p) glis jpni"irj staxlrox. ASTOUIA ... OREGON ISSUED EVERY MORNING, Monday r.xcoited.. C. IltEE.AXI) : : l6'BI,ISIf Eli. Astoria u lluwlhui. iVjuc Street. D. forms of Subscriptien: horved by Oarner. jer wooJc .25 Cent? Sent, fay until, four month? :? OH Sunt by mail, me year .. JJ W free or" t'uetaxe to .ubcribors. otsj- y(iTtrti:oii:enL inserted by the year at ,. . . the rate of SI ! per jtiure per month. Transient adverti-in. by the day or week, fifty cents per yiiinrc for each inortion. THE CITY. The Dail.y at'kia w47 he sent hu ma ilat.75 cents a month, frccof pottage, fiona rs who contemplate alienee from the cilu com nave Tub Astokiax follw them. Daily or Wrick ly tuUlums to anjf jtost-ojfice with out aa'ditional '.cpense. Adaresnes may lie cnangeti as often as nesircd. Leave omens at the countinv non. Mr. Fairfowl is in Astoria preparing for business whenever ships offer. A good crop of grass is growing on the dump cars at the Farmers wharf. Six vessels from Hongkong, olsewhere foreign, are over due at port. and this Father Thomas Newton, of upper Astoria is afflicted with an affection of Mie eves. A man was dangerously sho! Island on Fridav. accidentally but not ; in-thc hand at Sand .ludge II. R. Parker is putting up a new building on the corner of West eight and Water streets. The Rev. Mr. Hill of .Salem, will preach in Presbyterian hall, Sunday morning and evening. Peler Wilhelm receives commercial advice daily for the public. The. Trus tee arrived at San Francisco on the 15th. The, Rip Van Winkle goes to Fort Can by to-morrow on a ba.se ball exeur .ion. Fare for the trip Si 00. See post ers. Capt Debney has taken command of the new and elegant steamship State of California, in theGoodall, Nelson and Perkins line. Mr. Thomas S. Ogden formerly of Oregon, brother to Mr. Win. Ogden of Astoria, has located at Invercargill, Southland, X. Z. J. Wm. Welch has by process of I .! . " i", i I a, come inw possession oi uie nouses nun, on lanos jumpea ironi mm, ana is fitting them up for use. Mr. J. F. Covington leaves us this week for The. Dalles. Mr. Covington is a persevering man, and is bound to suc ceed in that new country. The ladies of the Presbyterian church propose giving a clam chowder and ice cream entertainment at their hall on Tuesday evening next. . The finder of an amethyst cuff-pin, will be Mutably rewarded on leaving Mr. T. Huntington, one of the load t e same at this office. It was lost in - contractors and builders of Portland this city, or vicinity on the loth. .ft ,H. a senger to ban Francisco by The Melancthon and Orient are on the berth loading at San Francisco for the Columbia river, according to dis patches to Peter Wilhelm yesterday. Tiw rsiiif-nmifi hoc tmi,i nv...nnnf lime on the trip to Sitka and back. She will arrive here to-day. The situation in Alaska is about the same as previously reported. Mr. Franklin was making a coffin last nurht for a vounir man who wns killed by a falling tree on Youngs river, tte could not ascertain his name, nor particulars. Capt Mrt Ii rw rmriit 4- w wl stsl was mov ,i-ti oy minium k i'U. yesterday, to make room for a new and sightly uuiiding wnicn uapi. r. is naving put up by Mr. Ferguson. Oscar JCil bourn is in the city on business connected with the Internal revenue office of the treasury depart ment stamping the liquors saved from the lost steamship Republic Services at the Presbyterian hall Sunday morning and evening will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Hill of Salem. Sabbath school at noon, a cordial invi tation is extended to all. If. you dive on Clatsop plains you should know that Mr. A. G. Allen can supply your wants in the grocery and provision line equally as well as any dealer in i he country. Don't forget it. " W. n. Anderson is one. of the Incor porators in the Rrowsviilc, Lebanon and Albany railway. He