00 STEAMSHIP LINES. MISCELLANEOUS. w su& ASTORfA OKEGON TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA. Prom tables of United States Coast Survey. PAC1F1CC0ASTS,S.C0. Portland to San Francisco. Date. High Water. p. M. A.M. Low Water. . v.. v. 24 1 43 .. 2 iSI ! li 27 25 2 18 8 4 51 0 ."S ! Hi 2(1 '1 o4 4 :' 0 SI i 4 27 ,.w 3 $ 5 -T,! I'. 10 41 28 4 3fl....t.... (i 7 ....11 3)....J1 44 29 .. fl 2 .. 7 l . "v 0 4 30 .va- tt 31 7 IW ! 0 4 . I M 1 7 43 8 471 1 47...... 2 '-". 2 8 54 ! 40 2 .V.......... 3 2t 3 -.10 11 10 l."i 4 OS....... 4 2T PORT OF ASTOttlV CLICA RA .XCKS A A J) UKVA RWRKS. stt.tin. "Brecon. sb. 2250 tons. Coriftor. S F April 23 Ancon. str. IfilOtons. ftelmcy. S. F April 21 Rival, bk'ito tons. Adams. S. K. April 17. SC&wfeU. Br bk. 4S5J tons. Evans. Liverpool. Apr 17 Oorrientes. Rr. bk S3 tons. Jones. Liverpool April 14. AlDtaa. sch. 28 tons. Starr. Tillamook. April 12 Orient, brie 312 tons. William. S. F. April 11 Uea Waif brig, 273 tons. J. E. Denny. Master. S. F. April 11 All RIVALS FROM SKA. Idaho, str. 1077 tons. Alexander. S F April 26 'Melancthon. bkt. 2SS tons M.inson S V April 21 Trustee, new schooner, McAllep. S. F. April 23. California. ir. KTJtons. Thorn. Sitka April Ifi Hhubrick. U.S. Light-hnuse str .Kortx. SF April 5 Ilonora. sch. 75 tons. Tliroiioeti, Tillamook. Alch 21 Katn LHerron.sch Betts. Tillamook. .March 21. McNearship 1803 tons Taylor. HonukouR. Nov 12 Vallev Forge, ah 1W6 tons. Woodberry. Bombay. Oct 3. Garibaldi bh 1431 ton; ThAtcher.Hongkong Sept.27 Wildwood, sh. 1016 tons. Harnman. Hongkong. June 8 REDUCED RATES. Carrying ttic U. S. Mnlls ami "Wells. Farro ' Express. THE PACIFIC COAST Jkr h steamship Company win SfjCrifa dispatch their fcist and fa- STEAMSHIP IDAHO, 1077 Tons. 12. ALEXANDER COMMANDER For the above port, on Tuesday, April 20th, at 5 A. M NEW 8TQGK1 KATES Cabin Passage Steerage Passage .Sir. on ... 8 00 VESSELS LA 77; H'4 1 . THROCOH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the United States and Canada. For Passage and Freights, apply to J. McCRAKEN CO.. Agents. Co. 02 and 04 North Front street. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nan aimo, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying C. S. !tlnils. jfe TUE STEAMSHIP 'feg CALIFORNIA, CU AS. THORN Commnnder Will lcavo Flandcr's Wharf, foot of C Ptroet for the above ports. "Wednesday, April 30, 1S7Q. For Freight or Passago apply to En. C. HUGHES, Pcrser. HAVING JUST RECEIVED A new stock consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Articles, AND- Ms' MSMS& GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. We respectfnllv invite the public to call and inspect the same. We have also receVcd a large stock of fine CIGARS --TOBACCO "Which we are offering at San Francisco wholesale prices. Very rcimctfully. A. VAN DUSEN & Co., Cor. Cass and Jefferson sts., Astokia, Oc.n. VAN DUSEN & CO., 1IAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF Consisting of a groat variety of goods for toth ladles ami gentlemen. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE WHITE HOUSE. Blow We Are Ready To show to onr customers and the public in general a full and complete stock U Consisting of a perfect and elegant assortment or DRESS GOODS, STAPLE GOODS, FANCY GOODS, UUM.fc.KX, LADIES CLOAKS, LINEN -SUITS, LADIES UNDEIlVYEAtt AND "WHITE GOODS. MENS CLOTHING, YOUTHS CLOTHING, BOYS CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, HATS, CAPS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, ETC. uur prices are the lowest ever heard of in this citv. we must sell, Come one mine all. SCHLTJSSEL & KANT, Cor. Chenamns and Main streets, Astoria. Orison. Geo W. Elder 179 tons Holes. S. V April 2fi Xo-thBcnd bkt BTfi Urty HondlttttS' Jlermon, sti New Yoik. via tJaituuerc, Dec "6 Eric the Red. sh. PS8 tons. Small, -Philadelphia. Empire eh 1121 tons.