o) 3 gJX EillJ SXttXimi. ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, Monday Excepted J. D. C. IRELAND : : PUBLISHER. Astorian Buildhij, Caxs street. Terms of Subscription : berved by Carrier, per week .........25 Ccnt. Sent by mail, four months .- 53 00 Sent by mail, cne year 9 00 free of Posuieo to subscribers. G35" Advertisements inserted by tbo year at the rate of Si 50 ier square per month. Transient ndvertir-ing, by the day or weok, fifty cents per square for each insertion. THE CITY. The Datlv astqkias will he ttnt by moilatir centx a month, frccof postage. Rccui cm who contemplate absence from the city can. have The Astokian follow them. Daily or Weekly mWwu to any post-oiticc with out additional expense. Adarcsscs may he enanged as often a expired. Leave orders at Vie counting ronm. The boys were enjoying Lite kite flying yesterday in Astoria. Mr. J. Cod' has opened a fruit and vegetable store in Dr. Kinsey's block. He is also prepared to serve lunch, hot cdfe, etc. Services in Presbyterian hall on this morning at 11 o'clock. Sab bath school at noon. All are invited. No service in the evening. Merrell & Co. have just turned out a splendid new wagon for E. S. Larsen. We are glad to see Astorians patronizing Astoria mechanics. Work is progressing quite satis factory on Capt. P. E. Ferchens new house. It is in a sightly location, and will be an ornament to that parfc of the city. Matters relating to the harbor of refuge should go to San Francisco by the An con. See Col. Stewarts notice of the time and place of meeting, June 5th. We advocate the use of root beer. "Try it. See advertisement and posters. It is a healthful, temperate, and cool ing beverage for summer. Order some home for family use. The young ladies of Grace Episco pal church will give an ice cream so ciable for the benefit of the Sunday School, on Tuesday evening June 10th, 1879, at Masonic halL Warren & McGuire make a speci alty of tide-land butter, put up by Mr. J. F. Barrows. We can vouch for its being first quality. Mr. Barrows will put up large quantities of it this year. Call for the B brand. Rev. J. T. Wolfe will discourse in the Congregational church of this .city this Sunday morning on "The Symbol of Christianity," and in the evening "Christianity, the World's Ul timate Religion." Judge G. W. Lawson arrived in the city night before last, and pro ceeded to Oysterville yesterday. He is settling up his worldly affairs in Oregon preparatory to a visit to Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Mr. Seely informs us that the channel of Nehalem river to sea lias changed about three miles farther north the past winter, and now pre sents no more obstacles to the en trance by schooners than does Tilla mook bay. Another ship wreck occurred in this vicinity last Friday. Our late eastern correspondent, Dan J. Ingalls swamped in Lewis and Clarke river with a cargo of hay and shingles on a schooner belonging to his neighbor Elijah Jeffers. Hamburger's stock of mens cloth ing, and everything for ladies, from a pair of handsome silk hose up, cannot be beat in Astoria. David made the selection this time, and has done so rell that we really think he deserves special mention. Call around and examine this large and beautiful stock. Mr. Temple Seelye, of the lower Nehalem valley, Tillamook county left a splendid specimen of bituminous coal at our office yesterday which came irom a creek which empties into the Nehalem 25 miles from Astoria. There are two veins from which the lot was obtained. One is three feet two inches wide, and one three feet ten inches. They are about four feet apart. -- Capt. Fisher has succeeded ad mirably the past few days in picking up lost anchors in this vicinity. , He has the location of four or five more yet to be taken up. Besides njaking a profit for Jtfmself by this work, he clears the harbor of what may, in the course of time, become a very bad obstacle, as was the case last year in the harbor at Quebec. The fishermen are all glad to see these iron snags taken out of the way of their nets, Board or Foremen. Astoria, Oregon, May CO. 117). The board of foremen met at the hall of Alert Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, at 7:00 P. si. in obedience to the published order of this date. The meeting was called to order by J. F. Ferchen, 1st assistant engineer, acting president. Roll call: All present except F. J. Taylor, foreman Alert Hook and Lad der company. The business was announced to be an invitation from Columbia Engine Co., No. 3, to participate with them in their twentieth anniversary and .parade, June 13th 1879. Moved by Mr. Coffman and secon ded that the invitation be accepted, and that the matter be laid before the companies of the department; for their consideration. Carried. Moved and seconded that the citj council be requested to grant the de partment the privilege of removing a part of the fire apparatus from the city for three days, viz: June 12, 13, 14. Carried. This matter being disposed of, on motion of Mr. Welch a department parade was ordered for the 4th of July, and the several foremen were instructed to lay the matter before their respective companies for their action. On motion the meeting adjourned. Ei. D. dims. .See., A. F. D. A few more boarders can be ac commodated at Mrs. Housman's. A post-office route has been