The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 05, 1879, Image 3

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glx ga&Irj jstoimx.
Monday Excepted.
4.soriai, Bvihliiiq, Cass Street.
f arms of Subscription :
bervetl by Carrier, per woek .25 Cent
Sent by mail, four months -.a H
Sent by mail, cne your 9 OU
free of Po?tso to subscribers.
rt&r Advertisements morted by theyoar at
the rate of Si 0 ior inrc per -month.
Transient adverti-ins, by the day or tvoofc,
fifty cents por square for oicli insertion.
Turc Daily astoiua.v will he pent hy
rnailatlocout.-i a month, frccof pottage, ficaa
civ who citntcmiHaicalmejncnfrom the cily can
have Tins Astokian toWov them, Daii.v
r Wkkicly t'AiU touts to any xM-olico ivith
tml additional xih-h.c. jlilarcmc man he
cnanyeti ax often u aexircd. Leave orders at
the amntiwj room.
C. A. May lias lots of fresh fruit.
and ILiydn society to-
Mr. Leinenuober has a very sick
child at his house.
Norris has added new attractions
to his beautiful gallery.
Councilman McGuire is getting
read' to move to Clatsop.
The best seat in the hall
liad for 70 cents at Caufields.
Councilman Ruuev was present
the last meeting of the council.
Capt. Wilson has finally obtained
a patent for his "feathering" paddle.
The picnic excursion to Puget
sound will be almost wholly a failure.
Remember that on Saturday eve
ning next another railroad meeting
will be held in this city, at the court
Ziouse. Coos bay and Foulweather will
have delegates to go before the Board
of Engineers personally in the interest
of the harbor of refuge.
The Iron Queen left "Victoria for
Astoria on the 3d. So says dispatch
es to the Gem Reading Room. With
the present favorable weather she
ought to get in to-day.
The Stillman B. Allen is at Geo.
w. riumes nock to-aav taKing on
salmon for Europe. She came
the river taking fish all along
took 2,500 cases at Badollet & Co.'s
Rev. 0. Parker has been offered,
lias accepted and has been appointed
to the Missionary stations at Pendle
ton and Weston,
enter upon his new
day of July.
..w . v,. . v.
This week has been devoted to
commencement exercises and closing
examinations by a large number of
educational institutions of the state.
The Astoria schools will make a very
excellent showing.
The State of California made the
"boss" trip from Astoria to the dock
in San Francisco in 3D hours and 40
minutes. The Oregon's best trip was
39 hours aud 00 minutes from the Co
lumbia river bar to dock.
The Sea Waif was not sold in
San Francisco. The Sea Waif is 27G
tons register, and was built at Nantes,
France, in 1S73. She stranded in
the Columbia river a fe'.v jTears ago,
was hauled off, purchased by Ameri
can citizens, repaired and placed under
the American flag under the present
name. She still belongs to Mr. G.
W. Hume.
Gus Sprague writes a splendid
business hand. He sent us a letter
by the sheriff 3'esterday telling us that
our informant was mistaken as to the
charges upon which he was commit
ted to jail. He is there, however; and
judging from his hand writing he
ought to be in better business, he
lias apparently had some advantages
of education which should have fitted
him for other purposes.
Ilariier'w "Slajrazme.
Tlie June number of Harper's
Magazine gives the readers of tbat
attractive periodical a pleasant sni
prise. The pages have been increased
in width and the type is larger and
handsomer than the old. No change
is made in the external appearance of
the magazine, the tint and the design
.of the cover having been retained.
The increased size of the page alfords
better scope for illustration a feature
for which Harper's is distinguished
both for the quality and the number
of the wood engravings that adorn its
pages. With this beautiful and at
tractive number the magazine begins
in its fifty-ninth semi-annual volume.
Common Council Fx'occedinjrs.
Council Ciiamiier
Astoria, June od, 1879. C
Council met in regular session with
Mayor W. W. Parker presiding.
Councilman present Gray, Hahn,
McCann, McGuire, Runey, and
Officers present R. H. Cardwell
auditor and clerk, W. J. Barry, chief
of police.
