CO "Vol. ix. Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, May 31, 1879. !STo. 27. . u. j- - i i"Kn ,-"j TELEGiIiA.l?HIC I EASTERN STATES. 2Ir.s. Grander Again a Widoiv. , New Yoisk, May 29. Judge . Donahue yesterday confirmed the j report of the referee in the suit of Airs. Maria L. Granger for annul ment of her marriage to Tiios. Blair, lately dismissed from a cap taincy in the armv. Judgment in favor of Mrs entered. Granger has been A Koyal OiTi For Grant. NkwJokk, May 29 A New Haven special announces the ar rival there last night of the iron steamer Norman Monarch, 20 days from Constantinople, bringing two handsome gray Arabian stallions given to Grant by the sultan :f Turkey. They are in fine condi tion, and will probably be sent to their owners farm in the west. The Norman Monarch will take back to Constantinople 59,000 stand of arms for the Turkish government. The cargo will be worth about 1,000,000. Horrible A":tir in Maryland. Hagkustown, May 29. At about 2 o'clock this morning fire was discovered in the lower floor of the Washington house in this place. Before an alarm could be given the fire had gained such headway that the flames rushed up the stairways, completely cutting off all escape. There were up wards of GO persons on the register besides regular boarders, nearly all of whom were compelled to escape by climbing down the porch pillars. Two bodies have been found in the ruins burned to a crisp. Tnere are six persons mis sing, supposed to be burned and in the ruins. Fifteen persons were injured seriously from falling and about 20 slightly injured. FOREIGN NEWS. ffc'axal Engagement TUrec Ves sels Samlr London, May 29. Two Chilian men-of-war, (wooden), and one Peruvian iron-clad, have been sunk in a naval engagement off Iquique, Peru. Deal lis from Yellow Ferer. Paris, May 29. An official dis patch from Port au Prince, Hayti, says that M. Roche Mourat, the French minister, died of yellow fever two hours after he was at tacked. His private secretary and the first secretary of the legation are dead of the disease, and the second secretaiy of the legation is sick ,vith it. Eruption of Mount iEtna. Mussina, May 29. The volcano of Mount yEtna is in full eruption. Three new craters have appeared near the town of Randazzo, at the northwest foot of the mountain, and several streams of lava are flowing down the western slope. Several villages are threatened with destruction, and there is great alarm aniens: the inhabitants. TZmj Dariezi Canal. Paris, May 29. The ship canal congress adopted by a vote of 9S to 8, the Panama and Lemon bay route. Appleton, one of the American representatives, voted for the scheme, but Hear Admiral Amnion, of the United States navy, abstained from voting. Comman der Selfridge, of the United States navv, was absent. The congress then closed its labors. PACIFIC COAST NEWS. Murderers Hanged. San Francisco, May 29. Troy Dve, and his partner iu crime, Ed ward Anderson, were hanged at Sacramento to-day for the murder of A. M. Tullis, last August. The necks of both the condemned were broken by the fall, and iu 14 min utes they were pronounced dead. mortem on the remains of Dye is now in progress, with a vlevr " ascertaining the condition of his brain. Victoria Rrsnalclics. Victoria, May 29. Frazer river has risen several feet, and the dyke at Matsqui has given away and let the water on the prairie, which is now overflow ed to a depth of two feet. Engineers have arrived to ex plore for a line of railway through the Peace river country. It is claimed that a line through that section would be 050 miles shorter than any other trans-continental line now under way or projected. Best Salem Hour is sold in this city at .