The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 23, 1879, Image 3

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glx,c gnalTj tacim
.Monday excepted. .
I. C. IKi:i,AM : : li:i:i,ISIEE-:iC.
Asturuin ljnihiiiu, Cam street.
Tonus of Subscription :
served by Carrier, per troeK .25 Oont$
Sent by msiil. lour uionths... ?t W
tsont by mail, cue your U OU
free of l'usia-o to .ubcribors.
CST" Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate or Si .V. per s jtiarc per month.
Transient aidvortiHii?. by the day or ivoek,
fifty cents per square tor ouch ni.urtion.
Tnrc Daily .ystokia.n ? ha ?vnL by
m.f;fi7:.r..ii iiifjiifJi. tr.r.ut ,,n1lt,ir li.n.t-
er who c4,mu,itfuULtt:,Hccjriin the cum run ,
tiava Thk Astjksa JoIUho Ulan. IUn. j
or Wkxma j:im.s tnin4; fMt-ujkcc with
out mnatuHMt "j-fMitts,. Aiittrctft nutf tic
cuauifui tin often a i.cir&i. Loacc uraarts at
the viwtitwu rirnm.
Steamer day to-monow.
The Oregon will sail, and the State
of Galilonna arrive.
-The bark Rival sailed from Knapp-
ton lor San r rancisc-o yesterday.
Hon II. W. Scott is s:iying soineth-
nis io Jiis readers from
Tlie offices of tiie Inland Empire
and Mountaineer escaped destruction by
the Dulles lire.
Capt. J. Q. Crocker is in very poor
health indeed, lie i suil'ering from an
uuvvuvn 01 me tuiuau
jr .&. i. n omens auction sale, lo-
. 1 . M . 1 . .. .
iuuiiu,.uuij um-u.iui-. uiuuuuiiis)
will oe ollered lor sale. 1
..r-...,....v. ..!.. :.. . ....... ... :
the lire at I he Dalles yesterday
makes about the liuh time tliat city has
been sever! v .scorched.
. Mr. (I. W'iiigaie and wife, of Coos movements do not occur and why it is
Si!!"!?' !re.,rV,,h'!V,r j1i,Storhu T,ley that certain other railroad move
are guest.s at the Occident. . , rt cim.
menLs do occur. It" says: "lhese
Ca)t.L.V. Peel, who is just pulling heautiiul white-washed promises of
through a terrible severe .siege of sick- railroad companies, are getting tire
ness. begins again to look line himself, soni, and the people would like an e.-
. "" "" ' iplanation."
il is i:sLiiii:iLvii Linit ;;uwul iiiuumia-:
tials have arrived in Oregon this week!
direct trom the llowery kingdom.
The line side wMiJel steamer West-
port, Capt. Douglass, miUvcs lier regular
trips daily to U'estport, etc., carryini;
lish, etc.
-Somebody got to talking about how
fine the weather was on Wednesday, and
now see the result rain, rain ; the ever-
jusuii" ram auam.
Divine service, with the administra
tion of the holy communion, was held
yesterday morning at 11 o'clock in (iraee
( Episcopal) church.
There is no North Pacific railroad
in this pari of the country. The "North
J acifie ' belongs exclusively to Cab for- 1ut the rolwi thiough at once. There
nm. Ours is the Northern Pacific i -n i i i i j. i
will be no delay, but as soon as the
-non..J.Q. A.Bowlbvhasbeen ap- riht of way can be secured, the line
pointed i. i. o. m. for tliis district, by Wl" 1C surveyed amd the actual work
ihe Grand lodge i.o.o.f. lion. l.W.Case commenced."
was electetl Deputy Grand Master. J " ;
' - J Wonder if Bro. Ivincaid isn't a
About two hundred celestials wore little off in his predictions in the State
numbered among the passengers by the Journal, when he says: ''Certain
Portland boat yesterday. 1 hey were .,..,w, ?.., v,.,.i- rt... ;..i;,f .;n ..
