.C" 0) ?ft$ Sailjj slxrriatx. ASTOBIA. OREGON: C. IRELAND Ertxtor. FRIDAY May 30, 1870. CITIZENS MASS MEETING. A mass meeting of the citizens of Astoria will be held in this city, at the Court-house, on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, May 3I1, 18T9, To take into consideration matters connected with the proposed railroad. Every citizen of Astoria, and the country surrounding, are earnestly re quested to be present at this meeting. Shoiild be "Considered." The very modest request of the Jacksonville Sentinel, couched in the annexed clipping, certainly should be "considered.'' By all means the Board of Engineers for the Pacific coast should "consider" the feasibility of assuring that "railway and cheap transportation" for Jacksonville which the selection of Crescent city as the point for the harbor of refuge would assure, even though the $18,000,000 annually exported from the country through Astoria be ignored. Grass may be short in Jacksonville, and our worthy neighbor of the Sentinel should sins those words to the tune the old cow died ef: "This is not the time for grass to grow. Consider, good cow, consider." The Sentinel says: It is really wonderful how many harbors of refuge the congressional ap propriation of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars has developed. Each indentation in the coast is considered extremely eligible by the people in its immediate vicinity, and it is surprising how much engineering skill is to be found in Oregon. It seems that even the mouth of the Columbia is thought to be the proper point. And the peo ple of Linn and Benton have 'res oluted." Eoulweather into a safe and commodious harbor, capable of shelter ing any amount of shipping, always provided that it is to be the point where the money is to be spent. We believe that every point on the coast has been carefully examined by the coast survey and our opinion is that if the mouth of the Columbia had been considered susceptible of improvement or regarded jis the proper point for a harbor of refuge, it would have receiv ed especial attention, as it is the desti nation of nearly half of all the ship ping sailing to points north of Hum boldt. It is to protect shipping caught in heavy weather, when the most intrepid sailor would not dare to approach the mouth of the Columbia, that a harbor of refuge is to he created, and if that point is as free from danger and accessible as the Portland and Astoria press would have us believe, then there is not the slightest necessity for the expenditure of a dollar. Speaking for the interests of southern Oregon and without claim ing the slightest engineering skill we will continue to hope that when the board decide this important question they will see tit to select Crescent City, as such a decision will assure us a rail road and cheap transportation to the sea. We express this hope without feeling that it will have the very slightest effect on the board of engineers who have control of the whole matter. With all due deference to the sub ject .we may as well state that the mouth of the Columbia is "susceptible of improvement," and the only reason that can possibly be assigned for its not having "received especial atten tion" heretofore, lays in the fact that the "influences" at Washington and elsewhere, even in the offices of the boards of underwriters, has been over no the other sides against us from the too common error that Astoria might rival San Francisco on the south, and Portland in the interior, for commercial supremacy, but as we have before stated, this error has been dissipated by a more intelligent view of the surroundings, and these two leading citiea now see that the proper development of the country tributary to the Columbia river will not detract in the leasL from the up rising of either city mentioned, but add materially to the growth and prosperity of all, and as one of the most material aids to that develop ment the wisest thing that can be done -will be the location of the harbor of refuge at the mouth of the Columbia. Base and Cowardly Lie. "Wo hope our readers will pardon the "ragged edge" of this caption; but forcible words seem to be necessary