The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, April 30, 1879, Image 3

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    ? "pt t -"-rjer -IS
!niig stoviim,
Monday hxceptod..
D. C. IIiEL,AXI& : : IrBZ.I.SSffK.
Astoria u BitUtihu;, Cos street.
Tarms of Subscription :
Served by Cnrnar. per week .35 Cente
Sunt, by uiail. four months ft W
Sunt hy mail, cno your - U 00
Ertt of !'(pikc to subscribers.
aw Advertisements inserted by thuyeur at)
the rate of ?I "' inr square pur month.
Transient advertising, by the day or woek,
Gfty coats ier square for each insertion.
Tiits Daua atoi:ia" tn'JJ 7c jw
roni . " nuudh. free of jtostngr. .Vj
erw itffco ria1rMitltiicn!frcc front iltc cUh cg
iiavc Tine Atokia' fnlbw hem. Daiiv
or Wkkki.Y etiititnii to anu jiot-ojkcc wilk
tnt aiuiilional xpcnc. Artarcxe.s may lie
cnGMijtti x nflsn n.s centred. Jcapc order al
Oie ctumlimt rinun.
North r.end sails to-day for
Oregon sails for Astoria on
Collector Kelly, of Portland, return
ed home by the Elder yesterday.
The Eider left two hundred
eighty tons of her cargo ai Astoria.
Do not faii to notice Tan Dusen fc
Co.'s new advertisement in another col
umn, it is -as true as preaching.'
The Herbert Ulaek. Coloma. For
ward and Stonewall .Jackson are en
route from Hongkong. See the Chinese!
The Abeona comes in for a share
of praise, she arrived on the 22d from
Astoria at C-ork. The Prince Louis and
the Lizzie IJell also arrived on the JUd
at Cork.
The "Tinted States steamer Shu
brick, dpi. K irtz. sailed forShoalwater
bay atti o'clock . m. yesterday on duty
in 'connection with the l.'ith light-house
Mr.nwl Mrs. II. L. Pittoek, of Port
land and Mrs. Gilbert, took a look into
Tub-Astoki ax office yesterday, while
waiting for the Elder, to proceed to
P.adollet & Co. have received a very
tine desiirn which they are about to have
printed as a card for the interior of
eases containing salmon from their fac
tory, to be displayed in the shops of re
tail dealers.
Mr. Til lard accepted aseat with Mr.
Lienenwcber yesterday, and took a
drive to upper Astoria in a lumber
wagon. Mr. V. is a practical sort of a
man, and does not object to the practical ;
ways of live Oregonians. i
-Mr. O. A. Tibbetts, late assistant
keeper at Point Adams light, went to
Portland yesterday, lie expects to till a
positnn iii Albany as book-keeper for
one of the leading houses in trade there.
We wish him all possible success, lie
deserves it.
Doyle and Sweeny two of the pirates
arrested for misdeeds on board the
Great ttepublic, and Corrigan, who
operated in eonjuncton with them on the
island, were taken to Portland yester
dav tor trial in the United States dis
trict court. They deserve a term of
lorty years each in the penitentiary.
I sing of leer, the only tJeer,
Put up in pints and quarts,
That will your drooping spirits cheer,
And brighter make your thoughts;
lis at all the bars in town,
It's sparkling, bright and clear;
Jfs n nine I'll gladly write you down,
Tis New England "famed Uoot Beer.
Gen. Frey, well known years long
gone by as a "lieutenent in the artillery.
when he came to Astoria and took pos
of the acipiaintances of those early
a ears, among whom were Mr. A. Yah
l)useu and Gen. John Adair, jr.
The finest arrangements for keep
ing cows oft' the lawn at the custom
house square has at last been devised.
It consists of horizontal cross-sticks,
and perpendiculars, hung on a swivel.
The perpendiculars take the heels off
men. and rips the braid from ladies
dresses, but they nrevent the cows from
creeping under the horizontals, and thus
save the grass, which is something.
Alex Forges, Jr.. editor of the Cin
cinnati Freie Presse, arrived by the
Elder veslerday. Mr. Forges was a
passenger on the Los Angeles a few
years ago, when that steamer was towed
"into this port disabled, lie will return
to Ohio in the course of a few weeks.
His stav at Astoria this trip was made
pleasant and agreeable by Mr. Peter
Wilhelm. We' acknowledge a call
from them.
