?',? Wf?XtmJ?!r-FVr''& W " " -"Vr-V"' 'V j-"t""g'W5 p 0) glxc gaiirj stxrrimx ASTORIA OREGON" , 1 " " ' - ISSUED EVERY MORNING, .Monday Excepted. . C. IKES AX f : : ITBLISREK. AsUrriatv BvUdhui, (bis Street. Terms of Subscription : bcrved by Carrier, per week 2o Cents Sent by mail, four months.......... S'5 00 Sent hy mail, cno year . .. 'J 00 Free of I'usumo to subscribers. fiST" Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of Si 50 ier square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents tier smnro for each insertion-. THE CITY. The Dailv astoktan will 1c sent by wAilatlo cents a month, free of postage. Rcaa erx who ctmtcmplalcaltsenccfrom Vic city can have The Astokiax follow Uicm, Daii.v or Weekly Mlitiom to any pnst-ojhce tcith out addiUonal xpcitsc. Adaresscs may he enanged as often as ucsircd. Leave orders at the counting room. "Finest cabinets $3 00 per half dozen; 5 00 per dozen, at Shusters. Dr. Buker and C. S. Wright are among- the guests registered at the Clarendon. Judge Bowlby returned from the valley last evening. The family are in Marion county. The thanks of the editor is ex tended to Hon. T. H. Brents for con gressional favors. Messrs. B. Van Dusen and C. J. Trenchard of this city were the youngest Masons in the Masonic Grand Lodge. A private note from Salem in forms its of the safe arrival of uncle David S ewsome at his home in the capital city. Purser Hughes stopped off a trip and has made quite pleasant visits to The Dalles, etc. He will rejoin the Elder at Astoria. Miss Clementina Mayer was mar ried, at the house of her parents, Thursday evening, in Portland to Mr. O. K. Mayer of New York city. Dr. Aug. C. Kinney is getting some magnificent coal specimens from the unexplored regions surrounding Astoria. The more the better. Judge It. Guichard, of Walla Walla, was m the city a few days .ago, and expected to take Mrs. Hugh Stoop home with him, but her health would not admit of travel at present. The strawbery party which will be given at the house of Mr. A. Knapp jr., on the evening of Friday June 20th, at Knappa, will be a splen did social reunion of friends and neighbors. The steamship State of California arrived here yesterday forenoon 5:20 hours from Portland, and after taking on board 7,970 cases of salmon, de parted for San Francisco, about five o'clock P. M. Again we are placed under obli gations to Mr. LaDu, of Mount Coffin for bountiful supply of strawberries and butter. These luxuries are for sale at T. Bailey's in Astoria. Call around and see the luscious fruit. Mr. J. D. Holman was in the city hist evening. He informs us that it is pretty certain that the Ihvaco tram way will be built. There was a meet ing of shareholders yesterday, and they adjourned to meet again on July 17th. The histor3r of the world teaches no lesson with more impressive solemnity than this; that the only safeguard of great intelligence is a pure heart; that evil no sooner takes possession of the heart than folly com mences the conquest of the mind. We are indebted to Mr. John Ma tier, of Clatsop plains, for a curiosity in the vegetable line a veritable radish knot, showing that nature accomplishes its purpose even in the face of obstacles. By the way, Mr. L is now supplying this market with a very choice article of garden sass. Wednesday morning a boat fish ing for the A. C. Co., came through the breakers with sail set, abreast of Point Adams light, with forty fish and the net. The men were in a sorry plight, boat filled with water, and they were drenched to the skin, but they hired a team of oxen, hauled their boat across to Fort Stevens, and re turned to Astoria by the Gen. Canby last evening. A British butcher exhibited a lot of pork chops so phosphorescent that one could see his face in them. We do not, however, share in the butch er's wonder. The original hog was probably highly educated, and conse quently enlightened. Educated hogs sire common in this country, and not altogether confined .to bipeds, ITIZ-UI? Written for Thk Astoria. Co pretty bird ! 