The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 24, 1879, Image 3

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gJi.c ghnig stTOiutx,
.Monday r-xcootod..
n. C. EItKZ.AX : : ECR5,I.HS5EK.
Atitrwii IjviitivHtj, tltuts street.
Terms of Subscription :
Carved by Carrier. ir troefc 25 Oet-c
Sant by until, lour months . st J0
Sunt by ittnil, tne yoar - W 00
free of IVnnse U.-Hibcnbrs.
car-AdrertiMmtem inserted Uy thwyciir at
the rate or Si -" ir -ttarc ier month.
rrBtit advertifioe, by the day r truck,
fifty uent? ner s'miMre for ouch inHirtion.
Till" I)AIU AJTOKIAA' H'l7 h(', f.CUt. Ujl
rntiii -"" co moiitJt.jrmtt jHtrtatic. Ilemt
c" who .(iH.'utfiArfcrtwrwc Jrom lhe city etui
ittm.t Tuir ii(i:av ltJLtin llu'.m 1)AT!."
it-v w. ....-,...-... . .-. .
tr Wickma
nUtMHt U, amti THKt-ec tvitk- i
mil (UuiUvwai 'jC)Mc.
atfumed tin tfUu no4 cm
tltitutnrv may Itc
! .ivr. inuMv at
iiie cuHtttityi too.
SteaitK'i la" to-dav.
Do not forget the auction sle at E
C. Lloiden's l-dav. See advertisement.
The Upper Astoria oil works are business in that citv at the terrible
Wyiiisl - IK-r JJWWfor salmon liwds..,,, which ln,,kcouton Wl.d.
-At E. C. IloWeifs auction sale. to-!ntlt3' J;""''- fliey had a stock of
day, a lot oi line native cranberries
will be offered for sale.
Proposals for the erection of Tren
dhard & Upshur's new building; close to
day. See advertisement.
Uncle David Xewsomc. as he is
familiarly known, is one of the pioneers
ot Oregon. la has written volumes up
on Oregon.
llisinarek is putting up a new tank
for the Occident shaving saloon baths.
A splendid one, that will hold -101) gal
Jons of hot water.
Several of the best rooms at the Oc
cident are undergoing repairs and re
furnishing, preparatory for the demands
of summer travel.
Mrs. Wingate, of Coos bay, who is
now on a viit to this part of Oregon,
with tier husband, is a daughter of Mr.
Ward on Clatsop plains.
Services at Presbyterian hall on
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sabbath
5choufat noon. All are cordially invited.
Jts'o services in the evening.
The public schools are getting along
towards the close of the snrinif term.
rind the pupils will make good report of
jn-ogresb during the past winter. j
r ---
-Yve should -not be very greatly sur-
prised U meet Kev. and Mrs. 1.A.J1V-
j,nul l.v tli... new KiLfinici,;,, stt. ?.f
-"".. "J -"- -- - .- "-
California, due at this port to-day.
lion. B. P. Caldwell. Deputy Collec
tor of Internal revenue for the state of
urwoinias occnon a business visit lo:,
Astoria lor several days.
J le returns to
Portland to-day.
The injuries received by Hr. J. W.
Gearhart, Innn a sprain of his left leg
sit the lire Monday morning, was very
painful indeed, "lie is not able to be
about, except on crutches.
SomesMlendid samples of iron ore are
on exhibition at Caulield's drug store.
St comes Irom a mine clo.-c to tne vicin
ity of Astoria, and we are told that there
is plenty of it that can be got at imme
diately. Several fine dogs, and some cultus
ones were poisoned at upper-town a few
days ago. This incident caused a sen
sation in that portion of lhe oil v. and it
li. a l . l l m.. r.. .l..Jf
.voum uol nave oeeu jieaiuiy 101 uiaLirorry-cigUb tunes in us jhuus. jiic
fellow to have let himself be known. Th si-lmimer wnt nu "to Hoouarten
If you would a fishing go, find a
brook where the water runs fastest;
i.hrow in your hook, pull out the fish and
3ut him in your basket. If you would a
riding go, get 3 our gals consent; hitch
up Dobin. or any other critter, and let
the aniniile went.
