The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, April 29, 1879, Image 3

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yglxt gaiitj zkslvxiuu.
Monday Excepted i.
Astonan BuVdhuj, Caxs street.
Terms of Subscription :
berved by Carrier, per week .25 Cent?
Sent by mail, four months ..s-i 00
Sent by mail, cne year. - .'-.. t 0U
freo of I'usiaso to .Mibscribors.
2T Advertisement inserted by the year atlIUWf ",,,rt "rin m uic luuii-v, unci-
the rate of SI 50 per pqnare per month.
Transient, by the day or week,
Cfty cents per square for each insertion.
Tun Datly astouia.v will he sent bu
mail atlZ cent. a month, frccaf postage. Rean
rs who contemplate ahxence from the citu can
have Thk Astokian follow them. Dailv
or Wekkly editions to any post-office with
out otiditional expense. Addressee may he
cnanyed a. often as aesircd. Leave order at
the cnxintino room.
Steamer day.
Idaho sails for Frisco.
Salmon are increasing.
Seining good at Stevens.
The Coos Argus is a lively, newsy
paper, just started at Empire City.
Messrs. Bowl by, Bell and Robb are
in attendance upon the supreme court at
Mr. Ward kindly permitted the Odd
Fellows to iA(i the theatre on Saturday
last free of charge.
Olive Logan is apparantly badly
stuck after Stephen Massett Her letters
to the Call show it.
The work of wrecking the lost
steamer is pushed rapidly forward du
ring these line days.
Throwing the wrecked goods from
the lost steamer upon the market now
has a very depressing effect upon trade.
The soldier who was so badly hurt
by falling from the wharf to the steam
er Can by is dead. His obituary appears
in another column.
V. J. Stephens, the builder of
schooners at Westport is laying the
keel of another vessel at St Helens, one
hundred feet long.
Caviar the genuine, original and
pure article, has been placed upon the
market this week from the King of the
caviar business. J. T. Borchers.
rue nttie steamer Traveler maae a
special trip from Portland on Sunday,
with about 100 persons, men women and
children, to view the wrecked steam
ship. Bailey sells more timber to the
match than any other dealer m Astoria.
It is a luxury to light a cigar with one of
them. We recommend Bailey's matches.
io now forthwith and buy some of them
before they're all gone.
-v --
Councilman Peter Iluney is gradu-
Jilly improving in health, and expects to .tor." What would vou think if a me
be able to walk from his room to his chanic should say he was too busy to
hotel this week. He has been visited by
numerous friends, which has had an
effect to cheer him materially.
To find how many cubic feet of
rock there are iua ton, weigh a piece Of
the rock, test its displacement of water
in a suitable vessel, large enough to hold
it then calculate the feet and you have
it-!ir iu!tvior than nHmrs
Five full grown salmon marked W.
near the back, were caught by some of
Capt John West's boats last Friday
and Saturday. The question now is:
Vho marked those fishV"' "Where
lid they come from ? We paase for a
Joseph Hume has 300 cases more of
salmon on the dock for shipment by the
Idaho. This will make !K)0 cases from
his factory this month. He will ship
5,000 cases per month to one house in
New York city after this month, during
the season.
The Canby. Oncatta, Rip Van Win
kle, and other steamers, made special
trips to Sand island on Sunday, with ex
cursionists. Sand island, with the
wrecked steamship for an attraction,
will become a popular summer resort,
'oetbre we know it.'
We have all heard fish stories, but
of all the interesting stories we ever
listened to. none can compare with Capt
Manson's clam story of San Pedro. The
clams are there by the millions, and
thev actually walk, (or hop), and swim
on the water, by flapping the shell.
The British bark Oberon, with
wheat from the Columbia river, while
entering a dock at Fleetwood to dis
charge, stuck fast and remained three
tides. Her cargo was saved with difii--culty,
but in good order. The Oberon
was badly strained, and was towed to
Liverpool for repairs.
Our friend Hanson is getting ready
logo into the drug business. He pur
chased at the sale yesterday four dozen
bottles of Jamacia ginger; half a barrel
of paregoric, and a dozen spades.
