The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 02, 1879, Image 3

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glxs aiig 3t0rm.
Monday Excepted.
Astariaii Buihlhuj, ibis direct.
Terms of Subscription :
berved by Carrier, per xvoek .25 Cent?
Sent by mail, four months ... ' W
Sent by mail, .ne year 9 W
free of I'oetaco to .-jjbcribers.
" Advertisements mscrtod by the year at
the rate of $1 ") por "'inure per month.
Transient advortiin. by the day or week.
6fty cents per sounro for each insertion.
Tillamook Bay Claims.
The fiiUntvirjj letter and petition
sets furtli the claims of Tillamook bay
A T. Stewart's Body.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
steam fitting line: also, bath tubs, and
Sew York Sun, April Glh.
Since it was announced upon
;ianiwi wiu uaiiiio ui niiaminm .ij Q, , j - aiuiiui iiuiu line: aiso, uiun tuns, nnu
.r attention by the board of engineers: ' authority ol .Mrs. &xw art s state- j Water backs for stoves and ranges fur
, n ,i ment to her friends that the bodv nlshcd on shorted notice.
noQUAKToa1u,.wujnriS,M ,(the latp A T gtewart kd bee- .;..Fresh frnits and vegetables at
P&Z?oat f Ell0in"rS' i recovered by Judge Hilton the B chcnpe8t pver offered ls nm
w....Mwii...r,.w?ii. notitinn f Piti7.Piis Stewart Memorial oathpciral at; burgers Embroidery.
11 V . iliiwv.i.w. ,,v...--.. .----- I -- i ., r T
The Daily astmkia will he cnt Uy
mail atir cent a month, irccafjxntaac. Rcaa
cm who ctmtcnwlatc alienee from the city can
have Thk Astouian folloio them, Dai la
or Wkkkia edition to anu pnst-oltice with
out additional jrpcnc. Adarcc may he
enanyed a often a ncsircd. Leave order at
the counting room.
E.S.Larsen has a beautiful bird at
his store captured at Tillamook bay.
The weather has cleared up leaving
the atmosphere all that can be desired.
It is an observable fact that the fare
for a round trip dies not generally in
clude a square meal.
Rustic frames for 25 cents up, and
a handsome assortment of other kinds,
at Adler's.
Pure Manzineta walking sticks are
to be seen in the hands of aged Astori
ans. They came from Tillamook bay.
living in tin vicinity of Tillamook bay. j
who are desirous of Having you examine
the advantages of this place lefore de
ciding on anv particular locality for a
Harbor of Refuge for the expenditure of
the recent appropriation. By consulting
tin local chart. V. S. coast .survey, by
J. Kindslev and Davidson, coast pilots,
the facts as .shown to you are that
the channel is short and straight,
well dcliied, with not less than four
teen feet of water at mean low tide,
which, with the rise, gives over twentv
feet in the .shoalest place in the channel,
and Green hill makes an excellent land
mark. We are of the opinion that with
a light-house, and a moderate expendi
tuie, this bay could be made an excel
lent harbor of refuge. Respectfully,
.1. H.TruxE::,
Eli (iooi)sc'EKD.
There will be divine service this
(Friday) evening in Grace Episcopal
church. All are cordially invited to
Considerable interest is felt in the
coming suit tor slander to be brought
against the Oregonian by Judge Dean
"Bro. Murphy should write over the
caption of luVdailv now Successful
Experiment' The Experiment is not
only a handsome daily, but it is a live
When you are looking for a place
to amuse yourself, drop in at Max Wag
ner's, Great. Eastern saloon, and listen
to the organ and take a glass of his fine
3an Francisco beer.
Garden city, L. J., wherein the Oysters served in every style at
ua .;n finollv lw iiirorrod boc ! the Walla Walla Restaurant.
been overrun by visitors. Some of
these come from a distance, arid
nalronajre has swelled to a not in
considerable extent the income of
Lincoln. Tillamook Co . Oiikoox,
March 13th. 1S79.
