or v.i'.T.aapc xaas3Q GRAM) closing "out ! ! ASTORIA . ....'Gttl'EGON TIDE TABLE POK ASTCR1A. SI aj rj?rj E? "sa. AT THE J&&L x $! sLg: From tables of United Stales Coast Survey. HfC3IlI13IlIIBS"all,,3,BEJEJ,"B3,saBBS5SIas5,,;!,IBS"2BI Hich Water. Low Water. Date. TE WOUliD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO 1IIE PUBLIC THAT "VE AI.E APOVj 10 CLOSE OUT OTR LAI.'GEAND WELL ASSORT VY j.. I) STUCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, FANCY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, c3o., AT IKTST CG3T PRICES, g - i UNTIL ALL ARE GONE, AS WE INTEND TO CLOSE UP BUSINESS IN ASTORIA. A. M. P. M. . :. h. m. .... ! 1 8.. 3. 10. U. 12. IS.. 14. In. 'If.. ... 1 : a on ! 07.. .- 2 is .. 4 on in fo.. ... 3 06 1 fu 11 Ai 10 !.- ... 4 04 n 521 11 31...4 11 14 ... o 04 (i 42! 0 24 .- G OS 7 ,m 0 l'4 J 14 ... 7 44 8 1SI 1 15) 2 0? .... 8 20 H OH 2 2 .. 2 F.1 ... 9 18 S) 451 S 1 3 ::t a7 ..v.l0 1C ..10 271 4 S 4 21 SCHLUSSEL1& KANT. Cor. Clsenamns and Main streets, Astoria, Oration. PORT OF ASTORIA. CL1CARACES A XI) DKI'ARTrRKS. STEAMSH'IP LINES. MISCELLANEOUS. r"Y SALE "V J-'An.ED. 'Oregon, ss, 2259 tons. Connor. S F May 9 Valley Forge, sh 12SG tons. Woodberry. Bombay. May 8. Trustee, now schooner, McAIIcp. S. F. May h Geo W. hlder 17UH tons Bolos. S. K Mv J Melancthon. bkt. 2SN tons Manson S K-May 1 Gon Canby. str. Whitcomb. Slioalwat-er my, May? Odiforma. str. G7-tons. Thorn. Sitka Avril M Anoon. str. I f 10 tons. Debney. S. F April 21 llival. bk 290 tons. Adams. S. F. April 17. Scawfoll. Br bk, 4SB tons. Uvans. Liverpool. Apr 17 Oorrint'S. Br. bk. f!l3 tons, Jones. Liverpool April 14. Orient, brie 312 tons. Williams. S. F. Ajrtl 11 Kna Waif. brie, 273 tons. J. R. Denny, Master. S. F. April II ARRIVALS FROM SKA. Sbubrick.US LiKht-bonac str. Krrr.. crt Mar 1 Alnba. sch. JS tons. Starr. Tillamook. April "H Ilonora. sch. 75 tons. Thri.nn.Tillitmook. Mck '21 Katf LIIrron. soli Belts. TilUmook. March !. MoXearslnp 13S tons Ta lor lionKkons. Nov 12 Garibaldi bh 1431 tons Titetuhar. Hongkong Scpt.27 Wildwood. sh. 1016 tons. llxrriuiRii. UuHkoiiK June 8 l' KISSELS V. Tlii: WA '. Idaho, str. 1077 tons. Aloxandor. Si F May S. North Bend bkt 37fi tons oadlU S F April M Harmon, sh New Yik. via iiktiimorc. Dir i Uric tis R d. sh. ISSS tons. .Smell. PtulndelpniN. Kmpir6 sh 11-1I tons. Lockic. ntiiedulpkia. Ktat of Cilifornia. P. U. S. S.. Lacltlan Philadel phia. Marc.i IM. Tabor, ship. 131 tons. Minot. Philadelphia Feb 27 Utizi McN'tiil. ship. Ihil Uma. Morton, riilladel- pliia. April W. FiMiiir Foroljjji INirts. Alden Bose. bk. SI2' tsns, Nojcs. Ira HonRkonK. March 25 Oitv of Vienna. Ursh 104'i tons. Capt. D. Steven. London. March 2d via Adelaide, tjloma. bk. S.VI tons. Hall. Ilonekons. March 25. Dovenby. Br bk. Penny, Glasgow. March 3. via Honolulu. Hihtor Hall. Br bk. HSG tons. Bombay. Forward. Br. bk. 74ft tons, Vandorvoost. ilons kenx April 28 ftloneffr. Br. .h.HMtons, Cuimnings, Lirarpool. Jan. 17. via Honolulu. Herbert Black, bk, 573 tons. Treat. Hongkong. March 25 Hertfordshire. IM tens. Thompson Liverpool Nov 13, ia Victoria. fron Quetm. Br sb.796 tons, Smith, Liverpool. Dec a. via Victoria. Loch Fergus Brbk, 84G tons, Cann. Bombay. Matchless, ship. 1165 tons, Dawos. fin Hongkong, Match Jt Mattie Macleay. bk. 23B tons. Pope, Honolnlu. h'onnop McLeod. Br bk, "831 tons. 