The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 15, 1879, Image 3

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gXxs gaiiij stacimx,
Monday Lxcopted.. j
. C. IlllA.XSn : : I'L'ISLI.SEIKK.
Axtoruvtt IhiUditij Ca.s Street. i
Terms of Subscription :
bcrvcrl by Carrier, nor wook .35 Cent?
Sont. by mail. lour months t 00
Sont by mail, cne year i) 00
Free of !'oiat:e to .ubcribors.
G35 Advertisement. nisortcd by the year at
the rate of SI m per square imr month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week. J
fifty cents per square for each insertion.
Tite Daily ast'iiiian will he cnt hy
mail at lb cent a month, free of postage. Roan
cm who contemplate absence from the city can
haw The Astokia follow them. Daily
or Weekly tulilionx to any pnst-ojMce with
out OAuiiliotial expense. Adarowc may he
cnaimea as eftvi: ax attsirL Leave order at
the counlijuj room.
Tlio burkentine Jane A. Ealkin
liunj arrived 'down yesterday, and will
load for Honolulu.
The fourth of July committee
will meet to-morrow evening to report
progress. Don't forget it.
Manager Wtrd will take a bene
fit at Metropolitan on the 21st, ten
dered as a deserving compliment to
Mrs. Kelly is removing to Cor
vallis. We are loath to part with our
neighbors, but Astoria's loss will be I
K. and family ro the good people of
Dr. Dickson of the United States
army, arrived at Fort Stevens jester
day to relieve Dr. DeGraw, who
is assigned to Fort "Vancouver.
Dr. Jleagles has been stationed at
Klamath, lately supplied by Dr. Dick
son. The steamer Oneatta, Capt.
Pisher, gave the Elder a brush yes
terday coming into port. It was a
lively race while it lasted. The
Oneatta has made some remarkable
fast runs in her day, and still holds
her own pretty well.
A ship builder at Albina has just
launched another steam launch, named
iii honor of Jay Gould. She is built,
on the same plan as the Gen. Hum
phreys, the government tug, lately
built there, and is 80 feet long and
about 180 horse power.
Frank Pixley's remark that in
Oregon 'you have no land monopolies,
nor Spanish grants, to rob the indus
trious fanners of their earnings; and
no stock exchange to swindle your
mechanics and servant girls," contains
a volume of suggestive facts.
The Olympia Experiment says:
"Let Oregon wait till we have been a
state a tithe as long as she has, and
then enter the lists with us in the
contest for agricultural pre-eminence,
or any thing else she may choose."
We join in the hope of seeing this.
The Call of the 8th said it was
probable that Capt. James Carroll,
who was commander of the Great
llepublic at the time she was lost,
will go east to bring out the Saratoga.
And a few days later it 6aTs there is
nothing in the rumored new steamer
There is a movement on foot to
liave a general meeting in Portland
of all the registers and receivers of
the United States land offices and
county officers who do business for
them, in Oregon, Washington and
Idaho. It is for the purpose of se
curing uniformity in the business and
practice of the officers, and other mat
ters of general interest counected with
land entries.
Finest cabinets $3 00 per half
dozen; $5 00 per dozen, at Shusters.
. ,
A. C. Boat No. 509 hailed the
Canby for a tow yesterday, and Cap
tain Whitcomb was compelled to in
terfere to keep the boat-puller and
net-tender from having a regular set
to. They came to blows once. It ap
pears that the difficult' arose because
the boat-puller refused to fish outside
of the Republic, claiming that the sail
and oars were not sufficient for stiff
currents and rough waters. They
were Italians.
A gentleman called upon us yes
terday in quest of information. We
have a great many such visits from
steamer passengers he was a steamer
passenger; came up by the Elder to
enjoy six weeks vacation, and work
up the Blue-Ribbon business "for
the fun of it." We have not the
least patience with that class of people
who undertake important reforms for
the fun of the thing. Effective work
ers in the temperance cause, religon,
etc., are those only whose hearts are
enlisted m their work. Sound prin
ciples of morality rarely advance under
the spirit of the nineteenth century,
where the teacher assumes the role of
teacher for amusement,
Tlie Schooner Emily Stephens.