$5 50 per barrel by Warren & McGuirc. Boat sponges, wholesale and retail at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five thousand just received. Keep Your Honey Safe. Ex steamship Oregon I have received an other conignmcnt of MONEY TILLS. This matchless Counter Alarm Money Drawer Is proof against Petty Thieves. X'KICE $tt 00. E. C. H0LDEN. Commission Agent. I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AD WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GEMRAL IERCHAMSE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. Astoria Liquor Store, AUG. DANIELSOX Proprietor. Water st. Roadway, - Astoria. Okkgox. Importer and dealer in WINES, LIQUORS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Sole agent for the celebrated STONEWALL WHISKEY. Q O o r-j Y r-t o 63 in & o m 2i GEORGE KOSS' $2 imnara lioom. $ 7 f The only Billiard Room in the city wheie no liquors are sold. NEW TABLE JITST PUT IT. GEOKUJt has a cosy place and keeps on hand tut, lest brand of Cigars. Also, soda, cauuj. nuts. etc. Uppobite Altona Chop House. (JEO. ROSS. I'ronnetr. m is voss, R2tICK IAYER, Cement, Plasterer and Builder of any kind of Brick Furnaces. . Ticase leave orders at Wilson & Fisher's store, Chenniuus street, Astoria. 7-lin I'alcnt tor Sale. The right to manufacture and sell JOHX . ISKOIttl SKITS PATEXT (So. lS),9y5, Airil 21, 1ST7), luiproreiiicnt in niIXI SI..AT In the States of California and Oregon. ud"For :)articulai"S and description, which cannot be given in a brief advertisement, call upon 01 address. T. RROEMSER. Walla W:illa Restaumnt, Astoria. Oregon HOUSE AMD SIGN PAI7JTE??. Shop on Csiss street, Astoria, Oregon. OO" Paper hanging and Kalsomfmlng a specialty. u-iTAll work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. TTUGII STOOl', CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER ASTORIA, OREGON. JK5"Uoa5cs built to order, and satisfaction puaranteed. Shop on Squemocqha street next door to the Episcopal church. fe BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING I AND INSURANCE. X. W. CASE, BROKER, BANKER, ANI- INSURANCE AGENT. - OREGON. ASTORIA, Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the United States and 'Europe. OFFICE HOURS-From 8 o'clock, a. si. until 4 o'clock i m. Horns Mutual Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. Houghtox President Ciias. R. Stouv Secretary IlAMII.TOX I.OYD, I .,.. fni- npiwrnn G ko. L. Stok v. ) AjeUlS for 0reSon Offick Nortlie:ist comer of Stark and First streets, Poktland, Oiikuox. Net Cash received for Fire Prem iums in 1S77 $335,511 04 Assets, Jan. l, 1S7S - $578,003 So Liabilities Losses vnpsiid $T.(ss .T7 dividends " 1.9."i7 00 .5.5.15 37 Surplus for Property Holders ....$572,470 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six years-Sll4,516 72 1 IV. CASE. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 GAP1TAL LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. . A OLD CONNECTICUT ofe 11ART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SG7,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent COJDIERCIAL UXIOX ASSURANCE COMPANY OF XjOHKTJDOIKr. Capital SI 2,500,000. MATT II. SIBSOX, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAF.IFOK3IA. ORGANIZED IN 1SC3. Tola! Losses Paid Since Organization. $3,630,435 95. E. C. UOLURX. Agent. Astoria Oregon OB9i9aiHBaaiiBBnaa9HmBMiK3EBtBaaaa MAGNUS C. CROSBY. DKALIiK IN" Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Coppc, Brass, and Zinc. 0. H. BAIN & CO. BEING NOW PREPARED WITH greatly increased facility to furnish the public with all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, t Lute. Doors. Inflow BLINDS, TRANSOMS: And all kinds of hard wood at very low rates, Asks an examination of their prices and large lot of goods which will be sold low for CASH. Steam Kill Near Weston Hotel Cor. Genevive and Ast or streets, T. s. JEWKTT. B. S. laMBALL. Draying & Trucking. ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO., SaiiemoiMiiie st., hetween Cass and Main, Contacts fur xntyingmado and satisfaction guruntcpd. Orders left at tho Occident :io tcl or recti .iby mail proinptly filled JEWETT i KIMBALL. . WHOLESALE TRADE. ess 133 CZ? c fZi & I m 1 eg e.1 a 3 a Comer of Water and Olney Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. WHOLESALE DEALER IN -AND PROVISIONS ETC,, 3SXC2, AGENT FOR TIIE Golflen City Meal forts. B. TV. PATlUTE fc SOJK'S STEAM ENGINES, lay's go3 lorMif laeliierj KUBBER BOOTS. The National, Hnyward, and Pure Rubber. LIVERPOOL SALT. Fisliernien's and Cannery Supplies, A SPJECIATTY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Oars, Cordage, Blocks, Oakum, etc. Special Notice. Star of the Columbia, 150 Firo Test Kerosene. Turpentine and Varnish, Sail Cloth, Made expressly for light sail boats. For sale at G. W. HUME'S, " ASTOKIA, - - UtEOON L h tz. fcia MISCELLANEOUS. WHAT Is All TMs Bloiii Aljont !' I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE EAST AND WILL SELL MY GOODS AS AS ANY HOUSE IN TIIE CITY And am not going to say anything about it A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Sqnemoqhe sts., ASTORIA, - OREGON. J. EL D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. OYSTJERS, by tin SA K, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. D. K. W amies. C. A. McGuikk! Astoria Market ! Comer of Chenamus and Cassstreetfl, ASTORIA, OREGON. WARREN & McGTJIRE, Proprietor (Successors to Ilobsun tfc Warrcr.. Wbolesalo and Retail Dealers in all klnaa u Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, 'SIC. J&S" Butter, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantly nhand. i$3 Ships supplied at the lowest rates. Washington "Market, Alain KtreeU - - Astoria Oregon, BEJIG3IAN BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to tho fact that th above Market will always bo supplied with FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FIJESH ANDCURED MEATSX Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ng shins. ECLIPSE MARKET. YFest-Eijrlitli Street, near the O. . X. Co's AVJmrf. JOHN AV. Proprietor AfiENEUAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMI ly Groceries, and the various kinds of first-class Meats and Fish, furnished in best of style at the market, or delivered to any part of the city. Orders iven to the messen gers, or left at the market, will be promptly tilled. My endeavor will he, by prompt attention and fair deaiiinr. to please my patrons. C5"AH kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods, and delivered to patrons free. ESGive me a call. SIJ2CIAXis XOTICE. Having just received a new stock, consisting . of a splendid assortment of II:its, Caps, ISooif and Shoew, , Groceries, Canned Fruits, etc. ALSO : Waiclics. JTcwelrj and Cutlery Resides a choice lot of TOBACCO. CK-AIIS AXI PIPES. Wines and Liquors, Stationery ad Fancy Articles. Which we are offering at the lowest liviug prices. Very respectfully. JAMES MrOEE. At JIcGce's new building on the roadway. It is no Use of Talkiner, J. K. WIltT'S is the cheapest place to buy., FRUITS OK VEGETABLES, As he. has direct from San Francisco by every steamer, all kinds of vegetables, such as is in the market. Apples. Peas. Celery. Caulifower, Asparagus, Parsnips. Beets, Car-.. rots. Potatoes. Oranges. And from Clatsop every day KGGS, BUTTER. CHEESE. AND HONEY. Also : keep the best of CIGARS. TOBACCOS, AND LIQUOHS. Call and examine befoie purchasing else-, J. K. W1KT. where. A. W. Vi-.BJwJSOST. Gontractcr and Eyi!der, All kinds of Carpenters and Joiners Work, promptly and neatly executed. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, and BILLS: OF MATERIAL Furnished on short notice at reduced rate?. Snor V'-t 0i or east of Episcopal church. p T. KEII, CALEDONIA SALOON, Comer of Front and A streets. rOP.TLAND --- - OREGO. cs-Iate butcher in the Central Market. 31 'J... -?&J -jrim- .y VK-Vsj. .