We have just received from M.ray.
an exquisite little ballad entitled 'Grand
father's Home It lias simple, heartfelt
words, wedded to a melody that leaves a
lasting impression on the hearer; that
brings to mind the good old time songs,
Old' Oaken Bucket,' 01d Kentucky
Home 'Lilv Dale,' etc Mr. Gray in
forms ib that his California song.
Where is Heaven?' has caught the fe
ver of popularity in the eastern states.
It is a marked fact that the salmon
this year are fully J0 per cent, smaller
jhan any former season. This will
make quite a material difference with
the cannervmen. who are compelled to
pay as much for the fish as they would
were the fish of the usual size. With
the price at Si 13 per dozen, and this re
duction staring them in the face, the
matter looks a little moie complicated
than before the season opened, and if
continued must result in disaster.
session oi tins piaec in Lfii'.i or .)U,wmi!.' ,""v ;" wv ." ;y w:"
Major Ilathawav, visited the scenes of saved themselves by benig good swiin-
iu,:. ,.i. ,i..,tj ..; ,-,lt.,vi.. it. miners. It is the oinnion of those with J-l
i ,. r .,..,. -,, -... ,. i vaiiii'i !iv in iin;ri !l If Illl Tlllll mii
v''..rl f!.,. ri'niw.r tmiMi Jin1 moh cninn.WhoiIl WC liaVP C01lVert,ed UpOll tllC Sill)- at De
-.. l !... V TfV . VW .. .., ....I. ... -....X .
Re.memher tlml lo-night rhe retro
nolitanoiens with a Milennial bill, and
a splendid company. (Jive them a !
huiuper. Let us make Astoria feel like
home Jo 3Ir. Ward, and his admirable
company. It will 1h observed that the
i trice of admibsion makes it possible for
ail to attend.
Good hye MHU iolly jovial Barlow.
The ininsti els sailed by the Jdaho yes
terday. Ileferrhij to Xad. llentz. minstrels
the Ore;ouiaii says: Those who atten
ded last evening with the idea that th-y
woitld witness extreme broadness in
acting and extreme scantiness of ward
robe, were certainly doomed to disap
pointment. It is true the female mem
hers of the company do not encumber
their limbs and busts with a Mijierfluity
of apparel, but as a rule they did not
make an unchaste exhibition of shape.'
(no wors hae lecn uiven at New
Market theatre More very respectable ami mere was uouuu'4 in tne
act hit; ami language ued which could
give offense even to a lady.
Tlxo Kiuirs Secret-
The Due de Broglie, lately prime
mimsti r under MacMahon. and one of
the leading statesmen ol France, is a
memlKTota family prominent in the
government scrvice'ol thsit country for
a century and a Half. One of the mem
bers, Count de Broglie, a diplomatic
agent of Louis xv. was sent to Poland
and a secret cnrrcsitondcnce followed.
The letters were ordered to 1h destroy
ed by Louis xvi, but were preserved,
and "the present Due de ttroglie has been
the first to have full access to them with
knowledge and capacity to appreciate
their value, and with the taste to use the
information as a basis of historical com
position. The narrative relates mainly
to Poland, its partition, and the wars
preceding it. Avmd picture is given
of the anarchical condition of the coun
try, and the utter helplessness of orderly
government under a constitution betteY
fitted for migrating warriors than for
a nation settled in its habitations, de
pendent lor its support on the arts of
peace. The adventures of Frederick
the Great, the intrigues of the French
court, the dissipation of Louis xv.
and even the doubutful sex of Chevalier
d Eon, are made to contribute to the
memoirs of Count Broglie. for such this
work is in its main purpose. Tne book
is well written and will be praised by
nian student of European history. We
take it for granted that the original
work was published in Fiance and that
this is a translation, though those facts
are not mentioned or direcMy implied
anywhere. The style is "ami lorci
ble. It will be sent on receipt of price by
Potter & Galpin, San Francisco.
Court .Proceedings.
Astoria, Ann I a. l.s y.
Gius Hcmz, fighti n
rlitnncit fit 5lfk
, uljiujii v vv
Win. Peterson, lighting,
S10 forfeited.
deposit of
C. BxlcMcL drunk, fined $5 ; paid.
J. Diiiwnd vagrancy, fined $10; sent
below for live days.
J. WilluimSi drunk, fined 5; sent
below for two days.
JohnMaPkcy, drunk, fined 5; sent
belmvfor two clays.