Barely mention is made in the San
Francisco papers of the arrival cat that
port on the 7th, of the Westoort
(Oregon) schooner Emily Stephens i
on the Gth. We observe, however, !
that she had 10,000 lbs of fresh hali
but on board, and was only live days
in making the pnssage from Cape
Flattery to San Francisco. This is an
evidence of the fact that Capt. Hen
derson has been successful, and it cor
roborates the views of The Astorian,
so often expressed. The sea fisheries
on the north Pacific are destined to
become very valuable, and the time
hs come for Americans to consider
whether thej shall take the bulk of
the business or whether it shall be
left for the British Columbians, the
Russians in Manchooria and Kani
sclmtka, the Japanese, or the Chi
nese. Thorn is no good reason why
the sea fisheries of the north Pacific
should not be as productive as those of
the north Atlantic, and they employ
more than 1,000,000 men and 20,000 J
vessels, and their annual catch is worth
$30,000,000 or $40,000,000. The
cod fishery of Norwny employs
5,500 vessels most of them small
and their annual product is
24,000 tons. The British and Ameri
can catch each amounts to 75,000 tons,
and the French to 50,000 tons, mak
ing :i total catch of about 225,000 tons.
The herring fishery of Great Britain
yields $4,500,000 annually, and that
of Ireland $1,000,000. Norway gets
100,000 tons of herrings, France 50,
000, and Holland 35,000, in average
3Tears. England gets 10.000 tons of
pilchards, and France exports sardines
to the value of $3,000,000, besides
using large quantities for home con
sumption. Between Behring strait and Mazat
lan there are many places where the
cod, halibut, mackerel, sardine, her
ring, smelt, anchovy, and other fishes,
can be found in abundance, and not
one has received the attention it de
serves. Some are entirely neglected;
others are not caught with any regu
larit3T. for the purpose of supplying
the markets with fresh fish. The
time is, perhaps not far distant, when
large quantities of fresh cod, halibut,
sun-fish and mackerel will be caught
with profit. We send to Europe for
sardines, anchovies and herrings,
though them swarm along our coast.
The numerous large inlets of Oregon
and Washington territory, and the
channels between the islands and
mainland of Alaska and British Colum
bia, abound with fish, and give facili
ties for catching them that should not
be neglected many years more.
Burned, to Death.
It becomes our painful duty to re
cord another melancholy event hap
pening in Clatsop county. This tune
to Charles, a bright, beautiful child of
our friend Howell Lewis, in the John
Day settlement. It appears that the
little one was playing m the bed-room
of the house on Friday morning, with
an older sister, when they found a
match, and with it lighted n candle,
which set fire to the clothes of the
victim, burning him so fearfully that
he died at one o'clock yesterday morn
ing, after intense suffering. Mrs.
Lewis hearing the screams of the
little bo', with true maternal instinct
hastened up stairs to find the horrify
ing spectacle of her loved one envel
oped m flames from his burning cloth
ing. Every imaginable aid that could
be thought of wjis resorted to for re
lief, and Mr. Lewis, who was in the
citT, and Dr. Severn were summoned
as speedily as possible, but death ended
his sufferings as above noted. The
funeral will take place to-day, and the
bod7 will be buried in the Odd Fellows
cem etery.
Chart!! Notices.
Services will be. held in Presby
terian hail to-tlay at 11 o'clock, JSabbath
school at noon. 2s o service in the eve
ning. The Sunday morning discourse by
the pastor of the Congregational church
will be on 'KimliiessY' and in the eve
ning on "Faith and Works."
Rev. E. Shogrcn, of San Francisco,
will preach in the Baptist church to-day.
morning and evening, in the Swedish
lanjiuagc. All are respectfully invited
to attend.
Services will be held in Grace
(Episcopal) church to-dav. at the usual
hours, morning and evening, and at the
Chapel of Holy Innocents at Upper
town at 'A o'clock i. m.. Rev. Mr. bell
wood, oi Milwaukie presiding.
Excursion to EMtgct Sound.
A great excursion from Portland to
Seattle, W. T. and back, will come off
June 1A. Astorians and all others in
this vicinity who wish to join this party,
will meet them at Kaklama at 11
o'clock of that day, and take the North
ern Pacific railroad train for 2s' ew Ta
coma, thence to Seattle by the Pacific
Const Steamship Navigation Co.'s boats.
A grand reception at Vesler's hall will
invet the iiarlv in the eveninir. This is
one of the most favorable opportunities
of visiting Puget Sound ever offered to
our people. erom beat tie parties can
visit everv ulace on the Sound. The
excursion is under the auspices of the
ii. r. eiuiit'ii, iiiiu. Mipuiiiiicnueu uj
Rev. Isaac Dillon. Tickets from Ka
lainti to Seattle and return, only 5 f0.
Children under twelve, half price.
Tickets good till July 15th.
Boat sponges, wholesale and retail
at. Dements drug store, Astoria. Five
thousand just received.
Keno lixlends a. "Welcome.
