-a1 P HiIa stxrx&a3k ASTORIA. OREGON: D. C. IREXiAXD Editor. TUESDAY May '27, 1S7). CITIZENS MASS MEETING. A mass meeting of the citizens of Astoria will be held in this city on SATURDAY EVENING 2STEXT, Hay aist, is;:, To take into consideration matters connected with the proposed railroad. Every citizen of Astoria, and the country surrounding, are earnestly re quested to be present at this meeting. Timely notice of the hall, or place where the meeting will be held, will be given through the columns of This Astoria. DeatH of Wm. laoyd Garrison. A telegram was received here last night announcing the death of Win. Lloyd Garrison at Boston, Mass., in the 74th year of his age. It occurred at eleven o'clock Saturday night, and the telegram announcing it was re ceived at ten minutes past eleven. Mr. Garrison was known as "The Great Liberator."' He devoted all his time and talents, up to the time of the rebellion, in aiding the anti-slavery movement. He w:is a man of groat purity of character and of the highest moral purpose. Mr. Garrison was the father of Mrs. Henry Yillard, who waited upon him in his last sickness. Why Not. In our Pnget sound exchanges we read that about 5,000,000 feet of logs, cut high up on the Snohomish, on government l.md, has been seized by over zealous smellers m the service of Uncle Sam. SVe have nothing to sa: But one thing we protest. Why allow the hoardes of barbarous Chinese to come here and rob our mineral lands of its treasure, w hen a few white men are not permitted to fell the tall forests and convert a barren waste into an arable region? Ts not an honest Chris tian toiler in a logging camp as good as a heathen thief in the gold mines? If not, why not. We ask that Sen ators Grover, and Slater, and Repre sentative Whiteaker inquire into this matter. It is time for a change. Astoria to Wixmemucca' Commenting upon an article in The Astoriax relating to the prospects of the Astoria and Yin nemucca railway company, recent ly organized in this city, the Al bany Democrat of the 23d sa3's: The people of this, the central por tion of Oregon, are equally interested in this matter. If the projected road is built it must of necessity pass through this region of country (most probably through our own Albany), and our citizens should therefore be alive to its importance. A road from Winnemucca, on the Central Pacific, passing through the rich grain pro ducing section of Oregon and termi nating on the Pacific seaboard at Asto ria, would be of more value to this immediate vicinity than all other transportation routes combined, and our people should irive the proposed enterprise all the aid and eneouotge ment possible. Referring to the coming rise in the Columbia the Dalles Mountaineer says: "The Columbia river lias com menced rising again, but has not yet reached the mark it attained this time last month. Many of our citizens especially those doing business on First street, are fearful that we are oing to have another high water this summer, equal to that of three Tears ago. W e have t-ilked with a party re cently from the upper Columbia, and it was his opinion that the river would not come to the ordmnry high water mark, for the reason that nearly all the. sw fell m February and March and that it all passed off with the spring freshet, which was the highest j that was ever Known m that country. The rher at that point was higher in April than it was ever before known in that month. We are inclined to believe, from all the information we can gather, that we are not going to have a flood this summer, at least noth ing to compare with that of I87G " Sfi- Send your subscription for the Astoiuan another year. Help us, that we may continue to help you. "Pamphlets about Oregon in the Enslbh and German language, free, -at'TiiE Astoriax Office. ' J , -f i yTflgm A Visitors Impressions. Uncle David jSTewsome put in a por tion of his time at the canneries. during his visit to Astoria. Com- .. i.i i menting upon what he saw r, he gives us the follewing: j A very large proportion of the labor , useu mine canneries is "iicainen iiii-i nese." Not that tlie proprietors prefer! bavin" iliem. hut from the lnet f.h:it .:i . I full supply ofVhite men cannot be had) to do the work. Again the priee of can- j Special and rerenipf cry ned salmon is so low thh vear that it re- j iij. !. A itrvfinn Qi fo quire cheap labor to keep up the bu.si- Underwriters A'JCtlGll bale, ne.ss at all. Perhaps there