The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 07, 1879, Image 3

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'glxz guiiu sXxxxmi
Monday Excepted i.
Axtoriau Building Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
berved by Carrier, per week. .25 Cent."
Sent fay mail, four months.......... ..?3 00
Sent hy mail, cno year.......... $ 00
Free of l'osiaco to subscribers.
ST" Advertisements msertod by tho year at
tho rate of Si ."0 ior square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cents per suuare for each insertion.
Tub Daily ast'jkia.v will 7c i-ait by
mail al: cents a month, free of pottage. Reent
ers who content plate at ncncc from the city can
have Tiik Astokian- follow Uicm. Daiia
or Vei:kl.y MlUion to any pot-oj.hcc with
out Oiuutfonai xpciuc. Adirecx may lie
caanyca as efUi: as ucsircd. Leave order at
tM- coxLutiTia room.
The Loch Fergus comes for sal
mon. Remember that piano and furni
ture sale at C. A. McGuires residence,
by Mr. Hidden, to-day.
-- -
Wells, Fargo & Co's. office will
close this evening fur steamer to
morrow for San Francisco.
The steamer Gen. Canby made
three trips yesterday in consequence
of the funeral of Mrs. Stewart.
A new lot of Dolman's just receiv
ed at the Bee Hive, and to be closed
out right away by M. H. Steers.
The Oregonian thinks there is not
so much cause for apprehension of a
flood now, as there were a week ago.
The Iron Queen come partly
Joaded, and is seeking. The Loch
Fergus is m ballast, but has a charter
for salmon.
The Oregon Annual Conference
of the M. E. church will convene at
Portland, August 20th, 1879, Bishop
Haven will preside.
Hon. I. W. Case and Mr. B.
Van Dusen have been chosen to re
present Temple Lodge No. 7, in ihe
Orand Lodge of Masons.
-This week we have had the lowest
tides ever seen at Astoria, partly
caused no doubt by the flood of water
in the Columbia above here.
The public schools of Astoria
closed yesterday, and now the teach
ers can have a rest. We expect to
publish the reports next week.
A strawberry and ice cream festi
val will be given on the 13th inst., for
the benefit of the Congregational and
Methodist church of this city.
Hon. A. Van Dusen, Hon. WT.
D. Hare and Dr. Dodd. have been
chosen to represent Saints John Chap-
ter r. a. il , in the Grand Chapter.
Beaver Lodge No. 35, I. o. o. r.
elected officers Thursday evening as
follews: A. M. Twombly, x. c,
John Fox, v. c, I. W. Case, R. s., L.
Wibon, p. s., C. H. Bain, t.
Yesterday the remains of the wife
of C. Farsman of Deep river were
brought over and deposited in our
city cemetery. Rev. J. T. Wolfe of
ficiated at the grave.
Divine worship will be conducted
by J. T. Wolf in the Congregational
church of this city, Sunday morning
and evening. Subject, morning,
"Resistance U eviL" Evening, "The
moral Culture of Courtship. ''
The light-house steamer Shubrick
returned from Tillamook rock yester
day afternoon. We did not learn
what conclusion Col. Gillespie came
to, if any, concerning the site. Col.
G. will return to Portland to-day.
Another schooner load of stuff
came up from the wreck yesterday.
Tho extraordinary low tides of the
past few days have enabled the com
pany to do some effectual work. It is
an ill wind that blows nobody good.
Several of Clatsop's best citizens
from the interior visited tin city and
attended the Handel and Haydn
societies concert night before last.
Among those present we noticed Mr.
and Mrs. Knapp and daughter from
Knappa, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Taylor
from Clatsop, Messrs. H. F. Carna
lian, Wm. Morrison, and others.
