:r - Vol. ix. rxstona, Oregon, Tuesday Moiniug, June 17, 1879. No. 41. hu ':- - .j,.'.jjm4Jfch.'.'iJW -if- ,ah . Mil MUJMriaM imiii p Baan.mRMaiMBw n bem biiii n w i 1 V 1 Press Comments. Yancwitcr JtuU'jtetid&nl. Jvne 19th. I JidiJmial Cerr. Sck 2orthiret. The rumors ilyinp: thick and fast Messrs. Johnson and MoCown, of tlie sale of the Oregon Steam the leading lawyers of Oregon Navigation companr,s boats city, are doing an immense busi sind property connect Jay ness in loans and real estate, as Gould's name with the purchasing well as in law. Our old friend, parties. f this report is true the J. M. Bacon, Kstmaster, is at his people will witness .a grand race , post, as of yore, and is a veritable between the Northern Pacific Kail- Oregon city fuctoUnti. Always road com nan v and the Union Pa-' mintlemanlv and obliins, always cilic, to first get through railroad ; busy and active, he hurries on connection with this country, and i from year to year, growing a we can joyfully set by to watch ! trifle grayer, but losing none of the dirt and dollars fly. j his interest in humanity and none rr-r of his public spirit. Captain Ap- oimit i:rper;Hieni,Jvnfjsth. I person, who lias retired from A strong current of opinion ; official position for the first time among Oregon railroad men is daily ' jn many years, is busty' engaged growing in favor of Astoria as a in beautifying his home on "the Terminal point between ocean and hill, and Mr. L. T. Barm yet oc snland routes. To bringabout such cupies the land office, filling his a result, all the sooner, the people j position with ease and dignity. q Astoria are wisely taking sides. The wives of all these gentlemen with Portland in the upper country j are woman suffragists, and every railroad scheme, well knowing j one of them is an honor to her that, so soon as the latter city has gifted husband. If you want to unbroken iailroad communication see happy homes, cheerful fire with the wheat-growing region of sides, rosy children, singing birds, Eastern Oregon and 'Washington, j exotic plants, tidy tables, and it is but a question of time that As-j plenty of music, books and news- toria will be made the final enlre- pot for the whole of Oregon's in i-ominirand out-iroing commerce. OrtHfon CUy lSnterprie, June Jt.'h, "We think the Astoria n is pre mature in aiinouncinir the sale of the Oregon Steam Navigation tiie Vt..v (o Salem, where we arrive company transfer, to be made on j al SCVCM1 Vm to find the Cliomek Julv st. It is quite likely nego- ; cla rejoicing in a bran new daugh tiations are pending. "V jiulge a twelve-pounder, that cooed so because the Oregonian is get- I ;lnj hushed a.t four days old, while ting kind to Senator Mitchell, .hut tJe happy parents were as well as we do not think a conclusion is yet fU)uid )(. expected under the ex arrived at. Ireland is a good deal , ,ilratiiiir circumstances. This like the Millerites, who arc pre- j famous hotel will be more popular dieting the coming to the end of than ever hereafter, the world from date to date with j - U nn absolute certainty that they wail hit it between dates some time; and the probabilities of the transfer of the Oregon Steam Navigation company beinjr irood, ..fW T1.,,1 ;oc nnf lm.,!11.""'1 German lan-ua-c, free --"u."w " ww. JiVV .... much to prophesy. The Dalles Mountaineer. June 12th. Tlie story that the Oregon Steam Navigation company was about to sell out to the company lepresent ed by Jay Gould, appears to be true. AVe can't see that this change is going to be of any benc- lit to the citizens of Tim Dalles. J ii fact, we shall be sorry to see the change take place. If we are destined not to have competition on tlie Columbia river by steam boat or railroad, then we would much prefer tlie old company to remain in possession. The Oregon Steam