CJ 4 gfce gailu totfUnf ASTORIA. OREGON: C. IRELAND FAttlWT. FRIDAY May I), 1870. Two beautiful English girls, who in happier da5s practiced blacksmith ing, have, in their poverty, started a blacksmiths' shop in Louisville, Ky., and they have plenty to do. The interior of the state, war and navy department binld'ing is be ing furnished in a style corresponding with its manificent exterior. When completed it will be one of the finest public bindings in the world perhaps the finest structure devoted to secular uses, There is no way to retire Judge liynch but the uniform, rigorous en forcement of criminal laws. When the courts dispense equal and exact justice to all, and executives no linger abuse the pardoning power, public opiniofl will condemn and abrogate mob law. Until then the unlawful nse of hemp will occasionally shock the sensibilities or order-loving people while reading an awful warning to the criminal classes. The full-length portrait of Martha Washington, painted by Mr. Andrews, is valuable from a purely artistic, as well as a historical standpoint. It hangs in the east room of the White house, near the portrait of Washing ton, and is of the same size. The im pression is that of a lady of calm and dignified presence, in the dress of the period. It may bo a matter of inter est to people who believe that hands and. faces have something to any to each ether, to know that Mr. Andrews thinks so, too; that he has made a careful study of hands, and that not a little in the month of time spent on this picture was bestowed on them. The figure is in perfect drawing; good anatomy underlies its graceful con tours; the flesh tints are warm, sym pathetic and true; and in the skillful management of light and shadows, and the painting of texture, Mr. Andrews technique shows the effect of study abroad, and of that French school of art to which we have learned to look for good portraiture. This is the sort of work that in Paris goes to the Salon, and in which here is hope for the fu ture of American art. The effect of the .whole is thoroughly artistic and satisfying, and it is pleasant to find a historical picture done by the best methods of the best art. Youthful Shepherds. Corr. American Agriculturist. One pleasant day we rode twenty "jniles over the Laramie" plains, - -from Laramie citv to the Little Laramie river, where tve found a prosperous sheep raiser from Ne braska, namd Farrell. There were no neighbors for miles around : with the exception of Motlef, the historian, who had left his father's pleasant home, near Boston, Mass., and located ti sheep ranche close by here. The Farrels gave us a most hospitable reception, inasmuch as one of our party was Mr. "Weston, the auditor of the state of Nebraska. Furthermore they had long been subscribers to the American Agriculturist, and the last number tying on the table was not an unpleasant reminder of home on these far-away plains. "VVe bade them good-bye late in the afternoon, turned off to the right of Sheep Mountain, entering a narrow plain between high ranges of hills, spurred Coward our jaded animal, until the gathering shadows warned us that we could not pro ceed any further with safety. At daybreak .we spied a large ilock of sheep in a corral close by a rude cabin or dugout, in which were two boys, sons of Mr. Farrell. Here twelve miles or more from home, they had been tending a flock of twenty-three hundred sheep dur ing the entire season. They shot their game with an old rifle, did their own cooking, and lived en tirely alone with their dogs and two ponies employed in herding sheep, which were driven into a , . corral every night, as a protection agaiust boars, wolves, and wild ,. animals. An antelope which one of them had shot the day previous, was suspenped near the door of the cabin. There was a good range here, and the father had in the spring-time, sent the sheep and the boys to possess" it. You will be surprised when I tell you that these two lads entrusted with the care ot over two thousand sheep, and liv ing here in this remote, secluded spot, were only eleven and thirteen years of age. It is astonishing, the early self-reliance which these frontier' children display, the ski fl which? as mere urchins, they attain in herding sheep. Keep your blood pure and your health must he good, the crear purifier is Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifivr. All Astoria druggists have it now. 5; our coisrplexion is sallow, and skin vol low. vonr liver is afieclvri. Obtain from voiiv druggist a bottle of PfuwUr's Oregon Blood Purifier. lr C Johnson may be found at the Occident in Astoria every Monday. Wednesday, and Friday evening, ready to attend to messenger duty in Portland or to points along the river in a satisfac otrv manrrer. BORN. In Knnpnton. "V. T., May 7th, to the wife of 1). (J. Aiiirel, a son. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "JKTOTICE Is hereby given that the copart JLi nershipheictofore existing between the undersigned is this day dissolved by mutual consent. O. F. HELL. A. MEACHEN, Astoria. May 7, 1879. d&w lw Auction Sale uf goods recovered from the Steamship Great Jtcpubhc by the Great Republic Wrecking Co, I am instructed by the directors of fhc above company to sell for Cash, U. S. goltt coin, to the highest bitfdder at Cant. Havel's warehouse, on SATURDAY, MAY 10th, at oie o'clock P. M. A lot of ships tools, or all kinds : Bandaxrs, Hammers, Hand-pliers, Padlocks, Trunk and Door Iiocks. Files, Pocket Knives, Carriage Bolts and "Washers, RHd OXE SHIP'S COMPASS. alse: Seivinjj Machines, Boxes of Ink, Iravers of Spool Cotten. Towels, Soap, 3Iops, Rugs, and 5 cases of Boots and Shoes, a large lot of Pictures, Dry Goods, and 1 Ham per Seltzer "Water, and a lot of other goods. E. C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. T. voss, BRICK LAYER, Cement, Plasterer and Builder of any kind of Brick Furnaces. Tieaso leave orders at "Wilson & Fisher's store, Chenamus street, Astoria. 7-lm G. V. PARKER, DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WHITE LEAD. PAINTS and COAL OILS, Brooms, Brushes and Wooden-ware. Tobacco, Cigars and Stationery, Gent's JFurnisIiinp: GootLs, Etc. Near the Corner Blnln nncl Coucomly Nt.t Astoria. THE ASTORIA BREWERY DEPOT, RUDOLPH BAF1TH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPRIETORS. Corner of Olncy and "Water streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. Best quality of LA GER BEER 5 cLs. per glass Choice Wines, Ijquors, and Cigars always on hand. srTin patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lnger or Bottled Bee'r in any quantity promptly filled. CSTThe best lunch the season will afford furnished day and uizht FREE. o o CO hi O 525 Wilson & Fisher Dr.AT.EKS IX LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner ehenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. O Billiard Room. The only Billiard Room in the city wheio no liquors are. sold. NEW TABLE jrST TUT UP. GEOKun has a.cosv place and keeps on hand tuo test brand o'f Cigars. Also, soda, canuy. nutt. etc. Opposite Altona Chop House. 95-tf GEO. ROSS, rronrietur. MISCELLANEOUS E. 8. Larsen, ASTORIA, OREGOTS,! TILLAMOOK BAY. Jobber and Dealer in FIRST CLASS Groceries, Crockery, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Key West Havana Damesiie OigErs AH the Leading Brands of TOBACCOS. California and Oregon Fruits , Vegeisbles Foreign and Domestic faes m$ liiqnttrs ESI make Veg etables one of my Specialties ! jj Cannery and Mess House men supplied and will profit by sending orders direct to me. Having the only complete and first-class stock of goods in As toria, and not surpassed by any north of San Francisco. V e also have pleasure in saying, that with our facilities of buying goods, we CAN NOT nor WILL NOT be undersold, taking the quality of goods into consideration. S"A11 goods guaranteed as represented, and delivered fuee gratis, for nothing, to any pur chaser in the city that will come, order, and pay for the same. E. S. LARSEN, ASTORIA, OREGON. XUKJB CIDER VINEGAR! 250 Gallons Pure Cider Vinegar, in io, 25 and 45 Gallon Packages. For sale by Another consignment just received. WARRANTED to be . PURE CtDER VEttEGAR. E. S. LARSEN, Cor, S'quemocqhe and Cass streets, Astoria, Our Mew BUsk ! Our Hew Prises ! ARE ASTONISHING! We call attention to our DRY momi ALL OF THE LATEST NOVELTIES. Ladies, m Fine HOSIERY we are tlte Boss AND OFFER EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. Our Stock of CLOTHING we only ask INSPECTION. A FULL LINE OF TITE LATEST STYLES OF IMloxiS nmcS. Xjs,c3Ljs STfc:rsLXr lEEts These goods were purchased duri: g the recent e"ne in San Francisco, and although iv are ot selling out, we defy at y house n th - c' lo beat onr new prfc . x,aiies iiXKiv srris. aix. vtyxje aj$t nsiess. We make no idle boasts, but