As the steamer Gen. Canby pass
ed up last evening from cape Hancock
they saw a boat high an'd drjr on Sand
island, with a signal of distress
hoisted., and men patroling the beach
as if in search of bodies. This inci
dent may have some connection with
that other incident yesterday of hail
ing the steamer. Capt. Whitcomb
could not get near enough to render
ny assistance,
A Musical Feast,
Want of time prevented any more
than mere mention yesterday morn
ing uf the first concert given at Me
tropolitan hall by the Handel and
Hadyn society. A wet drizzling ram,
the annual meeting of Odd Fellows,
and an interesting event over at
Knappton, prevented many from at
tending who would have been there
under other circumstances, and still
the hall was nicely filled. The pro
gramme, which appeared in The As
tokian in full on Thursday morning,
was one of richness, set with gems
from the most popular writers, and
the execution of it filled the heart of
j each hearer with joy to know, and to
realize, that it was the work of our
own friends, all ladies and gentlemen
of Astoria. Part first opened with a
glee in full chorus "When the Sum
mer Rain is Over," by Donizzetti, and
from first to last it appeared that "the
best was reserved until the last, :is
each succeding piece seemed to be
more thrilling than the first. Several
beautiful pieces were roundty encored.
"The Herdsman Song, duet, sung by
Mrs. G. W. Woi.d and Miss Belle
Welch; "Blow, Bugles Blow," solo,
by Miss Ida Brown, chorus by the
class; "Jelly Jonathan," comic quartet
by Messrs. F. J. Taylor, Geo. Taylor,
W. B. Adair and J. Miller. In this
piece bursts of enthusiasm and a shower
tif boquets from the ladies attested
the appreciation of the audience. The
two Taylors got their boquets mixed,
and they were not "sorted out" until
after the close of the concert, when
Mr. George Taylor got his, and Frank
J. his. A beautiful solo "Beware," one
of Perrings best, was most happily ren
dered in part first by Miss Kate Taylor,
also, "A A'ery Bad Cold, a comic
quartet, by Miss Oruha Beard, Miss
Beard, and Messrs. Miller and Sinister;
also, one of Millards solos, "Grand
Old Ocean," by Capt. Wood, conclu
ded with a gem "O'er Forest, O'er
Mountaiu and Meadow," solo by Miss
Ester Holden, with full chorus by the
"The Marvelous Work," from
Haydns Creation, solo by Mrs. C. H.
Page, chorus by class, opened the
second part, and was sweetty rendered.
"Yearning," a solo by Mr. W. H.
Barker followed, Mr. Barker has an
excellent voce, and sings with spirit.
The next piece, "Fly tender Birdling,"
duet by Mrs Page and Miss Ida Brown
was beautiful, and perfectly rendered.
Miss Cara Van Dusen next appeared,
and sang that Heaven inspiring solo
by Abt, "Where is Heaven," which
was roundly encored, and the lady
was therecipient of a handsome boquet.
Then came the glee "Hail hail Fairy
Queen," in full chorus, and a selection
not on the bill by Miss Belle Welch,
followed by one of Abt's solos "Tell
me O' Bird of the Merry Greenwood,"
by Miss Ester Holden, encored. Miss
Holden's is a sweet, strong voice, and
she has a composure which shows that
she commands it. "The Professor at
home," a comic quartet, personated
by Mrs. Page as Prima Donna, Miss
Ida Brown as the servant girl Annie,
Prof. Cook as The Professor, and Mr.
Barker as The tax Collector, was
happily rendered,and encored a second
time. The concert closed with "The
Star Spangle Banner," Capt. Wood
singing the solo, and the class in full
chorus. Mrs. Schmeer presided at the
piano with grace, showing ability of a
high order, and the execution of the
entire programme told of the ability
of Prof. Cook. We are pleased to
hear that he regards the class at As
toria the best class in Oregon. There
are as many in the class as could
comfortably stand on the stage at
Metropolitan hall, and we shouid be
happy to make special mention of each
individual performer, in his or her
capacity, as all are deserving of praise,
but this is not possible at this time.
The society will continue its instruc
tion under the leadership of Mr. Cook,
and give another concert in about
three months.
Another Body Pound.
Mr. W. H. Clough, of the steamer
Canby, informs us that another body
supposed to be a fisherman, was found
on the 5th, close under the rock3 at
the lighthouse. He had on rubber
boots and oilskin shirt, pants and
overalls, ne was found by Mr. Al
len's seining party. Deceased appears
to be a man about forty-five years of
age, was partly bald, supposed to be
a German. The body could not be
identified. A sca'.p wound was found
on the right side of his head and three
fingers of the rght hand jammed.
The body was taken charge of by the
military authorities and buried.
Commercial IHKpatclies.
Peter Wilhelm at the Gem Heading
room is in receipt of dispatches an
nouncing that
The steamship Ancon arrived at
San Francisco forty-seven hours from
Astoria. Good for the Ancon.