Minutes of last regular
read and approved.
Of property owners along
of Wwst-cijrht street, asking
the line
that the
street be improved from Arch street
to Berry street was read and referred.
Of citizens asking the council to
purchase a steam lire engine for As
toria Engine Co. No. 1, was rend, and
on motion the committee on fire and
water together with the chief engineer,
was instructed to purchase a steam
lire engine on as favorable terms as
Of committee on fire and water on
the matter of coke was read and
Of committee on streets and public
ways on communication from J. O.
Fruit, was read and adopted.
Of committee on streets and public
ways on the matter of reimbursing 2?.
F. Mudge was read and motion to
adopt. Lost.
Of committee on streets and public
ways on superintendent of streets re
port for April, was read and adopted.
Of police judge for the month past
placed on file.
Of superintendent of streets for the
mouth past placed on file.
An ordinance was introduced j)ro
viding for the issue of bonds to pay
the outstanding indebtedness of the
city. Passed the second reading.
Appropriating 200 for expenses of
litigation. Passed.
An ordinance approving the action
of the conned during absence of the
mayor, was passed over the veto.
From the board of foremen asking
permission to take No. 2 engine to
Portland on parade, was not granted.
From W. J. Barry, chief of police,
in regard to certain nuisances, was
placed on file.
From citizen M. D. Kant, in regard
to lines in the Chinese quarters re
ferred to committee on fire and water.
Warrants were ordered in payment
of claims against the city as follews:
Van Dusen & Co 75 01
II Snellinier 1 70
i.Jno .McCann 170
MD Baker 1 70
V m Raymond 1 70
Geo Rucker 170
!.I Surprenant 1 70
111 B Parker
42 72
C .1 Trenchard 31 Hi
Thos Logan 51 50
Sale Continued.
But a portion only of the goods of-
Mr Parker will:ier'u " DJLr rioJUC" yesieruay, on
T - ,
duties on the istiaccount tlie estate ot Henry bina-
linger, deceased, were disposed ot.
The sale will be continued at lOo'clock
to-day. Do not forget it.
The Wildwood Gone.
The ship Wildwood went to sea yes
terday. She entered this port one
year ago on the Sth; went up river on
the 10th and returned laden on the
3d inst. She is the deepest draft that
ever, passed down the river, but not
the deepest that h:is crossed the bar,
by twenty-four inches.
Captured a Bear.
We are informed that on Saturday
last Mr. C. F. Thomes and Mr. F. M.
Bartholow, at Bay-View, Hanked a
large black bear, and captured it with
in five hundred yards of Mr. Thomes
house. They now have his skin as a
memento of the fun. There are one
or two more bear in the same vicinity,
whose interest the' are watching.
For Tillamook Head.
Col. Gillispie, Major of U. S. en
gineers, Air. Wheeler, Mr. Brunnell,
and other gentlemen connected with)
the engineering and light departments
will leave Astoria to-day on board the
steamer Shubrick for a trip of obser
vation, to Tillamook head as we un
stand incidentally, with a view of
looking out the site for the proposed
light-house in that vicinity.
Court iroc ccdinjrs
Prairie Brown drunk. Deposit of $5
Julius Bnlchocll, drunk,
fined So.
bent below tor two days.
Ah Yoiu keeuimr ouium den, fined
63d. Sent below for fifteen days.
r.A nJ?,,l?i f?lil "1;!n-nJ '
fined 20. hem below for ten das.
George Elax. fighting, and JJary 3fc
Carty, drunk; continued until to-day.
llury was unable to appear before the
" " TTT a if t
5am iievy lias leuers lor arrea
Bergman & Berry have two new
boats for sale very cheap, 26 foot keel.
brother Ship ton.
