aj gftc g&iBj stxaimx. ASTORIA. OREGON: . I. G. IBELAXD Editor. THURSDAY. Jtxk ", 1879. Bottom Dropped Out. Salmon is abundant. We never saw finer fish in- any climate. But the market has continually dropped, dropped, dropped; until the bottom of the cans is entirely out. Who will dispute now what The Astokian- said five weeks ago; that with a dropping market for the cased goods, and a rising price for raw fish, who could tell what day would be the da' of the final burst up. A blind man cnn see it now. The more fish you get this season, after contracts are filled, the poorer you become, unless jtou are a fisherman in fact. The best price that could be got two weeks ago was $1 10 to $1 1284: 50 a case. Now it is 1 0G to $1 07 per dozen SI 28 per case being the highest. Who can fail to feel the consequences of this thing. Save your money and go slow, if you would not be hungry next win tor, is our advice. Salmon Disease- It is stated that the salmon disease has appeared in the Tweed, and thousands offish have died, so the prosperity of the fishery is in danger. The evil is caused 03' a parasitic fungoid growth, which generally attacks the head of the fish first, gradually spreading'over different parts of the body and giving it a piebald appearance. The fins and adjoining portions of the body are especially liable to at tack, the infected parts assuming a white color. This parasite belongs to a group of aquatic fungi. These fungi are of rapid growth, and though their life is short they reproduce thmselves so quickly as to render it difficult, if not impossi ble, to check their spread. The growth of the fungoid mass on the skin of the fish is not in itself fatal, but causes an intense irrita tation, which forces the fish to rub themselves violently against rocks, stones, and other objects in the hope of effecting its removal, and so as to cause wounds from which they eventually die. That Terrible Storm. That terrible hail and rain storm which p;issed over Salem and other parts of Oregon, passed over Kitti tas valley on the 25th. A correspon dent of the Oregonian. who was out in all of it, says: On our way we encountered the worst storm of rain, hail, wind, thunder and lightning known to the oldest inhabitant in these parts. Never before has such a furious storm visited this country since its settlement. Men on horseback, men with teams, in fact, every one was forced to dismount and use all hi pow ers to hold Ins frightened animals. Peal on peal of thunder, stroke afler stroke of lighting sent riderless horses pell well over the plain, while the cattle on a thousand hills ran to the valleys be low, and bellowing, congregated in thousands :is if to protect each other from the raging elements. Oil Vjjoii Troubled "Waters. Since the d.iys when Franklin par formed his well known experiment on the tempest-tossed pond, stilling its angry waves with a spoonful of salad oil, producing a smooth, if uneaven surface by the incredibly thin film thus formed, accounts have been from time to time published of vessels in danger of the seas repeating this experiment on a large seale. The last instance is that of the Arda, bark, which in Oc tober last mot with exceptionably heavy weather on her voyage to Bay onne. The captain, writing of the voyage says: We had the hardest passage I ever made, without any exception. On Oc tober lKth and 14th very bud weather vith heavy gules: on the lsth a ! urri cane from" X. X. EM and we had to run. I think the vessel would have foundered if we had hove to. I got two oil bags over the stern, and found that they kept the sea from breaking over the afterpart of the vessel, but once or twice when she got a shear so as to run out of the track of the oil, she bnk it in on the forward house and deck so heavily as to stagger her, and fur a few moments 1 could hardlvU'll whether we would float or not. If 1 am ever caught again in such a gale, and in the stream where the sea is so bad, I shall, for running, put the bags to each vard-arm. or tow from them, so as to make a wider track of oil, I think this will prevent it from break ing over lorwurd. The Snn Francisco