0) s1- A LAJUmiM J WM i -J f v. - S Vol. ix. Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morifeg, June 7, 1879. ISo. 33 -" --- - "(jjSiSjSjPIb r?a pi f$ Vu&hMr IX re JLyv TELEGRAPHIC I EASTERN STATES. A Fci::5c Former Escapes. Portland, (Me.), J une 5. Last nis-ht Gracic St. .John Ciemenee note on Senator Sharon $0 - i .lOO, which cashed. she failed, tu get j ! - r T -,,. i, x-rffa. jl2hs Itorlfac.u 5 ifc . j CnK'ACo, June o. President ( Billiiiffs. iiisixctcd the extension I -west of the Missouri river to-dav. it is reported thai the president 1 found the wen: progressing too slowly, it is his desire to build the whole distance lo the Vollow stone this year. With the com pletion of the division of the Yellowstone, and the Pen d'Orieile division the Pacific coast. President Biliinirs proposes to establish a. stage line between the termini and thus provide for through travel and mail route. PAC3F2C COAST KEWS. r:iin Vessel! sLoxi The Esrremont Castle from San &Co. Sax Fkano;sco, June 5. The schooner Mary E. Donovan, bound for Farralone islands, yesterday sighted a fishing boat capsized on lour fathom bank with a man clinging to the keel. The schoon er went to his rescue, and hauled the man on board. Eis n?Ql., ftBixruefel son (Hewirueh'ex hausted when rescued. T2&e Fraher River Flood. Victoria, June 5. Frascr river is still rising with extraordinary rapidity, and exceeding all calcu lation. Sumas presents the ap pearance of a jjreat lake over a large portion of its s'urface, with the possibility of a still higher stasre. The wap:on road above Yale is under water in many places, and at Yale the point reached is nearlv that of 1S70. Heavy masses of drift wood are passing New Westminster daily. "Wisco-isins Feinaio jLaiiryer. AVtc York Thncx. Lavina Gootlsel, who has attract j'd a good deal of attention in "Wisconsin by drawing uj) a bill to the state legislature providing that no person should be refused ad mission to the bar on account of sex, and securing its passage, seems to be possessed of unusal energy and of decided talent for law. Some time ago she was em ployed here on a fashion journal, but conceivino that she could do something better, she resigned her position and went to Janesville, where her aged parents reside and needed her assistance. Arrived there she determined that she would not settle down to washing dishes and making gowns, as most women do. She had long had a fancy for law, and had convinced herself that she possessed a business head. Therefore she began to study law, and kept at it for three years, applied for admission to the Circuit court, passed a brilliant examination and was admitted. She gained her tirst cases, and one of them having been carried to Supreme court, her right to plead there was denied on account of her sex. She reviewed the Supreme Judges de cision in a legal journal and got the better of him in argument, and then went to work upon the legislature, with the result already known. Some of the ablest law yers in the state admire her ac umen and learning, and declare her j to ne a bcrn barrister, one is represented as entirely feminine, nowithstanding her profession, and one of the best of women in all fhe duties of life. toroic jail. She has been in custouv . Coast .Steamship Navigation Co.s boat?. , U-- r ,,l,av!;nn- &, ft M) A grand reception at Yoiers hall will m a, charge of e.mtax nip; 0,0 W .t lh,. lmi1V in the evenintr. This is from J. Ii. Snrma:, unci forging a: one of the most favorable otmortuuitie-s for h rancisco b(ii)tember lbth, to Cork, j ner 1- nM and Aider streets. Portland. ;. .;;,w.. i . ;. ,..i.f &t Abnuus fe Carroll, wholesale, drnjj is misb nor. Largo ,s v. heat, U ,: is(s .. a(l - Flont slreel? JSal Fraiscto 1 4, shipped by Amnion, Caspari eo, sav: . ' I Eop,CetBgd. A great excursion from Portland to Sca&le, W. T. and back, will come off .June 24. Astorians hik! nil others in this vicinity who wiui lo join this jiartj, will meef them at Kaklama at 11 o'clock of thai day. ami take the North ern Pacific railroad train for New Ta- eoiua, thence lo eattle by the J'?ine of