The new steamship State of Califor
nia sailed yesterday at 10 o'clock a. m.
for Astoria and Portland.
The steamship Elder is again ready
for sea, and will sail for Astoria and
Portland on Wednesday.
The bark Pival is on the berth in
San Francisco loading for Astoria and
Xelia em IVason Ro&d.
Mr. W. J. Denver of the committee
in charge of- the construction of the
wagon road into Nehalem valley, fur
nishes us with the following statement
of the finances to date:
J. D. H. Gray 510 00
John Hobsoiu - 10 00
.Tackms & Hawes .. - - 00
Bergman & Berry -. 15 00
E. S. Larsen 25 00
Thomas Brnmel ; a 00
Mcgler & Wright- 20 00
J. W.Uearliart so w
W.D. Hare - l- 0 0
J. Strauss - 5 00
J. "W. Robb 10 00
Warren fir McKuire ' 20 ou
Trenchard S Upshur. -. 20 00
C. lA'iiieweber .r- lo oo
II. B. Parker. tu iw
.J.C.Trullinger. ; 10 W
J. Badolett 10 U0
W. Bock 10 ou
Chas. Heilborn 10 oo
It. Barth i. 10 oo
J. Tavlor .......r. 10 oo
C. J . "Smith - 5 00
Magnus C. Crosby : lo oo
Chas. Steven
2 50
C. H. Bain
P. Wilhelm
A. Van l)usen-& Co-.
T. Bailey
W. H. Twilight
1. .7. Goodman-
I. W. Cast'
Sibon & Hamilton ...
1L 1. Caufield ..
I Me: rath
M. Wise
.1. S. Chambers -..
Capt. George Flavel
R. 18. Spedden
1U 00
111 00
10 00
10 01
5 00
5 00
10 00
10 00
10 to
2. A)
2 tH
5 00
10 00
5 00
Total 421 50
Of the above sum there remains un
paid, but perfectly good, about
$150 which Mr. Denver will call
for soon. The settlers subscribed as
W. II. Lewis 50 21
A. r ertedo
.1. W. Slaughter
. L. Moore - -
W. A. Foster. :i -
David Johnson -
W. .1. Denver - -
Mann Mann -
II. R. Woodln :
J. Walker. :
From sale oi Hour. ....... .
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
25 00
5 00
50 00
2 75
Total ,
" Astoria
132 00
424 50
Total Subscribed $S5G 50
- Following is an itemized statement
of disbursements to date:
Tools, work, etc., S. & Co- $10G 20
Amount paid laborers hire ......... . 20S 25
J. Denver, services ic 00
outlay- - - 6 2i
Amount paid for boat hire S 00
B. C. Mace " " - I 00
Team moving camp - 2 00
Amount paid .1. "W. Slaughter 50 c;0
" .!. h. -Moore do oo
w.h. Lewis:;..: &000
' "W. A. Foster - 30 03
" " I). Johnston 33 77
" "W. Holmes 40 i0
Total SG21 30
Amount not collected- 153 85
Cash lo balance 81 25
Total -........
Funeral of 3fra. Stewart.
The mourning family of Maj. Stew
art, and a host of sorrowing friends,
followed the remains of the beloved
wife and mother to the grave yester
day in this city. It was indeed a sad
and sorrowful experience. The fu
neral sermon was preached by Rev.
Octavius Parker, in Grace (Episcopal)
church. We noticed in the proces
sion Hon. I. W. Case and other lead
ing citizens of Astoria, Qol. Gillispie,
Major of U. S. Engineers from Port
land; Lieut. H. G. Otis,,TJ. S. A.,
Capt. A. Morris, U. S. A., Dr. D.
Weisel, U. S. A., and others from the
Kail road Matters.
We wish to remind people that
there will be another railroad meeting
at the Court-house this evening to
further considerthatiniportantsubject.
It is hoped that it may be a full meet
ing; a rousing good meeting; and an
interesting meeting. If you have the
good of Astoria at heart- turn out to
this meetinir.
Compliments Received.
We acknowledge receipt of the com
pliments of Capt. George C. and Mrs.
Fl;vel; and lake this occasion to wish
them a long aud prosperous voyage to
gether through life.
Sixty packages choice Tillamook
butter ex-schooner Honora all sizes
of packages from 20 lbs. to 40 lb kegs
at Larseus.