Others made equally as valuable pur
chases, and thus helped to save the
wreck. Prices ranged from about five
to fifty per cent
The public schools of Astoria had a
vacation yesterday, and a great many of
the pupils, and some of the teachers,
visited Sand island on board the Bren-
ham, accompanied by parents, and
friends. They enjoyed the vacation,
fk id will return to their books thlsmorn-
ig with a better idea of a wreck on the
sea coast than they 0uld learn from
x months tudy,
Beautiful Women.
A gentleman who attended the ex
hibition at Metropolitan hall Satu'r
day evening,and felt captivated by the
grace and beauty of the performers,
wants to know "what is more beauti
ful than that?" Beauty gets plenty of
praise. Poets sing it, romancers fur
nish it in abundance to their hpmiues,
dramatists use it as the motive of their
most stirring plays, painters and
sculptors delight to portray it, all the
world worships it: and yet there is
much to be said about the noble char
acters of uiriv little wnn-n. There is
gy, unselfishness, ami gayet' or an
ugly little woman than m half a dozen
tall, queenly beauties, who have to be
on the watch all the time to pose well
and make their points effective.
There have been men in the world
who thought it a fine thing to say that
"an ugly woman has no place in the
economy of nature. But if the re
cords of the world were intelligibly
writen it would be found that ugly
little women have been the heroines,
the helpmates of the heroes. It is
the function of beauty to get men into
trouble. Helen of Troy, Cleopatra,
Mary Queen of Scots, and hundreds oi
others, wherever they came they
brought calamity. Beauty and an
guish have walked hand in hand the
downward slope to death, and when
ever the poet dreams of fair women he
is sure to dream of something doleful.
If he were to dream of ugly little
women it would be full of brightness,
loyalty, devotion, sincerity, fortitude.
and all those other loveable female
qualities that make some one happy.
Tall Beauty is epic; Little Ugly is
lvric. homelike. Just think what a
deep-seara compliment is involved in
calling irregularity of features homeli
ness. It means that she is not for the
ball-room, but for the home, for the
friendships that cluster around the
hearth, for the merry little sociable,
the picnic or off-hand game, or for the
darkened sick-room, where she brings
rest and comfort. ' 'Pretty is as pretty
does" is an old maxim, whose truth is
only half appreciated, for in the plain
ness of feature and insignificance of
person df homely women there are
often found an earnestness, a whole
souled sweetness and sympathetic ex
pression that win love far quicker than
mere beauty. The world could far
more easily afford to lose its supplies
of beauty than to give up its precious
stores of ugly little women. The
beauties wait to be loved; the others
delight in loving.
A family record of Stephen M.Dillard
has been left at this office for identifica
tion. Ah, ha; now we know what it was
brought .John D. and II. Y. to Astoria.
Did'ht they work it fine though ?
Hon. John Kelly, collector at Port
land, is a guest of the Occident Also
; Capt. J. I). Biles, and Hon II. Y. Thonip-
son are. stopping there.
A busy man, in reply to a friendly
warning concerning his health, said, "I
have no time to rest, or money to dor-
i keep his tools in order, or replace them
when lost ? The early symptoms of dis
ease promntly yield to the proper reme
dy. Neglect confirms and makes disease
The beaming countenance of Col.
George Hunter of Grange city, Colutn-
A" county, w. I., lighten up our sane-
.stunu few days ago. uoi. ii. is on a
hurried visit to his brother, Mr. John
Hunter of Hwaco, and his sister, Mrs.
Carruthers of this city. He. is looking
JS!Vf VhinVciJ't w Vt nf w"V,;" Kf'?b spice to make them taste de
port of things in that part of Washing- lipinlt , n, , vnll nnt nf tnis
ton territory, lie tells us how it was
that Bro. Abbott of the News didn't
dispatch Morge Baker up Salt river'
last fall.
The April number of The American
Young Folks, published at Topeka,
Kansas, comes to us full of the very
best reading matter for our boys anil
girls. It is a paper parents need not;
hesitate to place in the hands of chil
dren. It is finely illustrated and com
bines all the requisites for a first-class
youth's paper. It is sent one year for
f0 cents. The publisher offers to send a
sample copy free for examination. No
cheap humbug premiums tire oiiereci to
riirn ciicrrihir nut. flip, nesr minor fnr
secure subscribers, but the best paper for
the least money is given.
