The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 27, 1879, Image 3

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yrulyj Xstorri;
Monday hxcciaod..
I. C. IEI,AM : : I!'i:!,IS5IS:.
At&ntrian fjuUtiiha, tlaxs street.
Terms of Subscription :
Served by Carrier, per wouk 25 Contf
Sunt. Uy mail. ior months - f!C UO
Srat by mail, cue yo:ir OW
Froe of liasc to .-ubacribeis.
ar AdrcniamKuiK msertcd by tie, yonr
Trimsiont adveriMnss. by tliedny or iroek. J
fifty corns iors.iunro for ortchiiiHJrtiwn.
Tim DAIIiY AST'IIJIA.V Will he sent hy
mtUoitCcnt. a month, trceot jsmtaac. Haul
ers who rtmtt muUitcaltxcucc from the ciiu rati
have Tine Asteria: follow Uum. Daily
or Wkkkly luWiotts ttmnu jvtst-tijkir with'
out thitiilional expanse. Atinres&s may lc
cnanyiy: as ofUrK as uesir&L Loarc omen's at
Vic caiuittnu room.
The hark Mat tie Maolaey arrived
yesterday from Honolulu in twenty
four days.
The steamship Oregon took $30,
000 worth of salmon in cases from As
toria an Sunday.
''Ireland's paper." at Astoria, is
in receipt of important congressional
favors from Hon. John Whi taker.
Politicians of all sides find fault
with TiiK Astoria:. That 's because
The Astoriax is not a politicians or
gan, perhaps.
Capt. Johnson, of Tokes point
life saving station, is in the citj lie
came over on the Corwin on her trip
on Sunday last.
Mr. Yiilard has returned to New
York, leaving by the Oregon on Sun
day. Mr. Jay Gould will visit Ore
gon in a few weeks, it is said.
We never knew until recently
that Geo. Washington Childs was "so
thick" with Gen. Grant. Wonder if
Geo. Washington is not expecting to
write Grants obituary for the Ledger
The KaHe Cook is a very line
little tug boat. She made a trip of
observation to the wreck of the City
of Dublin yesterday, and will, in a
few days begin duty as aid to Captain
Parker in his efforts to get the vessel
Miss Allen, who has been very
acceptably filling the position of teach
er of music in Astoria, for some time
past, has accepted a situation to teach
Grays river school for the ensuing
term. Her home will be at Mrs. Capt.
Reh fields.
Since the water in the bay has
become so turbid, m consequence of
the riset fishermen are making a liar
vest of their work, and cast their nets ,
uay and night, time, in consequence
of this a few more salmon reach the
oanueries, but there is still not enough
to make any body happy.
The country may as well rest
quiet a bit. The Oregon Steam navi
gation company have not sold out yet.
In 1807-8 when Alvinza Hay ward, ct
., took stock in the Oregon Steam
Navigation compairy, some people
thought Pandoras box had opened
upon us. Rut it did not, nor will it
this time.
Mr. Antoine Sorensen, who has
been to Europe for six months past,
is home again at his ranch on Gray's
river. He had a very pleasant trip,
barring a collision at sea going home.
He comes back a married man, and
brings with him another brother. He
says the weather has been extremely
cold in Denmark the past winter.
Olympia is a lovely place in sum
mer, at least we have thought so for
many years past- Its beautiful ma
ples and the tasty gardens have no
parallel in any town of its size in the
Pacific northwest; this spring the Ex
periment says the surroundings are de
cidedly verdant and green, which
might be construed into a questionable
Mr. J. Q. Crocker, late pilot on
Columbia river bar, in the employ of
the steam tug Astoria and tenders,
but who has been in very bad health
fr some time, and off duty, died in
Portland yesterday afternoon. He
leaves a family. Airs. Crocker had
taken him to Portland only last week
in the hope of benefitting his health.
Alas, the frailty of human calcula
tions. The Oregonian of yesterday says:
"Tlu following is a description of the
renia ns of Capt. Geo. Smith, the un
fortui ate young man who fell over
board from the steamer City of
Quinty some time age: At the time,
Smith had on light pants, ducking
o vera' Is, white shirt, blue check over
shirt, dark diagonal coat, heavy En
glish walking shoes. The description
of th' man found at Brookfield does
not an-.ver for Smith'
Public Scliool Examination.
