The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 08, 1879, Image 3

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"" Ff& "pft
-Monday Lxcoptcd.
Asiuriav BuiJlima. ilfiss street.
Terms of Subscription :
btirved by Carrier, per tvoek .25 Cent.
Sont by mail, tour months ? 00
9ont by mail, cue year 5) 00
froo of I'ustase to Mibscribers.
KAdvert;emontPii?ertod by the joar at
tho rate of 1 ."U ler sqnure per month.
Transient advertirfni:, by the day or weok,
fifty cents per souare for each insertion.
The Daily astouiax will he sent by
mail at 73 cent. a month, free of niagc. Ilcaa
cm who contemplate a licence from the cilu can
have Tub A.stokiax folhno them. Dailv
or Weekly tuiUions to any ptKt-ojjiice with
out additional "xjiensc. Adaresses man he
enanaod a. often as uesir&L Leave orders at
Oic counlina room.
Steamer day.
Steamship Oregon
San Francisco.
will sail for
Steamship State of California due
from San Francisco.
Oregon strawberries, the first of
the season, at Larsens.
Stanley M. Grimes and wife, .are
passengers to Astoria, on a visit.
The Oregon left three hundred
and fifty tons of her cargo at Astoria.
Strawberries and Cream and
Strawberries by the pound for sale at
Bethel services v. ill be held to-day
on board the Jane A. Falkinburg by
Chaplain Stubbs, in Portland.
There was a bunch of keys left at
3VL C. Crosby's a few days ago. The
owner will please call for them.
The steamer Rip Van Winkle
was laid up for temporary repairs 3Tes
terday, and the Katie Cook took her
place in the trade.
Mails for Sun Francisco via steam
er Oregon, will close to-day on the
firing of the gun. Bear this an
nouncement in mind.
Yesterday was a favorable time
for burning out flues. We learn that
three or four were burned out. No
alarms were necessary.
A burning flue, in H. S. Shuster's
building, at noon yesterday attracted
notice, but caused no alarm. Flues
in this city are generally too small.
Messrs. C. J. Trenchard, and
Thos. Crellin, Mrs. Crellin, and Miss
Kant and Miss Adler are passengers
by the incoming steamer for Astoria.
A young man by the name of
Alles, from Westport, was adjudged
insane at Astoria on Friday, and was
sent to the asylum j'esterday in charge
of W. B. Headington.
We understand that on the oth
inst. Mr. W. J. Denver, of Nehaleni
valley, was married by Justice Hob
son to Miss Annie Lcdford, at the
residence of Mr. Walker.
Two citizens of Astoria report to
ns that Gus Sprague is deserving of a
situation in the Oregon penitentiary,
whether he gets it or not. Regarding
their statements as fact, we believe so
A pack of about twenty-five
pounds weight of Sunday school books,
papers, etc., made up by Mr. E. C.
Holden, was taken to Nehalem valley
by Ralph Jones j'esterday, presents
from Astoria.
Capt. Thatcher was surprised by a
party of Astoria ladies and gentlemen
last evening, who took their own
music with them, and took possession
of ship Garibaldi (Capt. T.'s home),
und a splendid party resulted. It
was a well-planned and a deserved
tribute to a very worthy gentleman.
Tho Garibaldi is now nearly loaded
and ready for sea. She will sail for
Liverpool laden with about 30,000
centals of wheat, and 10,000 cases of
A 1awzz Screw
Somewhere between Portland and
Shoalwater bay there is a large sizvd
screw loose in the mail matters. Let
tars have miscarried or been entirely
lost so often, this spring and summer,
that we are requested to make a note
of it, and call the attention of the
postal authorities to it. It is believed
that these letters are purposely stop
ped to delay immigrants from coming
in there.
Procecuinjrs in Congress.
Do you ever read the proceedings in
No, Never.
What, never?
"Well, hardly ever.
glxs JQrdVjj stsrim
Further Report of Disasters to the
Fishing Fleet.
Pkte :soxs PoiXT,Chehalis Co. J
Thursday, May tiUtli, 1879. J
Editou AsTOtUAN :
This morning two Indians came to
my place and reported a dead man on
the beach. In company with four
(other men I went to the place des
cribed bv the Indians and found the
remains of a man, very much disfigur
ed. The hair of his head was nil gone,
his face was so far gone that we could
not tell airything about his features.
Ilis dress would indicate a sailor. He
wore stogy shoes, blue cotton over
alls, blue woolen drawers and under
shirt, bluu cotton over shirt ; two
short clay pipes, tobacco and comb in
one pocket, and four dollars and
eighty-five cents in silver done up in a
flannel cloth, a one bladed pocket
knife with the figure of an anchor on
the handle. He had evidently been
in the water several weeks. We pre
pared a grave, made a co'iin, and gave
the remains as decent burial as we
could under the circumstances.