Hon. J. W. Watt, and Hon. David
Xowsoine, arrived in the city last even
ing, for three days sojourn "in Astoria,
for work in the temperance cause. This
is the first visit of Mr. Xewsome to As
toria. Mr. Watt has been here before.
We hope that people generally will turn
out to hear these lectures. The first
lecture was given last evening. The
second will be given this evening, at the
Congregational church.
A bout noon on the 22d. the body of
man. supposed to be that of George
Smith, lost off the steamer above St".
Helens some time ago, was recovered
on the. territory shore, between Brook
Held and Pillar Bock. Word was sent
to AsWria immediately, by the steamer
Edith, bv ,1. G. Megler, and the body
vdll lie forwarded to friends at Vancou-
i'er, after full identification.
We regret being compelled to state
that the Sunday observance movement
in Astoria is "a partial failure. What
is it the Book of Books says about serv
ing God and Mammon ? It is apparant
that both cannot be served at present
iu Astoria. The long dull spell of the
Jast winter is some excuse for our busi
ness men who wish to improve the pres
ent opportunity, atul make a little hay
while the sun shines.
Sinister has taken a splendid photo,
of the ruins of the fire of last Monday
morning. Chief Engineer Treuchard
will send one to tne builders of the
JSilsby engine, which so materially aided
CaptFlavels steam pump to stay the
progress of the lianies. Considering
that the fire was prevented from catel
ing the Hume & Duncan cannery, Capt.
Flavels warehouse, only eighteen feet
distant, we must conclude that the
engine and pump paid well for them
selves last Monday morning
Proposed Excursion on Mr. Jacob
Karara's New Steamer Lurline.
Lclipp From 31 r. i I!. ray oritIasIca
iiic rant:.
Olxky, May 22. I understand from
a nte received frA Mr. Ivaimn,
dated Ma' 18th. that a request has
been made t him to take a party from
Astori.i to Vancouver on the 30th of
May, to attend decoration ceremonies!
at that place. Lie informs me that lie
can arrange to leave Astoria at 1 P. Ji.
on the 20th, reaching Portland at S r.
51. i he Luriine is chartered to taice a
party from Oregon citv to Vancouver
on tiit 30th auul back, in which case he
ejLii rjiL-M.a.11 mn Portland to Van-1
couver, and leave with the Astoria
'party after the ceremony, say 3 r. at.,
Lurliuc and Vancouver aecoiamoda-
un? a in oc-ioug " l"u -"" ! .-"
. ,
in t,ie shortest time possible, ami as
oomioriaoie as unmoors aim :asKer
excuision of that distance will permit.
Yours in haste, W. 1 1. Gi:a y.
The Dalles Fire.
Messrs. Cohen fc Cooper's Dalles
store fall among the doomed places of
jujoi.i, .j-vj.ui'j, iuni4tnrni-u u iui-
ance tor 5o,UUU. Uonsiuerabte or their
ttock ws saved, however. Air. Cooper
of the Astoria house, will have full
particulars probably to-day.
A fVatcauial.
Next Thursday will be the first cen
tennial of Beaver Lodge, Xo. .'55, I. o.
o. I'., at Astoria. That is to say, on
that evening the membership will num
ber o)w h nndred. We consider that this
is a matter for the lodge to !e proud of.
One hundred good men banded togeth- j
er for the love of humanity, working in
unison for the relief of the sick and
the distressed, the widow and the or
phan. The event should be celebrated.
California Dollar Store.
To-day a branch of tlie California
Dollar Store will be opened in Par
ker's new building, on Chenamus
street, opposite G. W. Gearhart's.
The manager has arranged the room
in a very attractive manner, and the
walls are decorated with many a gem
of art, far too numerous to mention,
The stock consists of jewlcry, plated
ware, paintings, chromos, etc., etc.,
UlU :iny article in the storo CJU1 be
i i r .. . ,i n ... hm. i,,. ...
purchased for one dollar, lhe buyer
,. -- , r
lirst pays 25 cents for a photo of some
noted person or place; then, you nury
have the privilege of selecting from a
i box. an envelope which will contain a
- ,,-,, ,.,.",,,,,,,,,,,, nvf-,ft in tlm
l R ""...". .w.. ... " j
house, which article can be bought for
one dollar if desired. 'Take a walk"
around and see for yourselves. Sign
of tlie California Dollar store.