There are so many strange freaks in
published in 1448, and republished in
1641. It is as follews:
Carriages without horses shall go,
And accidents till the world with woe ;
Around the earth thoughts shall fly,
Jn the twinkling of an eye;
The world upside down shall be,
A nil gold be found at the root of a tree,
Through hills man shall ride,
And no horse be at his side:
Under water maw shall walk,
Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk;
In the air man shall be seen,
In black, in white, in green;
Iron in the water shall float,
As easily as a wooden boat ;
Gold shall be found and shown,
In a land that's not now known :
Fire and water shall wonders do,
England shall at last admit a foe;
The world at an end shall come.
In eighteen hundred and eighty-one.
Swallows Homeward Fly.
"One swallow does not make a sum
mer." But many do. One can see
hundreds of them twittering over a
moist spot in the roadway and alight
ing to collect mortar for their nests.
The swallow is a mason. He glues
his nest under the eaves of a house,
and if there is a knot-hole or open
window, he goes inside and chooses a
ratter wiiere tlie coupieounu aim rear;
Mimr voimir. One mav see along the '
sea-shore the soft chalk rock, perfora
ted with holes which these swallows
had made for nests. Sometimes a dry
bank is chosen for the same purpose.
But when the June days come the
horizon towards evening, is flecked all
over u ith sailing sv. allows. The whole
insect tribe is aiive and astir, and they
go upward with the warm columns of
air. He takes his supper as he sails.
Ever3r one of his motions at that time
is controlled by his desire to "whoop
'em up!" He opens his mouth like
the mouth of an India rubber bag,
and on the wing himself, takes his
game on the wing, and has one long
frolic at supper time. By the millions
of swallows sailing over head at even
time, know that summer has come.
The fly, the mosquito, the junebug
find it out to their cost every evening.
Summer has come at last.
Handel and Haydn Socictys Con
cert. At Metropolitan hall, on Thursday
evening. Junes, 1870, at 8 o'clock p. .m.,
first concert of the Handel and Haydii
society of Astoria.
1. "When the Summer Bain is
Over." (Glee) Dontezcttl
Full Chorus.
2. "Grand Old Ocean." QSoo)... Millard
Capt Wood.
3. "A Very Bad Cold." (Comic
Quartette) . I Lockwood
Miss Orpha Beard, Miss Beard, Mr. Mil
ler and Mr. Sinister.
1. uThe Herdsman Song." (Duet)
, Cuclccn
Mrs. G. W. Wood and Miss Belle Welch
5. "Beware." (Solo) J.E.Pcrring
Miss Kate Taylor.
G. "DlowBuglesBlow." (Solo and
Chorus) E. II. Plowc
Miss Ida Brown, and full chorus and
7. -'Jolly Jonathan." (Comic
Quartette) Bliss
Mr. Frank Taylor, Mr. Geo. Taylor, Mr.
Wm. B. Adair, Mr. Miller.
8. "O'er Forest, o'er Mountain,
and Meadow." (Solo and
chorus Rossini
Miss Esther Holilen, and full chorus.
1. "The Marvellous Work." (Solo
and chorus). Fro?7i Haydns Creation
Mrs. Page and chorus.
2. ''Yearning." (Solo) Marion
MV. Wm. H. Barker.
3. "Fly Tender Birdling." (Duet)....lZjt
Mrs. Page and Miss Ida Brown.
4. "Where is Heaven." (Solo)
Miss Van Dusen.
5. "Hail Hail Fairy Queen."
(Glee) Benedict
Full Chorus.
G. "Tell me 0 Bird of the Merry
Greenwood." (Solo) Abt
Miss Ilolden.
7. "The Professor at Home."
(Comic Quartette) Bliss
Prima Donna. Mrs. Page, Servant Girl
"Annie,' Miss Ida Brown, Professor.
Mr.E.Cook, Tax Collector, Mr. Barker.
8. "StarSnangledBanner." (Solo
and chorus)
Capt. Wood, full chorus and audience.
E. Cook Conductor
Mrs. S. Schnteer Pianist
Tickets may be obtained at Caufield's
drug store. Mrs. Steers, or from mem
bers of the soeietv. Keserved seats 75
cents; unreserved, 50 cents.
Your complexion is sallow, ami
vellow, vour liver is aitected.