PnrcnU ought not to permit their,
li;i.lf..i. f....1ie.if.HiincJi-mSfr.itii t.w.
WV . - ....-" . .. -
school examinations. It pul!S know
that they can so manage matters as to
escape rrom examination, one strong
. . . - i
incentive to persistent ami carenu
study is rcnoved .
stmu u, i uuo i rt. j
j.iiliiiii; urtii v iiioiu fin imifjv;no ,
to young persons than to discover
what they are prone to forget, and
what they can easily remember. There
is yet time reserved for them to
strengthen th lr weaker powers, and
arouse their dormant one?, by judi-1
tlw xrcise. Unfortunately for the
j most of us when we discover our de-
ucieiicu-s wie unie ior impimeinui l is
1:1W. wc m' l" g) wumuiiu
through life devoid or that exact
knowledge that can alone give confi
dence. And we wish, no matter how
vainly, that we had made this discov
ery in time to prolit by it.
An examination is also of inestima
ble benefit t young people because it
makes their teachers acquainted with
deficiencies, and shows the teachers the
necessity of attending to many things
that might otherwise always have re
mained neglected. It establishes the
habit of noticing closely; a habit of in
calculable benefit to young and old.
But if the habit is formed early, as
years advance it becomes enlarged,
and deepened by the power of a whole
life's cultivation. "Reading," says
Bacon, "makes a full man, writing an
exact man." We have made these re
marks because we have learned that
the public schools will devote this
week and the next to examination.
Wc have not said a tithe to what we
could say on this matter, but we have
said enough ti attract the attention of
thoughtful parents, and to cause them
to reflect before they permit their
children to absent themselves at this
Fishermen's Protective Union.
At a meeting called on Saturday,
May 17, 1S70, a large number of fish
ermen met at the engine house of No.
1 to form a Columbia Itiver Protective
Union. Mr. Robert Mariott was
chosen to act :is president, and Mr.
E. W. Sehlin w;is chosen secretary
pro teni.
Motion made and carried for all in
favor of forming a Union to come for
ward and sign their names, after
which, the hour being late, the meet
ing chose a coinmitte of live to draft
constitution ana oj'-laws, ana report
at next meeting, Saturday, Slav 2-lth. !
Meeting adjourned to meet for or
4: 1: ' i "',..... .... 1
ganization Slay 24, 1S79.
May 24th Meeting called to order
by Mr. R. Marriott; Mr. Sehlm acting
secretary. Committee made their re
port on constitut'on and by-laws.
Motion to accept report and com
mittee be discharged. Carried.
Constitution and by-laws being read
first and second time w:is unanimously
Moved that the election of officers
do now proceed. Carried.
The following were elected: Robt.
Marriott, President; N. Gilmore, Vice
President; W. J. Weber, Secretary;
johll aicCaun, Financial Secretary,
and J. G. Robeson, Treasurer.
Board of trustees John O'Brien,
J. C. Kelly and J. S. Mclvinsey.
Financial committee E. W. Sehlin,
Edward Espansen and John Bergman.
On motion the board of directors ;
was laid over for next meeting.
Moved that a seargent at arms be
appointed. Carried.
1i, -rv , . 1
Mr. 1 homos Ducker wis appointed.
Moved that the initiation ot mem-
bers proceed and fees be collected.!
Mnve1 M-.f i Piiniiiiirfii lw -m- C. II. A oodward & Co., druggists, cor
Moed that a committee be ap , nPr and Alder streets. Portland,
pointed on signs and pass words. I Abrams & Carroll, wholesale drug
Carried, gists. : and 3 Front street, San Francis
Moved that the proceedings of this j eo. say :
meeting be published in Tub As- . ."? n'jrd Nephreticum as he best
r, l. , kidnev and bladder remedy before the
toman. Carried. : pnuijj."
Moved that we meet for four Satur-' For till dcramrcinoiiLs of the liver, use
day evenings iollowing at 6 o clocic r.
'.1 riiirrw.fl
Moved thaA Mr. McCann be
pomieu a to iiiwuru auuiu
we do now adjourn.