distributed at various canneriei along wenlthy ew ork capiUil ists xwll. at
1 he river. :in e'trly day, enter upon theconstruc-
--' ; tion of a narrow gauge railroad from
, Mr. Yillard. and the gentlemen with the mouth of Snake river in a south
hini, will return to ban 1 rancisco bv the d .,,.. .,.i i- Wlf ; . 1;f.i, ., ,.; rtf
Oregon to-morrow, en route east. 'Mr. sisterly direction with a view of cm
Jay Gould is expected in this part of the "acting ultimately with the Union
country the coming summer. J Pacific at or near Salt Luke, and mak-
---. jnir this a link in or branch of the main
IUs now thought that if the news- line through from the Union Paciiic
papers had not frightened the poor frt ix,-.i,wi
iiiiii; Ktv. in uiiii ui nil ii wits iiil iii
loWed them free scojie, there would not
have been so much complaint about the
backward season.
Some cunning boor at Olympia, has
been perpetrating his bores upon lhe'rmd completed to that point, and the
Experiment reporter, leading him to f f:,filt .lt ,. reasonable figure
suppose that three bores were made at llCL or ,uf a , ,r ,. .:lu,c uf "c
once by tlie augers at Tumwater, when , the nierchauts would hud it greatly to
in fact there is but one bore. their interest to have their goods
Commissioner Hope B. Ferguson
miorms us nr.u mere are now aooui
nine hundred fishing boats employed,
on the Columbia. He has issued licen-
ses for 5iU boats, and 07: fishermen.
IVashimrton tM-nlorv. and two districts
if ( rinxiw tr lii.'iv fi-jmi
-. V.-J-V1 inw 11VUI l-i'llt
Some sensational cuss, relating the
iiicmcuis oi me powuer explosion at
Trenchard & Upshur's fire says, in a
letter to the Oregenian: "Fortunately,
no one was materially hurt, though tlie
force of the concussion prostrated some
and sent others half way across the
dock." That fellow is worse than "Joa
quin Miller, Oregon,' whose wife infer
tmttally says "he is old enough lo know
whether a falsehood answers his purpose
better than the truth.' Jf the Oregonian
wishes a truthful correspondence from
Astoria it should secure the services of
a truthful man.
A half demented man in Astoria
should have an examination before
the countv judie very soon and
be. committed to "the asylum. He is
apparently an inoffensive person but
there is "no telling; what lie miht
do.' if Mr. Watts' bill had passed
the assembly Clatsop county would
have had a handsome bill to pay
for keeping lunatics. This man came
from Washington territory as well as
the one, sent up before him. .Mary Me
Carty should be sent to the asylum a'so.
and she belongs to San Francisco. As
toria is a pretty good asylum within her
self, but when it comes to caring for the
tineisrent of almost every portion of the
lioast it is a heavy tax.
Pire at Tlio Dalles.
Dispatches were received in this cit
yesterday afternoon announcing that
tlie conflagration was still raging at, The
Dalles, and that a vast amount of
property world be destroyed.
Stcazner State of California.
Peter Wilhehn's commercial dis
patches announce the departure of the
new steamship State of California
from San Francisco for Astoria and
Portland, yesterday forenoon.
Handel and Haydn.
The Handel and Haydn society of
thu city are so highly pleased with
their teacher, that several are taking
private iessons. Tile class meet twice
a week, and have secured his services
of the teacher for another term, in-
! tending to make the society perma
llCllt. Oil tllU it of UCXt llloIlUl they
will give their lirst public concert, for
wmen uiey are now actively preparing.
The School Book Question-
If we were asked to give an opinion
upon school books we should say that
those published by Barns &Cm., and
Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co. were the
best. County superintendents will
be called upon to vote upon the mat-
lf r s,,m' ,j lu w! lr'bably give
( subject due consideration, .burns
Lt Co., now supply Washington terri-
to'-y. Thev huve a lar'e airencv in
Portland, and will establish one at
every point where books are required
to be sold.