Tilln-moolc Hews.
From Jr. J. li. Larscn, owner of
the schooner Honora, who went out a
passenger on the late passage of that
vessel from this port, on the lbth, we
learn, in private letters to Mr. 15. S.
Larsen. that the schooner passed Xo.
4 buoy at 12:30 on that day, and ar
rived in the bay of Tillamook at (J P.
jM., crossui
two bars ana running
t V "1 -1 I rni...
on the lath. Mr. Larson's famous
dog Prince stood the trip first rate.
Messrs. Adair are restocking their
Lewis and Clarke ranch with cattle
from Tillamook county, and Warren
& MeGuire have secured a hue band
or rat catuc mere, which win uu
driven over to their Clatsop head-1
quarters next weeK. iur. jjJirseu jis
secured 10,000 lbs of first quality of
wool for shipment, and expects to se
cure 5.000 to 10.000 lbs more. He is
well pleased with the country.
The Portland steamer made thirl y
one landings 011 Thursday, and reached
her dock here at four o'clock i m. This
would seem to indicate that business
wasdull on the lower river route. When
there is but little freight to handle the
boats make good time.
We have conversed with several per
sons respecting the propriety of getting
up a celebration on the 4th of July.
Considering the past dull times, and the
fact that the 4th comes in the midst of the
busy season.eannerv people genera llya re
not'favorable to knocking off a day for
holiday purposes; but they are willing
to do something handsome for a regatta
at the close of the season, and thus in
stitute a festival at which all can appear
annually lree from that sense of feeling
usual to men who sacrifice business lor
A movement is on foot which we
hope and trust may prove sncccs.ii 111. to
purchase a steam fire engine for com-,
pany Xo. 1. We have not been opposed
to tlie introduction of steam-fire engines
in the citv, but have held that what
would be better for the city would be
street mains, hvdrants, hose companies,
etc., receiving water from reservoirs on
the adjacent hills supplied by pumps
like the one used by Capt 1 lavei, from
the river. ' We still think that system
would be the best; butas the engines in
use have well paid for the investment,
we shall favor the purchase of another
one, for the old and reliable pioneer
The Eoval Marionettes will arrive bv
the new .steamship State of California
lo-dav. and will appear at Metropolitan
hall this afternoon and evening. Prices ;
of admission will be low, and everybody
should attend. See advertisements, cir
culars, and posters for particulars.
Viicc !o marketers.
Having entered into an agreement to
transact no business on Sundays, our
i friends will please take notice that our
markets will not hereniicr ne open on
that dav of the week. We hope lobe
able to accommodate our customers
on Saturdav evenings, by keeping open J
n Utile later than usual.
Wakukx & McGriUK.
Bl5Ir;jwAN & I5kki:y.
Mr. Allen informs ustiwt they have
caught several salmon in the seisi at
Fort Stevens this ear. an".
anyone ot which
would weigh over seventy pounds.
Following is a list of the Grand
lodire officers I. o. o. P., fur the en-
sn inf year: John Jvemvoruiv, jiwcm; i -mn " n-mMi-n. x
L. Case. ttWDCJi; Phil Metchen, it pavina siMialty. All work guaran
wtsw;J.M. PaconnM.s.I.K. iMoores, jdge of his orkmanhip. He will
kwct; W. S. Xcwbmy,RWjt to the i stum add to his stock a well selected in-
t i - ii... i
Grand lmlge of the United States.
The Junction Kepubiican of the
21st says: "The weather, oh such
weather. There, has been so much
written and sam aomn eomweauier or
late b' the press and people of the j
WTallamet valley, it is no wonder we .
have had a four weeks rain, and if the i
board of engineers don't give us Ore-
gr.niRiis a harbor ot refuge at some
?...;.,. .,...w.r r. ii,o,' .rt ,..;ti
,..,u .,.j. .... . . i. ..... ..w .....
be worse off than the Egytians in the
Red sea; completely swimpud up."
!r. 3!!nf .( XrphrrticKKi A Compound
Efrnt-f or ZZiU'Ini.
