C3) glxs gai'iTj 5t0Xdmx. ASTORIA OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, Monday Excepted.. O. C. IRELAND : : Il KI.ISIIKIC. Astorian Birihiiiu. iJon, street. Terms of Subscription : berved by Carrier, per weeK .25 Cent Sent by mail, tour months 00 Sent by mail, cms year 9 00 froo of l'uia:re u ubcribors. S3T Advertisement inserted by tboyear at the rate of Si M iers iitare per month. Transient advertifin?, by the day or week, fifty conts per suuaro for each insertion. THE CFTI The Daily astokia-s Kill he ciit by mailatloccnt a month, jreeof postaac. Reav er who cnntcmplatcahsencefrotn the city can have The Astokian follow Uicm Dailv or Wekkly tulition to anu post-njhee with out additional 'jcpcuac. jidnrcsex man be enanyed a often ok acsired. Leave order at tive countina room. Steamer day. Ancon due from San Francisco. Dull times arc just the times for lazy men. Steamer California sails for Sitka to-morrow. It is pluck, not luck, that puts a man ahead in the world. The funeral of A. L. Stinson will take place in Salem at 11 a. m. to day. . More new goods will arrive to day for the Dollar Store by the An con. Mrs. M. J. Kinney is a pas senger to San Francisco by the State jf California. Capt. Carroll's license has been restored to him by Supervising In spector Bemis. The State of California took 2,000 cases of salmon from Astoria besides 3,300 cases from Brok field. . The Oregon Steam Navigation Co. fear a disastrous rise in the Columbia. The rivers are all on the rise now. The Portland Harrison street school-house was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. Loss $25,000. There will be Divine Ser;ce in Grace Episcopal church this (Friday) evening. You are cordially invited to attend. The steamer California has been attached in the suit of Adams Bros. v. P. B. Cornwall. Growing out of the Republic disaster. . The new steamship State of California was attachd at Portland, in a suit of two seamen for G0. Good gracious ; are we to Jose the new steamer so soon as that? The postmaster general urgently requests everybody who sends letters and papers tlirougft tlie maiteto em-j. t w, markets W;U arrivc brace the county m each address a3' , Al , - ' , r , . well as the place and state. The great , towards the -close of the fishing increase of mail matter makes this season, and carry away their beat necessary. m Baby carriages of the best styles, and at low prices, at Loeb's. W2 tell you so. The New York Tribune thinks a result of the adoption of the new constitution in California may be to break up many prominent manufacturing establishments in that state, and perhaps give a strong im petus to manufacturing in Oregon. The steam tender Katie Cook wiil perhaps never return to Parkers ville. We predict that she will be sold to ply on the Columbia after Capt. Parker has finished his work at the Cit' of Dublin. She is just such a craf r as is useful at all times i;i these waters. The Coming Concert. On Thursda' evening next, June 5th the Handel Haydn society intend , . " f,. , .-, their first public concert, which, jfivtiis from what wc can hear, is likely to be most enjoyable. For some time past the society has been hard at work prepar ing for this concert, and we are prom ised some very fine choruses which from the efficient and careful manner in which Professor Cook is training his class are sure to be well rendered. The solos will be well taken care of as considerable attention is being be stowed on them by the ladies and gentlemen to "whose hands these have been committed, and who are all competent members of the clcss. This concert and the aims of the so ciety ought to be encouraged, and we trust the people of Astoria will pat ronize well the maiden efforts of our amateurs, for this society is likely to be of great benefit to all its members, and also give pleasure to all our peo ple in any way fond of music. A full advertiseuent will be riven as to time and place where the concert will be hold and where fofcets can be obtain- ASTORIA. -r yur yj Second Letter From Mr. Newsomc, on the General Outlook Things in this Vicinity. - f Written for Thk Astorun.J There is a large and valuable district of country lying opposite and across the Columbia bay and river from Astoria, in Washington territory, very much like the coun try which I have faintly