Obtain from vour drmigist a bottle of
Vf under a Oregon Blood Purifier.
The boss knight of the shining
Sheffield blade and a first-class hair
cutter, can be found at the Parker
House. Prices, 25 cents each for 'hair
cutting, shaving, dyeing, shampooing,
and bath.
Mr. "Wieman has recovered his
boat loaned on the 20th ult., in the
goodness of his heart, to a pair of
"honest lookmir thieves.' It was ad-
i vertised on the 25th, but this did not
Prevent a man named Dickson from
l . . ., c ., .i.;
! P"rchaslng fc of fche thieves for
; 827 00. The boat was well worth
: $150 00, and Dickson repainted it so
that Nick scarcely knew his own. It
is i trifle suspicious in our mind,
wiietiier :f .-. h n1 Wn ollr boat, sold
I i,n5- ciinVi nifnmofirifpi wp slirmlrl
not let the purchaser follow the
thieves awhile.
the weather this year that we have the hcst quality, at C. A. Mays,
been requested to reproduce Mother! '"Fresh California fruit can be had
cm - f u if it-ne T.;;nii,Jat C. A. Alays on the arrival of every
Shipton s prophesy, it. was originally : ,........ J
Xotions. candies and fruits of the
'A full assortment of counter and
grocers scales can be found at AT. C.
I Crosby's, at bottom prices.
Magnus C. Crosby is sole agent for
the Medallion Bange" in the Astoria
market, which is unquestionably the
best range on the Pacific slope. Call
and examine.
The n. o. of Beaver Lodge No. ."",
i. o. o. f. instructs us. by order of the
Lodge, to keep it before members that
next Lodge night election of officers
will take place. June 5th, and a full at
tendance is required.
Keep your blood pure and your
health must be good, the great purifier
is I'funder's Oregon BloodPurifier. All
Astoria druggists have it now.
".Judging from the numberof Chro
mos being carried around town the
Dollar Store is doing a good business.
J.S.Mayer has opened Rudolph
Barths beer hall near the Fishermen's
cannery. Call in when you are passing
and refresh yourself with the best in
the market.
-The "California Dollar Store"
still continues the chief atti action of the
town, and "lucky ones" carry away their
finest chromos at One DoZfareach. their
plated ware and cutlery is of the finest
quality take a walk around and try
your Tuck.
" Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and
jeweler of long experience, has penna
nently established iiuuselt m business
in Cautield's drug store, Clienainus
street. Astoria. Watches and Jewelry
cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En
graving a specialty. All work guaran
teed. (Jive him a trial and be your own
judge of his workmanship. He will
sooii add to his stock a well selected in
voice of Watches. Jewvlry, Silver and
plated ware, which he will be able to
sell at very low prices.
Icecream, and fresh fruits of all
kinds at Sehnieers, opposite the bell
tower. Also Iresh oysters, in every
Fishermen can get a square meal
at any time, at Pike's restaurant, Unity,
for fish. Inferences: Fishermen who
have eaten there.
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Book store.
There is no use talking Max Wag
ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the
only man to please his customers well.
Ilekeeps the finest San Francisco beer
in the city, it sparkles like chainpaigne.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Booms to let. b v the day, week, or
month, at Mrs. W. 1 1. "Twilight's.
Oysters served in ever' style at
the Walla Walla Restaurant.
Now that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Kuney is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
When you are looking for a place
to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag
ner's, Great Eastern saloon, and listen
to the organ and take a glass of his fine
San Francisco beer.
Getvour baskets filled for a little
money at l5ai ley's.
White Darling potatoes at Berg
man Berry's.
Now is the time for cleaning up
our houses, and ornamenting them.
For this purpose you can find nothing
that will add to the appearance of your
parlors so much as a pair of those beau
tiful chromos at the City Book store,
sold for nearly one-half the usual cost of
such pictures. Call and see for your
selves. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
steam fitting line; also, bath tubs, and
water backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on notice.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house.whoin everybody knows as a popu
lar caterer, has "fixed his hotel up in
splended style. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
around; every luxury of the season at
the Chicago house.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. 1 1 is work in the
cemetery here should be sufficient recom
meiidatfon. Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
W7" ANTED. A situation by a French cook,
IT in a Hotel, Restaurant. Chop House.
