,PIV&&J?'T''7 jfc -ji -. .,j- - y-rsr-&&&, yg.yygwJfyvT HitM""' ft) GRAND CLOSING OUTALETl -g ASTORIA OREGON TIDE TABLE POR ASTORIA. at the yr ii m( From tables of United States Coast Survey. High Water. Low Water. iBiiiiiiii58aBiiaiiiiiBiEiiC5iBBSSCSB3UBannisa8aiiBcsiiSBaaaiJtHBij Date. A. M. r. xi. .M. TATE WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT AVE ARE ABOUT QO CLOSE OUT OUR LARGE AKD WELL ASSORT 22. S!! 24., 23. 2;. 27. 28. 2ft. r0. 31.. 0 40. 1 18. 1 5$ 2 35. ... 2 111 8 22 7 ...2 511 8 5 8 ... 3 321 9 31 8 ... 4 121 10 03 - 9 ... 4 50 10 17 10 ED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, FANCY GOODS, ec-lTs, o2lps,. cfco., -.'dp srf? oos? prices, TJ2STIL ALL ARE GONE, AS WE INTEND TO CLOSE UP BUSINESS IN ASTORIA. SCHLTJSSEL & KANT. Cor. Chenamus and Main streets, Astoria, Orpcon. 3 24 4 18 .. 5 44! 10 29.. f 19 t :2 C 25 .. 7 2J 0 31.. 7 33 8 18! 1 .. 8 48 9 141 2 48.. .11 . 0 . 0 . 1 3 A PORT OF ASTORIA. CLEARANCES AXD DEPARTURES. SAILED. Oregon, ss. 2250 tons. Connor. S F May 25 Ktval. bk 29W tons. Adams. S. V. May tl. ARRIVALS FROM SEA. Mattio Macleay. bk. 236 tons. Pope, Honolulu. May 2G . State of California, ss. '2200 tons, Debnev. S F May 24. Katie Cook, str. 4C tons Parker. Coquille, May 24. StiHman B. Allen, bark, 1120 tons, Taylor. Hong kong. May 21. Nb'rtUBcnd bkt 376 tons Ilondlott S F May 19 Alden Besso. bk. 812 tons, Noyes. fin Hongkong. May lb Herbert Black, bk, 573 tons. Treat. Hongkong. M iv IS Stonewall Jackson, ship, 1100 tons, Hongkong. May 17 Coloma. bk. 853 tons. Hall. Hongkong. May 17 California, str. b74tons. Thorn. Sitka May 17 Forward. Br. bk. 745 tons, Vandervoost, Hong kong May 16 Shubrick. US Light-house str. Kortz. cruise May 1 McXearship 13US tons Taj lor. Hongkong. Nov 12 Garibaldi bh 1431 tons Thatcher. Hongkong Sept.27 Wildwood, sh. 104G tons, Harniuan. Hongkong. .Juno 8 STEAMSHIP LINES. MISCELLANEOUS. For San Francisco. CITY BOOK STORE, MAIN ST.. ASTORIA. I """! -i.mim wmmm, "WOp' W at, i"iin gMl,! t ciVf.iaMMt VESSELS OA THE U'A V Carrj'ins llic United States .Hails and "Wells, Fargo fc Co.s Kxprcss. K THE OREGON STEAM- X Lk SHIP COMPANY and 1A- 3&fcn CIFIC COAST STKAM- y3lM CllinniiMDJYV will il ic Ss" natch Kvntv Fivk Lys. for the above port, one of their new Al Iron steamships, viz: OREGON, GEO. W. ELDER, AXD STATE OF CALIFORNIA. SAILING DAYS: aray 20. June XI. S, IS, 18. 23. MS. THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the United States and Canada. For particulars for Passage and Freight apply to CXTAS. STJSVEXS & SOS Invite the attention of purchasers to their stock, just laid in The Finest Selection ! The Cheapest Prices ! The Greatest Worth! RECEPTION POCKETS; LADIES' DIARIES AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BRUSn POCKETS: CUTLERY, JEWELRY, CHARMS, ETC., ETC.: LADIES FANCY BOARD. ETC.; GOLD PENS AND PENCILS; PAINT PENCILS, GUTTAPERCHA GOODS: EXCELSIOR DIARIES, BLANK ROOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. B3TA11 goods sold at lowest cash prices. CHAS. STEVENS & SON Melancthon. bkt. 293 tonsManson F3Iay23 Hera, scb, 33S) tons, Munsou. Honolulu. Trustee, new sonooner, McAtlcp. S, I". "May 31 Orocon 852259 tons Connor : ! AIa 26 A neon. str. HWO tons. Alexander. S. F MiyS7 Orient, brig 312 tons. Williams. S. F. May 'J. Hcrtnon. sa New York, via Baltimore, Dec C Kate L Herron. soli Tillamook. Mareli2I. Kric the Ited. sh. 15S8 tons. Small. Philadelphia. Empire, sh 1131 tons. Lockic. Philadelphia. Tibor. ship. 13Stois. Minot. Philadelphia Feb 27 Kliza McXoal sh. Philadelphia. Morton. Airll2C. From Fori2T Iorl.s. Oitv of Vienna. Brt.li ltUw tons, Gapt. D. Stcvon, London. Marcti2d