Majo' Ghl'fpie and Uoanl if United State
r.iuiiirer, I'oailonJ Oisqoa;
The undersigned ciifrens of Tillamook
county. Oregon, believing that this bay
possesses many advantages as a harbor
of refuge, having a short, direct channel the bar. good anchorage, secure
shelter, abundance of excellent chean
material for breakwater or jetty near
at hand, respectfully solicit an examin
ation of it, by you. before making a per
manent location in connection with the
ecentactof Congress, making appro
priation for a harbor of refuge on the
Pacific coast, between San Fancisco and
("ape Flattery.
M G Marrillot
.lames II Turner
S II Catterlin
Geo E Getcheli
L Melson
John Lillie
W II lloskins
GeoW Miller
('has II Miller
E h Ilussey
llenrv Meldrum
M Stilwell
John Frost
Geo P Sarsell
E M Day
A F IJehrman
G W Fearn.slde
B P Hntchins
I T Maulsby
J C Bewlev
Win Bull
I C Quick
II V V Johnson
I TIarrincton
D II Turner
II F Goodspeed
X I Iligginbotham
J W Ilask-ns
Hiram Johnson
M Sullivan
G C Tri niter
A Herring
J P Klarkquist
Frank Barneykuff
F Rabkee
Iliram Crane
James Squires
S Thomas
H B Aldernon
Joseph Lamp 11
Louis Freeman
M F Elliot
the Garden city hotel.
Impelled by morbid curiosity
these visitors have searched every
nook and corner of the graceful
j pile whose interior is yet incom
plete. 1 hey seem to oe impressed
with the idea that the body is
concealed about the premises.
Not content with annoying the
workmen engaged in erecting the
mortuary chapel in the cript, un
der the chapel, they have broken
and carried away portions of the
delicate stone tracery, that lias
cost so much labor and money.
To prevent this, an order was giv
en some weeks since that no one
should be allowed to enter
rho hin iiinor -iviuiouL p-ivinn-;
-"w r . o -"
a password or countersign that had
been agreed upon. "Indeed,"
said a gentleman who is in a posi
tion to speak authoritively, "this
rule has been observed so strictly
that .fudge Hilton himself would
find it difficult to gain admittance
without giving the word."
The promulgation of this order,
when it became known to the
villagers, created a
Don't frighten the swallows away
from the cable ends of your houses, but
let them build their nests and rear their,) X Bund
young. They materially lessen the num
ber of gnats and flies in hot climates.
John G Day
Peter Terwilleger
Mr. C. n. Stockton of this city is inj Peter
w'tli bigirtCst lueicof anv hianlTvintf." Tfe .TIT La
has just inherited another millio i and a Win Lattie
half, on his wife's side. Success, anil j Win Squire
long life attend you, and yours;
It Is supposed that the kedge anchor
picked up m this bay last Wednesday
night bv one of Mr. Geo. W. Humes
fishing boats came from the Tonquin.
It is at all events a relic of by gone
II F llolden
Frank Smith
Seth Hinies
G W Blackwell
Eli Goodsneed
Judge lVrrin
Charlie Pye
Frank Ekroth
Frank Merrey
W I Coleman"
John Monroe
L L Btindeli
W X Vaughn
Amos Vaughn
J W Jennings
W T Doughty
I S Elliott -L
It Meeornic
Samuel Monelly
D I) Bagley
E K Scovill
J S Story
W RalstojLjjarpilpj.
"cjiitfoiiihoir, r
S W Hanliurst
E Coleman
Fresh oysters in every style at
Schmeers". See advertisement.
Fresh oysters in every style and
at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant.