Steamboat or Boarding of any kind.
At O'Rrien Hotel.
JD Mav 2Sth. in tlie breakers on the bar, a
fishing boat and net, which the owner or
owners can have upon proof of owership and
paying charges-. Apply at the C'louccster
House. Astoria.
"tTET FOtTXO. I have found a net
i marked ROBERT WATSON, on
the buoy and W B on the corks. The
owner can have it by paxing charges.
Ha:htai.oi-Tom I:;diax.
Bay tenter, AV. T., May 21, 1S79. 23-tf
LOST OR STOTTiKrV. On the night of
the 2yth of Mav. about -0 fathom gill net,
branded on corks and leads P R P Co.
Will pav a liberal rewaid for the net, or will
pay 5100 for the arrest and conviction of the
partv who stole it.
Piller Rock, May 30, 1S.I). 23-tf
TTF.T TiOST. Lost on Friday night. May
-LT .10th. in Mid-bav right the town,
about 173 fathoms of web, American 10-ply
thread. 10 meshes deep ; marked on the
corks K 34. and K on the leads. The
finder will be rewaided by returning the
same to the ASTORIA FISHERY.
Astoria. May 31,1879. 28-tf
ITIOITXIK- About :00 fathom gill net web,
. No. 3 Barbours twine. 45 mesh, in two
pieces. Owner can have the same by prov
ing property and WteBjf-g & C(0
Upper Astoria, May CO, 1870. 2T-J"
Hill's If Variety Thatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre were
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Tainted by Mr. Wm. West. Architect and
Builder Mr. Kemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Glass Entertainment,
Winch for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part of Eiaie and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Unequalled enter
tainment. New Acts. New Song's and com
plete change of Programme twice a week .
ORG. IIILI, Proprietor.
Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Clicna
mus Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
JUNE 7. 1S79.
Main street, opposite the Parker House.
C. CATCO W, Proprietor.
Of the above named New Bakery,
Respectfully invites a share of the public
patronage, confident of lib ability to plctue
his patrons.
Arndt & Ferchen.
Machine ShoD
In the city. J
All kinds of
Engine Cannery and Steaiubent
Work promntlv attended to.
Mes. H. A. Deeby.-
Has just returned from San Francisco with
the finest selected stock of
Ever offered in Astoria. Embracing every
novelty in the line.
Dr. Warner's Health
Ctn only be purcbased in
Astoria at Mrs. Derby's, Main
street, between Squemoqbe
and Jefferson, Astoria, Ore
Xtni. uiiijEXhajit.
Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon.
Hot, Cold. Slio-wcr,
Si cam and Sulphur
SS5Special attention given to ladies' and'
children's hair cutting.
Private Entrance for Ladies.
ri ii. bai:v a co.,
Doors. "Windows. Dlinds. Tran
soms. JLumuer. Ktv.
Steam Mill, Near Weston Hotel,
Cor. (Jenevive and Astor streets.
Astoria Liquor Store,
Keeps constantly on hand the finest as
sortment of
Wines, Liquors and Cigarsr
Call and see for yourself, on the roadway,
near the Orcjjon Steam Navigation Com
panys dock.
"TKTOTTCE. All persons knowing themselves
-L indebted to the undeiigned are ie
qtiested to call and settle the. same as soon as
possible, as under the circuit stances funds
are necessary. We may b found at the
ollicc of Warren & MeOtiire for the present.
Astoria. May ID. 1879.
miMELY NOTICE. George Nicholas has
X been fined in Jail by falsehood of a
boat -puller lor laying out his net Saturdav
night. I don't believe it. and now, after 1;
o'clock Saturday night, until Sunday night,
if 1 find any 1 o it at tow-head laying out I
will make them costs to pav for it.
3C-.f Clifton, Oregon.
yjh?$i -ji-
' p. m i y-ttiw
C" MiKw?&'"rja