Navigation company is a! monopoly; but, as such, it is the! lies! one on tlie Pacific coast, and we "would rather bear the ills -we now have, than know not of.' fly to others we Tlio Indian Question. LexoixtGH Teller, June 6th. llev. G. IT. Atkinson has late ly visited the Spokane falls, and while there gave a lecture on t.he Indian situation in which he took the ground favoring the In dian soggregated farm policy of 1116,1)01101- class of Indians and the breaking up of several of the reser vations. The reverend gentleman is gradually changing his original ground upon this qnescion, and is a clear reasoner from the facts and events that have developed them selves within the two years last past. lie is not so wedded to the old Indian ring theory that he will not, like some others, relinquish it when convinced of its failure to benefit either the Indian or the white man. The peach trees in the vicinity of Walla Walla are fairly bowed down with their loads of fruit, the I'nion says: "It is difficult to tell what the" damage will be to the trees when the fruit attains its full growth. Great care and attention will be needed to keep the trees from breaking down. It is the most wonderful sight that hag ever tome under our observation Oregon City Tiilicnxns. papers, go to the homes of women who have sense enouirh to know the3' want to vote. "We wish we had. time to canvass Oregon city thorough h, but we have only time for a few wayside calls, and then the dav is far snent and we are on Keep your blood pure and your health must be good, the great purifier is Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. All Astoria druggists have it now. W-Pamphlets about Oregon in the at'LHK ASTOKIAX UKF1CK. I our complexion is sallow, and slun a el low, jour liver is affected. Obtain from your druggist a bottle of Plunder Oretjon Ilood Purifier. MACNiJS C. CROSBY. DKAI.KK IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings Engineers Supplies, Sfwet Lead, Iron, Copper Qrass, and Zinc. G. W. PARKER, DKALKR IV CJItOCERESlS AXI PICOVISEOXS. white LEAD, paints ad COAL OILS, Ilrooms. ISrusIit's and Volii-warc Tobacco, Cigars and Stationery, Ccr:t.s lcsrjaislti; Ciooils. ic 2iur th Corner lilain .tin Coiiooml.y Sis.. Astoria o r, & Hv o s - C 2Z C r. " v. k- ' -" W H C . O ji 51 CO kz 'S tet to 1 v I 1 Q pa GEORGiv MACLEAK, BLACKSMITH. Water Street Roadway. Xoar Hume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon. Horseshoeing of Blacksmith det. Satisfact and all kindi ing done to or ion ;,: arantocd ALL SHIP AND ENGINE WORK A SPECIALTY. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon. ASTORIA - OREGON. Slot, Told. Shower, StCilitl m auiimui c-g?" BATHS. I-Special attention given to ladies and children's hair cutting. Private Eptranoo for Ladies, feV jSCHSi u '' iglsjlas1 WHOLESALE TRADE. -.r- . - . W. HUiHE t Corner of Water and OIney Streets, Astoria, Oresom Wholesale Dealer -IN aSi B. tST-Ajient for the fiolden Qity Chemical Works. 1J. W. I'avne & Son's Steam Jimrines. Fay's Wood Working Machinery. "Fishermen's and Cannery Supplies a specialty. Cotton Seine Tw ine and N et Lines sold at ban Fmneiseo prices. w-3"0ars, Cordage. Tilocks. Oakum, etc. Star of the Columbia. I'M) fire test Kerosene. 'iurc!iiinc and Varnish. Sail cloth made expressly for Jight boats. BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND iNSURAKGL BROKER, BANKER, AND WSU8&K8I.A5EHT. ASTORIA,' - - '- OREGON, Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the Unitcu States and Europe. OFFICE HOUItS-From 8 o'eloek a. ai. until 4 o'clock p. m. Home Mutual wm Co, OF CALIFORNIA, T. F. Houoiitox. Chas. R. Stoky. (Jko. L. Stoky President Secretary ...Agent for Oregon Capital paid up in U. S. gold com Assets. Jan. l, lS7fl Income, 1P?S l'remiume since organization .3 S00 030 on ... SMX .. SM.l-X) 00 ..mi,4b7.4M 71 .