--. - - T--'Jcr .-?lt T c rT J 1 "Mil A1 '- - M . . J- Vol. ix. Astoria, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, June 4, 1879. sT. 30. af.yikft r.u.L.i.-.zrjr: TTItl ilV T ! ' i r --' t IV I I I M ill" swjTfl w IP y ,Jfl ra 13 7 TELEGRAPHIC. EASTER M STATES. TEte ISccesal Storm. Irving, Kansas, Junel. Thirty deaths here are certain, and bo iDeople badly injured by the recent cj'clone. People want money to ;et necessaries which are at hand. From 50 to GO families at Frank fort, Kansas, are houseless and des titute of clothing, farming imple ments and provisions. The citi zens of that place donated 700. More aid is needed. Sahetiia, June 2. Seventy-five to 100 persons here ;re destitute of eveiything. In the vicinity of Beattie, bedding and clothing is in great demand. The 3s:ti!ia:t!t:iBi Run It TCoMicrj. New York, June 2. The whole story of the Manhattan savings bank burglary, has at last come out through the confession of one of the burglars. Saturday night Oapt T3yrnes and his detectives ar rested Henry Glenn, Patrick Sleegin and Win. Kelly on a charge of being implicated in the robbery, whereby money and securities worth nearly '3,000,000 were stolen on the night of the 27th of October, 187S. One of them has confessed the whole plot to Oapt. Byrnes. The robbery was plan ned more than three years ago. A burglar known as Little Tracy iirst concocted the scheme and or ganized a band to rob the bank. FOREIGN MEWS. ICtirtfrqtiajtc ai Kri5til:j. New Yoke, June 2. A heavy shock of earthquake was felt in Bermuda May 28th. No loss of life. PACIFIC COAST MEWS. A ITiOallfiSomc Fremiti . San' Fkaxcisco, June 2. The steamer Clrna sailed to-day for Hono-kong via Yokohama. Aniens: her passengers were 3 7 Chinese lepers who have been inmates of the county pest house for several months, now shipped to China by order of the supervisors. Hcmo Education. San Francisco Cull. In the Rev. Mrs. Bowies' sermon on "Yfomen," Sunday night, she is reported as saying that it is a good sijni that schools were beinji; estab lished to teach cookery, sewing, dressmaking and other homelike duties. While if is perhaps better that homelike duties should be taught at school than not at all, there are very grave objections to the general plan of substituting school training for home training in matters belonging esoeciallv to homes. The lady also said that tie greatest and most prosperous state was that which had the great est number of small homes in it. But what better place to teach girls how to make a home can be imagined than homo itself? The attractiveness of a home does not depend entirely upon proficiency in the art of cookery and sewing, but is an outgrowth of home education which can not so well be included else where. Any sensible young man would take a wife from a well ordered home in preference to taking one from a boarding school, though instruction may be given in cooking, sewing and home duties at the latter institution. The element in which our domes tic and social life is most deficient is the attachments for homes. I To many of our young people home is a place where they stay when no other place offers itself. Evenings at home are regarded a-- inexpressibly dull by both young men and young maidens. The remedy for this evil will certainly not be found in lessening the number of duties which are taught at home, and thereby sundering the few remaining ties which at tach young men to their homes. Dredgiiis tiie Tiber. A scheme is on foot to collect all the articles of value which the bed of the Tiber is supposed to contain. The golden candle-sticks taken from the temple at Jerusalem and the gold and silver ornaments which once decorated the palaces of Roman Emperors are imagined to lie beneath the Tiber's yellow mud. By means of drags it is thought all this buried wealth may be recovered and restored to form a matural museum of extraordinary value. A committee of distin guished archaeologists has been appointed to consider the best means of fishing up the legendary statues, coins anil other articles which for centuries have been covered by the sands of time. Chinese Laborers HvcHtny Telegram. The common council of Port land are meriting the thanks of the laboring men of the citv, for the energy and watchfulness which they are displaying in the effort to enforce the law to prohibit the employment of Chinese upon pub lie works. Cunning contractors from motives of self-interest are constantly seeking to evade the law, but so far the council has been able to thwart the efforts to work any considerable number of Chinamen upon the streets. Boat sponges, wholesale anil retail at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five thousand just received. Rev. E. N. Condit who is now in the east, will return to Oregon and take charge of the Albany Collegiate institute. Persons wishing to prepare for fishing on the Sound, or for small fish will find a quantity of suitable twine at J. JI. D. Gray's. It is just the thing for trout and herring nets. We are reminded of