all we ask is inspection of cur new 'tock ! in ices, and: we are .sure to please. . h ASUS HU Kir. $ mi 'A J..l4ii A. VAN DUSEN & CO. Have just received a full line of Sprint; and Summer jtnods of the verv fines qnnTitr, whfefcr were bought during the leccnt tumble in stuck, when cash commands a pmniuin. and arc therefore prepared to mU the .same at less rates than the same quality of goods can be purcha.sed elseu here. Thee good consist in pur? of Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods. Huts and Caps. Ladies Jrss Goods. ITIii.sliiis. Prints. Kosicrj, Boots and Shoes. ISuhber Boots. Oil Clotnix. In addition to the above havrlafd in a ful? stock of 3BUII.IERJS MATERIALS. 2L1 ILS. PAINTS. m. ETC. The quality of our CROCKERY A!I ftUS'SWASE. UOIPS. ETC.. Cannot he excelled and our prices- defy competition. Family Groceries and Provision a Specialty. Oregon City Im- perial Exirst Flour at 5 59 per Ifitrrcl. WARDS CLATSOP BUTTER ALWAYS IK STORE. J3?Agency for Singer and1 "White frying Machines. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Exprew olliee, comer of Cass and .7eerson street. GREAT SACRIFICE OF GOODS! .A. T T IHC JES G-3Et 33 ja. a? 1 IS, Xa Cohen & cooper LARGE UNE OF MNEN DRESSES Latest styles. Sold at prices lower than the material can he Loujrht for. AliSO : A IiAIIGK MZVE OF CIOTH AX BEAYER I O (A. SPECIALTY.) Black Cloth Cloaks - $4 50 " " " -5 00 " " " - 6 00 BIssk Fleeee Msed Beaver Balmmb: SOMETHING NEW, $14 00. Special attention is called to our Clothing Department. Full suits for $7 00 ami upwards. The public will do well to give ns a trial before going elsewhere, for w COHEN & COOPER. BUSINESS CARDS. D K. I. M. SEVERN. JPIIYSICIAX AND SURGE?!. LAKSr.K'S BUII.IUNG, - ASTOUIA, OitEooy. Ofllcc Ilcnir. From 0 to 12 A. m., and from : to 8 i. m. b. y. nn"'ijox. f. .t. taylok DENNISOX & TAYLOll, ATTOKXEYS AT If A IV. ASTORIA. OREGON'. Offtce Vp stairs in Parker building, corner Chenamus and J'Miton stroots. p W. FUI.TOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFnrn. Paces newbuildinc. Snucmoqhc J street, A.storia. Orecon. -rut. J. W. OLIVEK. H OMEOPATHIST, OFFirE. Tn minister's Dacuerrcan build ing. Entrance Second door above that of the Daily Astokiax, Ca.vs street. Kesidence on JufferMon street, corner of Main. TOCTOIt HATCH, Successfully treats all Chroni'' Diseases. AND DISEASES OF "WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Cancer cured bv a new and painless method. ORice Chenamus street, corner of Mam street, Astoria. D R. J. O'BRIEN. CURES BILLIOUS AND INTERMITTENT FEVERS With from one to three doses of his harm less medicine. Also. Private diseases successfully treated. Offick O'Jineifs hotel. Astoria. Orecon. OTTO DrFHTER. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. 11 S KEMOVED TO Main street, Parker's buildinc. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. "W73I. BECK, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes. AH kinds of repairing neatly and promptly attenueu 10 MAIN ST., - ASTORIA, OREGON. extra fine assortment of FANOY GOODS I SUMMER STOCK x A K S, Black Cloth Cloaks .i a a $1 50 S 00 10 00 ti AUCTION SALES. E, C. HOLDEN, Notary Public for the State 0 Oregon. Real Kstale Asent said C'ouvcjanccr. Agent fr the FIREMEN'S YVSD INSUR ANCE COMPANY of San Francisco! COMMISSION AGEN1 end AUCTIONEER. Rents and Accounts Collected, and rr tnrns promptly niailc. Regular sales day. SATl'SDAYS Jit JJ P. Iff. N. I. Parties having real estate, lnrci ture or any other poods to disiio.se of either at auction or private sale .should notify me soon as convenient before the tlav of saJf. No storage charged on goods li at Awr tinn. L. C. HOLb.IN. td Auctioneer. MISCELLANEOUS. WILLIAM EDGAR. Corner Main and Chenamus Street", ASTORIA OREGON. UKALKR IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. STATIONERY! FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of IVatcTios and Jewelry. Muzzle ami JJreech Jjeadins: Miot ;uns. Kevolverw. Pistols. Pnrlor Jtiflen. and AHiDiunition. f T. KEID, CALEDONIA SALOON. Corner of Front and A street. rOKTLAND ... - OllEGO czrlsiite butcher in the Central Market. OATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shower, yf.aAT;H3.jf Steam and SULPHUR Batbs Occident Hotel Shaving- Saloon. NiKDERAU:n & Uhlknhart, PlOlRIKT0P.S. 5"Special attention given to ladies' mart children's hair cutting. I! irate Entrance for Ladies, s S