is in better health than he has been for years, and has a very encouraging prospect ahead. One of the wags of Astoria thinks he has struck a splendid conundrum. It is this: "Why is the Astoria Market ign like a lady's night-gown?'' We don't see. the slightest resemblance. Why is it? - Mr. Stickles informs us that the boat recently lost by J. G. Megler & Co., when one man was drowned, came ashore all right near the entrance of Shoalwater bav. The net, oars, anchor, and all the tackle was saved in tact, -Geo. Hill bought a castor worth $75 00 for S3 75 ; and another man bought a keg of syrup worth S3 50 for $4 00. So it goes. The svrup man got indignant wlien told the price at retail, and con eluded that it was his own business, which it. is. Sure he .got "a relic of the freck," at all ev6nts. " ,, v,. I'lratiiLiomi-utcisuipin iioseourg. lie iuuue m murH, Glen.ni.KKS From Travel. Roseburs U one the liveliest places j The following commeiiaaDie proposi ti southern Oregon. j tion needs no introductien: L. . . .. ,. ,f., I We the undersimied merchants doing Henry baser is chief at the ..Iilwau-. business in the city of Astoria, countv kie flouring mills. j ,.f -!,,,, :)m state of Oregon, do here- Dee, Herron is making a success of the St Charles at Albany. A. 0. WaHimr has the lwss printing oflicv and bodk bindery iu PiHtlaiid. The snag boat CorvallLs is laid up on the Wallamet above Oregon city. Wild jiecse are not so plentiful this year in the Wallamet valley as formerly- Koeburc s-unnorts three excellent 'weeklies. i.h Pniiiidi'nle Indencndeirt and btar. ,.-.--,..,-.- 7 A--- ('has. Yic l)e Land is now publish ing live paper in Fast Saginaw, Mich. Please X Vic The Junction city burned district has been rebuilt. Junction is a lively center of trade. Mrs. Eliza Sheppard. one. of Ore gon's most jMjpular book agents, is at present in Albany. Frank Faber has opened a first-class restaurant on Oak street, in Sherlock's handsome building. J. W. Ilodgkinson has opened a neat eigar stand on the. corner of Oak and First streets 1011 land. George Cruikshanks is in business in Portland. His old friends will find him on the. Oro Fino block. Douglass county has over three hun dred miles of county roads, and not a mile of it is decently navigable. Gen. Joseph Lane is now a resident of Uoseburg. The General is feeling splendid his health is. excellent. The Wallamet Iron works are turn ing a great deal of heavy castings for the canal and locks tit the Cascades. Hon. L. F. Lane is practicing his profession in Uoseburg. lie i. acknowl edged to be one of the beat attorneys in Douglass. Lucky Queen has kind o petered,, but the Applegate gravel mine, and Lucky Queen's little giant may produce a dividend for Sol. If you are fond of trout fishing, and want just the most elegant tly-book ex tant, send to Mr. 11. 11. llolt,lvalama, for one of his invention. Uncle .lessee Applegate. the sage of Yoncalla, still lives at the old homestead, lie is quite feeble, but yet carries on his farming operations. The wharf boat at Squcmocqhe is in a bad place, and the steamers cannot land at it every tune. A new wharf is needed there very much. Mr. F. S. Tomlinson a brother of Mrs. Belknap, arrived in Uoseburg on theiUli, overland. He is on a tour of Oregon and Washington. The next session of the Oregon legislative assembly will find some suitable accommodations for commit tees, clerks, etc., in the capitol building. There is a Weston in Umatilla Xilllb lO l IfVOIUil 111 1 countv, and a Weston on the Wallamet, in jft cmillty. if ueople don't keep a sharp look out these Westons. they are liable to mix J.J. Comstock has moved his mill ing operations up to Lathrop, north of Pass-creek. He has a big mill there, and one of the neatest little homes along the line. He deserves it all. The Umatilla reservation cannot be thrown open to settlement until some legislative action is secured from Con gress. Umatilla county will very soon be the best county on the Pacific slope. y the Elder. He goes to meet Mrs. 11. ! who is returning from tralia. visit to Aus-, D. C. Maclcllan is plowing through the mud daily between Coos bay and ltoseburir, carrying the mails and oc- S"?