sometimes to carry truth "home." The Petaluma Times of the 2d, con tains a letter from "a sufferer" by the Great Republic disaster who, in the course of his remarks, savs the pot "vas to blame, "because he was drunk," etc. We have hurled this slander back into the teeth of men making it in several different places. Now, for! the benefit of the press generally, we ' can say this much, and ask the press , to copy it: 1. That the assertion is wholly and totally false; Mr. Doig never drinks liquor of any kind; he is a sober, temperate man. 2. There is not a pilot employed on the Columbia river bar that does drink Pilots Sta ples, Malcolm, Hanson, Eric Johnson, Geo. Flavel. can testify for themselves. 3. If anybody was to blame; if people persist in attaching responsibility upon some one for this loss, blame the A1 mightyl He did it. Will you dare take upon yourselves tat shire of the responsibility? Up to two o'clock p. M. of Saturday (the ship struck on Saturday a. r. at one o'clock), the weather was delightr.il. It was a clear starlight night, and as calm ai a mill pond, and every prospect of getting the ship off without damage. At six o'clock Saturday evening, seventeen hours alter she struck, the barometer stypd a'- 29: and that night at 11:30 o'clock, when everybody expected to see her come off, the wind wa-. blowing a living gale, and none of the tugs coald reach her. That was what caused the loss of the stcmship Great Republic. "Now don't let us hear any more of this sickly sentimentalism, and twaddle about Pilot this, and Captain that, it is all a d d lie, and we don't care who it is that says it. Dr. MlntlcN NYphrcf Icnm A Compound Exlrarl or Itnrhu. Dr. Mintie's Xepliretieum works won ders. In all cases of Drops, Bright's Disease. Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Complaints, or Retention of Urine, these troubles are entirely cured by the Xe pliretieum. Female Weakness, Gravel, Diabetes, pain in the back, side and loin are cured, when all other medicines have failed. See what the druggists of Portland and San Francisco say about Dr. Min tie's Xephreticum and English Dande lion Pills. 'We have sold a large amount of Dr. Mintie's medicines; the. English Dan delion Pills; also the Xepliretieum. and in all cases they are highly spoken of and give entire .satisfaction. John A.Chi Ids, druggist, Second street, Portland. C. II. Woodward &Co., druggists, cor ner First and Alder streets, Portland. Abrams & Carroll, wholesale, drug gists, 3 and 3 Front street, San Francis co, say: "We regard Xepliretieum as the best kidney and bladder remedy before the public." For all derangements of the liver, use Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Pills. For IJilliousness and Dyspepsia, use Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills. For Fever and Ague, use Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Pills. Every family should keep the Eng lish Dandelion Pills on hand. Dr. Mintie's remedies will not "cure all complaints, but if taken according to directions, give immediate relief and perfect a cure in all troubles for which thev are recommended. For sale by R. F. Caufield. druggist, Astoria. Oregon. There have been more cures of semi nal weakness, nervous debility and nar alysis made by the wonderful English Kemedy, Sir Astley Cooper's Vital He-s-torative. than by all other remedies com bined. Why will you suffer? Send to A. E. Mintie, .M.D.. No. 11 Kearny street, San Francisco. Price, $: per bottle; four times the quantity, S10. Try a bottle. Your complexion is sallow, and skin yellow, your liver is affected. Obtain from your drusgist a bottle of Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY ORDER OF D. L. TURPIN.ESQ. AD-nrnist-aioro't'ice .ate of Henry Slnd hiisc, deceased, I w:,I se' at PUBLIC AUCTION ON Wednesday, June 4, 1879. At 10 o'clock A. M.. On the prcr'ses former' ocVDed b said hue Henry S" ?d.'"nse-. One Valuable fr" set of Tinners Implemenls and Tools. Alse: A a lot of Cookino Ranges and Stoves, Parlor and Box Stoves. Aiso; A. General Assortment of Manufacture of Stamped Piece and Tin-ware, Net Buoys, Tabu lar and Square Iiitaps, Brcrss Kettles, Iiead Pipe, Galvanized