Ah Ic, keeping opium den, fined $r
sent below for two days.
Tom Grnrtcs. drunk, fined $2; paid.
7?ob McElrou. drunk, fined i2: oaitl.
AUinindcr PhiU'ms. drunk, fined i2: !
7 j w ,,
Mary IfcCarty, drunk, fined 3: sont
below for two days.
Messrs. D. J. Malarkey. J. 1L Mont
gomery and .Squire Farrcr called yester
day, Jliey were nasscngers returning to
Oregon by the Elder.
The Board of Underwriters have i l J u
auuthorixed Marine Surveyor A. Y. . ., T. . .
Trask to charter a steamer and inspect I -lh-rc fall miblishes an interview
the moorings at the various landings ' Wlt, Mr p: D Cornwall, m which that
ami loading" ports on the northern coast. ' Jn-iitleinan if reported to have said that
The steamer will leave San Francisco w lvo j,,lIot "sun ,v. finployed m tak
for that purpose about May 10th. j " tht' -realt Illic over the bar had
. .. I been induced to leave for some mysteri-
wi.i- f fi.nvu.b- ... - ,.. ,isir, ' fus reason, and this, added to the fact
n,.u v?. h.i,v mm.1, ii. ffi,lT;' that certain parties in the city had re
nu es's u ffs t hnt he he tvv stiTff bons ' l,PaUll,-v SWorn tlmt the Great ePblic
r uS -u ,d l inks in tKid Vim ' shoul(l not mn to Oregon, led him to be-
l el xvi" will, e 1 w ,wn e,l ! iU'Vt' that the wk was the result of a
lo.uted i. h white lead vls swamped nUlt u. .... h, f,minit?nii.
ject, men who have worked on the
W1CCK. Lllilt LUC IMlieilil.Sl-I.S Will IJUL !
more than clear themselves, as the ex
pense is so great as to leave little margin
for profits. '
Why lion. 11. II. Gil fry should be
the subject of adverse comment in con
sequence of his promotion to a clerkship
in the United States senate we are un
able to say, unless it be because of the
eternal fitness'1 of political adherents
to assail a political opponent. Mr.Gilfry
is a thoroughly competent gentleman,
and we believe'him to be an honest man,
and as much entitled to this distinction
as an body in Oregon. The simple fact
of his lxing a democrat, however, ap
pears to call for a superabundant supply
of mud from the other side Go oh
Henry, your success is well Observed.
We endorse the Bee, when it say : "Mr.
Gilfry possesses every qualification
necessary to the position to which he is
appointed and we venture to say that
there will be no clerk of the senate bet
ter able to discharge the duty of that
Mr. II. Yillard, president of the
Oregon Steamship company, and the
Oregon Central and Oregon and Call-,
fornia railroads, arrived by the Elder.
As before stated in these columns. Mr.
Yillard is accompanied by three gentle
nen who represent large .capital in New
York, and the object of their visit is to
arrange me (tenuis ol uusiness in con-;,i., .;!, ;..,.fof ,i..,...m.,
sjnnn lit hr iiini"'iirnhrl in Orcnii
..WW.. - .....,,... ...., ,.. ... .,,-... ......
Washington territory, l hey will im
mediately begin the construction of
some valuable short lilies of narrow
gauge railways, where tne same are
greatly needed, and exrend lines to a
"connection with the Utah Northern.
A private letter troin ir. .Mitchell in
forms us tnat $1,000,000 has been sub-
scribed m New York to begin railways
in Oregon and WasWimton" Mr. Mitch-
ell is now enroll to Portland, and will ""iwioiks ao me nosing ami unwii
arrivc here on the next steamer. hng to lend a hand.
Spring Pasnion Hints.
Purses should be worn full on the
Everybody's trousers are wear
ing" out.
Old age is generally worn much
Furs are often useful to hide un
healthy skins.
Hand-cuffs are much worn by
tourists to Sal cm.
Pies, this spring are cut quarter
ing, diamond-pointed.
The fashionable color for boiled
lobster this season is red.
Larire rents are now common in
expensive suites of rooms.
Clocks are becoming to stockings
but more use ful in steeples.
Impecuneous acquaintances and
oor relations may be cut very
Slippers are less common since
the ice has melted from the pave
ments. Suits of China material are rather
hardware for this changeable cli
mate. ,
Eve's walking-suit in Eden was
much lighter than those worn
the blonds.
by !