Day before yesterday the Indians
found at the entrance of Grays harbor
a fine fish boat, containing a fish net,
butcher knife and the sails belonging
to the boat, oar-locks, etc, all in good
order. The bout was uninjured. The
Indians launched the boat safely and
3Testerday sailed it up to the head of
the harbor. The boat was marked
"18 Hume & Duncan." I presume it
came from Astoria.
There was also found on the beach,
by two young men, a new net about
three weeks ago. The floats are
branded A. A. P. Co. The net was
not damaged in the least, and it was
cleaned, washed, and put away in the
dry. The owner of the boat and nets
no doubt will be pleased to hear from
them. Glenx Pbtersox.
Another boat, unknown, capsized
in the breakers yesterday abreast of
Cape Hancock. Our informant could
not tell whether the men were saved
or not.
The Italian taken from a boat
which went to sea on the 3d, and re
turned on the Gth, more dead than
alive, is still in the hospital at Fort
Stevens. He was in Win. Hume's
No. 8.
Boat No. 22, from Cooks can
nery, Clifton, attempted to save a man
who was clinging to the bottom of a
boat on the 5th, "but were compelled
to abandon the effort. It is not
known who he was.
Friday evening, about six o'clock,
boat .No. 69 belonging to the Asto
ria Packing company was struck by a
sea below Sand island which com
pletely ended the boat end over end.
The net was lost but afterwards luck
ed up by one of Watson Bros, boats.
The men swam ashore on the island
and were brought to the city by the
steamer General Canby yesterday.
Boat No. GO, belonging to Humes
cannery, got down so near to the
breakers yesterday that the men were
compelled, in taking up the net. to
throw overboard six.t3T fish previously
catched. The net was filled with the
largest sized salmon. They got out of
the scrape, hailed the steamer Gen.
Canby, and were brought to the citr,
their boat loaded to the thwarts with
Church Vo trees.
The Grace Church Strawberry
festival will be given Tuesday even
ing. Strawberries and cream, and ad
mission free, at the Episcopal church
festival Tuesday evening.
Services in Presbyterian hall to
day at 11 o'clock. Sabbath school at
noon. All are cordially invited. No
evening service.
A strawberry and ice cream festi
val will be given on the loth inst., for
the benefit of the Congregational and
Methodist church of this citv.
Divine worship will be conducted
b7 J ,T' ,W,!f "i theo Congregational
cuurcn or inis city, ounuay morning
and evening. Subject, morning,
"Resistance to evil." Evening, "The
moral Culture of Courtship.''
Rev. 0. Parker leaves on the
next trip of the Oregon. There -will
l-r ilivinn snrvirn in finico flirrh T.hiK
a. m. and i m., the Rev. Mr. Seli-1
wood officiating. It being Trinity
Sunday the holy communion will be
administered and the oflertory,in ac-
cordance with the notice already given
will be for the Jipuwonnl rand, lou
are coraiallv invited to attend.
A new lot of Dolman's just receiv
ed at the Bee Hive, and to le closed
out right away by IvI. H. Stears.
Boat sponges, wholesale .and retail,
at Dements drug store, Astoria,
thousand just received.
SUvfxr nnoL-nfrnc: phnifr Tillnmnnlr
Kf f of HY-cMinnnpr TTnnni;! rll -.i7P
j p... ;, . ....... r
of packages from 20 lbs. to 40 lb kegs
at Larsens.
Accompanying the following !:ncs.
from whuji we know no., is a statement,
showing it to he a sister to the waif
mentioned recently as being worthy of j
a father. Our correspondent says : ;
u Waii's most always nave metiers; tins
is the case with my poor fatherless
waif.' It is published because we con
sider its sentiments weihy:
Oft, when a child, I played with gee.
In the flittering sands beside the sea;
And never a thought as I watched ius
That the beautiful sea was a mighty
But Time has laid its hands on my brow ;
Tilings have changed, and look different
Now, as 1 view its power with pride,
Mv heart with emotion swells with the
" tide
But receding, it draws from my brerst
a sigh.
And oft time the tear drops from my e e.
Tea's arc but tinny opnng of the sea.
And 111 dash thi-m back to it, cheerfully ;
And chide it not. Tor my grief and pain,
For ihose tears have b.-oeght peace to
mv heart aa'n.
And when Time lays its hand upon my,
To cut the mortal from immortal down,
Then lay me cose by the mighty sea,
Where ever is heard its minstrelsy,
Its Mmbinjj, sighing, moaning, crying.