Dr. 31
Mintie's Xephreticiini works yon
1 11 all east's of Dropsy. P.right's
Disease. kidnc. uladder and L rinary
Complaints, or Retention of Urine, these
troubles are entirely cured by the Xc
phrcticum. Female "Weakness. C ravel.
Diabetes, pain in the bsu-k. side and loin !
are cured, when all other medicines
have failed.
See what the druggists of Portland
and San Francisco say about Dr. Min
tie's Nephreticuni and English Dande
lion Pills.
We have sold a large amount of Dr.
Mintie's medicines: the English Dan
delion Pills; also the Xephreticiini. and
in all cases they are highly spoken of
and give entire satisfaction.
John A.Childs, druggist, Second street.
C. II. Woodward &Co.. druggists, cor
ner First and Alder streets. Portland.
For all derangements of the liver, use
Dr. Mintie's En-dish Dandelion Pills,
For Billiousness and Dyspepsia, use Dr.
utilities JJandelion Pi lis Ivor rover
and Ague, use Dr. ilintic's English
Dandelion Pills.
Every family should keep the Eng
lish Dandelion Pills on hand.
Dr. Mintie's remedies will not "cure
-p -it ,- --- - "V ;
all complaints,' but if taken according
iouueci ions, give uumcuiuie le.uei ami
perfect a cure in all troubles for which
they are recommended. For sale by
It. F. Caufield, druggist, Astoria. Oregon.
There have been more cures of semi
nal weakness, nervous debility and par
alysis made by the wonderful English
Ueinedy. .Sir Astley Coopers Vital Bes
torativo. than by ail other remedies com
bined. Why will von suffer V Send to
A. 12. Mintie". M.D.. Xo. 11 Kearny street.
San Francisco. Price. S3 per bettle:
four times the quantity, 10. Try a
A Card.
Mrs. E. K. Binker wishes to announce
to the ladies of Astoria and vicinity,
that she will remain in the city for two
weeks, and in conjunction with Mrs. S.
T. MeKcan will teach her system of
Dress Cutting to any who wish to avail
themselves of this opportunity.
Baby carriages of the best styles, j
and at low prices, at Loeb s.
Best Salem Hour is sold in this
city at S5 50 per barrel by Warren oc
"Pamphlets about Oregon in the
English and German ianguage, free,
atTiiK AsToniAX Offick.
Boat sponges, wholesale and retail
at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five
thousand just received.
JF&" Send your subscription for the
AsToniAX another year. Help us, that
we may continue to help you.
Your complexion is sallow, and
skin j el low, your liver is affected.
Obtain from your druggist a bottle of
Pfuuder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
Keep your blood pure and your
health must be good, the great purifier
is Pfuuder's Oregon Blood Purifier. AH
Asioriu druggists have it now.
The current number of the Library
Magazine centains: The defense of
Lucknow, a poem bv Alfred Tennysen:
Thedifhcilties of "Socialism, by John
Stuart Mill -biographies of the season,
from London Seciety: The Choice of
Books, bv Frederic "Harrisen: Homes
and Haunts of the Poet Taso. by Fran
ces Eleanor Trollepe: Plain Words
about the Afghan question, by Aarehi
bald Ferbes: Fresh Assyrian Finds, bv
B. II. Cooper, B. A.; the study ofEnto-
1 mm LiOndon Times: wagner as a.
Dramatist, from Frasiers Magazine: the
Boyal Wedding, by H. C. Arerivale. Ten
cents a number, or 1 00 a year. Am
erican book Exchange, publishers, 55
Beekman street. New York. Sold only
by theiu direct to purchasers.
Abrams tc Carroll, wholesale drug- U(dd for nearlv one-half the usual cost of " mcn lor ueimemcni ami ."soveuy eannoi
.r-t : ,l s Front street. San Franeis-! ! , i. LV.. ". 'J ' V..ii ...i ..." '.. V:?..... equalled on this coast. Our Fer-
;7" "..v. ' .miui inuuiw. .ui ami aei: iui uui- formauce Conmicuces with our
' co. sa . I selves
We regard Xephrcticum as the best! ..., . ., r..itt.. ?"!rcf Pnpf nf RSolo onrl Pom-afa
kiduevand bladder remedy before the i .. -VlV V " ,..VlLllil,,01 lJl "ll ""- " -"
: i iiiiiu.v ,10 .iiiuii(is v. vinrii a.
nioiogy, by W. S. Dallas. 1-. U 5.: Art
Fdneation in England, by i$. Coutts
Lindsay: Toiler in Field and Factory,
ny person wishing to buv sew-
j mg machine should by all means ex-
amine the White and Sinner before
making their purchases
Van Du&en
& Co. are agents for them.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Oysters served in even style at
the Walla Walla Bestaurant.