described on the south of the river. All the commerce and trade of that sec lion north of here, must center at Astoria, and pass away upon the mighty fleet of large ocean vessels outward bound to the worlds mar kets. In an article in Thk Daily As tokian of the 20th, I alluded to the canneries in operation here. 13ut that article was penned in a hurry, and was short, as 1 then ex pected to leave on Monday. Since then 1 have seen or heard frcm all ihe .canneries on the Columbia river. The gentlemanly proprietors of some of those canneries have given me data of the very large and rapidly growing business in the fisheries here. There are twenty-five canneries now in ac 'Jve operation on this river. The proprietors do not seem alarmed for the failure of any future run of salmon. These twenty-five can neries put up now daily about H'rty thousand salmon. The fish ing boats are manned by white men, who make excellent wages. Here then is a daily income to the white men and their families here (or to single men as the case mav be), of fifteen thousand dollars. Then in the canneries there arc about thirteen hundred white men employed. Of Chine men about three thousand employed in the canneries. These three thousand "Heathen Chinee" would be dis placed with white men, if such milil be obtained, who would be constantly and reliably at their po.--s. But if strikes and the oottle should subtract Irom the necessary force to carry on all the different portions of the work iii the can reries, heavy losses would occur to the proprietors of them. All the fish brought in from the boats daily must be cut up, canned and cooked on that daT, or they would spoil. And no one man should be r-nent irom his post. All the caua vre made in the canneries, packed i-id labelled, an 1 boxed up ready iiv niu'ket. The lumber and boxes are made in Astoria for shipping all this great quantity cf export fish. As the fishing season has only yei fa'rly set in here, the call fo. errgoes of canned salmon arc as ye but few. The large, heavy Weighted ships, which will float i'ier thousands of tons of this fish stores of cooked fish, to fore'rn lands for ordinary consumption of tl.e laboring masses, who cannot a fiord dear meats for tbily use. T?u'e are canneries here whose owners have established a cha.ac- ter, and wiiose names are pass- 1) ,, i3 at home and abroad as to 1 boir quality to si ippers and con sumes. There likely will be few er canneries run for some time for ward, but the well established ones -umJI 1-krt rri-cirlrtroVkKr r -l-i rrro.l nrrl W'U Oe COllS'OeraDly C .large , ana capable of supplying the ffrect nvjukets abroad. Jt is estimated fc- Ihr.fc not the one hundreth part of A rr t-vr(.1w rr fiftnnn -miW wirlo to tvene or niteen miles wide, ill which the salmon enter from , , , . t the ocean, and the nets are spreyd nur mi i mprp fifhp nf tint snrfn-o oux on d mer.e ut!ie ol d suri.ai-e .KJ bannon wuicii run up iiib vu- clear aud .simple that any person, after giving lprnlva durino- thf fisliin"- soasoii ! a few hours' attention to tnis .system, will be ii.rnu.a aunns: tne nsinn0 season al)U. (o cut Qwry slylp of j., Uress Gjir Lre causrht. lhe bav isfromeurpt inentsto fit anv size from an infant to the j . ..! ... 1 "1. aL I of water: and onlv half the ume.such as cutting over old garments, makin: rloi'lir or fh-ir cftl,nt fliArr ic n daily at that, so that there is a twelve hour run for the fish when the nets are rot spread for them; iud multitudes of the fish pass up under the nets. Then we may leasonably infer that there will be a goodly number of salmon left to cast their spawn, in spawning season here. The amount of salmcn canned and ready for market here this year, judging from present indications, 7il exceed two and a half millions of dollars. And the amountof out ward bound commerce from this noittlrsvear will likelv exceed poiEUi.syear, win iikeiy execeu i en millions oi uonars. xvnu tun- nage wll ever be equal to tne re quirement of the commerce on the - , t 1 . . i mi t " r values of manufac UGluoiDiaana its tributaries, xne airers in As- all the state of Oregon besides. This may seem a strange assertion, j5.pnt:ftR nome here and see . .ww w.. for themselves. At cue s'ngiu j cannery here, there are thirteen thousand dollars laid out in tue article of Scotch twine, with which