One of the incorporators of the
Astoria and Winnemucca "railroad
company hands us the following letter
which shows that Reno, notwithstand
ing the late disastrous fire, stands
ready to lend a helping hand in the
proposed railway scheme. This cor
respondence will receive that attention
which its merit demands. The writer
Daily Gazette Office.
Bkno, ."ev.. June 7, i70. ,
Deak Sir: 1 would Ijke an oppor-
tiniitv Irk rnrricirmd With YOlir tlPW
railroad company in regard to" your con- (
- 4 ? .. ...til. il.rt -h1rk 1 I 1 XtTj-k .
IlCCUOJl Willi iiik inawiiu luuiv. nc
uiiiiK we coiiiu iium wt imin,ii-iiL in
ducement to bring it to this place in
preference to Winnemucca, and by this
means make an all rail route between
California and Oregon, which would get
a good business in passenger and fast
freights, besides getting every bit of
ealern business which you would get
from Winnemucca. The route from
Surprise valley to Reno is over a very
favorable country, and would yield con
siderable busine&s. Would you be kind
enough to let me know if you would
entertain our idea, and enough of your
plans to enable us to act intelligently.
Respectful Iv yours
A. L. Fuirox, Editor Gazette.
'Warming: Vp.
It will be seen by the following let
ter to Mr. J. W. Robb, that the peo
ple of Washington county are warm
ing up a little, on the railroad ques ques
teon: Forest Grove. Oregon, ?
June 12th, 1879. J
J. JT. RoU, Esq., Astoria, Oregon :
Dear Son : Yours of the 10th insti
received. Glad to hear you are walking
into the railroad question. A great
change has come over the community
hereabouts since I last wrote you. Every
body is talking railroad, and our peo
ple arc beginning to get enthusiastic in
the matter one man started yesterday
morning to meet your surveyors in the
mountains to escort them here. The
people can take hold of your railroad
with a zest as they have not been soured
by being fooled, and cheated, and then
left out in the. cold for five years w ithout
even a switch. We want your engineers
to cover Forest Grove with your guns,
m order that we may be your first neigh
bors. We highly appreciate being
named in your charter as the point of
junction and it shows a clear compre
hension of the matter on the part of
Astoria to make this the point of junc
tion. Np other point, all things con
sidered, will be so well for Astoria and
Forest Grove. A railroad connection
of the two places will make us feel near
to each other.
Wo can educate your sons and.daugh
ters. and send you our flour, fruits, and
vegetables, and you can store our
wheat, and send us your ocean luxuries
every morning for breakfast. It would
also bring us from two days to a week
nearer San Francisco, and the Winne
mucca part give us direct connection
with New York and Boston. But
cannot mention all the mutual advan
tages that each place Astoria and For
est Grove; would derive from this rail
road connection, but we feel well as
sured that when all these mutual bene
fits are couriered it will insure this the
point of junction. And when we come
to the question of the needful, I think
you will find this community ready to
respond as liberally as you could reason
ably expect. Semi up some of your
solid men who are worked up to a white
heat on railroading, and bring along
your stock books.
Most truly yours, W. S. Curtis.
Beaver IiOdp;e lectins.
Members of Beaver Lodge, No. .5, 1.
O. O. F., will please meet at their lodge
room at l ::o o'clock, p. m., to-day (Sun
day' June irth, for the. purpose of at
tending the. funeral of the child of Bro.
Howell Lewis. Sojourning brothers in
good standing are cordially invited to
attend with us.
By order of
Jas. W. Welch, N. G.
Dr. 3!infic's JTi'imrellciim A Compound
Extract of Itiirim.
Dr. Min tie's Nenhreticum works won
ders. In all cases of Dropsy, Blight's
Disease. Kidney, Bladder and Urinary
Complaints, or Retention of Urine, these
troubles are entirely cured by the Ne
nhreticum. Female'Weakness, Gravel,
Diabete., pain in the back, side and loin
are cured, when all other medicines
have failed.
See what the druggists of Portland
and San Francisco say about Dr. tin
tie's Nephreticum and English Dande
lion Pills.
"We have, sold a large amount of Dr.
Mintie's medicines; the English Dan
delion Pills; also the Neplireticum. and
in all cases they are highly spoken of
and give entire satisfaction."
John A.ChiIds, druggist, Second street,
C. II. Woodward &Co druggists, cor
ner First and Alder streets. Portland.
Abranis & Carroll, wholesale drug
gists, 3 and 5 Front street, San Francis
co, say:
"We regard Nephreticum as the best
kidney and bladder remedy before the
r or all derangements of the liver, use
and Ague, use Dr. Mintie's English
Dandelion Pills.