Keep your blood pure and your
A Bouncing Baby
The largest infant at birth, of
which there is any authenticated
marked sensation. Although be-
fore this they had smiled at the
firmly expressed belief of the
strangers that the body was in
the cathredral, they soon caught
the infection themselves. They
swarmed about the place, peered
curiously through the great peaked
windows, which could be attained
only by standing upon each other's
shoulders, and stared in blank
amazement at the grotesque faces
of the gargoyle that capped the
window-arches above them. It
has been definitely learned that the
body of Mr. Stewart is jiot in the
cathedral, and will not be taken
there until the two sarcophagi areL
pfaertrTiJosition upmf "ftie" marble I .
flooring of the mortuary chapel.
health must be good, the great purifier
is Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. All
Astoria druggists have it now.
Your complexion is sallow, and
skin yellow, your liver is affected.
Obtain from your druggist a bottle of
Pfuuder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
lust received per Elder 2,000
pounds, 8-pound sheet lead, for sale at
lowest rates at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Xow that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Runey is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at Bailey's.
Rnv vonr domestic foods at Ham
burger's. You can do better than at any
other house.
Xew invoice of those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Five thousand vards Embroideries
j from . cents upwards, at Hamburger's.
Twelve yards Chinese Grass Cloth,
:G inches wide, for one dollar at Ham
burger's. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
Just received the latest and most fash
ionable sfyle of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Book store.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house,whom everybody knows as a popu
lar caterer, has 'fixed his hotel up in
splended style. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
around; every luxury of the season at
the Chicago house.
Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better iob for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should be sufficient recom
niendation. Before you let your eon
tracts for work of this kind it would he
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
Ward's Theatre.
Metropolitan Hall
Lessee and Manager
Leader of Orchestra,
- Jos. if. -Ward,
T. Piercey
Friday Evening. May 2, 1879
Third appearance of
Pronounced by the press to be the most
complete and successful organizatioh on the
Semething: Xew !
This evening w ill be presented the beautiful
nautical drama, entitled
In his Dutch songs, dances and ecentriete.
To conclude with the farce of the
Quiet Family.
Trices to suit the times.
Admission .... 50 and 75 cts
Seats can be secured at Caufleld's dmg store.
Matinee Saturday, at 2 P. M.
Admission 25 and 50 cen s.
Lodotxg House. Furnished rooms
to let at reasonable rates at Mrs. Mun
son's, Chenenanius St., Astoria.
Single copies of the Weekly Astoria?
neatly done up, with stamps to pre-pay
postage affixed, for sale at this office.
Send a copy to your friend.s in other parts
of the world. Price, 10 cents a copy.
Hill's Ker Variety Tinatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the New' Theatre wer
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Tainted by Mr. "Win. "West. Architect and
Builder Mr. Kemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Class Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part of Male and Female
Consisting of
j Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats;-
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
LOST AND FOUND should hz promntly
advertised in The Astoria v, to secure
speedy restoration of property to the light
ful owners.
record was born in Ohio on the j Victoria, but soon found himself
Spain is a delightful country
to live in, if a man is fond of ex
citement. An Hinglisnman,a "miser- qcoiv I.OST. Broke adrift in the Co
oKl 1',. " nnonnrl mi'dnn nt P. lumbia. with a curco of jih wood, cedar
w.v, .,w.v, vrv-..w "";.;'. i bolts and hr bark. Suitable reward to any
Thesinginjr exercises at the Baptist
church la?it evening were splendid. It
vyasa meeting oi the class, and the- imi- (the ordinary weight being about
sic we heard there reminds us of thejv. ,. ,",
ltn ot last January, ine new
born boy was twenty-three and
three auarter pounds in weight
nrediction that the visit of the Professor
would proTe beneficial to society. The
fact is; it has exceeded our hopes.
Several young ladies in Seattle
have formed a new literary society for
improving themselves in "thinking and
understanding,' as the Daily Post has
it. A laudable ambition, truly, and one
which might be well recommended to
young ladies elsewhere.
"Will be sent free, a beautiful, bran
new organ, together with a large in
struction book, full of useful exercises
and pretty pieces, boxed and shipped to
any address," is going the rounds of
papers. Too cheap to be a successful
dodge. Try it and you U find it dearer
than wrecked goods at auction.