to construct the fishing nets of that one cannery for one year. All these nets are made by white persons, and so are all the boxes in which the cans are packed for shipment. "When the fishingseason is ended, there can and should be factories erected and run here in the vari o is departments, to give employ ment to the white people who work in the fisheries and canneries, but lack employment the remainder of the year. This would keep and retain families and others perma nently here, to the building up of the country. I am informed that extensive preparations are being made to utilize some of the can neries, after the fishing season is ended, to storing of wheat for ship ping, at rates that will defy coin petition elsewhere. More anon. Davio Newsome. Rough Fishing. Capt. B. F. Stevens, of Badollet & Co.'s steamer Katata, informs us that night before last the swell was the roughest he has seen it for years near the bar. It was fearful in Bak er's bay. The Edith lost her gang plank off the deck, and men were com pelled to hold on to the life boat to keep it from going overboard. The plank was recovered. The body of a man was picked up on the weather beach about five miles' south of Oi'sterville road. The body w;is dressed in a blue saque coat, with dark woolen pants, woolen check shirt, gum boots and oil skin coat. He had been a man apparently 175 or 180 lbs weight, about live feet ten inches high. The body seemed to have been in the water a week or ten days. A boat and net was towed into the Cape yesterday morning. The boat was filled with water, and appeared to have gone out to sea and back again. The men are missing. It is a private boat, with only the license number on it 494, issued to Eli. Ipson, paint ed blue. One of the Bradly and Davis boats lost a net night before last, but found it in the edge of the brakers too far gone for rescue. Net probably lost. Fishermen should take into account the present high stage of water in the river, which makes the slack and tides very different, in the vicinity of the bar. AMUSEMENTS. Mrs. Carr'e Clarke Ward will be the recipient of a benefit at Metro politan hall on Saturday af'ernoon rnd evenhig, for which all the pro fessionals of the city have volunteered their service3, and one of the finest plays ever put upon the stage is in preparation. Mrs. Ward is entitled to a rousing house on this occasion. Her admirable personations, here and elsewhere, have bestowed honors upon her, aud we shall be delighted to see so popular a favorite right handsomely rece'ved by the play goers of Astoria. The programme wiil be issued to d..y. Hoard of Foreman. There will be a meeting of the Board of Foreman A. F. I), on Friday, at 7 :30 p. si., in tin citv hall. By ordcv, J. I Fekciien. 1st Assistant. Illr. V. K. Itinker's complete System of Jress Cutting for ! Cloaks. Basques. Polonaise, Prince's Dresses. Wrapper. Children's and Doll's Clothes. And indeed Every Style of Garments included in DressuiaLinK, Sleeves and all. Complete. Tliic wvtiim ic iii-it1tnmitirillt.' nnrrnnt :mil hence removes all anxiety regarding the fit I tT tltift iririiinnf Tf S? ,trf- rttil, Avnr lint crt ML WV -IIIIIKIlli II i.T HUH Ullll t.-V4v. Ullb JW i largest or mosHUiucuit lonu, ami me cuumg to jL. u (ieiigbt instead or a trouble. , ?t complain of hard times as a reason for not learning this svstcm. for one thing is certain, the poorer we'are the more valuable - ,., .,.. I :m' menus of saving will be. Tins system 1 WiU help you to economize in many ways. P small patteius, doing the most expensive ,Klrt f the work instcsui ot luring it done. ami uiai. ioo wun oeucr sau.siai-uun man u depending upon others. e can hardly con ceive the advantage to be derived from an Exact Method of Dress Cutting. Ladies' now is the time to Learn the Best System of OuttinB in the World. Try t! Mrs. S. T. McKean agent, for the above sv-stem for Clatsop county. Residence. Astor street, nearly opposite the Congregational church, Astoria, Oregon. PlUVATE BOAKDLKG. "With or Without Rooms, Next door to Metropolitan Hall, Astoria, Oregon. -- Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and jeweler of lopR experience, has perma nently esiaonsnea nimsen m uusmess in Caufield's dru store, Chenanuis siYQQt vetches and Jewelry cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. ;n