'Tis but because I love thee most of all, Thar thou art sent on mission which Must woe or weal befall. Go to my lady fair and say Thou art a gift from me. And bid her kindly thinlaof one Who sends a kiss by thee" Go tell her I am fond and true; Thy sweetest sons must be The one I've taught thee faithfully 4,Oh ! Love my bird lore meP Go tell her I'd transmigrate be And in thy cage have plaeo .So I might nothing do all day But gaze upon her face. My sweetest sonus I then would trill Alone for her dear ear. A Jul if she'd gaze and smile on me I'd never sad appear. Alas! Though glad I'd make the change I know it cannot be; Then go, and whisper what I've said, "Oh ! Love my bird tore mcP MY DREAM- Written for Tub Astoiuan. The gray mists of morning still hung o'er the mountain, The first gleam of sunlight was gilding i he stream, Xo sound could be heard save the dash of the fountain. When 1 'woke from a deep and beauti- dream. Oh ! tho heavenly scenes I sawr in my slumber: The soul thrilling music that greeted mine ear; The love that was mine: and the friends without number: The joyous conviction that all were sincere. Sweet vision of beauty, bright, bright glimpse of Heaven ; To me thou hast come as the dew to the flower; I feel, yea I know that of God thou wcrt given To strengthen my faith in his goodness and power. Jean liroadie. Board of Foremen. A meeting of the Board of Foremen, A. F. D. in hereby called for this (Satur day) evening at 7 o'clock, at the hall of Alert Hook and Ladder company. Im portant business. C. J. TitEXCirAiiD, Chief Engineer. Churrli Notices. Services will ' be held in Grace (Episcopal) church at the usual hours, by Rev. 31. Sellwood. The Sunday morning discourse, by the pastor of the Congregational church will be on "Kindness;' and in the eve ning on ''Faith and Works." The ladies who are to give a re ception at Metropolitan hall this eve ning are desiring of a first class benefit. Strawberries and cream, ice cream, coffee, etc., will be served to guests. All will have their privilege of obtaining bv purchase a Caucasian Beauty;" and "Kebekah,,tle dark eyed Oriental, will draw from the 'well" the cooling bever age for the thirst Fancy articles, the. product of the deft fingers of our Astoria girls, will be on exhibiton and for sale to all who may feel disposed to encourage home indu&try. Music vocal and in strumental, will be evoked to aid in making the occasion enjoyable to all. Excursion to I'tiet Sound. A great excursion from Portland to Seattle, V. T. and back, will come off June 24. Astorians and all others in this vicinity who wish to join this party, will meet them at Kaklama at 11 o'clock of that day, and take the North ern Pacific railroad train for New Ta coma, thence to Seattle by. the Pa?ific Toast Ste-mship Navigation Co.'s boats. A grand reception at Yesler's hall will greet the party in the evening. This is one of the most favorable opportunities of visiting Puuet Sound ever offered to our people. From Seattle parties can visit every place on the Sound. The excursion is under the auspices of the M. E. church, and superintended by Rev. Isaac Dillon. Tickets from Ka huna to Seattle and return, only S.1 ."30. Children under twelve, half price. Tickets good till Julv ir,th. The Adventists claim that the world is to come to an end July 1 lth, just about the time when early cauli flowers begin to head up nicely. Immigrants should remember to look into the Nehalem valley, before settling. There are homes there for a thousand families free for the hiking. Astoria will be the western termi nus of Gould's through transconti nental line after the transfer of the Oregon Steam Navigation company's steamers. The Chicago Inter-Ocean of the lGth ult., comes to us in the shape of a huge volume of 1372 newspaper col umns, 131G of which arc filled will the list of delinquent property advertised for tax sale. The sorrowful deduction from this exhibit is that Chicago is virtually under the hammer. The world moves; nobody can deny it; but the old ball turns very slow. The New York Herald of the 28th tells of a body of respectable citizens wasting valuable tune, "as the Presbyterian assembly in attemp ting to discover what constitutes valid babtism!" Less talk and more work are the only cures for such men tal disorders. Down the Columbia to tho Sea- The Natural Outlet ororcgonaiul Idaho Bugbear of the Columbia Uar. From Vie Boise Statesman, Hay SWi. The Colunibia river is the natur al outlet for all the vast region drained by its waters, and is des tined to be the principal channel of commerce lor the immense trade which will come as soon as there is railroad connection between the great river of the west and the Union Pacific railroad. The great advantage which this route presents ; ,'fc tVonrlrmi frnm Hpnn snnwc nnrl , IIIUdilbUUU"ul www w.w .. w U...V& its directness through the country to be traversed, more than counter balances all the disadvantages and difficulties attending the entrance over the bar at the mouth of the river. Since the clay Captain Gray entered the river with the ship Co lumbia, without a pilot, and with out any previous knowledge of the waters he was navigating, thous ands of vessels of every descrip tion and capacity