Every family should keep the. Eng
lish DandelioirPills on hand.
Dr. Mintie's remedies will not "cure
all complaints," but if taken according
to directions, give immediate relief and
perfect a cure in all troubles for which
thev are recommended. For sale by
R. 1? . Caufiekl, druggist, Astoria, Oregon.
There have been more cures of semi
nal weakness, nervous debility and par
alysis made bv the wonderful English
Remedy, Sir Astlev Cooper's Vital Res-
San Francisco. Price, 3 per bottle;
four times the quantity, $10. Try a
Fresh California fruit can be had
j at C. A. May's on the arrival of every
ijr. .Mimics English Dandelion lJills.
For Billiousness and Dyspepsia, use Dr.
Mintie's Dandelion Pills. For Fever
lonuive, man ovaii oiner remedies com
bined. Why will you suffer? Send to
A.P!. Atintio V n Vn. 11 TTonrnv strni.f:
Prof. A. L. Francis the popular
music dealer of Portland will be in As
toria a few days. Piano and Oman
tuning a specialty. Leave your oiders
at the Parker House.
Ice Cream Candy, a la Paris, at
Adler's per Elder: also, a large assort
ment of other choice candies.
Now that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Runey is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prejiared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
When you are looking for a place
to amuse yoursell, drop in at Max Wag
ner's, Great Eastern saloon, and listen
to the organ and take a glass of his line
San Francisco beer.
Get your baskets tilled for a little
money at Bailey's.
Now is the time for cleaning up
our houses, and ornamenting them.
For this purpose you can find nothing
that will add to the appearance of your
parlors so much as a pair of those beau
tiful chronios at the City Book store,
sold for nearly one-half tlie usual cost of
such pictures. Call and see for vour-
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Rooms to let, bv the dav. week, or
month, at Mrs. W. II. Twilight's.
Oysters served in every stvle at
the Walla Walla Restaurant.
Refresh yourself at the Soda
fountain of Scluheers confectionery.
....Adler will receive a fine lot of
baby carriages, which will be sold at
bottom prices.
Moved, seconded, and carried, that
Carl Adler's Variety Store is the cheap
est store in the city.
Mr. J. Cody, on the roadway, is in
daily receipt of choice fresh fruits from
San Francisco and interior gardens, di
rect. Call and test them and buy some.
P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
.dioes, etc.
M. C. Crosby is prejiared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
steam fitting line: also, bath tubs, and
water backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on shortest notice.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house.whom everybody knows as a popu
lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in
splended style. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
around; every luxury of the season at
the Chicago house.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should he sufficient recom
niendation. Before you let your eon
tracts for work of this kind it would be.
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
Notions, candies and fruits of the
the best quality, at C. A. Mays.
Persons wishing to prepare for
fishing on the Sound, or for small fish
will find a quantitv of suitable twine at
J. II. D.Gray's. It is just the thing for
trout and herring nets.
J. S.Maj-er has opened Rudolph
Barths beer ball near the Fishermen's
cannery. Call in when you are passing
and refresh yourself wfth the best iii
the market.
Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and
jeweler of long experience, has perma
nently established himself in business
in Caufield's drug store, Chenamus
street, Astoria. Watches and Jewelry
cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En
graving a specialty. All work guaran
teed. Give him a trial and be your own
judge of his workmanship. He will
soon add to his stock a well selected in
voice of Watches. Jewelry, Silver and
plated ware, which he will be able to
sell at very low prices.
Magnus C. Crosby is sole agent for
the Medallion Range" in the Astoria
market, which is unquestionably the
best range on the Pacific slope. Call
and examine.
Fishermen con get a square meal
at any tim at Pike's restaurant, Unity,
for fish. References : Fishermen wlio
have eaten there.
The boss knight of the shining
Sheffield blade and a first-class hair
cutter, can be found at the Parker
House. Prices. U.1 cents each for hair
cutting, shaving, dyeing, shampooing,
and bath.
A full assortment of counter and
grocers scales can be found at M. C.
Crosby's, at bottom prices.
lee cream, and fresh fruits of all
kinds at Sehineers, opposite the bell
tower. Also lrcsh oysters, in every
style. .
A new lot of full hound blank, and
receipt books. sjH'cially for use in can
neries, at the City Boo'k store.
There is no use talking Max Wag
ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the
only man to please his customers well.
He keeps the finest San 1'rapciseo Iwer
in the city, it sparkles like champaigne.
Zr Perfect fits guaranteed. All work
warranted. Give me a trial. All orders
promptly filled.