Call says: The Columbia and Wnllamet rivers are both rising very rapidly, and it is foarcd the usual spring freshet will be very high this summer. Northern Pacific Railroad Presi- dents. From the Portland Dee. A telegram to the morning' pa- pcrs announces the resignation of Chas. B. "Wright as president of the Northern Pacific railroad com- ,,T i , . . - pany. AA e think that corporation r"J;7 During that time the Northern i the establishment of a branch "dead Pacific company, with a land grant I letter" office here. Great Britain has nf tw-fliitv.fivp ilirv.ic-itiH v inn. dreil acres per mile of land in any of the tern tor the United States, has not built a single mile of road, except thirty miles of coal road running north of Tacoma. This coal road runs to hekl that produces no coal. In the two vears it has been I opened it has not transported an average of one car load per day to market. While Wright, with a most valu able franchise and land grant, has done nothing, the Atchison, To peka and Santa F( running from Kansas into New Mexico and the Southern Pacific, running from California across Arizona, have al most spanned a continent. Neither of these roads, we believe, have a land grant. It looks as if he had been blinded to the best interests of the Northern Pacific company, or he would have resigned long ago, and let a more capable man takn the helm. The history of the Northern Pa cific is an illustration of how mis management will bring to naught the sanguine hopes of the friends of the most magnificently-endowed enterprise of the present day. Congress gave it fifty millions of acres of land; but before it was fairly launched on the financial, world the vultures had gathered around and commenced to rend the carcass. It has been bankrupt and dishonored for the past five years. It first president, S. Greg ory bmitn, alter swamping tne Northern Pacific, left it to give the Vermont Central its quietus. Its next president, Geo. W. Cass, after doing an infinite deal of nothing, has fled to Europe to avoid his first liabilities; and now Mr. C. B. "Wright announces that he, too, is about to quit a post where he has done nothing but bring distrust upon the enterprise. What Mr. Billings will do remains to be seen. Harbor of lErltmc Office Board of Engineers for the Pacific Const. ) 523 Kearney btreut. San Francisco. Cat., : May SJd. tb'SJ. J On and after the filli day of .June, 187!), public sessions of the board or of a com mittee of the same will be held at this ollice. The object of these is to hear the views and opinions of all persons inter ested in the location of a harbor of refuge on the Pacific ocean, between San Francisco and the straits of Fuca. Shipmasters familiar with the naviga tion of the Pacific coast and all other persons possessed of information on the subject are invited to communicate with the Doard, in person, or by letter. V. SKAFOItTII Stewart, Lt-Col. of Engineers, Pacific Senior Member Dr. Mlntlc .Wphrctlrtnn .1 Compound Extract or Itiiclut. Dr. Min tie's Nephreticum works won ders. In all cases of Dropsy, Bright's Disease. Kidnej, Bladder and Urinary Complaints, or Retention of Urine, these troubles are entirely cured by the Ne phretieum. FemaleWeakness, Gravel, Diabetes, pain in the back, side and loin are cured, when all other medicines have failed. See what the druggists of Portland and San Francisco say about Dr. Min tie's Nephreticum and" English Dande lion Pills. "We have sold a large amount of Dr. 3Iinties medicines; the English Dan delion Pills: also the Nephreticum. and in all wises they are highly spoken of and give entire satisfaction' John A.Chi Ids, druggist, Second street, Portland. C. II. Woodward &Co., druggists, cor ner First and Alder streets, Portland. Abrams & Carroll, wholesale, drug gists, :t and 5 Front street, San Francis co, say: 'We regard Nephreticum as the best kidnev and bladder remedv before, the public." For all derangements of the liver, use Dr. Mintic's English Dandelion Pills. 