Dashing, foam" m;, ceaseless ro:.ming.
From shore to shore,
Srnging a requiem over its dea:l,
That sleeps in silence in its pearly bed.
O, bury me near to the beautiful ser,
For 1 levc'it: I love it, because it is Lee.
n. j. i:.
Vacant Iamls and Goal.
From a gentleman who has been
lately exploring the country towards
Forest Grove from Astoria, we learn
that there is a large scope of valuable
country vacant for settlers, right and
left of the military road leading south
east towards Cornelius. The land is
exceedingly rich and mellow, well wa
tered and susceptible of making good
homes for those who are disposed to
pitch into clearing up lands ready for
the plow. In Nehalem valley alone
are excellent quarter section homes
vacant for a thousand families. A
few settlers are there and on Fish
Hawk who are very much isolated,
and will be, until the railroad shall
p:iss through that country from As
toria to Forest Grove. There are vast
coal fields along this route which .will
yet prove a bonanza to our county.
Further researches will be made short
ly as to their actual worth. The vein
as found is six feet deep. Messrs. S.
G. Caudle and E. E. Brandy have
been awarded a contract by the gov
ernment to survey four townships in
that vicinity, on the headwaters of the
Nehalem. They will start out as soon
as the weather permits.
A Now "Way of Raising Potatoes.
San Fra.icheo Chronicle.
A subscriber writes to us all the
way from Missouri in regard to a
new process for raising potatoes,
which we summarise. In the first
place, he s:tyo the man who practices
the system has grown rich at potato
raising, always having a full crop
and always producing more to the
acre than his neighbors. F;rst the
ground is well manured and made
perfectly mellow, when the po
tatoes are planted with a plow.
As soon as they come through the
ground he takes a small plough and
throws a furrow from the center
each way, so as to entirely cover
up the 3'oung potatoes, which soon,
however, grow through the rew
covering. After that all the weed
ing is done by hand, e'ther pulled
up or hoed oil" close to the ground,
but in no case is the ground to be
again disturbed. The yield, he
says, is cnonnous. The man who
practices th;s novel method lips no
scientific revelation to make, but
simply contends that the potato
roofs should never be disturbed,
and also claims that if planted in
the first place as deep as it ;3
des'rable there is danger of some
of the seed faibnirto come through.
Tuaster Thomas Hare has return
ed to the city for tho summer vaca
tion, from schooi at Forest Grove.
jt is oaay enough to see why t
Kew York HcRlld tne " (
ings and results of the Darien canal
congress a farce, and says the con
gress disregarded American interests.
The route advocated by the Jlerald
was not adopted.
The Union telegraph company
expect to have its lines or wires
. connecting. Bvston, Washington
and Chicago, and all intermediate
j 0nts jsl "fu operation on or be-
fore A 1QJ
There are nine steam and
water-power saw mills in t-radius
of twelve miles around Dayton
W. T. As a 'consequence lumber
is furnished at low figures, com
j paratively to the people of that
thriving town. Common lumber
i T 1
, i'A. HI JUVIUU, YlllIC
Ar - -p. wl,: Q
' '- ul -' tOU,
! lumber commands twenty, dollars
' per M. in Walla "Walla. '..
Fresh California fruit can be had
, at C. A. May's on the arrival of every
A full assortment of counter and
j grocers scales can be found at M. C.
urosuy s, at bottom prices.
Magnus C. Crosby is sole agent for
the Medallion Range in the Astoria
market, which is unquestionably the
best range on the Pacific slope." Call
and examine.
The boss knight of the shining
Sheffield blade and a first-class hair
cutter, can be found at the Parker
House. Prices, 2, cents each for hair
cutting, shaving, dyeing, shampooing,
and bath.
Owing to making a change in her
business. Mrs. Steers oilers her stock of
millinery, notions, and ladies and child-re-is
ready made clothing, underwear,
jewelry, musical instruments, books
and stationery, at the lowest figures. Call
at the Bee Hive and see for yourself.
Goto the Little Bee Hive, branch
of the old Bee Hive, for books, music,
musical instruments, blank books, sta
tionery, and notions generally, where
for a short time you can get "bargains.
Remember the Little Bee Hive, next to
Dement's drug store, and look at the
nice goods ottered very cheap bv Mns.
Bergman & Berry have two new
bonis for sale very cheap, 2(5 foot keel.
Notions, candies and fruits of the
the best quality, at C. A. Mays.
Persons wishing to prepare for
fishing on the Sound, or for small fish
will find a quantity of suitable twine at
.1. II. D. Gray's. It is just the thing for
) trout and herring nets.
Fishermen can get a square meal
at any time, at Pike's restaurant, Unity,
for fish. References : Fishermen who
have eaten there.
