0) 04 -4 l- . &&- m & m m aterum .1 a. g f - Vol. ix. Astoria. Oregon. Saturday Morning, May l'O, 1879. 2fo. U -JH I I..J.W. " " Jl 1. 'LL..-. Ul -II J-'IIV.' A'lL- v"2 ; TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. lacUc :: liisty.i lilies. The San Francisco treasury, which lias been closed siiuv the suic;Hlc of assistant tiv-isun-r Cassc bolnn, wjis re-opened on theSlli. On the inoniinir of the 8th. some j '25 Italians and Portuguese fisher- j men arrive! in Rio Vista, Cal., from Coliinsville and have been I engaged nt the husmess ol making i man( imiv,l adaption of the ji piratical rail on fishermen along, e.j.lt ,our hVStom :md will settle 5ie river. Their complaint was j t Ho matter of wacs ater their de Ithat salm.u should not be sold for ( ,n,wi OII f llalf. ,,; t. :,rn acceded nciniL sai:n.u miuuiu ul e mini in less than 40 cents a pi.uv; though j ifisliermon in th!t vicinity are re ;eivina' but '2) cents. Thev :it- -tacked boats near the place, throw ing overboard some oOO salmon; :inl contemplated :i raid on l. Cj "Garter's salting vork; but were deterred by :i crowd of citiz mis who had assembled th Me by that 'time. Tlie river pirates then de parted, going up the river and threatening deMiMcLon to every thing in th"ir wav. No arrests. v later (iispaicn suites mat anoui i. t .i , , ,i .i ..I x ociocK un- imi:i piuii ""- -id fi-om tlieir rad up tlw river, and when opposite Rio Vista, were , orougiiL 10 !i nun oy ueputy biit'iiii j Fiscus with a ioss, in c!ia-ge of a small cannon which had been planted upon 11k wharf to com mand the river. Thsv surrendered and are now locked ui. Thcicn had made a cl -an sweep on 'their j trip: boarding every boat and j throwing over all the fish and : taking up nets at CollHsvillc. The Greek fishermen who are in the movement for higher prices I have complete control of arairs, J refusing to allow others to la-nd at the wharves. California Election. 0icialotunnsy-othe Tote. in San Francisco, on the 7th, .gave a majority against ihe new constitu tion of 1,U15. Rettr-ns from the interior confirm previous advices, and the instrument is adopted by a majority of from 0,000 to 10,00 . Partners seem to Jiave voted .al most solidly for it. The result has caused much bitterness of feeling in busi-iess circles, where it is looked upon to a considerable extent as an attack upon city in terests 'by the interior. There is evidently, however, a determina tion to make the best of what ;s believed to be the unfortunate issue of the important quest:on. The press of the city counsel quite acquiosence in the inevitable and sustained endeavor to ward off an v ill effects expected to follow so radical a change iiuthe organic law, by careful choice of ollicers, and prudent and conservative con struction of its provisions. JE:tsicrn JStulcs. A committee of medical experts having examined Mark Gray who .shot at Booth report that he is in sane. A house resolution to appoint a committee to receive ex-President Grant at San Francisco on his re turn home, was adopted in the senate on the 18th by a patty vote. 'The house committee on foreign affairs has appointed a sub-committee, consisting of Wilson, King and Robeson, to consider the prac ticability of entering into additio nal treat v relations with Mexico. Ezra S. PJayt, present commis sioner of Irfdian affairs at Wash-in-rton, w:is on the 7th indicted by the grand jury. of Hudson county, New Jersey, for conspiracy to 'de fraud. He was president of the International Trust company, which collapsed last year, owing rjlepositots over 177,000. A Washington dispatch of the ! Sth staU-s that the president re . gards with great solitude the situ- ation of affairs in the Indian terri tory. U ; army officers, however, Ao-reeinr with Gen. Sheridan, an ticipated no difficulty in exesuting I the order of the war department. i Miitary force for the service his b en incre ised. Advices received at the Indian bureau indicate that the threatene.l raid into Indian j tern to. y has come nearly to an end. Socialist leaders in Chicago as- sort t1;lt tj,ev u.-ltl trades unions an organizing a strike, to begin July otli, and to btreneral through- mt tj,e rourv. Tlu-v will de- w on Unit pon to 'pjK. strii-(. ms onin tht-ir privy c been decided nrivv counsels, out is ; no secret. 