The Seattle Intelligencer states that
a letter has been received by a lady in
that city from Marmora, western Cana
da, containing the news that a fearful
disease had broken out there, which the
physicians pronounce none other than
the black death. According to the let
ter, hundreds had already died in the
town where the writer lived, and ew
for what it is worth, but it seems verv region should be examined by immi
strange that news of such a thing has grants. It is 15 to 25 miles from
not long ago, reached every part of this , . , . ,.
coast through telegraphic dispatches. Wallula in a southeasterly direction
The letter could not have been Jess than ; and about the same distince from
two weeks in transit time enough for Walla Walla, southwesterly,
such a sensation to be known through- ' "
" . Prof. Tice, the celebrated metal-
There, has been an unusiul number j lurgist of St. Louis predictions for
of suicides this year; it seems to us live t:i -C-.n t..;0 lio filr,Tt.MYirr
times as many as ever before. Chiefly Apnl 189 contains the following.
they have arisen from financial embar-j 'Twenty-first to 24th, falling baronie-
rassmenuj. Vonvij, pour iruow. wiiii -
..f,wi. o., .wi,,;iif frSomie -no
uuinuin nun Hiuioiiu iniinui
won nnn
such, drowning himself at
dome neopie ininKsucn men insane; we' . . i .. f.j.t,
doubt it Life is valuable so long as it : severe storms m places; twenty-fourth
contributes to the hapniness of its pos-j and 25th, risiii"-barometer,falling tem
sessoror others; but when he is unhappy . . .. ... , .
and nobody else is interested (that is perature, clear or fair; twenty-sixth to
the person Is without friends), it is an 29th,falling barometer, rising tempera
open question what a man has a right , , ?. . . .., , ,
to do. Right or wrong, the persons tureJ clouding, threatening, with local
immediately concerned will decide it storms. The warmest days trill be
for themselves; and we have no doubt , ... , , no,, wu , ,
that it is seriously contemplated by a aboufc tn 23d and 28th. I he coolest
hundred, where one so dies. day will be about the 25tn,
. .,.;, . -
To-morrow evening Mr. Ward will
open the Metropolitan in this city with
jai (,f whicli arc set forth in the bills.
a splendid (irniunuu riuny.uij, jmiucu-
He will furnish a series ot brilliant
plavs. continuing through an extended
sin.riii. and inasmuch as he has made
Astoria his home we trust and hope that
he mav receive suitable encouragement
from the public
A Curd.
Astoria. April '27, 1S78.
This is to ccrtif v that I have given the
agenev of Mrs. E'.K. Rinkers system of
cutting to Mrs. S. T. McKean, and she is
to have tin1 sole right and privilege of
instructing in the same m this city and
county. Miss E. C. Benedict.
Mrs. Jonn Ryan's trunk has been
sent to Portland.
A magnificent
at Adler's.
stock of jewelry
The Elder is due this morning from
San Francisco.
Baby carriages
wards at Adler's.
from 7 00 up-
Everybody who goes to the wreck
brings home some relic. The wonder is
how the ship ever held so much.
Call at Adler's and secure a cro
quet set. Cheaper than ever.
Mrs. S. T. McKean has taken the
sole agency for teaching Mrs. E. K.
Rinkers system of cutting dresses, etc..
in Astoria and Clatsop county. See
card elsewhere.
Baby carriages of the best styles,
and at low prices, at Loeb's.
M. C. Crosby is prepared to do all
kinds of jobbing in the plumbing and
steam fitting line; also, bath tubs, and
water backs for stoves and ranges fur
nished on shorten notice.
Best Salem Hour is sold in this
city at 5 50 per barrel by Warren &
Capt. John D. Biles, the ever atten
tive and obliging Secretary of the Ore
gon Steamship Company, and Hon. II.Y.