is not one instructed by the Fire Insurance Undcr pronrietor of an cannervontheColiini-! writers I will sell on liia who would hire Chinamen if they i could help it. And this is the ease with! tanners anu outer up uie vauey. it was only a force that caused the lar.d-i owners in western Oregon t- hire Clii i lianien to grub and rlear iin their lands, j So soon as the evil of their presence in this state can be remedied, it will be done, it is to be hoped that the time may soon come when the Indians and Chinamen in Oregon will be like angels visile, "few and far between." Concerning Astoria as he finds it, and as he expected to find it, Mr. 2sewsomc says: I must confess that I was much sur prised on coming to this city two days ago. 1 had heard often that Astoria w as set upon the side of a steep high moun tain, with no room for a town. 13y ex tending the city somewhat into the bay, for two miles tip and down it, and oeeu pvingall the room on the slopes of the low hills in the rear: and beyond the summit to the waters beyond. 1 find that there is room for a population of one hundred and fifty thousand peions, with all the buMiiess hou.ses. wharves, factories, canneries, mills, and dwellimr houses, necessary for such a population. BuiTihjjton. Iowa, and Alton. 111., were twice as rough and steep and far more difficult to make towns upon, than i Astoria. When a breakwater shall ex tend a!ong the front here for three or four miles, as will come to pass, then can filling begin from the risinir grounds in the rear. If Astoria has nut a large farming country around, it has a supe rior harbor and deep water adjoining the fronts upon the piling. And that at low tide. The fishing businos ap pears likely to last until the Pacific dne up; and the place is in direct com munication with the upper Columbia and its affluents. And when river steamers and barges can arrive here from the vast wheat districts in eastern Oregon. Washington tenitory and por tions of Idaho, laden with millions of bushels of grain, and hundreds of tons of Hour, and wool, and load upon the large ocean vessels here outward bound to the worlds markets then will Astoria be heard from. Then will the railroad from the Union Pacific, via Fort Hall and Umatilla terminate here, as it surely will, thereby connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, ami Astoria will be the iireat shipping point north of San Fraiieisco for Oregon. If the harbor of refuge be located down the bay from Astoria; and the channel across the bar be properly improved as itsho tld be, a ireat mait of trade an business must center here. It is essentially a sea-port town. David aewsojie. Astouia, May 24, 1875). Sensible Conclusion. Astoria, Oregon, May 25. 1S79. Editor Asteriax: As a father of a family yourself I think 3ou will agree with me tluit the inclosed excerpt is to the point, and well worthy the serious consideration of a certain class of young men getting to be. very numerous in tlys city. By inserting it in your interesting paper you will oblige Mater Familus. This is the way in which a Louisville girl disposes of a young man, according to the Courier Journal. She says: You have asked mo pointedly if 1 can marry you, and 1 have answered you pointedly thatl can. I can marry a man who makes love to a different girl every month. 1 can marry a man wliqse main occupation seems to be to join in a gauntlet in front of churches and thea tres, and comment audibly on the peo ple who are compelled to pass through it. 1 can marry a man whose only means of suppoitis an aged father. I can marry a man who boasts that any girl can fe won with the help of a good tailor and an expert tongue. I can mar ry such a man but 1 wont!" Centennial Souvenir The Magee Furnace company, of Boston, Mass., is one of the largest stove and iron works in the United States. Their agencies extend all over the universe. In Astoria they are represented in the house of Jack ins & Hawes, who keep and make a specialty of the Magee standard cook ing ranges, and as a guarantee their names are cast upon the plate. At the centennial in 1S1J6 the Boston house of Magee was among the most exten sive exhibitors. They received the prize medal, and now comes a souvi nir of that event, in the shape of a facsimile of the medal, and a true copy of the Declaration of Indepen dence, cast in a frame all ready for hanging. It is one of the finest piec es of castings we have ever seen. It is on