Court Proeoedliiirs.
roi.icic counr-
ii. n. i'akkki: j.
-Mav '22. 1S79.
t:i......7 v.,.,.,. ,i;....i,..i.. : i
5S :
irn MnTstunhHv, fwiifm.r r.iHi
' "' .f" " ","""ni .,.
hi:mmi1 ih'Iiiw tor live davs.
Muru McCurhh disorderly; sent be-
low loi "21 hour to sober off.
The Dayton Chronicle wants to
know why it is that certain railroad
p. jx Moore, deputy collect
Townsend under Oartield, is at
h,!llis loi"t Gl,' !u"'bo.r' lm,,sl)(
llector at
the black sand gold diggings there. It
is said gold is found there in consider-
able quantities, and it is thought the
latest improvement for collecting it
iuy be used so that the precious
metal can be collected in paying quan-
Referring to the Albany, Lebanon
and Brownsville narrow gauge railroad
,the Democrat says: ''We are conti
nent that the parties interested m the
scheme are thoroughly posted in the
matter and command the means to
The Idaho Democrat says it is
safe to predict that Baker citv will !
, -IT ."l ., I
have a railroad connection with the J
Uoiumuia river m two vear3. with a-
their interest to have their goods
shipped by that route. This state of J
affairs is well understood by the
Pacific and Utah Northern
, f, , ih . !
co.iip.imes, and the also sec that tnc ,
orthern Pacific is being pushed '
stances combine to made it to tlie in
terest of tlie Union Pacific and Utah
Northern to push their line in the di
rection of Boise city.
Tt is stated that one-half of the stock
for the the Columbia river dry dock at
Westport has been subscribed in tVc
east, and no doubt thev can get llieoth
half taken in Oregon and San Francisco.
The probabilities' are that the dock will
be commenced ths summer.
The Oregonian of yesterday says:
The annual spring flood of the 'Colum
bia river commenced about two weeks
airo. and the river is rishur now at the
rate of about six inches per day. A cor-
responding rise in the Wallamet has
occurred, and yesterday it came over
the lower floors of most of the docks
along the citv front. The mountains
west and north which sent their streams
to the Columbia river are reported to be
heavily covered with snow, and if the
weather should suddenly become in-
tensely hot, the flood whould be great
and disastrous. In any case, the water
will probably be unusually high this
Year. -
: rapidly towards Helena, making it j torative. than bv all other remedies colu
mn ch more important for them to tap bined. Why will you suffer Send to
.li PMKn ,w...n t.A ri.Nn fn ctrJvi. ! A- L. Miiitie, M.D.. Xo. 11 Kearny street. !
x t -1 i.i at i -i .i -San r rancisco. Price. S'J per bottle;
t) divide the Montana trade with the;four tiim the uuaiilitv, Mo. Try a
Kcifars in Iowa-
WmItiglon Post.
Our greenback friends' complain
that hei
uifers are selling for 5
. V mi-. -i -i r !
apiece in luwa. inib ib uaa lor ; for fish. Peferences: Fishermen who
those? who have heifers to sell, but have eaten there.
if congress should undertake to!. ",lr-p- Hansen watchmaker and
i t u;re it- ...n!J:u"1 Ul ong experience, uas nerma
fix the prices of heifers it would . nentiy i-srablished himself in businesj
be accused of bulling the market.
Let congress steer clear of this
sort of legislation. The people's
representatives should not be
cowed into making new
dangerous precedents.
A JLion ; Dx-ive.
Ftmt the Ilndjn IlejmLUenn.
Mr. .1. F. Ferris arrived in Al
bany, yesterday, from Greenwich,
Conn., driving bis trotting horse
Sam Patch, the distance being 1U0
miles, and the actual time over the
road being eighteen hours, and the
time from Greenwich to Albany
fifty hours. The horse did not
seem much fatigued. The time
from Kinderbook to Albany.twenty
miles, was made in two and one
quarter hours. The longest single
drive was Brewster, in Putnam
county, over the mountains to
rouirhkeensie, and t.irourb to
.w..,....., , --a- j
Germantown, seventy-one miles, .
in seven and throe-quarters hours.