1'or Billiousness and Dyspeisia, use Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills. For Fever and Ague. use. Dr. 3Iintie"s English Dandelion Pills. Eery family should keep the Eng lish Dandelion Pills on hand. Dr. Mintie's remedies will not "cure all complaints,'' bur if taken according to directions, give immediate relief and perfect a cure in ail troubles for which thev are recommended. For sale by 11. 1 . Canfield, druggist, Astoria. Oregon. There have been more cures of semi nal weakness, nervous debility and par alysis made by the wonderful English Kemedy. Sir Astley Coopers Vital Res torative, than by all oilier remedies com bined. Why w'ill vou suffer? Send to A. E. Mintie. M.D.. No. 11 Kearny street, Snn Francisco. Price, 3 per bottle; four times the quantity, $10. Try a bottle, Persons wishing to. prepare for fishing on the Sound, or for small fish will find a, quantity of suitable twine, at .. U. D. Gray's. It is just the thing for trout and herring nets. The bill before congress for the j establishment of branches of the i "dead-letter" office in the populous j cities, meets with very general ap- proval. They would be a great con- j nince and accommodation to the . ?"bthc- is the ,e,ht Vr T. that a letter sent from Astoria to . plirtliind and infeairected should have GOODS ARE COMPLETE. "ver a nnnurca sucu uumuu uuuw, .a'?bc.tJt"rttS."i,:0lJR CLOTHING AND 1 tones oi Are all of the Latent JSORX. At Kort Clark. Texas, on the 23l of April lS7s), to the wife of Cant. J. I. Rodgers, a daughter. ! . ... .. i A- 1.,1 !. ....... si,i, t n wifi of Mnior Stewart. ----(-.--. --iw ..- -- 01 rort Canny, a daugitter. IIKI). At Sea Side, June 2d. T. AV. AA'allis.an old resident or this county, a native of Virginia, aged 50 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing to a reduction ou Refined Sugar in San Francisco, I take pleasure to state that I will give Half Pound More Sugar FOR GIVE IWIXAIS, Than heretofore, to strictly cash customers. Other ttooris at Hud ItooU Price. I.arj;c Invoices Just Opened. AND Fresh Fruits a Specialty- E. S. LARSEN. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams5 Shoulders, Lard, EGGS. BUTTJJK, CHEESE. Mi Fruits and Vegetals. FISH. POULTRY AXJD) GA5IE In the season. CIGAKS A3TD TOBACCO. Best of TTEVES USD X.IQUOKS. All cheap for CASII. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. KOGERS. Special Auction Sale. Saturday, June 7, at 2 P. M. MORTGAGEE'S SAEE. Tnstmcted by Mr. C. A. McGuire. I will sell at public auction, at his residence, to fore close chattle mortgage, as per public notices, ONE FIXE nKIGIIT Rosewood Cottage Piano. After which, at the same place, will dis pose of alot of HOUSEHOLD FlMtNITUKE, STOVES, etc., to be sold on account of re moval. E.C.3IOLDEX, Auctioneer. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. DEALKll IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Copper, Brass, and Zinc. O r I o SB C -Ji 2 H 0m 2 " '' S3 o K K H z o m tat m y 125 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Tlie under sijmcd hereby gives notice that the co partnership heretofore existing between Mc Clearv & C:irr in Astoria, in the business of grading h:is been mutually dissolved. The undersigned will continue the business hi his own name, and asks for a share of the work going on. confident of his ability to do it satisfactorily, both ;is to price and work. V. C. CAKE. Astoria, ?.Iay 31, 1S70. Wilson & Fisher PEAT.KUS IX tt a :o.:p'V57-.a.:e3.:e3. LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL. PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Clicnamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. IN iPBLlKT Best Stock &ni To which we call n Hosiery, Lace, White Goods and Embroidery, WK ABE TSII-: BOSS. neoner oxrra inducements this season to purchasers, ami although wo. are iiotsehinjr Al COS I, we defy ain house in this eitv to compete with our prices. e mean it! Come, give us a call and see for omself what we can do for vou. MAIN STRLLT. HMIF SPRJNQ mi A. VAN DUSEN & CO. Have just received a full line of Spung ai.d Fui mcr.M oils of the ei finest quality, which were bought during tie lecmt u n.l.'