exhibition at the store of Jackins & Hawes, on Main street. On Saturday last as the new steamship State of California lay at the dock in Astoria discharging freight the passengers amused themselves by visiting various places of interest in the city. Mr. Wr'mht, Capt. Carroll, .Martin Bulger, ct at, visited The As- toriax office. Frank Pixley, benator Sargent, ct al. went to the canneries. All were accompanied by ladies. At j one ot the canneries one oi tne xauiea, who wore spectacles, was making an entry in hur memorandum book, when he boss celestial advanced to the chief book-keeper and inquired if the "Missee was a new tallee-m'an V Meaning time keeper. He w;is nega itvely answered. I ll ! XEWYERTISEMEXTS. I "TnTTPF.M! Trrons knowing themselves i 1 indebted to the undersigned are re- JK"1 to ca :J"1 ft "'MSJ.fs mc"es f us possible, asunder the cireuii.st.uu cb iuiiot are nccessarv We may be found at the jjlfiKr' Astoria. Ma ls. 187'.). fT'p7" I linlL . FiRE! FIRE! rriTTTcn V "ill A V 9 7t1? IljilblAl. MAX (U, ,vt one o clock, i. .. At the warehouse occupied bv Messrs. Trrn - c - lis&rcl &" I'ltslmr. on Capi. Navel- dock. a forge lot of good-, more or le damaged by lire or water. consisting in i:ut oi Ifnrlwar. TooSs. Canvas. To- liarro. am! Several Cases oi Casiijctl tfiootls. All of which will be sold, without reserve, ; to the highest burner iorcasu. u. o.k ". E.C. HOLD EN. Auctioneer. AsSoria. Oregon. May 'Jfi. If.. 9. O O C -" MA - "2 - O I S tu OQ M Ei o CD 'Jl o 32 SP feu cc Lli Ml ?5 "Q EH re o CO o Zfi. --W HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A. J. JIEGLER. C S. WRIGHT. OCCIDENT HOTJE1L. MEGLElt & WRIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. TIIE PKOFRIETOKS AUE IlAPrY TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted anil-refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of itsjruests andisnowthe fcest hotel north of San Francisco. pAHKEPv HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON. II. 15. PARKER. ----- Proprietor. THIS IIOTEL is the largest, most comfort able and best Kept hotel in the city. Is supplied with the best of spring water, hoi and cold baths, barbershop, and a first-cl:is saloon with best of liquon;and eigars. and a fine billiard table. Free coach to the house ; charges reasonable, 1 2" to $2 50 per day, ac cording to room occupied TTALIAX KESTAUKAXT. J ust opened, newly furnished and first class. S. DAM ICO & CO., - Proimis. Corner Lafayette and Second sts.. Astoria. Meals served in Italian, French and Ameri can !lvies to order. The'table will be supplied at all times with the best the market atfords. The well known and gentlemanly steward. V. A. Cook, will alwavs be on hand with a first class Italian cook! pleased to see his friends. Come and satisfy yourself. Private rooms for ladies. Meals at all hours. The best wines and ci gars always on hand. mUKPIX HOUSE, D. L. TITKPIX - Pkoprihtor MAIN STREET, lictwecn Sqiicmocqhc and Jefferson, ASTOIUA. OUKGOX. Hoard and lodging per week $X no Hoard per day 1 on Single ileal 25 Tne table will be supplied at all-times with the foe.Nt ihe market ailords. "TTAUIjA Vt'AIAiX RESTAURANT, THEO. BUOEMSKU, - - Pkopmrtok. i T Fresh ovsteis. and other deli caeies of 'the season, served in every style. Opposite the Telegraph ofIice, Squemoqhe street, Astoria, Oregon. OS-MEALS AT ALL HOURS-SW. 0"K GOX HO USB. Mam street, near Hustler's Vharf, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. Mns. Maky Camit.ell, Proprietor. Hoard and Irfddug by day or week. VOKTOX HOl'SS. X CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND. OREGON. P. XOUTOX. - - - - I'roprictor. (Formerly of the Portland lloiel.) THIS HOUSE IS A FIRE-PROOF BRICK, bust finished and newly furnished, with the best of spring beds. Tkkms Per week From S3 to $ for board and lodging. Per day Sl 00. Single meals 25 ceu ts. Lodging 25 to ,"0 cents. wFree coach to :uul from the riouse. Private Boarding House. MRS.QUINN - - PROPRIETOR. o Will accommodate day boarders or accom modate any with board and lodging. Prices reasonable. In Ingalls building, Jefferson street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's sk ' Express office, AIIIM -OF- lADlES- LIMN ; One hundred suits purchased at an imnunenso discount of mnntifaeturers cost. at BANKRUPT SALE. oo m:ll wtit. S3Sl't2?Sl,020Ciijr3Li2?2r Q T T T7" T) A OlLiV 1 A We defy to be excelled in stock and prices. Call in our pocket, -t-tt- -a. rr - - . JErs . JtL-fiL JJmLJEs TTjE2 C 3IAIN STRLKT, W SPRING and ST wwmm A. VAN DU8EN & O irave just received a full hue of Spring ?ml Summer goods of the verv linest nunlitv. which, were bought during the leeent li n.ble in st i-Ks, w hi u .sli ii n.ii :iiu..s a lnemium. anil are therefore prepared to sell the .same at li ss i;us th: n ihe sine quality of giMMls can be purchased el-ewhere. These iroculs consist in nrt nt Clotliii3. Gout's Hats and Cajjs. S.adics Zrcs.s ootfs. .12n.s!in. Iarhisi. Slosacrj Boots and Shoes. 