and Hussfe Iron and all the stock conla'ned in ike Store. Sale to Commence at 10 A. M. .Terms Cash, XT. S. Geld Cain. E. C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mrs. H. A. Derby. Has just returned from San Francisco with the finest selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS, . . . . . t...,i : ,.. I iiver oiiereu in asiomji. .cwimiuus cicij novelty in the line. Dp. Warner's Health CORSET Cm only be purchased m Astoria at Mrs. Derby's, Main street, between Squemoqhe .uul Jefferson, Astoria, Ore gon. Keep Your Money Safe. Ex steamship Oregon I have received an other consignment of TUCKER'S PAT13XT AXAKJI MONEY TILLS. This matchless Counter Alarm Honey Drawer Is proof against Petty Thieves. PRICE $0 OO. E. C. HOLDEN. Commission Agent. W3I. UIII.EXIIAKT. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon. ASTORIA - OREGON. Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and Sulphur BATHS. w39Special attention given to ladies' and children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladies. I. "W. CASE, IMPOliTElt AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chcnamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. DARKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON. H. B. PARKER. - Proprietor. THIS HOTEL is the largest, most comfort able and best Kept hotel in the city. Is supplied with the best of spring water, hot and cold butlis, barbershop, and a first-class saloon with best of liquors and cigars, and a fine billiard table. Free coach to the house ; charges reasonable, ?1 25 to 2 50 per day, ac cording to room occupied A. J. MEOLKR. C. S. WHIGHT. OCCEDEXT HOTEL. MEGLER.& WRIGHT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. THE PROPRIETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of its guests and is now the best hotel north of San Francisco. C. W. KNOWLKS. AL. ZIEBER. CLAIUBXDOjV hotel, PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON. ZIEBER & KN0WLES, Proprietors. xHTFree coach to and from the house" TTAliIAX ItESTAUKAXT. Just opened, newly furnished and first class. S. DAMICO & CO., - moras. Corner Lafayette and Second sts., Astoria. Meals served in Italian, French and Ameri can stvlcs to order. The table will be supplied at all times with the best the market affords. The well known and gentlemanly steward, V-A. Cook, will always be on hand with a first class Italian cook, pleased to see his friends. Come and satisfy yourself. Private rooms for ladies. Meals at all hours. The best wines and ci gars always on hand. muitpix HOUSE, D. L. TCItPIN - Proprietor MAIN STREET. Between Squemocqhe and Jefferson, Astoria, Orf.gox. Board and lodging per week $6 oo Board per dav... .. 1 00 Single Meal 25 Tne table will be suimlied at all times with the best the market affords. XyAIiliA IVAIiIiA RESTAURANT, THEO. BROEMSER, - - PROPRIETOR. t Fresh oysters, and other deli cacies of the season, served in every style. Opposite the Telegraph office, buucnioqhe street, Astoria, Oregon. 83TMEALS AT ALL HOURS-BO. o KEGOX HOUSE. Mam street, near Hustler's Wharf, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. Mrs. Mary Campbell, Proprietor. Board and lodging by day or week. "jORTOX HOUSE, CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND. OREGON. P. NORTON, - - - - Proprietor. (Formerly of the Portland Hotel.) THIS HOUSE IS A FIRE-PROOF BRICK, just finished and newly furnished, with the best of spring beds. Terms Per week From S5 to SG for board and lodging. Per day Si 00. Single meals 23 cents. Lodging 25 to 50 cents. ISTFrce coach to and from the House. Private Boarding House. MRS.QUINN - - PROPRIETOR. o "Will accommodate day boarders or accora- Express office. wftil cCS -OF MDli .9 I ! One hundred suits purchased at an immmense discount of manufacturers cost at jbAAJvKLJrr SALE. THE CHEAPEST EVER OFFERED $3 00 1TJLL SUIT. PURE LINEN. SILK PARASOLS. We defy to be excelled in stock nnd prices. Call on ns, it will be money - in your pocket. IB - rECUVEIBTXIF G-IEIO... MAIN STREET, - - . - . , . ASTORIA, OREGON. NEW BPRim mi 8VMMBB 8T06K A. VAN DTJ8EN & CO. nave just received a full line of Spring and Summer poods of the verv finest