via Adelaide. Jlorenby. Br bk. Penny, Glasgow. March 3, via tionoiulu. KasUtr Iiall. Br bk. ?M tons. Itamlmy. lllwieff'ir. Ur. sh. toiis, CuHOuiHss Livorpool, Jan. 17. via Honolulu. IS ertfordhhiro. K.V tons, Thompson Liverpool Nov 13, via Victoria, Iron IJutM'n. Br sh, 79S ton. Smith, Livorpool. Dee r'.'via Victoria. J i o X. Kalkutburs, bkt. M tons, Ilnhbard llonu- lu.u May H Loch Fergus Hr bk. SH tons. Cann. JJembay. Matohlcss. ship, 1!G5 tons, Dawes, fin Hungkon;;, March 2 J Normn-i McLeod, Hr bk, 831 tons Pierropont Bombay. Rnvenscrae. Hr 0i. 13 tons, Brighara, Liverpool, March i3 via Honolulu. San Luis. Rr bk, 5U1 tons, Linn, Liverpool, April 'J. via Victoria. Mr. Peter Willn-lm has ponna- nttiitly fitted up a shipmaster's rending room in connection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The. latest shipping papers and homeward and outward bound snip ping lists are kept on file. Telegraph oftiQe in the same building. :eo. V. WEILDER. Ar'I O. S. S. V.o Comer F and Front sts., Portland. Oregon. J Citv jook store IO M.,Sn street, two doors .1. 38r;KAIiz:S A Co.. Az't I. C. S. .S. Co. from the 1'ioiieer Restaurant, opposite the GO. 152 and 01 Nortli Front St., Portland, Ogn. S bakery of Mrs. C. Hinder. hll $l AND ALL KINDS OF QmiloBg Fresh IFruMs? m.sge&3 A L S O: FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. At SCHBEER'S CONFECTIONERY, OPPOSITE THE DELL TOWER. W3' ? For Port i ownsend, Victoria, Nan aimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying U. S. lail.s. -r-- THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, CI1AS. TllOltN Commander Will lenvc McCmkon'a Wharf, foot of 1) str. for the above norts. Saturday, May 31, 1870, ;it 4 r. m. Tor Freight or PaHgo apply to En. ('. IirciIKS.Pi PFUDJDSR, PORTLAm), II:is just receive! direct from the ntauufiic turers, the largest and best assortment of Cannery Thermometers orders earl v. Address : Ixck box J1S. Portland, Oregon, Ever imported to this State. Send in your Wm. IFlTXI)ER & CO. 'unor. SHIPPING NOTICES. FIXE IAX:II7 liATI for SAJE AT GOVKKXjZJKXT 321CES. PERKKCT TITLE. The homestead clniin of Ilavden Gearlmrt ! on Lewis and Clark's river, containing ISO o:5.:s2a GO Acres of v.iiieh is creek bottom in - . ir,. c,.. tu ti ' on1 bod v; balance good upland. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II- In,iu,re of i. spe DDEX. waco, Oysterville and Olympia. (Ewaco Steam Fiaviqation Go. D't'y ZH2zra270iS 2m T.vo Trips Inily to Vpper Town. its-Will leave J. AV. Gearharts, the Parker tlonse. and the Occident, daily at 11 a. ai. :nd :; i ai. Iteturniiu; will leave Van l)u .sen upper town store. Pare for the round trip 25 cents. F. SH HUM AX. ftevr Furniture, g? PICTURE FRAIVIES, Etc. AT Ohas. Hbilbor's, ALL THE FISHERMEN, AVORXINGiMEN AND THEIR FRIENDS' On the Columbia river and tributaries, to ;ivo nicnev. keep tlcnsclvcs dry and comfortable, and patronize lioiiie industry Ly oiderin. their SHIRTS, JUMPERS, AMD 03L CLGTHaG, FKOM. THE AST0PiA SHSP.7 AND OIL CL0THEK8 KARUFACTORY, COKNER OLXEY AND KQUEMOQIIE ST1JELTS. Which is fully prepared to supply them ALL with anything in i he line of -work irprorn apnarel. Nothing but first-class material utcd and all wi.il; iariant d. Ccr oil clot hire will be found at all the principal stores and earr.eries in AMoria.ainl along the river. J'. sure to get a suit for the coming fishing season, because it is undoubtedly the best. r-r Until fitrthor nolico tho Ilwaco sfh.4&! Steam Navigation Co's stoamor GENERxVL CANDY. WIirrCOMI) MASTER Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdas'S, At 9 A.M.. Fridays at L4 A. 32.. and 1 1. 