-Lwkic. Philadelphia. btatc of California. P.C. S. S.. Lsichlan PiiiPdcl- phia, March ID. Tabor, ship. 133flto-as, M-inot. Philadelrbia FebUT Kliza McNeil, ship. 15 tons, Morton, Philadel phia. Apil Id. KKOM FOUKI:" rOKTS. 1 Iden Tr -c. bk. 812 tns, Xoyes, f m Honskons. March 'IS Citv of ViennR. Brhh 104(1 tons. Capt. D. Steven, London. March 2d via Adelaide. Uolcipa, bk. 85H tons. Hall, lionckonc. lovenby. Br bk. Penny, Glasgow. March 3, via Honolulu. tKaster Hall. Br bk. 860 tons. Bombpy. Forward, Br. bk. 14b tens, Vandervoost, Hong- koD. 'Qlcneffer. Br. sh. soo tons, Cummings, Liverpool, Jan. 17. via Honolulu. Hertfordshire. 855 tons. Thompson Livenool Nov .13, via Victoria. Herbert Black, bk, 573 tons. Treat. Hongkong. JronQuern. Br sh,7iW tons. Smith, Liverpool, Dec i. via Victoria. Loch Fergus. Brbk, 8J6 tons, Cann, Bombay. Matchless, ship, 1IG5 tons, Dawes, fin Hongkong, March 24 Mat tie Macleay. bk. 23G tons. Pope, Honolulu. Normop McLeod, Br bk, 831 tons. Pierrepont Bombay. Itnvenscrag. Br sh. 12ntons, Brighara, Liverpool, March 23 via Honolulu. Stonewall Jackson, ship, 1100 tons, Hongkong. B. B. Allen, bark, 1120 tons. Taylor. Hongkong. JJan Luif. Br bk, 5D1 tons, Linn, Liverpool. April '). via Victoria. S. Jackson, bark, Hongkong. SHIPPING NOTICES. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterviile and Olympia. Ilwaco "Steam Navigation Go. .-. Xi Fnfil fnrMinr nnfion tho Ilwnco i Steam Navigation Co's?tcainer GENERAL CANBY. WIIITCOMIS MASTER Will leave Astoria on 3Iondays, Tuesdays, axul Saturdays, At 9 A. 31., Fridays at G 14 A. .11.. ami 1 F. 31. Fort Stevens, Fort C'nnby, and llivnco Connecting with L. A. Loom!? stages for Oys tervillo and Olympia, on Tuesday's and Sat urday's. Fare to Fort Stevens- 50cts " " Canby and Ilwaeo $1 00 If You Want to Select a Suit of OXjOTIOIXIKrCS- From the very best stock in the city call at A.VANDUSEN&Co.'s. VAN DUSEN & Co,, Arc Agents in Astoria for the SINGER and the "WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Large stock constantly on hand. CITY BOOK STORE, MAIN ST., ASTORIA. Mr. Peter Willielm lias perma nently fitted up a shipmaster's reading room in connection with the Hem saloon In Astoria. The latest shipping papers aud homeward and outward bound snip ping lists are kept on file. Telegraph office in the same building. QIBSON, HAMILTON & HIGGINS. O Ship Chandlers, d. .;; - Provision and G-eneral ?5For Ticket. Towage or Chartor apply either at tho olfico of tiio Compnny, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street, or to tho Captain on board. J. H.D.GRAY, Agent, For Towage or Charter. THE RELIABLE STEAM-TCG EIP VAN WINKLE, tigiy AL. HARRIS Master Is in first-class order and. uuMl further no tice, is rcaflv for business in the line of tow ing, carrying iKissengers, or johhing, any where on the rivers, from Astoria to Portland, the Torts, or points an the bay. Apply on board. For Charter to suiy Ioint on the JSay or River. CJIAS. SXEVJGSS & SOX Invite the attention of purchasers to their stock, just laid in The Finest Selection ! The Cheapest Prices ! The Greatest Worth! DECEPTION POCKETS; LADIES' "DIAltlES AND PUKSES COMBINED: COMB AND IJIirSH POCKETS; CUTLEltY, JEWEL11Y, CHAEMS, ETC., ETC LADIES" PASn" BOAPtD. ETC; GOLD PENS AND PENCILS; PAINT PENCILS, GUTTAPERCHA GOODS: EXCELSIOR DIARIES, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. "All