It. Mahkiott, Pres.
W. J. YVeder, SecreUury.
Court Proceeding:.
John Doc, disorderly; deposit of $5
Wm. Hanson, drunk; deposit of 5 !
John Tippen, fighting;
fined $5,
Olof Pcaterson, fighting; fined 5
sent below for two days.
Ohns. Johnson, fighting; fined 5,
sent below for two days.
Oo. Anderson, fighting; discharged.
r,,.,, n.rt' ,fM,i-, ,,f
MapjMcCarty, drunk 6 usuu; sent
to jail tor 24 hours to sober off. It is
time this inebriate was sent to an asy-
lum, and some man, or men (so called),
who' form her 'the liqior to git
drunk with, were "sent to jail to sober
1 off.
hall lor meeting. Oarneu. J-Aerv family should keep Hie Lng-; -L ot the p.tii. ahout iu latiiom new net.
Moved that the treasurer secure two IWi Dandelion'Pills on hand. ftjjj
,,,,.. . .. 1 Yv Atintif.v r.tnitiiiiit eiil unt "enre to can, ami pnie proper,j iiitu p.t cn.inrcs,
Hood and sufhcient sureties ior all .' ' -y" .Vcim i Vr 1. ,5V. ! Sr,r5 mr at the cauney of AVM. IICME.
inonevs thit mav come into his lrmda '"V.bnnts but if taken .leeoirtinjj Astoria, Oregon. !
moneys in.ic may conic into nib nanus to dnvetions. mve immediate relief and
from this Union. Carried. i perfect a cure in ail trouble- for which c;,.,,.,. .,.
, Keinedy Sir Astley Cooper's ital Les-; j f of l)0tVvJen P.arnevs "point coukt 11. 1I.PAHKKR .1. torative, than by all other remedies com- aml Kmoipton. afmut i: fathoms gill net.
May 2d, 1S71). 1 bined. Why will 3-011 suffer? Send to ; mostly out web, the lines new. corks and
Tnm Tmvm drunk- dennsir of ! A-E- Mintif, M.D.. No. 11 Kearny street. leads "are new; marked p R P Co. Tim
.Louis La) sen, tlrunK, auposit o lSlUi Francisco. rK.t.. $;; per bettle: ' finder will !c liberally rewarded by the P.I-
o forfeiter'. ,. ;,,. ,i, ,.,:,- ih. Trr n Mar Rock Paeking company.
John Smith, drunk; deposit of $5 .bottle. ' ' ,... ,.!. m ;Jlp KIBKXAA.
Auction To-Iay.
The sale "( TnMicharct &Tjpslmr's
imiimj;eiiuwu.Nimuiii 1J r.yv" !
i i .: 1 !,. T? n TTl
fj W, J.JJ.J, ,,.u.e at ciaveis hock an l
VWlr tonhiw Cni-neuters. blacksmiths
;u,d contractors will have a chance of
procuring go ds in their imi atuuirj
., nriixk: illll fif Willi. II. allure lrOlll .
" " i ". "-y' - ; ;:-;, if: ., " ,
lm lnJmT they have m ;l 1l,(I " '!- s
1CIinuicts :src ror .S(. ns g(,od aa new. ,
t'omiifcrria! Xolcs.
Peter AVilhelm, at the Gem reading
room, is in receipt oi aiiiaicnea
m- j
nouneing that:
The schooner Trustee sailed yesterday
for the Columbia river, from isan rran-
The steamship A neon will sail to-day
for this iMirt and Portland from San I
Thesteanudiip Oregon is advertised to
sail for this port and Portland on Satur
day next.
Now that the town is nearly de
populated by fire, just as Astoria was
two years ago, the people at The
les are moving "might and main,"
just as the people of Astoria moved
two 3'ears ago, to secure a fire engine.
People growl sometimes at false
alarms to keep the department up to
its work, but they area "great deal bet
ter than real fires.
We are informed that Pror. E.
Cook having severed his connection
with the Oregon conservatory of!
. i i - -
music, nas openeti music 1111101011,1 f i,js workmanship. He will
First street, between Mam and Sal
mon, Portland, and prepared to teach
piano, organ, voice building, singing,
through bass and h
larmony. Appnea
tions may be made at the music store j
of u. . Prentice As Co., Koubins A:.