31. Y1TED TO CALL AND INSFECT Fori Stevens, Fort Canby, and Hwnrn I MY CARPETS. Connecting with L. A-Loomis'stacosforOyy-! rtSThe public is invited to call, examine torviue ana uiympia, on luesuays ana bat- my goods and pneei uruays. Fare to Fort Stevens Canby and Ilwaco ASTORIA, OREGON. The finest and best in the market, all new. p3-HOUSEKEEPERS ARE IN s sW( c-10? - m?t J -7 , Ei r ml m v. ?'" I lt ' ii5 :Vt kS , ww . i t p VmM7 J prices. noi'ts i Astoria, Oregon, Apiil 2. h-7:. $l co W. COIjUMBIA 2S S.S3"7 Jtii JcnL"!", JOHN HAHN9 ------ PROPRIETOR, iKrRirp,T, ncs-For Tickets. Towaco or Charter nnnlv : """ ----ii-iij cither at the ollico of the Compnny, (J ray's ' S3c -r--r- -r-r-N s-rnm ?eK J. H.D.tiRAY, Agent, ; filanufacturer oi and Dealer in Lager and Bottled Bee?. on board. For Towage or Charter. i ASTORIA, - OREGON, -3,TM,,r. ri,.i.....,u: 7.. .... i.nn .. ,-... . ;i;.. ...i ....:.. ,.. t...t- 41.. !,.. JTTi I t-J i jh vuimiiui uii'H in ) ini; f.-ij in.Miit. iii umiij; iiuiiu inn iiiu ica j mutcrnus and employing experienced brewers, will warrant satisfaction in minis Carries a full Assortment of Q IBSON , HAMILTON & IIIGGINS. ShiD Chandlers. ? Prevision and General 2&2 Commission Mercliants, Cor. Concomly and Ronton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON rpiIK RELIABLE STEAM-TUG j Dl'IlgS, Pilteilt McdicillCS, RIP YANWINKLE,. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. AL. HARRIS Master Is in first-class order and. until further no- Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. tice, is ready for business in the line of tow-j hit:, carrying passengers, or jobbing, any where ou'lhe rivers, from Astoria to Portland. fis- Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief. the Forts, or points on the bay. Apply on a ?Uro preventative of Chapped Hands, and uoaru. T J For Charter to any 5oint on the Kay or River. ' AiirA ffw irjVi Wminic T STE1VA2IT. t (IX THE ASTOIUASf UUn.l'INC) IfTAS JUST RKCET VEDA LOT OF XEW .a7l. goods, consisting of MEN'S AXD BOYS GALE AND KIP BOOTS Buckle and Congress Gaiters, Women, Misses and Children's :Bl"EXXX-2? boots, Which will be sold at the very lowcstpricc-s Who is Elected? OF TUX Great Eastern Saloon, CONC03ILY ST., ASTORIA. npiIIS FAVORITK KKSORT HAS JUST ji. l)cen refitted and svocked wiih ALL THE JiEST JJJtAXDS OF Imported and 3roe.stle TYInes and Liquors. C'ip:arjs arul Tobacco. C3S" San Francisco liecr five cents a glass I. "W. OASEr IMrORTEU AND WUOLFSALK AXD RE TAIL DEA1 KR IX GENERAL SMHAEDIS1. The Al fast Strain Yacht, JEAXBT, (iili tons register.) FRKD S. MUXSOX ?.Iastkr. Is now lilted in the very best style, and can be Chartered for Kuslness or Pleasure At Reasonable rates. This Is the only perfectly furnished steam yacht on the bay. and complete satisfaction is guaranteed to" persons employing her. ir-For charter, or business of any kind, applv on board or to A. .T. MKftLKR. Agent, Occident Hotel. Astoria. For Skipanon, Klaskanine, Cowlitz River, etc. milE FIXE SLDE-WHEEL Steamer ONEAl'TA,,: A. C. FISHER Master Will le:ve Fisher's wharf for Skipanon daily at 8 o'clock a. m. (Sundays excepted.) On Saturdays will make regular trips to Klaskanine and back. H'Oee 1-f.Ional trips will also be made to Cowlitz river. For further particulars secCapt. on board. Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. ----- OKEGOIv. All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly ami to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. JUST RECEIVED. all orders. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ASTORIA BREWERY.' 