The principal style in gentle
men's spring hats is to pay for
them in advance.
Uneasy lie the heads wearing
crowns in Europe especially in
Germany and Russia.
Mahogany and rosewood suits
appropriate for people who persist
in dying ma' be had at the under
takers. A C'siri!.
Astoki A. April 27, 1S78.
This is to certify that I have given the
agency of Mrs. K K. Kinkers system of
cutting to Mrs. ts. T. McKean. and she is
tohae the solo right and privilege of
instructing in the same m this city and
county. M iss E. C. I5kxeict.
A magnificent stock of jewelry
at Adler's.
"Rev. Mr. Praker quite hadsomely
answered "John Sheridan, steerage
passenger," in the Oregonian yesterday.
Books and stationery of every
variety, the best, at Adler's.
WeTCgrct exceedingly that Schlussel
&Kant have decided to withdraw-. from
business in Astoria. They mean it
business here is overdone.
Call at Adler's and secure a cro
quet set. Cheaper ever.
Capt. Dennle made the run to San
in six davs, when he turn
ed the Sea Waif over and returned
himself to Astoria. Lest there he some
misapprehensions concerning this item,
we may say that he did not capsize, or
anything of that nature, but simply left
the vessel in other hands. She will go
to Oakland when discharged.
Baby carriages of the best styles,
owl if loit ivfe if TjihK c
at sponges, wholesale and retail
ments drug store, Astoria. Five
thousand iust received.
Wall-receivers, brackets, and a
j splendid lot of picture-frames, at Ad-
Icr s, almost at your own price.
Best Salem Hour is sold in this
city at 6.j 50 per barrel by Warren &
Warren & McGuire have the
oarly rse potatoes for seed. Farmers,
please remember this.
. - '
For good tobaccos, fine cigars, no
tions, candies, etc., go to Foster's
variety store, on the roadway, oppo
site the O. S. N. Co.'s wharf.
Many a man spends money enough
on a single vice to bring up two chil
dren and give each of them a hand
some dowry.
Some people are born to be con
trary, and the fulfill their mission
with religious zeal. They are like the
Irishman's frog, who, he said, always
J stoa "P wen he sat down and always
, sat down when he stood up.
-r .v ti ... ...ji ,.,.
-Ltis an ery well to
ittempt to ac-
' COUIlt tor tile
financial condition of
-.,.., . .
tne country oy saying tnat tne east is
glutted and a "westward ho" would
relieve it. The times could easily be
made better if more people in the east
would take to the hoe and use it in
dustriously. The difficulty with this
:lge ls that there are so many people
...i.ri .. w:ii. ., ii- a
7,K' ??. illn? t(J lo.()k on.and-f,B
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
stejun fitting line: also, bith tubs, and
water backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on shortest notice.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
- The cheapest ever offered is Ham
burger's Embroidery.
Ovsters served in everv style at
the Waila Walla Restaurant.
Fresh oysters in every style at
Schmcers'. See advertisement.
Fresh oysters, in every style and
at all hours at the Pioneer restaurant.
I.C. Johnson may 1h found at the
Occident in Astoria every Monday.
Wednesday, and Friday evening, ready
to attend to messenger duty in Portland
or to Kints along the river in a satisfac
otry manner.
Just received per Elder 2,000
lomias, S-pound sheet lead, for sale at
lowest rates at Magnus C.Crosby's.
Xow that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Iluney is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
"Get vour baskets tilled for a little,
money at Bailey's.
Buy your domestic goods at Ham
burger's.' You can do better than at any
other house.
New invoice ot those Medallion
flanges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Five thousand yards Embroideries
from ."i cents upwards, at Hamburger's.
Twelve yards Chinese Grass Cloth,
" inches wide, for one dollar at Hani-
-' "- -
P. .7. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Uoo'k store.
The proprietor of the Chicago
liouse.whom c cry body knows as a popu
lar caterer, has fixed' his hotel up in
splended style. It isallncwl painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
areund: every luxury of the season at
ine v. uicago uouse.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him. and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. 11 is work in the
cemetery here should Insufficient reeoin
mendation. Uefore you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it "would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
JiOnrcixo lIot'SE. Furnished rooms
to let at reasonable rates at Mrs. Man
son's, Ohencnamus st.. Astoria.