1Su22ci iSoois. Oil CEollains:. In addition to the above !iac!aid in a full stock of The quality of our cisecsiiKn: axi ;assvaesk. ujips. etc.. Cannot be excelled and our prices defy competition. jFamily CSrocevios and IVoWsson a Special-. Os-crozi Ciy Im- jjorlal Kxtra Flour ai S. ."50 jcr Barrel. WARDS CLATSOP BUTTER ALWAYS IN STORE. ESrWgency for Singer and hite Sewing Machines. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express onice. corner of Cess and Jefferson street. .JLaJbi J 3B COHEN & COOPER'S STORE THE BOSS OF TEE "We have since replaced our Ladies' SECOES, CI.OAKS, And all goods that were lost on the Republic ALSO, A FULL LINE OF LADIES' Come, give ns a trial, and satisfy yourself that we sell cheaper than any other house in town. "We do not give any priee list, as we have but one price, and sell COHEN & COOPER. I X L STOKE. P. S. Tiiemostestgoodsfortheleastestmoney, BUSINESS CARDS. r W. FULTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofkick. Pajes new building, Squemoqhe street, A.stoiia. Oregon. T -M. SEVERN. M. M. D. JPIIYSICIAX AND SX7REO?. Examining Surgeon of Pensions. Kinsey's Huilding, on the Headway, ASTOKIA. OlSKGOX. fllee !Inur. From 0 to 12 A. r.f and from :; to k i m. D,;- J. Y. OLIVER, HOMEOPATH 1ST. Okfick. In Shuster's Daguerrean build ing. Entrance ccond door above that of the Daiia Astoimak. Cass street. Residence on .Jc Hereon street, corner of Main. TOCTOJt IIATCI5. Suceevsfullv treats all Chronic Diseases. AND DISEASES OF "WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Cancer cured bv a new and painless method. Ollice Chenamus street, corner of Main street, Astoria. D"- J. O'BKIEX. CUKES BILLIOUS ANT) INTEllMITTENT FEVERS With from one to three doses of his harm- less medicine. Also. Private diseases successrully treated. Ofkick O'llnen's hotel. Astoria. Oregon. OTTO im'EES. WATCHJIAKER AKD JEWELER. ; 1IS 11EMOVKD TO Main street, Parker's building, ASTOKIA. - - - - OREGON. W1 ISEC'K, jranufaclurcr of Boots and Shoes All kinds of repairing neatly and raS liromptly attended to jft MAIN ST.. - ASTORIA. OREGON Astoria Wood Yard. Foot of Lafayette street. Astoria, Oregon. DUSIIAKM & CO., - PROPRIETORS. All kinds of wood delivered to any part of the cit y, sa wed or unsawed, dim K. lIf a J IMi 8VP puke linen. X33LC3.1lOO323.Oj0l1;S- T) AC1 "A T O KAoULo. on us, it will be mom3 G-ISIES.. ASTORIA, OKEGOX. SUMMER ST06K Fui'iiisliiii"' Good is. f J""" ""''! ' Lineman .luffumujjuf AUCTION SALES. ip C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Real Ilslate Agent and Conveyancer. Agent for the FIREMEN'S FUND INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. COMMISSION AGEN1 and AUCTIONEER. Kcnts and Accounts Collected, and rr (urns promptly made. Regular sales day. SATURDAYS nt ii P. M. N. P.. Parties having real estate, limu ture or any other goods to dispose of either at auction or private sale should not by me j(on as convenient befoi the dav of sale. No storage charged on goods sole' at Auc tion. L C. IIOLb JN. td Auctioneer. .MISCELLANEOrS. WILLIAM EDGAR, Comer IIain and Chenamus Street?. ASTORIA OREUON. Dh I.KR IN ICIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE VOSTENHOLM and other Englih Cutlery. I FAIR CHILD'S GOLD PENS , tj ,,. Iienum8 lLLeeiSIlcLUill Ziyvby clu, A line stock of Watches and Jewelry. JJiizzlc and UiwwTi I.ntidinir Mint (Juns. ! Kevoivers. l'iMols. Parlor Katie. and Aimnimition. THE ASTORIA BREWERY D3SPOT, RUDOLPH 8ARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPRIETORS. Corner of Olney and Water streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. Best quality of LA GEJi B?:KIt 5 cts. per glass Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars alwayi on hand. tttrTlie patronage of the public is respect fullv solicited. Orders for Lager or Bottled BeeV in any quantity promptly tilled. f5g7-The best lunch the season will afford furnished dav and night FREE -& j-