JSKCK. pp-
Manufacturer of rSfe
Boots and Shoes,, &
All kinds of repairing neatly and gW
promptly attended to -d .-ssl-
l3raring & Trucking.
Snueinucqiie St., between Cas and Main,
Cont-acts for jniyinc made and satisfaction
guaranteed Orders left at tho Uccident rio
tol or recer dby mail promptly filled.
Hill's lew Yariety TTnatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the ICew Theatre were
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
rainteu by air. "Wm. West. Architect aud
liuikler Mr. Keinhle.
On and after this date will be given a
First Ciass Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this roast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Fart of Kale and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Unequalled enter
tainment. New Acts, New Song's and com
plete change of Programme twice a week .
2EO. IIJIJT,. Proprietor.
Entrance to Roxes and Circle on Chena
m us Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
JUNE IS, 1S70.
WANTED A nurse girl, at Fort Canbv,
address DR. "WEISEL. 3S-tf
LOST.-On the Sth inst.. a ladies gold,
black-enamel cnfl"-in. with three pearl
settings in the center. A liberal reward will
be paid to the tinder on leaving it at this
ortiee. sti-tf
TO KENT. As 3Irs. McGregor is going
east, she will sell or lease her house on
Chenamus street, containing a store ami
fixture ; also, seven rooms ; possession given
nnmediatetly. Apply to
LOST. On "Wednesday night, June 11th.
about 17.1 fathom of net, floats and leads
branded J. HUJV1E. The finder will be re
warded on leaving the same at my cannery,
Knappton. or on board steamer Quickstep.
Knappton, June 13, 1S79 39-tf
"jVTOTICE. Neither the consignees nor the
JLi undersigned, master of the British bark
Lock Fergus, will be held responsible for anv
debts contracted by any of the crew of ald
vessel. SAMUEL CANN.
Astoria, June 9, 1S79. a5-tf
"TTOTICE. All persons knowing themselves
JLl Indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to call and settle the same as soon as
possible, asunder the circun.stances funds
are necessary. "We may b found at the
oflice of Warren & McGuire for the present.
Astoria, May in, 1S70.
No. G, Kof P., will hereafter hold its
conventions in the hall of Sea Side Lodge No.
12. A. O. of U. W corner Chenamus and
Benton streets.
C5-tf J. 0. BOZORTIT, K. of R. and S.
BOAT PICKED UP. A large flat bottom
skiff was picked up by the undersigned
on "Wednesday. June -Mi. The owner can
have the same upon proof of ownership, and
payment of charges, by applying to me at
Wm. Humes cannerv in Astoria.
"?OR SALE. I have received another
X signment of
Twenty Tons of Salt,
which I will sell cheap for cash, in lots to suit.
33-tf Commission Agent.
TfcTOTICE. All persons indebted tons will
. JJl nlease take notice that unless their ae-
counts are paid or satisfactorily arranged be-
rore the 1st of July. 187'.). tliey will be placed
in the hands of attorneys for collection. In
future we shall give but so days credit, unless
by special arrangement.
Astoria. June 11. l.sii). 33-tf
tice Is hereby given that the Common
Council of the ity of Astoria propose to or
der tin improvement of that portion of Astor
street from the west dde of lifayette jJrect
to the e;et side of Genevive street by grad
ipg and building of sidewalks on each side of
of said street, ami unless a remoiistraiiee
signed by the owners of two-thirds of the
property" fronting on said portion of said
street be tiled with the Auditor and Clerk
J within ten days from date of this notice, the
! Common Council will order said improvement
! to be made.
By order of the Common Council.
Auditor and Clerk t
Dated Astoria. June G. 187S. 32-dlin
i'roposals for Hire of Tugr-ltont.
United States Engineers Office, J
Portland, Oregon. June luth, 1S7!). f
SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will
be received at this office, until U o'clock
A. m.. on Thursday, the 10th day of July,
187J. at which place they will be opened m
the presence of bidders, for furnishing the U.
S. with a Tug Boat, when reiiuired, as a ten
der for the U. S. Dredge, timing the year
Blank proposal5?, and specifications con-
taming detailed infoimation, may be ob
tained at this oflice.
Proposals must be enclosed in sealed en
velopes marked -Proposals for Hire of Tug
Boat," and addressed to the undersigned.
The United States reserves the right to re
ject any or all proposals.
.'-dct Major of Engineers.
Chenajius Strkkt. Astokia.
Tho public ore invited to cm and teava
thoir orders. Splendid Lnger 5 cents a glass,
Ereo Lunch evory night.
WM. BOCK & Co.. Proprietors.
j JL by tho hundred, or by tho box, printed or
plain, to suit customers, at
The Astokux officer
. .- ??