visiting Pncet Sound ever offered to vWt t.vt.rv lUw on lht. s.uih1. The. excursion is under the ausniee of thft 31. E. church, a i ml suiMM'inteiMied by ,i(?v- Lsnac Dillon. Ticket from ICa- tal toStntlUt. Hlwl n.tlinif oay r0. Children under twelve, half price. Ticket good till July iJith. IJr. 53nttrs Nenhri'ticKm A 4'n:i:paiii! ElXirarC of Bueiti:. Dr. Ii n tie's Xcphretieum works won ders. In all cax's of Droiv, H right's ! J Tiease.. Kidne. Bladder and 1'rinary I Complaints, or Retention of Trine, these troubles are entirely cnired by the Ne- phrt-ticiim. FemaleWeakncss, Gravel, Diabetes, pain in the back, side and loin are ured. when all other medicines have tailed. See what the druggists of Portland and San Francisco say alMitit Dr. Min lie's Xephreticum and" English Dande lion Pills. W have sohl a large amount of Dr. Minti'" medieines: the English Dan delion Pills; also the Nephreticiun. and in all cases they are highly spoken of and gie entire satisfaction.' John A.ChihK drugget, Second street, Porlhtml. C. II. Woodward &Co.. druggists, cor- Ve reirard Nephreticiun as the best kidney and bludder remedy before, the public." For all d'TansemriiLs of the liver, use Dr. Minties English Dandelion Pills. For BilliuiiHicss ami Dyspepsia, use Dr. Mintie's Dandelion IMlls. For Fever and Af?u , !. Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion lii..s. Every f mily should keep the Eng lish Da'nde ion Pills on hand. Dr. IdintKs remedies will not 'cure all complaints," but if taken according to directions. f?e immediate relief and !PBfaca,oiirtt inU troublei,f.pii wjmuii 11. . Caufiekv druggist, Astoria. Oregon. There have lec i more cures of semi nal weakness, icrvous debility and par alysis made ' the wondertul English Bemedv. Mr At. ley Cooper's ATital Bes torative. than all other remedies com bined. V h will you suffer? Send to A. E. Mhit'e, M D No. 11 Kearny street San Francisco. Price. $.'5 per bottle; four times the quantity, $10. Try a bottle. Going down the bay yesterday the stetuiu-r Gen. Canby was hailed by a fishing boat, under sail, and told something win h Capt. Whitconib could not make ut. except the word "trouble." If t e bo.t had luffed up or put out a signal m lime the Can by could probably have got the word. Returning, the Canby passed a net adrift with no boat in sight, but for want of time could not stop to pick it up. i A gentleman of Astoria litis re ceived the following conundrum through the mail: Life's golden hour is passing by, Y hi le. si ngle. you remain, si r : And beauty's bluh, ami beauty's sigh, Are spent on you in vain, sir. Pray do not fear to wed me, dear, Forprndent 1 will be; From love I'll learn all things to spurn, Which yields no joy to thee. The above was printed, and pasted on a clean white sheet of paper. He is in doubt about the truth of the lirst stanza. If she is gm.d looking and amiable (coin is no object) "Bar kis is will m. SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing to a reduction ou Refined Sugar in Sau Francisco, I take pleasure to state that I will give Half Pound More Sugar FOU ONE DOLLAR, Than heretofore, to stricily cash customers. Other oods at I5cd Rock Prices. X.ars:c Invoices Just Opened. AND Fresh Fruits a Specialty. E. S. LAKSKff. W3I. XHIiEXSIAitT. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon. ASrOELV - OREGON. IIol, Colli. Shower, Steam and Sulphur BATHS. I35"SpecIal attention given to ladies ami children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladles, WHOLESALE TRADE? a Corner of Water and OlnesaStreets. ; Amorifi. Orcaon. Wholesale Bea v3yAieiit for the GoMph City phjgmlcal Works. I J. W. Payne ft Sou; Steani Jnines. fay's Wood Working Machinery. -9k ryFisJicruien's and Cannery Supnlieij a specialty. Cotton Seine Twine and Nqtlliiiies iUU ill OiUI XJUIIUISIU 1U1UCA. 52rOars, Cordage, Blocks. OakunT imse nriSnr etc. I Slur of the Columbia. 1H) fire test Ker one. lade Turiieuthie and Varuksh. Sail cloth expressly for light boats. INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, OREGON. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the United States and Europe. OFFICE HOURS-From S o'clock A. M. until 4 o'clock i'. 3i. Home Intel Iiisnrance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, T. F. IlOUOHTON' Ciias. R. Story IlAMiirox Bo yd. i Gro. L. Story, j President Secretary Agents for Oregon Offick Northeast corner of Stark and First streets, Portland, Okkgon. Net Cash received for Fire Prem iums in 1877 335.511 W Assets, Jan. 1, 1S7S 578,005 85 UabiUttcft Losses vn paid.. S3.G3S 37 IMVHICUUS 1.KV7 00 5,505 ,T7 Surphis far Property Holders So72.470 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six years-5114 JlC 72 I. IV. C 1S. Agent, Astoria. Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPiTAL. LIVERPOOL AD LONDON -ANDj GLOBE, NORTH BRTTISn AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OP HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SG7.0OO.O00. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. conmERciAL uiviie: ASSURANCE COMPANY ou1 Xjaourxoixr. Capital S!295O0,O0O.J . MAT! II. SIBSON, Agent, ! Astoria, Oregon'. IHSURAHCE COMPAHY OF CAI.IFOKIIA. ORGANIZED IN IS 63. Totnl Lose Ialtl Slnre Organixatiou. $8,6SO,4S5 95. E. C. IIOLHEN. Agent. Astoria Oregon BILL HEAD PAPER, OF EVERY GRADE AND COLOR. PRLN ted or plain, at lowet rates, nt Ths Asturux ofHc e SBOCffllESPEOYllk Etade 15ANK1KG AND INSURAJ BANKIKG AND UISURAp .U BROKER, BANKER, .' . , . . saxp- -5BS- HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ; T rs. s. j:. AitKiGosi, rneruiKTOj: of Tisc 2ioKi'CP Ketatir:?3i. 3LIX STKKRT, - ASTOKIA. OlSKGOX. Has constantly on hand a full .supply of I P 11 E S 31 OYST K I? S. Which will be .served in any style desired. j Strawberries and Cream I and Ice Hrttam in season. ZpaN, 2." cciil.s; nl all Hours. Private Boarding. MILS. HOUSEMAN, - - I'ltoi'KXRTOi:. Will aecoinnuHlatc boarders. WITH OR WITHOUT ltOO.MS. Next door to Metropolitan Hall, Astoria, Oregon. A. J. aiCGLKK. C. S. WUIG11T. MEGLEII& WltlRIIT. Proprietors. A&torfa, Oregon. THE rKOPRIETOKS ARK HAPPY TO announce that the almve hotel has been repainted and refuniishcd. addbisr jzreatly to the comfort of its guests mid is now the besi hotel north of an Francisco. C. W. KNOWLKS. AT. ZIF.r.Ki:. CT,AK3SG HGTJKT,, PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON. Z1EBER & KNOVLES, Proprietors. xxaFrcc coach to and from the hoasefPU P ARKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON, II. 35. TAKKER. ----- Pronrietor. TniS HOTEL is tiie largest, mast comfort able and lKst Kept hotel hi the city. Is supplied with the best of spring water, hot and cold baths, barbershop, and a first -el:s saloon with best of liquor:. and cigars, and a line billiard tabic. Free coach to the house ; clu.rges reasonable. -1 S-' to S2 30 per day, ac cording to room occupied TTAIilAST KKSTAUilAXT. Just opened, newly furnished and first class. S. DAMICO & CO., - Pr.onts. Corner Lafayette and Second sts., Astoria. Meals served in Italian, J'nmishjjndLAiii'ejrfa cairstylcs'to ordcrr - - The tabic will be supplied at all times with the best the market atlords. The well k nown and gentlemanly steward. V. A. Cook, will always be on Hand with afirstckiss Italian cook, pleased to see his friends. Come and satisfy yourself. Private rooms for ladies. Meals at all hours. 'Ihe best wines and ci gars always on hand. mURPIX HOUSE, D L.TGRPIX - Proprietor MAIN STREET. Between Squemocqhe and Jefferson, Astoria. Okkgon. Board and lodging per week.... Board per day Single Meal . , S M J 00 2T Tne table will be supplied at all times with the best the market atlords. TTTAIXA WAX.I.A RESTAUEAST, TnEO. BROEMSEE, - - PROl-RiETOR.i T Fresh oysters, and other deli cacies of the season, served in every style. Opposite the Telegraph office, iuemuuhc street, Astoria. Oregon. nsaratEALS AT ALL TIOURS-ffw. AUEGOa BOUSK. Mam street, near Hustler's Wharf. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. Mrs. Mary Caiit.ki.l, Proprietor. Board and lodging by day or week. "rtoiitox ii or si-:, CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, PORTIVND. OREGON, P. XORTOX, - - - - Proprietor. (Formerly of the Portland Hotel.) THIS HOUSE IS A FIRE-PROOF BRICK, iust finished and newly furnished, with the best of spring beds. TEnis Per week From 35 to ?j for board and lodging. Per day si 00. Single meals 25 cents. lodging 25 to rd cents. fcsjr-Free coach to ami from the House. Private Boarding House. MRS.QUINN- rROPBIETOR. "Will accommodate day boarders or accom modate anv with board and lodging. Prices reasonable. In IncahV building, .TelTerson street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's Express office. Keep Your Money Safe, Ex steamship Oregon I have received an other consignment of TUC5"EirS IMTJ33T Ar.AISI MONEY TILLS. This matchless Ccnnter Alarm Honey Drawer Is proof against Tetty Thieves. i'lIICIE (5 OO. E. C. HOLDEN, Commission Agent. I. "W. CASE, I3IP0RTEE AND WHOLFSALE AND R: TAIL DEALER IX (jEMRAL IfflPiGHAMSE; Comer Chenamus and Cass street5?. ASTORIA - - - . OREGON. 0" anSCELLAXEOUS. CENTRAL MARKET.. Genend assortment of table stock constantly on hand, .such as Canned Fruits a Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, jE'GGS. Bl'TTER. CII2EKSK. Mi -Fruits anil Yeietallss. FISEI, PCl'LTllY A3TD GA3K In the season. CIG.VRS A3TD TOI5ACCO. isest or v'axES xxs r.iroiss. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite T. W. Cae's store. J. KODGERS. SPECIAfi XOTICE. I la vhu just received a new stock, consisting ol a spienciu assortment ot ITaiM. Cup?. Uoots kekI SIiocs., Groceries, Canned Fruits, etc. also : V(c?aes. .ToiveJry nul CsiUcrj". P.esiiles a choice lot of TOBAcca ce;ai; a?;i in.s. Wines and Liquors, Stationery and Fancy Articles. Which we aie offering at the lowest living prices. Yen respect full v. JAMES McGEE. At McGees new building on the roadway. li is no Use of Talltiiis:. J. K. "WHIT'S is the cheapest place to buy lKi'ITS K TFfiETALES, As he has direct from San Francisco by every steamer, all kinds of vegetables, such as is in the market. Applet. I'ea. Celery. Cai:IiiVwei Asparagus. larsips. Kccts, Car rots. 2'otatoos. ranges. And from Clatsop every day EGGS. BUTTER, CHEESE, AND HONEY. Also : keep the best of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, AND LIQUOES. Call and examine before purchasing else where. J. K. WHIT. ML .L. 7"W XI ! t&& l.Sltc'", , ' ' Is All TMs Blowing AM ! I HAVE JUST RETTJENED FROM TIIE EAST AXD WILL . ' SELL MY GOODS AS AS ANY HOUSE IN TIIE CITY Anil am not going-to say anything about it A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhe sts., ASTOBIA, - OREGON. ECLIPSE MAEIiET.. West-32sa:!iti Street, near the O. S. ?J. t'o's lVharr. JOHN W, N ELCH PuorRiETOit A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMI 1. ly Groceries, and the MMions kinds of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished in bet of style at the market, or delivered to any part ot tiie city. Oidersgiven to the messen gers, or left at the market, will he promptly tilled. My endeavor will be. by prompt, attention ami fair deaiiug. to please my patrocs. CSAU kimts of count rv produce taken in exchange for goods, and deliveicd topatrci.i free. JSCJive me a call. J. II. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. OYSTERS, bij the SACK, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.- Genend storage and Whartagc on reason able terms. D. E. Warrkx. C A. McGuirkJ. Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus niul Cassstreeta. ASTORIA. OREGON. WARREN & McGUIRB, Proprietor . (Succefsoi s to llnbuvnd: Warrrz. Wholesale and Rctnil Dealers in all Klnas o Fresh and Cured Sweats! A full line of Family groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. i3"Buttor, Egps, Cheese, otc. constantly-, nband. ti&" Shin? supplied at the lowest rates. Washington "Market , Jicrt7? Street - - Astoria Oregoii, RERG3IAN C BEJtRY T RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN-. , Kt:on cf the public to tho fact that tl.o to ahovo Market will alirays be supplied with FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesn! a, , and rctaiL Speeial attention civon to supoiy ,. us ships. v" " y -. . ihMMi2t&ifMmmw' . "-;i " WjB&rU& T