Thompson of the law firm of Hill, Dur
ham and Thompson, paid our sanctum
a visit last evening. These gentlemen
came to Astoria to meet the steamship
Geo. W. Elder, upon which they have
friends. Mrs. Thompson is a passenger,
returning from a visit to California.
Warren fc McGuire have the
early rse potatoes for seed. Farmers,
please remember this.
Of all the dilapidation, partially
ruined and squandered elegance, that
human brain can conceive, none can be
more Strikingly suggestive than the
goods from the wreck. Silks and satins,
horse-shoe nails, patent medicines, sew
ingmachines, soap sugar and socks, all
tumble together, rift there isn't, ware
house room enough in Astoria to string
it all out, nor weather to dry it But the
company is doing its level best to make
something outof nothing. We sincerely
hope they may succeed.
For good tobaccos, fine cigars, no
tions, candies, etc., go to Foster's
variety store, on the roadway, oppo
site the 0. S. N. Co.'s wharf.
Try the shadine at Larsen's ;
Here in the shadow of the wood
(It was a lovely summer scene)
We'll find in our lunch-box something
A crisp brown cracker and a shadine.
The wine circles around, all hearts are
In this festive place, and they heartly
That sumptuous tables and charming
May always be furnished with spiced
shadines !
They are salt and nice, with just
licinus. and the. more vou eat of this
rare treat you bless the little fishes.
Then to Larsen's go, and you'll find it so
and while you softly munch, their
pleasant taste (without any waste) will
make you enjoy your lunch.
Land huntera have recently been
investigating the region of country in
and about Cold Spring, Vansyckle and
Juniper canyons, in the northwestern
part of Umatilla county, and find that
I ,
! there are thousands ot acres ot the
finesfc quality of wheat ianas vacant
i l J
there, to be had for the taking. "Water
in abundance is found at all points, by
digging from 8 to 20 feet. A good
road has been laid out from the Col
umbia river, at a fine point for a
steamboat landing, near Hodoo Island,
! to Pendleton, which is only 26 miles
Wr ana has no heavy grades
x x ,.t,.a . i,wi;
: ter, rising teniDerature; clondin
i " in.uiuwittu.
' threatanino- ivfinther. with heavv and
j o -
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
The cheapest ever offered is Ham
burger's Embroidery.
Oysters served in every stvle at
the Walla Walla Restaurant. "
Fresh oysters in every style at
Schnieers. See advertisement.
Fresh oysters in every style and
at all hours at tin- Pioneer restaurant.
Keep your blood pure and your
health must be good, the great purifier
is Plunders Oregon Blood'Purifier. All
Astoria druggists have it now.
Your complexion is sallow, and
skin yellow, your liver is affected.
Obtain from your druggist a bottle of
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
A Howes sewing machine No.
!KS,(il4. full cabinet, on tie Great Repub
lic, anv one returning the same to Mr.
W. II. Twilight, will "be rewarded by
one of flic lady passengers.
Iut received per Elder 2.000
pounds. 8-pound sheet lead, for sale at
lowest rates at Magnus C.Crosby's.
Xow that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Runey is well supplied with all kinds of
building materials which he is prepared
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at Bailey's.
Buy your domestic goods at Ham
burger's. You can do better than at any
other house.
New invoice ot those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Five thousand yards Embroideries
from fi cents upwards, at Hamburger's.
Twelve yards Chinese Grass Cloth.
M inches wide, for one dollar at Ham
burger's. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
hoes, etc.
Parties in want of good Cedar
Shingles will do well to apply to II. C.
Comegys, Kalama, W. T.
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt hooks, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Boo'k store.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house.whom everybody knows as a popu
lar caterer, has 'fixed his hotel up in
splended style. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
around; every luxury of the season at
the Chicago house.
Mr. J. Stewart. stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should besuflicientreeom
mendation. Before you . let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would be.
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
Lodging House. Furnished rooms
to let at reasonable rates at Mrs. Mun
son's, Chenenamus st, Astoria.
Single copies of the Wekkly Astoman
neatly donn up. with stamps to pre-pay
pobtngc affixed, for sale at thi office.
Send a copy to your friends in other parts
of the world. Price, 10 cents a copy.