The North Bend sailed for San
Francisco yesterday, laden with lum
ber from Knappton. Her cargo is
valued at about 5,000.
Pev. O. Parker leaves on the
next trip of the Oregon. There will
be divine service in Grace church to
morrow morning, the Pev. Mr. Sell
wood officiating. It being Trinity
Sunday the holy communion will be
administered and the offertory in ac
cordance with tne notice already given
will be for the Episcopal fund. You
are cordially invited to attend.
Hume and. iD.uncans No. 18 was
picked up near Chehalis point, on the
29th by some Indians. The boat was
bottom up. A net was also found,
near by it. One oar -and one row
lock was gone. Our informant, Mr.
J. H. Lamley says the Indians launch
ed the boat and sailed up the river.
Enrther information can ,be obtained
from the mail carrier, at Tokes point.
We think this is the boat ithat Henry
Lack went out in.
I. C. Johnson may be found at the
Occident injAstoria " every Monday,
WednesdayfTind Friday evening, ready
to attend to messenger 'duty in Portland
or to points along the river in a satisfac
otry manner.
Owing to making a change in her
business, Mrs. Steers offers her stock of
millinery, notions, and ladies and chiid
rens ready made clothing, underwear,
jewelry, musical instruments, books
and stationery, at the lowest figures. Call
at the Bee Hive and see for yourself.
Goto the Little Bee Hive, branch
of the old Bee Hive, for books, music,
musical instruments, blank books, sta
tionery, and notions general 1 v. where
for a short time you can get "bargains.
JlemiMiiber the Little Bee Hive, next to
Dement's drug store, and look at the
nice goods offered very cheap by Mj:s.
Bersman & Berry have two new
boats for sale very cheap, 2(5 toot keel.
Notions, candies and fruits of the
the best quality, at C. A. Mays.
Fresh California fruit can be had
at C. A. Mays on the arrival of every
A full assortment of counter and
grocers scales can be found at M. C.
Crosby's, at bottom prices.
Magnus C. Crosln is sole agent for
the Medallion Uange" in the Astoria
market, which is unquestionably the
best range on the Pacific slope. Call
and xamine.
The x. o. of Beaver Lodge Xo. 35,
i. o. o. f. instructs us, by order of the
Lodge, to keen it before members that
next Lodge niuht election of officers i
) will take place. .Junefith, and a full at
tendance is required.
The boss knight of the shining
Sheffield blade and a first-class hair
cutter, can be found at the Parker
House. Prices, 25 cents each for hair
cutting, shaving, dyeing, shampooing,
and bath.
Persons wishing to prepare for
fishing on the Sound, or for small fish
will find a quantity of suitable twine at
.1. H.D.Gray's. It is just the thing for
trout and herring nets.
Judging from the number of Chro
mos being carrird around town-r-the
Dollar Store is doing a good business.
Fishermen can get a square meal
at any time, at Pike's restaurant, Unity,
for fish. Inferences : Fishermen who
havei'aten there.
J. S. Maj'er has opened Rudolph
Barths beeihall near tlie Fishermen's
cannery, can m wnen you are passing
and refresh yourself with the best in
the market.
The "California Dollar Store"
still continues the chief atti action of the
town, and ,4lucky ones" carry away their
finest chromos at One DoZZoreacli, their
plated ware and cutlery is of the finest
quality lake a walk around and try
your luck.
Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and
jeweler of long experience, has perma
nently established himself in business
in Caufield's drug store, Chenamus
street, Astoria. Watches and Jewelry
cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En
graving a specialty. All work guaran
teed. Give him a trial and be. your own
judge of his workmanship. He will
soon add to his stock a well selected in
voice? of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and
plated ware, which he will be able to
sell at very low prices.
Ice cream, and fresh fruits of all
kinds at Schmeers, opposite the bell
tower. Also iresh oysters, in every
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Book store.
There is no use talking Max Wag
ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the
only man to please his customers well.
He'keeps the finest San Francisco beer
in the city, it sparkles like champaigne.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Rooms to let, bv the day, week, or
month, at Mrs. W. II. Twilight's.
Ovsters served in every style at
the Waila Walla Restaurant.
Xow that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Runev is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
When you are looking for a place
to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag
ner s, (Treat eastern saioon, aim listen
to the organ and take a glass of his fine
San Francisco beer.