J. S. Mayer has opened Rudolph
Barths beer hall near the Fishermen's
cannery. Call in when you are passing
and retresh yourself wfth the best lit
the market.
Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and
jeweler of long experience, has perma
nently established himself in business
in Caufield's drug store, Chcnainus
street, Astoria. Watches and Jewelry
cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En
graving a specialty. All work guaran
teed. Give him a trial and he your own
judge of his workmanship. He will
soon add to his stock a well selected in
voice of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and
plated ware, which he will he able to
sell at very low prices.
lee cream, and fresh fruits of all
kinds at Schmeers, opposite the bell
tower. Also tresh oysters, in every
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Book store.
There is no use talking Max Wag
ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the
only man to please his customers well.
He keeps the finest San Francisco beer
in the city, it sparkles like champaigne.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Rooms to let. by the dav, week, or
month, at Mrs. W. II. Twilight's.
Oysters served in every style at
the WTafla Walla Restaurant.
, Now that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Buney is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
"When you are looking for a place
to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag
ner's, Great Eastern saloon, and listen
to the organ and take a glass of his fine
San Francisco beer.
Get vour baskets tilled for a little
money at Bailey's.
White Darling potatoes at Berg
man? Berry's.
Now is the time for cleaning up
our houses, and ornamenting them.
For this purpose you can find nothing
that will add to tlie appearance of your
parlors so much as a pair of those beau
tiful ehromos at the City Book store,
sold for nearly one-half the usual cost of
such pictures Call and see for your
selves. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
Just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
Mhoes, etc.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
steam fitting line: also, bath tubs, and
water backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on shortcut notice.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house.w horn cverj body knows as a popti- ;
lar caterer, has "fixed Ids hotel up in j
splended stylo. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most j
attractive place. on Main street. Call
areund: every luxury of the season at
j the Chicago house.
Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble'
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him. and ,
will do a better job for less money than
anv outside workman. J lis work m the I
cemetery here should be sufficient recom
niendntion. Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
EN h-A
BE 1
Contractor and Euiider,
All kinds of Carpenters and Joiners AVork
promptly and neatly executed.
Furnished on short notice at reduced rates.
SnoF Next door east of Episcopal church.
Hill's Hew Variety TMatre,.
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre were
executed by jIr. F. Holt.
Painted by Mr. "Win. "West. Architect and
Builder Mr. Kemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Class Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part of B1a!e and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Vnequallert enter
tainment. New Acts, New Song's and com
plete change of Programme twice a week .
GEO. XIII.!.. Proprietor.
Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chena
inns Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
JUNE 11, 1S79.
"TVTOTICE. All persons knowing themselves
JJ indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to call and settle the same as soon as
possible, as under the eirciui stances funds
are necessary. We mav be found at the
onice of Warren & MeGiiire for the present.
1 KEXCHAlib & Ur&HUR.
Astoria, May 1, 1S79.
tice is hereby given that the Common
Council of the city of Astoria propose to or
der the improvement of that portion of Astor
street from the west side of lifayette street
to the east side of Genevive street, by grad
ing and building of sidewalks on eaclf side of
of said street, and unless a remonstrance
signed by the owners of two-thirds of the
property fronting on said portion of said
street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk
within ten days from date of this notice, the
Common Council will order said improvement
to be made.
By order of the Common Council.
Auditor and Cleric.
Dated Astoria, June 6. 1S7S. 32-dloc
Astoria Liquor Store,
Keeps constantly on hand the finest as
sortment of
Wines, Liquors and Cigars,
Call and see for yourself, on the roadway,
near ihe Oregon Steam Navigation Com
panys dock.
Main street, opposite the Parker House.
Of the above named New Bakery,
Respectfully invites a share of the public
his );
atronage, conlldent of his ability to plua.r
IJrooniN, Uruslitvs and Wooricn-wnre,
Tobacco, Cigars and Stationery,
feitt.s ITsES'tiisSiiii;? Goods, Etc
A'ear the Corner
nlafji a:nl C'oiieomly Sts.. Astoria
51. 15AIN tfc CO.,
Doors. WisMlonvs. 155si:ls. Trail-
soiris, Tiint:Icr. 2tc.
Steam Mill, Near Weston Hotel,
Cor. Cencvive and Astor streets.
Stoves, Tinware, and
House Furnishing Goodo
Hardware, Brass Goods,
Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings,
ngincers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron,
0opper, Brass, and Zinc.
Wilson & Fisher
I :OI-.3E.23nct7r.S:S3.
Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared
Rubber Packing.
Which will be exchanged for country pro
duce or sold at lowest prices
Corner Cherramus and Hamilton Streets