An Omaha dispatch stares that
Judge Dundy says, regarding his de
cision on the Punea Indian case, that
the United States 1ms no law or treaty
setting apart a reservation in the In
dian territory for Indians, nor remov
ing them thereto, or keeping them
thereon by force. His opinion does
not declare that congress might not
make such a treat', but no such au
thority has been conferred, so far as
the Poncas are concerned.
The senate committee on epidemic
diseases are making an earnest effort
to agree on a bill to prevent the in
troduction and spread of yellow fever
and similar pestilences, but there is
still such a serious conflict in their
views as to excite a painful apprehen
sion of failure. In such a matter a
spirit of compromise would be highly
commendable. The interests at stake
are so great that no effort should be
spared to effect the object aimed at.
Dr. Slinlic's Xrplirctlnim-A Compound
Extract of Kuchu.
Dr. Mintie's Xephreticuni works won-
ders. In all cases of Dropsy, Bright's
Disease. Kidney. Bladder and Urinary
Complaints, or Retention of Urine, these
troubles are ( ntirely cured by the Xe-
phreticum. FeinaleWeakness, Gravel,
DialH'tes, pain in the back, side and loin j
are cured, when all other medicines
have failed.
See what the druggists of Portland
and San v rancisco say about Dr. M in
!.U'S Nephreiieum and English Dande-.
lion Pills.
"We have sold a large amount of Dr.
Mintie's medicines: the English Dan-
i delion Pills; also the Xephreticuni. and
in all cases they are highly spoken of
and give entire satisfaction'
.lolni A.Childs, druggist, Second street.
C. II. Woodward & Co.. druggists, cor
ner First and Alder streets. Portland.
AbRims & Carroll, wholesale drug
gists. . and 3 Front street, San Francis
co, say:
"We regard Xephreticuni as the best
kidney and bladder remedy before the
For all derangements of the. liver, use
Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion Pills.
For Billiousness and Dyspepsia, use Dr.
Unities JJamlelum Pills. J;or Ju-yer
'!?":$ "i " J'1 -" ""
i'lllHU-llWII I IMS.
Evi.ry family should keep the Eng-
iis.ii Dandelion Pills on hand.
j Dr. Mintie's remedies will not cure
n11 ',pIaiiiLs' but if taken according
to directions, give immediate relief and
jH.rfc.c.t a curi; in ., troubles for which
hhiv an rccniiiiiiomtci!. For sm!i lv
thev are riHoiniiiiinlid. For sale, bv
II. F.Caufield, druggist, Astoria. Oregon.
There have been more cures of semi-
nal weakness, nervous debility and par-
.lysis mam, ov tne WOI!(ierl-ui English
ilemedy. Sir Astlev Cooper's A'ital Pes-
-1 lwttlc.
A Card.
Mrs. E. TC. Itinker wishes to announce
to the ladies of Astoria and vicinity,
that she will remain in the city for two
weeks, and in conjunction with Mrs. S.
T. McKoan will teach her svslem i
; Cutting to any who wisli to uva
themselves of this opportunity.
Bab- carriages of the best styles,
and at low prices, at Loeb's.
Best Salem Hour is sold in this
?Lfcy at & per barrel by Warren dc
Boat sponges, wholesale and retail
, at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five
thousand just received.
J "
c. , I "" 17777"
Singlocopiesoithe WjsekliAstoriax
neatly done up, with stamps to pre-pay
postage affixed, for sale at thi office,
. . -. -, - ,, ,
bond a vy to 3"our ""ends in other parts
I of the world. Price, 10 cents a copy.
Rooms to 'et, bv the dav, week, or
month, at Mrs. W.I1. Twilight's.