Yates, or at Morse's palace of art.
Prof. Cooke, through the courtes3T of
Mr. James Steel, Rev. J. A Cruzan
and D. W. Prentice A: Co., begs leave
to refer to these gentlemen as to per
sonal diameter and professional ability.
31 rs. V. K. Rinker's
System of Dress Cutting
Cloaks. Bajus. Polonaise. Princess Dresses.
Wrapper. Children's and Doll's Clothes.
And indeed Every Style of Garments included in
DreM-iaaliiuK, Sleeves and all. Complete.
Tins svstem is matlitMnatically correet. ami
henee fcniovc all anxiety regarding the fit
of the garment. It is not only exaet. but so
clear and simple that any person, afterglving
a few hours' attention to this system, will he
able to cut every style of Indies' Dress U:r
meuts to fit any size from an infant to the
largest or most dtmVult form, and the cutting
to be a delight instead of a trouble.
Do not complain of hard times as a reason
for not learning this system, for one thing is
certain, the poorer we are the more valuable
any means of saving will be. This system
will help you to economize in many ways.
ip vou to economize in many
such as cutting over old garments, making
up small patterns, doing the most expensive
part of the work instead of hiring it done,
and that, too with better satisfaction than if
depending upon others. e ism hardly con
ceive the advantage to be derived from an
Exact Method of Dress Cutting.
Ladies1 now is the time to Learn the Best System
of Cutting in the World. Try it!
Mrs. S. T. McKean agent for the above
system for Clatsop county. Residence, Astor
street, nearly opposite the Congregational
church, AstoVia, Oregon.
2r. 3linfics Xeplirellciim A Compound
Extract or Iluchu.
Dr. Mintie's Nephreticuni works won
ders. In all cases of Dropsy, Bright's
uisease. ivninc, isr.uiuer ami urinary
Complaints, or lletention of Urine, these
troubles are entirely cured by the -Nephreticuni.
Female "Weakness, Gravel,
Diabetes, pain in the back, side and loin
are cured, when all other medicines
have failed.
See what the druggists of Portland
?lliil sili :,i' iliillf 111 Mill
til.-s Xi-phrotieiim and English Dande-
I lion Pills.
I "We have sold a large amount of Dr.
MiiitieV iiietlic-iiii-s: the English Dan-
i delion Pills; also the Nephreticuni. and
in JlU cascs tlu.v aro spoken of
j and give entire .satisfaction.'
John A.Childs, druggist. Second street,
; ir. .Mimics English Dandelion nils.
ror liuiiousness ami m-spepsia, use i;r.
.unities jsaiiuciioii 1 wis. r iu inu
siiwl A rtu iitr 1 AliiiHo's "Riu'li.sli
i::..i:..r. i i..i:.... i.ztt.Z i:v !. i
; Dandelion fills.
! llie are reconuneniled. For sale by
; 1J-1 Caufield, druggist, Astoria. Oregon.
There have been more cures of semi
! mil weakness, nervous debility and par-
! alvs
Baby carriages of the best styles, j
. and at low prices, at Loeb s.
Best Salem Hour is sold in this
J city at $0 50 per barrel by Wan-en ob
j McGuire.
Boat sponges, wholesaleand retail
at Dements drug store, Astoria. Eive
thousand just received.
. l " , Z 7t .
' "" loe cream, and fresh fruits of all
kimls ;lfc Schnuier;5 oppsite the bell
tower. Also tresh oysters, in every
I ,. : - R . -onnAn -,
Jhe -J JfflK?
Call at I. W. Cases' if you don't believe
I this ; and sec for yourself.
i iimih Kv link wvttirlerfiil K iirlil I "'' .. ...
- ...,v . ,i.v ti vii- --- - - .vt?m . K .rv,&s 3.- flat ,lw ...!. iT
I B1.......1V I 1 llllli JIU1.-...11H' "-, -.!..
. I
'There is no use talking Max Wajr-
.,... r ,... -. t -,-... . ;.. .1 .