goods sold at lowest cash prices. CHAS. STEVENS & SON. Citv Book Store to Main streot, two doors from the Pioneer Restaurant, opposite the bakery of Mrs. C. Binder. Grand Opening for 1879. AT THE Old Stand, Near the Walla Walla Restaurant. the San Francisco Store IS NOW OPEN AND READY TO SUPPLY FISHERMEN. AND MECHANICS GENERALLY WITH THE BEST QUALITY OF CJUOXJEXIKS. BOOTS &mi SKOKS, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Etc. CSTThis is the only place, in the city of Astoria where you can buy the Genuine Carters Cape Ai Oil Skins, and all Ms of Bute Boots. ESTGoods will he sold at the very lowest market rates, hut for CASH ONLY. S. DAXZK.'FK. Proprietor. BASTES EGGS I EASTER EGGS SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. DECEIVED DIRECT FROM THE EAST TER STEAMER OREGON A UEALTIFUL AND VARIED LOT, SOME CONTAINING NICELY COLORED PANORAMIC VIEWS. OTHERS ORNAMENTED WITH CUPIDS, VARIOUS DEVICES; Alse: BRIDES AND GR00EIS; GODDESS OF LIBERTY; CUPIDS AND WREATHS, And other large, handsome and newest stvle cake ornaments. Alse: Nice fresh can dies, cakes, and all kinds of confectionery OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, AT OPPOSITE THE BELL TOWER. -- Commission Merchants, Cor. Coneomh' and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON fREittARD & UPSHUR Successors to Capt. Geo. Flavsl DEALERS TS fSl Ncav Furniture, 5? wall fatex, y&t- PICTURE FRAMES, Etc. -AT Ohas. Heilbor's, ASTORIA. OBEGOX. The finest and hest in Hie market, all new. -HOUSEKEEPERS ARK IN VITED TO CALL AND INSPECT The Al fast Steam Yacht, .h 3IAC4XKT. r4 tons register.) FRED S. MUNSON,- .Mastku. 1 nmv litti'il in llu virv lusl. stvle. siiitl I can lie IY CARPETS. Chartered Uvr Kusliu'ss or IMeasiire ! iV3-The imlilie Is invited to call, examine At l!,s..i.l,le . ! my SKbaml prims. ,. I;0.x pHu IS? lallteiSS i As.ori!l.)r..g.m.A,.rn..l,-!l. PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL, COAL, Builders' and General Hard ware, .-RjSLXlKrTJB, OllaS At ls OIl Kslalli.slil 53C! TT777 7. Ot 7 tJ J"S rrciv Kiiuiori tjtfj.nu, -OK- -J-i . is guaranteed to iersrns employing her. -Kor eharter. or husinevs of any kind. aimlv on hoard or to A..I. MEG I.ER. Agent. I Oceident Hotel. Astoria. For Skipanon, Klaskanine, Cowlitz River, etc. 7T1IIE FJNE SIDE-WHEEL W. E DEMENT, DEUGQIST. ALL THE FISHERMEN, "VYORKINGMEN AND THEIR PRIENDX On the Columhia river and trihutanes. to save money, keep themselves dry ana comfortable, and patronize home industry by ordering their SHIRTS, JUMPERS, AND OIL CLOTHING, FROM THE ASTORIA SHSRT AND OIL CLOTHING MANUFACTORY, CORNER OBNEY AND SQUE3IOQHE STREETS. "Which is fully prepared to supply them ALB with anything in the line of workingmen' apparel. Nothing hut lirst-class material used and all work warranted. Our oil clothing will he found at all tho principal stores and canneries in Aslorta.and along the river. B sure to get a suit for the coming fishing season, hecause it Is undoubtedly the hest. 1 ASTORIA. --- - OKKROX. Carries a full Assortment of jrfzsar Steamer ONEATTA.tfeg j DlMlgS, PatCllt 3CIicillOS, SwINtiKvittxPC l "ft" o , i 3 rwolkiE! unkl 2 4? m- mW A. C. FISHEB Master Will leave Fisher's wharf for Skipanon daily al S o'clock A. M. (Sundays excepted.! .,, J. -- ..w- , PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. ' COLUMBIA IBLES-VDESl", JOHN HAHN, PROPRIETOR, KlSkSSSSaSd hm" "mke fCSl,lar lrllS l j PrcscriPtions fi"ed with care Day or Night, j ASTOIO.X.A., OLEJO-OI- xvy()ci';ision:il trios will also be made to Cowlitz river. nsr Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief, j For further particulars sce'Capt.on hoard. I A sure preventative of Chapped Hand, and j - (JI1IU IWi i injl until.. . : RSanufacturer of and Dealer in Lager and Bottled Beer. ux 1 1 , r"" The Columbia Brewery has every tatility, and usmtj uone hut tlie lie.