graving a specialty. All work guaran teed. Give him a tria and be your own judge of his workmanship. He will soon add to his stock a well selected in voice of Watches. Jewelry. Silver and I plated ware, which he will be able to AROUND THE CITY. Rooms to let, bv the dav. week, or month, at Mrs. W. II. Twilight's. lee cream, and fresh fruits of all kinds at Schineers, opposite the bell tower. Also tresh oysters, in every style. Fishermen can get a square meal at any time, at Pike's restaurant, Unity, for fish. References: Fishermen who have eaten there. A new lot of full hound blank, and receipt books, specially for use. in can neries, at the City Book store. I. C. Johnson may be found at the Occident in A.storia 'every Monday, Wednesday, ami Friday evening, ready to attend to messenger "duty in Portland or to points along the river in a satisfae otry manner. There is no use talking Max Wag ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the only man fo please his customers well. He keeps the finest San Francisco beer in the city, it sparkles like champaigne. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Baileys. Oysters served in every style at the Walla Walla Restaurant. Fresh oysters in every style and at all hours at the- Pioneer restaurant. lust received per Elder 2,000 pounds, 8-pound sheet lead, for sale at lowest rates at Magnus C.Crosby's. Now that building is reviving in Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter Runey is well supplied with all kinds of building materials which he is prepared to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates. When you are looking for a place to amuse yourself, (Iron in at Max Wair- 1 ner's, Great. Eastern saloon, and listen to the organ and take a glass of Ins fine San Francisco beer. Get your baskets tilled for a little money at Bailey's. "To-let a suit of unfurnished rooms attheTurpin llouse.apply immediately. White Darling potatoes at Berg man fc Berry's. Now is the time for cleaning up our houses, and ornamenting them. For this purpose you can find nothing that will add to the appearance of your parlors so much as a pair of those beau tiful chromes at the City Book store, sold for nearly one-half the usual cost of such pictures Call and see for your selves. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and nidst fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, shoes, etc. .New invoice ot those Medallion Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's. M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and steam fitting line; also, bath tubs, and water backs for stoves and ranges fur nished on shortcut notice. The proprietor of the Chicago house.whom everybody knows as anoiui- ilar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in splended style. It is all newly painted and furnished, and is one of the most attractive places on Main street. Call around; every luxury of the season at the Chicago house. Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him, and will do a better job for less money than any outside workman. His work in the cemetery here should be sufficient recom mendation. Before you let your con tracts for work of this kind it would be. well to call upon Mr. Stewart. MISCELLANEOUS. I710ITNI. A piece ? owner may nave of a net which the on proving property and paving charges. IJA DOLLET & CO. Upper Astoria, May 27, 1S79. 23-tf Tn KENT. A nice cottage, with six rooms : water in tae House, lnuulre of J as. McGee, on the roadway near J)evlm'& cannery. " u-lm -ryr LOST.-On the night of the aim of JLi May, 1S7J), about 110 fathoms net. No. $) 10-plv harbours, corks a leads marked J H U m E. Finder will be suitably rewarded by giving the .same to the steamer Quickstep of leaving the same at J. HUME'S cannery at Knappton. JOS. HUME. "7WTKT FOIXI.-0n or about the night J3 of the 16th, about 120 fathom new net. Lead marked J & M. Owner is requested to call, and prove property and pav charges, at the cannev of WM. HUME, lil-tf Astoria, Oregon. House to X.ct. TIVE ROOMS AND A PANTRY, HARD A finished below pleasant location, near the Catholic church, at this ofllce, or of For particulars inquire F. SllliK.MAiN. Astoria, Oregon. LOST OK STOIjKX. On the night of the22dof Mav. between Harneys point and Kuannton. about l."0 fathoms gill net. mostly old web, the lines new. corks and leads are new: marked P R P Co. The finder will bo liberally rewarded by the Pil lar Rock Packing company. JOHN KIERNAN. Pillar Rock, May 22, 1S79. "TVTOTICE. All persons knowing themselves JLl indebted to the undersigned are re quested to call and settle the same as soon as possible, asunder the circumstances funds are necessary. "We mav be found at the oillce of Warren & Mefiuire Tor the present. 