,,v "' ""-. w'1 Ha?llIU "
1 saloon is the
istoiners well.
oniy man to please his eusu
Ho keens t he nnesl Sm Kraneiscn beer
in the city, it sparkles like ehanipaigiu1
Your complexion is sallow, and
! .... ,- - . . .
kiu yenow, your uver is aitecied
Obtain from your druggist a bottle ol
pfmuk.r-s Untm i51t,o7l Purifier.
Any person wishing to buy sew
ing niaehine; should bv all means ex-
amine the White and JSinge- before
making their purchases. Van Dusen
fc Co. are agents for them
j Fresh fruits and vegetables at
rs served in every style at
the Walla Walla Restaurant.
Fresh oysters in every style and
at all hours af tin- Pioneer restaurant.
Reep your blood pure and your
health must be good, the great purifier
is Pfundcr s Oregon Ulood Purifier. All
Astoria druggists have it now.
lust received per Elder 2.000
pounds, s-pound sheet lead, for sale at
lowest rates at Magnus C.Crosby's.
Kooms to let, bv the dav, week, or
month, at Mrs. W. II. Twilight's.
Fishermen can get a square meal
at any time, at Pike's restaurant. Unity,
for fish. References: Fishermen wlio
have eaten there.
" Mr. (I. Hansen watchmaker and
jeweler of long experience, has perma
nently csiaonsueu uimseir in nusiness
in Caufield's drmr store. Clienamus
street. Astoria. Watches and Jewelry
cleaned and repaired, (.ems re-set. Ji.n-
K"1"?,? Ijwialty.. All work guaran-
teed. Give him a trial and be your own
soon add to ins stock a well selected in
voice of Watches. Jewelry, Silver and
plated ware, which he will be able to
sell at very low prices.
A new lot of full bound blank, and
ceipt books, specially
rics. at the Citv Hook
for use
in can-
For extra choice fresh butter, go
Van Duseus & Co. s.
Buy your groceries at A. Van
Dusen A: Co.'s. The cheapest house in
the citv.
Now that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind l he fact that Peter
Kuney is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispttse of to all at very lowest rates.
When you are looking for a place
to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag
ner's. Great Eastern saloon, and listen
to the organ and take a glass of his line
ISan Fraiieiseo beer.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at Bailey's.
To-let a suit of unfurnished rooms
atlhcTurpin llouse.apply immediately.
Br. II. J j. Adams has returned to
Astoria and is stopping at the Parker
house for four days only.
White Darling potatoes at Berg
man & Berry's.
Now is the time for cleaning up
our houses, and ornamenting them.
For this purpose you can find nothing
that will add to the appearance of your
parlors so much as a pair of those lieau
tlful chronios at the City Book store,
sold for nearly one-half the usual costoj
such pictures. Call and see for your
selves. New invoice of those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
P. J. Goodman, on Main street. has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc."
The proprietor of the Chicago
house.whoin e erybody knows as a popu
lar caterer, has fixed" his hotel up in
splended stvle. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
1 attractive places on Main street. Call
around; every luxury ot the season at
the Chicago house.
Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His worlc in the
cefncterv here should be sufficient recom
1 ineiidation. Before vou let vour eon-
tracts for work of this kind it would be
well in call upon Mr. Stewart.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing' in the plumbing and
steam fitting line: also, bath tubs, and
j water backs for stove
and ranges fur-
nished on shortest notice.
Lonoixo HorsK. Furnished rooms
to let at reasonable rates at Mrs. Mun-
son's. Chenenanius St.. Astoria.
T510 RENT. A nice cottage, with six
; j roems: water in the house. Inquire of
.las. Mdiee. on the roadway near Devlin's
7tkt ForXtt.On or about the night
X. finished below ; pleasant location, near
the Catholic church,
at this ollice, or of
For particulars impure
Astoria, Oregon.
"ftTOTICE is hereby given that the owners
X 01 Scfitc imlttsir win not ue responsible
for anv debts contr.ictcd by any person oi;
behalf of said Scow, except the same is con-
trMi'tiHi diree.tlv lv the ownei'S.
iJKOWX & ALLEN. Owners.
Rv A. V., Managimr Owner.