have crossed the bar coming in and going out at all seasons of the j'ear and all kinds of weather. That accidents should sometimes happen to these fleets of vessels is not surprising, as the same thing has occurred to the entrance of every port; but it is re markable that after all that has been said about the difficulties and dangers of tlrs passage, not an in stance is on record where a vessel, known to be seaworthy and en tering the river in the day time, and with a pilot, has suffered any serious accident. Even were the dangers of navigation real instead of being in great part imaginary, and the accidents to vessels ten fold what they have been, the river would still continue to be naviga ted and its entrance continue to be one of the principal harbors on the Pacific coast. It is very well known that the loss of the Great Republic, which, though one of the largest steamers afloat, had so often come in and gone out in per fect safety, was in no way owing to any real danger existing on the bar and in the harbor. Accidents should be of as rare occurrence at the mouth of the Columbia as at the entrance to any other port. The people of the Puget sound country, and those of the upper Columbia basin, are naturally in favor of the route across the Cas cade mountains from Priest rapids on the Columbia to Seattle or some other point on the sound. The ad vantages and disadvantages of this route they will have an opportu nity of testing when the Northern Pacific is completed, as it is now pretty well settled that that road will be built across the Cascade mountains to the sound. For the people of southern Idaho and eastern Oregon the route do.Tn the Columbia will be pre ferred for many reasons, while their interest in the other route to the sea is confined to whatever of favorable competition it may brine. o . Dr. 5Hn tie's ephrelicuni A Compound Extract of Kuchu. Dr. Minlie's Nephreticum works won ders. In all cases of Dropsy, Brlght's Disease. Kidne , Bladder and Urinary Complaints, or Retention of Urine, these troubles arc entirely cured by the Ne phreticum. Female "Weakness, Gravel, Diabetes, pain in the back, side and loin are cured, when all other medicines have failed. See what the druggists of Portland and San Francisco say about Dr. Min tie's Nephreticum and English Dande lion Pills. We have sold a large amount of Dr. Mintie's medicines; the. English Dan delion Pills; also the Nephreticum. and in all cases they are highly spoken of and give entire satisfaction. John A.Childs, druggist, Second street, Portland. C. II. Woodward & Co., druggists, cor ner First and Alder streets. Portland. Abrams & Carroll, wholesale drug gists, a and 5 Front street, San Francis co, say: "We regard Nephreticum as the best kidney rnil bladder remedy before the public.' For all derangements of the liver, use Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Pills. For Billiousness and Dyspepsia, use Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills. For Fever and Ague, use Dr. Minlie's English Dandelion Pills. Every familv should keep the Eng lish DandelioirPills on hand. Dr. Mintie's remedies will not "cure all complaints,' but. if taken according to directions, give immediate relief and perfect a cure" in all troubles for which they are recommended. For sale by R. F. Caufield, druggist, Astoria, Oregon. There have been more cures of semi nal weakness, nervous debility and par alysis made bv the wonderful English Remedy, Sir Astlev Coopers Yital Res torative, than bv afl other remedies com bined. Why will you suffer? Send to A. E. Mintie, M.D., No. 11 Kearny street San Francisco. Price, S3 per bottle; four times the quantity, $10. Try a bottle. Boat sponges, wholesale and retail at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five thousand just received. AROUND THE CITY Fresh fruits and vegetables at isaucy s. Booms to let, by the day. week, or month, at Mrs. W. II. Twilight's. Oysters served in every style at the Walla Walla Bestaurant. Refresh yourself at the Soda fountain of Schmeers confectionery. Adler will receive, a fine lot of baby carriages, which will be sold at bottom prices. Moved, seconded, and carried, that Carl Adler's Variety Store is the cheap est store in the city. Ice Cream Candy, a la Paris, at Adler's per Elder; also, a large assort- meilS OI OtUCr ClUUCe CailUlPS. Now that building is reviving in Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter Runey is Well supplied with all kinds of building materials which he is prepared to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates. When you are looking for a place