quality, which were bought during the iccent tumble in .stocks, when cash commands a premium, and are therefore prepared to sell the same at less rates than the same quality of goods can be purchased elsewhere. These goods consist in part of Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, X.alics Dress Goods, niusliiis, Triiiis, Hosiery. Boots and Shoes, ltublcr Boots, Oil Clothing. In addition to the above have laid in a full stock of BUILDERS MATERIALS, IVAIT.S, PA11XTS, OILS, ETC. The quality of our CROCKERY A3TD GLASSWARE. luOIPS, ETC., Cannot be excelled and our prices defy competition. Family Groceries and Troi ision a Specialty. Oregon City Im perial Extra Flour at S3 30 per Barrel. WARDS CLATSOP BUTTER ALWAYS IN STORE. E-Ageney for Singer and "White Sewing Machines. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Exnres oftice. comer of Cass and Jefferson street. STILL THEY GOME! COHEN & COOPEB'S I X L. STWRE THE BOSS F lPEE"'WQWH IX SEIXIXG GOODS HIE CHEAPEST. "We have since replaced our Ladies' SHOES, CLOAKS, And all goods that were lost on the Republie- ALSO, A. FULL Xj I 3Xr 3ES JKT XT 3KT Come, give ns a trial, and satisfy yourself that ive sell cheaper than any other house in town. We do not give any price list, as -we have bnt one price, and sell COHEN & COOPER. I X L STORE. P. S. Themostestgoodsfortheleastestmoney. BUSINESS CARDS. r XV. FUITOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. Pases new building, Squemoqhe street, Abtoria, Oregon. l.b SEVERN. :tf. D. PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON. Examining Surgeon of Pensions. Kinsey's Ruilding, on the Roadway, ASTORIA. OliECON. Offlce Hours. From 9 to 12 a. ar., and from 3 to 8 r. m. TTVIL J. Y OLIVER, IIOIUEOPATHIST, Office. In Shuster's Daguerrean build ing. Entrance Second door above that of the Daily Astokia Cass street. Residence on Jefferson street, corner of Main. TTVOCTOIt JIATCK, Successfully treats all Chronic Disease!. AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Cancer cured by a new and painless method. Oftice Chcnamus street, comer of Mam street, Astoria. D n. j. o'imiEX. CURES BILLIOUS AND INTERMITTENT FEVERS With from one to three doses of his harm less medicine. Also, Private diseases successfully treated. Office O'Brien's hotel, Astoria. Oregon. otto mnronGR, WATCHMAKER, AND JEWELER. HS REMOVED TO Main street, Parker's building, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. "WM. BECK, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes. All kinds of repairing neatly and promptly atienueu to MAIN ST., - ASTORIA. OREGON. Astoria Wood Yard. Foot of Lafayette. street, Astoria, Oregon. DUSIIARM & CO., - PROPRIETORS. All kinds of wood delivered to any part of the city awcdor unsawed, j - dim linen sum LINE OF LADIES' ' - 3D 3E3 IE. "VST IE2 -L 3E. AUCTION SALES. Tp C HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Real Cstatc Ascnt and Convcjancer. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY nf San Francisco. COil MISSION AGENT and AUCTIONEER. Ilents ami Accounts Collected, aad re tarns promptly made. Regular sales day, Saturdays: nt 2 i m. N. R. Parties having real estate, luml ture or any other goods to dispose of eilhe at auction or private sale should notily me soon as convenient before the dav of sale. No storage charged on goods soli' at Auc tion. E. C. IIOLb j:n. td Auctioneer. MISCELLANEOUS. WILLIABI EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenaniua Street", ASTORIA OREGON. DKALKlt IX CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershanm Pipes, etc. A fine stock of TVat olios and .Towelry. Muzzle ami IJreccli Leading: Miot Guns Revolvers, Pistols. Parlor ISifles. and Ammunition. THE ASTORIA BREWERY RUDOLPH EARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPRIETORS. Corner of Olney and "Water streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. Best quality of LAGER BEER 5 cts. per glass Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always on hand. BSTThe patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager or Bottled Beer in any quantity promptly filled. g-The best lunch the season will afford furnished dav and niclit FREE