-Ijt&iJBSS 14 losses imid " Jx)ss's jmid by Oregon branch in m years 1CC.3 29 I. IV. C 1SK. Agent, Chenamus street, Astoria. Oregon. $87,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL ASD LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LUN DON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OP HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC57.0 00.4x110. A. VAN IH'SEX. Agent. CCtl9IS2KCfAI. UX50X ASSURA?aCE CCWIPASY C32P XjOJrxoDar. Capital SI2,500,ODO MATT H. SIBS0N, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. FIItX2YlGV?S FilVU IHSURAHGE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. ORGANIZED IX IS 03. To!aI Lovsrs X;i5jI Since Organization. $3,6SO,435 SS. E. C. HOLDEN, Agent. Astoria Oregon TTUGJI STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER ASTORIA, OREGON. rt3IIouoes bnilt to-orderand satisfaction cunmnteed. Shop on Squemocqha street nexj door to the Evise4)pai:cUurpUv HOTELS AND RESTATJRAXTS. I R,W KS. S. X. AKRIGOXI, t PROPKIETOK OIT j T2ac Iionceir ISeMiiuront. lias eonstantly on 1mm! a full supply of P II JB S II OYST E K S, "Which will be served In any style desired. Strawberries and Cream and Ice Cream in season. 3!rn!s. 25 rcnf.s: a all Hours. Private Boarding. .IKS. HOUSEMAN. - - 1'nOPKiETOR. Will acconuiiodntc bosm'crs, WITH Oil WITHOUT ROOMS. Next door to Mctrouolitan Hall, Astoria, Oregon. A. J. 3IKOLICK. C. S. WKIGHT. OCCIUEiT HOT2SI.. MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. renrrn" -nirTiTTnvvrc ki? ti thv tt announce1 that the ahove hotel has heen j repainted anil refurnished, adding greatly to j the comfort of its Sliest: and is now the best i hotel north of San Francisco. t C. AV. lOOWLKS. AL. ZIKHKIU Cr,A22E3iDOie nTElL. PORTLAXD. - - - - OREGON, ZIEBER & KNOWLES, Proprietors. irFrec coach to and from the house-era pAHKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON, n. R. PARKER. - Proprietor. nniHS HOTEL is tne largest, most comfort- JL able and best Kejit Hotel in the city. Is sumdied ith the best of spruit water, hot and chl baths, barbershop, and a first-chis line billiard table. Free coach to the House; chnrj-ej. reasonable. Si 2T to $2 50 per dav, ac- I cording to riMim occupied j r TAtilASt ItESTAUSexVXT. Just opened, newly furnished and first olass. S. DAM ICO & CO., - rnopits. ! Corner Ijifayette and Second sts.. Astoria. Meals sen'ed in Italian. French and Amen- . can stvles to order. ;n.!.sli,e,s, .r. , r ,- , l i, ., i lie iHiiic wui ue sinipiieu ai an uiuei, wan the best the market affords. PKES1I OYSXEI2S an iwi) sliu in, .ui milium Come and satefv voursclf. Private rooms r ladies. Meals at all hours. The best for wines and cigars always on hand. miiKPI ISOUSE, D. L.T'JIiriX - PnopniKTon MAIN STREET. Between Squemoctihe and Jefferson, ASTOKIA. OlCKGOX. Board and lodsrimr per week , $? on Board per dav 1 Q) Single Jleal 2T, Tne Uiblc will be supplied at all times with the best ihe market allords. T-rAL.!.A IVAIiA RESTAURANT, TIIEO. BBOEMSEB, - - PltOPKlKTOlt, 4. T Fresh ovsters. and other deli cacies of the season, served in.. every style. Opposite the Telegniph ofllce, bitueir.oqhe street, Astoria. Oregon. B3TMKAI.S AT AI J. IlOURSTPn. QIMM lOX ISOIJSK. Main street, ncxr Hustler's "Wharf. