets S3 00 per half
dozen; 5 00 per dozen, at Sinister?.
Boat sponges, wholesale and retail
at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five
thousand just received.
AVitli the exception of the office
of mayor the entire democratic ticket
was elected at the Portland municipal
election on Monday. Hon. D. P.
Thompson was chose.n mayor over
Judge Wm. Strong by a majority of
An interesting exercise .wis re
cently given to the pupils of the 2ui
folk high school, Each of them was
required to fine out, bT personal ob
servation, how many different kinds
of trees could be found within the
limits of the town, and a scientific
book was offered to the pngiT who
should bring in the fnllest list:". One
pupil included 125 in his list. " ,
"Prof. A. L. Francis the popular
music dealer of Portland will be in As
toria a few days. Piano and Oman
tuning a specialty. Leave your orders
at the Parker House.
Ice Cream Candy, a Ih. Paris, at
Adler s per Elder: also, a lnrge assort
ment of other choice candies.
Now that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Jiuiiey is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
When you are looking for a place
to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag
ner's, Great Eastern saloon, and listen
to the organ and take a glass of his line
San Francisco beer.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at liai ley's.
Now is the time for cleaning up
our houses, and ornamenting tlu-m.
For this purpose you can find' nothing
that will add to the appearance of your
parlors so much as a pair of those tfeau
tiful chromes at the City Book store,
sold for nearly one-half tlie usual cost of
such pictures. Call and see for your
selves Fresh California fruit can be had
at C. A. May's on the arrival of every
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Booms to let. by the day. week, or
month, at Mrs. W. II. Twilight's.
Oysters served in every stvle at
the Walla Walla Restaurant.
Refresh yourself at the Soda
fountain of Schmeers confectionery.
Ydlcr will receive a fine lot of
baby carriages, which will be sold at
bottom prices.
Moved, seconded, and carried, that
Carl Adler's Variety Store is the cheap
est store in the city.
Mr. J. Cody, on the roadway, is in
daily receipt of choice fresh fruits from
San Francisco and interior gardens, di
rect. Call and test them and buy some.
P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing" in the plumbing and
steam fit tin? line: also, hath tubs, and
water backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on shortest notice.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house.whoin e ery hotly knows as a popu
lar caterer, has "fixed his hotel up in
splended style. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
areund: every luxury of the season at
the Chicago house.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him. and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His worlf in the
cemetery here should be sufficient rccom
niciidalfon. Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would be.
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
Notions, candies and fruits of the
the best quality, at C. A. Mays.
Persons wishing to prepare for
fishing on the Sound, or for small fish
will find a quantity of suitable twine at
J. 11. D. Gray's. It is just the thing for
trout and herring nets.
J. S. Mayer has opened Rudolph
Barths beer hall near the Fishermen's
cannery. Call in when you are passing
and reiresn yourseir. witii the best in
the market.
Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and
jeweler of long experience, has perma
nently established himself in business
in Caufield's drug store, Chenamus
street, Astoria. Watches and Jewelry
cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En
graving a specialty. All work guaran
teed. Give him a trinl and he your own
judge of his workmanship, lie will
soon add to his stock a well selected in
voice of Watches. Jewvlry. Silver and
plated ware, which he will be able to
sell at very low prices.
"Magnus C. Crosby is sole agent for
the Medallion Range in the Astoria
market, which is unquestionably the
best range on the Pacific slope." Call
and examine.,
The boss knight of the shining
Sheffield blade and a first-class hair
cutter, can be found at the Parker
House. Prices. J."i cents each for hair
cutting, shaving, dyeing, shampooing,
and bath.
A full assortment of counter and
grocers scales can be found at M. C.
Crosbys, at liottom price.
lee cream, and fresh fruits of all
kinds at Schmeers. opposite the hell
tower. Also tresh ovsters, in every
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books. specially for use in can
neries, at the City Book store.
There is no use talking.M'ax Wag
ner of the ("rent Eastern saloon is the
only man to please his customers well.
Ile'kceps the finest San Francisco beer
in the city, it sparkles like champaigne.
nt-I-lAI F2SY
Maix Stkkict. - Astokia
All work
All orders
Z&- Perfect fits guaranteed
warranted. Give
promptly tilled.
me a trial.
Manufacturer of
Boots and Shoes.