85. VJEYER -------- Proprietor, AVrXG EVERY PVPILITV FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A FIRST CLAS Ar ticle, I am now prepared to furnish the public with the finest quality, for cash. OF OF LAGER BEER, BOTTLED BEES, AT 30 CEXTS PEK GALLOA'. A'JL- 1 u A--.it XI-iJ-. CS"Familics and keepers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYER, Proprietor. ASTORIA. OREOOX MEW TAILOKIWG SHOP. (In A. "V. Cone's Ruildinij.) New Goods ior ths Season atkustukkp astouia.oregox. HV lvS7. A FULL L1XE OF Oil Skins. Ilul)l)er Boots, And evcrytlrin- needed for the FIS1I5X TJISAIE. A lJiQ : GEORGE MACLEAN, blacksmith: Water Street Roadway, Near Hume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon. Horseflioeinff ofBIacksmith dcr. Sathrfact TBJ032AS CITLSRY, (Uiteof Tacoma). BEOS LEAVE TO INFORM THE TCR lic that he is now prepared to make all kinds of clothing-to Order, or to renovate or rennir elothimr. ifitfIIavini: Wad an experience of 25 years, i J e.eiy compeiinn m ui an oi luuKiuji im i A-n-,11 oTirl fnniilafl CV ' clothes IoiK like new. ji; y system is Known ail &U11' i in l) JVNtiJiNli u Ultls. A I'dll antt tr0mpi8t,e DtOC, ; oniy to myself, liy wluh I can lengthen j SPECIALTY jKiinainons w iumiul pn-rnii;. i-ir. For particulars see small cards. THOMAS CITIRY. Tailor. steam-?courer and Renairev 3 and all kinds ingdone toor- ion ,varantoeii ( orner Chenamus and Ojlss streets. ASTORIA -- - . OT ROSS, HOUSE AKD SSGfJ PAINTER. Shop on C:issstrc"t. Astoria. Oregon. oar Taper hanging and Kalsomiming a 3ifldaJtv. i-AH work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. TTUGH STOOr, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AXD GEXERAL .103BER ASTORIA. OREGOX. tX3 II on?es built to order, and Fnti'faction mmnnMni. SI inn mi Snucliiocoha Street OREGON. 1 next door fo the Episcopal church. Consisting in part of A FULL p HT m M p FOR MEX LINE OF ULU I ItlliU, AXD I.OYS. Gents Furnisliiiig Goeds: Al0 : ' Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc.; also : Vi'atches, -levrctry, .t.ariiie and Opera '.ases, etc.: Besides a choice lot ot TOBACCO AED GBQARS, Wholesale and Retail. Call and hee. MAIX ST.. - - ASTORIA. OGX. 5, S. 7FEL&.WEZZUSJ& --rS355?'2:55!5 mj&B88SB& UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Mmcinoc'ha street, next door to Astoria ' building, Asiona. urcgon. ffi?rA II work done in a skillful mnnner on short notice and at reasonable prices. . Undertakor'3 furniibin' goods-alWaya'on han.. - . 'Lr: .v. . GERLVKIA EF.ER HALL and BOTTLE BEEPw DEPOT. Cukxamus Strekt. Astoku. E.s- ilERlilLL & CO., Tho nublic are invited to cili antt leave their ordure. Splendid Lager 3 cents a glass. Freo Lunch every night- AVM. ROCK & Co.. Proprietors. Fi-ili Conuiis.sioner.s Xotice. Blacksmiths and Machinists Capt. ROGERS' OLD STAND Near Express Office. ASTORIA. - OREGON. I All work in onr line, heavy or lijrht, done with neatness and dispatch. j HorseshGeing, Wag- jgi P& on and Faim WORK A SPECIALTY. A VIXG SFCUREH THE SE'JVICES OF S. A. Gaines of Ky.. an eypeneneec flay5zgt XL Nsii' XI. Mr. TflTffP 1? TTP-PVPY f'TVI'V TTl1'aiel'of2", 'e:,r! ,n Ul bnsine"- an(i w,e,i N iiii imr 'iihn-ot will i- i,! re-iil Iip-i I k,,own ,0 A-tori horeejucn. wearc preparedto ia'L(,! i!TrSo'K fsfB?iESai"5,w IT. II. FERGUSON. t?s r- Fish Commissioner. -piifAS. A. 3IAY, Fish Commissioners Police. pmat.kk ix TITE UNDERSIGNED FISH COMMIS- Foreign and Ionistic Frnitb, sionerfor AVsusIunfrton territorv, herebv ! Nuts, Candies, Yankee Notions, Toys, pirves notice that he will he at Rrookfield j : . Finest brands of .CIGARS ATJc- TOBACCO. : ior the rest of the season. . --ALBERT T. STREAM North Cove, W. T., Feb. 17, IS79. Chenamus street, - AsxobiA e-ffia4&. - ii-4 i4.li tsOZi. .., -i raa!&&