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON Mits. Mary Camwell, Proprietor, Board and lodging by day or week. "T2tTO HOI'SiE. CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS. POl'TLAND. OREGON. I. KOKTOX, -.. - IvoprictoL (Eonnerly of the Portland Hotel.) o THIS HOUSE IS A FIRE-PROOF BRICK, lust Ilnished and newly furnished, with the lit oi spnns net's. Tkkms I'er week From r to PR forhorrd and lodging. Per da Si oo. Single meals i cent. l-4d;!iij; 25 to r0 cents. tr-Free coach to and from the House. Private Boarding House. MRS. QI'INX - - PROPRIETOR. "Will accommodate day hoarders or accom modate anv with lniard and lodging. Prices reasonable. In Inaiilt tuuMing. Jefferson treet, opposite Welb, Fargo & Coa Expreis otrice. Keep Your Money Safe. Ex steamship Oregon I have received an other consignment of TL'CKEXI'S SMTI-"T AT.AIIM M0KEY TILLS. This matchless Counter Alarm Honey Drawer Is proof ngaint Petty Thieveh. I'JRSCK P OO. E. C. H0LHEN. Commission Agent. A. Contractor and Builder, All fcinds of Canr.ters and Joiners Work promptly and neatly executed. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, and BILLS OF MATERIAL Furnished on short notice at reduced rales. Shop Next door eait of Episcopal churchy e i ?jwKTU I MISCELLANEOUS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hamsj Shoulders, Lard, EGGS. Bl'TTER. CHEJKSK, Frgsli Irrdts and Yecet FIII. POITTKY A2iT GA3IE In the season. C3A15S AND TOBACCO. Ucst or CTES AS1 T.IQUOKS, x cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. OinuisUe 1. W. C:ues store. .7. RODGERS, SPECIAL IVttTICK. Having just received a new stock, consisting of a splendid assoitiueiit of Hals. Cap?. Hooi.s jisuI Shoes, Groceries, Canned Fruits, etc, ALSO : Walelics. Jciy ols- aisl CulSerj, Besides a choice lot of TOIfiACC'O. CIGARS AVI PIPES. Wines and Liquors, Stationery and Fanoy Articles. Winch we are offering at the lowest living prices. Very respectfully. ,IAM liS Ml'liKE. At ilcGee's new building on the roadway. ECLIPSE MARKET. 3fe V est-J-.igrnth street, near tlie O. . X. Co's 4Vharf. J0IIN AY -jri.cH I-uopriktou AC2ENEIIAL ASSOTtTMEM' OF FAMI ly ('roeeries. and the various kind of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished in best I of style at the market, or delivered to any ' art "of the city. Orders riven to the messenV pers. or left at the market, aII1 be uiomntlv mica. My endeavor will he. by prompt attention I :uul fair dealinsr. to please mv patrons. C3-A11 kinds of country produce taken In , oxehan-r? fur poods, and delivered to patrons! free. Bgroive me a call -- . -j-T- .frwrK ii ' t. IS 110 I j SP,s flHrM C1T1 & , 10 uu HSP" j J. K. "WTRT'S is the cheapest place to Vu FRUITS OR VEGETABLES. As he has direct from S;ui Francisco by every steamer, all kinds of vegetables, such as is in the niarkeU Apples. leas. ltlei3 CaxilifoTrer, Asparagus. l':irni:s, 25ectit Car-- . vols, Iotatoe. 4raiipro., And from Clatsop every day EGGS, BUTTER. CHEESE. AND HONEY. Also : keep the best of " j CIC.ABS. TOBACCOS, AM) LTQUOKS. ( Villi illlll UAtlllllilC UL1UIU IIIIIUililMIl C7M;-z i where. ,1. K. W1KT. Is All TMs BMbi Abont !- HAVE JUST HETUHNED FK0M THE EAST AND AVILL,. SELL IIY GOODS AS AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to .say anythirg about it - A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhc sts., ASTOBIA, - OBEOON. J. II. D. GRAY,. Wholesale and retail dealer in. OYSTEHS, hi; the SACK, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. Of.ieral storage and Wharfage on reason--, able terms. D. K. tt.lKRKN. C. A. McGuikk Astoria Market ! Comer of Chenamus and Cass streets, , ASTORIA. OREGON. WABIiEN & McGTJIRB, Proprietor- . (Successors to llobton A Warrcr-. Wfcolcsalo and Retail Dealer.-' in all klna-n v., Fvesh and Cured ?V5eats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. . ftt5Uutt07, EjfSS. Choese, otc. constantly., ii hand. -" Ship? supplied at the lowest rate?. Washington "Market, . to ah filrccty - Astoria Oregon, t ISEJiGlWAX & JiEUIiY T ESITCTKITLLY CALL THE ATTEX-. V t:on vf tbo pullic to the fact that tlen ahore Market will nlwayg bo supplied with FULL VAKIETY BEST QUAUTY FRESH ANDCURED W1EATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesnl. and retail. Special adoption given to SUPpir us ihii)3. ' ' -.$ -& N. -f