." "Fishermen can get a square ' meal
at any time, at Pikes restaurant. Unitv.
m launrlu s drug .store, C'henamus
street, Astoria. Watches and .Jewelry
cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En
graving a specialty. All work guaran
teed. Give him a trial and be your own
judge of his workmanship. He will
soon add to his stock a well selected in
voice of Watches. .Jcwvlry. Silver and
plated ware, which he will be able to
sell at very low prices.
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Hook store.
For extra choice fresh butter, go
to Van Dusens Co.'s.
Buy your groceries at A. Van
Dusen & Co.'s. Tl e cheapest house in
the city.
Any person wishing to buy sew
ing mae"iine should by "all means ex
amine the White am iSinger before
making their piifrchases. Van Dusen
it Co. are agents frtheni.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Oysters served in everv stvle at
the Walla Walla Ilestaurant. "
Fresh oysters in every style at
Schmecrs. See advertisement.
Fresh oysters in every style" and
at all hours at tin- Pioneer restaurant.
him; received per Elder 2.000
pounds. s-ound sheet lead, for sale at
lowot Rites at 3IagnusC. Crosby s.
Xow that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Kuney is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
When you are looking for a place
to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag
ner's. Great Eastern saloon, and listen
to the organ and take a glass of his line
San Fraiicisco beer.
Get your baskets tilled for a little
money at Pailey's.
'To-let a suit of unfurnished rooms
atthcTurpin I louse, apply immediately.
Dr. II. I j. Adams has returned to
Astoria and is stopping at the Parker
house for four days only.
Peer drinkers, if you want a good
glass of San Francisco beer go to Max
Wagner's at the (Jreat Eastern saloon.
It sparkles like champagne.
White Darling potatoes at Pcrg
man Sz Berry's.
Xow is the time for cleaning up
our houses, and ornamenting them.
Fortius purpose you can find nothing
that will add to the appearance of your
parlors so much as a pair of those beau
tiful chromos at the City Book store,
sold for nearly one-half tlie usual cost of
such pictures Call and see for your
selves. New invoice of those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, ctc
....Tln -nnrinfnr nf tlm niii
housc.whom everybody knows as a popii-
lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in
splended style. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
around; every luxury of the season at
the Chicago house.
----Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis-
fliction to all ordering work of him. and
will do a better job for less money than
anv outside workman, ins work in the
ctMheterv here should be sufficient recom
lueudation. jsetore you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it 'would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
steam fitting line; also, bath tubs, and
wafer backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on shortest notice.
Lodging I Iorsi:. Furnished rooms
to let at reasonable rates at Mrs. Mun
soifs, Chenenamus st.. Astoria.
mo KENT. A nice cottage, with six
JL rooms ; water in the house. Inquire of
.las. McC'ce, on the roadway near Devlin's
cannerv. c-lm
To Whom it rViay Concern.
? bv appoint F. M. Bartlmlow as my duly
authorized ajrent for the trsuaetion of my
business in Oregon and "Washington territory.
11. 1). iiu:.iis.
Astoria. April IT. lhTO.
ceived at the ofhVe of the ninh-rsined
until the 21th of May. for the erection of a
tions can be seen at at their offli-e. The right
! to reject any and all bids h reserved,
frame store luihunr. rians and sneniica
TTOTICE. All perons kaowinu themselves
Li indebted to tl' undersigned are re
quested to call and settle the same as soon as
possible, asunder the circumstances fundn
are necessarv. We may le found at the
office of Capt ("oo. Flavel for the present.
'1 KKNCIIAKD & Ul'ftllUU.
Astoria. 31 ay J:. !S7t).
iTiOUXl). On the nijjht of the isth int.,
about ."0 fathoms pil' net web, : mesh,
one lmov attached, bnuuled S &. Co.
Owner m'av have the same by proving prop
erty ami paying charges.
A. U00TII & CO.
Upper Astoria. May 19.