Boat sponges, wholesale and retiil
at Dements drug store, Astoria. ITive
thousand just received.
Wall-receivers, brackets, and a
splendid lot of picture-frames, at Ad
ler's, almost at your own price.
To Whom It May Concern.
? by appoint F. M. ltartlmlow as my duly
authorized :ient for the transaction of my
business in Oregon and Washington territory.
It. I. HUME.
Astoria, April 17. 1S79.
Finli ComniiM.sioneis Notice.
the undersigned will he fn readiness
from and after this date, to issue licenses,
at 1:1s office up stairs, corner of Cass and
Sqemocqhe streets, Astoria. Oregon.
Fish Commissioner.
yiHh CommiM.sionerH Xotice.
sioner for Washington territory, hereby
gives notice that he will be at Urookfield
for the rest of the season.
Xoktii Cove, V. T., Feb. 17, ls7o.
From I X L store to the diagonal comer,
north side of Concomly street, two doors
west of Alain street, Astoria, Oregon.
ware. Coal Oils. Tobaccos, and Gents Fur
nishing Goods, which will be sold at lowest
Contractor and Builder,
All kinds of Carpenters- and Joiners Work
promptly and neatly executed.
Furnished on short notice :lt reduced rates.
Shop Xcxt door c:ist of Episcopal church.
Corner Clienamus and Cass streets.
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Nuts, Candies, Yankee Notions, Toys.
Finest brands of
Clienamus street, - Astoria
Stone and Marble Cutter,
111 Trinii nf VmlMtnf-wnrl-. rind Tnonumpii-
tal work attended to promptly and to order.
Katisiacuon suarwueeu,
Ward's Theatre.
Metropolitan Hall !
Lessee and Manager - Jas. Af. Ward.
Wednesday Ev'ng, April 30th.
Katinee Saturday, at 2 P. HI.
First appearance of
Pronounced by the press to be the most
comitate and successful organization on tin1
Pacilie coast - ,
801110111111$: Xew !
IrADIES corxet BAXD !
Wednesday Ev'ng, April 30th,
"Will be presented the beautiful 3 act
comedy, entitled.
31 K. tiltEEX,
In Ins Dutch songs, dances and ecentricts.
To conclude with the farce of the
XAX, (with song) Emma II. Clkavks
Trices to suit the times.
Admission .50 and 75 ct-.
Seats can be secured atCaufleld's drugstore.
Hill's lew Variety Tkatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the Xew Theatre wer
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Painted by Mr. "Win. "West. Architect and
Builder Mr. Kemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Class Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this coast. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part of Male and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Pantomimists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Unequalled enter
tainment. New Acts, Xew Song's and com
plete change of Programme twice a week.
5EO. HIM, Proprietor.
Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chena
mus Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
Oi-fcy "TR.-TrjpyeQjSU
Two Trips Daily to Upper Town..
MR. F. SI IE RM AX takes pleasure In an
nouncing the fact that he has perfected
arrangements for making two regular trip
daily to Upper Astoria and back, regular
street car style, for passengers and small
rWill leave J. "W. Gearharts, the Tarkrr
House, and the Occident, daily at 11 a.m.
and a v. m. Returning Avill leave Van Du
sen's upper town store. Fare for the round
trip 25 cents.
30 Days From This Date
At Cost at the
Books, Stationery, Chromos,
And a variety of other goods too numerous
to mention.
Chas. Stevens & Son.
Mrs. H. A. Derby.
Received by hist steamer a superb stock of
Embracing every novelty In the line.
And other goods too numerous to mention.
(Or, Warner's Health Corset
Cm only be purchased in Astoria at Mrs,
Derby's. Main street, between Squemoqhe
and Jefferson.
- Billiard Room.l
The only Billiard "Room t the city ivheio
no uquors are sow
has a cosy nlace and keens on hand tu
i best brand of CIg&rs. Also, soda, canay,
nuts. etc. Opposite Altoua Chop House.
' 95-tf GEO. ROSS, ProurietA-r,
mi YifpmJBut CBRm
lv 'V
- .- i
. .-