estab lished from Knappton to Grays harbor. Mr. Carl Adler expects a sister in Astoria soon on a visit from San Fran cisco. -t-- Miss Hannah Kant, sister to our fellow townsman M. D. will arrive in San Francisco to-day from Baden, en route to Astoria. Sing Tang Whang, was followed to the grave in this city by his wife and chief mourners with all the pomp and circumstance of the heathenish rite. It was a queer outfit, taken all in all. Mr. W. J. Denver left at oir office door a small lot of quartz speci mens, Saturday morning, which some person has taken away, possibly by mistake. The specimens were from Nehalem valley. Wm. Bock, J. W. Gearhart, Peter Iiuney, and other crippled citizens of Astoria are convalescing. John and William get about on crutches, and Peter was out of doors, sitting in the sunlight, day before yesterday for the first time in many weeks. The weath er has been terrible bad for invalids. There will be divine service in Grace (Episcopal) church to-da3r, morning and evening. In the morn ing the Holy Communion will be ad ministered. In the evening a state ment of the work of the parish for the last twelve months will be presented with a sermon in harmony therewith. All are cordially invited to attend. Seats free. Mr. Jas. W. Welch returned from the Weather beach, north of II waco 3Testerday, where he had been as N. g. of Beaver lodge of Odd Fellows, by direction of the lodge, searching for the body of Henry Lack, a mem ber of Chemekta lodge Salem. Mr. Welch informs us that five bodies have been washed up 03 the surf thi3 year nori h of north-head. As a gener al thing the bodies are not properly buried, and he thinks that the people should club together, secure a site, and be better prepared to bury the poor unfortunates whose bodies come in under such circumstances from the sea. While in Kalama last week, says an exchange, we had the pleasure of inspecting H. H. Holt s fish hatchery, wherein he has now several hundred speckled trout, hatched from eggs he received by express from the east. He succeeded in hatching about 8o per cent, of the eggs sent. The great er portion of the young trout were recently put in the lake near Capt J. C. Ainsworth's summer residence not far from the sound. Mr. Holt, who is one of the old line sportsmen of the county, is making a start as a suc cessful propagator of fish, and could do much for the country in this line, if encouraged properly. The Bee contains an account of the suicide at Dayton, W. T., of a young man named Joseph L. Clarke, on the 27th. The afiair seems to be the result of a disappointment in love. He had been keeping company with a young lady in Astoria, of whom he thought very much. The following extract from a letter to a friend throws a ray of light on the unfortu nate affair: "I have got the blues awfully; have heard bad news from a lady friend in Astoria. Some parties in Portland whom I had befriended to the extent of many dollars last winter, when I was there, have told the worst kind of lies about me. One of them is Mr. who lives on Washington street. Dr. Wood has gone to Spokane falls. I may as well be out of the world as in it." WHERE IS GOD? Written for The Astorian. Where is God? My soul replies God is in the bending skies, On the earth, and in the air, Everywhere. In the early morning gray, In the broader brighter day, In the twilight, in the gloom, Jn the tomb. In the drowsv hum of bees, In the hirds sweet melodies, In the murmur of the trees, In the breeze. In the echo from the dell, In the whisper of the shell, In the brooklet, in the river, In the giver. In the wildest winds that rave, In the dark and sullen river, In the breakers on the shore, In their roar. In the various tints of green On von sloping hillside seen, In the fragrance of the flowers, 1 n the showers. In my infant's laughing eyes, In what e'er of earth 1 prize, In my hopes, and in my fears He appears. Let me turn when e'er 1 will. In the holy Sabbath's still, In the solunm voice of prayer, Everywhere! Jean DroaC'e. Astoria and Winnemucca Railway. Hilhboro Independent. "We are informed bv a p-cntle-man from Astoria that great inter est is manifested in the new rail road scheme, at that place. Ten thousand dollars have already been subscribed in Astoria and it is thought that more can be obtained. A preliminary survey will be made this summer through the Nehalem vallies and a permanent route de cided upon. This is thought to be the onlyr practicable route, and the value of the route is enhanced by its fine forests of cedar trees, and probably, inexhaustible coal fields. Men who are posted with regard to the character of the country, tell us that Cornelius will most like ly be the place where the road will cross the Oregon Central railroad. Our people should be awake to the fact that this proposed road will be of great value to the country, and when the proper time comes, be readv with words of encourage ment and the necessary money to make it a success. Body Recovered. Mr. Thomas B. Williams, flight keeper at North cove, Shoalwater bay, writes to us that on the 25th the body of a man was picked up and buried about three miles from there. His features were not recognizable. He appeared to be about five feet nine inches in hight. He was dressed in linen drawers, check pants, small dark blue coat; and wore gaiters with white cotton socks. There was found in his pockets two dollars and sixty cents in silver; three assorted sleeve buttons; gold thimble; silver plated fruit pocket knife, with A. D. B. en graved on; a double hair comb and steel cork screw. "I have the above described articles in my possesion. 