-10!11'',1" a feimi1 lfi summer it is lainet, has the old engines of the Albany. ' v,.. ;.. ., i.;.ri.-i.-..i .nui .-irru.c .r.fi .! r ...i J2 .'... ' i. ,i... i...i i i...;i built t up for p.wstM1.r trafflc she would a i:ir,re as iIh? Wtfiit uL a distance. look Prof. Garrison is tcachinrz penman- ! ?- 1- tl ......1.. tZ-.......l ; out nearly lost ins oeaver, a few dav; ays qua ago, catching a sturgeon m the Uinpuu river, "-laiinon and sturgeon iisning is rare sport at Roseburg now. ' ... -- --.' Whisky is wrecking more men in Portland than a few. They don't know ii, uii uiey are gone, n is oi, popular wmmhiocMUM iiuiii vu.icy iu n . A Cj A,j(.n ()f .Foft SteVlMlS. Visit- the blue-ribbon and Legion of Honor C(l the city yesterday, and in corn have done a most excellent work there. panv wilh 'uiq lady and gentlemen Seventy thousand tons of partly j friends took a drive over Astoria's favor- worn out railroml iron, sratlierpc from the Oregon Central, and the Oregon and California railroad, is being collected at Portland lor shipment to &an J? ran - cisco. where it will be re-rolled into nar - row gauge track. Albany people take commendable pride in their lire department. Mr. Joe Webber has done very much indeed for its success. Mr. Webber is what may be classed as a natural fireman. His friends will place hiinin nomination for chief again, at the next election. retituring dents. -Dr. Chapman's Mount nood cultural depot, (Newberry & Chapman),! is an immense establishment, constantly! increasing and expanding in business. KltU MMirtv nltiitii rvr 4Iik Plfn c t Li ! 1 Iki I i -"'?.., ; aw l,,la VU hearsalson Wednesday and Thursday fill and unhll immediately binder the . evenings weekly are a rich treat. We boat passing through, wlh will be are more tllaII jeasecl to be able to state a great improveiueiit ofTr the stj lc . that last eveinii-' it wm decided by the adopted at the Wallamet locks, where society to give a public concert early in the ilow comes direct through the gates, Jum. lt :..: b a Lrniml on Res extra care to prevent acci- suredof that fact, i , Airri- undenvrltcrsW Ue"1 'a week 'or'iTivr c,f i'V"? WTV.fnEJl1" M Koods lost B,Um by the Kepub.ic j j-" gjBgjffii ""gS" 'gftS , I street, Astoria. Watcher and Jewelry In consequence of an impression in i cleaned and repaired. Gems re-set. En the minds of the eastern builders that graving a specialty. All work guaraiu the Portland railway-ferry boat had a 1 teed. Give him a trial and be your own longdistance to run, another one will be j judge of his workmanship. He will built The error was detected before. , soon add to his stock a well selected in the boat was shipped. It is to be of iron, voice of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and and will he shipped in sectious, and set niated wan wMpTi Iih will' 1m ahli; tn 1 up in Portland. The Day of Rest. . y. ....-,. ------ l. I . hv:ijTeelli:itiroiu aim aiu-i tins, uaie we shall close our stores to all business on Sundav. provided, this is signed br each and every merchant doing business as abeve: , ,. .,, A VanDusen&Co.e.T Smith, E S Larseu. S. Dauziger, Magnus C. Crosby. M II Steers, Trenchard & Upshur Warren &McGuire 1 W Case. C L Parker, O. Dufner. W. F. McGregor, nergman fc Berry, II. A. Derby. E.C. Holden, P. J. Goodman, V Housman, M Wise, .1 Strauss. J. W. Gearhart, Jackins &Hawes, Chas. Ileilborn. A. Roison. Cohen & Cooper, D. C. Ireland, R. Hamburger. Sibson, Hamilton & Co. Xoth-c fo Marketers. Having entered into an agreement to