Single copies of the W kkkly Astoria's
neatly done up. with stamps to pre-pay
postage affixed, for sale at thw office,
t'end i copy to your friends in other parts
of the world. Price, 10 cents a copy.
f1IAS. A. 3IAY,
Forcicrn and Iomesiic Fruits, i
Nuts, Candies, Yankee Notions, Toys.
Finest brands of
Chcnanuis street, - Astouia
has c6-:3eovi-:9
From I X L store to t!te diagonal comer,
north side of Concoinly street, two doors
west of Alain street, Astoria, Oregon.
ware. Coal Oils. Tobaeeos. aad Gents Fur
nishing Goods, which w til be sold at lowest
4 AV. FfiRGtSOX.
Contractor and Builder,
All kinds of Carpenters and .Joiners Work
promptly and neatly executed.
Furnished on short notice at reduced rata.
Snor Next door east of Episcopal church.
Shop on Cass street. Astoria, Oregon.
rcs Paper hanging and Kalsoiniming a
ttTAll work guaranteed to give satisfac
tion .
Main street, next door to Geo. Uoss.
Astoria Steam Laundry.
J. T. BOUCHERS.: .Proprietor
Astoria. Oregon.
No rubhinc or scrubbing, and no thnvning
your clothes too pieces. Buttons sewet on
and clothes mended.
7-N'eat work at reasonable prices. Give
us a call.
Astoria Liquor Store,
AUG. DANIELSON. Proprietor.
Water st. "Road way, - Astouia, 0xj on.
Importer and dealer in
Sole agent for tiie celebrated
Chexamos Strket. Astokia.
Tho public sro invited to cnii and leave
their orders. Splendid Lager 5 cents a gloss.
Free Lunch every night.
"WM. BUCK Sc Co.. Proprietors.
Ward's Theatre-
Metropolitan Hall I
Lessee and Manager - Jas. M. Ward"-
Wednesday Ev'ng, April 3Qifu
Matinee Saturday, at 2 P. BE.
First appearance of
iwkamatic a:yi mvsicjjt. "
Pronounced by the press to be t?w i
complete ami successful organization, a &v
Pacific, coast.
Something Xeiv i
Wednesday Ev'ng, April 30th,
Vfll be presented the beautiful 3 act
comedy, entitled.
In Ins Dutch souks.
dances and ecentricts..
To conclude with the farce of the
NAN, (with ton:) Emma II. Cleavrs.
Trices to suit the times.
Admission ?.o and 75 ct.-.
Seats can be secured at Caufield's drug stora .
OF -
Hill's lew Variety Tfoatre,
Containing six
j 2E Y
The Decorations of the New Theatre were
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Painted by Mr. Win. AVet. Architect and
iluikltr Mr. Keinble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Class
Which for Refinement and Novel tv cannot?
be equalled on this coast. Our Per
formance Commtnoes with our
: First Part of SSale and Female-
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers
Pantomimists and. Jugglers.
To see our licfincd and Unequalled enter
tainment. New Acts. New Song's and com
plete change of Programme twice a week..
SEO. III1..TL. Proprietor.
Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chcna
nuis Street. Performance to commeuco
at eight o'clock precise.
Trips Inily to ITpper Town,.
F. SHEKMAX takes pleasure in an
iTJl 11
nouncing the fact that he has perfected
arrangements for making two regular trips
, daily to I'pper Astoria and hack, regular
I street cur stjle. for passengers and small
I packages.
! Ad-will leave J. "V. Gearharts, the Parker
' House. and the Occident, daily at 11 a.m.
and;; cm. Kcturning will leave Van lu-
sen's upper town store. Fare for the round
I trip 25. cents.
30 Days From This Data
At Cost at the
Backs, Stationery, Cliromos,
And a variety of other gnods'too numerous
to mention.
Chas. Stevens & Son.
Irs. IL A. Derby.
Received by last steamer a superb stock or.
Embracing every noveltj in the line.
And other goods too numerous to mention.
Or, Warner's Health Corset
Can onlv he purchased in Astoria at!rs.
Derby's. lain street, between Squemoqhe
and JeflerMm.
jaiiaarajtioom. g
Tlie only Billiard Room in the city wheuj
no liquors are sold.
has a cosy place and keeps on hand tu.
test brand of Cigars. Also, soda, canuj,
nuts. etc. Opposite Altona Chop House.
K5-tf GEO. ROSS, Pvoonetvr.