'Fierropont, Bombay. Itavencrnc. Br sh. 12i71tons, Brighanv Liverpool, Maroh 23 via Honolulu. Stonewall Jackson, bhip, 1100 tons, Hongkong. April 27 . Stillman B. Allen, bark, 1120 tons, Taylor, Hong kong. San Luii. Br bk. 591 tons, Linn, Liverpuol. April 9. via Victoria. S. Jackson, burk. Hongkong. Mr. IVter Willielm lias perma nently fitted up a shipmaster's rending room "in connection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The latest shipping papers jwul homeward and outward bound ship ping lisLs are kept on tile. Telegraph office in the same, huilding. O IBSON, HAMILTON & HIGGINS. O Ship Chandlers. g Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly &nd Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON trbmarii & mm Successors to Capt Geo. Fauel OEAJLERS Or Slip Ciailery, e PROVISIONS, BOX, STEEL, COAL, BcHders and General Hard ware, MTAIXiS, -rawXTSHFS, OILS cfcc- cfco- at tlae OIl Kstabllsliccl Well known Stand -OK- EOR&E FLA.VEL Chenamus Street, 'Astoria, Ureson. C5. a:, siviiit'ih:, (IX THK ASTOUIAK BUILDING) TTAS JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF NEW IJuL goods, consisting of MEN'S AND BOYS fCALE AND KIP BOOTS Buckle and Congress Gaiters, 4 Women, Misses and Children's "KXXXXOISE' BOOTS, ' Which will be sold at the vcry-lowestprice- Provision and General JSgc? 0&s$h '-"m Z?Mt Oregon Steamship Company i i Portland to San Prancisco. REDUCED B.ATES! Cnrr.vinjr V !S. flails and "IVo.lIs. I-'araro & Vu's E!xiress. V:?j. The On-giHi Steamship Com---L.; nam will Upateh tlir new Tis. ami elrjRUit At Iiihi STEAMSHIP OREGON, 22.10 Ton.. F. CONN0K- Commander For the aliove iort on Fuihay. May 9tli, at 4 A.jNL The eomianv is now preirii-eii to sell Mrsl, Second.ar.d third class tirkets from Fort- ami to all the prineiiml cities in tin Tnitct! states. Toronto ami Montreal. Canada. fr.Mffiil"i lMt lit' Co i mv'sWp twicr Cko. Y. VKIl)I,i:iJ. ARrtiU I SHIPPING NOTICES. Astona to Forts Stevens, Canby, II-1 waco, Oystcrville and Olympia. j . i llwaco Steam Navigation Go. .f-5L Until further notice the Ilirnco yjjfe team Navigation tVsstoamer j GENERAL CANBY. WH ITCOM I) MASTER Will leave Astona on Mntttlny, 'Tttcsda.vs. ami Sainnlay.s, M i) A.M., Fridays al I-t A. 11., and 1 P. .11. Fori S,even Fori Canby and Ilirnco Connectins with L. A. hoomis'stasres for Oys- torvillo and Olyinma. on incsday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens.. f0cts Canhy and II waco 1 00 rtlTFor Tickets. Towage or Chartor apply cither at the office of tho Company, Hruy's wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain on boffrtl. J. II. D. GRAY, Ajrcnt, ForTmmoofc 'Direct. The f:ist A 1 Schooner HONOR A, (72 tons register) BF.TTS - Master. "Will have quick dispatch as above, leaving on or about Thursday, May 6, LS7D. 3-Freight at lowest rf.tes. Applv on board or to K. S. LAKSKN, Agent, FOR TILLAMOOK DIRECT. milE Al SCIICONER ALPHA, 12. STARR - Mastkk. Is now-read v to receive caruo for the above port. Rates for Freight From 'Portland- SS 00 Astoria G 0!) lor further particulars refer to Trenchard & Upshur, Agents, or to the Captain on board. For Towage or Charter. HE RELIABLE STEAM-TUG T ,., . r-UsS-U-r- Kit' -A2i lrvijo&fipaues AL. HARRIS Master ..-., , , . ... , ,,. .. is in iipi-iii, iiiiii'i aim. uiiiii iiu iin-J iiw- tice, is ready for business in the line of tow- imr. Kirrvins passengers, or jobbing, any where outhe rivers, from Astoria to Portland, the Forts, or points on the bay. Apply on board. For Charter to any Point on the Bay or Ilivcr. The Al fcist Steam Yacht, 3IAGXKT. (S'4 tons register.) FRED S. MUNSON .Mater. Is now fitted in the very best style, and can be Chartered for Rnslne.si or PIcsMirn At Reasonable rates. This is the only perfectly furnished steam vachton the bay, and complete. satirfnetion Is muirriiiterd to'norsoiis einuloving her. tiy-For charter, or business of any kind, ! apply on board or to A. J. MEG LER. Agent, Occident Hotel, Astoria. For