Astoria, Slay 24, ls7U. 22-lw-iUw
LOST.-On the night of the liith insr..
about SO fathoms of net on the lines. Rar -
hours No. :i, 10 piv. couon 1 lies; icaus .111
cores niarccu v kklo. 1,l,ll! ""-V ,
be suitably rcwaruea ii 11 e 1 war hock
Packing company. .JOHN K1ERNAN
Pillar Rock, May 20, 1871).
"VTET IjOST. On the night of May 20th,
JLi lost close to Sand Island, about 0 fath
oms web, Barbours 12 ply thread, fished with
part of last sexson, marked K 1 3 on the
corks and K. n the leads. The finder will be
rewarded by returning the same to
Astoria, Oregon, May 2lst. lU-lw
Ill's Hew Variety Tkatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre were
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Tainted by Mr. "Win. V.'rst. Architect ami
Duilder Mr. Kemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Glass Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Noveltv cannot
be equalled on this coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part o! Klaie and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Featsr
Negro Sketches. Trapeze Performersr
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Unequalled enter
tainment. New Acts. New Song's and com
plete change of Programme twice a week .
2i:0. IH3TJT,. Proprietor.
Entrance to Uoxcs and Circle on Cliena
mus Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
To Whom it rVlay Concern.
. by appoint F. M. P.artholow as my duly
authorized agent for the transaction of m'v
business in Oregon and Washington territory.
Astoria. April 17. 1S7D.
"RJOTICE Notice is hereby given that the
JH asscsment roll of the city of Astoria.
Oregon, as returned bv the Citv Assessor, for
the year ls7l. is now on file hi the office of
the Auditor and Clerk of said citv where it.
wili remain open for inspection until the 1st
day of June. 1S7. All applications for cor
rections r revisions of the same must be
filed with said Auditor and Clerk prior t
said 1st day of June, ls7:.
Auditor and Clerk.
Astoria. May 15. 1S70. td
$5 00 UaiWARl).
QTOLEN. Three men. names unknown.
YD hired my fishinir boat marked "CLARA
"WEIMANY'on the author May, 1S7!). to go to
Clifton, promisim; to return that dav. As
they hae not done so, nor sent the boat
back. I have reason to believe they will not.
and I hereby offer a reward of So 00 for the
recovery of the boat, which is supplied with
sail, two pair of oars and oar locks, and a
spare oar. square rudder, painted
black outside ; top white. Return to or ad
dress N. AVEIMAN.
Astoria. Oregon.
Main street, opposite the Tarker House.-
C. CAROW, rr.ePRiETOi:
Of the above named New Bakery,
"Respectfully invites a share of the public'
patronage, confident of his ability to please -
his patrons.
Mes. H. A. Derby.
Ibis just returned from San Francisco with
the finest selected stock of
Ever offered in Astoiia. Embracing every
novelty in the line.
Or, Warner's Health Corset
do onlv be purchased m Astoria at Mrs.
Derby's. Main street, between Squciuoqin;
and Jefferson. .
Arndt & Ferchen.
mil E B E S T
. S?wVr.
c n rs&a
,mu.i.fifK& unwy- V-XSKU
FA rr hrtr Vnnn. ., j- ! K G
I r
in i ue city. Orc"3!
-lr VJ7
All kinds of
Engine. Cannery and Steambont
Work promptly attended to.
Keep cur Money Safe.
Ex steamship Oregon I have received an
other consignment of
This matchless
Counter Alarm Money Drawer
Is proof against Petty Thieves.
1'Kfici-: $ 00.
Commission Ag-nt.
j JSrooiiis. IJi-nshes andAVooiIen-ware,
Tobacco, Cigars and Stationery,
Ciciit's lurnisliini: CooIn. 11 e.
Near the Corner
Slnin nix! I'onconily St., Astoriu
I Fish Commissioners Notice.
;1 the undei-signcd will be in-readiness
from .u,, :ifter this ,late to jMUe iicens.s
at his ohice up stairs. e)nier'of Cass
, Siicmucuhc streets. Astoria. Oreuon.
11. 1J. tliKliL'SOX.
Fish Commissioner.
l-'ish Commissioners Notice.
sioner for "Washington territory, hereby
gives notice that he will be ut RrookfielU
for the rest of the season.
NTr itTn Cove, W. T., Feb. 17, 1S7D.
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