the fact that perhaps the lady friends of Council man liuney might be interested in his whereabouts, as well as the boys. They have been very kind and atten tive during his illness, and we would n't oriiit to let one of them know that he is nicely fixed at the Occident now. Concerning some of the advant ages to be gained by flooding the Colorado desert, the New York Herald seys: "There are some glorious ad vantages, aside from commercial con siderations, to be gained by the Hood ing of the Colorado desert, which Gov. Fremont proposes for Arizona. Some millions of rattlesnakes would be put where they would do the most good; a thousand or two very bad In dians and Mexicans might do the world an estimable service by being drowned unawares, and the authors of far west literature for boys would lose so much of their favorite territory that they might be discouraged into silence." G. W. PARKEK, D12ALER. IV GRCK'EclIES AXI PIIO VISIONS, WHITE LEAD. PAIVJ'S and COAL OILS, ISrooms, ISruli('s and X.Tooiien-ware. Tobacco, Cigars and Stationery, Gent's FcErsiisIsazig; Goods. Etc. Near the Coroer It?:ii?t mill CoirumlvMs., Astoria Astoria Wood Yard. Foot of Lafayette street, Astoria, Oregon. IM7SIIAKM & CO., - rilOPKIKTOKS. All kinds of wood delivered to anv part of the fcity. sawed or unsawed. dim T. F. VOSS. KISSCK. LAYER. Cement, Plasterer and Builder of any kind of Brick Furnaces. Please leave orders at Wilson & Fisher's store, Chcunmus street, Astoria. 7-lm T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIJTBALL. Draying & Trucking. & ASTORIA TKUCK & DRAY CO., Sqiiemucqtitt st., hotwecn Cass and Main, ConrnicLs fur xn;yinj: made and satisfaction ciunimoud Ordors left at tho wecidont ilo tel or rccei ,i by mail promptly filled JJSWETT i Kill ii ALL. WHOLESALE TRADE. Corner of Water and Olney Streets, Astoria. Oregon. Wholesale Sealer -ix uiiiur wiuiiu. t3FApent for the Golden City Chemical Works. 13. W. Payne & bon's Steam Engines. Fay's Wood Working Machinery. EsT-Fishennen's and (Tannery Supplies a specialty. Cotton Seine Twine and et Lines sold at San Francisco prices. J3?Oars. Cordage. Mocks. Oakum, etc. Star of the Columbia. 1") fire test Kerosene. Turpentine and Varnish. Sail cloth made expressly for light boats. BANKING 'AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSURANCE. Wm CASS, BROKER, BANKER, AXI INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, -,. s- --- OREGON. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the United States and Europe. OFFICE HOURS-From 8 o'clock A. M. until 4 oelock v. at. il . Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. Houghton'.. President Chas. R. Stoky SeeroUiry "koTo'u - ,l At, lor Oreson Ofiice Northeast comer of Stark and First streets, Poktlaxd, O it kg ox. Net Cash received for Fire Prem iums in 1S77 $83."5.311 01 Assets, Jan. 1.1S7S. . S57S.0G5 S3 Lifibltet Losses wipaid .?.1.(ri8 37 Dividends " 1J.T7 00 5.505 37 Surplus for Prone -tv Holders S572.470 -17 losses paid in Oregon in six ycarsSlM.riG T2 I. "IV. C 1F.. Aiient. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AXI) LONDON AND GLOIJE, NORTII BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OP HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Reprosontins a capital of SG7,0 00,000. A. VAN nrSEX. Agent. cyjp LOIDOKT. Capital SI2,500,04D. MATT 1L SIHSON, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. INSU8ANCE COM PAH Y OF CAT.I"FOiP,rIA. ORGANIZED IN 1SG3. Toia! I.oncs Pair! Since Organization. SSjQSOj-SS SS E. C. JIOLDEN. Agent. Astoria Oregon BILL HEAD PAPER, F EVERY GUAM? AND COLOR, PRIN tcd or plain, at lowest rate?, at Tat Astokux office O HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Private Boarding. MRS. HOUSEMAN, - - PnoritiETOR. Will accommodate boarders, WITH OR WITHOUT ROOMS. Next door to Metropolitan Hall, Astoria. Oregon. A. J. MEOL.KK. C. S. "W1MGHT. OCCIIHSST IIOTIX. MEGLER & WRIGHT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the ahove hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of its guests and is now the best hotel north of San Francisco. C. W. KNOWLES. AT. ZIKBKK. CJ,AUEMOIV noTi:r., PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON. ZIEBER & KNOWLES, Proprietors. earFree coach to and from the house-ffa P :VRKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON, H. JL PACKER. - Proprietor. millS nOTElj is tiie largest, most comfort JL able and best kept hotel in the citv. Is supplied with the best of sprint; water, hot and cold baths, barbershop, and a first-class saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and a fine billiard table. Free coach to the house ; charges reasonable, SI li" to S2 50 per day, ac cording to room occupied TTAL1AX K EST A URAXT. Just opened, newly furnished and first class. S. DAM ICO & CO., - Pkomis. Corner Lafayette and Second sts., Astoria. Meals served in Italian. French and Ameri can styles to order. The table will be supplied at all times with the best the market affords. The well known and gtMitlemanly