Skipanon, Klaskanine, Cowlitz River, etc. THE FINE SIDE-WHEEL Steamer ONEATTA,: A. C. FISHER Master Will leave Fisher's wharf for Skipanon daily at 8 o'clock a. m. (Sundays excepted.; On Saturdays will make regular trips to Klaskanine and back. -i?Occ:isional trips will also be made to Cowlitz river. For further particulars see Capt. on board. Fish Commissioners Xotice. THE UNDERSIGNED FISH COMMIS sioner for Washington territory, hereby gives notice that he will be at Brookfield for the rest of the season. ALBERT T. STREAM. NcztTii Covs, W. T., Feb. 17,4S7y. disfftr TywJy CITY BOOK STORE,! MAIN bT.. ASTORIA. Invite the at lent ion of pmrhasers to theii i'Kk. just luitt in The Finest Selection ! The Cheapest Prices ! The Greatest Worth! RECEPTION POCKETS; LA D" I KS' -T) 1 A K I KS A N U PURSES COMHINKD: COMB AND hRUSII POCKETS: CUTLERY. .JFWKLRY, CHARMS, ETC.. FTC; LA I )1 V S FA N C V BOA P,D. ETC. ; (JO LI) PENS AND PENCILS: PAINT PENCILS, GUTTA PERCH A G'JOHS: FA'f'KI IOl 1)T IT1'R. P.T.ATT UnniCS STVPIONFRY KIT m'UKh' bl A l lurs fcJ 1 J ' K- caAll jioods sold at lowest cash prices, CllAS. SThYKNS & SON. c-v "ook st,w lo M!,i s,rott- two dotirs bakl'r ,,f Mr- ( h"-T- W. E- DEMEKT, I C7. m deuggist. m i v ' &S astoiua. - orsgos, Carries a full Assortment of j Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prcscriptionsfilled with care Day or Night. K3" Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief. A sure preventniive of Chapped Hands, und cure for Fish W ounds. Jointure, ' I wajjIj tat eh, y- PICTURE FRAWIES, Etc. AT OiTT AQ FTl?TT "ROT?"N! 'ci i KJJ3.J1V. XAJMLLjVVixr o, ASTOIUA, OREGON. The finest apd best in the market, all new. $r HOUSEKEEPERS ARE IN VITED TO CALL AND INSPECT MY 'CARPETS. rtTrTho public Is invited to call, examine my goods and prices. CHAS. HEILBOBN. Astoria, Oregon, April 2. 1S7:. PFUltfDER. PORTL-ADiTO. lias jttst received direct from the manufac turers, the largest and best assortment of Cannery Thermometers I nver iiiinorteii n iui oiaiu. oeiiu in ui i orders early. Address : Wm. PFCNDER & CO. rick box 21S. Portland, Oregon. FIXE FAKMlXtt IjAXI for SALE AT tiOVKICKSIEXT PRICKS. 1'ERFECT TITLE. Tlie homestead claim of Harden Oearliart ! on Iwis and Clark's rier. containing 160 ACRES. CO Acres of which is creek bottom in one bodv balance good up land. ' Impure of R. R. SPEDDE EN. J. STEWART. Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA. OREGON. All kinds of building work, and mnnumeii- I work .attended to promptly and to order. . ojuiMiirimii uiuiniiiii'eii. JUST EECEIVffiaX New Goods for the Season OF 1S7!. A FULL LINE OF Oil Skins, Ruhher Boots, And everything needed for the A 10 : -A Full and Complete Stock, Consisting in part of a full fOi rrnjiiin fou men LINE OF UJ-U I n UilU AND BOYS. ! Gents Furnish ins Goods : ALSO : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Canned Fruits, Etc; also : Watches, Jptivelry, 3Enrinc aHd Opera C;iases, etc.; Besides a choice lot ot TOBACCO AND CIGARS, W holesah and Retail. Call and see, MAIN ST.. - - - ASTORIA. OGN. izfxtyi?2ji& W3 w -tf UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MKKER. SiiueinocVna street, next door to Artorian ouildingr, Astoria, Oregon. C3AH.work done in a skillful manner on short notico and at reasonable prices. j kana. all the fishermen, woricinclmen and thkik friends On the Columbia river :nnl tr;.li'Min i civ hmm i ..r., u . ., .. i.. .. .1- ; - .... . I . ( hi i! -rns mi .11.11 comfortable, ami patronize home industry I y on t:i. ila-ir SHBRTS, jyTiPERS, AND OIL CLOTHING? from nir. ASTQRfA SKIRT AND OfL GLGTRtKG BfAHbTftCTORY, CORNER OI.NEY AD SQVKMCtCHE STKEI.TS. Which H fully prepared to supply tlcm AT I. with rrvth'rj- in i t n v rf rrkincn'cr! apparel. Noihin-r hill llrst-eh'ss ii::iterial i:.