0) 1- Vol. ix. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 4, 1879. 2sT. 4. rj fi & Jr JD Jv Ji JUI' ! Ir i . THE ANDRE HE3I0RIAL. What Cyrus W. Pio'd Says Ahout His Purchase and Inscription. AVw York Sun, JprU20!h. Cvrus W. Field smiled ird nntured- y last evening when" asked whether j the inscription wineii lie proposed m oflense was in saying that the elee placeonthe stone to mark the spot inosyTiry or?ui's "plates" of the whereMaj,r Andre was hauled .had j pj filo looked likc Bl:m- y," he said, "the inscription is ready, and here it is;"' and Mr. Field showed the follewing: IIt Urd. Oct. 2. 170. Major JOHN AM)IU. of tliu Hritisfc array. who. ontcrine the jHPrican knwd on n secret mission to Benedict Arnold. fr the surrntl-r of WVsl Points vran tafcen prisoner, trud and condemnod abafr? Hi-? death. Lhoupii according to the stern code of war. looted even his enemies to pit v. and lwtn armies mourned the fate of one ho youns and m brave. 'la IP21 liis lemanii. were removed to Westminster Abbey A hundred ears Jtfter his execution a citiKen of the statt b acainst which he fought j)laoed thio htniie'Hivc tiff pot where he lay. not to iKrptiiai- the r -cord of .strife. butin token of those better MMitimt-ntB wJiic'i liHshince united two ian.a-. one in race, in ImiRiifice. in re.ijnou : 'with the earnest hope that this friendly union will never be broken Arthur Ponryhn ManU-j. I)en of West4ninstor. On the back. liut JacryK.acreru.il etin-iiteoi mo-ta!ia tancunt Virgil. iKneid, 1., -Jtti. On the left s.ide The pv f the neutral cround, who died as lie had livod. devoted to the service of his country.' I'Vniiuore Cooper. On the right side He was more unfortunate than criminal; An accomplished man and a gallant officer. (ieorge Washington. He died universally esteemed and universally re gretted. Alexander Hamilton. "Now let me recall to you the way it all came about,'Mr. Field centinued: "When Dean Stanley was stopping at my house we took a ride with a view o find the spot where Major Andre wis executed. It took us abut three hours to find the nlace. t laot we came across a man 91 years ld, who said he knew the place, because he remembered when the remains were taken up and removed to "Westminster Abbey. He said also that his mother saw the execution. Both the Dean and mvself were certain that we had found the spot, and we both .agreed that the location oTsuch an interesting historical event -ought not to be left to oblivion. So I said 1 would buy the land if he would write the inscription. Now, there is his inscription, and if "anyone chooses to quarrel" with him about it I have no objection. There is a quotation from Virgil also, and one from Fenimore Cooper, and one from George Washington. If an' one chooses to quarrel with George Wash ington I don't care. "There is what he sa?d about the spy, and there is what Alexander Hamilton said. People may quarrel with Alexander Hamilton nbont' it if they likc. I've bonsht the land, and C'vc gt -die deed in my jiocket, and I'm gomg to have a stone ilaced thej with that inscription. I bought the tfliole farm of six acres. That is more than 1 wanted, but I had to buv it toiiet the other, and I thought the historical interest made it wuith "rL" "Will there be a monument placed then'?" "Oh, no; only a granite slab after Mime design which I am to select. It will be raised a little from the ground io .keep off the water and debnus. There is a man who owns a granite -quarry up near there and 1 told him to get me out a design fur the slab. He gave me one, but 1 did not like it. As soon as I 'decide upon that the stone will be inscribed and placed in position." "You were not deterred by the many communications on the subject in the newspapers?" "No; we had some fun over it, and no harm was done, tit is only a his torical matter, you see. That's the whole of it only a historical matter. Why, my friend, if they will show me the -spot where Satan was executed I would put a stone there to mark it, because that would be a historical ihiufr." The idea of the separation of Al sace and Lorraine is gaining ground. Prince Bismarck personally conferred on the -occasion of the Emperor's fete .with several German princes who had gone to Berlin, including the King of Saxony and the dnkes of Baden, Mecklenburg, and Weimar, and they are all said to view the plan with a favorable eve. A poor woman, who was for nine -months an in-patient, in St. John's hospital for diseases of the skin, in London, suffering from leprosy, in its jaost horrid form, died on the 29th of March. This case, the hospital au thorities state, shows that leprosy is by no means extinct in Europe, and it forcibly illustrates the necessity for .the establishment of leper wards. Jucijrtaent Confessed. Daily Oregonian, May 3d. The Astorian says Hon. Dean Blanchard of Columbia county is about to commence suit against the Orofronian for libel. We con- fess judgment right now. Our chard's river logger, the Jane West. Vc hereby admit that the com parison was a slander on the Jane West, and make the best repara tion by apology we can. Now tor the real fun of the whole busi ness, which is that the paper which presented the vile cuts prints the Astoria x's paragraph, and is too stupid to see that the joke is .at its own ex nense An axe was given to a maniac in an Indiana asylum, with which to chop wood. Of course, he killed a fellow patient. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A. J. JlKfi I.Kit. C S. W1UGHT. J OCCI E EST IIOTEI,. MEliLElt & WKWil'l. Proprietors. AMoria, Oregon. milE PROPRIETORS AKE HAPPY TO I JL announce Uiat the above liolel Has been J repainted ami refurnisned.adduu; greatly to the comfort of its guests and is now the best hotel north of ism Kranci.sco. rglUKPIX HOUSE, I). L.TURPIN - PKOfKlKTOR MAIN STREET. Between Squcmo-cqhe and Jefferson, J. ASTOK1A, OltKGON. Board and lodging per week SI oo Hoard -per dav 1 00 Single Meal - - 25 Tne table will be supplied at all times with the best the market alloid.s. rAXLA WALLA. RESTAURANT, TIIEO. RROEMSEE, - - Pr.orniETOK. 4- f- Fresh oysters, and other deli cacies of the season, served in every style. J&gjKg Opposite tluVTelegrapli office, Squemoqhe street, Astoria. Oregon. eSTMEALS AT ALL TIOURS-5. o ESEGOX IfiOZJSK. Main street, nciir Hustlcr'-s "Wharf, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. Miw. Makv Camii;?:li., Proprietor. Board and lodging by day or week. JlfTOJ.- II O l-SH. CORNER C AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND. OREGON. 1 XOIITOX, - - - - Proprietor. (Formerly of the Portland Hotel.) mills house is a fire-proof brick. A iusi finished ami newly furnished, with the best of spring beds. Tkkms Per week -From. cf to rfor board and lodging. Per day SI HL Single meals 25 cents. Lodging 25 to m cents. SrCFrcc coach to and from the House. DARKER HOUSE, ASTORIA, OREGON. II. B. PArJvER. ----- Proprietor. mil IS HOTEL is the largest, most comfort JL able and best Kept hotel in the city. Is supplied with the be,st of spring water, hot and fold baths, barbershop, and a first-class saloon with best of liquors and eigars, ami line billiard table. Free coach to and from the house ; charges reasonable, $1 0i to $250 per day, according to room occupied. Private Boarding House. MRS.QUINN - PROPRIETOR. "Will accommodate day boarders or accom modate any with board and lodging. Prices reasonable. In Ir.gallS' building. .IcnVrson street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Cfs Express office. I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WI10LFSALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. Fiali Coiumi.sbioners Notice. -ftTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JLi the undersigned will be in readiness from ami after this date, to issue licenses, at Ids office up stairs, corner of Cass and Sqemocqhc streets, Astoria. Oregon. 1 II. B. FERGUSON. Fish Commissioner. THE ASTORIA BREWERY RUDOLPH BARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPRIETORS. Comer of Olncy and "Water street, ASTORIA, OREGON. Best quality of LA GFAl BKb'Ii 5 ets. per glas3 Choir e Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always on hand. , ., . KirThe patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager or Bottled Beer in anv quantity promptly filled. K5-The best lunch the season will afford ! Xurulshsd day ami iiieht PUKE. . X BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSURANCE. X. W. CASE, BROKER, BANKER, T AND INSURANCE AGENT. - - - OREGON. ASTORIA, Eaekange bdught ami -sold da all parts of lho United Slates anut Europe. OFFICE HOURS-From S o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock r. i. S Iitnal InsnraBGe Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. HOUGHTON... President Secretary CllAS. II. STOKY... Hamilton Boyd, . Airents for Oreiron Gbo. L. Stokv. ) Afconts lor ureton Office Northeast corner of Stark and First streets, roirr-LAND, Oiiegok. Net Cash received for Fire Prem iums in 1B77 Assets, Jan. 1, 1S73 .-t i Liabilities 1 josses vnpaid 3.B ST Dividends l.a7T OOf $335,511 04 $578,065 85 njm z; Surplus for Prone 'ty Holders $572,470 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six$'car&.$H4.ri6 72 I. IV. CiSE. A;ent, Aitoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 GAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND. LONDON AND GLOBE,! NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDQN AND EDINBUHgifc. OLD CONNEOTICUjSoF&HART FORDTAND COMMERCIAL OP CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of 507,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. COSOIERCfAfc UNI03T ASSURANCE COMPANY OJP JjOKTBOKT. Capita! S ! 