All kinds of repairing neatly and KrB
promptly atteiineu lo s-
K. S. KttlBALL.
Draying & Tmckiii
Sqaetnucfue st., between Cass and Mnin,
Contracts fur raying made and sate-faction
guaranteed Order? left at the Occident ilo
tel or rccer rlby mail promptly fillod
Hill's Uew Variety Thiatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre wero
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Painted by Mr. "Win. "West. Architect and
r.uilder Mr. Kemble.
On and after tins date will he given a
First Glass Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on thi coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part of Kale and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Featst
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Unequsilled enter
tainment. New Acts, New Song's and com
plete change of Programme twice a week ..
2KO. H5I.T.. Proprietor.
Entrance to Roxcs and Circle on Clienn
nuts Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
JUNE IS. 1S70.
?Y addros
A nurse girl, at Fort Canhv.
Dli. WICISEU 38-tf
rflO H EXT.-As Mrs. McKrcgur Is going
JL cast, she will bell or lease lier house oil
Chenamus street, containing a store and
fixtures : also, seven rooms ; possession given
inunediatctly. Apply to
LOST. On "Wednesday niirht, June Utli.
about 1"." fathom of net, tloats and leads
branded J . H U Wi E. The finder will he re
warded on leaving the same at my cannerv,
Knappton, or on hoard steamer Quickstep.
Knappton, June in, 1S7!). 3i)-tf
ISl No. ;. Kof P., will hereafter hold its
conventions in the hall of Seaside Lodge No.
12. A. O. of l". W., corner Chenamus and
Ronton streets.
C5-tf J. O. ROZORTIf, K. of R. and S.
"JVTOTICE. Neither the consignees nor the
JLl undersigned, master of the Rritish bark
loek Fergus, will be hold responsible for any
debts contracted by anv of the crew of said
vessel. SAMUEL CANN.
Astoria, June 9, 1S7!. 36-tf
"""kfOTICE. All persons knowing themselves
JLl indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to call and settle the same as soon as
possible, as under the circuit stances funds
ire necessary. "We may be found at the
office of aiTcn .t McG aire for the present.
Astoria, May m. 1ST!).
"P7K)Ii SALE. I have received another con
Ji? siginuent of
Twenty Tons of Salt,
which I will sell cheap for cash, in lots to suit.
Xt-tf Commission Agent.
"jVOTICE AH persons indebted tons will
La please fake notice that unless their ac
counts are paid or satisfactorily arranged be
fore the 1st ot July. l-7i. they will be placed
in the hands of attorneys tor collection. In
i future ue shall gie but ''todays credit, unless
by special arnuigi-meni.
Astoria. June II, 1s7j. as-tf
tice is
herebv given that the Common
Council of the city of Astoria promise to or-,
der the improvement of that portion of Astor '
street from the west side of ljifayette street
to the east side of (lenevive street, by grad
ing and buiUliu&of sidewalks on each side of
of said street, and unless a remonstrance
signed by the owners of two-thirds of the
proHrtv fronting on said portion of said
street be tiled with the Auditor and Clerk
within ten days from date of this notice. Un
common Council will order said improvement
to be made.
Ry order of the Common Council.
A uditor and ( 'lerlt .
Dated Astoria. June (. ls7J). .fJ-dluo
I'voposuls tiv 13 ire ol"Tu--55oat.
Uniteo Status Knoixkkks Okfick.
Portland, Oregon. June loth. lSru. f
SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will
be receivrd at this oflice. until 11 o'clock
a.m.. on Thursday, the 10th day of Jul,
1ST!), at which place they will In opened in
the presence of bidders, for furnishing the l.
S. with a Tug Roat, when required, :is a ten
der for the V. S. Dredge, ourmg the vear
I .lank proposals, and specifications con
taining detailed information, mav be ob
tained at this office.
Proposals must be enclosed in sealed en
velojH's marked Proposals for Hire of Tug
Roat,;'aud addressed to the undersigned.
The United States reserves the right to re
ject any or all proposals.
;5!-d(t M ajor of Engineers.
The public are invited to ciit ana leave
their orders. Splondid Lager 3 cents a glas5.
Ereo Lunch every night.
WM. DOCK. Co.. Proprietors.
Water Street Roadway.
Near Hume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon.
der. Satisfact
and all kinds
ing done toor-
ion i,varanteed