1 will be glad to send the articles found on the body to relatives or friends who may identify the person by the above descriptions." Harbor of Refuse. Office Board of Engineers for the Pacific Coast. 533 Kearney street. San Francisco. Ual May 23d, 1879. J On and after the nth day of June, 1879, public sessions of the board or of a com mittee of the same will beheld at this office. The object of these is to hear the views and opinions of all persons inter ested in the location of a harbor of refuge on the Pacific oceali, between San Francisco and the straits of Fuca. Shipmasters familiar with the naviga tion of the Pacific coast and all other persons possessed of information on the subject are invited to communicate with the Board, in person, or bv letter. C. Sea forth Stewart, Lt-Col. of Engineers, Pacific Senior Member A correspondent of the Standard, writing from Astoria says: "Salmon now brings four dollars a case in San Francisco, and as soon as some of the canneries are through with their con tracts they will close for the season, and the probabilities are that some of them will never run again." -- The boat in which Mr. Henry Lack was fishing belongs to R. D. Hume & Co. and bears the licence number of 269, his own boat is in the city. He leaves a sister in Michigan, his mother lives in England. As the body has not yet been recovered any uuui uiatiuu win De rnanKiuiiy iecuiv ed by Beaver Lodge No. 35, i. o. o. r. S. T. McKean returned from his official visit to Salem yesterday, in connection with state educational mat ters. Thirteen of the twenty-five county superintendents were present at the session. A vote was taken on the school book question which was deposited with the superintendent of public instruction. The vote will not be opened until the 20th. The meet ing was harmonious, and the prob abilities are that a majority conclusion was arrived at. AROUND THE CITY. A full assortment of counter and grocers scales can be found at M. C. Crosby's, at bottom prices. Magnus C. Crosb is sole agent for the Medallion Bange in the Astoria market, which is unquestionably the best range on the Pacific slope. Call and examine. The x. g. of Beaver Lodne No. 35, i. o. o. f. instructs us, by order of the Lodge, to keep it before members that next Lodge night election of officers will take, place. June nth, and a full at tendance is required. Judging from the number of Chro mos being carried around town the Dollar Store is doing a good business. J. S. Mayer has opened Rudolph Barths beer hall near the Fishermen's cannery. Call in when you are passing and refresh yourself wfth the best iii the market. The "California Dollar Store" still continues the chief attraction of the town, and "lucky ones" carry away their finest chromos at One Dollar each, their plated ware and cutlery is of the finest quality take a walk around and try your luck. Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and jeweler of long experience, has perma nently established himself in business in Caufield's drug store, Chenamus street, Astoria. Watches and Jewelry cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En graving a specialty. All work guaran teed. Give him a trial and be your own judge of his workmanship. lie will soon add to his stock a well selected in voice of Watches, Jewvlry, Silver and plated ware, which he will he able to sell at very low prices. Booms to let, by the day, week, or month, at Mrs. W.H. Twilight's. lee cream, and fresh fruits of all kinds at Sehmeers, opposite the bell tower. Also tresh oysters, in every style. Fishermen can get a square meal at any time, at Pike's restaurant, Unity, for fish. References : Fishermen who have eaten there. A new lot of full bound blank, and receipt books, specially for use in can neries, at the Citj Book store. There is no use talking Max Wag ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the only man to please his customers well. He keeps the finest San Francisco beer in the city, it sparkles like champaigne. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. Ovsters served in every style at the Walla Walla Restaurant. Now that building is reviving in Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter Runey is well supplied with all kinds of building materials which he is prepared to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates. When you are looking for a place to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag ner's, Great Eastern saloon, and listen to the organ and take a glass of his fine San Francisco beer. Get your baskets filled for a little money at Bailey's. White Darling potatoes at Berg man it Berry's. Now is the time for cleaning up our houses, and ornamenting them. For this purpose you can find nothing that will add to the appearance of your parlors so much as a pair of those beau tiful chromos at the City Book store, sold for nearly one-half the usual cost of such pictures Call and see for your selves. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has Just received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, shoes, etc. M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and steam fitting line; also, bath tubs, and water backs for stoves and ranges fur nished on shortcut notice. The proprietor of the Chicago house, whom everybody knows as a popu lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in splended style. It is all newly painted and furnished, and is one of the most attractive places on Main street. Call around; every luxury of the season at the Chicago house. Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him, and will do a better job for less money than any outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should besufficientrecom mendation. Before you let your eon tracts for work of this kind it 'would be. well to call upon Mr. Stewart. Lodging House. Furnished rooms to let at reasonable rates at Mrs. Mun son's, Cheneuamus St., Astoria. MISCELLANEOUS. BOAT AXI XET PICKED UP. .May 2Sth, in the breakers on the bar, a fishing boat and net, which the owner or owners can have upon proof of owership and paying charges. Apply at the Gloucester House. Astoria. 7-tf JOHN DONOVAN. FOUXIK About. 200 fathom gill net web, No. 3 Barbours twine, 45 mesh, in two pieces. Owner can have the same by prov ing property and paying charges. A. B50TH & C. Upper Astoria. May SO, 1S79. 27-tf FOITXI. A piece of a net which the owner may have on proving property and paying charges. BA DOLLET & CO. Upper Astoria, May 27, 1 879. 23-tf TO RENT. A nice cottage, with six rooms ; water in the lum.se. Inquire of .las. McGee, ou the roadway near Devlin's cannery. 6-lin XTET X.OST.-O11 the night of the 2fith of Li Mav, 1879, about 110 fathoms net. No. 30 10-ply Barbours, corks a leads marked J HUME- Finder will be suitably rewarded bv giving the same to the steamer Quickstep of leaving the same at J. HUME'S cannery at Knappton. - JOS. HUME. "TOTICE. All persons knowing themselves JLi indebted to the undersigned are re quested to call and .settle the same as soon as possible, asunder the circumstances funds are necessary. "We mav be found at the office of Warren & McGuire for the present. 1 RENCHARD & UPallUR. Astoria, May 19, 1879. NOTICE is hereby given that the owners of Scoio Industry will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any person on behalf of said Scow, except the same is con tracted directly by the owners. BROWN & ALLEN, Owners. Bv A. V. Ai.i'EN' MuiKiging Owner. Astoria, May 24, 1870. Mw-d&v AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPENING OF- Hill's If Variety Tkatre, Containing six NEW AND ELEGANT BOXES, SITTING ROOMS, ETC. The Decorations of the New Theatre were executed by Mr. F. Holt. NEW AND ELABORATE SCENERY. Painted by Mr. Win. "West. Architect and Builder Mr. Kemble. On and after this date will be given a First Class Entertainment, Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot be equalled on this coast. Our Per formance Commences with our First Part of Male and Female GRAND OLIO, Consisting of Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats, Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers, Pantomimists and Jugglers. HOUSE CROWDED KiGHTLY To see our Refined and Unequalled enter tainment. New Acts. New Song's and com plete cnange ot rrograniiiie twice a week. EO. nilX. Proprietor. Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chena mus Street. Performance to commence at eight o'clock precise. THERE WILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL ON" WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 4, 1S70. MISCELLANEOUS NEW BAKERY. Main street, opposite the Parker House.- C. CAROW, ritOPRIKTOR Of the above named New Bakery, Respectfully invites a share of the public latronage, confident of his ability to please patro his p; itrons. Arndt & Ferchen. milE BEST BLACKSMITH AND Machine Shop In the city. --j$ All kinds of Engine, Cannery and Stenuaoeat Work promptlv attended to. G. W. PARKER, DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. WHITE LEAD. PAINTS and COAL OILS, Brooms, KriiNlies and "Wooden-ware, Tobacco, Cigars and Stationery, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Etc. Near the Corner Slain and Concomly Sts., Astori Wilson & Fisher DEALERS IN LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing-. PROVISIONS, MILL PEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets- ASTORIA, OREGON. F OR SAXE. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. BOUCHERS :... Proprietor Astoria, Oregon. No rubbing or scrubbing, and no thrarning your clothes to pieces. Buttons sewei on and clothes mended. -For particulars apply to the proprietor on on the premises. Mes. XL A. Derby, Has just returned from San Francisco witlr the finest selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS. Ever offered in Astoria. Embracing every novelty in the line. Or, Warner's Health CORSET Ctn only be purchased iri Astoria at Mrs. Derby's, Main street, between Squemoqhe and Jefferson, Astoria, Ore gon. TT73T. UILLEXIIART. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon i ASTORIA - OREGON. Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and Sulphur BATHS. EF"Special attention given to ladies and children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladies. iF&saz&nimxzjgfis Vl " -- m iiHf JmHijVA wv1 VrHElttV IBtl jEysiBi