-ei: n d all riP vrn.-i If '. r i il e'othln' will be found al all the principal stores :nd carrcrh s in . ii.. r r .nlrrs II e river ll sure to get a suit for the coming fi.shing season. Iee:re it isuiM'oi lill tlu rr-t 1 RS1I! I ffifc COIjUMBIA JOHN HAMM, ASTORIA, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Lager and -Bottiei Beer. E5FThe Columbia Brewery has even- fntihtv, and tisinir none hut the best "iat4'-s ai"l omploying experienced brewers, will warrant satisfaction in filling a or(lcrs 0nUirs from abrotl liron tly attonriprl l(). ASTORIA EVI. MEYER HAVIXG EVERY F CILITY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OP A FIRST CLA tide, I am now prepared to furnish the public with the finest quality, for cash. OF LAGEE BEER, AT 30 CEXTS PER GAIjTiOX. wSFamilies and keepers of public houses M. MEYKR. Propristo". NEW TAILOSn&G SHOP. (In A. "NV. Cone's Building.) "WATER STKKKT ASTOKIA, OHEGON. TIIOIAS CH5KY, (Iitc of Tacmna). BEGS f.EAVE TO INFORM THE PUB lie that he is now prepared to make all kinds of clothing to on der. or to renovate or repair clothing. xttTHavimr had an expenonce of 2." years. i ueiy cnmpeiion in ine an in nuiKiiig mu cioincs iook ukc new. .ivsy.sieiu is kiiiiwu only to myself, by which I can lengthen pantaloons ithout piecing, etc. For particulars see small cards. THOMAS CURRY. Tailor, steam-scourer and Repairer GERMAN A BEER 'H ALL 'AVD BOTTLE BE3R DEPOT. Chenamus Strket. Astoria. The public are invited to c-HI and leave their orders. Splendid Lager 5 cents a glass. Free Lunch evth-y nicht. WM. BCK & Co.. Proprietors. Astoria Steam Laundry. J. T. BORCHERS .Proprietor Astorin. Oregon. No-Ttinbing or scnibbin. and no thrarning your clothes tfio pieces. Buttons-sewPd on and clothes mentted. rNeat work at reasonable prices. Give us a en 11. Astoria Liquor Store, AUG. DANIELSON. Proprietor. Water st. Road was, - Astoria. Oi:eco Importer and dealer in W9HES. LOUChTSi FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Sole agent for the celebrated STONEWALL WHISKEY. THERE 'WILL BE A BALL GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL OK .-SATURDAY EVENING, iMATSMO, -1S70. 3S.SS"7S7rS3?.'r9 FROFR2ETOR, OHS3G03?ir, BREWERY. : Proprietor. AS AK- I OF BOTTLED BEEE, AT $1 50 PER IOZEa promptlyand regularly supplied. ASTORIA. OREGON. GEORGE MxVCLEAX, BLACKSMITH. Yater Street Roadnay, Near Hume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon. Horseshoeing fir $ and all Hnib of Blacksmith JMk iM inirdonetoor- I ,ir. Snifnr.f iun f.: aranteod ALL SHIP AND ENGINE WORK .A SPECIALTY. Arndt & Ferchen. rami e.best BLACKSMITH AND Machine Shop Tti IVio oilv ' fcj. -i AArGac3mmytrrr . "hi I IRC 'ii. All kinds of h' Enciiie, Cannery and Stenmhot Work prompfiv attended to. E. S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths and Machinists Copt. ROGERS' OLD STAND Near Expreu Offico. ASTORIA. - OREGON. All work in our line, hcavv or lijrht, done with -neatness and dispatch. . Horseshoeing, Wa&Ngk on and Farm fM WORK A SPECIALTY. TTA VING SECUREUTHE SERVICES OF M Mr S. A-Oninoa of Ky..an eyneriencei xi y ! Farrier of 25 years in tho business, and well ' knonn to Astoria horsemen, we a re prepared to : (loj-liDCliifi lnsiiiianneriocniai.tuivinjcsui pre vent it in horses entrusted to our care. tt7AlI work warranted anu at reaonaoie rates. C HAS. A. MAY, DEALER IJf Forci?n and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Yankee Notions, Toys. Finest brands of tCIGARS AN TOBACCO. Checamus stkeet, . - - Astobw. L Tm S rv-- trnt 7mfimW'ar7 V