2,500,000. MATT II. SIBSON, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAXJFOItaiA. ORGANIZED IN 1SG3. Total Losses Paid Since Organisation. $3,6QO,435 S5. E. C. I10LDEN. Agent. Astoria Oregon MAGfttJS C. CROSBY- DELEll IX Stoves, Tinware, and House Furnishing Goods. Hardware, Brass Goods, Liad and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron, Copper. Brass, .and Zinc. C. H. BAffl & CO. BEING NOW PREPARED "WITH greatly increased facility to furnish the public with all kinds of Seasoned A No. 1 Lumber Boat Lumber, Doors, IMows, BLINDS, TRANSOMS: And all kinds of hard wood at very low rates, Asks an examination of their prices and large lot of goods which will be sold low for CASH. Steam Mill Near Weston Hotel, Cor. Gcnevive and Astor streets. T. S. JEWBTT. B. S. KIMBALL. Dravinr& Truc3dngi ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO., Squotuocque tt., between Cass and Main, Contract for j'rarinp rade and satisfaction piAraiuccd. Order? left at the Occident ilo el or rwaartd by mail promptly filled JEWETTi KIMBALL, WHOLESALE TRADE. q q &. W. HTJIYIE CGrner of Water and Olncy Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN (TrooeeieR -AND PJ&GVISXONS SXC ETC, AGENT FOR THE Men City Chemical forts. B. TT. FATXE & SOX'S STEAM. ENGINES. lay's Woofl forMnjr MacMwy RUBBER BOOTS. Tlie National, Hayward, jmd Pure Eul)l)er. LIVERPOOL SALT. Fishermen's and Cannery Supplies, A SPECIALTY. COTTON SEINE TWINE AND NET LINES SOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Oars, Cordage, Blocks, Oakum etc. Special Notice- Star of the Columbia, 150 Fiw Test Kerosene. Turpentine and Varnishj Sail Cletli: Made expressly for liglit sail boaia. For sale at G. W. HUME'S, ASTORIA, - - OREGON I a MISCELLANEOUS. D. K. Warren. C. A. McGciks Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cass streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. WAREBN & McGUIRE, Proprietor (Successors to Hobson fc Warrcr, Wbolesalo and Retail Dealers in all Kinds w Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, FIC. (&B Butter, Egg?, Cheese, etc. constantly nirand. n&r Ships ? supplied at the lowest rates. Washingtoii "Market, i)laln Street, - - Astoria Oregon, BERGMAN cC BEKKY T ESPSCTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN Ltion ofiiie public to the fact that the above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! Which will be sold at lowost rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to auppi -n? shins. ECLIPSE MARKET. ' Wcst-Eijrhth Street, near the O. S. X. Co Wharf. JOHN W. WELCH PROPRIETOR A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FAM1 ly Oroeeries, and the various kinds of tlrst-elass Meats and Fish, furnished in best of style at the market, or delivered to any part of the city. Orders given to the messen gers, or left at the market, will be promptly filled. My endeavor will be, by prompt attention anl fair denting, to please my patrons. C2T"All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods, and delivered topatrow free. J3?"(ive me a call. "WidLAT Is All lis Blowing AM ! I HAVE JUST JiZTHKNEn ROMTiHEA SELL MY GOODS AS CTTT1AF AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY And am not going to say anything about U A Square Deal Guaranteed At the corner of Mam and Squemoqhe sts., ASTORIA, - OREGON. It is no Use of Talking, J. K. "WIRT'S is the cheapest place to buy FRUITS OK TKftETABLES, js he has direct from San Francisco by evurj steamer, all kinds of vegetables, sueh as is m the market. Apples, I'eas. tVIery. Cnuli Tower.. AKparnruH. I'nrsnips. IScets, Car rots, 1'otatoes, Oranges, And from Clatsop every day EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE. AND HONEY. Also : keep the best of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, AND LIQUOES. Call and examine before where. purehnslnsr else J. K. WIRT. EXTRA QUALITY OATS AMD POTATOJES FOR SEED! At J.II.D. GRAY'S, Astoria, Oregon Having just received a new stock, consisting of a splendid assoitment of Kais, Cups. Soots and Shoes, Groceries, Canned Fruits, etc. AI.S0 : Watches. Jewel rj and Cntlery, Besides a choice lot of ToOBACCO, OIARS AXI PIPES, "Win.es and Liquors, Stationery anil Fancy Articles. Which we are offering at the lowest living prices. Very respectfully. JAMES McGEE. At McGee's newlniilding on the roadway. A TV. FJERGUSOX, Contractor vnA Builder, All Kinds or Carpenters and Joiners Work promptly and neatly executed. PICA'S, SPECIFICATIONS, and BILLS OF MATERIAL Furnished on short notice at reduced rates. Shop Next door east of Episcopal church. pOR SAXJE CHEAP. To close consignments 20 Tons Salt, in lots to Suit T. a HOLDEJv. Aactiooecf . rrjtM : jMT. oisifiiw ii,kv;i:.i u. WP)&0& V!V