to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag ner's, Great Eastern saloon, and listen to the organ and take a glass of his fine San Francisco beer. Get your baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. White Darling potatoes at Berg man t Berry's. Now is the time for cleaning up our houses, and ornamenting them. For this purpose you can find nothing that will add to the appearance of your parlors so much as a pair of those lieau tiful ehromos at the City Book store, sold for nearly one-half the usual cost of such pictures. Call and see lor your selves. Mr. J. Cody, on the roadway, is in daily receipt of choice fresh fruits from San Francisco and interior gardens, di rect. Call and test them and buy some. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, shoes, etc. M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and steam fitting line; also, bath tubs, and water backs for stoves and ranges fur nished on shortest notice. The proprietor of the Chicago house.whom everybody knows as a popu lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in splended style. It is all newly painted and furnished, and is one of the most attractive places on Main street. Call around ; every luxury of the season at the Chicago house. Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him, and will do a better job for less money than any outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should be sufficient recom mendation. Before, you let your eon tracts for work of this kind it "would be. well to call upon Mr. Stewart Notions, candies and fruits of the the best quality, at C. A. Mays. Persons wishing to prepare for fishing on the Sound, or for small fish will find a quantitv of suitable twine at J. JJ. D.Gray's. It is just the thing for trout and herring nets. J. S.Mayer has opened Rudolph Barths beer hall near the Fishermen's cannery. Call in when you are passing and refresh 3'ourself with the bust iii the market. Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and jeweler of long experience, has perma nently established himself in business in Caufield's drug store, Chenamus street, Astoria. Watches and Jewelry cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En graving a specialty All work guaran teed. Give him a trial and be your own judge of his workmanship. He will soon add to his stock a well selected in voice of Watches. Jewelry, Silver and plated ware, which he will be able to sell at very low prices. Fresh California fmit can be had at C. A. May's on the arrival of every steamer. Magnus C. Crosby is sole agent for the Medallion Range in the Astoria market, which is unquestionably the best range on the racihc slope. Call and oxainine. Fishermen can get a square meal at any time, at Pike's restaurant, Unity, for fish. References ; Fishermen wlio have eaten there. The boss knight of the shining Sheffield blade and a first-class hair cutter, can be found at the Parker House. Prices, 25 cents each for hair cutting, shaving, dyeing, shampooing, and bath. A full assortment of counter and grocers scales can be found at M. C. Crosb's, at bottom prices. Ice cream, and fresh fruits of all kinds at Schmeers, opposite the bell tower. Also fresh oysters, in every style. A new lot of full bound blank, and receipt books, specially for use in can neries, at the City Book store. There is no use talking Max Wag ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the only man to please his customers well. He keeps the finest San Francisco beer in the city, it sparkles like ehampaigne. WILILDI FRY, PRACTICAL BOOT XXD SHOE MAKER, Main Stkeet, - Astokia, Oregon. Err Perfect fits guaranteed. All work warranted. (Jive me a trial. All orders promptly filled. W 11. JiKCK, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes. All kinds of repairing neatly and promptlv attended to MAIN ST., - ASTORIA, OREGON. t. s. JEWirrr. B. S. KLMBALl. Draying & Trucking. ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO., Squeiuocqhtt at., between Cas3 and Main, Contracts for xraying made and satisfaction guaranteed- Orders loft at the Occident ilo tol or rwur liby mail promptly filled JEWETT & KIMBALL. JhhT& " siiiiiV AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPENING OF- Hill's M Yariety Tkatre, Containing six NEW AlsD ELEGANT BOXES, SITTING ROOMS, ETC. The Decorations of the New Theatre were executed by Mr. F. Holt. NEW AXD ELABORATE SCENERY. Painted by Mr. Win. West. Architect and Ruilder Mr. Kemble. On and after this date will he given a First. Class Entertainment, Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot be equalled on this coast. Our Per formance Commences with our " First Part of Male and Female GRAND OLIO, Consisting of Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats, Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers, Pantomimists and Jugglers. HOUSE CROWDED NIGHTLY To see our Refined and Unequalled enter tainment. New Acts, New Song's and com plete change of Programme twice a week. GEO. IUUMT., Proprietor. Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Clicna inus Street. Performance to commence at eight o'clock precise. THERE WILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL OK SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 14. 1879. MISCELLANEOUS w ANTED. A nurse girl, at Fort Canby r aoore.vs un. wjiisisL. ao-tt LOST.-On the 8th hist., a ladies gold, black-enamel cuff-pin. with three pearl settings in the center. A liberal reward will be paid to the finder on leaving it at this office. 3G-tf TO KENT. As Mrs. McGregor is going east, she will sell or lease her house on Chenamus street, containing a store and fixture" ; also, seven rooms ; possession given unmediatetly. Applv to Sti-tf "WILL MCGREGOR. LOST. A little brown dog, white breast, toes tipped with-white, and white spot in face, wearing a collar No. 77, belongs to Mrs. Crocker. Information that will lead to the recover of the dog may be left at Mr.. Mer rill's. 35- tf 7WTOTICE. Neither the consignees nor the Xi undersigned, master of the British bark lx)ck Fergus, will be held responsible for any debts contracted by any of the crew of said vessel. SAMUEL CANN. Astoria, .June 9, 1879. 35-tf "VTOTICE. All persons knowing themselves, -Ll indebted to the undersigned are re quested to call and settle, the same as soon as possible, as under the circumstances funds are necessary. We may be found at the office of Warren & McGuire for the present. 1RKNCHARD & UP&HUR. Astoria, May 19, 1879. NET POUXI).-About 200 fathom, no marks, picked up June C, 1879. The owner can have it by proving property and paying charges on application at the eannerv of WM. HUME, 34-tf Astoria, Oregon. ATTENTION KNIGHTS. Astor Lodge No. (5, K of P., will hereafter hold its conventions in the hall of Sea Side Lodge No. 12, A. O. of U. W., corner Chenamus and Benton streets. 25-tf J. O. BOZORTH, K. of R. and S. BOAT PICKED UP. A large flat bottom skiff was picked up by the undeisigned on Wednesday. June lth. The owner can have the same upon proof of ownership, and payment of charges, by applying to me at win. Humes cannery in Astoria. 35-tf LYMAN NUTTER. IOR SALE.;-I have received another cou ? signment of Twenty Tons of Salt, which I will sell cheap for cash, in lots to suit. E. C. HOLDEN, 35-tf Commission Agent. "JVTOT1CE. All persons indebted to us will JLi ple:ise take notice that unless their ar counts are paid or satisfactorily arranged be fore the 1st of July, Ls79. they will be placed in the hands of attorneys for collection. In future ue shall give lmt:0 days credit, unless by special arrangement. WARREN" & McGUIRE. Astoria. June 11, 1S7J. 38-tf STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. No tice is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Astoria propose to or der the improvement of that portion of Astor street from the west side of Lafayette street to the east side of Genevive street, by grad ing and building of sidewalks on each side of of said street, and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days from date of this notice, the Common Council will order said improvement to he made. By order of the Common Council. R. II. CARD WELL. Auditor and Clerk. Dated Astoria. June 6. 1878. 32-dlut .Proposals for Hire of Tutc-IJoat. United States Engineers Office, J Portland, Oregon. June 10th. 1879. j SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be received at this office, until 11 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, the 10th day of July. 1879, at which place they will be opened hi the presence of bidders, for furnishing the U. S. with a Tug Boat, when required as a ten der for the t". S. Dredge, uuriug the year 1S79. Blank proposals, and specifications con taining detailed infoimation, may be ob tained at this office. Proposals must be enclosed in sealed en- l velopes marked "Proposals for Hire of Tug- Boat," and addressed to the undersigned. The United States reserves the right to re ject any or all proposals. G. L. GILLESPIE, 3-d6t Major of Engineers. ERMANIA BEER HALL " AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. ClIKJiAJIUS Stbket. Astokia. Tho public are invited to cnii and leave their orders. Splendid Lager o cents a glad?. Free Lunch every night WM. BOCK & Co.. Proprietors.