.e in Mciks. win. eas-li u n n ;iu s a mc mirin and are therefore prepared to ill tle j-anie at Iis raws U n He sine r.ualiiv of goods can be purchased el-twhcre. TUm gouts ruiiSiMt in part of Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, !2ats and Caps. I.uli Brcss Goods. 3Zns5in.s. TVsais. Elosierr,, I2oos ami S2:oes. ISu!I)cr ESoots. Oil Ctl:iu;. In addition to the above hae laitl in a full stock of Rnr.IKS 35AT3-:5J3.1I. arAILS. PAl'XTS. II.. ETC. The quality of our CKCCREKY AXE GJ,ASSWA15:. L.lSPS. ETC.. Cannot he xcellcd and our prices defy competition. Family Groceries ai:d I'roision a Special ty. Oregon City Im perial ILvtra TJotir at S3 50 per Ilarrel. WARDS CLATSOP BUTTER ALWAYS IN STORE. 3rAgoney for Singer and AVhite Sewing ilachincs. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Eprc oRjce. comer of Cass and Jefferson street. COHEN & s TBM I3T SEEX.I3TG OOOBS We have since replaced our Ladies' SHOES, CJUOAKS, And all goods that were lost on the Republic. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF LADIES' LIKTEKT XJ3KT 33 353 R-WEI l. IEL. Come, give its a trial, and satisfy yourself that we sell cheaper than any othei house in town. "We do not give any price list, as we have but one price, and sell COHEN & COOPER. I X L STOKE. P. S. Themostestgoodsfortheleastestmoney. BUSINESS CARDS. T M. SEVERN. M. D. PHYSICIAN AX1) SURGEON. Examining Surgeon of Pensions. Kinscy's Ihiilding, on the Itoadway, ASTOKIA, OliECSOX. D,! J. V. OLIVKU, KOHI KG PATMIST. Office. In Shuster's Daguerrean build ing. Kntrance ecoiul door above that of the Daily Astokiax. C:iis street. Itcsidcnce on JelTerson sticet, corner of Main. TOCTOR HATCH, Successfully treats all Chronic Diseases. AND DISEASES OF "WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Cancer cured lv a new and painless method. Olncc Cheiianuis street, corner ol Maui street, Astoria. D R. .1. O'SICIEX. CUKES BILLIOUS AND INTERMITTENT FEVEltS With from one to three doses of his harm less medicine. Also. Private diseases successfully treated. Office O'Brien's hotel. Astoria. Oregon. otto ivf:v:s5. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. II S lil5MOKD TO Main street, Parker's building, ASTOKIA, - - - - OKECJON. W. JIKCK, Manufacturer of soots ana anoes-g All kinds of renairinp neatly uiul 3 tiromntlv attended to ls2 MAIN ST.. - ASTOHIA. OREGON. Iat'iat for S:al. Tlie right to niaiiufacturo and sell J02IX ii. BKK3ISERS PATlvST (No. 1S9,!MK). April 24, 1S77). ImproTcsnonl in 85F.IX53 8IiAT AIJ3'STI-:i5S. In the States of California and Oregon. asrFor part'.culars and description, which cannot be given in a brief advertisement, call upon or address. T. BROEMSEK. "Walla Walla Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon if -& All f ? Lowest Prk&sl particular attention. FURNISHING GOODS .styles and Designs. ASTORIA, OREGON. S VMM. EM STQ6K COOPER' 31 BOSS F TEE VBWN 3I!E CKEAJPEST. AUCTION SALES. Tp C. HOLDEK, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Heal Kstatc Agent and Conveyancer. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN1 and AUCTIONEER. Rents and Accounts Collected, and re turns promptly made. Regular sales day, SATFBDAYR at 2 P. M. N. B. Parties having real estate, lumi ture or any other goods to dispose of either at auction or private sale should notif' me soon as convenient befor the (lav of sale. No storage charged on goods sole' at Auc tion. E. C. IIOLb JN. td Auctioneer. miscellaneous!" WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chemunus Street?, ASTORIA .'. OREGON. DK.VLKK IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Bleershaum Pipes, etc. A line stock of IVatolies and .Cewelry. lltixzle aiS JJreecli Ijoadinjr S2:t Ciins. Kcvolvcrs. Ii!toIs. I'ai-lor ISilles. and Aiuiuuiiition. THE ASTORIA BREWERY BEPOT, RUDOLPH 3ARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPRIETORS. Corner of Olney and "SVater streets, ASTORIA. OREGON. Rest quality of LA GKli liKEJt r cts. per glass Choice AVines, Liquors, and Cigars ahvay.i on hand. nsrThe patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager or Bottled Reer in any quantity promptly filled. SS-Tlie best lunch the season will afford furnished dav and ni;lit FREE .