steward. V. A. Cook, will always be on hand with a first elas Italian cook. ple:ised to see his friends. Come and satisfy yourself. Private rooms for ladies. Meals at all hours. The best wines and ci gars always on hand. nnuKPix house, D. L. TUItPIN - rKorniETOR MAIN STREET. Between Squemocqhe and Jefferson, AisTOKIA, OltKGOX. Hoard and lodging per week P.oard per day Sfi PO 1 00 bui::e Aieai is Tne table will be supplied "at :dl times with the best the market affords. RESTAURANT, TIIEO. BKOEMSKR, - - Pkopkietoi:. t Fresh oysters, ami other deli cacies of the season, served m every style. Opposite the Telegraph office, Squemoqhe street. Astoria. Oregon. itft-MEALS AT ALL HOURSTRi. AKEGOX IIOI-E. Main street, near Hustler's Wharf, astoria, - - - oi:eg6n. Xns. Mary Camphkll, Proprietor. Hoard and lodging by day or week. -poilTOX IIOI'SI?. COKNEIt C AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND. OREGON. I XORTOX - - - - Proprietor. (Formerly of the Portland Hotel.) mms house is a fTre-proof BRICK, JL just fiuudied and newly furnished, v. itlt the best of spring beds. Terms Per week From cr to ?r for board and lodging. Per day SI (K. Single meals St cents. Lodging 2." to r.0 cents. &$Free coach to and from the House. Priyate Boarding House. MRS. QtiINN - PROPRIETOR. -o- "Will aecommodate day boarders or accom modate any with board and lodging. Prices reasonable. In Infills building, Jefferson street, opiosile Wells, Fargo t Go's Express ollice. Keep cur Slcney Safe. Ex steamship Oregon I have received an other consignment of TUCKE2tS B.MT13ST A"5"JLI25 MONEY TILLS. Tins matchless Gcimter Alarm Money Srawer Is proof against Petty Thieves. XK2CJS 0 OO. 15. O. IIOLDEN. Commission Agi'iit. I. "W. CASE, niPOUTElt AND WHOLFSALE AND RE TAIL DEAI Kit IN G-EIESAL IESCHA1MSE, Comer Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. IHA&NUS C. GKOSBY. Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, lion. Coppc, Brass, and Zinc. T MxMm mSCELLANEOUS. Sl'JBClAli XOTICJE. Having just received a new stock, consisting of a splendid assortment of H:its, Caps. Soots anil Slioes, Groceries, Canned Fruits, etc. also : Watclies. Jewel rj aail Cutlery, Resides a choice lot of TOBACCO, CUiAllS AX PIPES. Wines and Liquors, Stationery and Fancy Articles. Which we are offering at the lowest living prices. Very respectfully. JA'MES McGEE. At TtfcGee's new building on the roadway. It is no Use of TulkiDg, J. K. WIIIT'S is the cheapest place to buy FRUITS OR ViEGET AISLES, As he has direct from San Francisco by every' steamer, all kinds of vegetables, such Ubisin the market. Apples. Peas Celery. Caulifower, Asparagus. Parsnips. IJeets, Car iots. Potatoes. Oraugex, And from Clatsop every day EGGS. BUTTElt. CHEESE. AND HONEY. Also : keep the best of CIGARS. TOBACCOS, AND LIQUORS. Call and examine before purchasing else where. J. K. WHIT. Is All Tills BlBiii About ! I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM TIIE iEAST AND WILL, SELL MCf GOODS AS v O I53L" HE .a. 3P AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to say anything about it A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhe sts., ASTORIA, - OREGON. 3?- ZEB-XXjjETSr J. H. D. GEAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. OYSTERS, hy the SACK, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. D. K. Uarrkn. C. A. aicGuiaaJ Astoria Market ! Corner of Clienamusaiid Cassstreeta. ASTORIA. 0KEG0N. WAEREN & McGUIRB, Proprietor (Successors to Hebron tt Warrcr-. Wbolealo and Retail Dealers in all Kino it Fresh and Cured ftieatsl A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FKUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. x5 Butter, Eggs, Choesc, etc. constantly n hand. tur Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. Washington "Market, Main Street - - Astoria Oregon, BERGMAN BERRY T ESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEX- . - t:on of the public to tho fact that the . above -Market will always bo supplied with FULL VARIETY REST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale y and retail. Special attention given to supply ns ships- ECLIPSE MARKET. tr-dS'"!., "Weat-TAzhih Street, near llic O. . JOHN W. WELCH I'uorMPoK A GENRUAL ASSOKTMENT OF FAJI2-, j. A. ly i;roceris, and the vaiious kinds of first-elass Meats and Fish, furnished in best of ttleat the market, or delivered to any pait ot the eity. Onleispven to the messen ?ers. or left at the market, w ill be momntlj My endeavor will be, by prompt attention and fairdeaiinjr. to please" my patrons. C-iV-Ml hinds of eeuntrv produee taken In e.vbange for j-'omi.s. and dedvered to patrons . free. Cd?(iive me a eall. A, IV. IvlSCSUSOX. Contraclof and Builder, All kinds of Carpenters and Joiners Work . promptly and neatly executed. PLAJXS, SPECIFICATIONS, and BILLS ? OF MATERIAL Furnished on short notice at reduced rates , Shop Nevt dror east of Episcopal church, Q. T. HJHII, CALEDONIA SALOON, Corner of Front and A streets. POKTLAND ... . OREGO- tfSTLatc butcher In the Central Markc. .Jt