1 RENCHARD & UPalLUR. Astoria, May in. I87y. VTOTICE is hereby given that the owners JLi of Seme lndiitryil not be responsible for any debts contracted by any person on behalf of said Scow, except the same is con tracted directly bv the owners. BROWN & ALLEN. Owners. Bv A. V. Allek, Managing Ouiier. Astoria, Mav 24. lSTU. 2!-lw-d&w TTIOR SALE. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. BOUCHERS .-Proprietor Astorin, Ore;;m No nibbing or scrubbing, and no thnvning your clothes to pieces. Buttons sewed on and clothes mended. -For particulars apply to the proprietor on on the premises. $5 OO REWARD. STOLEN. Three men, names unknown, hired my fishing boat marked "CLARA "WEIMAN.,V on the 20th of May. 1879. to go to Clifton, promising to return Liat day. As they have not done so, nor sent the boat back. I have reason to believe they will not, and I hereby offer a reward of $5 00 for the recovery of 'the boat, which is supplied with sail, two pair of oars and oar locks, and a sp'are oar, square stern, no rudder, painted black outside ; top white. Return to or ad dress N. CTEIMAX. Abtoria, Oregon. AMUSEMENTS. Ward's Theatre. Metropolitan Hall !' Lessee and Manager Leader of Orchestra Jas. M. Wiush T. Piercey Complimentary benefit tendered to CARRIE CLARKE TARI? By her numerous friends and Dramatic, Musical and Variety profession. Matinee Saturday, at 2 P. EL- AND Saturday, Ev'ng, May 31st. A HOST OF 1 OTXSTEERS. Grand Olio and Toodles. and MAJOE In which COMMODORE NU'JLT will appear. EYESEYG AT 8 O'CT.OCK. OLIO : In which a number of local favorites will appear. To conclude with the drama in four acts. THE BLACK CRAGG OR KATHLEEX'S DREIM. Terrence O'Moore - - - J. M. Ward Kathleen - Carrie Clarke Ward Matinee Admission Evening 25 and 50 cts 50 and 75 cts GRAND OPENING OF- Hill's New Variety Tkatre, Containing six NEW AND ELEGANT BOXES, SITTING EOOMS, ETC. The Decorations of the New Tbeatre were executed by Mr. F. Holt. NEW AND ELABORATE SCENERY. . Painted by Mr. "Win. "West. Architect and Builder Mr. Kemble. On and after this date will be given a First Class Entertainment, Which, for Refinement and Novelty cannot be equalled on this coast. Our Per formance Commences with our First Part of Male and Female GRAND OLIO, Consisting of Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers, Pantomimists and Jugglers. HOUSE CROWDED NIGHTLY To see our Itefined and Unequalled enter tainment. New Acts, New Song's and com plete change of Programme twice a week, GEO. HIUL. Proprietor. Entrance to Poxes and Circle on Chena miLS Street. Performance to commence-' at eight o'clock precise. THEEE WILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL ON SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 31. 1S79. MISCELLANEOUS To Whom it May Concern. FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE.' I here by appoint F. M. Bartholow as my duly authorized agent for the transaction of mv business in Oregon and 'Washington territorv. R. D.HUME. Astoria. April 17. 1879. NEW BAKERY. Main street, opposite the Parker House., C. CAROW, PjtOPRIKTOIt Of the above named New Bakery, Respectfully invites a share of the public patronage, confident of his ability to please' his patrons. Arndt & Ferchen. milE BEST BLACKSMITH AND Machine Shop In the city. All kinds of Engine, Cannery and StenmLeai Work promptly attended to. gTwparkekT DEALER IX GROCERIES AXI PROVISIONS WHITE LEAD. PAINTS and COAL OILS; Brooms, RniMlies and Wooden-ware. Tobacco, Cigars and Stationery, Gent's Furnishing: Goods, Etci Near the Corner Slain niiU CoHcomly JSts., Astoria Wilson & Fisher DEALEBS IN LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL PEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEEft:. Which will be exchanged for country pro -duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON iona of all sores is more than in , seii at very low prices. a