-i Has just received direct from the mauufac- lnaterias aiideinloyiii experienced brewers, will warrant satisfaction in fflliujf turers. the laraest and best assortment of i .. ...... ...... fT AS .II'ST RECEIVED A LOT OF NEV I , . all orders. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. u. goods, consisting r , tannery l iicrnioiiietcvs ; 31 EN'S AND ROYS (IX THE ASTOKI X Ul'JLWXt;) OEORGE FLAVEL -Chenamus Street CALF AND ZIP BOOTS! ' Ever imported to this State. Send in your orders early. Address : m. ir i .Mfr.K tv . ). T 1. !..- .HC 1..1.....1 lr......i. JIIN i.u.v -c . ..... tmsi-ii. J J f YE R Astoria. Urecon. rEO. IjOVETT. vx TAIJjOH, -CLEANING and UEl'AlltLNG l'KO.MPTLY ATTENDED TO. Rrnton street, opjiosite Post-olfice. Astoria. THE ASTORIA BREWERY WUDOLPH 8ARTH & MICHAEL MEYER, PROPRIETORS. Corner of Olney and Water streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. Best quality of LAG Kit 1SKKJ15 cts. per glass Choice Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always ou hand. ,, .... rThe patronage of the public is respect fnllv solicited. Orders for Imager or Bottled JRcer in any quantity promptly filled. -The nest lunch the season will afford iPaniisltcddaY and night FREE. Buckle and Congress Gaiters, jmxk iakmis iaxi roi.Ai,i: ASTORIA BREWERY. ----- Proprietor. "Women. Misses and Children's PERFECT TITLE. Tho hnniPKtpad claim f Ilavden Oearhart .... StTJT-TCXET BCSTS. -on Lewis and Clark's rhcr. containiim ot ISO ACR.ES. Which will be sold at the very lowestprices. GO At.ros of wllU.,, 5s t.n.,.k boltom in 1 "" ""."" '-one biMlv balance good up laml. Wilson & Fisher j """". j;. IWUlll I 4I6W - fc AYTNO EVE!Y F ICfLITV FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A Yl UST CLAS AlU ticlc, I am now prepared to furnish the public with tho finest quality, for c:?h. ! OF DKAT.nus IX LAGEE BEES, BOTTLED BEES, at fji 50 i2vK uoaaar. LUBRICATING OILS. COAL OIL PAINTS AND OILS. tin A. YV. Cone's Ituilduig.) "Watei: Stkp.et astouia. Oukgon. TISOIAS CCISiSY, J (Iiteof Tacoma). j AT 30 CEXTS PFR fiALLOX. ES"Families and keepers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MKYRK. Propristo-. ASTORI . OilEOOX D" YUK. CHINESE DOCTOM, (Iite of San Francisco. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared ' "OEOS LEaVE TO INtORM THE ruiv-: Vn opened an oilice on Chenamus street. ,',. JD lie that he is now prepared to make all two doors from .l.V.Cearh:irtsstri. where Kuober Packing. kinds of clothing to order, or to renovate or he will treat the difiVrcnl classes of disease, PROVISION'S, -MILL FEED. iTSftSffi&d ".u-ricn,-, of s voan.. ! Sa'"' 2Lnrti'. GAKDBS SEED. SBASSSBED. ; l'XTyffiSnS ' ERE WILL BE A BAT'L WHiich will be exchanged for country pro-' only to myself, by which t can lengthen GIVEN AT MUSIC HALL ON duce or sold at .lowest prices. ! pantaloons without piecing, etc i Corner Chenamus and Hamilton .Streets j or l'ticuiars see smmi ASTOKLV, OltEGON. Tailor, steam-scourer an?l Repairer "WEDNESDAY EVENING, AITvIL 30, 1S79. S, 33. Sja-KTEIUSW tpt. y3?r . r ..-; R-?Aifj -r'-T-iifii.V'c" m&&fi&2sS83! UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. . . Squemociha ?trcet. next door to Aftorian building, Astoria, Oregon. 852TA11 work done in a skillful manner oa short notice and ut reasonable prices. Undertaker's Xurnishin" goods always w kand.