"TV OTICE. Found tJie evening of the
x." l.'itli hist, in Hakers bay. about thirty
fathoms gill net web and hue. apparently
new. thirtv-nine mesh: no lead line or buy ;
no brand or cork. Owner can have the same
by proving property and paying charges.
l a. HOOTJI &C0.
Upper Astoria. May 17. 1S79.
LOST- On the n'ght of the l'.Uh Inst.,
about SO fathoms of net on the lines, Har
bours Xo. 3. to plv, coiton lines: "cads and
corks maiked P RPCo. The finder will
be suitably rewarucd by the Pillar Rock
Packing company. JO JIN K1EUNAX.
Pillar Kock, May 20, lb7u.
"RTET TiOST. On the night of May 20th.
?i lost close to Sard Island, about CO fath
oms web. Harbours 12 ply thread, fhhed with
part of last senson. marked K 1 3 n the
corks and K on the leads. The finder will be
rewarded by returning the same to
Astoria, Oregon, May 21st. W-iw
Ward's Theatre.
Metropolitan Hall !
Lessee and Manager
Leader of Orchestra,
Jas. M. Ward.
T. Piercey
Itlalinee Saturday, at 2 P. M.
SAT"TR1AY i:VG. Ml' 2Kb.
SlX5AY ErKXIXC;. 31 AY 5i.
The only legitimate Marionettes now per
forming, with all their
('unrgcou Senicrj-, .llcrhanical Encct."
.VeAv Figures ami Paraphernalia.
The rTreat Fam Entert mt.
Fun for the Old and Young:.
Tiiree distinct entertainments in one, com
prising the renowned
And Full Stand of Choristers.
jflklST TOCCI.3IX!
The niONt wonderful mechanism ever wit
nosed and the
I'cally forming in all a Iinstrel Show, a The
atrical Entertainment and a Circus.
Front Seats - St Oo
liack Seats - - - - - - so els
Seats reserved at Caufield's drug store.
Kcntl our Indorsements.
Win. MeCai'e and H. 3Iiddletou - Managers
Kdward II. Kllis - Agent
OF -
Hill's If Variety Tkatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the 2ew Theatre were
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Tainted by Mr. AVm. West. Architect and
Builder Mr. Kemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Glass Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled en this coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part oi Male and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Panto mi mists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Unequalled enter
tainment. New Acts, New Song's and com
plete change of Programme twice a week .
EO. I5I1TX. Proprietor.
Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Clicna
inus Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
amuBOMmi'iiau niiiBigaBiBirMBBa
Main street, opposite the Parker Hous.
C. CAROW, ruontiKTOK
Of the above named New Bakery,
Respectfully invites a share of the public
patronage, confident of his ability to please
hb patrons.
Mes. H. A. Derby.
Has just returned from San Francisco with
the finest selected stock of
Ever offered in Astoria. Embracing every
novelty in the line.
Or, Warner's Health Corset
C.tu only be purchased m Astoria at Mrs.
Derby's, Main street, between ijquomoqhe
and Jefferson.
Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon.
Hot, Cold, Shower,
n .i..l S..!..!.....
oil .mi tiim uijiuiii am
i a Tits; N&sSj!
?59Spccial attention given to ladies' ami
children's hair cutting.
Private hntrance for Ladies.
fl Et). LOVETT,
Benton street, opposite Post-office. Astoria
"fOTICE Notice is hereby given that tint
i""i assesment roll of the city of Astoria.
Oreiron. as returned by the City Assessor, for
1 the year blK is now on file in the office of
SSSl iV-
.,IB, -
the Auditor and Clerk of said city where It
wili remain open for inspection until the 1st
day of June. 1ST. All applications for cor
rections nr revisions of the same must bo
filed with said Auditor and Clerk prior to
said Lit day of June, lh7a.
Auditor and Clerk.
Astoria. May 15. 1ST9. td
by tho hundred, or by tho box, printed a J00'
plain, to suit customers, nt
Thh Astoriax office.