It's no use for any woman to try and
out-talk our auctioneer, E. C. II olden
after three days continuousselling, aver
aging five hoiirs each day, he came into
our office and with a voice as clear as a
bell requested us to insert the advertise
ment for his next sale, which will be
lound in our column of new ads.
six noundsi. ana tlnrtv inciies m
height (the ordinary height being
about twenty inches.) The cir
cumference of the head was nine
teen inches, and the foot was five
and a half inches in length. Six
years ago the same woman became
the mother of a child eighteen
pounds in weight and twenty-four
inches in height. The size and
weight of the babe, though extra
ordinary, are proportionate to the
size of the parents. The mother,
Mrs. M. V. Bates, of Nova Scotia,
is seven feet and nine inches high,
and the father, a Kentuckian, is
dogged by spies employed by the
priests. If he went into a house,
the inmates were warned against
harboring the "heretic," one land
lord after another was induced by
priestly persuasions not to hire him
lodgings. Finally his household
goods were turned out of doors.
"At five in the morning he per
suaded an acquaintance to allow
him to deposit them in his ware
house; but before the second load
could arrive the priests had alarm
ed this person, and he refused to
admit any more. For the whole
day this load of furniture traversed
the streets of Victoria, seeking in
vain a place of deposit. The goods
found a resting place at last in the
railway station, tne priesis onering
one picking her up.
Mt. Coffin, "SY. T.
NET LOST. On Friday night, Ap l
25th. new net. of about InO fa bonis;
Barbour's No. 3, 10-ply thread : hung on cot
ton lines; floats branded W. H. A suitable
reward will be paid on returning the .same
or giving information where it may be found
iO . H.M. ill All!..
Asioria. Oregon.
Seventy Dollars Reward.
"VTET I.OST. cjn the morning of the 29th
i.1 opposite Barneys Point. loO fathom. No.
12 thread. 40-nlv. cotton lines. 3S meshe
j deep, floats branded W B- Supposed to
nave ieeu simi'ii. ; uir iiui's wi'iv cut uu.
seven feet seven inches high. The double the rent, however, for the
London Hospital Museum can j place, if the company would turn
boast no longer of its giant infant ! out the effects of the "heretic. We
which is only twenty-four inches
high, with the head thirteen and a
half inches in circumference.
The Arizona lottery is flooding the
mails with circulars and other matter
useless as it is bulky. The officials who
are striving to work up the affair, bland
ly claim that the money received for
tickets is to be applied to the erection of
mjIiooI buildings. We have some bright
recollections of the lotteries of other
days, and would advise our friends to
iug improvements nearer home.
VShingawn" was most happily ren
dered last night at the Metropolitan
"hall by the Cleaves dramatic and music
.al combination. The bill for to-night
i "Enoch Arden," with the usual oho
and farce.
Science Ih Story
-Is a great work for the young, and the
-Vecular and the religious press all over
uie country have bpoken m highest
terms of it It is humorous, instructive
and just the thing to give children n
knowledge of themselves. Its tiuthor is
Dr. E. 13. Foote, who wrote Medical
Common Sense. Science in Story is in
rive volumes, for S3, or m one compact
volume for $2. Sent postage prepaid on
jreceipt of price, Evidences of Dr.
JFobte's success as a writer and practi-
" rioner is mailed free. If you wish to
consult Dr. Foote, address letter to 120
Lexington Avenue, New orkcitj;. If
J .vou wish for any of -his publications ad
dress Murray Hill Publishing company.
129 East 23th street, Xew York city.
repeat, Spain is a delightful
country to live in, if aman is fond
of excitement.
A Curd.
Astokia, April 27, 1878.
This is to certify that I have given the
agency of Mrs. E. K. Rinkers system of j
cutting to Mrs. S. T. McKean, and she is
to have the sole rinht and nnvileirc of
instructing In the same in this city and
county. aU.jss z. . . dk.msuiut.