Fresh ojsters in every style at
Schmeers. See advertisement.
Fresh oysters in every style and
at all hours aftlu- Pioneer restaurant. received per Elder 2.000
pounds, .s-pound sheet lead, for sale sit
lowest rales at Magnus C.Crosby s.
llooms to let. bvthe dav. week.
month, at Mrs. W . II. Twilight's.
Fishermen can get a square meal
at any time, at Pike's restaurant. Unity,
for fish. References: Fishermen who
have eaten there.
Mr. (1. .Hansen watchmaker am1
jeweler of long experience, has perma
nently e-taoiished himself in busnes
in Caulield's dr'imVra!?
I street. Astoria.
,.i. ...... 1,1 .....i .... ....:.. ,,t t.'.r
voice of Watches. Jewi-Iry. Silver and
plated ware, whuh he will be able to
sell at very bw prices.
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt lMH)ks.sjKcialIy for use in can
neries, at the Citv Hook store.
-.-.For extra choice fresh butter, go
to Van Diimmis & Co.'s.
Jny your gna-eries at A. Van
Pusen S: Co.'s. The cheapest house in
tnt' l',tv-
Xow that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
IM1 .S we sni,pM(1(l with n kiH(is of
building materials which lie is jnejiared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
When you are looking for a place
to amuse youVsell, drop in at Max Wag
ner's, (Ileal Eastern saloon, and listen
to the organ and take a glass of his line
eai: rranriscu oeer.
Get your baskets tilled for a little
money at Bailey's.
To-let a suit of unfurnished rooms
attheTurpin liousc.apply immediately.
Dr. II. L. Adams has returned to
Astoria and is stopping at the Parker
house for four das onh .
Peer drinkers, if you want a good
glass of San Francisco beer go to .Max
Wagner's at the Great Eastern saloon.
It sparkles like champagne.
White Darling potatoes at Berg
man & Berry's.
Xow is the time for cleaning up
our houses, and ornamenting them.
F(r this purjKse you can find nothing
that will add to tlie appearance of your
parlors so much as a pair of those beau
tiful chromos at the Citv Book store.
" P- -J- tioodman, on 31am street, has
just received the latest and most fash-
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house, w'hoin everybody knows as a popu
lar caterer, has 'fixed his hotel up in
splended style. It Is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
areund: every luxury of the season at
the Chicago house.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering orfc of him. and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should be sufficient recom
meiidation. Before you let your eon
tracts for work of this kind it would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
steam lilting line: also, bath tubs, and
water backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on shortest notice.
Lonnixo HorsE. Furnished rooms
to let at reasonable rates at Mrs. Mun
son's, Chenenamus st., Astoria.
r10 RENT. A nice cottage, with six
JL moms ; water in the house. Impure of
Jas. MKIee, on the roadway near Devlin's
cannery. (l-lni
To Whom it IVlay Concern.
AJ bv appoint F. M. Rarlholow as my duly
authorized agent for the transaction of my
business in Oregon and Washington territory.
Astoria, April IT. 1879.
IVrHT FOXVS. On or about the night
-L" of the Pith, about 111) faihoiu new net.
Lead marked J & Wl. Owner is requested
to call, and prove property ami pay charges.
at the cauiie
l of w.M. ill MK,
Astoria. Oregon.
TKTOTirM All persons knowing themselves
1A indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to call and settle the same as soon as
possible, asunder the circun.stances funds
are neeessarv. We may be found at the
otlice of Capt. (eo. Elavel for the present.
Astoria, May lft.TST!).
B-IAIM n, tlin i;r)t rf tin. ISHl invt
about 3) fathoms gill net web, . mesh
one liuov attached, branded S & Co.
Owner mav have the same by proving prop
Upper Astoria. May in.