transact no business on Sundays, our friends will please take notice that our markets will not hereafter be open on that dav of the week. We hope to be able to accommodate, our customers on Saturdav evenings, by keeping open a little later than usual. Waukkx & McOrini:. Ri:i:omax & Beiuiy. Fircmcns nencflt. Hall of Rescue Enpnc Co. Ko.2. ) Astoria. OreRon. May 15, lb9. J President Worsley in the chair. Company met at S o'clock p. m., to take into consideration the proposition of Mr. James. JM. Ward. Moved and adopted that tbe propo sition ')i Mr. J. M. Ward be accepted. Moved and adopted that a commit tee, consisting of five members of the company with the president, be ap pointed as an executive committee. Appointed - C. H. Stockton, L. D. Cofiinaii, G. W. Rea and G. W. Ross. Moved and adopted that the com pany have a parade on the evening of entertainment. Moved and adopted that the com pany assemble at their hall, in full uniform at 7 o'clock r. m. sharp. Frank Parker and Geo. Ross volun teered their services to appear in the pla3. Moved and adopted that Rescue No. 2 tender Astoria Engine company No. 1 and Alert Hook and Ladder com pany No. 1, an invitation to take part in the parade. Moved and adopted that the gong be taken from the engine and placed m position in Metropolitan hall. Moved and adoped that the min utes of this meeting be printed in The Astoriax. On motion the meeting adjourned. J. A. Montgomery, Secretary. Auction, Auclloiii r. .. . The Wrecking Company's Sale lias been continued until 1,0 o'clock a. m.' to day. See advertisement X Transfiguration. The dairymaid pensively milked the goat, And pouting she paused to mutter 1 wish, von brute, you would turn to milk.' And the animal turned to butt her. The Vancouver Indenendent savs half the United States armv fell off 'a barrack roof and broke his leg one day last week. And the next thing congrejo will do, in the extra session, will be to stop his pay until he is able to do duty again. The first job in the manufacture and I at s Francisco. Mr. Hansen and Mr. ; R. were nssocmtwl tnirther in the mines n ikv in 1S32. The Westport schooner Emily Stephens, which expected 10 reach San Fmncisrn with : rvirrrn nt fnsh" fish on ! ; ice in inrec wccks alter ine uaie oi ner 4 .at -. - !. . departure from this port April 1st, has J not put in an appearance yet. She is a - splendid sea boat, however, and no tears ; need be felt but that she will come to -... . . i Ugntall safe and sound m due course of time. j Dr c s De Gnu a(1 Mr. ami Mrs i uv io.idwuy.s 10 upper town, iv e Jio Knowledge calls from Mr. Alien and JJri )!' Craw, and regret that circumstancesl 1 imi'yimucu us ironi joiiunsf uinu upon 1 lw pic-nic excursion. Boat sponges, wholesale and retail i at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five thousand just received. One of the iluest institutions in As toria now Is the Handel and Haydn society, composed of the best voices of tin- eny, an so wen united mm men re- Baby carriages of the best styles, and at low prices. Tit Loeb's. - . I . . Mr. G. nansen watchmaker and 1 sell at very low prices. AROUND THE CITY. White Darling potatoes at Berg man & Berry's. Xow is the time for cleaning up our houses, and ornamenting them. For this purpose you can find nothing that will add to-the appearance of your parlors so much as a pair of those beau tiful chronios at the City Book store, sold, foe nearly one-half the usual cost of such pictures. Call and see for your selves. I our complexion is saJto'wv and skin yellow, your liver is affected. Obtain from vour druggist a bottle of Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Xew invoice ot those Medallion Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has just received the latest and most fash ionable style of gent and ladies boots, shoes, etc. A new lot of full bound blank, and receipt books. specially for use in can neries, at the City Book store. If you want a good glass of beer go to Max Wagner's Great Eastern saloon. He has just received liO barrels of San Francisco bock beer. The proprietor, of the Chicago houscwhom everybody knows as a popu lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in splended style. It is all newly painted and furnished, and is one of the most attractive places on Main street. Call around; every luxury of the season at the Chicago house. Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis faction to all ordering work of him. and will do a better job for less nioiiev than any outside workman. His work in the J cemetery here should be sufficient reeom inclination, isetore you let your con tracts for work of this kind it 'would be well to call upon Mr. Stewart. M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and steam fitting line: also, bath tubs, and water backs for stoves and ranges fur nished on shortest notice. Fresh fruits and vegetables at Bailey's. Ovsters served in every stvle at the- Walla Walla Restaurant. - Fresh oysters in every style at Schmcers'. See advertisement. Fresh oysters iu every style and at all hours afthe Pioneer restaurant. lust received per Elder 2,000 pounds, S-pound sheet lead, for sale at lowest rates at Magnus C. Crosby's. Xow that building is reviving in Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter Runey is well supplied with all kinds of building materials which he is prepared to dispute of to all at very lowest rates. When you are looking for a place to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag-, ner's, Great. Eastern saloon, and listen to the organ and take a glass of his fine San Francisco beer. Get vour baskets filled for a little monev at Bailey's. A Card. Mrs. E. K". Rinker wishes to announce to the ladies of Astoria and vicinity, that she will remain in the city for two weeks, and in conjunction with Mrs. S. ITMcKean will teach her svstem of Dress Cutting to any who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity. JLodoixg House. Furnished rooms to let at reasonable rates at Mrs. Mini" son's, Chenenanius st., Astoria. Best Salem flour is sold in this city at $5 50 per barrel by Warren & McGuire. MISCELLANEOUS. BOATS AND NETS. LOST AND FOUND should be promptly advertised In Thk Astoiuan. to secure speedy restoration of property to the right ful owners. TO r RKNT. A nice cottage, with six rooms : water in tne house, inquire oi Jas. McGcc, on the roadway near Devlin's cannery. IM ' "JVTKT IiOST. Lost on Friday night about JLl J00 fathoms web, -ill meshes deep. 11 ply ; lloats and leads marked JOH& Co. The tinder will be rewarded by returning the same to J. O. HANTIIOUN CO. -ltd LOST. In Baker's bay. about P0 fathom net. 40 mesh. l'J-ply. Barbour's thread. The finder will be rewarded by reluming the same to the undersigned, or leaving notice or Its whereabouts. TIIOS. LAWStN. Astoria racking to. To Whom it May Concern. FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE. I here bv appoint F. M. Bartholow as my duly authorized agent for the transaction ot my business in Oregon and Washington territory. It. D. HUME. Astoria. April 17. 1S79. NOTICE. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived at the office of the undersigned until the 25th of May. for the erection of n frame store building. Plans and specifica tions can be seen at at their office. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. TRENCHARD & UPSHUR. PICKED l'I On Monday night, the 12th hist., one hundred and twenty-five fathoms new net.thirty-flvo mesh. Owner can have the same by proving property and paving usual charges. " CHARLES DENKER. Snag Island, Oregon, May ta. 1S7JJ. J2-Jw LOST Bv the Great Republic disaster, a trunk hiarketl II, X. Melvenzle, and among tin contents were two scrap books, photograph album. private papers, K. of P., etc. Anv one giving information of said trunk lo Occident Hotel, Astoria, will be liberally rewarded. Fih Commissioners Xotice. N1 kTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned will be m readiness from and after this date, to issue licenses, at his office up stairs, corner of Cass and Suemocqhe streets, Astoria. Oregon. II. B. FERGUSON, Fish Commissioner. Fish Commissioners Xotice. THE UNDERSIGNED FISH COMMIS sioner for Washington territory, hereby gives notice that he will be at Brookfield for the rest of the season. ALBERT T. STREAM. North Covk. W. T., Feb. 17. 1S70. 1 T. .REED, CALEDONIA SALOON, Corner of Front and A streets.' PORTLAND - - - - OREGO 3"Late butcher in the Central Market. AaiUSEMEXTSl. Ward's Theatre. Metropolitan Hall! ! Lessee and Manager vfos. ffiL W.ard Leader of Qrckestrdf - I Ri.e.Qey Matinee Satui&aty, it Ps IT, Saturday Ey, Stay tTtb, BENEFIT TO RESCUE M. 2. The proceeds to purchase a heai Ijg&t; ok- their beautiful engine The giwuti drama of OUR FIREMEN. In which Mil. 15. S. WOKSLEY wil ap pear as FREDE1SIC JEROME, ami the eu. ttie company in uniform, together witU the entire Dramatic company. OLIO: Violin Solo. - - Mr. T. TCcrej Sheridan's Hide - - A. G. Sutherland. Parody (Sheridan's Ride) - Fayette Gere To conclude with BARNEY THE BAKOX. Barney OToole twith song) - J. M. Want Edith - - Carrie Clarke Ward Other characters by the company. Gallery no cents : Reserved seats for this occ'ision i?r 03, to be had of any of the mem bers o the company, and at Caullcld's drup. store. GRAND OPENING OF- Hill's New Yarieij Tkatre, Containing six NEW AND ELEGANT BOXES SITTING ROOMS, ETC. The Decorations of the New Theatre wen executed by Mr. F. Holt. NEW AND ELABORATE SCENERY. Painted by Mr. "Win. "West. Architect and Builder Mr. Kemble. On and after this date will be given a First Class Entertainment, Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot, be equalled on this coast. Our Per formance Commences with our First Part of Male and Female GRAND OLIO, Consisting of Singing, Dancing, Asrobatic Feats Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers Panto mi mists qd Jugglers. HOUSE GR0WDE8 NIGHTLY To see our Refined and Unequalled enter tainment. New Acts, New Song's and conu plete change of Programme twice a week ,, -EO. HIIX, Proprietor, Entrance to Poxes and Circle on Chena nuts Street. Performance to commence at eight o'clock precise azr-rtt&maxxJXK Two Trips Inily to Upper Toavtv TlXlt. F.SlIEltMAX takes pleasure in an ltx uouncing the fact that he has perfected arrangements for making two regular trips daily to Upper Astoria and back, regular street car style, for passengers and small packages. r Will leave J. W. Gearharts. the Tarkfr House, and the Occident, dailv at 11 a. m. and a v. m. Returning will leave Van I)u- sen's upper town store. Fare for tho roumX i trip 25 cents. Mes. H.-'A. Derby, Has just returned from San Francisco with the finest selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Ever offered in Astoria. Embracing every novelty in the line. Qr, Warner's Health Corset C.tii onlv be purchased in Astoria at Mrs. Derby's. Main street, between Squemoqhe and Jefferson. Wilson & Fisher DEAT.KllS IN LUBniCATING OILS, COAL Oil., PAINTS AND OILS. i Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared; Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEi;&,. GARDEN SEED, GASS SEED". Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Cheiiamus and Hamilton Streets ASTOUIA, OREGON. IGUXS, IiOCKS. AXp SEWING 3IACIHXE.S ItEPAIREU, KEYS FITTED AND LOCKS REPAIRED. SAWS FILED, ETC., By F. W. VASS, Main street, next door tp Geo. Roaa. pEO. iOVETT, CLEANING and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Benton street, opposite Post-office, Astoria