1 heir purpose is poliii- cal in its iriture ard the purpose of the workmen is lo secure bet ter wages. Foreign ?4ow.s. An outbreak of spotted typhus fever has occurred in Astrachan. Parole has rctru ved his loss of the race for the Chester trades cup t, ?tl ., willlilljr mt for tlc crrcat Chester handicap which took ,ace ; Ll)lldoll e.i 'the 8th, the lasJ. of t,e (jlestor,nKctjnir. The Ameer of Afghanistan ar rived at Cendaumak on the Sth. 11q was met at the frontier by Ma jor C.ivagnari and a detachment of the 10th Hussars and guides. Troops f idl arms lined Uie route to the camp two and a half miles, Gen. Brown and staff received the Ameer it the end of the line, and a salute of 21 guns was fired. The Ameer has announced his visit to the viceroy of India, and expressed a desire lor tne estaonsnmenc oi friend y relat'ons between India' J . i 1 .1 . 111 . . and Airhanistan. Private accounts from Russia represent the situation all over that country as beyond description, and that the tendency of the so called repressive measures are to wards revolution rather than peace, as present annoyances and out rageous oppression of all classes of population are rapidly spreading the feeling that anything is prefer able to the existing state of affairs, ft is asserted that the government is really playing the game of the Nihilists, instead of crushing out the spirit of discontent in the em pire. It would seem that nearly ever3T body who am read, in the northwes tern and eastern states, should be pretty well acquainted with the gen eral features of Washington territory. This is not the case, however, although for ten years it has been the policy of our faithful newspaper nieu to vmte up this country and mail their papers by the hundreds to all quarters east of the llocky mountains. We be lieve if the people at the east toel: as much trouble to inform themselves in regard to this coast as we do to post them, "letter of inquiry" would be unknown. Cut, on the. contrary, our eastern friende appear to he about a? ignorant of what we arc here, and what we are doing as. Camille Flani marion is concerning the people of the moon. The above from the daily Ex periment are our sentiments. I. W. CASE, IMPORTElt AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN &IMRAL IERCHA1ISE, Comer Cheuamus and Cass streets. ASTOUIxV - - - OREGON. Fish. Commissioners Xoticc. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Midersigued will be in readiness from and after this dale, to issue licenses. at Ins oiiice up istairs. corner of Oass and Sqemoe:he streets, Astoria. Oregon. II. 11. FERGUSON, Fish Commissioner. pKO. LOVETT, TAIIiOH, CLEANING and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Benton street, opposite Post-office. Astoria, UUNS, LOCKS, AXD SKWIXG 3IACIIIXK.S REPAIRED. KEYS FITTED AND LOCKS REPAIRED, SAWS FILED, ETC BY F. W. --WASS. Main street, aexUioor tcxSGeo. Boss', BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSURANCE X. W. CASS:, BROKER, BANKER, .2il 4NSURAHGE 'AGENT. - - - OREGON. ASTOKIA, Exchange bought ami sold on all parts of the United States and Europe. OFFICE UOUKS-From S o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock v. M. 1 Home Mutual Insnrance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, T. V. noiujiiTON.. Vresidcnt riiAS. U. Stoky Secretary Hamilton Uoyi. i .rMt fnr nm.mn Cko. L. stoky. j AUI for 0ltg011 Oi'Fick Xorthoast enrner of Stark and First st reeU, i'oi:Ti,AXi, Okkgon. Net Cash received for Fire Prem iums in 1S77 . $:5.511 01 Assets. Jan. l.lSTS. SoTS.OGTi So r Linhihttcx ris-e- v npnid .'.i.RR "17 dividends " .. l.C7 00 5.50.5 .TT Surplus for Prom-ty Ihddqp Wi7t.IT0 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six ye:uu.?lH.."lC 72 1. W. CHSK. Awnt. - Astoria. Orcjron. $87,000,000 CAPiTAL T-ITTT?TT"T VT TVHnT l VT uivr-iu-uwu tvx mxw txi , .Yv? r I. - r VTTJT'TT rTTTICTI A VTl UVPnAV. TILE OF LUN DON ASD EDINBimQH. OLD CONNEOfi(fe45F-HAllT"- FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7.000,000. A. VAX DTJSEN. Agent. co:ioikkciai, uxioar ASSURANCE COMPANY OU LOMIOKr. Capital SI 2,500,000. MATT II. SIBSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. riUE.HEX'S FOfD -INSURANCE COMPAHY OF TAT.IFOK.-IA. ORGANIZED IN IS 63. Total Losses Paid Since Organization. $3,630,435 OS. E. C. 1IOLDEN. Agent. A.storia Oregon MAGNUS C. CROSBY. Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Coods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Copper, Brass, and Zinc. C. H.'BAIH & GO. T3EING NOW PREPARED WITH greatly ill) increased facility to furnish the. public with all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber, Mt Lite, Doors, Hows, BLINDS, TRANSOMS: And all kinds of hard wood at very low rates, Asks an examination of their prices and large lot of goods which will be bold low for CASH. Steam Mill'Ncar Weston Hotel, Cor. Gcncvivc and Astor streets. T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIMBALL. D raying & Trucking. r ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO., Squeuiocque st., hotweon Cass and Main, Contract" for xrayinp nnido and witLsfaction rutranted. Orders left at the Occident iIo el or retaTedby mail promptly filled i -JEWEIT iIMBALL. 5W j WHOLESALE TRAE. TO 1 Corner of Water and Olney Streets, ASTORIA, ORSGOET. WHOLESALE DEALER IN fiROOEBIES -AND PROVISIONS JSLXSX, etc, AGENT FOR THE Golden Cit? Meal forte. B. W. 3LAY:VJB 4&SOX"S STEAM ENGINES, r . t e t Km- wnnri Wnrhnir Nlanmimi-ir J & ., KTJBBEK BOOTS. Tlie National, Hayward, and Pure E.xiblei LIVERPOOL SALT. Fishermen's and Cannery Supplies, A SFECIAM-Y. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT BAN FRANCISCO PEIGES. Oars, 'Cordage, Blocks, Oakum, etc. Special Notice. Star of the Columbia, 150 Fir Test Tteroscne. Turpentine and 'Varnish, Sail Cloth, Made expressly-for light sail bata. For sale al G. W.. 'HUME'S, .ASI0KU. - OHEG0K Ik i 'h .Sk JB5 ftnSCELLANEOUS. U.K. UaRKKX. C. A. ArcGuiBH Astoria Market ! Corner of Ohenamus an d.Cass streets, ASTOKIA. OKEdON. WARREN & McGTJIRB, Propnotor (Successors to IJobtun A Warren. Wbolc?alo and Uetnil Dealers in all RInfls o Fresh and Cured Meats! A full iitipol Fainiily Groceries, CANNED FKTJIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. rttTHuttcr, Egg?, Cheese, etc. constaiiOF n-hand. t-A Ships supplied at the lowest rates. Washington "Market, Slalv Street, - - Astoria Oregon, BEJIGMAX C BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN t:on of tlio public to the fact that the a hove .Market will always be supplied with a FULL YAKIETY r.EST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and rot-'iil. bpecial attention given to auppl ns shiis. ECLIPSE MARKET. "Wet-Esjyhth Street, near tlie O. S. X. Vo'n Wharf. JOHN W. UELCH l'KOPRIETOF. A CiENEKAL ASSORTMENT OF FAMI x. ly-Croceiics, and tlie various kinds of first-clas Meats and Fish, furnished in best of style at the market, or delivered to any part o! the city. Orders-riven to the messen-KPi-s.orIcftaltke4iiurket.-u-ll be promptly tilled. My endeavor will be. bv prompt attention and fair deaiin-r. to please my patrons. SA11 kinds of count rv produce taken in exchange for ronds. and delivered to patron free. Es7""(;ivc me a call. Is All This Bloiii Aioit ! i have just ketukksd. -tWRQNT'i heWIII SELL MY GOODS AS AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to say anything about It A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqliastt., ASTORIA, - OItKGO& T- BAILEY It is no Use of Talking, J. K. "WIRT'S is the cheapest place to buy FRUITS Oil VKOKTABIES. As be has direct from San Francisco bv ei err steamer, all kinds of vegetables,. such as is m the market. Apples. Peas, Celery. Cnu!ifbwr, Asparng-us, Parsnips. Beets, Car rots, Potatoes. Oranges, And from Clatsop every day EGGS. BUTTEK, CHEESE, AXD IIOXEY. Also : keep the best of CIGAES, TOBACCOS, AND LIQUOKS. Call and examine before wliere. . pnrch.sintr J. K. Will' urchpsinjr eke- EJTRA QUALITY OATS AND POTATOES FOR EED ! At J.II.D. G KAY'S. Astoria, OregeB. Having just received a new stock, consisting oi a spienum assoiuueut ot Hats C:js, Hoots and Slioc4, Groceries, Xanned Fruits,, etc. also : Waiolies, Jewel i-y aiKlCiIcry, Besides a choicc.lot of TOBACCO, CIGARS -A3 PIPES, Wines and Liquors, Stationery and Fancy Articles, Which we are offerinir at the lowest living prices. "Very respectfully. JAMES MrGEE. At McGee's new building on the roadway.;. ik W. FEKGISOX. Contractor and Builder, .' All kinds of Carpenters and Joiners Work promptly and neatly executed. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, and BILLS: ' OF 'MATERIAL f Furnished on short- notice, at rtduced rates.. Shop Next door east ofEpiscopal churcluv "poR s am: t cheat. " To close coiujgnmenta 20 Tons Salt, in' lots to Suit M