Baby carriages of the best styles,
and at low prices, at Locb's.
Adler cannot be undersold in the
bank book and stationery line.
Blank invoice files cheaper than
can be bought anywhere, at Adler's.
Best Salem flour is sold in this
city at $5 50 per barrel by Warren &
Boat sponges, wholesale and retiil
at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five
thousand jnst received.
a performance of the piece in Phila-
aeipma oy nuio ennarcn.
Tho estate of Capt. E. B. Ward
of Detroit, should caution all money
ed men against wills that may lead to
litigation. His will was made at the
dictation of ' 'spiritualists" aud showed
clean value ever and above all debts,
of more than four millions. It went
into court, when the lawyers began to
consume at one end and shrinkage of
hard times at the other end, till now
the assets are $350,000, and the debts
$040,000, and his children are beggars.
To see our Refined and Unequalled enter
tainment. New Acts, Xew Song's andcom
plete change of Programme twice a week.'
OEO. HIXX, Proprietor.
Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chena
mus Street Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
0ty IHS-srr-px-ojss.
Two Trips Iaily to Upper Town.
MB. F. SHERMAN takes pleasure in an
nouncing the fact that he 1ms perfected
I arrangements for making two regular trip
I I:iiIv to TTinr Astoriri :uid b:iok. rocnUnr
Twenty dollars will be paid for the recovery street car style, for passengers and small
of the net, and So0 for the conviction of the packages.
5Uier. "WATSON BltOS., i&irVVill leave .T. W. Gearharts, the Parker
Tongue Point. House, and the Occident, daily at 11 a. m.
! and 3 1 m. Returning will leave v an Du-
Jrareror tne touhu
To Whom It May Concern.
by appoint F. M. Bartholow as my duly
authorized agent for the transaction of my
business in Oregon and Washington territory.
Astoria, April 17. 1S70.
TWTOTICE. My wife Elizabeth havhr; l?'t
Ll mv bed and board, caese or
provocation, all iiersons areheicby lotificd
that I will not be lesponsibie for iny debus
of her contracting ader this d; e.
J. W. FRY.
April 2fi. 1S79.
sen's upper town store.
inpj ueius.
Mr. Gibson, proprietor of the
Gibson house, Cincinnati, wooed Miss
Buuce, but his parents objected to
the match, and ho, although 45 years
old, conformed to their wishes. Miss
Bunceheld him to his engagement,
Imwovpr until he had boucht her re-
'l".f' VPi"af!Lel Te4,.is lease for $53,000 in notes oE $10,000
each. Afterward he renewed hia
crmrtsn'n. nnd she crave him back tho
It is not always possible to keep "Whereupon he cut her ac-
from having mud thrown at you; but "u"-a L, . . ., . . , ,
you can always keep from throwing it quaintance. This is the story as told
at others. 1 by Miss Bunce in her suit for damages.
g 5 p-3
B i -t
3 3 g
tf Szj 9 J3
8 h s
Who is Elected? i
GOING! GOING! Oflfflfi!
30 Days From This Bate
At Cost at the
Books, Stationery, Chromos,
And a variety of other goods too numerous
to mention.
Chas. Stevens & Son.
Mes. H. A. Derby
Received by last steamer a superb stock of
Embracing every novelty in the line j
Great Eastern Saloon,
And other goods too numerous to mention;
(Or, Warner's Health Gbrsel
Cn only be purchased in Astoria at Mrs.
Derby's. Main street, between Squemoqut
and Jefferson.
been retitted and stocked with
lBjperted'ncMoBse8tIe WIhcs and
'XiiqHers. Cljrars and Tobacco.
jy San Francisco Beer five cents a glass
- Billiard Room.
The only Billiard Room in the city wheie
no nquors are soia. ,
has a easy place and keeps on hand tiTc t
test brand of Cigars. Also. sodacanuj.
nuts, etc; Oppbslte'Altona Chop HGuse,.
95-tf GEO'.ROSSFrobrietor'.
is-' 3