7W OTICE. l'ouiul on the evening of the
L 15th inst. 111 Rakers bav. about thirty
fathoms gill net web and line, apparently
new. thirtv-nine mesh: no lead line or buoy ;
no brand or cork. Owner can have the same
by proving property and paying charges.
" a. liUOTH & CO.
Upper Astoria. May 17, ism.
T OST.-Oil the night of the l!tll lllSt.,
Jj about 'fO fatlJs f V0,; SV lJ: Vi1-, 'IwT
corks marked PRP Co. lhe hnder wi 1
be suitably rewarded by the Pillar Rock
Packing company. JOHN K1ERNAN.
Pillar Rock, May 20. 1871).
"ftTET TjOKT. On the night of May 20th,
11 lost close to Sand Island, about r0 fath
oms web. Rarbours 12 ply thread, fished with
part of last season, marked K 1 3 on the
corks and K m the leads. The tinder will be
rewarded by returning the same to
Astoria, Oregon, May 2lst. 19-lw
Wards Theatre.
Metropolitan Hall !
Lessee and Manager
Leader of Orchestra,
- Jas. M. Ward.
T. Piercey
Hatinee Saturday, at 2 P. HE.
SATraiAY ST-.X. 31 AY JMHi.
Si'XIAY K4ia15Ci. "Sf AY aSih.
M3fIATa' KVK'XIXG 31L4.Y 2Gtla.
The only lc.sitin::ite Marionettes now per
foriuin. with all their
C'eorgeoii.s Srenery. Mcclinniral i:n"ect.vf
Xew F"gnsT.s and S'arap'ternalia.
m Great Family Eitertainment.
Jluii for tin
Oid ami Yoimjr.
Three distinct entertainments in one, com
prising the renowned
And Full Znn:l of Choristers.
the: ita,ia:v
The most wonderful mechanism ever wit-net-d
and the
iiraiPTY 2r:?2xTY
Really forming in all a Minstrel Show, a The
atrical Entertainment and a Circus.
Front Scats - Si Oo
Daclc Scats - - - - - - 50 cts
Seats reserved at Caufield's drug store.
Head our Indorsements.
Win. MeCVJ'e and.II. Middleton - Managers
Hdward U. Ellis - Assent
OF -
Hill's If Variety Tlnatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre were
executed by Mr. 1. Holt.
Tainted by Mr. AVm. West. Architect and
Ruildcr Mr. Kenihle.
On and after this date will lie given a
First Glass Entertainment,
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,,
Negro. Sketches, Trapeze Performers
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Unequalled enter
tainment. New Act;, New Song's and com
plete change of riogranuuc tuiceaweek.
CEO. III1T.TL. Proprietor.
Entrance to Uoxes and Circle on Cliena
urns Street. I'crfoimance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
Main street, opposite the Parker House
C.CAROW, PnoritiETOit
Of the above named New Rakery,
Respectfully invites a share of the public
patronage, confident of his ability to please
his patrons.
Mrs. H. A. Derby.
Has jtut returned from San Francisco with
the finest selected stock of
Ever offered in Astoria. Embracin
novelty in the line.
Varner's Health Corset
Cm onlv be purchased in Astoria at Mrs.
Derby's. .Shun street, between Squemoqhe
and .'JeJTerson.
Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon.
Hot, Cold, Shower,
Steam and .Sn'pliur
BATIIS. "-2!
5"Spccial attention given to ladies' and.
h I -idies
I '' e Entrance fmUdiPs
Renton street, opposite Post-office. Astoria
TW'OTICE Notice is hereby given that the
JJ1 asscsment roll of the citv of Astoria.
Oregon, as returned by the Citv Assessor. for
Mw i'o..f lent it- ,. i:in i.. i.. ..nt. r
t.n a ,i :.. .) oiri. r ...,:.i ..;.. ...1. ;.
dl remain open for 'inspection until the pa
uii.v ui .nine. iiy. aii applications lor cor
rections or revisions of the same must be.
filed with said Auditor and Clerk prior to
aaid 1st day or June, lh7u.
Auditor and Clerk.
Astoria, May l.3. 1879. til
JL .by the hundred, or by the box, printed or
1-lam, to suit customer?, at
The Astokus office.