Getvour baskets filled for a little
money at l3ailej's.
White Darling potatoes at Berg
man t Berry's.
Now is the time for cleaning up
our houses, and ornamenting them.
For this purpose you can find nothing
that will add to the appearance of your
parlors so much as a pair of those beau
tiful chromos at the City Book store,
sold for nearlv one-half the usual cost of
such pictures Call and see lor your
selves. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received thp latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
steam fitting line; also, bath tubs, and
water backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on shortcut notice.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house.whom everybody knows as a popu
lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in
splended stvle. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
areund: every luxury of the season at
the Chicago house.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering uork of him, and
will do a better job for less, money than
an v outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should he sufficient recom
nieiidation. Before you let your eon-
tracts lor worK oi mis kiuu iu wouiu ur.
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
The Fishermen's Union.
A meeting will be held on Saturday
evenin'. June 7th, 1879, at the hall over
the Crystal saloon, at eight o'clock,
sharp. .Robkijt Makiuott,
Oregon strawberries, the first cf
the season, at Larsens.
Ill's If Variety Tliatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre were
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Painted by Mr. "Wm. "West. Architect ami
Builder Mr. Kemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Class Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part of Male and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Unequnlled enter
tainment. New Acts. New Song's and com
plete change of riogramme twice a week.
GEO. mil, Proprietor.
Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chena
mus Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
JUNE 7. 1S79.
"TVTOTICE. All persons knowing themselves
JL1 indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to call and settle the same as soon as
possible, as under the circun stances funds
are necessary. "We may bo found at the
ofllce of Warren & McGuire for the present.
AsraRa. May 19. 1879.
WANTED. A situation by a French cook,
in a Hotel, Restaurant, Chop House.
Steamboat or Boarding House of anv kind.
At O'Brien Hotel.
"TJET FOUND.-T have found a net
1 marked ROBERT WATSON, on
tin buoy and W B on the corks. The
owner can have it by paving charges.
HAMTALors Tom Indian.
Bay t enter, "W. T., May 24, 1879. 28-tf
LOST OR STOUSAV-On the night of
the 29th of May, about 80 fathom gill net,
branded on corks and leads PRP Co.
"Will pay a liberal reward for the net, or will
pay S100 for the arrest and conviction of the
party who stole It.
Piller Rock, May 30, 1879. 28-tf
NET JiOST. Lost on Friday night. May
30th. in M id-bay right opposite the tow n,
about 175 fathoms of web, American lO-pty
thread. 40 meshes deep; marked on the.
corks K 34. and K on the leads. The
finder will be rewarded by returning the
same to the ASTORIA FISHERY.
Astoria, May 31 . 1879. 28-t f
tice is hereby given that the Common
Council of the city of Astoria propose to or
der the improvement of that portion of Astor
street from the west side of Lafayette street
to the oust side of CJenevive street, by grad
ing and building of sidewalks on each side of
of said street, and unless a remonstrance
signed by the owners of two-thirds of the
property" fronting on said portion of said
street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk
within ten days from date of this notice, th
Common Council will order said improvement
to be made.
By order of the Common Council.
Auditor and Clerk.
Dated Astoria, June 6. 1878. 32-dlot
Main Stkekt, - Astokia, Oregon.
Eg--Perfect fits guaranteed. All work
warranted. Give
me a trial. All orders
promptly filled.
Astoria Liquor Store,
Keeps constantly on hand the finest as
sortment of
Wines, Liquors and Cigars,
Call and see for yourself, on the roadway,
near the Oregon Steam Navigation Com
panys dock.
Main street, opposite the Tarker House.
C. CAROW, Pkopripttor
Of the above named New Bakery,
Respectfully invites a share of the public
patronage, confident of his ability to pleaMi
his patron.
dealer in
groceries xsi provisions.
Brooms, Brntlies aiunVooUen-ivnre.
Tobacco, Cigars and Stationery,
Gent's Furiiishiiij? Goods, I-Itci
Near tho Corner
ainin anl Coiicomly Sts. Astori:i
H. BAEV & CO..
Doors, Windows, Slinds, Tran
soms, 3-umber. lute.
Steam Mill, Near Weston Hotel,
Cor. Genevive and Astor streets.
jr. jt.